Blood on my name (Dragonfoot455 and Kaiden)


Mar 29, 2015
Under your bed
No one had expected for the world to end like this, it all started with people getting sick and it spread like wildfire. Alyissa had seen the Youtube video of a man in LA getting shot down by Cops without flinching. Now no one said Zombie directly but rotting corpses were walking and devouring the living. Downfall of the government started then everything went to shit shortly after. She was heading down to Atlanta to pick up her Chopper from a buddy until Alyissa hit Traffic on the freeway. Only choice was to pick a group to flee with and she had been caught with Joe. A over cocky prick of a man who had 'claimed' her after he had defended her from some Thugs that tried to raid her belongings. They weren't romantically involved but Aly was kept as a pretty thing to look at like a porcelain doll put up on a shelf and only dusted when necessary. Things could be worse and his rules were easy to follow by. Don't lie and claim what you find. She wasn't afraid of Joe but more of his goons that followed him. They'd traveled down one road to another to find a scruffed up Redneck with a crossbow looking like a kicked puppy.
Daryl just couldn't believe his luck, he had been holed up with Beth, a young girl that had recently joined the group Rick held together. She had been one of the first few people he had actually cared about, had actually bonded with. If it hadn't of been for that damn mutt and those filthy walkers, she'd still be with him, still be safe. After bailing from the house that was now swarming with the rotting corpses, he had just caught sight of Beth being shoved into a car and taken away. He had chased after the car, even long after it had left his sight. Coming to a cross road Daryl looked every which way, trying desperately to find any sort of sign or clue as to where the car had gone. Finding nothing Daryl dropped to the ground, his crossbow lying on the ground next to him. He wasn't really sure how long he sat there, wallowing in whatever this was, could have been hours, could have been minutes for all he knew, but the next thing he knew he was surrounded by a ragtag group of guys. Bolting to his feet, crossbow aimed at what he assumed was their leader, his finger was tense on the trigger as the old man spoke, talking about how he had been looking for a crossbow like his, but one with more ammo in it. Daryl scoffed and was so, so tempted to pull the trigger and put a bolt in the mans head, but he refrained from doing so, knowing that the action would in all likelihood get him killed himself. There were several tense moments before Daryl lowered his crossbow, eyes narrowed slightly as he gave a nod, "Y'all want me to join ya, that it? Fine." As he spoke his eyes flicked over to the single female of the group, his expression unchanging as he studied her.

What was a girl like her, doing with a group of idiots like this? Shaking his head he banished the thought from his head and slung his crossbow over his shoulder, trailing behind the group as they moved on. He didn't want to be with them, these guys were like something from his past, and that was something he didn't want.
Alyissa scoffed in laughter after Daryl knocked him on his ass after trying to take his crossbow. He had some fight in him that was impressive but could get him killed when outnumbered. Lenn tried to call dibs on the intricate patterned jacket he was wearing which made Alyissa growl outloud "Can't claim what you can't have dumbass" she spoke up which earned her a glare in response. She'd admit that Daryl had caught her eye which made her step forward to toss his belongings as his feet seeing that Joe wasn't going to kill him. Aly stared a bit longer before turning her attention to where The Marauders were heading off the road. She swung her pack over her shoulder and pocketed her hunting knife, one thing Aly had learned was how to survive among a pack of wild dogs like them was to act like one. If Len or anyone else got to close to her bag she'd raise hell which always brought the attention of Joe. Even if he was a sorry excuse for a man, he'd offer safety and refuge to someone who could wish her harm.
Daryl watched passively as the group moved ahead, sighing heavily he picked up his pace and caught up with the group. Joe fell back to walk next to him, earning the older man a disgruntled look from Daryl, "Daryl, right? I'm Joe. I'm happy you decided to join us, we could really use someone like you with us. You'll fit in just fine." Daryl scowled and shook his head, "I ain't lookin to fit in, I'm lookin to survive. Thats it." Joe nodded and pursed his lips slightly, looking off in the distance, "Do you like cats Daryl? See I love cats. And there's nothing worse than an outdoor cat who thinks he's an indoor cat." Confusion washed over Daryl and he shook his head, spitting on the ground and watching as Joe walked ahead. With a shake of his Daryl muttered to himself and kicked a rock that was in his path, sending it skittering into the back of that girls leg.
