Reforging Jade [Azecreth & toritaynympho]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Coruscant had fallen.

The Yuuzhan Vong had adapted from their earlier mistakes and had smashed into the planet with a massive force. In spite of the marshaled defenses of the New Republic they were unable to hold, and the planet eventually fell to the Vong. Now it had been claimed, and the process had begun of crafting it into a new homeworld, named Yuuzhan'tar. This would be the home for the Yuuzhan Vong in this galaxy, a place where they could rest and continue their dominance of this galaxy.

But things had continued nonetheless. While the Vong had taken significant losses, the New Republic had collapsed as a political entity, cast into disarray by the loss of their capital. It was good for the Vong, who needed it to buy time for them to recover from the losses that they had taken over the course of this campaign. There had been other small successes as well, which furthered their chances of success in the war effort.

One of those was the capture of Mara Jade Skywalker. It had not been an easy task, but they had managed to overwhelm her in battle, and had taken her captive. As someone who had been infected by the Vong before, the opportunity to have her in their clutches once more was for all the better. Now it was just a matter of deciding what to do with her.

But there was one person who knew overall what she wanted to do with Skywalker. Her talents were too much to be wasted, and it would be much better to convert her to their cause, to turn her into one of them. At least, that was the thought of Neela as she entered the part of the building which held Mara. It was organic, as all Vong structures were, and it was definitely secure. There would be no escape for her, especially not for an opponent so dangerous.

As Neela entered, she saw the current situation that Mara was in. She was in quite the interesting set up, hanging in the middle of the room with a slight support for her feet. But it was a bit more complicated than that, as the support below would dig into the balls of her feet, providing pain, while the cuffs that held her hands above her head would dig into her wrists if pressure was to be applied to them, meaning that she was in a situation where she would suffer either way. It was to keep her distracted, preoccupied, so she couldn't focus on escape. And as Neela came to a stop, visible with grayish skin, and the bone armor that all Vong wore, she saw it was working quite well. But for now she would wait, observing her, before she began to interact with her
Mara had fought to the end as the planet city collapsed with the Vong invasion. A blaster in one hand, and a light saber in the other, she had fought swarm after swarm of the invaders. But it was all in vain. The ferocity of the attack, and the sheer numbers of the mutant like Vong people had overwhelmed her. She had lost her fight and after having her light saber knocked out, there was no further way to defend. Before long, she found herself being knocked out by the horde.

She feared the worst. Torture, mutilation, her body becoming trophies for the people that had destroyed her civilization. Yet no such torture came. Instead she was shackled in a painful position where her feet hanging about hard metal studs that were pointed enough that her feet would hurt. Her hands equally tortured by the rough shackles she had been bound with. Hanging there in a painful and clearly unending state, Mara sensed within herself why she had not been killed or canabalized as many had been.

She was a prisoner for information. Or so she thought.

In her experience, captors only kept prisoners when there was something of value. In Mara, they had someone who was not only the wife of the leader of the Jedi order; but also someone who was privacy to secrets in the republic and the bit of the empire that remained beyond the outer rim.

However, if they wanted information, wouldn't they torture it out of her? So she believed. It was strange that she had yet to meet face to face with any captors who were to inquire of what she knew.

"Face me!" She tried to scream. Her throat though was dry and parched. Unable to keep screaming, she slunk her head and tried to keep calm and ignore the pain that was building inside of her.
Neela watched as the captive human yelled, or tried to anyway. It was good to see that she still had some fire in her, that she was still trying to resist. After all, there would be no point to this if she had succumbed so easily, and it was the challenge which would provide for more of the amusement at the moment. As far as the Vong was concerned anyway. Why go to the bother of hunting worthy prey if you weren't going to enjoy it?

She would let Mara shout herself out until she had run her course, before the door slid open and the Vong stepped inside. She wore a calm expression, one that was harder to read especially without the assistance of the Force. Nonetheless she moved with a confident step, born of one who wasn't currently chained up in the middle of the prison. Had hte situation been reversed though, Neela would not have acted that much different, she supposed.

