- Joined
- Dec 17, 2015
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I am creating this thread to post all my characters on here in case anyone doesnt want me linking from other sites
Please do NOT comment this forum, please direct any questions or comments you have to me. This is NOT a join up rp section, this is a spot only for my characters
Name: Dhavnajen- Raamauz ‘Sings with beautiful purity’, daughter of Halnjar and Nam-Nash ‘Swims with grace’, Skorjing; Marsh Captain in the Retribution Ravens and Second in Command on the Dark Haven
Nickname: Dhavnajen or simply Dhav or Dhavy
Gender: Female
Species: Argonian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Job class: Retribution Ravens sniper and Rusenya's second in command
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Sexual Interest: High
(out of armor appearance, credit to FanOfTill for the art, paid for by me)
(Dhavnajen will have the two back fins plus one middle fin like this:
(In Aquatic her fingers will be webbed also)
(In aquatic she has no face make up)
(Dhavnajen will have her main two back fins but ontop of her head she will have these feathers. Only the top feathers, not the ones on the sides. They will be a mix of white to match her make up and some blue and green:
(in fancy she will have matching feathers growing out of her elbows like a bird or prehistoric dinosaur going all along the forearm and her fingers and toes will be more like claws.
(In fancy she has this face make up:
(Imperial shoulder pad armor)
(Over the shoulder pads i want these stick bone things strapped over them:
(Breton chest armor)
(this bone bandolier over the chest plate:
(Nord waist armor)
(this helmet and necklace. Necklace goes over bandolier which goes over chest plate:
(She will have regular pants and then these sleeve / bone strapped sleeves. Basically the leg and armor gear in this picture:
Dhavnajen was born to a pair of loving parents, her Norgaul father Halnjar and her Argonian mother Nam- Nash, they both loved Dhavnajen deeply and still do. All they wanted was for their daughter to be happy and to live the life she wanted however with her father being a warrior and her mother being a teacher, the two often argued about what path Dhavnajen should take in life but all of this would eventually change. Halnjar wanted Dhav to enroll in the Norgaul military and become a soldier. While Nam - Nash hated this idea, believing it was too dangerous. After all Dhav had been born with a birth defect making her far smaller than most Argonians and only a foot or two bigger than a Goblin so Nam - Nash worried she would be too weak for military life. Rather instead she hoped Dhav would take an interest in becoming a teacher or nurse or librarian. Eventually her parents would learn another defect Dhav was born with was being far more emotional than most Argonians to the point of her eventually developing her hormones far faster than most of her kind and having a far stronger more burning wild desire to mate than most of her race ever developed.
Dhavnajen’s parents realized very early on how their daughters hormones were different. She loves to give flowers and toys as a little child to all the other children and give kisses on the cheek. While whenever she got sad, she would throw huge fits lasting far longer than it would for most normal children. As well as a strong optimism almost always trying to be happy and positive, only rejection seeming to ruin her mood. When Dhavnajen was a teenager, she loved to tackle and wrestle around with other boys and girls giving them many kisses and constantly teasing and flirting around with them. Her joy became inspiring for other people at her school and she quickly became one of their most popular star students. While few ever saw her depression except her parents which was far more destructive now and her parents worried a bit if she was more than just a simple Argonian girl born with defects. She leaped at the chance to have sex and as soon as she met other teens and older men and women that were interested, she leaped at the chance to have as much sex as she could.
Her parents knew that their daughter loved to date but at first they merely thought she kept finding disgusting abusive men and would always dump them and run off, they never realized she was moving on from one person to the next practically each week. It wasn’t until Dhavnajen started dating women as well that her parents started to raise a fuss and grew very irritated, as they were a bit old fashioned. They had hoped Dhav would find some nice male Human or Argonian to be with and bring home to show them and get their approval. The idea of her dating another woman greatly angered Halnjar while Nam- Nash did not approve of it. It was bad enough having her constantly going on these various one night stands but to them this wasn't just pushing things too far.
However this escalated even further when their daughter started to date much larger furry races (Tauren, Leonin, Wurgen ect) and not only that but ‘caught her in the act’ of why she was only briefly dating these men and women and just how attracted she was to these fury races. To Dhavnajen’s parents, having attraction to the same gender was bad enough but to be so badly attracted to the races they borderline considered their enemies, they believed something was seriously wrong with their daughter. Dhav' parents saw the Tauren only threw the Blight Vultures and thus saw them as nothing less than an evil horrible race while other fury races they compared to almost like animals.
They took her to one of the nearest temples, hoping religion could purge their daughter’s sinful ways and help get her to change. They no longer thought their daughter was born with birth defects but more like she was born with some evil demon cursing her and holding onto her corrupting her. While Dhavnajen was upset that her parents saw her so poorly almost like an animal, she still knew her parents loved her deep down and thus she couldn’t go against them. Despite everything she had done and how her hormones changed over time, Dhav still deeply loved her family and had a strong desire to make her family happy as well as fuck her family but she figured they wouldn't like the later so she instead only cared for making them happy and trying to redeem herself for them. Dhavnajen complied and began taking lessons to reform herself or at least that’s what was told and on the official papers. In reality while Dhavnajen would in fact go to the temple, she would often seduce the various men and women training their or priests there, after all to her it was ironic and humorous seeing how for all their talk they were still not “100% pure” and that even they could be corrupted but it was even better for her when she got to sleep with them inside the temple, as if giving their god or goddess or talking animal or whatever it was they believed in (to this day Dhavnajen still has no idea what they worshipped as she never payed attention) a giant middle finger and insult for forcing her to put up with all this religious nonsense.
Overall however, Dhavnajen always put up with the religious leaders until she learned how they handle sinners that disobey them or do not conform to them. Perhaps Dhavnajen was lucky because of her parents or perhaps agreeing to work with the church, gave her some space above the other sinners but when she realized how they treated the other sinners, she knew she could no longer stand for it. Dhavnajen accidentally stumbled upon some of religion’s most terrible secrets: captured mages being burned alive and seen as agents of demons just for having magic, those that were gay were considered succubus monsters and thus were tortured a slow agonizing brutal death, those that committed adultery were in return fed to wild vicious giant monsters, and those that committed taboos were stoned to death. Those that stole, had their hands cut off and were wipped. Those that got in relationships with races the church did not approve of, were seen as traitors and sold off like slaves to the most evil sadistic members of their races.
Dhavnajen was filled with rage and hatred at the church, she wanted to burn it all down and make sure everyone that had performed such sadistic brutality with religion as a shield, be hunted down and massacred. She had seen so many friends, people she cared about and grew to greatly admire and like, horribly executed in some of the most violent phycotic ways she had ever seen and she questioned how could such evil be allowed to exist unanswered.
Dhavnajen contemplated wiping out all those responsible for these crimes, wanting to kill them all but then she realized they would trace it back to her parents and probably brutally kill them for her punishment. Instead Dhavnajen decided to run away, abandoning her family/ friends/ and every aspect of her life so it would be clear it was entirely on her own doing and that her parents were innocent.
Dhavnajen fled across the lands until she was picked up by a pirate crew looking to expand and replenish their losses. Dhavnajen quickly accepted their proposition to begin a new life for herself and over the weeks she found herself learning how to use bows, arrows, blunderbusses, pistols, swords, and spears. Dhavnajen was trained to be brutal deadly and fearless in combat and in return she taught them what she knew expertly well. However Dhavnajen quickly gained a hatred and fear for the undead during this when one of the ‘very handsome attractive’ pirates she was sleeping with, right in the middle of the moment he turned back into his undead form to trick Dhavnajen and play a joke on her but seeing what she had ‘spent her time with’ and was still in the middle of doing, it terrified Dhavnajen to her core and completely revolted her, mentally scaring her to the point that to this day anyone Dhavnajen sleeps with, she has to cut their skin to make sure they can actually bleed and don’t heal like an Undead.
Over time however Dhavnajen worked as a pirate and quickly became one of their most skilled warriors, even on a few occasions raiding Ekenni ships freeing all the slaves hoarding all the treasure and then running off before the rest of their fleet could catch them. For a long time life was good for Dhavnajen, she sometimes thought back about her parents and hoped they were alright but still didn’t want to see them after everything that was said and done in the past. Dhavnajen had little idea what was happening in the rest of the world until one day her ship was cornered and left helpless by one of the Inquisition’s powerful dreadnought ships but instead of crushing all the pirates, the Inquisition’s forces offered them a job to fight demons and their worshippers.
