Star Wars: The Limits of Will (Hellhound x Nobody)

RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan leaned back in his chair as he listened to the words of the bound Jedi. His smile widened the more she spoke, yet he was not entirely sure why. Normally, such defiance would be met with brutality and death from the Sith. This Jedi, however... he found her defiance oddly appealing, in ways he couldn't describe to himself even if he cared to try. He enjoyed the look of hatred roiling behind the pupils of the Jedi. Her bonds pressed into her flesh as she spoke, and Korvan raised an eyebrow as the Jedi finished speaking with the request for more water.

"Of course," he said softly, his maddening grin remaining on his lips. He raised the jug to the Jedi's lips once more. He tipped the jug further back as the Jedi drank, allowing her to fully drain the vessel.
"Perhaps some food?" Korvan asked, the ration packet rising from the floor to his hand as he gestured toward it.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

The wicked smile that overtook Korvan's features did not sit well with Sophii. It, more than anything else so far, convinced her that the days to come would be more miserable than any of her life so far. She tried to shake the thought free as she finished her water. When the crimson man offered her food, the young Jedi responded with a simple nod and a quiet "Yes."
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan fed the rations to the Jedi in silence. Although the Jedi kept her mind guarded, he assumed that she was feeling a growing sense of humiliation. The Jedi, though they teach humility, typically hide a secret pride within themselves. A silent strength, which was surely being assaulted by relying on the Sith for food and drink.

After the rations were gone, Korvan stood. He collected the empty vessels and strode toward the door. He turned once more to the bound Jedi.
"Sleep tonight, Jedi. When next you see me, it shall not be under any feigned truce. You will hate me more than you already do."

With that, Korvan left the cell and climbed the levels of the stronghold until he walked out into the harsh sunlight of the morning. As a Sith, he embraced passion; he could not deny the climbing passions he felt for the body of the Jedi. What he felt was not love, but a burning desire to erase every piece of who the Jedi had been, to craft a new mind borne out of anger, hate, and misuse. His mind ran with the possibilities that tomorrow would hold for his prisoner. He smiled his half-mad smile, then descended back into the stronghold. He would meditate; he knew he would need all of his mental strength to fully shatter the Jedi in the coming hours.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

"There is no Passion, there is Serenity."
The Sith was already gone when Sophii spoke, but the Jedi Code line was for her own benefit. For at least an hour after she had been left alone, Sophii was incapable of escaping that brooding aprehension brought on by that red-faced demon.

There would be no rescue, no more Jedi would come to Trysstèl. Too many had died on this world, and the Order was spread too thin as it was with the war. Most likely the Republic would retreat and loose the other worlds in the sector as well.

And that horrible smile that the Sith wore told the Padawan that he did not lie... She would live here in misery for as long as her captor found her interesting, and he would enjoy every minute of it. The girl's stomach churned at the memory of the way that evil creature reguarded her pale skin, her wide hips, her well-built legs and, of course, how his eyes had intermittently flicked to the generous swell of her chest. It wasn't the first time she had been noticed as such, but in previous days Sophii had been easily able to deter would-be suiters and perverts. Now though, at the mercy of a Sith from Zeltros...

Sophii nearly jumped as she felt the hot moisture of tears spash the top of her breasts. She found herself flushed, breathing too quickly in a near-panic, and the girl wished more than ever for the merciful death that would not come.

Instead, she breathed deeply, centered herself, and fell asleep without the intent to do so.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan ended his meditation feeling refreshed and empowered. The object of his meditation for the day had been emotion. Specifically, the emotion he himself had felt when he had first embraced the full potential of the Force within himself. He had the benefit of never having been tainted by the inhibiting Jedi teachings, but he knew that for all who make the decision to truly bend the Force to their will, those same emotions are present. He remembered the rage he'd felt when he first touched the surface of the Force; to know that the Jedi had access to such a limitless source of power, and yet declared certain uses of that power as "taboo" filled him with a frustrated anger that still burned within his chest. His current goal was to make the Jedi shackled in the depths of the stronghold feel that same rage, and to force her to open herself to the true depths of the Force. It was only an additional incentive that the Jedi was such an attractive girl; the turning of a Jedi was pleasure enough, but the carnal lust which Korvan felt for the girl would be slaked as well. It was just after midnight. Korvan had promised the Jedi rest for the day-- and that day was now over.