"You are Skywalker's mate," she asked once she had come to a stop, gaze fixed on Mara. An obvious question, but it would serve as an opening. She couldn't leap straight into anything after all, not with the sort of person she was dealing with. She had to be careful, calculating. That was the path to success, and she would follow it on its course, whatever that might be.
Mara had collapsed as she screamed herself to sleep. The sleep was unpleasant. The manacles dug into her wrists and the spikes pained her feet. As she slept, the nightmares of the war and concern for her husband filled her mind. She screamed herself awake again just a few hours later, her eyes becoming baggy with the lack of sleep. She took a deep breath and tried to stretch out with the force, but her mind lacked the feeling. She began to panic. The connection to the force she had felt for so long was gone. No doubt part of the prison or something the Vong had done to keep their prisoner from being able to free herself or fight back.

she hung her head again and cried. Suddenly she heard the voice. Her head snapped up and she saw the oddly attractive Vong woman enter the room. Wearing bone armor and staring at her with a strange look. Mara spat and would have cursed the woman, but her mouth was too dry to speak. Instead she just glared, unable to say so much as a single word to the woman who either must be her main captor or someone with the power to visit a prisoner who held so much information and power.

"What do you want parasite!" Mara thought to herself, unable to curse with words, she had settled to use her thoughts as a respite. "Barbarians. Your kinds is a disease upon the Galaxy. Some way, somehow, I will escape and I will not settle until I hunt down every single person that captured me and kill them with my own hands."
Neela's lips curled in an inhuman smirked, slight but present nonetheless as the captive human spat. Or tried to anyway, apparently too worn out to do so. Or she was just being difficult, which honestly would not have been too much of a surprise Given who she was, it was doubtful that she would give up any information voluntarily, no matter how innocuous it might have been at the time. After all, it would only serve to give them more to work with as they attempted to take over this galaxy for their own.

"No answer? Very well then." Neela would act as if Mara was just playing tough to get, rather than being incapable of answering. That suited her own agenda perfectly well, since she wasn't seeking information. Instead she wanted to turn Mara, and this played along to that perfectly well.

She would act ten, producing a particular device that she had made sure to have with her before she came in. It was small, like a worm of sorts with tiny barbs on one side. It had been specially bred by the Vong using their technology so that it couldn't affect them, but would be all too effective on the humans of this galaxy. She stepped up to Mara then, reaching up to place the creature against the side of her neck. the spikes would pierce and inject their toxin before Neela pulled it away.

That done, she stepped back to wait and see the effects. It might take some time to kick in but she was confident that it would sooner or later, acting as an aphrodisiac as well as a mild paralytic, subjecting Mara to the sensation of arousal while leaving her unable to do anything about it even if she wanted to. It was sure to prove most amusing.
Mara did manage to hiss at the Vong woman's words. It was all that she could muster in her weakened and bound state. But she felt as if nothing would threaten this woman. No doubt the grey skinned woman had fought her share of battles as all Vong did. This was no doubt the woman tasked with torturing and extracting every once of information that the fire haired Jedi bore within her. But Mara was strong. In all her years as the Emperor's hand, later as s smuggler, and now as a Jedi, she had never once fallen to the whims of others without a fight.

She spat again at the woman as the alien walked over and placed the spike covered worm like creature on her neck. The creature latched on to the back of Mara's neck and then injected the toxin right into her spinal fluid. Which in turn led to her brain and the rest of her body. It was an ingenuous method of torture, only something the vile and repulsive Vong were capable of.

Mara let out a breathless gasp and groaned. The pain was brutal. Toxins flooded her body and began to work their way inside of her. "Damn this woman and all her people." The Jedi thought to herself. Curing everything about her captors. Their names, planet, and even the mothers who bore them.