Dhavnajen had no idea what a demon was but hearing the religious part, she was all too eager to accept and fix up her history for not killing these religious nuts earlier. Dhavnajen was put through extensive training learning how to kill demons and these super elite warriors but truthfully they were simply testing her, they wanted to learn which of the pirates had potential to move up to an elite picked squad and which would remain as grunt soldiers and scouts. Dhavnajen however was far more clever than the Inquisition believed and she quickly realized this, seducing and deceiving her brother and sister pirates as well as getting them drunk or over confident or having them turn against each other, Dhavnajen narrowed down her competition until she was the only prominent and worthy candidate remaining.
As a sort of reward for passing where her counterparts failed, Dhavnajen was transferred to be trained directly underneath Inquisitor Tasnezan to learn more about becoming a scout, the Inquisition’s ears and eyes. However it seems the pairing took that idea rather literally as a week later when the other Inquisitor’s went to investigate on Dhavnajen’s progress, they had noticed she hadn’t learned a single thing or improved at all and instead the two had spent their time finding other ways to distract themselves. As a result Dhavnajen was transferred over to be trained by Brynhildur, seeing as how Lhiwneth had little patience for the short flirtatious sexual reptilian (probably seeing her as an insult to her kind). Bryn trained Dhavnajen to harden her resolve and to try her hardest, she trained her to realize her enemies would not show mercy and that in battle her mind must be focused on the battle not thinking sexually or about drinking.
As a final test, Dhavnajen was put on a squad and given a trial mission of raiding an ancient lost temple, finding a holy relic, and in the end having to fight Inquisitor Lhiwneth in a practice fight and needing to get her to at least exit the final room in order to pass. The trial was a test to see who would be worthy of making it into the Inquisition’s elite squad and who would go back to training. Dhavnajen voiced her opinion wanting to lead the squad but many saw her as only a ditsy whore, refused to listen to her. Instead Dhavnajen was forced to follow her squad as a blind obedient follower. However time and time again she proved she wasn’t just some idiotic whore that only knew how to fuck. The first room her squad entered, was rigged with traps made to quickly incinerate the room if anyone touches one of said traps to which Dhavnajen realized and helped save one of her team mates from being burned alive. Luckily Dhavnajen had experience handling such traps in her time as a pirate. On the second level Dhavnajen showed her squad how to safely pick a lock and disarm the trap that was waiting to spring on them if they failed to open the trap, seeing as how being a thief also helped pay off. Time and time again Dhavnajen helped save her squad until when they finally reached Lhiwneth, nearly everyone in the squad agreed to support Dhavnajen as an honored sister in arms no matter her past and personal preferences. In completing the mission Dhavnajen was appointed to the newly created squad and given the chance to truly prove herself to everyone. Of course this is all according to Dhavnajen and many have stated that Dhavnajen is a notorious liar. Others have said that Dhav's differences with her squad grew so much that they constantly argued until they fought, never able to come together and eventually all of them were sent back to training.
Regardless of how sketchy her past is with the Inquisition, the Cataclysm hit shortly after. The world was ripped asunder and changed forever as people and races were thrown into the new universe while others were obliterated out of existence. Dhavnajen was tremendously changed by the Cataclysm perhaps thinking she was some wild beast or some cruel sense of humor. Either way she was thrust to the Draconic Empire where she awoke again. Surrounded by all kinds of scaly races was disturbing to Dhav but she was even more terrified and freaked out when she found out her parents are still alive and now living in Draconic space. So Dhav stole a ship as fast as she could, quickly became a wanted criminal and flew off heading far away from Draconic space. Stealing from anyone in her way or any she felt like, she quickly gained a reputation for being one of the best thieves in the galaxy as well as one of the most seductive, hottest, and a deadly fighter with blades and as a sniper. Many started to idolize her, like her, and wanted to join her. She ended up creating a pirate crew named the Cold Heathens and had a flag / symbol of a destroyed holy symbol. Having never had a chance to destroy the church that harmed so many of her friends in the past, she used this as her chance.
Their organization became notorious for robbing from religious sites, robbing and fighting the Ekenni who had came to the new galaxy as well. Also any religious sites that committed horrible unspeakable crimes against innocent civilians, found themselves being burned and crucified along with their temple sites being burned to the ground to set the innocents free from their madness. Her pirate group became famous for wiping out cults and one of the most anti religious pirate groups out there. It was no surprise it quickly drew the attention of Xurin.
Xurin sent his agents to hunt down and kill some of Dhav's most loyal followers while bribing the rest. Slipping members of his cult into the Cold Heathens, he slowly took over the pirate group. Eventually he planned to capture Dhavnajen and perform some of the most sadistic demonic rituals on her to repay her for everything she had done. Many tried to convince Dhav of what happened to her crew, even her boyfriend at the time (who she later broke up with) but believed no one. Even the Retribution Ravens came in trying to knock some sense into Dhavnajen but she didn't listen to anyone until Xurin himself arrived, cornering Dhavnajen. The demon lord easily overpowered her and prepared to execute her but was only stopped thanks to Seidh and the rest of the Retribution Ravens, saving Dhavnajen.
The Retribution Ravens took Dhav away, evacuating her in their ship as they finished off what remained of Xurin's followers and forced the demon to retreat. Dhavnajen was very happy for their help but found herself at a loss. Her crew was gone, killed, some betrayed her. Former friends and allies all gone. She didn't know what to do with herself so she briefly tried out becoming a bounty hunter. She didn't wait for the Ravens to offer her a chance to join, she instead simply rushed to try and make money for herself and not risk losing another crew of friends. However sadly for her, very few wanted to hire her. Most didn't know her and thus didn't trust her, they were more used to: Clan Wazzrot, the Retribution Ravens, the Bloodlist Cartel, the Reborn Demons. All of them had built up a reputation while Dhavnajen was an unknown and what experience they did see from her, didn't seem to stand out all that much from the existing competition. It angered Dhav more and more as she couldn't find any work and yet desperately needed it so she returned to the Retribution Ravens. Others had offered her a chance like the Reborn Demons and she did technically work with them for a few missions. They offered her great pay and she had a chance to make a living with them but knew it was only just that. She knew she would never get a promotion with them and mostly be a nice hot piece of ass for them to fuck but other than that they barely took her seriously while perhaps the Retribution Ravens would take her at least a little more seriously.
Heading back to the Retribution Ravens, they were happy to assist her but saw no use for her. They have always been an extremely close knit group and chose only those they can absolutely trust and those that can help contribute to their cause. However at this time, Rusenya had also gotten her ship the Dark Haven and wasn't exactly too fond of the idea of being the only person on her ship. She asked to let Dhav come aboard but Seidh still insisted there was no use for her as they already had people that excelled at what Dhav was good at or at least so they believed. Dhav was determined to prove herself so she asked for various trials to earn her respect. Tasnezan with his former experience with Dhav, spoke up for her as well and thus Seidh agreed. Dhav was given numerous tasks that all of the Retribution Ravens handle to test and see what she is good at. Amazingly, even without using any kind of technology, she surpassed the entire crew tremendously in how skilled she is at stealing. Her sword skills were also impressive as well as her skill with archery and sniping.
Seidh had Rusenya fight against Dhav in a non lethal, friendly duel to test how skilled Dhav is with a blade. Dhav was of course far more ferocious and wild in battle but only lasted a few minutes against Rusenya, however she still cleared had potential. For archery she and Tas both were tasked with hitting targets and it quickly became obvious how Tas had previously trained her as she was able to nearly match his speed and really amazed all of the Retribution Ravens with how fast she can fire arrows and how deadly her aim is. To test her sniping skills, she was put against Xuz and once again amazed everyone. While she didn't have the strength or power or force of Xuz, she was very fast and far more agile at maneuvering and rapidly re positioning.
It was decided and Dhav was allowed to join the Retribution Ravens on board the Dark Haven.
Rusenya was so happy that to honor Dhav's former rank and because she was the first member to join her crew, she appointed Dhavnajen as her second in command. Seidh didn't think this was the proper way to appoint a second in command but who was she to judge. So long as Dhavnajen followed Seidh's authority ultimately, she didn't mind the little lizard being second in command on the Dark Haven.
