Reforging Jade [Azecreth & toritaynympho]

Mara had been in a state of dreamlike stasis. Sleep had not come during her time in captivity. So she hung there feeling exhausted, hungry and feeling utterly aroused and defeated at the same time. At the words, her head snapped up and she sneered at the Vong woman who was her interrogator. Taking a deep breath, Mara spat once more and growled. "I have a demand." She said with utter authority. "In exchange for meeting my demand, you may have whatever you want of me. But it is only in the event that my demand is met will I ever agree."

Closing her eyes, Mara thought of Luke and then looked once more into the cold eyes of her captor. "My husband will life." The blood red haired woman said with fire in her tongue. "In exchange for a guarantee of his life, I will submit myself and do whatever is required of me. But I will not yield for any other reason. You may kill me. Turn my body into an experiment or a decoration piece. But I will not give you the satisfaction of my submission unless I am assured that my husband will survive this war."

With her speech complete, Mara closed her eyes once more and returned to the trains like state she had spent the past day in.
Arriving, Neela listened with some amusement as Mara made her demands, demands that were patently ridiculous and that she had no way of enforcing. Still, it was better than the previous state of affairs which had persisted up until this point, and by the time that Mara was in a position to confirm whether or not she had carried out her end of the bargain, it would be too late for her. That made the decision all the easier, as far as she was concerned.

"Very well, I will agree to this," she informed Mara calmly, with a full intention to not actually abide by the deal if the opportunity ever came up. Not that Mara would know, or be able to sense it in the first place due to the Vong being disconnected from the Force. "Is that all?"
Mara shook her head. "All I want is my husband to live." She insisted with a sore voice. "I will expect a vow or oath to confirm. But if you agree, then I will submit myself to whatever you desire of me. Just say the word. Now, would you be so kind as to release me? I'd very much like to drink some water, and I have the feeling that you'll offer it to me now that I have acquiesced to your wishes." Mara knew that the likelihood of being double crossed was high. But this was her very best chance to save Luke, and if that meant losing her own life to these people, then she would make that sacrifice.

What was coming next, she did not know. There had been countless rumors about what the Vong did to their captives. Which of those were true and which were false, she did not know. But Mara Jade Skywalker did know that her life was about to end as she knew it. One way or another, she was going to die. Whether it be a physical death, or the slow destruction of herself and who she was, either way, her life was no over.

"Do what you will." She said. Four words that admitted more defeat than almost any others.
"Very well." Neela nodded in resolute confidence as Mara ceded to what she wanted. It was a deal that she had no way of enforcing, but given that it got Neela exactly what she wanted she was more than willing to humor her in this case. Whether it lasted was another story entirely, and something that she did not have to worry about. It seemed that she had taken another step towards her ultimate goals, and this was something that she could approve of.

That said, she kept Mara elevated for the moment as she stepped over to retrieve some water, returning and lifting it so that she could get a drink, to sate the burning hunger that had been there for so long, what with not being tended to for those past few days. Once that was done she would then release her, letting Mara drop to the ground as Neela prepared. Now she could deal with that drug, and then things would get very interesting indeed.
As the water touched her lips, Mara sighed and felt the cold refreshing liquid restore some of her health and energy. "Ahh." She sighed as she sipped at it and let it rush through her. "Thank god." She thought to herself. Her voice was still beyond sore, but that would come back. For now, the water and hopefully soon some food, would be enough to help. But....there were other pressing issues to attend to. For one, that burning fire within her.

As she dropped, Mara crashed on the flood with a thud. Not having the energy to be as graceful as she normally would. Taking a minute to collect herself, she stood up and stretched. Days of hanging had made her sore in most of her body. But especially her feet, wrists and other joints. Flexing her body and recovering herself, she looked into the woman's eyes and approached her. "I will live up to my end of the bargain if you do yours." the fiery redhead assured the Vong. "Now....remove your clothing. I am going to have sex with you, and then we can discuss what else you desire from me."

Mara began to strip. Removing her leather top and her pants. Standing there in only her panties, the toned Jedi smuggler wanted to spend a whole day satisfying the fire within her. And she was going to do whatever to make it happen.
It was obvious that Mara enjoyed the water, as one who had been deprived of it for so long would usually do. Neela was quick to some extent about it, and soon left that particular activity behind the focus on more important things. She had her deal to fulfill and her goals to accomplish, and now she had the chance to do so. She was not going to let it pass her by, not when she was this close.

Neela watched then as Mara began to strip, soon in nothing but her undergarments which weren't exactly in the best condition after being strung up for so long. "You are not the one in charge," she replied with a firm tone, rejecting Mara's instruction. She would strip, but on her own time and of her own volition. She would not do it at the request of this human.

Still, she wasn't above her own particular pleasures and desires, if only to make this more amusing for her with how desperate Mara had to be. She had been stuck like this for a while after all, so who knew how much it had worked upon her in the first place. It couldn't hurt to take the shot. "Now then, get on your knees and beg" she commanded, stepping forward and giving Mara a slight push in order to emphasize that.
"bitch." Mara mumbled under her breath as she dropped to her knees. She had already agreed to doing whatever the this woman wanted. But knowing enough about the vong, she knew they liked humiliating their enemies and turning them into mush. The red haired woman resolved to fight against it as best as she could. But no doubt, there were going to need to be some sacrifices if she was to ensure Luke's survival. So sitting there on her knees, she looked up at the evil grey skinned woman.

"Please, whoever you are," she pleaded. "I am desperate for a release and you have the power to provide. So, for the love of god. Please just help me get my rocks off. This has gone on long enough. I just want to cum. And if that means with you, or with someone else, whomever. Just help me cum lady. Please help me cum!" Her hands resting on her hips, Mara was no too proud to admit that her sexual release was in this long nailed woman's hands. It was only by her will that Mara would cum. Otherwise, her sexual frustration would just continue to build.

Mara herself was so pent up that she half considered just jumping the woman. But this Vong was at full strength, and Mara had very little. There was no way that would happen now. But, if they did allow her to recover her strength, she was going to start taking what she wanted. If they kept injecting her with the awful, and even painful aphrodisiac toxin, Mara knew she would end up jumping whomever she had to for the sake of release.
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