But with passing minutes, the toxin began to work its evil and twisted magic within her. She felt a fire burning in her. Under her torn black leather outfit, Mara felt her skin become hot. Her vagina felt desperate for something. A feeling she had felt with her husband many times. But between the pain and the sexual desire building, she gasped and began to shake. Her body no longer her own as she became desperate for relief.
Neela watched with all due amusement as the toxin began to take effect, Mara left to shake and gasp as she hung in place, unable to do anything about the potent desire that had to be coursing through her form. To see the human in such torent, it was enticing, especially for those Vong who relished pain. Of course, it was pain of an entirely different sort, but it was pain nonetheless. It would have to do for now.

"See how weak you are," she said then, reaching up to let her hand stroke a twitching thigh, eyeing the impact the toxin was having even as she glanced up at Mara. Her nails would dig in, if only a little, to provide further fuel to the fire and to show how sensitive she now was. "Your body, so eager to be pleased like a base animal. Tell me what I wish to know, and you will have your relief."
Mara wordlessly screamed inside her mind. The pain was almost unbearable. Between the torture of her shackles and the toxin that was causing burning in her blood and desire, she wondered how she would hold on. Glaring at the grey skinned witch with bloodshot eyes, Mara spat and growled. She couldn't say anything. Even if she had wanted to, her throat was far to dry to ever manage a single word. Not that she would. Mara was determined to die rather than give up her secrets. Even so, she had no idea what this evil fiend desired anyways.

"I'll never tell, no matter the torture." Mara thought to herself. Gasping as she felt the long and sharpened nails against her leg. "I would rather see the Jade Fire burned, a thousand suns turned to dust, and even the life of my body burned out before I tell you what you want to know."

Summoning the strength, Mara used what little saliva she had to manage a single audible word to the witch. "No"
This time it seemed that Mara was able to marshal an answer for her, though Neela was hardly taken aback as it ended up a succinct refusal to talk, a continual denial of what it was that she wanted to know. Still not a surprise, though there had been the slight hope that it would not be the case, and that this might be over in some succinct time frame. Oh well, that hope had been dashed. Now she would have to move on.

"Very well," she replied firmly, giving little indication as to how she felt about that. But Mara would see it soon enough as Neela rose once more, placing the creature on her neck once more, to inject more of the toxin into her bloodstream, to push the agonizing pain as well as the growing pleasure from the toxin even higher in the process. She would let it sit there for a few good moments, longer than the last time, before removing it.

With that done she would turn and walk away, to give the toxin some time to work, to grind against her will with her own pain and desire. It would take time, but that was alright. She had time to spare.
"Fuck you!" Mara Jade thought to herself as the witch applied the toxic worm again. Screaming softly as the spikes penetrated her skin and filled her body with an even large dose of the brutal fluid. She began to shake and moan as the toxin began to work within her. The poison began to eat at her, the pain was excruciating but that was nothing compared to the desire for pleasure. Mara was beginning to feel desperate. Her body craved release. She yearned for it, needed it.

As the hours passed, she fell more and more victim to the Vong torture that the witch had set upon her. Mara began to become wetter and wetter from her female sex. Her pants had began to show the signs of the arousal that had built to a breaking point within her. It was in that moment that he mind began to break. She would do almost anything to ease the torture. Just a bit of water and she would confess.

"I'll talk." She whispered in the darkness. Her resolve having crumbled within her. It was the first step along the way to losing her own identity. But the sexual build up was far too brutal to contain. She needed release, and was willing to do almost anything to achieve it.
It took a while, as Neela expected of the person in captivity. Mara would not break so easily, and Neela fully expected to have another session or two before she got anything useful. Surely the Jedi was prepared for all her senses to be used against her, whether it be pain or lust. She was more than ready to proceed on, to escalate the situation and do whatever it took for the Jedi to succumb. That much she was determined to accomplish, and she did not look favorably upon failure.

