Star Wars: The Limits of Will (Hellhound x Nobody)


Jan 1, 2015
"We'll reach the rendezvous point in fifteen minutes, Sir," called the trooper at the speeder's controls. His loud, modulated voice jarred Jedi Padawan Sophii Savaros from her restful trance. The ninteen-year-old human opened her violet eyes and nodded at the man's white plasteel helmet. "Very good, Lieutenant."

She turned her attention to the horizon ahead, colored red with the setting sun. Several miles away she could see the walled city of Tryss and to the North of that, Zora'Tryss ridge; the heavily fortified cliff that had so deftly protected the Sith-held city from the numerous Republic assaults throughout the planetary occupation.

Sophii and her master,Kato Stormryder , had been present at the last failed seige, which was the reason they had been assigned to escort an ambassador to negotiate a planetary truce which would render Trysstèl neutral for trade. They were, in fact, the only Jedi team to survive. Sophii cleared her head of that awful day and spoke into her commlink at the command frequency, "Stay sharp, everyone. The Sith aren't known for keeping their word. Ambush likely."

As soon as she released the switch on the device, she felt the touch of her Master's consciousness at the edge of her mind, he was trying to keep her calm, steady. She appreciated the gesture, but she couldn't help being on edge. No being could after seeing so much death in their first week at war.
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The small strike team made no sound as the lead scout peered through the macrobinoculars and muttered what Darth Korvan already knew: they were coming, and there were Jedi with them. Korvan had felt them as they sped across the desolate landscape toward Tryss; he had felt the rippling waves that only the Jedi were capable of emanating. They were waves of weakness, of naivety, and of an eagerness to die.

The setting sun cast a crimson hue across the Sith troopers as they watched the speeding convoy from their position on Zora'Tryss ridge. The troopers who had shed pieces of armor during the wait were given red-hued skin by the light of the retreating sun. Korvan looked down at his own arms, the only flesh of his that was not armored, and saw that the sun made no change. His red Zeltron skin now matched the skin of his troopers; they were one mind, one flesh.

Darth Korvan turned to face the strike team. In front, stood a bound and gagged republic trooper. His face was bruised, his lip bled freely, and he breathed raggedly.
"Your information was accurate," Korvan said. "You have served the Sith well."
A low chuckle went through the Sith troopers, and the Republic soldier spat blood in the direction of Korvan. The Sith strode forward and grabbed the soldier by both his collar and belt. He raised the bleeding man over his head, then threw him effortlessly over the side of the ridge to the rocky ground below.

Korvan felt the mind of his apprentice across the landscape; the young human was eager to do what they had both traveled here to do: to ensure that the Republic were not able to use the planet as a port for their war efforts. Today would drive the final nail into the coffin of the Republic's plan for this planet.

"Weyrn," Korvan said into his commlink, "begin the attack. I'll join you shortly."
Without a reply from his apprentice, Korvan heard the echo of sudden explosions and blaster fire from across the rocky terrain. They had struck the convoy.
"Let's finish them," said Korvan, and the Sith troopers mounted their speeders and descended Zora'Tryss ridge, tearing toward the battle.
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Sophii had finally decided to close her eyes and scan the surrounding area through the Force when she was assaulted by the dying screams of several troopers. Her eyelids flew open and she saw the head vehicle, flipped on the side of the road and flaming from running over a bomb. All of a sudden, blaster bolts pelted the convoy and several more troopers fell before their companions could return fire.

Sophii grabbed the ambassador and pulled the old man from the speeder, then brought him behind a rock where three troopers had taken cover. "Captain, report!" She shouted as she grabbed a rifle and killed two enemies.
"Sith forces, Sir! At least sixty of them came outta no-" the trooper slumped over, his head blasted open by a red bolt of light. Sophii ducked behind the rock in time to dodge another laser.

Suddenly, the other two troops by her side screamed and died, and Sophii turned to see a blonde man, hardly older than herself, drop a blaster and shed his black robe to reveal a black outfit and draw out a crimson lightsaber. The Padawan stood and lit her own blade, ready to defend the ambassador. "Bring it on, you Sith scum!"
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Korvan and the dozen Sith scout troopers sped across the rocky terrain, each on their own speederbike. The plume of smoke rose ahead, signalling the location of the ambushed convoy. Korvan led the column of mounted soldiers to small hill and instructed them to dismount where the hill afforded them some cover. Without wasting a moment, Korvan led the Sith soldiers over the hill and looked down upon the firefight below. The convoy had been completely halted, most of the speeders were smoking skeletons upon the rock.

