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It was in the darkness of her tomb that she had the time to contemplate where her plan had all gone wrong, in the silence she mused over all of her wrong-doings, and in the dead air she thought about her future. The silence was her friend up to this point, a place where she was able to escape from the world, from the war even and find a place in which she could ease herself into a sense of peace, even if such peace were false. Mizuki had endured silence that was more complete than this, darkness that was more total, and places that robbed her more fully of her senses.

If they thought that this was torture, then they didn't know what torture was.

The relative quiet of her cell was broken only by a slow and gentle rumble and the occasional toss of the caravan, which was the system they were using to transport her. It had been a day, possibly, maybe even longer since they had left the capital, and she had a horrible feeling that they were taking her as far from curious eyes as possible. Afterall, she had been so close to killing the Fire Lord that it had shaken the higher ups.

But Mizuki was not just an ordinary girl, not just an ordinary anything, really. She was a child born of war and trained by people that wanted nothing more than Ozai's death, and they were determined to have his head. Since she had hit puberty at thirteen, she had been taught the ways of seduction - how to move her hips, to bat her eyes, to purr her voice. She was taught to dance when her body filled in, and her water-bending had only increased her abilities and made her more... Appealing, to those whom wanted a show.

And that was precisely how they'd pitched her and gotten her into the palace. The group had masqueraded as a traveling band of entertainers, with her as their 'big hit,' known for her erotic dance mixed with skillful bending. Ozai had been intrigued with her show, as Mizuki was an attractive young woman, her body thin and her breasts ample. He had requested a private show, to which she had gladly obliged. In the privacy of his throne room, she performed her dance just for him, with the added allure of less clothing. He had been intrigued, taking her to his bedroom. As he'd started to settle himself on top of her,his hands hungry on her thighs, she'd pulled the small blade from beneath her clothing.

The tip had just pierced his chest when she felt her thighs burn, his guards rushing the room before she could get any further. He'd tossed her then, leaving her an injured heap on the floor, the imprints of his hands burned against her skin. Days later she could still feel the throb of the burn, feel the heat of her injuries, and the pain still throbbed as she struggled to pretend that it was nothing worse than a sunburn.

Mizuki had spent several days in his prison cells, locked away from prying eyes and had decided what to do with the would-be assassin. It was after great thought that she was sent on her journey in the darkness, towards a destination that was to her unknown. She had been starved and beaten, burned and humiliated. But she had not been broken. Mizuki may have been a young girl compared to them, but her will was strong and her wrath was great. Mizuki was a patient creature, biding her time until they were foolish enough to let their guard down. Her bending wasn't just for looks, and her skills with dance had been transferred to dancing with blades, a dangerous and beautiful art of attack and defense.

And it seemed that her caravan had come to a stop, her eyes opening and body pushing herself up as best she could with her hands still bound, sitting patiently on her knees as her ears struggled to catch any noises from the outside. At first, there was nothing. Then a small crack of light came through the door, not horribly bright to most but nearly blinding to her in comparison to the darkness she'd been bathing in.

The guards took advantage of her temporary blindness, grasping her roughly by the arm and dragging her when her legs wouldn't immediately cooperate. She'd only just gotten her feet under her when they started to drag her towards a large fire nation ship that was docked very nearby. She was squinting in the light, blinking rapidly to try and adjust herself to the light of the day. So, it was day. She was quiet as they drug her onto the ship, tossing her onto the deck before handing a scroll of parchment to the guards on the deck. It had details of her charges, she was sure, as well as the details of her punishment. And here she was... At the end of the line.
Prince Zuko had received a missive from his father, Fire Lord Ozai, only a few days past. The Fire Lord had been attacked, the assassin close enough to actually put steel to skin before she was stopped. That news by itself was enough to raise Zuko's ire, though the next bit of news brought him hope. The assassin was being handed over to him, to break. They wanted to know where the rest of the rebels were, and Zuko was allowed to use any means at his disposal.

