Part Of Your World [ x ] Fantasy Life

Jan 28, 2010
decide your own destiny


your's to make...


... in this expansive world





Anything note worthy
Character Age Appearance
Character Age Appearance



Day 1 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dearest Ellestia,

    I have decided to dedicate this journal to your memory. It has been quite some time since I left your lilac grove. The sun begins to fall so quickly after it has risen, I suppose that is why humans hold onto the concept of time... But how I miss you, and the forrest animals. The world has grown frighteningly in size, but I will make what I can of it.

    I arrived today in the castle city of Castele. I was able to find board for three months in the house of a woman named Pam. There are many other here like me, per say... Not elves, but humans wanting to make a life of their own. After some rest, I went in search of a place called a guild. We had those back home too. It's funny how similar yet so vastly different human life is to elven life... So many things bring back my memory of home. It makes me nervous to entertain the thought of peeking into the castle; is it anything at all like an elven fae court? Alas, I may never know. I digress, the guild had so many postings, and was bustling with so many people! Some gathered with others before a campaign, some were trading in bounty, others switching their trades! And then... then there was him.

    Ahhh! I can't believe I made eye contact with a human! M-my hands are trembling as I write this. I feel my heart beating uncontrollably still. How clear they were, had I looked longer, I could have seen into the depths of his soul. This man never knew hatred, or angst like the others I have met on my journey so far.
Dear Diary,

Day 1,

Pretty normal day today. The Guild Master recommended I keep a journal of sorts to keep track of my work flow. Something about staying making sure to stay on track and to push myself. I don't know, but it sounds like a plausible idea.

Spent the morning harvesting the new oak trees. I think I'll be able to move on to pine soon enough, but I am not confident in my ability to defend against the wilder monsters that inhabit the mountain ranges. Perhaps if I make friends with the Napdragon, it will help me.

I did notice a new person in town. An Elf! I do not know where she comes from, but she is working for the guild. I will ask around to see where she comes from. It is strange to see such a person here. She seemed out of place and has caught the attention of more than just me. I will keep an eye on her when I can. I do not like the looks she was getting.

Tomorrow I will try mining. There is much copper to be found.

Day 9 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dear Ellestia,

    All my years of foraging are paying off. I am quite good at collecting herbs, flowers, nuts, berries, and other goods. One of the shop keepers that I sell to recommended that I take of alchemy. I had an uncle who did that sort of thing. It sounds interesting? I'm curious to try it, but for now I will earn my keep by hunting! I saw eyeing up a bow today in the weaponry store, when I saw him. He is so incredibly tall! Ducking his head as he enters the shop, staying a little hunched over before looming over the display case. I took such a fright from his size, I hid behind a incredibly large shield—it's surprising to think some humans run around with them as an occupation!

Day 16 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dear Ellestia,

    Today I was fishing in the creek by the honey trees and apples, just before the East Grassy Plains, when I heard the loudest of noises! It was that man again! Today he was chopping down trees! Selûne only knows what for... I watched him for a while, from under the bridge. For whatever reason, humans make me tremble more than the fridged Snowpeak waters! He was losing speed, and quickly... He looked a little thinner than last time. I don't think he noticed me, but I left him some fish on a near by rock.

    Also! I was able to weave dandelion cotton! Now I have two blouses; one to wear around town, and the other being what humans call a 'swimsuit'. I don't understand why they were it though... it's so heavy when I swim... but oh well! I tried to play by their rules. I still prefer not to wear anything at all... It makes me so much more agile.

Day 35 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dearest Ellestia,

    I nearly killed the man today. I was lining up my shot in some tall grass, when all of a sudden he runs up and scares off my kill! My arrow gave me away though. I can't believe it! He just came right up to me! I was so scared, my legs couldn't move. We ended up trading hide for some ore. I feel like such an idiot! Why couldn't I say something? Anything to him? He must think I am a bumbling fool...
Day 9,

I smell unbelievably of saw dust. I have spent the last two days perfecting my skill at joining two pieces of wood at ninety degree angles. If I keep this up, I will be making furniture to sell quickly. Pam, the woman who has leased my room, mentioned that she was also a realtor of some sort. I am not sure if she is hinting that I should move on, but I am determined to be ready to go when it's time.

