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b o s s a n o v a - ★

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Jan 9, 2009
Nova Scotia

          • ❝ Sha-la-la, oh no no no,
            • to kingdom come so slightly â? [/list:u]
              Guess whose back? ;D Before we begin, I have some rules!

              - no cookie-cutter / generic characters, thanks. Please be interesting
              - have a strong grasp on vocabulary, punctuation, capitalization, etc.
              - roleplays are to be done in past tense and third person only!
              - Samples are mandatory. Please include these first thing when you message me.
              - long term, no quick fucks or one nighters, thanks
              - lookin' for drama, violence, gore and of course, romance !

              - be creative when you write. I want similes and adjectives that aren't
              frequently used ! Imbue your writing with life ~

              Below are pairings I'm currently interested in. Please suggest others!
              â?? means that I have some sort of idea(s)/plot
              • were-bear knight x kingdom enemy â??
                artist x gang leader/drug kingpin â??
                asian / latino thug x crush â??
                engineer x android â??
                mermaid/man x fisherman/scuba diver â??
                traveling merchant x retired prostitute â??
                criminal 'dog' x local musician â??
                russian/italian mafia kingpin x burlesque dancer
                street dancer x hip hop dancer
                indie musician x indie musician
                artist x tattoo artist â??

                suggest more!

                craving; something street and thuggish, like gangs or something; different
                races aside from regular white boys ;D give me asian, give me latin !

                yaoi - it's hard to persuade me into actually doing yaoi, I won't lie. I play
                masculine, strong or fashionable gay men, not fancy, flamboyant mother
                fuckers. The same should be for you. I'm currently craving something along
                the lines of gangs for yaoi. <3 [/list:u]
                series, movies and games include,
                • one piece
                  final destination â??
                  28 days/weeks later â??
                  star fox
                  shadow of the colossus
                  final fantasy XII
                  jet force gemini
                  the legend of zelda
                  halloween town
                  resident evil â??
                  super mario sunshine â??
                  world of warcraft â??[/list:u]


      • I'm hungry for the most part x]
        AHAH! It's not all bad.


  • Munching on a cheese sandwich and some soup. *shares* <3
    I'll get better sooner or later~
    Just the common cold with the change in seasons.

    And perhaps...but I hadn't visited it for a year or two,
    so when I went on to check, I was like "O_O *lost*"[/list:u]
It is on Gaia too? *May decide to join there, more people, less sex*
Could ya link me later?

I am making a Prison rp here...
That is about it XDD

      • Posted the plot !

        Yes, there will be sex. xD
        And gore and romance and
        everything you can think of.

Can middie play a vampire? (And not some sissy vampire either)
What is available to play?

      • While the vampire race supposedly extinct, it's
        not completely. Some vampire could mosy on in
        to the vista some day. Everyone would be like


        I'm playing a banshee. o 3o ;;

        Or maybe a lycan. We shall see.

If I don't play a vampire, I will play a Banshee, I have a template available for one and everything :)
Honestly the Banshee appeals to me greatly, since I love characters like that. I could play a vampire, maybe one that pops in and out of the action, he had been hiding or had been trapped somewhere.

So you are doing this on Gaia too right?

      • Will he be gay!? I'll make a gay lycan for you o 3o;

        Ooh, good ! And yes, I'm working on the gaia one, then
        I'll work on the skeleton and whatnot in a bit.

My characters are as a rule, bisexual anyway. ^.^

Could you send me a link to the Gaia one? In case that one takes off or whatnot?
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