Were he able to do this task then he could return home, his honor restored, and take his rightful place as Prince once more. The letter had been tucked safely away and on the appointed day he'd gone abovedecks to greet this traitorous wench. Standing tall and proud with his hands clasped behind his back, Zuko watched with cool eyes as the prisoner was led aboard.

Once remanded into his custody he made sure she was secure in a cell, a fan blowing in cool air so that she could not even sweat. She was trussed up as well, feet barely able to touch the floor and her arms bound and chained to each corner of the cell.

"I'll be back and see you once we get underway." Zuko promised, and departed, ignoring any comment she might have to make.
No, not end of the line but a tranfer, from one cell to another. Her new captor took no risks, securing her wrists and ankles though she barely had strength to stand from her stiffened and bruised muscles. This place, at least, had a fan which cooled the sweat that had dewed on her body, her head tilting back with her eyes closed in rapture of the much cooler air.

There was nothing to do until her captor returned, her body going lax in her chains though the metal bit into her skin painfully. Pain could be endured. Pain kept her alive. Pain kept her sharp. Pain was a welcome friend.
Time was immaterial when waiting for death, because she was sure that it would be the only way she would be getting off this ship. And she let herself muse over it - would they be merciful and permit her to die with honor or would they destroy her and make her suffer before she passed on into the next world. Mizuki was already filling her head with images of the worst - disemboweling, dismemberment, beheading...

And then Zuko returned, another person trailing behind. A woman, much to Mizuki's surprise. The girl remained grim lipped and silent as the man started to talk, already having bored her more than her guards. Her attention was on the odd array of items - sex toys, more like, her brow quirked.

There was a hard knot in the pit of her stomach that was forming slowly, because this she had not anticipated. Part of her appeal to Ozai was the fact she had been untouched by a man, and with their sex stopped before it could happen, she still remained an intact virgin.

He offered her a final chance to tell of where her comrades we're stationed, and she refused. Well, not quite refused. Mizuki gathered the last of the spit in her mouth and pulled her chains to their farthest reaches, spitting in his face. "Death before dishonor."
Zuko had expected that sort of response and quite enjoyed the spit on his face, gathering it on his fingers and licking them clean. His eyes regarded her for a moment and he gave a nod to the woman. "I had expected no less." he said, and with his hands clasped behind his back, circled around Mizuki. Once behind her he grabbed a fistful of that soft brown hair and yanked, which had the effect of snapping her head back, the woman acting quickly and slapping Mizuki across the face and then shoving something between the girl's lips. Flat and metallic, even clenching her teeth would not stop it as the woman shoved, forcing the metal device into place.

Then she turned the knobs, the small oral forceps prying apart Mizuki's mouth, opening it wide so that the woman could administer the metal ring gag and affix it in place. In fact, now that she would look, Mizuki would notice that all the implements and toys were metal and thus subject to warming or superheating by the Fire Nation captors.

Now with her mouth pried open Zuko came back around to the front of her. "I thought that might shut you up." he said with a smile and gave another nod to the woman, who produced a set of shears and began to quickly and efficiently deprive Mizuki of her clothing. Soon the girl was nude, her nubile young body on display. Ezell then grabbed one last item and affixed it between Mizuki's legs - a spreader bar that was connected between her ankles, keeping her feet a litte more than shoulder width apart.

"Now we put you in your rightful place. On your knees." Zuko said wit a sadistic grin and with a snap of his fingers the chains set in the ceiling were let loose, causing Mizuki to fall at the sudden slackness.
Mizuki wrinkled her nose in disgust at him, watching him suck his fingers clean of her saliva. She turned her head from him, not bothering to watch him any further. But her skin still crawled as he circled her, eyes hungry like a beast after its prey. She let out only a small noise when he yanked her hair, forcing her mouth open for his cunt of a friend to shove a metal piece into her mouth. She fought it, but it was in vain.

