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- Dec 17, 2015
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RE: Rolue's Character Lounge
Name: Viking Raider Vohlmazur Xairzar Chezek, Formerly Daemon Primarch of Khorne, now The Resurrected and Hungerbeast
Nickname: Vohlmazur however his rock star name being Hungerbeast, Moxliemoss calls him Prince
Gender: male
Age: Immortal
Species: Warp Demon
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Job class: Military History Professor/ Rockstar/ SFS viking
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Interest: High
(Rockstar armor appearance, drawn by Lucas, paid for by me)
(Khorne Daemon Prince armor, drawn for by Gotetho paid for by me)
(In his professor outfit he wears these glases:
(A sweater and shirt like this:
(His pants will match his jacket however they wont be like tucked in to boots:
(He will have more formal shoes like this:
Vohlmazur is was a dark powerful beast created from the hell fire warp, manifested from madness and hared to be an unstoppable brutal weapon against the mortals. He was created to be a powerful demon prince, given an endless hunger, the enhanced skills to slay his enemies, and the ability to rapidly resurrect on the battlefield rather than being sent back to the warp every time he would be slain. He was created also as a sort of gift to Xurin, a gift to strengthen the alliance between Xurin and the Chaos Gods and in return he would lead their troops and help Chaos claim dominion over the world.
Indeed the huge demon prince proved quite successful as no foe could beat him, his enemies were slaughtered and destroyed before his armies and none ever managed to face him and live. Blessed by Khorne itself, the demon had an endless appetite for war, happily challenging his foes and laying waste even when Xurin would want to fall back and plan. Those that were too weak, faced the worst deaths as he would devour them while any warriors he faced that would give him an actual real challenge, he gave them a glorious death as they pushed him to his limits and gave him a fresh healthy dose of excitement and joy with each fight and kill.
Of Vohlmazur's excellent skill at leading and sheer brutality, would gradually end up straining the relationship between the two demons which only grew increasingly tense over the years.
A year after Vohlmazur started to lead his own forces, Xurin's daughter Haelja took a great desire in the giant demon for his sheer brutality and savagery. They even started to briefly very passionately date, much to Xurin's increased anger. It angered Xurin so much that he would often try to separate Haelja from Vohlmazur even if it meant allowing Vohlmazur more power in the war and more freedom to fight unrestrained. Of course eventually Xurin got his wish as Vohlmazur grew to care more for power and the carnage than he cared for Haelja, tossing her away so that he could spearhead his war against the Inquisition itself however by Xurin giving him more power to keep him away from his daughter, it at the same time started to draw some of Xurin's forces following Vohlmazur instead.
Vohlmazur started appearing less and less with Xurin's meetings, seeing the demon lord as far more puny and weak, an artist that liked to hide behind his armies and tools rather than fighting upfront alongside his kind. While Xurin would hold speeches to rally his armies and motivate them for war, Vohlmazur gave few to no words to his men as he was already raiding the landscape and earning the spoils of war. However his bold blunt actions were quickly also drawing the attention of the Inquisition. While previously he could lead his forces to take a fortress with little difficulty, now there were traps and garrisons of experienced knights and mages all waiting for him, dwindling his forces down more and more and even starting to bring a toll on the demon himself. While Xurin's schemes and manipulations on the other hand, mostly remained undetected by the Inquisition, sometimes he would even disguise himself and tip the Inquisition off of Vohlmazur's plans simply to spite his rival.
Battle after battle, Vohlmazur was getting enraged. If the Inquisition didn't somehow know his plans, then they were prepared in enough force that he was getting badly beaten and often even forced to retreat. After a month of losses and tough battles, Vohlmazur confronted all of the the Chaos invasions forces, telling them of a technologically advanced super nation and his plans to conquer it. He explained to them that if they conquer this nation, they could use their technology to enhance their troops and give them a tremendous advantage over the Inquisition thus single handed winning the war. However Xurin also spoke out against Vohlmazur claiming that this faction had nothing to do with the Inquisition and if they fight them, they would only be crippling their forces and leaving themselves vulnerable now on two fronts instead of one. Having had enough of Xurin's cowardice, Vohlmazur challenged Xurin to a duel with the victor getting to lead the armies henceforth.
Xurin naturally agreed but already knew in advance Vohlmazur would challenge him and had poisoned his blade in preparation for the fight.
