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Ohmigawd, Dinosaurs! (A Kotep/Survivor Production)


Jan 14, 2009
"Alright, everything's lined up!" the reddish lizard said, nodding and giving her lab partner the thumbs-up. They had been working for over a week on setting up this experiment, with the fruit in two cases, one as control, and one to test the ray that was meant to reverse aging in fruit on. That plexiglass case was sitting lined up with the large and unwieldy device, which was at the other end of the counter. Kristen paused as she walked back toward her colleage, bending down into the path of the ray to pick up her notebook, not knowing that her partner couldn't see she was in the way as she pressed the button to fire.
So much trouble over preserving fruit!

Qipp stood inside the the control booth, overlooking a number of computer screens, her fingers moving in a flurry over the keyboards. Surely, if they were being tasked with preserving fruit, there were more efficient ways of doing it than shooting them with a laser beam! But, her and Kristen were both getting paid large amounts of money to do this, so, what the hell. What could it hurt?

"Alright. Goggles on!" She called back to her colleague, her eyes darting back down to the keyboard, as she began unlocking the safety parameters. Bullshit or not, she was still working with a potentially high-powered laser beam. Last thing she wanted was someone having a hole burnt through them. She checked the computer one last time, entering in the last command and hitting ENTER.
"Yeouch!" Qipp could hear from around the large device, and when she looked out, Kristen was shaking her hand vigorously, and looking at an area of blackened scales with a rather unsettled expression. "It hit me!" she shouted, showing her partner where on her palm the beam had hit. "That hurt," she muttered, holding her hand and growling annoyedly.
As soon as she heard Kristen's screech of pain, Qipp slammed down on the kill switch, instantly cutting power to the laser. She rushed out of the control booth, pulling off her goggles and looking with alarm at the half dollar-sized mark on her partner's palm where the beam had struck. "Damnit!" She rushed over to a first-aid kit on the wall. "I thought you said that you were all clear!" She was almost panicking, rushing back over to Kristen's side, gingerly taking her hand and looking at it.
"I was! I was just grabbing my notebook when it hit me!" she said, sighing and holding her hand as still as she could to try and keep it from hurting. She gulped dryly, her scales flushing a little on her cheeks. "Uhm, Qipp...I'm feeling a little hot...did the heat just come on or something?" she asked, tugging the front of her labcoat open, wearing a tee shirt and jeans beneath. Even without the coat, she felt hot.
Qipp set the kit down and opened it up, taking out a roll of gauze and some ointment. She didn't know how bad the tissue damage was, or if her scales had taken the brunt of it. "We should try and get you to a hospital. I really don't know if I should be treating this here..." But she blinked at Kristen's question, looking up at her face, seeing the slight tinge of darker color on her cheeks. "No...the temperature is fine..." But still, her partner pulled open her labcoat, revealing a rather unprofessional-looking attire. Even though the project was more or less 'freelance', Qipp still wore a blouse and a knee-length gray skirt, if only because it made her feel professional.

"I think you should go sit down." She said, worried, leading Kristen over towards a seat.
"Okay," she said almost distantly. She didn't care if it wasn't professional, it could get really warm in the lab coat and she wanted to wear something comfortable. But now,, the comfortable tee shirt was feeling too tight, and her jeans were pinching her hips uncomfortably. With a heavy blush on her cheeks, she unbuttoned her jeans with a soft moan, then reached up and ripped open the collar of her tee shirt, tearing it open to give her body more room. Her tongue dangled out of her mouth, her breath feeling warm and uncomfortable.
Qipp hadn't made it all the way to the chair when Kristen reached down to unbutton her jeans, making Qipp blink in surprise. "Kristen, what the hell?" Part of her thought that her partner was going into some sort of shock, but the injury was too small to have caused that kind of trauma. Then her friend reached up and tore open the collar of her shirt - with one hand. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and Qipp could swear that Kristen's teeth were getting sharper. She let go of her friend's arm, backing away slowly.

"You don't have to call me Kristen," she said with a bright smile, her burgeoning chest starting to threaten her already damaged shirt. "You could call me Krissy...or even Kiki," she said with a light giggle. She shifted, her ass swelling and making the zipper of her jeans snap apart--and beneath all the curves, it looked like she was getting some serious muscle too.
Qipp almost yelped as Kristen's body seemed to swell up suddenly, her chest expanding at a rate that would have been alarming, if it weren't for the fact that the rest of her was suddenly starting to grow. Her jeans were starting to rip, the zipper snapping open, while tears started to appear in her T-shirt, now stretched skintight over her growing frame. But at the same time, layer upon layer of muscle started to bulk up on her, especially her thighs. Qipp stumbled back, tripping over a power cord and landing on her ass, staring frightened up at her growing...airheaded...friend.
"Oooh, that feels good!" she said eagerly, licking her lips and squeezing her breasts. They suddenly tore free of her shirt, shredding what was left of it. She roared and flexed her thighs, making her pants split wide open, then peeling them off of her body. She was growing larger and bulkier, her teeth sharpening into large fangs, her tail thickening while her claws grew. "Oh my goood, yes!" she growled, arching her back and squeezing her breasts in a very unscientific manner.
Kristen's stressed outfit could no longer contain her bulk, her T-shirt practically bursting apart at the freedom of her breasts. The shredded remains continued to tear until her size alone made them fall off. She let out a feral roar that instinctively left Qipp cowering in fright. This was not her friend...not anymore... Kristen's body continued to bulk up, muscled thighs supporting her weight, as her tail grew thicker as well. Her eyes had gone dumb, teeth growing and doubling, her snout pushing out even further to fit those extra teeth.