Korvan saw that Weyrn had attacked from the side of the convoy, and had instructed another detachment to attack from the rear once the convoy had been halted. The boy was clumsy, but a brilliant tactician in battle. Korvan spotted his apprentice then, approaching a boulder where several Republic soldiers had taken cover. He saw the young Jedi then, knelt near the bodies of the dispatched Republic troopers. Weyrn would deal with her, he assumed. He felt the presence of another Jedi, however, yet he couldn't pinpoint his location in the battle. The cowardly Jedi was masking himself in the force.

Just as Korvan ordered his scout troopers to open fire from the hill overlooking the ruined convoy, he saw his apprentice ignite his lightsaber and approach the young Jedi. He simultaneously heard the sound of another lightsaber ignite nearby, and heard as the wielder struck down two Sith troopers. Korvan turned quickly and saw the older Jedi, standing over the corpses of two Sith scouts. The other Sith opened fire, but the Jedi was easily batting their blaster bolts away.
"Leave him to me!" bellowed Korvan, and waved for the Sith troopers to descend on the convoy and eliminate the remaining Republic soldiers.

Korvan's lightsaber floated from his belt to his hand with a quick flick of his wrist, and he threw his cape off. His body was completely covered in heavy battle armor, except for his arms. The Jedi wore only robes. He might be able to move faster than Korvan, but one false move and the Jedi would be cleaved in two. Korvan ignited his crimson saber and stepped greedily toward the Jedi.
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Kato flourished into a low Soresu stance, his golden blade pointed from his eyes to the armored Sith. "Let us pass!" He shouted as if ordering a soldier, "Was it not your people who called for the ceasefire?" The Jedi Master winced, not physically but within. It was the kind of flinch that only a skilled Force user would detect. He could sense his Padawan crossing blades with another Sith.

Down below, Sophii was defending herself and her charge franticly. She actually did not have too much trouble with the Sith himself, but in between his vicious spurts of attack and smacking blaster bolts away from the conspicuously robed ambassador, her reflexes were being tested indeed.

Having just deflected heavy fire from a repeater back into the line if enemy soldiers, she jumped and flipped over the old man in her charge (who was helping out with a blaster he'd found) to stop the recovering Sith apprentice.

He charged and swung his blade upward, Sophii dodged and he struck downward at her head. She deflected the blow and swung horizontally for his neck. The blondie dropped to his back to avoid decapitation and tried to cut the Jedi down at the knees so she somersaulted over him. Ending in a kneel, she swept her blade across the dusty ground but her opponent did a kip-up and rolled to try and flank Sophii with a stab, which she avoided by rolling away.

Both the young warriors faced each other and then charged. They clashed swords at eye-level, their blades flashing and spitting for a second before they exchanged a lightning-quick flurry of blows that left both of their robes burnt and tattered. Sophii stepped back in Jedi guard and breathed heavily, wondering how long it would take Master Stormryder to defeat the other Sith who was surely here...
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Korvan raised his lightsaber to signal his use of the Juyo stance.
"So naive," muttered Korvan. "This is war, Jedi. Your teachings create poor soldiers, and even worse tacticians."
Saying nothing more, Korvan pushed himself across the rocky ground at blazing speed and brought his crimson blade down onto the Jedi, who blocked quickly. Korvan wasted no time and pressed his attack, alternating blows to the left and right side of the gold-bladed Jedi. The Jedi stepped backward as Korvan attacked, surprisingly calm for the ferocious and unorthodox swings coming his way.

Below, Weyrn breathed raggedly through a smile. He also used the Juyo style, as Korvan had been teaching him, but the style was a reckless one and only compounded his arrogance. Weyrn raised his saber once more and stared into the eyes of his opponent. "You've failed," was all that Weyrn said as he leapt forward, attacking ferociously with a double-overhand strike.

Korvan stepped away from the older Jedi and sidestepped around him, like a prowling creature stalking prey. "Your books teach you defense against the same attacks they teach, Jedi. You cannot defend against emotion made into action. You will die here today."