I spotted the Elf once more today. She was looking at several bows at the shop today, but ran off when I entered. I do not know why she is so skittish around me, but she seems determined to not be alone in my presence. At any rate, I made delivery of my first bows to the shop. The proprietor stiffed me a little on the price, but I am a new woodwork. Perhaps when I am workin in pine I will demand a higher wage.

Day 16,

Someone left a pile of fresh fish near the river. I do not know why or for what reason they were left, but I took advantage of it. I had been out for several days prior hunting Topaz and had not been taking care of myself. Luckily a kind or forgetful stranger helped me out.

Day 35,

Some good news! That Elven girl nearly killed me today. Or better explained, I ran in front of her shot while she was hunting and nearly took the arrow. Luckily, she missed and I was not killed. Why is that good news? We met face to face for the first time. Unlike before, I was able to talk to her before she vanished. Despite her missed shot, she is a talented hunter and I badly need leather for making tools. She had an abundance of hide and I had an abundance of copper. We were able to work out a trade even if she is a bit shy.

I wonder how well she speaks the common tongue. Is that why she would not give me her name?

Maybe next time. I will have to seek her out again. She trades better than the merchants.​
Day 37 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dear Ellestia,

    It has been two days since the accidental-shooting incident. When I went to try forging a new line of cook wear, I noticed that man in the carpentry section again. He works so skillfully! I wonder if he has much experience with it? Perhaps it is in his blood? Like it is in mine to make such fine armour and swords? We elves, like many dwarves, have perfected the art of smithery... By chance, is carpentry the human equivalent? I left him a mushroom quiche, and some apple cider with the assistant carpenter. I hope that will make up for it.

    Why is it that humans like to lean on surfaces so much? And why must they try to make eye contact?!

Day 42 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dearest Ellestia,

    Madame Purl put on a fashion show today, an insisted I model my outfits. I thought humans hired pretty females with slim figures for this? It was so embarrassing! I tried my best to remain calm, but I cried when I came off stage. It was a little too much for me... But... it was kind of nice to hear so many people cheering for me. I guess I did well?

    I think I saw him there... but I couldn't quite get a look at his face...

Day 58 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

  • Dear Ellestia,

    Today I think I will hunt a little closer to the mountain. Hopefully all goes well! Maybe I can catch some more bandits? Will write more soon!
Day 37,

I have mastered the art of the oak chest. It will be a good source of income for me now that my name is becoming well known among the vendors and people in the market. I have had some small requests and hope to gain more.

Apparently, my elven not-friend is a blacksmith. I spotted her working the forge today. For such a small person, she commands much power with her hammer. I am certain I have not seen blades quite so fine as what she makes. I will have to propose a trade. One of my bows for one of her swords. It will have to be of equal quality, but I am certain that I am up to the task.

She left us a meal before leaving. I will have to do something nice for her in the future.

Day 42,

I missed most of the fashion show today. To be honest, it did not interest me much. I buy most of my clothes directly from the merchant. I was just returning to town and stepped into the back of the crowd when I saw her on stage. I must admit that I did not recognize her at first since she was not in armor or shooting at me. She is a very pretty woman and commanded the attention of the crowd. I think she caught my eye at one point, but she quickly looked away.

I ventured into the magma cave today. It was warm, but fruitful. Bagged my first magma golem bounty as well. Mustang was somewhat impressed. I should monitor the caves regularly to keep things under control and better hone my skills.

Day 58,

Something was wrong with the napdragon today. I came across the normally docile beast just as my elven friend finished dispatching a grow of bandits. I still do not know her name, but I am certainly pleased that we are on friendly terms. I was just coming towards the mountain when the napdragon descended upon me with unusual fury. The beast actually attacked, beating me with it's massive snout and clawed arms. It did not seem content to kill me, but was playing a very dangerous game of cat and mouse.