Thus, it was something of a surprise when Mara voiced her submission, giving in at least for the moment. It would take some time longer before Neela returned, light filling the room so that Mara could see once more, including the bowl that her captor now held, with water inside it. She would step up to the hung woman, making sure there were no tricks planned as she lifted the bowl, giving her a sip of water.

That was all though, and once Mara had had it the bowl would be taken away again. "You are Skywalkers mate, yes," Neela asked once more, this time expecting an answer.
Mara's head hung low by the time the Vong woman returned. She had very little energy, and the toxin was reeking havoc on her body. She had begun to shake uncontrollably earlier. Her pants soaked with desire, she gasped for breath as she tried to calm herself. She was broken. A shell of whom she had been before the capture. Now she hung there, almost like a corpse. Very unlike the strong and powerful woman she had once been.

Taking a sip of the water, she felt some strength returning to her. That one single sip gave her the freedom of speech that she hadn't really been able to produce earlier. She took a few deep breaths and looked at the woman, lust in her eyes. Were she to be free, there was little doubt in her mind that Mara would have jumped the woman and done whatever she could to relieve the lust that was dominating her body.

"I am." She relied simply. The question didn't dictate a follow up, so she didn't give one. Surely the woman would have more questions, and it was up to her what she chose to ask Mara. She herself was not going to say anything that she wasn't asked to say.
Neela grinned, more to herself than anyone else as Mara affirmed what she had asked. The simple question was out of the way, but it was rewarded with another sip of water. That didn't deal with the main issue of course, but for now it would serve to condition her a little, even if she expected it. Misbehave and be punished. Act rationally and answer these questions, and she would be rewarded for it. That was a basic method, yet even here it would be adhered to.

With that done, Neela would move on. "Now then, tell me what you know of the location of the New Republic's Fleets, and the defenses of their remaining core worlds," she said, insistent and determined. She would get what she wanted one way or the other, even if the information was useless. She just wanted to see how fiercely Mara would defend it and resist.
The single sip of water was like a restful stream to Mara in her condition. She felt more of her strength returning to her. However, the toxin still burned with her. The carnal desire and need had yet to be satisfied, and she still yearned for a release. Yet as she heard the next question, she feared that the release may yet be impossible. She herself knew very little of that information. Always existing on the outskirts of republic business, she had made a point to never get involved. Mara only knew the defenses for a single world, Mandalore, and she knew not if it was even in active use.

Years earlier, the republic leadership had pondered a way to keep information out of the hands of an enemy should they ever be invaded and overrun. Mara's sister in law , Leia, had suggested dividing up the information between numerous individuals in the event of such a crisis. Under normal times, the information could be accessed by command by having everyone in the same room. Luke would use his powers to remove details of other worlds from the minds of those present. He even followed this policy with Mara and himself. She had been given Mandalore, a planet that was supposed to be used as a kind of last stand world should the attack ever become unbearable. Mara pondered on whether or not the republic had set up camp there. If Luke was there.

"I know nothing of the matter." She finally managed. Her love for Luke being too great to risk him should he be on Mandalore. She knew that there was every chance she would be tortured once more. But she would rather ensure and suffer than have a hand in her husband's death.
Neela was less than pleased to hear that from Mara, the woman apparently recovering some of her spine as she refused to tell. There was no way that she was completely oblivious of the matters related to the question at hand, and so Neela would continue to insist. One way or another she would get an answer to her question, and whether it resulted in a pleasant outcome was all for Mara to decide, as the one with the information.

"Then tell me what you do know," she replied firmly, glaring at Mara. A touch would send her restraints tightening, needles and spikes digging in all the harder, to provide more pain to the mix that was already present, even as a hand reached up to brush against her soaked crotch. She would play to the humans senses until she broke. And then once she had, Neela would remake her as she wished. All according to plan.
((Sorry, I've been ill recently. I hope you're still interested))

Mara shook in fear. She sensed that if she didn't give this woman something that she was going to be in an almost unending amount of agony. That was something she had no desire to experience. So she took a deep breath and hoped with every amount of force within her that Luke and the rest of the Alliance wasn't on Mandalore.