Korvan lept to the left, then the right, bringing his saber up at an odd angle, forcing the Jedi to open his stance to block the blow. Korvan smiled wickedly at the Jedi before continuing his attack.
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Sophii swept her blade across her body with her right hand to deflect Weyrn's strike as she stepped into his space. Her left hand swept out, gripped the Sith's saber between his hands and twisted it from his grip as she spun around his back. Completing the spin, she planted the Sith's own blade, which she held in the reverse grip, into his back and finished him off by unwinding her right arm with an upward slash that tore through his spine and destroied his weapon.

The Padawan took a breath as her foe dropped to the ground. The skirmish had abated as the last few Republic troopers fell and the ambassador lay dead at the feet of a lone Imperial soldier. Sophii stalked toward him and deflected his first shot back into his neck.

She looked around for her master, then found the hill where he was engaging with the black-armored Sith. Sophii filled her body with the white-hot energy of the Force and practically flew over the intervening space to help finish off the monster.
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Korvan found the Jedi's defensive style to be maddening. While the Sith attacked continuously, the Jedi was desperately blocking each attack without ever once returning a blow. The Jedi seemed to be waiting for an opening, and Korvan decided to give him one. He made to attack from the right with one hand, and the Jedi moved to block the strike. Korvan quickly grasped the Jedi's hand, saber and all, halting his block. In the split second before Korvan's saber would hit strike, the Jedi did all that was left to him: the same thing Korvan had done. The Jedi desperately grasped Korvan's hand, and the two were locked together, each holding back the other's saber. Their faces glowed red and gold. Korvan knew that he had won now; this was no longer a test of skill or speed, it was a test of brute strength and nothing more. Korvan knew that the Jedi was no match for him physically.

Out the corner of his eye, Korvan saw as his apprentice was felled by the female padawan. He knew that she would be coming to help her master, and after finishing off the last Sith troop, she turned to do just that. She flew at the two, locked in combat, and Korvan filled himself with the Force, all of his anger and fear channeling through himself. With a shout, he released this pent up energy, forcing a solid of wall of energy to emanate from himself in no particular direction, but with great force. Just as the padawan reached the two, she collided with this wall and was flung backwards. The older Jedi was knocked off-balance and released Korvan's saber hand.

Korvan maintained his grip on the Jedi's saber, and as his opponent briefly reeled backward, Korvan took the opportunity to shove his red saber straight down on the exposed Jedi. The saber entered just below his throat and Korvan shoved the blade all the way in to the hilt, piercing the entirety of the Jedi's torso. Korvan deactivated his saber and let the Jedi fall to the dusty rock with a thud. He turned and faced the padawan, who had regained her footing after being knocked back only seconds ago.
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Sophii pointed her blade forward, set it at hip-level and began a battle-cry as she neared her Master and the Sith.
Suddenly her yell was cut off as she felt a wall of rageful kinetic energy reverse her momentum entirely and knock the wind from her lungs.

It took a couple of seconds to catch her breath lying on the hard, hot ground, but Sophii was able to get back to her feet just in time to see Master Stormryder impaled vertically by the blood-red lightsaber. At first she didn't understand what she was seeing, but when the blade retracted and the Jedi Knight fell, the cold slab of understanding slammed into her harder than the blast wave she had just endured.

"MASTER, NO!!!" Sophii screamed in horror even as she felt the Living Force escape from the broken vessel she had known for the past nine years. Her eyes flicked to the man responsible and she shreiked, "You bastard, you'll pay!!"

Rushing forth, the dark-haired young Jedi lit her azureite blade and slashed upward, then horizontal for the demon's legs before winding up to stab at his belly...
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Korvan grinned as he batted away the angry strike from the padawan. He felt that she was very strong in the force, but her strength had been limited by the small-minded Jedi teachings. He felt an anger in her, but she was not harnessing it and using it to her advantage. Korvan blocked attack after hurried attack, and when he saw an opening, he took it. The padawan lifted off the ground, an invisible noose tugging her upward as Korvan reached an arm out and gestured upward.

If she had been on her guard, he was sure that she would not have been susceptible to such an attack, but she was blinded by the loss of her Master. Korvan held her there for a moment, trying to decide what best to do with her. He glanced at the smoking corpse of his apprentice. The raw strength that he felt within this padawan dwarfed that of Weyrn, and if she could be bent to the Dark Side...
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Frustration mounted in the young woman as strike after desperate strike was thwarted by the older, more powerful warrior. She didn't care that she was fighting with anger. She knew that the Sith always fought this way, so maybe it woupd work for her to defeat this one, maybe it would make up for the hot tears clouding her sight.