Luckily, the Elf came to my aid. Together we were able to chase the dragon off, but I am left very, very concerned. Normally the creature is as docile as a lamb. What could have caused it to act as it did today? Neither of us could bring ourselves to harm the napdragon and we both came out with more than a couple bruises and the Elf lost her bow to a strong attack. Snapped it in two like a twig.

I left a replacement for her with the smith.

I still have not learned her name, but I am beginning to think fondly of her.
Day 59 // Amalthea.Téa // ✿ ♥︎ ✿ // Selûne & Lurue

Amalthea sighed heavily once she entered the artisan shop. It had been a loooooong morning. She hadn't slept in so late in a very, very long time. Perhaps she might name herself after one of the nearby bears? Or maybe a cow? Because all she felt like doing was nothing. Yesterday's adventure took a lot out of her. Now she had to save up enough funds to buy a new bow AND find a new home! Her heavy feet shuffled along the floor to the blacksmith section. How many copper swords could she pump out in order to afford a new bow? She still had one day to find a new place to rent from...

The blacksmith master, Vulcan, snarled at her,
"Téa, what in the fire god's name happened to you?! You look as bad as the guy who just walked outta here!"
He grinned,
"Maybe you're having a hard time with all your admirers? Gotta fight 'em off right? That's my girl! HA HA!"

Amalthea grimaced slightly, before turning to see a beautifully made bow left for her. She picked it up gently, and looked it over. Oh! The craftsman ship was so fine! And the cross-stitch was so intricate. It smelt... of pine! He must have spent a lot of time on this one. She gave a small smile, before waving to the blacksmith, "I-I'll be seeing you!"

She had to thank him. This was too much.

When she called for him at the woodshop, no one had seen him since early that morning. Out she went, on the presumption that he might be in the market place! Yet again, a dead end. Amalthea spent the entire day roaming the plains, searching the caves, but to no avail. The mystery man had simply vanished! Defeated, she slumped up the stairs to her rent room, when in the hall way, she spotted him. Standing there, tall, and fit, and handsome as any human could be. Her cheeks burned bright, before tears began to cool them down. Her lip trembled, as her mind was rushed with so many emotions. Before he could say anything, Amalthea held up her shaking hand to him, her other used her sleeve to wipe away her tears,
"My--my name i-is... Ama...Amalthea! P-p-p-pleased to make your acquaintance!"
The day had been unusually unbearable for Luc. Very early in the morning he had risen to drop his gift off at the smithy before going about his normal early chores at the carpenter. There was little production to be done, but he had to arrange the delivery of furniture to a couple people in town and even all the way out to the farm in the West Grasslands. It was a small pile of paperwork. Beyond that, he had spent the day with Mustang. The man was a good Paladin and a very capable master, but he was just a bit over bearing. He had briefed the Paladin on how the napdragon was acting and reported where and how it had attacked.

He had been made to repeat it for Hughes.

To add onto the particular discomfort, how body aches from the attack and there were several visible bruises on his body. His cheek, his arm, and leg seemed to have the worst of it.

The final straw was Pam giving him what was a final notice. It was time to venture out to make room for other, new adventurers. He had been returning to his room when he heard her voice. His hear slipped a beat as he heard her speak to him, but he could not for the life of him figure out what she was doing there.

Luc was on autopilot as he took her hand firmly in his and gave it a quick shake. She was small in stature, but her hand was fully dwarfed by his. He smiled.

"It's nice to finally make your acquaintance, Amalthea." the name seemed odd coming from his lips, but it fit her. "My name is Lucas, but please, call me Luc."

Lucas averted his eyes just a bit so that he was not staring into her tear filled ones since that always seemed to scare her off before. Instead, he let his eyes wander around the hall.

"What brings you here?" he asked with some concern. She was crying after all. "Is everything okay?"
The difference between a human female, and an elven female were quickly made. Amalthea wore no gloves, nor armour. Her body simply could not handle it today. Instead she wore a simple outfit, with wild flowers woven into her hair. Her amorous white skin felt sinfully soft. Softer than any human's hand. There were many, many, stories about the beauty of elves, and many more about how succulent their flesh was. This tiny amount of contact was proof of it. Her hands were dainty, with slender fingers, and well-kept nails—despite her labours in the smithery. The tips traced over his palms, then his very own fingertips, before her hand fell out from his.