The Sith descended the levels of the stronghold and stood outside the Jedi's cell. He reached out, feeling for her mind. He smiled as he found her mind largely unguarded; she was asleep. He entered the room quietly and found the Jedi, her head slumped forward in a deep sleep. "The sleep of the dead," as Korvan's father had described such rest, years ago. He approached the sleeping Jedi quietly. He took the moment to feast his eyes on her flesh once more. Her plain, black undergarments were all that hid her nakedness from him.

With a flick of his wrist, the cloth was violently ripped from her body. The tattered cloth struck the far wall and fell the to floor in an instant, the naked body of the Jedi bared before the eyes of the red-skinned Sith.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

The pinned Padawan woke with a startled gasp. The first thing she saw was Kato's killer, standing a few feet away and grinning madly. Then she noticed her last vestiges of modesty lying in a shredded heap at the far end of the room. Sophii tried not to look too frightened, but she was already breathing just a little too quickly, and her pounding heart had already begun to turn her face almost as red as her captor.

The girl dropped her eyes to her own skin, which by now had gone smoothe again since she was used to the cool air in this room. Her ample breasts moved with her breath, nearly blocking sight of the rest of her athletic form. She noted the fact that her burn was nearly healed now, just as she was visually reminded of the single secret that she had kept from her master; a two-inch-tall tattoo of the Jedi emblem in black ink which sat just under her naval and just above her vagina.

Sophii kept her head low so her raven black hair draped over her chest to block her face as she silently called for an end to this nightmare...
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan wordlessly stepped forward, placing himself mere inches from the Jedi's bound body. Korvan leaned forward, looking up into the girl's downturned eyes. The Sith then eyed the tattoo on her pelvis; he placed his palm on the cool flesh of the Jedi's stomach and ran his thumb over the inked symbol of the Jedi. Korvan looked up once more and with a flick of his wrist, the Jedi's head was pushed back against the upright platform which she was bound to. Another gesture of his hand, and the platform steadily slid downward and tilted back, resting finally with the Jedi lying flat on her back a few feet from the floor-- and at the height of Korvan's waist. His red eyes drifted from the Jedi's face, down her heaving breasts, and back to the tattoo. He gently rubbed the inked flesh once more.
"A mark of your loyalty to the Jedi," Korvan muttered. "That must have hurt. Its removal will hurt more."
Korvan's eyes flashed as his wicked grind spread across his face once more, his gaze meeting the Jedi's
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Try as she might, Sophii couldn't calm herself; her heartrate actually increased as the Sith Lord drew nearer until she could see his burning eyes peeking from that inky purple hair. She sucked in a shaky breath when his warm hand touched her, but made no noise. That was until the small yelp of surprise at having her still-sore head thrown back.

The terrified girl's thoughts raced as she felt herself shifting into a new position, one that served to solidify her fears of what was ahead. She swallowed hard and focused her wide eyes on her captor's features while he looked her over from the new vantage point. She did not flinch when he touched her tattoo for the second time, and when he talked about removing it she replied in a voice far braver than she felt, "Nothing you do will shake my faith. My Master and friends all died as Jedi... And so will I."

Even as the words left her mouth, Sophii remembered just what that meant, and started to think of a way to stop this twisted man from hurting her any more...
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan smirked as the Jedi spoke of her willingness to die a Jedi. His hand still on the soft flesh under her navel, he curled his fingers, causing his fingernails to press lightly into her flesh. He ran them up her stomach, across her ribs, to her right breast, leaving five crimson paths across her thin, pale body. He grasped her breast forcefully and lowered his head. He ran his tongue from where her neck and shoulder met up to her ear, which he bit softly and tugged on with his teeth before whispering, "I've told you, young one, you will not die. You will only wish for death." Korvan's hand released the girl's breast, moving to the burn on her thigh. He pushed his palm against the burn, putting pressure on the sensitive, healing flesh.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Sophii fumed in anger while the Sith ran his nails across her body. When he grabbed her breast she was shocked at first, she had never realized just how sensitive that part of her body had become. A small whimper escaped the Padawan before she could stop it.

The young Jedi turned her head away and shuddered in disgust at the wetness of her captor's tongue sliding up her neck. At the touch of his teeth, she froze- afraid that he might just rip the apendage from her head. She held perfectly still until he took his hand away, only then did she exhale the breath she hadn't even noticed that she'd been holding.

At the pressure upon her wound, Sophii's leg tensed up, but she did not react as strongly as before. Pain was not new to her, pain was something that all Jedi were trained to handle. She began to let the pain fade from her mind, closed her eyes and let the Living Force flow through her body, but she was still unable to relax, not when she knew what still lay ahead...
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan tightened his grip on the young Jedi's leg as he gripped the other as well, forcing them apart and tightening her bonds. She was now held totally vulnerable, her arms shackled at her sides, her legs splayed open. Korvan hungrily eyed the region where her legs met, then glanced up into her eyes.

