Part Of Your World [ x ] Fantasy Life

Téa looked over her shoulder to him, but couldn't quite see him. She pushed herself up a little more before twisting about. One hand supported her torso, while her legs slid along side the other, to create a rather pretty pose. She cocked her head to one side, thinking over his question. She had a few furnishings, but nothing incredible. However, when he offered to MAKE furniture, her cheeks burned a bright red. "I-It wouldn't be asking too much of you...? I only have a small table, chair, bed, and wardrobe..."

Amalthea gracefully returned to her feet, before walking towards Lucas, her hips rolling softly, "I... I could pay you for working so hard.."
Luc allowed his eyes to linger on her as she approached him. Each motion seemed custom made to drive his imagination wild. He cleared his throat to chase away the old, dirty thoughts that invaded his mind.

"I'm sure that we can come to some agreement." Luc smiled. "Trade work, perhaps. I've been meaning to find a new sword or armor..." Luc felt a little stifled with her so close to him now that they were alone. Why was she affecting him so strongly? "If you would consider that, I would be happy to custom make some furniture for you."
Amalthea held her hands demurely, looking up to him with her large doe eyes. She nodded to his terms, "Of course. I'm happy to make something to ensure your safety.." She offered him a small smile.

Soon the two left their new home to return to Pam's. Packing was a lot easier than expected; everyone had made such a huge deal about it. Pam greeted the two, swapping their sets of keys out for a house key to their little cottage. The two were walking down the street as dusk settled in. People stood outside a little less, but those who remained seemed more... mysterious. They were whispering things, many things, mostly about the post office, and something about passwords? Amalthea tried her best to understand what exactly a post office was. Before long they were crossing the bridge back to the southern part of Castele, and things became much more relaxing.

Amalthea let out a happy sigh as they neared the little cottage, "Almost home~"

The two worked quickly and laid out the furniture. It turned out that Téa had also made curtains, a rug, and an extra blanket for her bed. Perhaps she had a knack for handy work?
Luc had little in the way of cloth furniture. He had the basic curtains that could be bought at the general store, but that was really it, so he let Tea hang hers over the windows. What Luc did have was some handsomely made furniture. His bed was made of a nice, strong palm wood with designs carved along the edges that seemed reminiscent of the sea. A large wardrobe, bedside table, and dresser were made in the same design. He settled his furniture in one corner of the large house and moved things around until he was happy with it.

"Well, this looks like a happy little home now doesn't it?" Lucas asked as he looked over all the furniture that had been set out. "Quite nice." He smiled at his new roommate. "Have you thought about what type of furniture you might want, Tea?" He asked before sitting down in a chair around the oaken table that had been brought. He wondered just what she would have in mind for it. No matter, he would do his best to provide it for her.
Amalthea scrunched up her face a little, as she thought about furniture. So far human furniture was very basic, if not the same as elven. Her bottom lip stuck out in a cute little pout, "Well, I'm not certain... I don't know much about human furniture, or decor..." She shot him a smile, "But I am willing to learn!" She looked about the room. What was missing? She puffed out a cheek. "We should get a fireplace... or a wood stove, or a kitchen, no? It might get cold during the winter months here..."
"I'm afraid that ovens and stoves might fall under your strengths as a blacksmith. Still, if you provide one, I'll make sure we never run out of wood." He smiled. "To be honest, I'm not very good as a cook either. I er... actually have to buy my food in town." For some reason, he felt embarrassed that he was unable to prepare anything but the most basic of meals for himself.

"There's plenty of time for you to decide what you like. Just give it some time and let me know when you come up for something." Luc looked at her for a moment. "You know, I've never considered how different things must be for you here. What do you think of our city so far?"
Amalthea nodded, giving him a sweet smile, "Well, it certainly is very nice. There are many aspects and areas I still need to explore, but so far I do enjoy it here. Everyone is very friendly, and very talkative, and very welcoming,"

She moved around, now sitting on her standard bed. "However... I have lived a long time in a quieter place, so I feel more at peace here in the country side. But the elven kingdom itself is very--how do I put it--surreal. In all my travels, I have never come across anything quite like it. From architecture, to furniture, style, and more, it is very glamourous. There isn't anything in the human realm quite like it..." She sighed softly, falling onto her back. Memories of the court, dancing and singing for the young king, her friends and family, all came rushing back. Tears welled in her eyes, yet she kept pushing forth, "You see, since we elves live for so very long, we get very good at our crafts, so everything in the elven kingdom is simply--perfect. However, sometimes the gates to the kingdom close, and when they may open up again could only happen in a very long, long time."