Only her orgasmic words proved she had any intelligence left at all, and even those were soaked in the sounds of delirious ecstasy.

And it was only the fear that coursed through Qipp's body that kept her from finding this whole ordeal incredibly arousing to watch.
The emerging tyrannosaurus rex stood up, roaring eagerly as she picked the shreds of clothes off of her body, stretching her new form and swaying her thick tail from side to side, giggling softly. "I feel so good!" she growled, her tongue dangling from her mouth as she cupped her heavy breasts and played with her nipples. "Aw god...I so gotta fuck!" she rumbled, removing one hand from her bust and tucking it between her legs.
Kristen now towered over Qipp, almost twice her height, bulked with muscle that shifted underneath her now-coarse, tough scales. The last shreds of her clothing either fell off, or were plucked away by sharp, deadly talons. Kristen had taken on the bulk and build of an ancestor millions of years removed...the T-Rex. Her tail crashed into the table that carried the designated target for the laser, sending it smashing into the wall. All the while, Kristen's now massive breasts bounced and jostled as she moved, finally reaching an arm down to plunge her fingers into her sopping pussy.

A pool of clear, sticky liquid was starting to form beneath Karla as she fingered herself, while Qipp could only watch, speechless. She shrugged off her labcoat, standing up on shaky legs, as she cautiously began to approach the nine-foot-tall, impossible creature that only five minutes ago had been her partner.

"Kristen? Is that...still you?"
"I tooold you, call me Kiki! It's way better than Kristen," she said, sticking out her tongue. Looking Qipp up and down, she sized her up as a female that could potentially help her with the burning heat between her legs, so she grabbed her and pulled her close, growling and thrustin gher hips at her. "Aw gawwwd...I'm so horny and it's like...really hot and I have to fuck so much," she growled, rubbing Qipp's back.
Qipp slowed her approach, listening as Kristen spoke, at her airheaded giggles while she insisted on calling herself a name that Qipp though was rather silly. And the...potent...scent of her pooling arousal was making it harder for Qipp to focus than she liked. However, she was still coherent enough to panic when Kristen's powerful hand grabbed around her stomach, dragging her closer to her muscular form, between her legs where that clouding scent was the strongest. She tried to scream, but when she breathed in, she could practically taste Kristen's arousal.

The sight of Kristen's dripping pussy filled her vision as the muscular T-Rex girl bucked her hips. Hot, sweet-smelling nectar splattered her shirt and skin, and the smell was starting to make her dizzy. Kristen's strong hands were starting to feel...really nice against her back...


No this was wrong.

But she couldn't fight it...couldn't resist it...
Kiki licked her lips and grinned down at Qipp, her legs spread wide open with a small bit of her juices glistening on her pussy. "Come onnn...I needa fuck soo bad," she growled, groping herself and kneading her breasts gently, her long tongue dangling from her mouth, curling slowly. "Like, am I not hot enough?" she asked with a small pout. The powerful scent of the T-Rex was also making it harder for Qipp to think, almost like Kiki's slow, ditzy personality was contagious. The big, buff, and busty dino girl pushed a few fingers into her own slit, working herself until she was dripping wet, then presenting herself to Qipp again.
Qipp's head swam, her nose filled with the intoxicating scent of the creature before her. Her thoughts were feeling drugged, sluggish, her clothes splashed with Kiki''s juices, watching the T-Rex pout and plunge her fingers into her sex until she was wet and dripping again, presenting herself... Qipp moaned, her nipples poking up from beneath her blouse, feeling the heat rising between her thighs. Her hand dipped between her legs and she squeezed them together, pushing it up against her crotch as she ground against herself. A lewd moan passed through her lips... She wasn't even considering the size difference... She was too close to Kiki's pussy to resist the odor.

She collapsed to her knees, quivering as she leaned in towards Kiki's massive pussy. She kissed it, tasting that sweet nectar on her lips, before she began licking it, trying to quench her thirst for the taste...
Kiki let out a loud, sharp groan as she felt her pussy begin to be licked by the smaller lizard, spreading her legs wide and opening her pussy's lips up as much as she could. "Oh gawwwwd! Like, fuck meee!" she squealed, tossing her head back and toying with her nipples, groping her own breasts as she arched her back, and her thick juices began to flow into Qipp's mouth.
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