The two fought viciously with Xurin dodging and gliding around the field, maneuvering around Vohlmazur's brutal beast like hungered attacks. Again and again he missed and failed to hit Xurin even once while Xurin managed to leave countless slashes all over Vohlmazur's body however after Xurin managed to trip to avoid a low sweeping attack from Vohlmazur, Vohlmazur managed to grab Xurin's legs and yank him in. Even being stabbed, it didn't stop Volhmazur from crushing Xurin's armor and then booming out in victory. As the demon lord was too weak to stop the huge hulking monster, Vohlmazur lead his people to the machine city, grabbing Xurin's key and using it to help them teleport close to the city.
Upon arriving, Vohlmazur ordered his forces to set up artillery weapons to smash through the city's defenses while also unleashing their biggest siege monsters to break through the walls. However before Vohlmazur could even begin to prepare his invasion, the enemy was already ready for them. Traps went off as his troops were ripped through from laser turret fire and even when they managed to break apart the turrets, gunships had already landed down unleashing troops to start shooting through the remaining forces and try to break them. Vohlmazur however would not break to a bunch of metal skeletal people, instead he charged in furiously and even started ripping through the gunships. Personally leading his forces, he charged forward to the city. However the closer they got, so too did their defenses grow. Cannons and countless laser turrets fired down on them bombarding the arm. Losses grew higher and higher yet Vohlmazur mounted the walls and started ripping through the defenses as his forces smashed through the gates. Huge bipedal machines were unleashed on the demonic army and even Vohlmazur himself in addition to more and more traps and more precise shooting robot soldiers. While Vohlmazur was able to rip through everything thrown at him, even the huge machines with some great difficulty, his army's advance was drastically getting slowed and many were starting to break and retreat.
After the fire titanic machine Vohlmazur faced, he was badly wounded and having trouble continuing to fight on and yet still he refused to give up. When he faced a second copy of the one he previously destroyed, he was knocked off the walls barely alive waiting to resurrect. However Moxlie used her robotic form to personally walk up to Vohlmazur, refusing to let him die and instead sedating him as she had other plans for him. Yet before he could pass out, he did notice Xurin out of the corner of his eye but instead of helping him, Xurin reclaimed his key and then left, rallying the remaining forces and passing through the gate, abandoning Vohlmazur.
When Vohlmazur woke up, he found himself locked to some kind of bed with numerous machines all looking over him and no matter how much he fought and struggled, it did nothing. Ultimately he would years later realize Moxlie had corrupted his resurrection ability, cutting off his connection to the warp and his gods, and then augmenting his body with machinery so that combined with his resurrection ability, he would be permanently anchored to the mortal world, unable to escape. Moxlie brought Vohlmazur with her as she escaped the cataclysm and turned him into her own personal sex slave. The once proud tyrant and legendary warrior, had been reduced to a pet. Even being given the pet nickname Prince, possibly as an insult or joke. Either way Vohlmazur couldn't do anything but obey her... However as he took on a new life living like some locked up pet, he grew increasingly restless. He had enough sex and Moxlie eventually built him a simulation room to make himself feel at home, slightly satisfying his blood lust yet it was never enough for him. He protested more and more against Moxlie despite all the punishment she gave him. Eventually perhaps feeling sorry for the giant brute, she agreed to let him step out of the house and take on a real job....... only for it to be a civilian job not actually getting to fight.
Once again Vohlmazur was enraged at Moxlie arranging for him to be a teacher on Durangathus's Art of War University, but he at least slightly calmed down when she agreed to letting him become a military history teacher, which he slowly grew adjusted to over the years. Truth be told the university mostly existed for teaching young students how to fight / kill/ train them for fighting in armies serving the SFS/ teaching them battle tactics although a few other studies like languages and science and math are offered at the school even if they are very rarely used. It may not be the same as his previous work, and he didn't really care if she obviously wouldn't let him take on his old work as a giant demon walking around is hardly a subject to take lightly, but at least he could enjoy his desires to some degree with his students.