She jumped up to her feet, before turning around and fluffing up her bed. "M-maybe they have some books on it in the library?"
"It is possible that they might have something here in the library, but if not... there are rumors of a larger, more comprehensive library in Al Maajik." Luc offered. "It is a desert town not too very far from here. It is ruled by the Dark Sulton. From what I understand, they are not on very good terms with the King here, but it's not impossible to travel between the countries."

When he noticed her tears, Lucas produced a clean handkerchief from his pocket and crossed the room to her. He sat down on her bed and handed it to her. "Is that why you are here? You have been locked out of your kingdom?" He frowned. "That sounds terrible." Lucas turned to her. "If you can get in, I will help you in any way that I can."

Lucas was having a hard time imagining being locked away from his home. He had lived here all of his life and if he were barred from returning he knew it would be almost impossible for him to overcome that. Or so he thought. Still, if he could help her, he would do everything in his power to do so.
Amalthea's entire being shook as she tried to withhold the storm of emotions, which wished to flood out! Nervously she reached forward, taking his handkerchief. As she lifted it to blot her face dry, her damn broke, and everything came out in the form of tears. Her eyes began to well with water, before spilling over and down her cheek. Droplets collected at the edge of her chin, where they proceeded to fall off. She sniffled a little here and there, her body trembling, as she cried steadily.
"Mmph--wah-ahh--mm--a-ah--!!" It went on before she nodded, "I-I-I miss it so much!!"

Finally, she climbed up and onto his lap. With a leg over wither thigh, she took a seat; her skirt riding up her thighs. Her arms collapsed about his neck, while she cried on his shoulder.
"It's okay, Amaltea." Lucas said softly as she let out what had to have been years of grief. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist and held her tight while she cried. There was nothing he could do but hold her to him while she let out some of her grief. "Let it all out, Tea. It's going to be okay. You'll see it again. I promise."

Lucas was so concerned with his sudden burden that he did not even think of the position that she had climbed onto. He simply kept her held close while she cried herself out.
For once, Amalthea cried but it did not sound lonely, like the ones before, since she now had someone who could listen and relate to her emotions. The unicorn could never truly emulate her feelings, neither could the forrest creatures, or any other fae. Amalthea eventually found herself out of breath, and out of tears. Her eyes felt a little puffy, her face was wet. Her tears had soaked through poor Luc's cloths. Her head rested on his shoulder, her breath still hot on his skin. Amalthea whimpered, "T-thank you... Mister Lucas..."

She sat up right, her hands holding onto eahother just behind his neck. Amalthea looked onto his face, admiring its kind and caring expression. This was not something she was used to seeing. But her heart welcomed it eagerly. "you are truly a kind person, and I appreciate it about you."

And then it dawned on her.

The warmth she felt under her legs wasn't from a blanket, but another body. Her chest had been pressed against his; with her bosom and all. Amalthea shivered once, her body freezing up. She was in full contact with... A HUMAN!!!?!?!?!

In a blink she had rocketed off of Lucas, to behind the wardrobe; an eye peering around the corner of it. She had talked so freely to him too! It was way too much.
"Shhh, don't apologize." Lucas said to her after he realized just where she had gotten off to. When she moved away from him, it had been like a blur. I had even taken him a couple long moments to actually realize where she had hidden herself. "You're very welcome, Amalthea, it's no problem. Anytime you want to talk, I'm here for you."

Lucas realized that he was still sitting on her bed and stood up slowly. He smiled and motioned to the comfortable mattress before crossing the room to his own bed. He moved slowly so as not to scare her anymore than he had already. "It's alright, Amalthea. You don't have to hide back there. It's all okay. Why don't you move back to your bed?" She would be clear across the room from him then. Safe and sound.


It had been a couple days since their moving moment in their new home. The day was bright and early out and Lucas was just coming to. Today was going to be a busy, busy day. They had planned on walking the grasslands to the elderwoods in search of materials. He needed more lumber for his crafting and she needed to collect leathers and materials to make cloth for her own. If they did it right, they would be out for most of the day as they worked on their lives.
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