"The planet is guarded by a net of turbo lasers and ion canons that cover most of the planet. " She admitted in defeat. Ashamed at herself for actually revealing the truth and not fighting against the pain for longer. "The turbo lasers and ion canons are set to fire automatically at any hostile ships that fail to send the security code. The code is M45F34. But it also requires a second code to be entered at planetary level to confirm. The planet scans ships before confirming the code."

Mara sighed and then hung her head. She just wanted to be set free. Once she was, she would cut these barbarians down like grass.
Neela smirked as Mara gave in, giving her the codes and the makeup of the defenses. It would be useful for the future when combat operations were planned, to better ensure the survival of their forces and the general offensive into that particular sector. But that was nothing for Mara to concern herself with, not anymore. She would have bigger problems at present, which should hardly have been a surprise given everything else that she had been subjected to.

"Thank you," she replied with a nod, keeping the information recorded for now so they could use it later. Instead she would turn to Mara and her current condition. She had given them something, so now she would get her reward in turn. A hand rose to stroke at her dripping wet crotch, brushing against her enflamed clit before a finger slid inside her. She wouldn't say anything, instead getting to work as she let it curl and shift, pumping inside the human at the same time. She got what she wanted, but would she appreciate it?
"oh!!!" Mara moaned as she felt the pleasure of the fingers inching inside of her. The fire within her didn't die down. Rather, it blazed harder and hotted. Her need was even greater now than it had been moments ago. She was desperate for the release of a climax. She ached to feel warm arms around her and the sensation of pleasure as a lover made her cum. Her husband had always been so wonderful at giving her pleasure beyond compare. But the fingers by themselves failed to truly fill the need and cravings within her. She just wanted to make love.

"Please!!! Let me down and make love to me!" Mara gasped to her captor. She was so desperate for the real release that she had broken down and confessed her need to the grey skinned woman. Mara was close. The fingers in her and on her clit were amazing. But it lacked the real intimacy that she wanted and needed. It was in this moment that Mara tried with all her remaining strength to use the force. Yet it was all in vain. She felt nothing, and her need and cravings just continued to grow.
It seemed that what she had wasn't enough for Mara, the still present drug heightening her arousal and making it so that even this wouldn't be enough for her. There was only one way to really solve the issue which she herself voiced, but it would be up to the Vong to grant it. She had no way of getting it for herself, and that was just the way Neela liked it. She enjoyed the control, the power, and she knew that she would put it to good use. It was all a part of the plan after all, not that Mara could know it.

"'Make love'," Neela repeated in a term that was both curious and mocking. "Such a vile human, to ask that of your captors. What would your friends and family think? And what can you offer to convince me that I should give you such an honor as that?" Oh yes, she was going to make her work for it, and see just how far Mara was willing to fall in her short term lust.
The lust raged within her. Mara ached for release and those fingers just wouldn't fill the void that she had. Wreathing in pain and pent up sexual frustration, Mara groaned and shook against her bonds and wished so very much to be free. In that moment she would give absolutely anything. her mind breaking and her body lacking the fight that was needed to contain her pain and frustration. She gave in. Her resistance crumbling before her.

"Yes. Making love. Sex. Two people pleasuring one another." She growled in irritation. "I don't care about what anything thinks. Most of them are dead and those who live will probably never see me again anyways. So name your price. Do you want me to train the Vong in the Jedi ways? The secrets of the light saber? name it. I will do just about anything to take these chains off and experience the pleasure of sex in another's arms."

Mara couldn't believe she was entertaining the idea of sex with this woman. A Vong. A creature she would have hated otherwise. But in this moment, she just needed a release and this woman seemed like the kind who could bring her to the highest peak of orgasm given the right circumstances.
Neela let out a cough that was akin to a laugh as Mara further threw herself at the feet of the Vong that held her captive, as she sought some solution for her lust. It was pitiful to the extreme, a disgrace to all that the woman stood for, and it brought about some disgust on her part. Nonetheless she still enjoyed it, the knowledge and power of being the one to reduce her to such a state. Where so many others, where their disease had failed, she had succeeded. And no one could contest that.