Over time, Moxlie became more and more accepting to Vohlzamur to allow him more power and freedom. Agreeing to let him fight in battles and take part in wars, it helped Vohlzamur's name grew beyond just a rock star but also one of the strongest warriors in the galaxy taking on numerous enemy's. The Eynirr and his kind may have hated him more and more, seeing him as one of the greatest traitors in their race but he was thrilled. Finally getting a chance to live as he was created for, waging war spreading mass destruction and chaos, and practically living off of all the death and violence he causes. Fighting to try and save Seran refugees from the Blight Vultures, fighting the Eynirr in Operation Bright Water, he was given more respect.
The SFS came to Vohlzamur asking if he would like a promotion wanting to make him a Viking. Vohlzamur was happy to accept and while Moxlie hesitated at first, she ultimately accepted and thus Vohlzamur became the third viking to join the SFS's program yet despite being the third to join, he became the most famous what with him being a demon, rock star, and incarnation of war.
Atonement to the Skull God
Atonement is a gigantic Khorne war axe standing taller than a power armored super soldier but with Vohlmazur's sheer size and power, he is able to wield it in one hand. Atonement is a type of Khorne Axe capable of unleashing countless death and destruction. With each swing it creates a giant flaming hellish strike. Enemy's struck by the axe, find themselves covered in hell warp like flames burning hotter than any regular flame and feeling like their very soul is being burned to hell. Everything in its wake is blown apart, the very ground ruptures and bursts with lava and flames, anyone unlucky enough to be caught in the blast of each strike, will find their souls being ripped out and thrown into the warp in Khorne's domain. Only the strongest can hope to withstand each attack. As an added bonus, with each soul given to Khorne, a marking is added onto the weapon and over the ages that kill list has gotten very high. With each kill, the axe grows stronger. Just being close to the axe drives Vohlzamur's prey berserk as they become driven to a blind berserk fury, only those of the strongest willed can hope to resist. To anyone else it becomes a sweet alluring pull, breaking people's will making them want blood. People they once saw as friends, will become enemy's, people they hated they will now be blood thirsty to kill. When Vohlzamur uses the axe, it resonates out driving madness and making everyone fight each other.
Avatar of Rage
While not really a weapon, Vohlzamur still wields his armor blessed by Khorne and forged in his realm of death, destruction, and an endless pursuit of skulls. The armor is an advanced power frame designed to let Vohlzamur take on armies of Space Marines (Super enhanced warriors) and anything weaker. True it's former glory has been diminished where it used to be strong enough enough to allow him to take on entire invasions and with enough magical power to help him even conquer other Demon champions and Primarchs however over time with there being no mortal tools that can repair the armor or mend it to it's once former glory, it has been at a fraction of it's former power and yet it still is one of the most advanced suits of armor in the galaxy although since Vohlzamur learned about the Blight Vultures, he has relied on them to fix the armor as best as they can trying to recapture it's former glory. The armor fuels Vohlzamur's rage, helping him grow stronger and stronger with each kill and pushing him into a more blood thirsty hatred. He grows faster with each kill. Fire erupts out of the armor's skull shoulder pads, enemy's that get too close will find themselves being blasted with flames, his armor growing increasingly hot and burning anyone that gets too close. In secret the armor has one ultimate power, when Vohlzamur kills an enemy he can chose to not banish their soul to the hellish region and instead he can obtain their soul. Taking the skull of his enemy, he can infuse it to his armor so he can bind their soul to his armor and make them a growing army that he can constantly summon. Even if one of these souls is killed, he can just summon them again as many times as he wants and will fight alongside them. So long as skulls remain fused inside his armor, they are bound to him and can only be released if either the armor is destroyed or if someone were to tamper with the armor and destroy the skulls inside. Some of his friends have mentioned how he copied Demongo from Samurai Jack but Vohlzamur doesn't mind, he was inspired by the idea and knows he fights alongside his minions and fights far stronger than any cackling weird bubble freak.
Vohlmazur can unleash a hell fire warp like breath, ripping not only through armor and flesh but also incinerating his enemies souls sending them straight to the warp or whatever hellish region they can be sent to. This scream, is powerful enough to blast through armor and vehicles and armies alike. Mechs, tanks, air craft, armored troops alike will find themselves screaming from an agonizing horrible death as in a single moment they are wiped from existence with Vohlzamur's super move. of course his super powered breath is like an ultimate weapon and thus he only tries to use it on a rare last resort as such unleashed power can take a heavy toll on him: tiring him out briefly.