Alyissa felt the rock hit the back of her snake skin boots and turned to look back to see Daryl looking miserable as Joe whistled for them to make camp in a old parking garage. she broke off from trailing behind Joe to see if she could give him better circumstances then what had been offered "Know you're not here to make friends but might want to watch your back, not all of these fuckers are not exactly the friendly sort" she drawled watching Joe's thugs dispatch a Walker that shambled towards them "I'm Aly"
Daryl glanced up as the girl started talking, grunting lowly in response to her words, "I know what sort if guys they are, don't need to tell me how they are." He paused and glanced her over, she seemed pretty well off for a girl in a group of mutts like these guys, "Daryl." He adjusted his crossbow on his shoulder as they walked into the abandoned parking garage, watching as each man "claimed" a spot to sleep. Giving a low scoff Daryl just laid on the concrete floor instead, he wasn't about to go claiming something that would just be left behind in the morning. Dropping his stuff on the floor he used the large black garbage bag he had picked up along the way as a makeshift pillow of sorts, shifting around until he was comfortable, or as comfortable as he could get laying on concrete.
Alyissa shook her head knowing that Daryl was putting up a wall seeing that something bad must have happened to him long before they had found him. Instead she found herself a spot in the backseat of an old pickup that was far from everyone else but where Aly could keep an eye on everything. She'd been making herself comfortable when the sound of cursing came then Len approaching Daryl as if he had stolen something. She sat up to watch, the two men had an altercation of a Cottontail which was divided in half to end the fight. Alyissa had just been talking with Daryl so there was no way he had taken anything unless...
He just couldn't catch a break, could he? The moment Daryl laid down he was already being accused of something, this time it was stealing. Getting to his feet Daryl confronted the guy, Len if he remembered correctly, "I didn't steal nothin from you. I killed that rabbit fair and square, it's mine." Len didn't seem to care though, all he seemed to want to do was get Daryl in trouble, probably just so he could get his hands on his vest. Joe intervened and the cottontail was split in half, ending the argument and resolving things for the time being. Daryl took his half of the rabbit and moved further away from the group and laid down, irritation rolling off him waves. The rules were simple, don't lie, claim what you wanted, blah blah blah. Daryl didn't much care, he was with them simply so he could find Beth, or Rick, when he found them, he would leave them behind and move on with his life.
Alyissa had grown tired of all this bickering so when Len accused Daryl of stealing his half of the rabbit. She'd swiped Daryl's garbage bag and emptyied it revealing his belongings and the rabbit head that Len accused of the other men swiping from his pile. Alyissa knew better and exchanged a look with Joe who seemed to look to turn on Daryl but turned on Len instead and ordered the rest of his thugs to finish him off. Alyissa tossed him the rest of the Cottentail's head "Looks like you get to keep the head too' she smirked before leaning back to fiddle with her lighter that wouldn't light so she gave up and tossed it aside. "Think that'll solve your Problem for not making friends" she winked before heading over to her own bunk while Len was beaten down for trying to make a dumbass move knowing what Joe would do.
Daryl simply grunted and stuffed the other half of the rabbit in his bag, watching as the others literally beat Len to death. Teach him all the way was Joe had said and this disturbed Daryl, this group was exactly like the people he had been around before the shit had hit the fan. Shaking his head Daryl gathered his things up and returned them to the garbage bag he had. He didn't really sleep through the night, he wasn't comfortable to do so.
Alyissa could only watch how Joe beat Len to death, it was disturbing in every way and looks like she wouldn't be sleeping but she wasn't the only one. Daryl seemed shocked by it aswell which came to a surprise since he looked similiar but had higher morals then the rest of them. Tonight if she could talk him into leaving with her, they'd both be free of this survival of the fittest bullshit that Joe was running around. She hadn't exactly at her best when they found her. Aly had been mistaken by a walker herself until she pleaded for them to not shoot and if they had any food or water on them. Now all she needed to do was wait.
Daryl shifted and rolled around on the ground, unable to even attempt sleep. Eventually he stood up and walked outside to take a piss, the cool night air hit him and he grunted, doing his business. Turning around he eyed the entrance to the old parking garage, shaking his head before sitting down on the edge of the concrete and looking out into the darkness of the night.
Alyissa looked up to find the rest of the sleeping forms piled in a circle and one was missing, [/i]Daryl. she huffed going over to sit next to him and offered a ciggirette. "Shitty day huh" she said her eyes flickering up to meet his.