Dragon Fangs, The Last Breath
(This head and these wings:
(2 of these shields along each wing:
(this body:
How the bow was created, the stories stretch far and wide and constantly change with how Dhav tells the tale. Sometimes she says the wrestled and killed a dragon to design the bow. Other times she says she seduced a dragon to kill another one of it's kind. Sometimes the story is she stole a famous dragon skull from one of the most secure facilities in Draconic space. Other times she says she fought a hundred criminals just to secure the bow. Either way, the story changes so much so it's unclear how she ever got the bow or how it was designed. Regardless of how it was created, it is clear the design was intentionally made to spite her race and perhaps excite others. Even Dhavnajen has said, those scalies offended by her weapon deserve to be offended for being so eager to anger and quick to look for a reason to be mad. However those that don't get mad by the weapon, she hopes it either makes them fear her or maybe it makes them more excited thinking about how badass and strong she must be. After all no ordinary person could come upon a dragon skull regardless of how big or small. Although the skull is of course considerably small not a full sized dragon skull but one big enough for her bow.
The bow has two firing modes. In it's crossbow mode, the bow fires out high powered arrows that are launched rocket powered with flames blasting out with each shot. Each shot is designed to impale even through most heavier targets and hit them with enough force to send them flying. If Dhavnajen doesn't wish to use any arrows and simply defend herself, the gun has a flamethrower portion hidden inside the dragon head underneath where arrows are fired. When not firing any arrows, Dhav can instead use the weapon like a flamethrower blasting fire from the dragon head to burn any enemies close to her. As an added means of defense, the bow's wings are equipped with shields for Dhavnajen to hide behind and use to block incoming damage. As an extra means of defense and as a weapon, the crossbow can extend out a large metal spear head blade from its mouth which Dhav can use either to impale and strike enemies or she can have this bladed tip fired and launched from the dragon head to impale enemies getting too close.
The second firing mode is Ballista. In Ballista, the wings expand twice in length as well as getting an extra two shields on each wing. The body of the bow increases twice in length and it creates four legs for it to stand up on. In Ballista mode the weapon becomes more like a personal artillery gun. The weapon can fire missile shells that are extremely explosive arrows that lock onto enemy tanks / aircraft / mechs and blast them for huge explosive damage. It also has its lance arrows which are arrows several feet bigger than the entire Ballista and fired so fast and strong, they are made to pierce right through enemy Titan mechs and shred any lighter vehicles instantly. While in this mode, the gun is a lot slower to reload and fire hence why it's like a heavy artillery weapon. Also while in this mode, the giant bow has less defense. The bow relies on all of the shields Infront of it for protection but it also has a flamer variant. If Dhavnajen is not firing any weapons from the bow, she can have the weapon blast out close range flames covering the area. Unlike the crossbow variant, the flame weaponry lasts a lot longer and covers a much larger area radius.
Infinite Dawn
Dhavnajen's personal short how she has had all her life. Since Dhavnajen was old enough to break free from the church and take on a life of piracy, she designed the bow for herself. Needless to say the bow has gone through many changes over time from first starting off as a cut down piece of wood with a string attached. A few years after feeling jealous and wimpy compared to the other pirates, she paid to have dwarves customize it making it mechanical. Giving it machinery and gears, making it stronger and more high powered. Yet this wasn't enough. By the time she met the Inquisition, Tasnezan modified the bow to give it various different firing modes mirroring his own former bow. Against the demonic invasion and all kinds of horrible monsters and twisted creations they unleashed, this was satisfactory at least temporarily. The bow was able to pin cushion and shred apart Demons which made Dhavnajen happy. However after Dhavnajen came to the new universe with the Cataclysm, the weapon became greatly outdated.
Trying to fight enemies in the new universe, apart from her former demon enemies, most others were able to shrug off her efforts as it barely phased them. Dhavnajen saved up through her work leading her own pirate crew. Once she had enough money saved up, she used most of it to hire Protoss and Angaran engineers to custom modify her bow into one of the most advanced bows in the galaxy and give her the best weapon they could.
The bow still is the same size as any short bow except it folds in, compact allowing Dhavnajen to easily hide it and use it extremely quickly. The weapon is programmed to latch onto Dhavnajen when she holds it and burn anyone else trying to hold it. She even studied a form of martial arts allowing her to rapidly fire and maneuver with the bow and even fire it from her feet when she is leaping around. If Dhavnajen is knocked down a deep fall or simply needs to get up higher, the bow has a flight system. The interior of the bow will glow and activate an energy thruster system while creating metallic feather like objects branching off of it to make the bow wings feel more like wings as they allow Dhavnajen to briefly fly around. The system of course uses only so much energy so not forever but it is designed to help her out of tight spots. Lastly the bow fires a mix between high powered energy beams, plasma beam shots, and plasma stun shots. The weapon is not as strong as her crossbow but it is a lot faster, although the energy beams which she cannot fire if she is using the flight mode: are designed to blast through enemy armor.
Titanium Longshot
(Resembles this:
(Except the stock will be longer and it will have two of these tubes on each side so four total and all glowing red:
(This sword bayonet underneath
Dhavnajen's personal sniper rifle just as mysterious as her crossbow. The Retribution Ravens know the weapon was designed by Moonlight Security Industries but beyond that it is unknown. Some say Dhavnajen stole the weapon, others say she slept with Radulf and got him to give up the weapon or stole it from while he was sleeping. Others say she tricked and slept with enough guards to snatch the weapon while they were distracted. Regardless of how she got the weapon, she has loved it and it has been one of her most prized weapons. The weapon was designed for close combat commandos, elite trained soldiers for rapidly clearing out tight areas and taking down far heavier bigger enemies.
The weapon rapid fires plasma bolts however it can switch to incendiary rounds and inferno rounds which makes it seem more like a flaming beam to make it seem more like a flamethrower. In its assault mode, it is barely above an assault rifle. It fires rapidly for taking down most infantry targets but it also has heavy gauss rounds for punching through enemy armor and capable of blasting enemy armor with enough rounds: sort of made to replicate Necron gauss weaponry. Of course if Dhavnajen faces an enemy while using her sniper rifle, she can bayonet them with the guns huge sword blade.
In the guns sniper rifle variant, it mirrors almost a sort of futuristic musket. The barrel extends twice in length with tremendous firepower and range. The gun will fire one single shot before needing to reload but each shot is designed for anything from obliterating an enemy infantry to punching through an enemy mech Titan. In its standard variation ammunition: it uses a very high explosive incendiary round more like a nuclear round. In its inferno ammunition, the fire beam is not as strong but fires almost seeming like a beam blasting right through targets and then having a slow recharge. It's last variant is its mortar variant where it fires a single nuclear round that shreds into hundreds of mini nuclear rounds and rains down like an artillery bombardment on the enemy. Trading one huge explosion for handling large groups of enemies. In its sniper rifle variant, Dhavnajen can still use its sword bayonet however the weapon is far heavier for Dhavnajen in this mode and thus it's slower for her to use plus with the weapon being twice her size while in this mode.
(Both machetes will look like this:
(It will have teeth on the top of it like this:
(The teeth on it will be from this:
(These symbols carved into the blade:
(And these symbols:
According to legend in Dhavnajen's family on her moms side, the two legendary machete blades are ancient Argonian master swords that used to belong to King Gahv - Taahn 'Hero Against Molag' Xemtus. The ancestor of Dhavnajen's family was a Hist warrior and honor guard to the king but when a demonic invasion destroyed the countryside including many of his fellow guards and even their king, Gahv took his blades and in a final act fought his hardest cutting through the various demons and Daedra until he got to their leader, a towering Daedroth named Dyecius. Dyecius was a gluttonous monster that loved to butcher and consume every Argonian he came across and many more he performed horrible experiments on them to create new wild monsters and more Daedroth. Gahv fought the horrible giant monster and in is last efforts, his blades slit across the giant beast and cut him open many times. Gahvs people were saved and the demonic invasion ended. Taking off Dyecius's teeth infusing them to his blades as a war trophy and proof of his skill in battle, he would even later take the blade to his people's shamans to enchant the weapon to better protect him and slay his enemies. Dyecius's teeth were already said to be indestructible while the shamans magic made it so the blades would basically be indestructible so long as a member of his blood, someone related to him or descended from him, is keeping the blades. Only should all members of his kin and family die, only then would the blades be destroyed and shrivel to dust. However the shamans did add one last feature just in case, preferring to avoid their entire family like being killed: thanks to their magic, of the one holding the blades proves worthy enough, they can call upon their dead ancestors to lend them their strength and fight alongside them in battle. Of course this is only if they are seen as worthy, if they are not seen as worthy then they may be ignored.
Even without magic, the blades were made ages ago to be light weight and very easily to swing around extremely fast, the addition of the teeth allows the blades to better block enemy melee weaponry and counter it.