Other Info:
Vohlmazur was once one of Khorne's greatest generals fighting against the Inquisition, leading the invasion alongside Xurin. However ultimately the two never got along which only grew worse and worse as Vohlmazur became increasingly blood thirsty. He got his nickname Hungerbeast due to his ability to devour nearly anything in his path and like an unstoppable hunger, he cared about destroying/ eating/ slaughtering/ and killing everything in his path. Vohlzamur was seen more like a horrifying savage monster than an actual person or leader, countless mortals were terrified of him and told rumors and stories of the terrifying Hungerbeast. Destroying entire villages all by himself while cities and bases were left in ruins by him and his forces. He was nearly seen as unbeatable until his own arrogance finally beat him and Xurin left him for dead.
Vohlzamur was shackled to reality however he celebrated when he learned Xurin was blasted into some alternate dimension or killed. He was relieved to hear that he had outlived Xurin and his former bitter rival had gotten all the punishment he deserved. On that note he hasn't cared if he is hated by his kind. When he served Khorne, he hated other Chaos demons and was driven by a constant anger and hatred. Since becoming freed, his hatred for other demons has come when they look at him badly but he still tries to keep an open mind for other demons not evil and twisted.
Moxlie beat Vohlzamur in combat when her genius mind and technological superiority badly beat Vohlzamur's blind dumb fury. She locked him up and augmented him to cut him off from the warp to turn him into his own personal sex slave. Years upon years Vohlmazur served as Moxlie's servant, wasting away until he eventually grew increasingly fed up. Eventually Moxlie finally agreed to give him a real position outside of being her slave, finally allowing him to be a military history professor. While Vohlmazur wanted to continue his rule as an army leading warlord, at least he could teach the youth about military campaigns and corrupt... 'enlighten' their minds on his opinions of battle strategies.
Eventually Vohlmazur also gained an interest in performing on pianos, books, but above all being a rock star and kicking ass. Vohlzamur doesn't tell many that he actually enjos reading and can play the piano, most see him as a sexy wild kick ass rock star the embodiment of sex and being a badass but he secretly can be a romantic at heart. He even loves: 'Beauty and the Beast'. Perhaps serving Moxlie has slowly helped change him over time but his desire in organics and mortals has grown into slowly loving them, loving his life, and growing to love romance.
However he still has some wild kick ass interests such as rocking out to huge blasting music. He even has his own demonic band, loving to rock out blast his lungs and show how great he can sing. For his every performance he will blast his hell fire flames into the air to show off for his fans. Ironic or not one of his favorite songs ever to sing and perform is "Up There" which needless to say isn't some loud screaming song but rather showing his sweet side although most of his music can range from heavy rock, heavy metal, and screamo music.
Of course after how much Vohlmazur has been adapting to other culture and his desires with organics, even if Moxlie removed the enhancements locking him to the mortal world, he has changed so much that he can never go back. If he were to ever return to his true home, his soul would most likely be ripped to shreds and he would be seen as a failed experiment so rather Vohlmazur has been slowly making peace with the life Moxlie forced him to have.
Vohlzamur has grown to have a huge amount of sexual kinks for busty women, the more curvy and busty they are the better. He loves big breasts, big ass, wide hips, he loves milking fat tits and pleasuring ass. He loves fully dominating women and men railing ass and breaking people to his will. He loves driving them wild seducing them and making them become vulnerable to his desires. Even the strongest toughest man and woman he will break to his will until they are practically a sex slave held up powerless to resist him. He loves fighting fucking and getting more wild. The more his target resists and tries to fight back, the hotter it gets. By this he loves surprise fucking and might even love rape. He loves to take advantage of his prey and break them, the more they fight back and try to resist the more he gets turned on. If the fight is kinky enough and excites Vohlzamur enough, he likes to become more beast like and vicious pouncing his target and dominating them like an enraged beast in heat. Moxlie has said on more than one occasion that one of the reasons she controls Vohlzamur and keeps him shackled, is because if she didn't, he would already be fucking nearly every person he comes across. However while he does like his prey to be strong and fight back, he is equally turned on by innocence. The more innocent they are the better in fact he personally loves to seduce and fuck his students. He also deeply loves competing. Group sex is a huge appeal to him and he loves competing seeing who is better at fucking, who is making their prey break to orgasm harder and faster.