The ring was an uncomfortable thing, keeping her already dry mouth open and exposed to the air, her tongue desperately trying to wet her mouth with what little spit she had. But she didn't make a noise, nor a protest. Her mind was pushing herself elsewhere, thinking of warm beaches and cool water. She thought of a safe haven, where no Zuko existed and her mouth was wet with sweet water.

His next move was for her to be spread at the ankles, keeping her from closing her legs any further than shoulders width. Mizuki permitted it, but the ball in her stomach had turned to maggots, wriggling sickly and threatening her to vomit.

The sudden slack in her chains made her hit the ground hard, her knees bending but not giving way completely. No, she wasn't so weak that she couldn't fight back, her legs locking as she stood tall and proud, shoulders back and face calm. Though restrained, she was still an animal turned feral.
Zuko had to grin at her resolve, her fight. "You have an iron will. I'll give you that. But even iron bends... when heat is applied." he snarled and with a sift movement his shins kicked the backs of her knees, her legs folding and connected at the ankles she had little choice but to fall, and those knees crushed into the hard metal floor. She'd have fallen completely were the chains not drawn, her arms aching from the constant pressure and circulation problems.

Ezell tapped her chin thoughtfully and Zuko moved back to stand in front of Mizuki. "You use sex as a weapon. I think I will show you my sword, and use your throat as the sheath." he said, and slowly undid the bindings of his pants. Ezell moved behind Mizuki and grabbed her head, forcing her to watch as the prince produced the royal cock, a long and thick member that Mizuki knew he was going to introduce her to.

"So tell me assassin, since you use sex as a weapon, how many men have plowed that field between your legs?" he asked, and as he spoke Ezell's fingers were playing over Mizuki's soft warm cunt and a hiss of surprise came. Ezell spoke for the first time, her voice low and gentle.

"She's a virgin, my Prince." she said.

Zuko looked surprised. "Oho! So now I see what you were tempting my father with. Very clever." He slowly stroked his cock and then moved to her, rubbing the hot silky head of that cock along her cheek, lovingly almost in the action. His head canted to the side and he tapped the underside of that swolen mushroom head along her bottom lip and then pressed the tip right under her nose so that the smell of him filled her senses and she could not help but taste him as well.
The harsh kick sent her to the ground efficiently, her arms nearly pulling from their sockets as they reached their most taught point. Her knees throbbed dully from the vibration of the metal floor, a low noise coming from her. But still no lack of pride. Her mouth may have been rendered unable to speak, but her expression spoke volumes. Her eyes were hardened, staring at him with single minded intensity.

She was listening raptly as he explained what was to come for her, his bitch grasping her hair and yanking her head back again. Mizuki's head was starting to throb, a pain worse than anything else they could inflict on her. Though she had no words available to her, she had a wide array of noises that could convey her message.

As Zuko revealed himself to her, a bark came from her dry throat - a laugh, or what was her best of one considering the circumstances. Her face turned grim as the whore proved her legs, her sex involuntarily wet and hot despite the unwanted touch. Her cunt was tight, clenching around the invasion as if to prevent it.

Then his taunt finally got a reaction from her, his comment on her virginity bringing a bit of pink to her cheeks. A woman her age was supposed to have been taken by now, or at least married and ready for it. She had done neither.

His cock was a disgusting thing against her skin, hot and stinking of his musk, a feral scent that made her stomach roll. As he pressed his tip to her bottom lip she could taste him, salty and strange and disgusting, her stomach twisting horribly. She didint look at his cock, instead staring down his eyes.
"I think she already has the first lesson of this arrangement down Ezell. Never take your eyes off your Master." Zuko said, and sighed almost appreciatively as Mizuki's eyes bore into his. "So I get to be the first to have the honor of choking you with a cock. How interesting." Zuko said, and would begin to slide his thick member into her mouth. He did so extremely slowly, forcing her to feel every inch, taste him on her tongue. He stopped as the swollen cockhead reached the back of her throat and seemed to consider before slowly sliding back out. He did this several time, almost lovingly fucking her mouth, and forcing her senses to take him in. The heat of him, his scent and taste, how he gently pulsed against her tongue.