Her ears, although pointed, were not terribly long. Still they managed to point downwards, matching her expression. She sniffled, nodding in response to his question, "Y-yes... I'm just..." She turned her face up to him, and beamed a bright smile up to him, "I'm just so happy to finally talk to you! Even if it's my last night here... many people call me Téa, please go ahead if you like."

Amalthea adjusted her sleeves, rolling them up to her forearms. Her face even after crying looked so perfect. Her ears perked up, "Hm? Oh! I was living here for the last two months! But, unfortunately, Pam says it's time for me to go... something about new comers?"

She fidgeted with her skirt. "So... um... tha...thank you for the new bow, it's lovely..." Her knees quivered, her eyes drifting down to her feet.
"You too, huh?" Luc asked when he heard that Pam was pushing her out of the nest as well. "Pam just gave me my final notice as well have to clear out for the new adventurers." Luc was pleased that she liked the bow. "I am glad that you like the bow. It was the least that I could do since you were helping me when yours was broken."

Luc glanced back to his room. "You know, I had no idea you were even staying here. I guess Pam does a pretty swift business here. I was just about to go have a look at the two houses that Pam has for sale. Since you're moving out too, would you care to join me, Tea?"

Luc could not believe how talkative she seemed to be all of a sudden. It was as if a switch had been thrown and much of her shyness had disappeared. Still, he hoped not to scare her off again.
At his words, her left ear twitched. Her brows raised as she was filled with an odd emotion—to feel delight even though he too was faced with an unfortunate circumstance. Amalthea's grew rosey as she once again withdrew into her self. Her fingers interlocked holding themselves in front of her skirt. She nodded, her twin braids following the movement. She kept her long locked tied up like this to prevent her hair from being hurt during work; no one would like to see it singed. Even now, with the evening sun settling in, the warm light filling the small hall way from the window, her hair glimmered. The strands were a bright white colour, but when it caught the light, it gleamed and sparkled rosey pink, soft lilacs, gentle teal, and soft baby blue. It shimmered like the rippling waters of the near by ocean.

She looked up to him with her scintillating eyes; they too changed from teal to blue to almost an indigo colour. It was obvious magic coursed through her veins. Perhaps that is why in the Tales of Nine Gimli asks for one of Galadriel's hairs? She willed herself through her nervousness to speak,
"I-i-i-if that is... is no trouble for you, Luc... I-I'd be happy to, um, join you!"
A small smile appearing again.
"Shall we head out now...?"

Just then, a familiar head of copper curls poked around the corner. "Did I hear someone say 'having a look at some houses'?" Lo, it was the realtor and land lady herself. She smiled her sweet-as-lemon-meringue-pie smile, before extending her hands, "Oh my! I've been wanting to talk to you about this for so long now! It was really becoming so worrisome with the move out day being tomorrow and all.." She grinned wider, "Come! Come! Let's explore the options~"

Without and hesitation, she took the two adventurers by the hands and lead them down the hall, and out of the complex, and down on to the street. For such a portly lady, she moved with much speed. She released their hands, and walked on, chit chatting about one thing or another. Amalthea looked visually uncomfortable again. She furrowed her brows, her ears flexing once more, "Is it a habit for humans to be so... passionate?"
"Some of us do tend to be more exuberant." Luc explained after they had been released from the iron grip of Pam, the realtor and landlady. The evening sky was glowing like fire and it simply made Amalthea glow under its soft light. "Some of us tend to be more reserved as well. Like any people, there are mixes of both types."

Pam had led them towards the Artisan district. It was not a bad place to live, but it was very, very close to the merchant quarters and forge. Not bad per se, but Luc would have preferred to live further away and in a quieter area. The house appeared a bit run down from the outside.

"This little house is a bit of a fixer upper." Pam said and opened the door. It smelled a bit musty, but looked clean enough from the outside.