Name: Viking Raider Vohlmazur Xairzar Chezek, Formerly Daemon Primarch of Khorne, now The Resurrected and Hungerbeast
Nickname: Vohlmazur however his rock star name being Hungerbeast, Moxliemoss calls him Prince
Gender: male
Age: Immortal
Species: Warp Demon
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Job class: Military History Professor/ Rockstar/ SFS viking
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Interest: High
(Rockstar armor appearance, drawn by Lucas, paid for by me)

(Khorne Daemon Prince armor, drawn for by Gotetho paid for by me)

(In his professor outfit he wears these glases:
(A sweater and shirt like this:
(His pants will match his jacket however they wont be like tucked in to boots:
(He will have more formal shoes like this:
Vohlmazur is was a dark powerful beast created from the hell fire warp, manifested from madness and hared to be an unstoppable brutal weapon against the mortals. He was created to be a powerful demon prince, given an endless hunger, the enhanced skills to slay his enemies, and the ability to rapidly resurrect on the battlefield rather than being sent back to the warp every time he would be slain. He was created also as a sort of gift to Xurin, a gift to strengthen the alliance between Xurin and the Chaos Gods and in return he would lead their troops and help Chaos claim dominion over the world.
Indeed the huge demon prince proved quite successful as no foe could beat him, his enemies were slaughtered and destroyed before his armies and none ever managed to face him and live. Blessed by Khorne itself, the demon had an endless appetite for war, happily challenging his foes and laying waste even when Xurin would want to fall back and plan. Those that were too weak, faced the worst deaths as he would devour them while any warriors he faced that would give him an actual real challenge, he gave them a glorious death as they pushed him to his limits and gave him a fresh healthy dose of excitement and joy with each fight and kill.
Of Vohlmazur's excellent skill at leading and sheer brutality, would gradually end up straining the relationship between the two demons which only grew increasingly tense over the years.
A year after Vohlmazur started to lead his own forces, Xurin's daughter Haelja took a great desire in the giant demon for his sheer brutality and savagery. They even started to briefly very passionately date, much to Xurin's increased anger. It angered Xurin so much that he would often try to separate Haelja from Vohlmazur even if it meant allowing Vohlmazur more power in the war and more freedom to fight unrestrained. Of course eventually Xurin got his wish as Vohlmazur grew to care more for power and the carnage than he cared for Haelja, tossing her away so that he could spearhead his war against the Inquisition itself however by Xurin giving him more power to keep him away from his daughter, it at the same time started to draw some of Xurin's forces following Vohlmazur instead.
Vohlmazur started appearing less and less with Xurin's meetings, seeing the demon lord as far more puny and weak, an artist that liked to hide behind his armies and tools rather than fighting upfront alongside his kind. While Xurin would hold speeches to rally his armies and motivate them for war, Vohlmazur gave few to no words to his men as he was already raiding the landscape and earning the spoils of war. However his bold blunt actions were quickly also drawing the attention of the Inquisition. While previously he could lead his forces to take a fortress with little difficulty, now there were traps and garrisons of experienced knights and mages all waiting for him, dwindling his forces down more and more and even starting to bring a toll on the demon himself. While Xurin's schemes and manipulations on the other hand, mostly remained undetected by the Inquisition, sometimes he would even disguise himself and tip the Inquisition off of Vohlmazur's plans simply to spite his rival.
Battle after battle, Vohlmazur was getting enraged. If the Inquisition didn't somehow know his plans, then they were prepared in enough force that he was getting badly beaten and often even forced to retreat. After a month of losses and tough battles, Vohlmazur confronted all of the the Chaos invasions forces, telling them of a technologically advanced super nation and his plans to conquer it. He explained to them that if they conquer this nation, they could use their technology to enhance their troops and give them a tremendous advantage over the Inquisition thus single handed winning the war. However Xurin also spoke out against Vohlmazur claiming that this faction had nothing to do with the Inquisition and if they fight them, they would only be crippling their forces and leaving themselves vulnerable now on two fronts instead of one. Having had enough of Xurin's cowardice, Vohlmazur challenged Xurin to a duel with the victor getting to lead the armies henceforth.
Xurin naturally agreed but already knew in advance Vohlmazur would challenge him and had poisoned his blade in preparation for the fight.