Then, as if a switch had been flipped, he grabbed her hair and rammed his cock into her throat. It was not gentle in the slightest and almost immediately she would probably choke. Her throat hurt where the head rubbed along the back and he could feel her muscles convulse as she tried to gag and retch, his cock cutting off her air and more importantly, forced someplace that it wasn't made to go.

Mercifully he pulled out of her mouth, thick ropes of saliva bursting from her orifice and coating his dick and falling to coat her breasts as she tried to get her breath back. "You need a lot of training." he admitted. "Now you need to clean up this mess." he stated and smiled wryly.
Master. The word made her feel sick, almost enough for her to retch upon the floor and empty her stomach's contents onto his feet. Unfortunately, her stomach was empty. She had nothing to vomit and no way to disgust him from his appeal to her. Mizuki didn't fight him as he slid his cock slowly into her mouth, his salty length moving horribly slow until he filled her orifice, pulling out just as tenderly.

And at first, it wasn't bad. She was able to think of other things, of gnashing teeth and blood spraying. To think of the blade pressing into Ozai's chest and his heart's last beat around her weapon. She thought of her people, nomads by fear and wandering souls. It was more pleasant than him, though he did assist in wetting her mouth with saliva a plenty

Then everything changed and he slammed into her, forcing her to gag around him as she fought for air. He had turned from gentle to demanding in an instant and her body fought against it, coughing and heaving in attempts to free her airway. Her throat constructed tight around him, causing deep panic to come from her chest. She bucked then, struggling to bite down through the ring gag.

As he pulled out, her saliva coated her body, her coughing the loudest sound in the world as her sore throat tried to pull oxygen in. She glared at him and did her best to spit with her mouth stuck open, only managing to blow a weak sort of raspberry.
Zuko sighed and grabbed a cloth to wipe off his cock, then stuffed it in her mouth, the rag wet with her saliva and smelling of him. Kneeling down in front of her his hand slaps across her tits, making the one bounce wildly, and he uses his other hand to slap the other way. He keeps them going, his hands slapping her flesh, which soon turned warm and red, his hands slapping at various angles until he had to slow, his fingers stinging and turning a little numb, he'd slapped her so much. Her nipples were a little hard, the rough attention to her breasts and the cool air helping that, and he got a couple of spring-loaded clamps from the bag, placing them on her nipples, whch they squeezed hard, pinching between their flat metal teeth.

Knowing that the female was a virgin had his cock dripping and nobody, or nothing, was going to take the pleasure of ripping her virginity from her. His eyes settled on Ezell. "Strip." came the simple command and the Fire Nation woman did so obediently to her Lord and Master Zuko. A smooth metal table was brought in, upon which Mizuki was placed, the cold metal bring her pinched nipples to taut peaks in those clamps, and with a small gesture Ezell set to work, her tongue eating and licking Mizuki's pussy. She seemed to enjoy the action, and ate the girl's cunt like it was a delicacy. Zuko just watched.
The assault was over faster than she would have expected from someone so sadistic, her eyes watching him as he cleaned his cock off before shoving the used rag into her mouth. She coughed around it, using her tongue to force it back out with ease. The one advantage of her ring gag was that she still had a decent ability to use her tongue, which could be very skilled in the art of pushing if need be. He moved his attention from her open orifice to her breasts, opting to slap them harshly enough to make the tender skin turn red from his attentions. She stiffened, a low grunt coming from her throat before she choked herself off. Her jaws went tight around the gag, her eyes going dull as she forced herself into her other world, pushing her mind away from the pain. She was brought back when he applied clamps to her nipples, which throbbed in tune to her heartbeat and had lost any other sensation. Her breasts still tingled where he'd slapped, the skin an angry red.