Sophii swung her blade again at the Sith and felt it knocked away, forcing her off ballance. She struggled and kicked to regain her footing, but soon realized that she was no longer touching the ground. Nor was she able to breathe.

She lost the grip on her lightsaber as she tried to focus her energy on breaking the invisible vice around her throat. Inky darkness melted the edges of the Padawan's vision and in a final, desperate panick she hurled a telekenetic punch at the Sith Lord that she hoped would break his focus.
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Korvan cursed himself for spending time considering the life of this padawan, as the force of her punch struck in full in the chest. If he hadn't been wearing his heavy armor, it may have broken bone. It broke his concentration, and the padawan fell to the rocky ground. Korvan winced, but quickly brought the hilt of his lightsaber down onto the padawan's head, knocking her unconscious before she had hardly touched the ground once more.

Korvan groaned slightly and looked down at his armor. The armor was dented inward slightly where the padawan had struck out at him. She was strong indeed. Korvan looked over the smoking ruin that had once been the convoy bearing the ambassador. The corpses littered the ground everywhere, cut down by Weyrn, blown up by the ambush bombs, or shot down by blaster fire. Korvan gripped the padawan by the belt around her robes, and hauled her onto his speeder with him to take back to the Sith stronghold.
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A light shiver ran through the Padawan's body and she faded into consciousness. It was cold, her head hurt and her limbs felt heavy. No, not heavy... restrained. Why was she tied up, and why did the back of her head feel like it had been kicked by a reek?

Sophii went back to her last memory. She had been floating and it was hard to breathe... the Sith Lord was choking her. That's when it all came back; the ambush under Zora'Tryss, the boy she'd killed, and her Master's violent end.

Master Stormryder was dead and Sophii was alone; captured by the Sith. Hot tears ran down her cheeks, but she managed not to sob audibly. After a few moments remembering the man who had trained her since she was ten, Sophii breathed deeply to center herself.

She opened her eyes slowly, for it was bright in this room. The first thing she saw was her own toes. Her feet were bare, as were her legs and arms. Someone had stripped her to her plain black underwear and tank top, which explained why she felt so cold. She also noticed a shallow burn-wound on her left thigh that hadn't hurt during the fight, but now stung and itched badly. At least it had been cleaned.

Eyes now used to the bright white of the room in which she was captive, Sophii looked around to try and find a way out of this place...
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"Don't bother," said Korvan in a booming voice from behind the bound padawan. She lay on a table, which was at a slight forward angle.
"There's no way out," he continued. "There is only pain from here on."
Korvan stepped from behind the padawan, into her field of vision.
"You have two choices, Jedi. You will either use this anger you're feeling and turn to the Dark Side, or you will die. These are the only two ways out of this room."

Korvan smiled at the bound Jedi as he removed his battle helmet. His red skin shone brightly in the overlit room. His long hair, which normally appeared black in natural light, was revealed to be a very dark violet. His eyes, which matched his flesh, searched the Jedi's face for signs of weakness.
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The young woman flinched slightly, startled by the voice behind her. She felt a hint of fear upon hearing what he said, then anger when she saw the speaker. She made no attempt to hide her contempt for the Sith as he spoke to her, nor did her expression change when he showed his face.

"At least I know now why you hide under durasteel... You wouldn't want to muss up that pretty Zeltron face during a battle, would you?" Sophii knew that what she said was probably foolish, and at the very least mildly racist, but none of that mattered anymore. She knew that she would probably die here, but not without making this demon's life a little more miserable. Throwing caution to the wind just to prove a point, she snorted deeply and spat a ball of phlegm directly at the Sith.
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Korvan held his hand up and froze the liquid spat by the Jedi in mid-air. He stared into the padawan's eyes as he allowed the phlegm to hit the ground with a splat.
"It seems that, at least for now, you have chosen to embrace your anger." Korvan smiled and reached for his belt, revealing the Jedi's own lightsaber. He ignited the blade, the deep blue hue casting a glow on the face of the padawan.
"I don't think you'll be needing this," he said. "I'll dispose of it for you."
Korvan smiled a disgustingly enchanting smile and returned the Jedi's hilt to his belt as he turned to leave the room. As he walked past the Sith Trooper guarding the door, he muttered, "No food or water. Two days."
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The girl just fumed as her enemy waved her own weapon about. When he left the room, though, she screamed out her frustration, then let her head fall against the table, which hurt badly but not nearly as much as the memory of Master Stormryder falling roughly into the dust.