"Your master was a Jedi," he began, growling. "He had mental fortitude, and physical discipline. Beneath all of that, however, he was a man just like any other. Your master lusted after your flesh, even if he did not admit it to himself. I'll take for my own what he was too weak to."

As he spoke, he had been walking slowly from the Jedi's feet to her waist, running his fingers from her foot to the top of her thigh. When he finished speaking, his left hand forcibly grasped her crotch while his right hand grasped her neck. He pushed several fingers into her, staring into her eyes, relishing every emotion.

"Call me 'master'," Korvan whispered.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Sophii gasped quietly when her legs were spread open. She could not take her eyes away from the frightning, greedy face of the madman who had taken her here. While he traced a line up her leg, the helpless young Jedi listened to the sacrelige spoken about her slain master, and it made her angry. She was about to open her mouth to reply when the Sith grabbed her.

Sophii opened her mouth in a soft grunt of protest at her captor's grip. Then the demon forced his fingers into her roughly and the girl loosed an undignified, involuntary cry. Her back arched as her hips instinctively reeled away from the invasion.

When she heard what the Sith said next, Sophii screamed at him wrathfully. "I'LL NEVER CALL YOU MASTER!!" She was crying again, far beyond the point of holding in her emotions at the moment. She squirmed as her body tried to get used to the sensation of something in her genitals. "Dont talk about him again!" The girl was so beside herself she failed to notice that she had begun to wrap a telekenetic grip around the red man's throat...
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Korvan explored the depths of the Jedi's body, relishing the frantic movements she made against him. He smiled as she cried out in protest and tightened his grip on her as his fingers worked the walls of her womanhood. His smile faded as he felt the pressure growing on his throat, constricting his breathing. When he realized that this was the work of the Jedi beneath him, he half-smiled knowingly. Even in the midst of complete despair and physical anguish, this girl had the power to formidably attack him with her mind. This was not the behavior of a Jedi--this was the power of the Dark Side.

The stranglehold grew tighter and the Sith wheezed for air, his already crimson skin darkening a flushed, blood red. His hand, which had been on the Jedi's neck, now circled her throat. What she did to him telekinetically, he did to her physically. His thumb pressed onto the Jedi's windpipe, forcing a ragged rasp to issue from her throat which was similar to his own. Oddly, this mutual attack on each other had an arousing effect on Korvan. He felt as if the two were speaking in a wordless language that each appreciated and understood. His throat was almost completely pressed shut, and he tightened his own grip, causing the Jedi's pain to match his own while his other hand continued groping her.
RE: Star Wars: The Limits of Will

Sophii's mind went from dispair to outright panic when the Sith tightened his grip around her neck enought to actually restrict her breathing. It wasn't enough for him to simply molest her, but he had to make it violent? Scrambling around her mind for a way to fight back, she realized that she already was choking him.

Then it made sense, and as much as she wanted to hurt him, the girl was afraid of how he would react, so she let go and hoped that he would do the same before too long, the will to die forgotten in her animal panic...
Korvan breathed deeply as he felt the weight on his throat dissipate. With a grunt of disgust, he let go of the Jedi's throat as well. The color of his face returned to normal as he removed his hand from her groin. He had planned on methodically torturing this girl to the breaking point, but something about her willful resistance had stirred another need within him: the need to truly dominate. He looked down at the girl, sensing the fear and anger seething within her. No more games.

With one quick motion, the Sith tore his robes from his body, letting them fall to the floor in a heap at his feet. He stood before the Jedi, his red flesh bared completely, the countless scars of battle marking his torso like the lines of a map. Beneath his waist, his pulsing cock stood long and erect, pointing toward the sprawled Jedi.
"You've had it easy," Korvan said, pacing around her. "Until now."
The young Jedi gasped deeply and coughed a couple of times when the torturing hands were withdrawn. She tried to breathe deeply as she noticed the feelings of warmth and moisture in her vagina.

But that couldn't be right! Sophii knew that this happened to a woman when she got aroused, but she wasn't enjoying this! Was this some new trick of the mind taught to Darksiders? Was it a power that Zeltrons had over other Humanoids? Either way, the teenager's own body had turned against her.