When Alyissa came out to join him he took the offered cigarette and lit it up, nodding at her words, "Yeah. Shitty day." He took a couple puffs off the cigarette before flicking the ashes away, his eyes watching for a moment as the glow of the cherry slowly died down. Looking at Alyissa he narrowed his eyes, "Whats a girl like you doin with a group of shit heads like them anyway? Shouldn't you be off somewhere else, hidin behind some wall or somethin?"
"I could be dead in some ditch somewhere but here I am, Joe found me half starved to death and he claimed me...been with them ever since" she breathed before crushing the butt of her cigrette under her boot. "What were you doin out in the middle of the road?" she countered while her amber optics flickered over his well muscled form more specifically his arms. Daryl seemed awkward around her as if he would say something or do something wrong. He was putting up a wall, not wanting to get too close.
He took a few more drags from the cigarette before flicking it away, watching the cherry slowly die in the darkness, "Claimed...tch." Daryl shook his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets, glancing a few times at the girl standing next to him, "I was out on that road...doesn't matter anymore. I was lookin for someone, and they're gone now. I shoulda known better, shoulda stayed with her... but the place was being swarmed, I told her to run, and she did. I told her I would meet her up the road, and by the time I got there, all I saw was tail lights speeding off. You wanna know what I was doin on that road? I was givin up."
"Daryl" she whispered studying his face "you shouldn't be here, you should be out there looking for that girl. I could help you, I want to get away from these assholes and you could be my ticket out but I can't do it alone" she sighed pushing herself away from the door frame that she was leaning on.
Daryl turned his focus to the girl next to him and slowly shook his head, "They took her away in a car, I have no way of finding her. She's just...gone." He sighed heavily before looking at her again, "You want out? Alright. I'll go with you. But we have to do this smart. If I leave with you, I'm stealing something from Joe, and he ain't gonna be happy about that."
Alyissa growled to herself at the thought of belonging to Joe. "you're not stealing anything, I don't belong to anyone and especially not him " she said corrected him with a defiance in her Amber eyes. "But you're right we'll need to be careful. Let's wait until the moment is right. Hopefully I won't be caught again." Aly muttered running a hand over her still healing bruised ribs.
Daryl grunted and nodded, moving his gaze to focus on a subtle shifting in some bushes not too far from them. His bow was raised in an instant, his focus settling fully on what might come out of the bushes. It ended up being a possum, and with a quick squeeze of the trigger the animal was dead and Daryl was moving over to pick it up, "Night would probably be the best time, when all of em are asleep, we just grab our Shit and leave."
Alyissa eyed the dead Possum, it was a good shot but she'd never had really any Wild meat other than pheasant or Rabbit. She nodded in agreement "better make it soon, I got a feeling things are gonna get ugly" she warned before giving a yawn. Surprisingly the Irish lass felt safe around Daryl, he didn't seem like the type of person that would kill without a reason. He was rugged around the edges but nothing that seemed to say that he'd kill without reason.
Daryl noticed Alyissa dyeing up the possum and held it out to her, "Here, eat up. You're gonna to need it if we're goin to be on our own. Better get used to the taste, cause it'll be that and squirrels until we find us some food." He didn't wait for her to take the possum, simply dropped it at her feet before sitting down on the edge of the concrete once more.
Alyissa grabbed the dead animal by the scruff as if it were still alive. "Used to shoot gophers to pass time when I was younger. See if I still remember how to gut and skin the damn thing." Alyissa muttered handing back the blood spattered bolt to him before taking her knife and making the killing wound bigger. She emptied the entrails out of its chest cavity before working to cut the limbs and head off. Then her now bloody hands to peel the pelt off. "I ain't eating it raw...get worms or hell knows what from it" she muttered casting one more glance at the sleeping group of men. "Not here though..smell of smoke might wake ' em up" Aly drawled.
He watched her skin and gut the animal before gesturing for her to follow him, not saying a word until they were deep in the trees, "Here. Start your fire and cook it, and be quick about it too." He raised his crossbow and silently kept an eye out, watching their surroundings as she started a fire and cooked up the possum.
Alyissa ripped out the meat thick portions of the roasted varmint before stomping out the remaining flames. She had filled her belly with cooked meat and felt more well fed then she had in weeks. "Thank you" she drawled before running her eyes over him again before sheathing her large knife. They could have left then and there but how far could they get before daybreak? No it was better to wait patiently for the right moment to escape until then Daryl would have to trust Alyissa to do right by him. "Get some sleep tonight if you can" she whispered wiping the blood on her pants.
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