Luc could hear bar patrons talking nearby and did not like being so close. He glanced briefly at Amalthea before ducking under the door frame and walking into the house. INside, life did not grow any quieter.

"Because of it's condition, I'm only asking the move in fee of 6,000 dosh. Paid up front, of course." Pam smiled at the pair before looking directly at Thea. "Have a look around, dear."
'All people...?' Thought Amalthea to herself, 'all people have both types? But in the elven court... all the people... well were they all like that? Poised, executing everything with skill and grace? Was every single one of my people like that? ... Maybe that's why...' Amalthea followed him, her expression void as she tried to remember the elves and the court. But all she could remember was this harmony, as everyone sang and danced and drank. Perhaps there was more to the elven world that she would nor could ever know? But before any more thoughts of despair could plague her mind, they arrived to the shanty house.

The paint was chipping at the edged, and the roof certainly needed fixing, even the door creaked eerily when it was opened! Amalthea nodded, walking forward to the house. She gently took the door by the handle, swinging it to test the hinges. "Well, the door for one doesn't really hang straight... but that's an easy fix..." A smile was given to Pam before she walked further into the house. It was dark, and dank. The air smelled musty, and it all felt... old. Amalthea had been in a place like this before, actually, a few times, in the Unicorn's grove. Down where the badgers and rabbits burrowed. She stood still, her eyes closing as she remembered so many fond memories of running through the lilac wood. Such happy times. DRIP! A huge drop of water hit her shoulder, and rolled down her back. Drip, drip! a few more droplets fell, dotting her clothing and hair. She shivered, stepping out of the leaky spot.

Amalthea furrowed her brow, before looking into her coin pouch. She really didn't have much to afford anything better. She was scared to ask, but ask she did, "Umm.. Miss Pam, before I make my decision, is it possible to see the other accommodation?"

Pam nodded, stepping into the small place, "Yes, I will take you there, but perhaps Mister Lucas would like to purchase this home? Or are you also interested in seeing the other property? I'm sure a fine carpenter like yourself is more than capable of fixing up this house!"
Luc was busy cataloging each and every problem that he found with the house. Luckily, as a carpenter, he would be able to fix the house up with a minimal of fuss, but that was not something that he was looking forward to having to do. He had just turned around when the drop of water fell on Tea's back. Watching her shiver and step away amused him for some reason. He ran his finger along a splintering windowsill as he approached Pam.

"I think I would like to see the other property as well. While I'm certain that I could fix this home up, I'm not sure it's something I would want to do on top of already pursuing my life." He smiled, "Let's take a walk to the other property."

6,000 Dosh was just under half of what he really wanted to spend for a home. He could spend more, but it would cut into his carpentry work and that would not be good.

Pam took it all in stride. She was a cunning saleswoman and could see that neither of the two were particularly enthused with this house. She hoped that they would like the next one better. The only problem was that it was difficult to sell to new adventurers. It was a lot of dosh to come up with when just getting started.

"Okay, you two. Just follow me and I'll show you to the next property." She smiled warmly. "Did I ever tell you two about how I got my honey candy recipe?" She asked before starting off. "There was this bandit king, you see..." She trailed off as she walked away.

Luc looked to Amalthea and chuckled. "We better catch up, let's go."
Despite the obvious height difference, Amalthea kept up with Lucas' stride with much ease; wether it was on cobble stone or battlefield. The party of three continued down the street, exposing the young elf to more of the town's artisan district. She didn't do too well in crowded spaces, and the bars and inns were always bustling with ruffians. Instinctively, she kept close to Luc. Perhaps it was all the times they had fought together in the grassy plains that prodded her into doing so. Her hand lightly brushed his.

Soon the cobble street ended, and they came to a dirt path. They followed it past the woods, and various master houses for magic, hunting, and carpentry, and the copper mine. Eventually they came to the farming area of southern Castele. The sun still hung in the side, giving the land an orange glow. The found themselves standing in a small field, with a few plots for a garden and many flowers growing; all their faces looking forwards the setting sun behind the possy.