The two fought viciously with Xurin dodging and gliding around the field, maneuvering around Vohlmazur's brutal beast like hungered attacks. Again and again he missed and failed to hit Xurin even once while Xurin managed to leave countless slashes all over Vohlmazur's body however after Xurin managed to trip to avoid a low sweeping attack from Vohlmazur, Vohlmazur managed to grab Xurin's legs and yank him in. Even being stabbed, it didn't stop Volhmazur from crushing Xurin's armor and then booming out in victory. As the demon lord was too weak to stop the huge hulking monster, Vohlmazur lead his people to the machine city, grabbing Xurin's key and using it to help them teleport close to the city.
Upon arriving, Vohlmazur ordered his forces to set up artillery weapons to smash through the city's defenses while also unleashing their biggest siege monsters to break through the walls. However before Vohlmazur could even begin to prepare his invasion, the enemy was already ready for them. Traps went off as his troops were ripped through from laser turret fire and even when they managed to break apart the turrets, gunships had already landed down unleashing troops to start shooting through the remaining forces and try to break them. Vohlmazur however would not break to a bunch of metal skeletal people, instead he charged in furiously and even started ripping through the gunships. Personally leading his forces, he charged forward to the city. However the closer they got, so too did their defenses grow. Cannons and countless laser turrets fired down on them bombarding the arm. Losses grew higher and higher yet Vohlmazur mounted the walls and started ripping through the defenses as his forces smashed through the gates. Huge bipedal machines were unleashed on the demonic army and even Vohlmazur himself in addition to more and more traps and more precise shooting robot soldiers. While Vohlmazur was able to rip through everything thrown at him, even the huge machines with some great difficulty, his army's advance was drastically getting slowed and many were starting to break and retreat.
After the fire titanic machine Vohlmazur faced, he was badly wounded and having trouble continuing to fight on and yet still he refused to give up. When he faced a second copy of the one he previously destroyed, he was knocked off the walls barely alive waiting to resurrect. However Moxlie used her robotic form to personally walk up to Vohlmazur, refusing to let him die and instead sedating him as she had other plans for him. Yet before he could pass out, he did notice Xurin out of the corner of his eye but instead of helping him, Xurin reclaimed his key and then left, rallying the remaining forces and passing through the gate, abandoning Vohlmazur.
When Vohlmazur woke up, he found himself locked to some kind of bed with numerous machines all looking over him and no matter how much he fought and struggled, it did nothing. Ultimately he would years later realize Moxlie had corrupted his resurrection ability, cutting off his connection to the warp and his gods, and then augmenting his body with machinery so that combined with his resurrection ability, he would be permanently anchored to the mortal world, unable to escape. Moxlie brought Vohlmazur with her as she escaped the cataclysm and turned him into her own personal sex slave. The once proud tyrant and legendary warrior, had been reduced to a pet. Even being given the pet nickname Prince, possibly as an insult or joke. Either way Vohlmazur couldn't do anything but obey her... However as he took on a new life living like some locked up pet, he grew increasingly restless. He had enough sex and Moxlie eventually built him a simulation room to make himself feel at home, slightly satisfying his blood lust yet it was never enough for him. He protested more and more against Moxlie despite all the punishment she gave him. Eventually perhaps feeling sorry for the giant brute, she agreed to let him step out of the house and take on a real job....... only for it to be a civilian job not actually getting to fight.
Once again Vohlmazur was enraged at Moxlie arranging for him to be a teacher on Durangathus's Art of War University, but he at least slightly calmed down when she agreed to letting him become a military history teacher, which he slowly grew adjusted to over the years. Truth be told the university mostly existed for teaching young students how to fight / kill/ train them for fighting in armies serving the SFS/ teaching them battle tactics although a few other studies like languages and science and math are offered at the school even if they are very rarely used. It may not be the same as his previous work, and he didn't really care if she obviously wouldn't let him take on his old work as a giant demon walking around is hardly a subject to take lightly, but at least he could enjoy his desires to some degree with his students.