Then his attention was off of her, for a moment at least. The Cunt was instructed to strip, seeming to enjoy obeying the Prick, Mizuki's eyes watching as the woman obeyed him so blindly. She had no interest in the woman's naked form, and had no care for the metal table. At least, until she was placed upon it, her body presented as if she were a buffet for the taking. And it seemed that eating was precisely the idea in mind, Ezell getting to work at servicing Zuko's current slave. The sensation, at first, was easy to ignore. Ezell's tongue was a hot, slick thing that teased and prodded at the right places, but Mizuki was a stubborn creature. Her body, on the other hand, was a betraying thing, her sex growing wet from Ezell's attentions and her hips bucking as the woman's devilish tongue hit spots that were particularly good.

At one point, Mizuki couldn't fight a soft moan, her body clenching immediately to choke the noise off. Her hands drew tight into fists, wrists pulling at her restraints with all her might so that the pain of bruising would overcome the pleasure of being serviced so skillfully.
The soft moan did not go unnoticed by Zuko and he moved up beside the strapped down captive and bent, suckling and swirling his tongue around those clamped nipples, after taking off the clamps of course, a sweet gentle caress compared to the cruel metal. His mouth came off one nipple with a pop, breast distended from the suction and he moved Mizuki so that her head hung back over the edge of the table, whereupon Zuko once more slid his cock into her waiting open mouth.

He was gentle once more, gently sliding in and out of her mouth as Ezell lapped and licked at Mizuki's soft sex, flicking her tongue over that small hard nub at the apex of her slit. Zuko fondled her exposed tits, thumbs rubbing over pert nipples tenderly. His sac tapped her nose with each inward thrust, and he pushed, though not violently like last time, until he saw her throat working, a slight bulge as his cock penetrated deep, though he didn't hold it there.

Slowly he withdrew his shaft and smiled as Mizuki's saliva slid out of her mouth and down her face. Ezell left a parting kiss on her pussy and in moments they were gone, leaving Mizuki alone with her thoughts.
Mizuki drew in a harsh breath as the man leaned down, her quite sore nipples throbbing in turn with her heartbeat as his tongue gave them quite lavish attention. Her eyes closed and she struggled to concentrate instead on things that were not arousing. Awful images played through her mind, memories of when she had been hardened against the brutalities of war. She saw skin burning then bubbling like water, blood oozing from a freshly cut throat, and forced herself to think of close loved ones dying, if only she had been there to save them. She struggled, truly struggled with it, but she didn’t make any further noise. His mouth was off of her as soon as he had been there, though he was moving her now, the new position just as… Awful.

The woman was keeping up well with her duties between Mizuki’s legs, her sex having grown wet enough that she was sure it would make these fools believe she was truly interested. Her eyes squeezed shut even further as his cock slid into her throat, a choking noise coming from her as she fought not to gag. His cock was large, forcing against the ends of her body’s capabilities, but he pushed her boundaries no further than that. She could smell his musk from his balls, the rank smell of unwashed flesh and sweat a harsh concoction on her stomach.

And before she thought it would get worse, he pulled out of her mouth, her saliva dripping slowly down her face. Her eyes didn’t open until she heard the door shut closed behind them, her body relaxing against the table slowly. Her legs trembled and her face was pale to the point of being almost ghostly, her tongue flicking out as best it could to wet her severely dry lips. In the silence, she fought against the fear in her belly, because she thought things couldn’t get worse than physical torture. But they could. Oh god, they could….
How long she stayed like that, splayed on the table, was uncertain. However, it was long enough that her limbs ached, and her tummy growled, her mouth parched and unable to be closed, tongue dry and feeling three times thicker than she knew it to be. Then, a steady sound could be heard, a ratcheting type of sound and above her the ceiling slowly drew back, revealing an opening some six feet long and four feet wide, directly overhead.

Zuko and his bitch stood there and several men stood lined around the opening to her small little cell.

"She looks like she might be thirsty, gentlemen. Give her something to drink." Zuko commanded, to which each man of the Fire Nation produced his cock. At first Mizuki thought they might mean to piss on her, yet each man took in her naked form and began to stroke his cock to life and hardness and soon their purpose was clear.