This led her to remember his teachings. What would he say if he'd seen her fit just now? He would tell her to center herself, not give in to her angry impulses. Anger was what her captor wanted, he'd said so explicitly. Sophii would not become like him, she would rather die.

That was when her stomach growled. Was she really going to be here for two days? Of course she would, something told her that this was something about which the Sith was likely to keep his word.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes and went into a trance of waiting. She could spend two weeks like this before she would at least need some water. Hopefully the Sith would decide to kill her before then. For the first time, Sophii actually hoped for death. Maybe she would be with her master again.
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Master Kato Stormryder walked into the small room that held the padawan girl. He cleared his throat loudly, walking a circle around the girl.
"You failed me, Sophii," the Jedi Master said, softly into the room. "You didn't detect the Sith presence. You let me die. You were captured, and worst of all, you left my body rotting on the rocky plain. You are no Jedi."

Darth Korvan sat in the next room over, his eyes closed as he projected the vision to the young padawan. He knew that she may detect his intrusion onto her mind, but the emotional impact of seeing her deceased master could break the girl without any further torture. The Sith's mouth moved silently as he spoke words through the mouth of the ghost of a Jedi.
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Sophii pretended not to notice whomever had entered the room until she heard his voice. Her eyes shot open to see something impossible. No, she reminded herself of the favorite saying of the caretakers at the Jedi Temple: all things are possible through the Force.

The Padawan sat in stunned silence as she watched the spirit of her master walk around her. She almost couldn't believe what she was hearing, he had never spoken to her like this, but then again, she had never failed him so completely. His words were true, and it hurt her deeply to hear him say them with such sorrow.

"Master, i'm sorry. i tried but there were too many of them... And that Sith boy just kept coming back..." She was crying openly now, unable to hold back or wipe away the tears. She reached out to him in the Force- but she couldn't find him. Was it because he was just a spirit and projecting the image of his body directly to her brain? The young Jedi then looked inward and found another mind touching hers, but it felt wrong.

The Sith, of course! He was trying to trick her. Damn, how had she not realized it earlier? Sophii quickly put up a wall to block him out. She would not fall for such a trick again.
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As Korvan felt the padawan pushing him out, he laughed. The vision of the Jedi master faded, but the last image was of Stormryder's face morphing into Korvan's own, and laughing his maniacal laugh. The vision faded, and the young padawan was left in the room again, alone.

Korvan did not allow the Jedi the comfort of sleep. He would regularly send Troopers in to loudly check the room, then exit moments later. He would falsify sounds of water dripping using his mind. For those two days, he did all that he could to rob the Jedi of comfort or rest. If she had not broken by the end of those two days, her torture would begin in earnest.
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Sophii was not impressed with the Sith Lord's parting vision, it just made her sick that he would defile the memory of her closest friend. Nor was she too bothered by the myriad neusances he came up with to test her resolve. The squad of troopers startled her the first couple of times, but she got used to their noisy intrusions.

What was bothering her midway through the second day, were the pains in her head and leg, which were both more intense than they would have been otherwise. She normally wouldn't have even noticed, but her mind was bogged down from dehydration and lack of sleep. Not to mention the cold temperature of the room, which had her exposed skin covered in goosebumps. Still, she would stick it out.

Sophii was sure that her captor would soon grow weary of these games, realize that they were going nowhere and decide to finish her off. To escape this mortal form and join Master Stormryder on the Far Shore was now the girl's only hope for the future.
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Korvan took an odd pleasure in observing the depths of the padawan's resolve. It seemed that the anger and fear that Korvan had felt coursing through her upon their first meeting had been stunted by the past two days rather than strengthened. If anything, the mind of the Jedi reeked of simple resignation to fate; perhaps Korvan had misjudged the girl. Perhaps she would not be turned so easily. Korvan decided that extreme measures should be taken to return a fire of hate to the padawan's heart.

On the third morning after her capture, Korvan entered the Jedi's cell. The Jedi looked beyond exhausted, both physically and mentally. Korvan brought with him a jug of water and a packet of liquid rations, the sort that Sith Troopers were issued. Korvan held the food and water in front of the Jedi.