During the time of the demonic invasion, Dhavnajen snuck back into her parents home and stole the two blades. Seeing as how her parents weren't using the weapons and just keeping them as a glorified hanging trophy, she took the two weapons and ran off before they knew she was there. She knew the legend and history behind the weapons and knew her family would hate her for taking them. However to be fair she was still a descendant of Gahv - Taahn Xemtus and thus had an equal right to the blades especially more than her father. While Dhavnajen has had a lot of issues over the years getting to the bows she likes, she quickly adapted to the two legendary swords. The two swords cut through demons with great ease and have easily earned their legendary reputation. Dhavnajen has kept them with her ever since then and taken great care to keep them in top condition as some of her most prized weapons.
Other Info:
Vestment of the Ancient Dragon
Dhavnajen's armor actually once belonged to King Gahv - Taahn 'Hero Against Molag' Xemtus and is his legendary light armor. In the ancient stories, in the wake of Dyecius's invasion of their lands, a great ancient dragon named Kudasaedon came to Gahv - Taahn and crafted for him a legendary armor to help him survive and win his battles. The armor was crafted to give a natural immunity to not only demonic influence but also any kind of religious influence is blocked out: protecting the wearers mind from any kind of spiritual / super natural influence / corruption / mind control. Not only that but the armor was made to be very light and yet strong enough to withstand everything from regular soldiers to huge brutal towering demons. On each arm, the armor can activate shell like shields for the wearer to block all attacks coming at them. While not the size of a full shield, they are built strong enough and large enough to block most attacks. Underneath these shields, as a last resort means of extra defense: The arm armor can activate double bladed bone wrist blades that extend out for the wearer to either defend themselves or assassinate an enemy or slash through most armor even if they aren't as strong as most metal bladed weapons.
When Dhavnajen took Molagbane, she also donned the matching armor and left with it. During the demonic invasion, the armor was being held up on a mantle. It was simply being used for display to honor their history but not defend anyone. Like taking the swords, she knew her family wouldn't approve but Dhavnajen also needed to defend herself which was more important. She believed she could properly honor her family by wearing the armor and using it to slay her enemy's although many have disagreed with Dhavnajen's reasoning. When she came to Draconic Space upon arriving in the new universe, many knew the tales of her family's great ancestral hero and thus believed Dhav was dishonoring him by using his swords and armor, which is another reason why Dhav has avoided the Draconic Empire although some have seen her wearing the armor as a symbol of hope and like she has become a hero honoring and remembering her past and wielding it with pride.
While Dhavnajen is bisexual, she has little attraction in other reptilian races or as she calls them ‘scaleys’ but she has some average attraction in human and elf like races and she has an extremely high attraction in fury races (Leonin, Khajiit, Tauren, Wurgen ect). Dhavnajen can get attracted to and will fuck other reptilian races but typically she needs a lot of seduction and charm to get turned on by them. However she does make an exception for huge reptilian beasts and dragons, big beasts lumbering over her pounding her with their huge monster dicks does turn her on a lot regardless of if they have scales or not. What isn't debatable however is that Dhavnajen has no attraction at all to undead and instead has a deep hatred and fear and disgust of them.
Dhavnajen has a wide range of sexual kinks almost unlimited. She loves getting bent over and having her fat ass drilled very hard. She loves bouncing her fat ass on a big thick dick. She loves someone grabbing her and using her as a fuck toy to ride someone. She loves being held up by someone as she's drilled like a helpless fuck toy. She loves getting pinned having her fat tits milked and squeezed as her Pusey is drilled. She loves getting fucked by multiple partners all at once. She loves having huge sex parties with many people fucking all at once. She loves fucking in public, she loves having wild beasts fuck her, she loves having strangers fuck her. She loves playing games to lead into sex. She's not very good at fighting fucking and will mostly give in quick to get to the fucking quicker. She loves being surprise fucked and she loves being fucked very rough hard but not as much violently.
Dhavnajen was never religious but after seeing how some churches and religious groups have treated sinners and how they forced them to flee into the arms of demons, as well as all the various cults she has fought, Dhavnajen is extremely hostile to religion. Dhavnajen doesn't mind if her friends are religious and she understands the need to believe in something however she goes to great lengths to avoid religion. She would take it hugely insulting if anyone ever talked to her about religion. She would happily get in a orgy with a demon and angel in a church and shit all over holy religious objects. She goes out of her way to destroy demonic cultist worship sites and kill those ther use religion as a weapon against innocents. For innocents just wanting something to believe in, Dhavnajen is ok if they have different opinions and she still always defends those innocents no matter what.
Dhavnajen’s parents are both still alive and were sheltered by the Inquisition. When the Cataclysm hit, thanks to the Inquisitions magic they were both saved and transported to the new universe. Upon arriving, they were taken to Draconic Space where they started to make a new living taking on jobs in the government and religion while having two new sons and one daughter. Truthfully Dhavnajen is still very attracted to them and has a huge incest desire so she would happily fuck all of her family that are of the legal age limit but Dhavnajen has gone to great lengths to avoid them due to their past. She still thinks they don't understand her sexuality and would be even more disgusted and horrified if they knew Dhavnajen is sexually attracted in them. Nizzfizbik found out about this and offered to help Dhav but Dhav didn't want to trick her parents or use some kind of magic to brainwash them. To her, this would be cruel like rape, it would make her parents think even lesser of her and despite everything she still deeply loved her family.
Besides from sex and constantly stealing from people (swindling, robbing, pickpocketting, conning), Dhavnajen enjoys drinking and gambling and secretly loves to sings and play on the flute and lute. While she will never admit it as she’s ashamed of it, her true name (which she also changed as quickly as she could) was given to her when her mother realized how soft and sweet of a singing voice she has. Although Dhavnajen is very shy about singing. Despite how brave blunt and hard headed Dhavnajen acts about everything, the one thing she is shy about is her inner beauty. She prefers for people to think of her as this crude slutty vulgar wild dangerous thief, it's far easier than seeing some of her inner most personal feelings and risk getting heartbroken. Dhavnajen prefers people seeing her this way to try and avoid getting hurt again.
For instance in secret she loves all kinds of birds and will occasionally sing to them in her spare time, being some of the only living things to ever hear her singing. In addition Dhavnajen loves children and family beyond just for incest. In secret and she has made sure Seidh and Rusenya tell no one, she uses a secret identity for in her down free time she will volunteer at orphanages taking care of children and being like a foster mother for them. Taking children to see movies, shopping for toys and sweets, she disguises herself appearing like an old nun and the best mother most of those children could ask for. These children are some of the only other living things next to her birds, to hear her singing even if she has to use a different fake accent while disguised to spend time with the children.
Dhavnajen does not believe in romance and love and not because she think’s it doesn’t exist, no. She knows it exists as she deeply loves her parents but she hates relationships. So many times she has been complained at whenever she tried to have a relationship, her partners complaining about her sleeping with another man or woman or many people at once or them constantly worrying about her when she is away or constantly checking if she needs protection or needs to be treated like a parent looking after a child. Dhavnajen can’t stand serious relationships because so often she is used to staying by herself, amongst her friends, and sexual friends but never having to feel like someone is constantly looking over her shoulder nagging her about every single tiny detail. As Dhavnajen would explain it, she made an exception for her parents doing that but that’s as far as her limits go.
Dhavnajen was born with a birth defect despite her parents being perfectly normal. Dhavnajen unlike other Argonians, stands at only around four feet tall (around a foot taller than a dwarf and several feet taller than a goblin) and she has a tremendously heightened emotional state meaning she experiences emotions far stronger than most including sexual arousal.
The Cataclysm only made this worse. When Dhavnajen became a pirate and ran away from her family, she truly couldn't handle it due to her strong emotions and felt heartbroken about everything that happened. So she began to smoke to compensate for it and help her feel more happy and relaxed in addition to drinking a lot. When the Cataclysm hit, it twisted her body around and pushed Dhavnajen into two evolution forms which she can rapidly rotate between
Aquatic Evolution
In her aquatic form, she grows an extra fin on her head while her fingers grow webbed. In this form, Dhavnajen becomes extremely fast in the water capable of out swimming nearly anyone. She also is able to cling and leech to underwater surfaces suctioning to them making it near impossible to pry her off while she is able to change her scale colors blending in with the environment and camouflaging herself.
Raptor Evolution
In her raptor form, she grows many feathers all along her head as well as over her arms with her arms becoming more like wings. Her hands as feet turn more into large claws as well. In this form, she can leap across huge surfaces jumping very far as well as able to jump very high into the air almost like a sort of mid flight. While in this form, she can also spit out acid. From her old smoking combined with the Cataclysm, it has infused into her blood making her more like a predatory dinosaur while in this mode.