There was little she could do save to move her head from side to side as, one by one, each man aboard the ship came by to spurt and spill his seed onto her - each trying to get her mouth, though as the hour dragged on, it did not matter. Mizuki was covered almost head to toe in spunk from the crew of the vessel, Zuko smiling all the while as he watched it rain cum down onto the murderous bitch.
The silence would have been restful if not for her aching and throbbing muscles, her body violated and abused until she felt like she was a child's play thing. She let her head fall lax against the table, her eyes closing as she did her best to conserve energy, though it was hard to concentrate with the worsening of her dehydration.

Her tongue felt like a sponge inside of Her mouth and her lips had started to chap, the inability to close her mouth making her airway just as dry. She was almost tempted to fight against the mouth restraint when the ceiling opened above her, revealing a hatch that exposed her captors. Zuko's words were lost to her foggy mind and she strained her eyes against the invading light.

She didn't need to see what was happening when the first of many started to cum on her. She felt their wet mess on her face, dripping from the sides of her mouth and making disgusting trails across her skin. Those that missed hit what they could until her body was covered, glistening in their milky seed. She could feel it make her limbs slippery and sticky, drying on her and making her feel the need to fetch. It was almost bad enough to make her want death. Almost.
Once the crew had finished, Zuko made a small gesture and Mizuki found her cell opened and the chains going lax, the ring gag removed from her mouth. Zuko himself had not taken his ease and he had also disappeared from sight, as had the bitch Ezel.

Mizuki was half-carried through the ship until they came to a large set of double doors, the symbol of the Fire Nation upon it. The guards carrying her basically lobbed her into the room when the doors slid open and inside Prince Zuko stood waiting, his faithful dog nowhere to be seen. The Prince addressed her, his voice soft. Which made him sound all the more dangerous.

"I realize that there is no reason that I cannot be civil, and so I have provided a way for you to bathe. I know you have some skill at bending, but let me assure you; if you make any move to do anything except cleanse yourself I'll char you to the bone, from your feet up so that you live the longest and die in agonizing pain. Do not test me. This does not have to be unpleasant."

Zuko then indicated the bath that had been prepared, and though the water was not bubbly, nor scented, it was clean and soap had been provided. "Please, wash. I will then accompany you to get something to eat." he said, and several torches burst to life around the room, lighting it quite well, and even under the tub of water, a flame to warm it.
It was heaven, blessed heaven, when the ungodly raining stopped and the hatch was closed again. She let in the mess, defeated momentarily and feeling... Very weak. The soldiers came for her then, releasing her shaking arms from the shackles and pulling the ring from her mouth. She spat, large globs of cum being the only thing she had been able to produce from her mouth.

With their seed out of her orifice, she relished the feeling of closing her jaws, doing her best to wet her cheeks again. Her moment of peace was short before they were dragging her away, a blessing as she hadn't regained her strength yet. She was just starting to feel her limbs again when they tossed her through doors into a room that had only one other occupant - Zuko.

Mizuki was weak, but not so much that she couldn't feel the pull of the water so tantalizingly close. She wanted nothing more than to pierce his heart with ice, but he was already making threats. "I was just a dancer," She murmured, "Just a dancer lucky enough to get close." She used what dignity she had to push her body upright and crossed the room to the bath.

There was no dignity in the noise she made as she eased into the water, a pitiful whimper coming from her throat. She eased down until it was up to her chin, her eyes closing for a moment. After the heat relaxed her muscles, she grasped the soap and scrubbed the filth of seed and dirt from her flesh. She scrubbed until her skin was an agitated red and stung in the warmth.

As she started to work her hair into a lather, she turned her eyes onto Zuko again. "What do you want from me? What is the purpose of this?" She asked, rinsing her hair clean. Beneath the dirt and the grime, she truly was a beautiful girl. She had skin that was smooth and pale and hair that shone. She kept her body well and had attended to herself diligently.
Zuko took a seat by the door and watched as the cum-covered female strode toward the tub. Even in her grimy state he could tell she was fit, and well proportioned. Quite pretty in fact, and yet her words brought a malicious laugh.