Over time, Moxlie became more and more accepting to Vohlzamur to allow him more power and freedom. Agreeing to let him fight in battles and take part in wars, it helped Vohlzamur's name grew beyond just a rock star but also one of the strongest warriors in the galaxy taking on numerous enemy's. The Eynirr and his kind may have hated him more and more, seeing him as one of the greatest traitors in their race but he was thrilled. Finally getting a chance to live as he was created for, waging war spreading mass destruction and chaos, and practically living off of all the death and violence he causes. Fighting to try and save Seran refugees from the Blight Vultures, fighting the Eynirr in Operation Bright Water, he was given more respect.
The SFS came to Vohlzamur asking if he would like a promotion wanting to make him a Viking. Vohlzamur was happy to accept and while Moxlie hesitated at first, she ultimately accepted and thus Vohlzamur became the third viking to join the SFS's program yet despite being the third to join, he became the most famous what with him being a demon, rock star, and incarnation of war.
Atonement to the Skull God
Atonement is a gigantic Khorne war axe standing taller than a power armored super soldier but with Vohlmazur's sheer size and power, he is able to wield it in one hand. Atonement is a type of Khorne Axe capable of unleashing countless death and destruction. With each swing it creates a giant flaming hellish strike. Enemy's struck by the axe, find themselves covered in hell warp like flames burning hotter than any regular flame and feeling like their very soul is being burned to hell. Everything in its wake is blown apart, the very ground ruptures and bursts with lava and flames, anyone unlucky enough to be caught in the blast of each strike, will find their souls being ripped out and thrown into the warp in Khorne's domain. Only the strongest can hope to withstand each attack. As an added bonus, with each soul given to Khorne, a marking is added onto the weapon and over the ages that kill list has gotten very high. With each kill, the axe grows stronger. Just being close to the axe drives Vohlzamur's prey berserk as they become driven to a blind berserk fury, only those of the strongest willed can hope to resist. To anyone else it becomes a sweet alluring pull, breaking people's will making them want blood. People they once saw as friends, will become enemy's, people they hated they will now be blood thirsty to kill. When Vohlzamur uses the axe, it resonates out driving madness and making everyone fight each other.
Avatar of Rage
While not really a weapon, Vohlzamur still wields his armor blessed by Khorne and forged in his realm of death, destruction, and an endless pursuit of skulls. The armor is an advanced power frame designed to let Vohlzamur take on armies of Space Marines (Super enhanced warriors) and anything weaker. True it's former glory has been diminished where it used to be strong enough enough to allow him to take on entire invasions and with enough magical power to help him even conquer other Demon champions and Primarchs however over time with there being no mortal tools that can repair the armor or mend it to it's once former glory, it has been at a fraction of it's former power and yet it still is one of the most advanced suits of armor in the galaxy although since Vohlzamur learned about the Blight Vultures, he has relied on them to fix the armor as best as they can trying to recapture it's former glory. The armor fuels Vohlzamur's rage, helping him grow stronger and stronger with each kill and pushing him into a more blood thirsty hatred. He grows faster with each kill. Fire erupts out of the armor's skull shoulder pads, enemy's that get too close will find themselves being blasted with flames, his armor growing increasingly hot and burning anyone that gets too close. In secret the armor has one ultimate power, when Vohlzamur kills an enemy he can chose to not banish their soul to the hellish region and instead he can obtain their soul. Taking the skull of his enemy, he can infuse it to his armor so he can bind their soul to his armor and make them a growing army that he can constantly summon. Even if one of these souls is killed, he can just summon them again as many times as he wants and will fight alongside them. So long as skulls remain fused inside his armor, they are bound to him and can only be released if either the armor is destroyed or if someone were to tamper with the armor and destroy the skulls inside. Some of his friends have mentioned how he copied Demongo from Samurai Jack but Vohlzamur doesn't mind, he was inspired by the idea and knows he fights alongside his minions and fights far stronger than any cackling weird bubble freak.
Vohlmazur can unleash a hell fire warp like breath, ripping not only through armor and flesh but also incinerating his enemies souls sending them straight to the warp or whatever hellish region they can be sent to. This scream, is powerful enough to blast through armor and vehicles and armies alike. Mechs, tanks, air craft, armored troops alike will find themselves screaming from an agonizing horrible death as in a single moment they are wiped from existence with Vohlzamur's super move. of course his super powered breath is like an ultimate weapon and thus he only tries to use it on a rare last resort as such unleashed power can take a heavy toll on him: tiring him out briefly.