Please do NOT comment this forum, please direct any questions or comments you have to me. This is NOT a join up rp section, this is a spot only for my characters
Name: Dhavnajen- Raamauz ‘Sings with beautiful purity’, daughter of Halnjar and Nam-Nash ‘Swims with grace’, Skorjing; Marsh Captain in the Retribution Ravens and Second in Command on the Dark Haven
Nickname: Dhavnajen or simply Dhav or Dhavy
Gender: Female
Species: Argonian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Job class: Retribution Ravens sniper and Rusenya's second in command
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Sexual Interest: High
(out of armor appearance, credit to FanOfTill for the art, paid for by me)

(Dhavnajen will have the two back fins plus one middle fin like this:
(In Aquatic her fingers will be webbed also)
(In aquatic she has no face make up)
(Dhavnajen will have her main two back fins but ontop of her head she will have these feathers. Only the top feathers, not the ones on the sides. They will be a mix of white to match her make up and some blue and green:
(in fancy she will have matching feathers growing out of her elbows like a bird or prehistoric dinosaur going all along the forearm and her fingers and toes will be more like claws.
(In fancy she has this face make up:
(Imperial shoulder pad armor)
(Over the shoulder pads i want these stick bone things strapped over them:
(Breton chest armor)
(this bone bandolier over the chest plate:
(Nord waist armor)
(this helmet and necklace. Necklace goes over bandolier which goes over chest plate:
(She will have regular pants and then these sleeve / bone strapped sleeves. Basically the leg and armor gear in this picture:
Dhavnajen was born to a pair of loving parents, her Norgaul father Halnjar and her Argonian mother Nam- Nash, they both loved Dhavnajen deeply and still do. All they wanted was for their daughter to be happy and to live the life she wanted however with her father being a warrior and her mother being a teacher, the two often argued about what path Dhavnajen should take in life but all of this would eventually change. Halnjar wanted Dhav to enroll in the Norgaul military and become a soldier. While Nam - Nash hated this idea, believing it was too dangerous. After all Dhav had been born with a birth defect making her far smaller than most Argonians and only a foot or two bigger than a Goblin so Nam - Nash worried she would be too weak for military life. Rather instead she hoped Dhav would take an interest in becoming a teacher or nurse or librarian. Eventually her parents would learn another defect Dhav was born with was being far more emotional than most Argonians to the point of her eventually developing her hormones far faster than most of her kind and having a far stronger more burning wild desire to mate than most of her race ever developed.
Dhavnajen’s parents realized very early on how their daughters hormones were different. She loves to give flowers and toys as a little child to all the other children and give kisses on the cheek. While whenever she got sad, she would throw huge fits lasting far longer than it would for most normal children. As well as a strong optimism almost always trying to be happy and positive, only rejection seeming to ruin her mood. When Dhavnajen was a teenager, she loved to tackle and wrestle around with other boys and girls giving them many kisses and constantly teasing and flirting around with them. Her joy became inspiring for other people at her school and she quickly became one of their most popular star students. While few ever saw her depression except her parents which was far more destructive now and her parents worried a bit if she was more than just a simple Argonian girl born with defects. She leaped at the chance to have sex and as soon as she met other teens and older men and women that were interested, she leaped at the chance to have as much sex as she could.
Her parents knew that their daughter loved to date but at first they merely thought she kept finding disgusting abusive men and would always dump them and run off, they never realized she was moving on from one person to the next practically each week. It wasn’t until Dhavnajen started dating women as well that her parents started to raise a fuss and grew very irritated, as they were a bit old fashioned. They had hoped Dhav would find some nice male Human or Argonian to be with and bring home to show them and get their approval. The idea of her dating another woman greatly angered Halnjar while Nam- Nash did not approve of it. It was bad enough having her constantly going on these various one night stands but to them this wasn't just pushing things too far.
However this escalated even further when their daughter started to date much larger furry races (Tauren, Leonin, Wurgen ect) and not only that but ‘caught her in the act’ of why she was only briefly dating these men and women and just how attracted she was to these fury races. To Dhavnajen’s parents, having attraction to the same gender was bad enough but to be so badly attracted to the races they borderline considered their enemies, they believed something was seriously wrong with their daughter. Dhav' parents saw the Tauren only threw the Blight Vultures and thus saw them as nothing less than an evil horrible race while other fury races they compared to almost like animals.
They took her to one of the nearest temples, hoping religion could purge their daughter’s sinful ways and help get her to change. They no longer thought their daughter was born with birth defects but more like she was born with some evil demon cursing her and holding onto her corrupting her. While Dhavnajen was upset that her parents saw her so poorly almost like an animal, she still knew her parents loved her deep down and thus she couldn’t go against them. Despite everything she had done and how her hormones changed over time, Dhav still deeply loved her family and had a strong desire to make her family happy as well as fuck her family but she figured they wouldn't like the later so she instead only cared for making them happy and trying to redeem herself for them. Dhavnajen complied and began taking lessons to reform herself or at least that’s what was told and on the official papers. In reality while Dhavnajen would in fact go to the temple, she would often seduce the various men and women training their or priests there, after all to her it was ironic and humorous seeing how for all their talk they were still not “100% pure” and that even they could be corrupted but it was even better for her when she got to sleep with them inside the temple, as if giving their god or goddess or talking animal or whatever it was they believed in (to this day Dhavnajen still has no idea what they worshipped as she never payed attention) a giant middle finger and insult for forcing her to put up with all this religious nonsense.
Overall however, Dhavnajen always put up with the religious leaders until she learned how they handle sinners that disobey them or do not conform to them. Perhaps Dhavnajen was lucky because of her parents or perhaps agreeing to work with the church, gave her some space above the other sinners but when she realized how they treated the other sinners, she knew she could no longer stand for it. Dhavnajen accidentally stumbled upon some of religion’s most terrible secrets: captured mages being burned alive and seen as agents of demons just for having magic, those that were gay were considered succubus monsters and thus were tortured a slow agonizing brutal death, those that committed adultery were in return fed to wild vicious giant monsters, and those that committed taboos were stoned to death. Those that stole, had their hands cut off and were wipped. Those that got in relationships with races the church did not approve of, were seen as traitors and sold off like slaves to the most evil sadistic members of their races.
Dhavnajen was filled with rage and hatred at the church, she wanted to burn it all down and make sure everyone that had performed such sadistic brutality with religion as a shield, be hunted down and massacred. She had seen so many friends, people she cared about and grew to greatly admire and like, horribly executed in some of the most violent phycotic ways she had ever seen and she questioned how could such evil be allowed to exist unanswered.
Dhavnajen contemplated wiping out all those responsible for these crimes, wanting to kill them all but then she realized they would trace it back to her parents and probably brutally kill them for her punishment. Instead Dhavnajen decided to run away, abandoning her family/ friends/ and every aspect of her life so it would be clear it was entirely on her own doing and that her parents were innocent.
Dhavnajen fled across the lands until she was picked up by a pirate crew looking to expand and replenish their losses. Dhavnajen quickly accepted their proposition to begin a new life for herself and over the weeks she found herself learning how to use bows, arrows, blunderbusses, pistols, swords, and spears. Dhavnajen was trained to be brutal deadly and fearless in combat and in return she taught them what she knew expertly well. However Dhavnajen quickly gained a hatred and fear for the undead during this when one of the ‘very handsome attractive’ pirates she was sleeping with, right in the middle of the moment he turned back into his undead form to trick Dhavnajen and play a joke on her but seeing what she had ‘spent her time with’ and was still in the middle of doing, it terrified Dhavnajen to her core and completely revolted her, mentally scaring her to the point that to this day anyone Dhavnajen sleeps with, she has to cut their skin to make sure they can actually bleed and don’t heal like an Undead.
Over time however Dhavnajen worked as a pirate and quickly became one of their most skilled warriors, even on a few occasions raiding Ekenni ships freeing all the slaves hoarding all the treasure and then running off before the rest of their fleet could catch them. For a long time life was good for Dhavnajen, she sometimes thought back about her parents and hoped they were alright but still didn’t want to see them after everything that was said and done in the past. Dhavnajen had little idea what was happening in the rest of the world until one day her ship was cornered and left helpless by one of the Inquisition’s powerful dreadnought ships but instead of crushing all the pirates, the Inquisition’s forces offered them a job to fight demons and their worshippers.