Pam opened her arms, "We're heeeeerrre!" She started walking towards the house, pulling out the keys from her pocket. "A delightful little estate, especially relaxing for the hard working adventurers you are. It is in such a quiet area that a good night's sleep is most guaranteed!" She flipped through them before selecting the correct key, and opening the door.

Amalthea's eyes sparkled, seeing the peaceful cottage. It was so... welcoming. She hadn't seen such a cozy human dwelling, nay, any dwelling, as this. She blushed a little, thinking of how impudent it might be of her to ask 6k for it...

Without missing a beat, the young elf rushed into the cottage. It was so spacious! And it smelled wonderful. "It so lovely!!!" She took wide steps, twirling about and investigating the home; her skirt ruffling out.
Luc was somewhat less concerned with the interior of the cottage and began to walk around the outside of the cottage. After seeing the house in the Artisan district, he wanted to make sure this one was structurally sound before moving in. He glanced around each of the external walls of the building. It was put together rather well. The beams were roughly hewn, but solid. There was no visible termite damage and he could not help but admire how the seems were hidden. It was put together by a master. Back at the front, he smiled at Pam.

"This is a very nice house." It was well situated and comfortable. He did not even need to see the interior to know that he wanted the house. He smiled at the friendly woman. "How much are you asking?" He hoped that it was not too outrageously priced.

"Oh, for here? With the better location, spacious interior, and quality worksmanship, I am asking a measley 12,000 dosh. It's easily worth double that." Pam smiled brightly at the young craftsman.

Luc frowned to himself and turned to look back at the building. He did not have 12,000 dosh to spare. He had the funds, but it would completely bankrupt him and would not leave anything for crafting or adventuring. "12,000? That's... reasonable." He agreed. It looked as if he would have to allow Amalthea to take the house.
Pam's eyes gleamed, seeing both clients interested in the home. Naturally, if they are both competitive people in a desperate housing situation, then they will start to bid for the house, therefore driving the price waaaaaaaay up!
"Ho ho ho~" She giggled to herself, imagining a bidding war. She may or may not have intended to have people move out on the same day, ensuring this sort of situation, because after all, a woman needs to earn her dosh.

Téa's twitched, hearing the price. She grew very still. Not even Luc coming into close proximity snapped her out of it; since normally she would jump back or hide. She smelled sweet, like fresh flowers. Hearing him say the words reasonable though, caused her to shiver. He was standing behind her, his head turning and looking around. She blushed, smelling the pine on his cloths. As she looked up to him, she couldn't help but topple backwards into him.

Instinctively, his hands came up, and caught her by the shoulders. Her flesh was so incredibly soft, and malleable. Her head rest on his chest, her eyes a deep blue with flecks of indigo in them, her lashes fanning out. She frowned a little, "Th-thank you, Luc... You are so hard working, so you should take this home. I'm afraid I do not have enough to afford it, quite yet..."
Luc could not help but run his thumbs over her bared skin. It was so soft. He took a breath, preparing to talk, but paused as he smelled fresh flowers. For someone that worked so hard at the forge, it should have been impossible to smell so good, but there she was. Luc made sure she was settled on her feet. "Easy there, Tea." Luc cautioned and set her up right.

Luc turned to Pam. He still had not taken his hands from her shoulders. Nor had he stopped stroking her skin.

"I'm afraid I can't afford it on my own." Luc admitted. "It's quite a bit out of my price range." Luc frowned and looked down at the little elf in his hands. She seemed so timid, so afraid of everything around her. He was surprised, pleasantly so, that she was so accustomed to him that she could talk. "I do have an idea though." He smiled. "What do you think of splitting the cost? It's certainly big enough for two of us."
Even with the gentle grazing of his rough thumbs over her delicate skin was enough to make her knees wobble. Luc could feel her trembling beneath him, her cheeks growing rosier, and rosier by the second as little Amalthea was being teased by so many stimuli! Not only was Lucas touching her, but he just dropped a huge bomb on her! He wanted to... move in together?!?!