"Just a dancer? I think not. We both know that is not true at all, and I would rather you retain your silence than spew such lies." he told her and a ball of flame sprung into being above his open palm.

"I wonder if I could flash boil you before you could bring that water to bear on me. Not that it would make any difference, as you'd be dead before you left this room. As to my purpose in this... I plan to feed you, to maybe eveb pamper you. The at the end of the evening I plan to take you to bed and deprive you of your maidenhead, and introduce you, usher you, into womanhood."

He stated things clearly, his intent now known, and if Mizuki cared to look, the outline of his thick cock could be seen confined by his pants. Zuko smiled though and a gentle scrape of metal on metal could be heard and in his hand then was some sort of tool, a metal pair of pliers and Zuko had stood. "But first you're going to suck my cock, this time without that damnable ring. ut make no mistake - if you dare to bite, I'll rip every tooth out of your head and fuck your mouth anyway. Not to mention I'll burn your breasts off your body. Have you ever seen fat bubble when heat is applied? It's not a pretty sight."

Zuko smiled maliciously and his tunic fell away. Were it not for the position he held most would believe he was quite handsome and certainly fit, corded muscle on a runner's body, an adept martial artist. And between his legs an impressive cock.

The Prince moved closer, that smile still on his face. Already the metal tool in his hand glowed red hot, and he kept his gaze steady on Mizuki as he approached and stopped at the edge of the water.
He may as well have been threatening the door frame for as much as she paid attention to him, focusing instead on getting herself clean first and foremost. She glanced at him every few moments, quick movements that were trying to gauge where she stood with him as far as the level of trust. Apparently, she stood very low on the rung when it came to trust, but perhaps she could change that if she was convincing enough. This wasn't the first man she had fought before, and this wouldn't be the last one.

With her body clean, she had no further distraction from the problem at hand - Zuko was approaching her with a red-hot pair of pliers, threatening her with bodily harm should she be resistant to his advances. Rather than looking at his weapon, she stared at what would do more damage to her - his cock. It was an impressive thing, thick and long, throbbing with desire. Her eyes moved back up to his face, apathetic towards the fact he was still conveying threats against her well-being.

She quirked a brow slowly and sighed, rinsing the last of the bubbles off of her body and swirling the water with her hand, lifting just a bit of it into a small ball. It swirled gently in her palm, held steady by sheer concentration of will. But still, it was weak. Obviously weak. But it would do for what she needed.

It wasn't an attack, but it did strike at his hand, hitting the metal with a hiss loud enough she was sure someone could hear it if they walked by the door. "Drop your weapon. You have nothing to fear from me." She said, sighing once again as she lifted herself from the water. The cooler air brought her nipples to peak and goosebumps to rise on her skin, but she didn't mind them. Mizuki stepped out of the tub, running her fingers through her hair slowly to move it from out of her face and let it fall down her back instead.

She leveled her eyes on him as she approached, closing the space between them with caution, stopping only when she felt the brush of her pert breasts against his chest and felt his cock rub against her stomach, pressed between them snugly. "Force can make things lose their... Charm." She said, her words almost a purr, "Perhaps instead we could find something mutual."
Zuko paused as the water hit the red hot metal, hissing and steaming, though in another moment the metal had heated up again. Then Mizuki stood, the water cascading down her toned body and Zuko's eyes narrowed. This was... unexpected. If her aim had been to disarm him in some way she had succeeded. His eyes drank in her naked form, her toned body, her deft movements, and most of all her sexual wiles. Those perky breasts, small peaked nipples slightly darker in shade and her toned legs as she walked, hips swaying slightly, and between her legs, her pussy nearly denuded of hair, though just the smallest bit to mark her as post-pubescent.

Then her soft tits pressed gently to his chest and his cock was trapped between them the softness of her skin almost wrenching a grown from him. Almost. His dark eyes dropped to hers. "Mutual? Why would you do that? You're virginal and would exchange pleasure with me? To what end?"