Dhavnajen had no idea what a demon was but hearing the religious part, she was all too eager to accept and fix up her history for not killing these religious nuts earlier. Dhavnajen was put through extensive training learning how to kill demons and these super elite warriors but truthfully they were simply testing her, they wanted to learn which of the pirates had potential to move up to an elite picked squad and which would remain as grunt soldiers and scouts. Dhavnajen however was far more clever than the Inquisition believed and she quickly realized this, seducing and deceiving her brother and sister pirates as well as getting them drunk or over confident or having them turn against each other, Dhavnajen narrowed down her competition until she was the only prominent and worthy candidate remaining.
As a sort of reward for passing where her counterparts failed, Dhavnajen was transferred to be trained directly underneath Inquisitor Tasnezan to learn more about becoming a scout, the Inquisition’s ears and eyes. However it seems the pairing took that idea rather literally as a week later when the other Inquisitor’s went to investigate on Dhavnajen’s progress, they had noticed she hadn’t learned a single thing or improved at all and instead the two had spent their time finding other ways to distract themselves. As a result Dhavnajen was transferred over to be trained by Brynhildur, seeing as how Lhiwneth had little patience for the short flirtatious sexual reptilian (probably seeing her as an insult to her kind). Bryn trained Dhavnajen to harden her resolve and to try her hardest, she trained her to realize her enemies would not show mercy and that in battle her mind must be focused on the battle not thinking sexually or about drinking.
As a final test, Dhavnajen was put on a squad and given a trial mission of raiding an ancient lost temple, finding a holy relic, and in the end having to fight Inquisitor Lhiwneth in a practice fight and needing to get her to at least exit the final room in order to pass. The trial was a test to see who would be worthy of making it into the Inquisition’s elite squad and who would go back to training. Dhavnajen voiced her opinion wanting to lead the squad but many saw her as only a ditsy whore, refused to listen to her. Instead Dhavnajen was forced to follow her squad as a blind obedient follower. However time and time again she proved she wasn’t just some idiotic whore that only knew how to fuck. The first room her squad entered, was rigged with traps made to quickly incinerate the room if anyone touches one of said traps to which Dhavnajen realized and helped save one of her team mates from being burned alive. Luckily Dhavnajen had experience handling such traps in her time as a pirate. On the second level Dhavnajen showed her squad how to safely pick a lock and disarm the trap that was waiting to spring on them if they failed to open the trap, seeing as how being a thief also helped pay off. Time and time again Dhavnajen helped save her squad until when they finally reached Lhiwneth, nearly everyone in the squad agreed to support Dhavnajen as an honored sister in arms no matter her past and personal preferences. In completing the mission Dhavnajen was appointed to the newly created squad and given the chance to truly prove herself to everyone. Of course this is all according to Dhavnajen and many have stated that Dhavnajen is a notorious liar. Others have said that Dhav's differences with her squad grew so much that they constantly argued until they fought, never able to come together and eventually all of them were sent back to training.
Regardless of how sketchy her past is with the Inquisition, the Cataclysm hit shortly after. The world was ripped asunder and changed forever as people and races were thrown into the new universe while others were obliterated out of existence. Dhavnajen was tremendously changed by the Cataclysm perhaps thinking she was some wild beast or some cruel sense of humor. Either way she was thrust to the Draconic Empire where she awoke again. Surrounded by all kinds of scaly races was disturbing to Dhav but she was even more terrified and freaked out when she found out her parents are still alive and now living in Draconic space. So Dhav stole a ship as fast as she could, quickly became a wanted criminal and flew off heading far away from Draconic space. Stealing from anyone in her way or any she felt like, she quickly gained a reputation for being one of the best thieves in the galaxy as well as one of the most seductive, hottest, and a deadly fighter with blades and as a sniper. Many started to idolize her, like her, and wanted to join her. She ended up creating a pirate crew named the Cold Heathens and had a flag / symbol of a destroyed holy symbol. Having never had a chance to destroy the church that harmed so many of her friends in the past, she used this as her chance.
Their organization became notorious for robbing from religious sites, robbing and fighting the Ekenni who had came to the new galaxy as well. Also any religious sites that committed horrible unspeakable crimes against innocent civilians, found themselves being burned and crucified along with their temple sites being burned to the ground to set the innocents free from their madness. Her pirate group became famous for wiping out cults and one of the most anti religious pirate groups out there. It was no surprise it quickly drew the attention of Xurin.
Xurin sent his agents to hunt down and kill some of Dhav's most loyal followers while bribing the rest. Slipping members of his cult into the Cold Heathens, he slowly took over the pirate group. Eventually he planned to capture Dhavnajen and perform some of the most sadistic demonic rituals on her to repay her for everything she had done. Many tried to convince Dhav of what happened to her crew, even her boyfriend at the time (who she later broke up with) but believed no one. Even the Retribution Ravens came in trying to knock some sense into Dhavnajen but she didn't listen to anyone until Xurin himself arrived, cornering Dhavnajen. The demon lord easily overpowered her and prepared to execute her but was only stopped thanks to Seidh and the rest of the Retribution Ravens, saving Dhavnajen.
The Retribution Ravens took Dhav away, evacuating her in their ship as they finished off what remained of Xurin's followers and forced the demon to retreat. Dhavnajen was very happy for their help but found herself at a loss. Her crew was gone, killed, some betrayed her. Former friends and allies all gone. She didn't know what to do with herself so she briefly tried out becoming a bounty hunter. She didn't wait for the Ravens to offer her a chance to join, she instead simply rushed to try and make money for herself and not risk losing another crew of friends. However sadly for her, very few wanted to hire her. Most didn't know her and thus didn't trust her, they were more used to: Clan Wazzrot, the Retribution Ravens, the Bloodlist Cartel, the Reborn Demons. All of them had built up a reputation while Dhavnajen was an unknown and what experience they did see from her, didn't seem to stand out all that much from the existing competition. It angered Dhav more and more as she couldn't find any work and yet desperately needed it so she returned to the Retribution Ravens. Others had offered her a chance like the Reborn Demons and she did technically work with them for a few missions. They offered her great pay and she had a chance to make a living with them but knew it was only just that. She knew she would never get a promotion with them and mostly be a nice hot piece of ass for them to fuck but other than that they barely took her seriously while perhaps the Retribution Ravens would take her at least a little more seriously.
Heading back to the Retribution Ravens, they were happy to assist her but saw no use for her. They have always been an extremely close knit group and chose only those they can absolutely trust and those that can help contribute to their cause. However at this time, Rusenya had also gotten her ship the Dark Haven and wasn't exactly too fond of the idea of being the only person on her ship. She asked to let Dhav come aboard but Seidh still insisted there was no use for her as they already had people that excelled at what Dhav was good at or at least so they believed. Dhav was determined to prove herself so she asked for various trials to earn her respect. Tasnezan with his former experience with Dhav, spoke up for her as well and thus Seidh agreed. Dhav was given numerous tasks that all of the Retribution Ravens handle to test and see what she is good at. Amazingly, even without using any kind of technology, she surpassed the entire crew tremendously in how skilled she is at stealing. Her sword skills were also impressive as well as her skill with archery and sniping.
Seidh had Rusenya fight against Dhav in a non lethal, friendly duel to test how skilled Dhav is with a blade. Dhav was of course far more ferocious and wild in battle but only lasted a few minutes against Rusenya, however she still cleared had potential. For archery she and Tas both were tasked with hitting targets and it quickly became obvious how Tas had previously trained her as she was able to nearly match his speed and really amazed all of the Retribution Ravens with how fast she can fire arrows and how deadly her aim is. To test her sniping skills, she was put against Xuz and once again amazed everyone. While she didn't have the strength or power or force of Xuz, she was very fast and far more agile at maneuvering and rapidly re positioning.
It was decided and Dhav was allowed to join the Retribution Ravens on board the Dark Haven.
Rusenya was so happy that to honor Dhav's former rank and because she was the first member to join her crew, she appointed Dhavnajen as her second in command. Seidh didn't think this was the proper way to appoint a second in command but who was she to judge. So long as Dhavnajen followed Seidh's authority ultimately, she didn't mind the little lizard being second in command on the Dark Haven.