"But... ah," She gasped, shivering at his fingers on her skin. She looked to Pam, who for a second, looked very discontent. No bidding war? Drat! But her eyes fell onto the two in front of her. She has seen the look on Luc's face many of times. A smile came to the crook of her mouth, "So... you really like her that much, eh?" She signed, folding her arms, "I won't be the one to separate a young couple. So, it will be 6k each. Pay now, and then move your belongings, alright?"

Amalthea was having a hard time concentrating. Her hands shook nervously as they felt for her purse. She felt up the coin pieces in the pouch, counting it in her head. She purred, "Oooh, Lucas, is it really okay with you to move in? I mean, you do not need a roommate to be bothering you?"
Lucas could feel her shaking and just assumed that she was excited to move. The look that Pam gave him was a bit confusing though. Still, he was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and would take the offer since Tea seemed to be okay with it.

"It is quite okay with me, Tea." He said agreeably. He leaned down so that he could talk into her ear. "I think you and I have become pretty good friends over the last couple months. We would do well together here. We compliment each other so well, you know." His voice was soft and deep. His breath tickled her pointed ear as he spoke. Luc straightened.

"I accept, Pam. Thank you for working with us on this." Luc did not see any problem with being roommates here. She was so quiet that it would be like she was not here most of the time anyway.

Pam looked to Amaltea. "What do you say, sweetheart? If you'd like, we can have everything done today and you two can move on in."
Amalthea whimpered as he whispered into her ear. She hung onto each word he uttered, and nearly groaned as he exaggerated the 'so' in 'we compliment each other so well'. Her face burned brightly. How could she stay in close quarters with someone who made her this uncomfortable? The warmth of his hands calmed her. She felt his calluses. He only got these because he worked so hard, like the time he made her a beautiful bow. And then she remembered his dedication. He always pushed her to talk, even though she came off as weak and lame. He was a kind person, even if he made her feel so awkward.

She trembled, holding out the pouch to Pam. She turned her face to the woman, giving a small smile, "Y-yes please! It will be so fun to be Mister Luc's roommate!"
Luc very quickly supplied his own bag of dosh for Pam. He passed it over to her without any hesitation. "Thank you, Pam. We'll be sure to get things cleaned out before tomorrow so that you can get other tenants in."

Pam took their money and stashed it in her pocket without even counting it. They were both wonderful people and she trusted them completely. "Thank you, you two. I know you'll do so well together." They were such a cute couple. She was so happy that they could overcome such silly things as race to find each other.

Pam bid them farewell before turning away and leaving them in their new house.

"Thank you for agreeing to move in." Luc said after a long moment. He let her go and moved to walk around the newly purchased house. "You dug me out of a bit of a hole there. I really was not looking forward to moving into that dinghy house in the Artisan district." He turned to her and smiled. "I owe you one."
And they were alone again, still standing in their partial embrace; his hands cupping her shoulders so naturally. Was did he feel the need to be so close to her? Everything became blurry in her mind as his touch lingered. It simply drove her mad! Her fists clenched down on her skirt, rumpling it. She whined softly when he finally let go, her hands rubbing the skin that came into contact with him.

She shivered twice, before looking over to him. Her face turned pink once more. Why was he so princely? He spoke such fine, kind words about everything. It made her feel a little silly about being so shy around him... but really, it was just humans in general that bothered her.

Amalthea nodded, "I agree, it was a little... loud.. for my tastes." With a sigh, she laid down on the floor. She stared upwards to the ceiling, the warm light spilling in through the windows. Tea rolled on to her belly, holding her head up on her hands, "I can't wait to unpack!"
"Well, we need to finish packing first. Or I need to anyway. Though in truth I don't own much." Luc shrugged. "I certainly don't own any furniture, but I can make some."

He smiled and went to lean against the wall so that he could better survey the room. There was plenty of room to decorate things however they liked. "Do you own any furniture, Tea? If not, I'm happy to put my skills to use. We can decorate it anyway we like."

Luc waited for her response and simply watched her act excited as she lay on the floor. It was charming to see how happy and excited she was. More and more he was beginning to think this was a great idea.
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