In truth he had quite looked forward to raping this Water Tribe bitch, but she was right - mutual pleasure could be so much more fulfilling. He wanted to break her, to bend her to his will, to make her his. Zuko shook those thoughts from his head though as he regarded her, waiting for an answer.

"What is your game here?" he asked, though the metal in his hand slowly cooled as he once more drank her in. His father, that bastard... Zuko growled softly and his free hand came up to rest lightly on her hip, her skin soft beneath his touch, which did nothing to abate his desire for her. He wanted her, of that there was no doubt.
From the moment she rose from the water, dripping and glistening in the light of the fires, she knew that she had his full attention. His eyes were hungry on her body, moving over the curves of her hips and the mounds of her breasts. His cock showed the increased interest, as he had expected that he would have to force himself upon her once again. The first time had been completely on his terms, but this time she wouldn't let him have that power. Not again. She'd had enough of it, and she wouldn't permit him to make her be ashamed of what he could force her to do. Instead, she would consent and take away the pride in making her.

"There are many reasons why a woman would offer herself as such," She said, her top half leaning back just a bit so that their chests were no longer pressed together, her hands slowly rising. Her fingertips trailed softly up the outside of his arm, just touching skin enough enough to be considered a tickle, her eyes moving over his face, from his eyes down to his lips. Her hands came to stop on his shoulders, one moving up to cup the back of his head and the other moving to embrace him.

Mizuki pressed against him once again, pulling him in close as she closed the space between them, her lips pressing his cheek, moving down towards the corner of his mouth. Her kisses were soft, sweet even in nature. They were passionate, too, as if she had suddenly started to desire him more than she had wanted anything else in her life. Her breathing got a bit ragged as she hung a kiss again at the edge of his lips, eyes opening to look into his, "Perhaps I want my... First time to be memorable." She said, her lips brushing against his softly with each word.

She pressed their lips together then, her tongue a creature that pressed past his lips, forcing its way into his mouth. Her body pressed to him, her hips grinding his gently as her free hand pulled him in closer.
There was a reason they were called "feminine wiles" and Mizuki used them to her best advantage, the son of Ozai soon completely disarmed as the metal tool clattered to the floor. Mizuki's mouth plied kisses over his skin and as her fingertips drew up his arms Zuko barely repressed the shudder that coursed through him, and his hands found their way to embrace her as her lips finally met his own, her tongue dancing with his own as a moan rode the back of that kiss.

Zuko's hands moved along her skin, and one dropped to gently fondle and cradle her tight firm ass when the other ran along her spine, pulling her close, his turgid cock throbbing against her belly. The eyes of the Prince, when he finally broke the kiss to open them and gaze at her once more, were darkened in his desire and he spoke softly.

"I can make it memorable, if you speak the truth. There is no reason for us to be enemies. I have often thought along dark paths of my father, I..." Zuko said, and there it was. Perchance it was not that she had made the attempt on his father, but that he had not been the one orchestrating the attack. Zuko's eyes searched hers and he spoke again, his voice strong but still carrying a more gentle tone. "Accomapny me to my quarters?" he asked, not commanded, and it was obvious that this little slip of a girl was having some influence on the Prince.
The moment his would-be weapon clattered to the floor she was quick to kick It away from the both of them, though she still made no move to attack. Her hands were occupied on his skin and her mind about the other tasks at hand. Even if things had not started out well between them, she couldn't deny that there was at the minimum a chemical attraction between them.

Mizuki let the space come between them again, her hands moving down his chest and stomach, admiring the taut muscles. She let her fingertips graze along his cock and wrap around him slowly, starting to stroke him. "I do want it memorable." She assured him, letting her thumb run over the head, "Don't you want to make it the best experience in my life?"

She had swayed him enough that his next words weren't a command, but an offer, and she smiled at him sweetly. Her hands slid from around him and she broke apart from his body, turning towards the doors and taking a few cautious steps. "It would be my pleasure." She told him over her shoulder, stopping just at the doors to wait for him to lead the way.
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