"Which would you like first, food or drink?" he asked, simply.
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Sophii just glared tiredly at the tall, crimson man, trying to discern weather he was serious. After a second she decided he was. "Water," she croaked. The girl did not make direct eye-contact on the chance her captor might take such a thing as defiance and change his mind.

She wondered how long this imprisonment would go on, and weather the Republic would try another assault. Even if they did though, she knew there was slim chance that any rescuers would be able to get to her in time. She was totally at the mercy of this twisted individual and while it was true she would welcome death, she would not openly beg for it, nor would she be responsible for it, especially by such an unpleasant method as dehydration.
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Korvan silently raised the jug of water to the Jedi's lips, allowing her to drink her fill. After several moments of watching her drink, Korvan lowered the jug. He sat it in the ground at his feet, along with the ration packet. He sighed and, reaching his hand out, a chair slid across the floor and stopped directly behind him. He sat, his head at the level of the padawan's waist.
"Consider today a ceasefire," he said. "You may not trust me after the last Sith truce that you and your master agreed to, but it does not matter. You will eat and drink your fill today, and be allowed to sleep."

Korvan crossed his arms, examining the Jedi above him. His eyes searched hers, then fell across the rest of her mostly exposed body. He knew that the Jedi mind was a strong thing; the teachings of the Order tended to cement a solid will into students. The Sith mind was strong as well, however. The Sith's strength was found in the strength of the Jedi: the Sith were trained in appealing to the parts of a Jedi's mind which remain unguarded by Jedi teaching. Particularly, the Jedi are vulnerable to promises of knowledge of the Force, and of a freedom from the rigid Order they belong to. In addition to his abilities as a Sith, Korvan had the benefit of being Zeltron. Other races often found themselves entranced by his people. Enchanted, even.

Korvan smiled a toothy grin. Altogether, he was not unattractive. His eyes shined, his demeanor whispered of immense power held back only by his good judgment.
"However, Jedi, after today, your torture will truly begin. What you've endured so far had merely been a testing of your resolve. If you'd broken before today, you would have been no kind of Jedi at all. You and I know the truth, of course. You are strong. Stronger than your master, even, given the freedom and training you deserve. Know that I will not kill you, Jedi. Even if you remain resolute. You will live a long, wretched life here in the bowels of this world. Your only choice is this: how will your life be spent after this day? Would you accept my training and tutelage before I must resort to further breaking you? Or will you remain weak in your perceived strength, and whither away in the dark? I leave this choice to you."

Korvan stood and stared into the eyes of the bound Jedi, feeling the thoughts behind the pupils. The thoughts were many, and deep. Weakened though she was, he could not fully penetrate her mind to tell the details of her thought. She was strong indeed, and could be stronger, if she so wished.
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Sophii gulped the water in a manner that could only be described as greedy, but once she pulled her lips from the rim of the jug, she gave her captor a small nod of gratitude, telling herself that it was purely by instinct. The young Jedi locked eyes with the tall Sith and watched him carefully. He seemed honest enough as he returned her gaze and described her respite.

The Padawan prisoner remained silent as Korvan looked her over, she did not want to seem too desperate by asking for food just yet. Still, Sophii felt for the first time a disconcerting knot of fear in her stomach at the way the Zeltron eyed her mostly exposed skin. Though she was a Jedi, she was not ignorant of the fact that she was considered attractive. Likewise, she knew enough about Zeltrons to know that a Sith one would be a roiling storm of passions to compound the problem.

Through all this morbid contemplation, the Padawan kept up her psychic defenses. She didn't want her fear to be too obvious, even as the Sith Lord promised a future of pain. The girl waited a second to be sure her voice was steady as she replied. Aiming her deep violet eyes into the firey depths of her captor's, Sophii whispered serenely like a half-asleep child being tucked into bed.

"I won't become like you. I've seen what you do, what you stand for. Your love for war, for power at any cost..." She trailed off at the memory of a smoking Hellscape littered with the dead and doomed, watched her Master die again then shook her head once in defiance and resumed eye-contact.

She swallowed before going on, her voice just a little bit louder and more confident, "You're right about one thing, Demon, i am strong and i have the potential to be much stronger. That's the reason why I won't join you. I will not let myself become a tool of the Darkness.... Of pain and suffering." Her voice began to crack at the end of the speach, so she said quietly, "Now if you please, i'd like some more water before i eat."
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