Dragon Fangs, The Last Breath
(This head and these wings:
(2 of these shields along each wing:
(this body:
How the bow was created, the stories stretch far and wide and constantly change with how Dhav tells the tale. Sometimes she says the wrestled and killed a dragon to design the bow. Other times she says she seduced a dragon to kill another one of it's kind. Sometimes the story is she stole a famous dragon skull from one of the most secure facilities in Draconic space. Other times she says she fought a hundred criminals just to secure the bow. Either way, the story changes so much so it's unclear how she ever got the bow or how it was designed. Regardless of how it was created, it is clear the design was intentionally made to spite her race and perhaps excite others. Even Dhavnajen has said, those scalies offended by her weapon deserve to be offended for being so eager to anger and quick to look for a reason to be mad. However those that don't get mad by the weapon, she hopes it either makes them fear her or maybe it makes them more excited thinking about how badass and strong she must be. After all no ordinary person could come upon a dragon skull regardless of how big or small. Although the skull is of course considerably small not a full sized dragon skull but one big enough for her bow.
The bow has two firing modes. In it's crossbow mode, the bow fires out high powered arrows that are launched rocket powered with flames blasting out with each shot. Each shot is designed to impale even through most heavier targets and hit them with enough force to send them flying. If Dhavnajen doesn't wish to use any arrows and simply defend herself, the gun has a flamethrower portion hidden inside the dragon head underneath where arrows are fired. When not firing any arrows, Dhav can instead use the weapon like a flamethrower blasting fire from the dragon head to burn any enemies close to her. As an added means of defense, the bow's wings are equipped with shields for Dhavnajen to hide behind and use to block incoming damage. As an extra means of defense and as a weapon, the crossbow can extend out a large metal spear head blade from its mouth which Dhav can use either to impale and strike enemies or she can have this bladed tip fired and launched from the dragon head to impale enemies getting too close.
The second firing mode is Ballista. In Ballista, the wings expand twice in length as well as getting an extra two shields on each wing. The body of the bow increases twice in length and it creates four legs for it to stand up on. In Ballista mode the weapon becomes more like a personal artillery gun. The weapon can fire missile shells that are extremely explosive arrows that lock onto enemy tanks / aircraft / mechs and blast them for huge explosive damage. It also has its lance arrows which are arrows several feet bigger than the entire Ballista and fired so fast and strong, they are made to pierce right through enemy Titan mechs and shred any lighter vehicles instantly. While in this mode, the gun is a lot slower to reload and fire hence why it's like a heavy artillery weapon. Also while in this mode, the giant bow has less defense. The bow relies on all of the shields Infront of it for protection but it also has a flamer variant. If Dhavnajen is not firing any weapons from the bow, she can have the weapon blast out close range flames covering the area. Unlike the crossbow variant, the flame weaponry lasts a lot longer and covers a much larger area radius.
Infinite Dawn
Dhavnajen's personal short how she has had all her life. Since Dhavnajen was old enough to break free from the church and take on a life of piracy, she designed the bow for herself. Needless to say the bow has gone through many changes over time from first starting off as a cut down piece of wood with a string attached. A few years after feeling jealous and wimpy compared to the other pirates, she paid to have dwarves customize it making it mechanical. Giving it machinery and gears, making it stronger and more high powered. Yet this wasn't enough. By the time she met the Inquisition, Tasnezan modified the bow to give it various different firing modes mirroring his own former bow. Against the demonic invasion and all kinds of horrible monsters and twisted creations they unleashed, this was satisfactory at least temporarily. The bow was able to pin cushion and shred apart Demons which made Dhavnajen happy. However after Dhavnajen came to the new universe with the Cataclysm, the weapon became greatly outdated.
Trying to fight enemies in the new universe, apart from her former demon enemies, most others were able to shrug off her efforts as it barely phased them. Dhavnajen saved up through her work leading her own pirate crew. Once she had enough money saved up, she used most of it to hire Protoss and Angaran engineers to custom modify her bow into one of the most advanced bows in the galaxy and give her the best weapon they could.
The bow still is the same size as any short bow except it folds in, compact allowing Dhavnajen to easily hide it and use it extremely quickly. The weapon is programmed to latch onto Dhavnajen when she holds it and burn anyone else trying to hold it. She even studied a form of martial arts allowing her to rapidly fire and maneuver with the bow and even fire it from her feet when she is leaping around. If Dhavnajen is knocked down a deep fall or simply needs to get up higher, the bow has a flight system. The interior of the bow will glow and activate an energy thruster system while creating metallic feather like objects branching off of it to make the bow wings feel more like wings as they allow Dhavnajen to briefly fly around. The system of course uses only so much energy so not forever but it is designed to help her out of tight spots. Lastly the bow fires a mix between high powered energy beams, plasma beam shots, and plasma stun shots. The weapon is not as strong as her crossbow but it is a lot faster, although the energy beams which she cannot fire if she is using the flight mode: are designed to blast through enemy armor.
Titanium Longshot
(Resembles this:
(Except the stock will be longer and it will have two of these tubes on each side so four total and all glowing red:
(This sword bayonet underneath
Dhavnajen's personal sniper rifle just as mysterious as her crossbow. The Retribution Ravens know the weapon was designed by Moonlight Security Industries but beyond that it is unknown. Some say Dhavnajen stole the weapon, others say she slept with Radulf and got him to give up the weapon or stole it from while he was sleeping. Others say she tricked and slept with enough guards to snatch the weapon while they were distracted. Regardless of how she got the weapon, she has loved it and it has been one of her most prized weapons. The weapon was designed for close combat commandos, elite trained soldiers for rapidly clearing out tight areas and taking down far heavier bigger enemies.
The weapon rapid fires plasma bolts however it can switch to incendiary rounds and inferno rounds which makes it seem more like a flaming beam to make it seem more like a flamethrower. In its assault mode, it is barely above an assault rifle. It fires rapidly for taking down most infantry targets but it also has heavy gauss rounds for punching through enemy armor and capable of blasting enemy armor with enough rounds: sort of made to replicate Necron gauss weaponry. Of course if Dhavnajen faces an enemy while using her sniper rifle, she can bayonet them with the guns huge sword blade.
In the guns sniper rifle variant, it mirrors almost a sort of futuristic musket. The barrel extends twice in length with tremendous firepower and range. The gun will fire one single shot before needing to reload but each shot is designed for anything from obliterating an enemy infantry to punching through an enemy mech Titan. In its standard variation ammunition: it uses a very high explosive incendiary round more like a nuclear round. In its inferno ammunition, the fire beam is not as strong but fires almost seeming like a beam blasting right through targets and then having a slow recharge. It's last variant is its mortar variant where it fires a single nuclear round that shreds into hundreds of mini nuclear rounds and rains down like an artillery bombardment on the enemy. Trading one huge explosion for handling large groups of enemies. In its sniper rifle variant, Dhavnajen can still use its sword bayonet however the weapon is far heavier for Dhavnajen in this mode and thus it's slower for her to use plus with the weapon being twice her size while in this mode.
(Both machetes will look like this:
(It will have teeth on the top of it like this:
(The teeth on it will be from this:
(These symbols carved into the blade:
(And these symbols:
According to legend in Dhavnajen's family on her moms side, the two legendary machete blades are ancient Argonian master swords that used to belong to King Gahv - Taahn 'Hero Against Molag' Xemtus. The ancestor of Dhavnajen's family was a Hist warrior and honor guard to the king but when a demonic invasion destroyed the countryside including many of his fellow guards and even their king, Gahv took his blades and in a final act fought his hardest cutting through the various demons and Daedra until he got to their leader, a towering Daedroth named Dyecius. Dyecius was a gluttonous monster that loved to butcher and consume every Argonian he came across and many more he performed horrible experiments on them to create new wild monsters and more Daedroth. Gahv fought the horrible giant monster and in is last efforts, his blades slit across the giant beast and cut him open many times. Gahvs people were saved and the demonic invasion ended. Taking off Dyecius's teeth infusing them to his blades as a war trophy and proof of his skill in battle, he would even later take the blade to his people's shamans to enchant the weapon to better protect him and slay his enemies. Dyecius's teeth were already said to be indestructible while the shamans magic made it so the blades would basically be indestructible so long as a member of his blood, someone related to him or descended from him, is keeping the blades. Only should all members of his kin and family die, only then would the blades be destroyed and shrivel to dust. However the shamans did add one last feature just in case, preferring to avoid their entire family like being killed: thanks to their magic, of the one holding the blades proves worthy enough, they can call upon their dead ancestors to lend them their strength and fight alongside them in battle. Of course this is only if they are seen as worthy, if they are not seen as worthy then they may be ignored.
Even without magic, the blades were made ages ago to be light weight and very easily to swing around extremely fast, the addition of the teeth allows the blades to better block enemy melee weaponry and counter it.