"You will join us," she said, voice firm and controlling. "Like the other humans who have chosen to embrace the Truth, you will be altered to serve a purpose in the new order. You will leave your humanity and your Force behind to become like us. Is that a price you are willing to pay?" She would continue to tease her at the same time, keeping that arousal enduring as if it would serve to influence her decision any more than it could now.
Mara had been ready to surrender herself. But those words. Giving in and leaving humanity and the force was too great of a price. A fire suddenly awoke within her. The desperate sexual fire turning to rage and a need to attack. She growled and spat once more at the woman. "Do you think me weak!" Mara screamed. "Well know this whore, I will sooner see the Jade Fire burned than give in and let you contort me like a weak minded slave. I am Mara Jade! Former Hand to Palpatine himself. Smuggler, lover of Grand Master Luke Skywalker. There is nothing that you can do to convince me that who I am is inferior to you."

Spitting again, Mara strained at the binds and felt the force rage within her. She pulled the binds in an attempt to ripe the chains from the bolts on the ceiling. She wanted to lunge at the woman. Strangling her and then forcing the woman to eat her out until Mara had come so many times she couldn't walk. Mara was ready. The darkness she had fought for years brimmed within her. She felt the rage and fire that would let her kill all her captors if she could only manage to rip the chains for the bolts that held them.
Ah, there it was. It seemed that Mara Jade's fire hadn't been stamped out after all. Well that was alright, for no matter how much she struggled she would not be breaking free. Instead it would serve to make things worse for her, her bonds reacting to her movement and clamping down, inflicting further pain on her as a result of what she was doing. That was the way of the Vong, and if she didn't like it then she would have to simply deal with it, whether it be by ignoring the pain, or giving in.

"Very well then," she replied calmly. "We will resume this discussion later." With that she turned on her heels and left, leaving Mara to stew in her anger, her pain, and her lust. She was confident of her eventual success, no matter how long it took.
Feeling the bonds tighten only made Mara angrier. She cursed and screamed. The fire building stronger and stronger. She was slowly turning the lust into something more multi-faceted. A kind of lustful rage had filled her and she was going to fight back one way or another. But what Mara didn't realize, was that her rage was having another side effect on her. Something that rarely happened with the Vong captives. The rage grew to the point where their minds became more open and willing. Not in a raw sort of submissive state, but where they began to empathize with their captors and feel as if they could themselves one day become Vong.

"I will not yield!" Mara cursed. "You will learn one day or another that I will not be a Vong slave. I have no intention of it. So you may as well set me free and see what you can do to convince me not to want to rip your throat out while you sleep!" Growling in pain and anger, Mara cursed any Vong and everything.

A day went by. She did not sleep and was not offered food or drink. Her resolve to escape had begun to wane once more. But what had replaced it was a desire. She wanted to see what this Vong woman had in store. Mara was willing to make a deal. She only had one condition. Luke would live, no matter what. Her love for him had swelled to where it was all she thought of. The chains reminding her that he was her only. So she waited for her captor to return. Ready to barter herself in exchange for his life.
Neela left the room with angry words on her heels. This might have been a disappointment, but it was all a part of the game as far as she was concerned. It was merely the initial phases, working to break her down and to get Mara to succumb to what she wanted. It would take some time to make her actually do it, but she was confident in her success. The Yuuzhan Vong could be very creative in terms of breaking people. As the Emperor's Hand would soon find out.

Meetings, gatherings, Neela went about the affairs of the day with a calm demeanor, explaining her current efforts and how things were proceeding to those who mattered. There were no major emergencies, no interruptions, and son enough she was able to rejoin Mara, where the human woman continued to hang from her bonds, as if no time had passed at all. "And how are you feeling today," she asked cordially, ready to begin this next session.
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