Then the Zeltron ripped his own clothes off to reveal a toned muscular body marked by a hundred scars from past battles. As much as she wanted to just close her eyes and wake up back home, Sophii's violet eyes tracked down her torturer's form and locked just below his hipline.

The girl stared in wide-eyed terror at the Sith's thick, pulsating member. Her first thought was weather that thing could really fit inside her body, but of course she knew he would make it. It was all she could do to keep a small shred of dignity by keeping silent...
Korvan leapt onto the platform which held the Jedi. He stood over her, the two now matching in their nakedness. He beheld the toned muscle, trained for usefulness above cosmetics. He dropped to his knees between the girl's legs. The sense of power he felt over this young Jedi was intoxicating-- the knowledge that she existed now only because he willed it, and only for his pleasure. He took a shuddering thigh in each of his hands, gripping the flesh tightly as he neared his throbbing cock to the Jedi's womanhood.

"Whether or not you call me your master," Korvan said, breathing raggedly. "That is what I am." With a quick motion of his hips, the tip of Korvan's cock pressed into the tightness of the Jedi.
Sophii did her best to steady her ragged, choppy breathing as her captor joined her on the table. She could see how much the Sith creep enjoyed the control he held over her, and she couldn't help the rage she felt. She was a Jedi, one of the most revered warriors in the galaxy, yet here she found herself helpless as the Zeltron grabbed her legs and drew himself closer than she ever wanted to be to a man.

Then he did it, he pressed the swollen head of his dick into her body. All she could do was growl in protest at the feeling of the blood-red thing pushing her lower lips apart, and deny him the satisfaction of eye-contact by sealing her eyelids tight and turning her head to the side. She almost could pretend that all this was just a bad dream....
Korvan's eyes steadily bore into the Jedi's averted gaze, drinking in every display of helplessness which radiated from her every breath. His hand found her breast, rolling the nub of her nipple between his fingers for a moment. He smiled at the very apparent disgust she as feeling at his touch, not to mention his cock waiting on the threshold of her quivering sex.

His hand left her breast, tracing across her collarbones and finding her neck. His fingers slid around, gripping the back of the Jedi's head. He forcefully turned her face toward him, though her eyes still would not find his. Korvan grinned momentarily, then his face became taut as he force his entire cock into the Jedi, his shaft pulsing madly within her. He bit his lip with too much force, eliciting a drop of blood which fell casually onto the chest of the woman quivering beneath him.
The girl bared and gritted her teeth when she felt him grab at her chest. She shifted her head, trying to deny his fingers purchase, but he jerked her head forward reguardless. Suddenly Sophii felt as if she'd been impaled, and realized that she indeed had as her eyelids flew open and she sqealed loudly. With a ragged gasp and a long moan she sqirmed uncontrollably at the electric, all-consuming sensation of total invasion and each movement set off a thousand more nerves that elicited more high-pitched squeaks. She would have been embarrassed if she could think, but it wouldn't matter since her pale face had already flushed nearly as red as that of the Sith.
Korvan bathed in the humiliation exuded by the Jedi beneath him. His cock penetrated her depths, stretching the physical limits of her body. His fingers pressed painfully into her flesh, holding her firmly in place. His breath quickened as his brained fired with the sensations relayed from his swollen member. Her cunt moistened around him, swallowing his cock eagerly.

"Feel no shame," Korvan half-whispered between thrusts. "Your body admits what you will not."

After several minutes of satisfyingly intense fucking, Korvan dismounted the Jedi and left her quivering on the platform before him. With a frantic flick of his wrist, the platform leaned further back, placing the Jedi's head at the level of his waist and her feet high in the air, still strapped to the platform. The Sith eagerly thrust his cock into the Jedi's mouth while she gasped for air, feeling her tongue instinctively wrap around him. He groaned lowly, then faced her upturned pussy directly in front of his face. He gripped her ankles and buried his face into her wet sex, savoring every taste as he worked his cock in and out of her mouth.
The young Jedi continued to moan and scream uncontrollably as the Zeltron bastard assaulted her where noone had ever touched before. After an impossible time she shuddered when he pulled out of her and sobbed quietly as he got to the floor.

Just when she thought that he had finished, the Sith had turned her upside down. She couldn't even resist when he stuck his penis into her mouth. Without knowing why, she accepted the huge, fleshy thing that had been soaked in her own bodily fluids and closed her lips around it. Then she felt him tonguing her sex and somehow the sensation was almoat as powerful as his cock being there. Then she began to gag and sputter for air while being attacked once again, since the bright red cock was pushing deep into her throat...
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