During the time of the demonic invasion, Dhavnajen snuck back into her parents home and stole the two blades. Seeing as how her parents weren't using the weapons and just keeping them as a glorified hanging trophy, she took the two weapons and ran off before they knew she was there. She knew the legend and history behind the weapons and knew her family would hate her for taking them. However to be fair she was still a descendant of Gahv - Taahn Xemtus and thus had an equal right to the blades especially more than her father. While Dhavnajen has had a lot of issues over the years getting to the bows she likes, she quickly adapted to the two legendary swords. The two swords cut through demons with great ease and have easily earned their legendary reputation. Dhavnajen has kept them with her ever since then and taken great care to keep them in top condition as some of her most prized weapons.
Other Info:
Vestment of the Ancient Dragon
Dhavnajen's armor actually once belonged to King Gahv - Taahn 'Hero Against Molag' Xemtus and is his legendary light armor. In the ancient stories, in the wake of Dyecius's invasion of their lands, a great ancient dragon named Kudasaedon came to Gahv - Taahn and crafted for him a legendary armor to help him survive and win his battles. The armor was crafted to give a natural immunity to not only demonic influence but also any kind of religious influence is blocked out: protecting the wearers mind from any kind of spiritual / super natural influence / corruption / mind control. Not only that but the armor was made to be very light and yet strong enough to withstand everything from regular soldiers to huge brutal towering demons. On each arm, the armor can activate shell like shields for the wearer to block all attacks coming at them. While not the size of a full shield, they are built strong enough and large enough to block most attacks. Underneath these shields, as a last resort means of extra defense: The arm armor can activate double bladed bone wrist blades that extend out for the wearer to either defend themselves or assassinate an enemy or slash through most armor even if they aren't as strong as most metal bladed weapons.
When Dhavnajen took Molagbane, she also donned the matching armor and left with it. During the demonic invasion, the armor was being held up on a mantle. It was simply being used for display to honor their history but not defend anyone. Like taking the swords, she knew her family wouldn't approve but Dhavnajen also needed to defend herself which was more important. She believed she could properly honor her family by wearing the armor and using it to slay her enemy's although many have disagreed with Dhavnajen's reasoning. When she came to Draconic Space upon arriving in the new universe, many knew the tales of her family's great ancestral hero and thus believed Dhav was dishonoring him by using his swords and armor, which is another reason why Dhav has avoided the Draconic Empire although some have seen her wearing the armor as a symbol of hope and like she has become a hero honoring and remembering her past and wielding it with pride.
While Dhavnajen is bisexual, she has little attraction in other reptilian races or as she calls them ‘scaleys’ but she has some average attraction in human and elf like races and she has an extremely high attraction in fury races (Leonin, Khajiit, Tauren, Wurgen ect). Dhavnajen can get attracted to and will fuck other reptilian races but typically she needs a lot of seduction and charm to get turned on by them. However she does make an exception for huge reptilian beasts and dragons, big beasts lumbering over her pounding her with their huge monster dicks does turn her on a lot regardless of if they have scales or not. What isn't debatable however is that Dhavnajen has no attraction at all to undead and instead has a deep hatred and fear and disgust of them.
Dhavnajen has a wide range of sexual kinks almost unlimited. She loves getting bent over and having her fat ass drilled very hard. She loves bouncing her fat ass on a big thick dick. She loves someone grabbing her and using her as a fuck toy to ride someone. She loves being held up by someone as she's drilled like a helpless fuck toy. She loves getting pinned having her fat tits milked and squeezed as her Pusey is drilled. She loves getting fucked by multiple partners all at once. She loves having huge sex parties with many people fucking all at once. She loves fucking in public, she loves having wild beasts fuck her, she loves having strangers fuck her. She loves playing games to lead into sex. She's not very good at fighting fucking and will mostly give in quick to get to the fucking quicker. She loves being surprise fucked and she loves being fucked very rough hard but not as much violently.
Dhavnajen was never religious but after seeing how some churches and religious groups have treated sinners and how they forced them to flee into the arms of demons, as well as all the various cults she has fought, Dhavnajen is extremely hostile to religion. Dhavnajen doesn't mind if her friends are religious and she understands the need to believe in something however she goes to great lengths to avoid religion. She would take it hugely insulting if anyone ever talked to her about religion. She would happily get in a orgy with a demon and angel in a church and shit all over holy religious objects. She goes out of her way to destroy demonic cultist worship sites and kill those ther use religion as a weapon against innocents. For innocents just wanting something to believe in, Dhavnajen is ok if they have different opinions and she still always defends those innocents no matter what.
Dhavnajen’s parents are both still alive and were sheltered by the Inquisition. When the Cataclysm hit, thanks to the Inquisitions magic they were both saved and transported to the new universe. Upon arriving, they were taken to Draconic Space where they started to make a new living taking on jobs in the government and religion while having two new sons and one daughter. Truthfully Dhavnajen is still very attracted to them and has a huge incest desire so she would happily fuck all of her family that are of the legal age limit but Dhavnajen has gone to great lengths to avoid them due to their past. She still thinks they don't understand her sexuality and would be even more disgusted and horrified if they knew Dhavnajen is sexually attracted in them. Nizzfizbik found out about this and offered to help Dhav but Dhav didn't want to trick her parents or use some kind of magic to brainwash them. To her, this would be cruel like rape, it would make her parents think even lesser of her and despite everything she still deeply loved her family.
Besides from sex and constantly stealing from people (swindling, robbing, pickpocketting, conning), Dhavnajen enjoys drinking and gambling and secretly loves to sings and play on the flute and lute. While she will never admit it as she’s ashamed of it, her true name (which she also changed as quickly as she could) was given to her when her mother realized how soft and sweet of a singing voice she has. Although Dhavnajen is very shy about singing. Despite how brave blunt and hard headed Dhavnajen acts about everything, the one thing she is shy about is her inner beauty. She prefers for people to think of her as this crude slutty vulgar wild dangerous thief, it's far easier than seeing some of her inner most personal feelings and risk getting heartbroken. Dhavnajen prefers people seeing her this way to try and avoid getting hurt again.
For instance in secret she loves all kinds of birds and will occasionally sing to them in her spare time, being some of the only living things to ever hear her singing. In addition Dhavnajen loves children and family beyond just for incest. In secret and she has made sure Seidh and Rusenya tell no one, she uses a secret identity for in her down free time she will volunteer at orphanages taking care of children and being like a foster mother for them. Taking children to see movies, shopping for toys and sweets, she disguises herself appearing like an old nun and the best mother most of those children could ask for. These children are some of the only other living things next to her birds, to hear her singing even if she has to use a different fake accent while disguised to spend time with the children.
Dhavnajen does not believe in romance and love and not because she think’s it doesn’t exist, no. She knows it exists as she deeply loves her parents but she hates relationships. So many times she has been complained at whenever she tried to have a relationship, her partners complaining about her sleeping with another man or woman or many people at once or them constantly worrying about her when she is away or constantly checking if she needs protection or needs to be treated like a parent looking after a child. Dhavnajen can’t stand serious relationships because so often she is used to staying by herself, amongst her friends, and sexual friends but never having to feel like someone is constantly looking over her shoulder nagging her about every single tiny detail. As Dhavnajen would explain it, she made an exception for her parents doing that but that’s as far as her limits go.
Dhavnajen was born with a birth defect despite her parents being perfectly normal. Dhavnajen unlike other Argonians, stands at only around four feet tall (around a foot taller than a dwarf and several feet taller than a goblin) and she has a tremendously heightened emotional state meaning she experiences emotions far stronger than most including sexual arousal.
The Cataclysm only made this worse. When Dhavnajen became a pirate and ran away from her family, she truly couldn't handle it due to her strong emotions and felt heartbroken about everything that happened. So she began to smoke to compensate for it and help her feel more happy and relaxed in addition to drinking a lot. When the Cataclysm hit, it twisted her body around and pushed Dhavnajen into two evolution forms which she can rapidly rotate between
Aquatic Evolution
In her aquatic form, she grows an extra fin on her head while her fingers grow webbed. In this form, Dhavnajen becomes extremely fast in the water capable of out swimming nearly anyone. She also is able to cling and leech to underwater surfaces suctioning to them making it near impossible to pry her off while she is able to change her scale colors blending in with the environment and camouflaging herself.
Raptor Evolution
In her raptor form, she grows many feathers all along her head as well as over her arms with her arms becoming more like wings. Her hands as feet turn more into large claws as well. In this form, she can leap across huge surfaces jumping very far as well as able to jump very high into the air almost like a sort of mid flight. While in this form, she can also spit out acid. From her old smoking combined with the Cataclysm, it has infused into her blood making her more like a predatory dinosaur while in this mode.