Other Info:
Vohlmazur was once one of Khorne's greatest generals fighting against the Inquisition, leading the invasion alongside Xurin. However ultimately the two never got along which only grew worse and worse as Vohlmazur became increasingly blood thirsty. He got his nickname Hungerbeast due to his ability to devour nearly anything in his path and like an unstoppable hunger, he cared about destroying/ eating/ slaughtering/ and killing everything in his path. Vohlzamur was seen more like a horrifying savage monster than an actual person or leader, countless mortals were terrified of him and told rumors and stories of the terrifying Hungerbeast. Destroying entire villages all by himself while cities and bases were left in ruins by him and his forces. He was nearly seen as unbeatable until his own arrogance finally beat him and Xurin left him for dead.
Vohlzamur was shackled to reality however he celebrated when he learned Xurin was blasted into some alternate dimension or killed. He was relieved to hear that he had outlived Xurin and his former bitter rival had gotten all the punishment he deserved. On that note he hasn't cared if he is hated by his kind. When he served Khorne, he hated other Chaos demons and was driven by a constant anger and hatred. Since becoming freed, his hatred for other demons has come when they look at him badly but he still tries to keep an open mind for other demons not evil and twisted.
Moxlie beat Vohlzamur in combat when her genius mind and technological superiority badly beat Vohlzamur's blind dumb fury. She locked him up and augmented him to cut him off from the warp to turn him into his own personal sex slave. Years upon years Vohlmazur served as Moxlie's servant, wasting away until he eventually grew increasingly fed up. Eventually Moxlie finally agreed to give him a real position outside of being her slave, finally allowing him to be a military history professor. While Vohlmazur wanted to continue his rule as an army leading warlord, at least he could teach the youth about military campaigns and corrupt... 'enlighten' their minds on his opinions of battle strategies.
Eventually Vohlmazur also gained an interest in performing on pianos, books, but above all being a rock star and kicking ass. Vohlzamur doesn't tell many that he actually enjos reading and can play the piano, most see him as a sexy wild kick ass rock star the embodiment of sex and being a badass but he secretly can be a romantic at heart. He even loves: 'Beauty and the Beast'. Perhaps serving Moxlie has slowly helped change him over time but his desire in organics and mortals has grown into slowly loving them, loving his life, and growing to love romance.
However he still has some wild kick ass interests such as rocking out to huge blasting music. He even has his own demonic band, loving to rock out blast his lungs and show how great he can sing. For his every performance he will blast his hell fire flames into the air to show off for his fans. Ironic or not one of his favorite songs ever to sing and perform is "Up There" which needless to say isn't some loud screaming song but rather showing his sweet side although most of his music can range from heavy rock, heavy metal, and screamo music.
Of course after how much Vohlmazur has been adapting to other culture and his desires with organics, even if Moxlie removed the enhancements locking him to the mortal world, he has changed so much that he can never go back. If he were to ever return to his true home, his soul would most likely be ripped to shreds and he would be seen as a failed experiment so rather Vohlmazur has been slowly making peace with the life Moxlie forced him to have.
Vohlzamur has grown to have a huge amount of sexual kinks for busty women, the more curvy and busty they are the better. He loves big breasts, big ass, wide hips, he loves milking fat tits and pleasuring ass. He loves fully dominating women and men railing ass and breaking people to his will. He loves driving them wild seducing them and making them become vulnerable to his desires. Even the strongest toughest man and woman he will break to his will until they are practically a sex slave held up powerless to resist him. He loves fighting fucking and getting more wild. The more his target resists and tries to fight back, the hotter it gets. By this he loves surprise fucking and might even love rape. He loves to take advantage of his prey and break them, the more they fight back and try to resist the more he gets turned on. If the fight is kinky enough and excites Vohlzamur enough, he likes to become more beast like and vicious pouncing his target and dominating them like an enraged beast in heat. Moxlie has said on more than one occasion that one of the reasons she controls Vohlzamur and keeps him shackled, is because if she didn't, he would already be fucking nearly every person he comes across. However while he does like his prey to be strong and fight back, he is equally turned on by innocence. The more innocent they are the better in fact he personally loves to seduce and fuck his students. He also deeply loves competing. Group sex is a huge appeal to him and he loves competing seeing who is better at fucking, who is making their prey break to orgasm harder and faster.