D&D - Controlling the Dungeon Master (Khan x Kurosaru)


Jun 24, 2015
Melissa (DM)[/color]]
Age: 18
Highschool student, a close minded tsundere hard to convince of anything 'not by the rules' but also has a weak point for challenges and bets. Always getting in trouble for her compulsive behavior on challenges.

Beatrix (Co DM)[/color]]
Age: 25
Highschool teacher, Mrs. Beatrix teaches in different grades so she has a wide array of students coursing through different grades. Very pleasing and easy to convince of almost everything.

Jessica (Jenn the Barbarian)[/color]]


Age: 18
Highschool student, a strong and rough troublemaker girl. Loves drinking and has a strong personality. Shares class with Melissa.

Valerie (Allemie the Rogue)[/color]]


Age: 16
Highschool student, High spirited and sickly sweet with just everyone. Is in the same class as Amelie and is constantly picking on her trying to make her less shy.

Christie (Medea the Sorceress)[/color]]


Age: 22
Band member, kinda crazy punk girl. Spends most of her day roaming in her bike or drinking with her friends, she is the one buying beer for Jessica for a while now.

Amelie (Lorelein the Druidess)[/color]]


Age: 16
Highschool student, shy and submissive to everyone. Doesn't speak much and loves reading.

Kenji (Kyras the Bard)[/b]]

The most recent member of the girls d&d group, he would be openly received as he agrees to their special rule which he will be taking advantage of with a set of loaded dice. He would also be in charge of the roll20 map for the game as this a great advantage but no one else know how to use it, allowing him to change settings places, creatures and other stuff as he pleases.


"Hey Kenji been looking yo around ev'rywhar, need yo to help me out with this math problem"
Jessica enters the computer lab where Kenji was hanging out all by himself after classes and pats him on the shoulder pushing him down and even hurting him a bit.
"Huh what is thet? Is thet d&d?"
She forgets about her homework and bends over closer to the screen. Her short school skirt not able to fully cover her as she does and offering him the nicest view of her big fit ass as her panties were clinging so tightly and fully digging between her cheeks.
"I didn't knows yo liked it and thet we could sartinly use, I wonder if..."
She suddenly stands up and turns around leading to the door.
"Ok, come with me now, remember Amelie?, we're picking her up."

In the way she mentions him about this d&d party they have, they are pretty full but she bets they can always take one more, 'bets', Jessica ponders as she speaks and stays silent for a while until she sees Amelie and waves at her.
"I decided to call it a day and leave math for some other time let's go for Mel's place already"
"Uh, hi Jessica, hi Kenji, are you um... coming too? Uh Jessica you, you know how we are not supposed to..."
"Shet up, I knows but our little buddy can be of use to us, he might be jest whut we were looking for. A mapper!, It's jest a matter of him accepting the 'rules' but he is a brave one yo knows thet and he can do this, right Kenji? haha"

They wouldn't say much more about it and would just keep walking with him, Amelia looks a bit worried but Jessica walks in a completely carefree way. After a short walk you all stop in front of a big house where Jessica presses the button of the intercom and just says: "It's us open up" to which the door makes a sound and opens for the three of them to go in, a short young dark skinned girl comes out and quickly pulls Amelia inside before having a chance to see Kenji, she is wearing a tiny sleeveless t-shirt and denim booty shorts but he recognizes her from school, they both disappear from his sight instantly.

Jessica pushes him in then and takes you to the living almost forcing him into one of the couches until someone comes in, Mrs Miller or Beatrix as she tells you to call her as you are not in school.
"Jessica what are you doing here so early, I though you had some pending homework, and more important why have you brought Kenji here with you? Care to explain?"
"Yeah sure Mrs. M, err I mean Beatrix, I was gonna do my work and Kenji hyar was going to help me out but he could help us all hyar instead I thought. Go ahead Kenji don't stay thar as if the cat got yer tongue, say sumting!, show her!"
Kenji went along, surprised and confused as before he realized, he was taken from his spot in the computer lab where he had been working on creating a character for D&D that he had recently gotten interested in, to meeting with Amelia, to then arriving at a brand new place, a house he didn't recognize. Being dragged in, the teen glanced around, inspecting the house's interior. He gave a quick wave as Amelia was dragged away by the busty dark-skinned girl, before he glanced at Mrs Miller. "Uh, Hi Beatrix." he said, fumbling with his backpack that he hastily grabbed when Jessica pulled him away. "Uh, she saw me making this, and then told me to follow her, instead of helping with her work. I guess she wants me to show it to you." the asian teen said, pulling out the character sheet and showing it to Mrs M. "Uh, it's a bard for a game of D&D. Is something going on here that has to do with that?" he asked, still glancing around as he waited for a reply.
"No not that Kenji, well thet is good too but I meant the other stuff yo were doing, come on! At the computer, remember?"
Jessica rushes to Mel's computer and opens up the roll20 site
"Oh dear what are doing? You know none of us knows the proper use of that tool"
"Thet's whut I meant 'Be', Kenji hyar is an expert!"
"Is that so Kenji, if that's the case I see why you brought him here and look he even got a character almost fully created. Ok then, Kenji dear, will join us then?"

What follows is that you are told about their one hard condition, he MUST act whatever happens to his character, they all already play by that rule even the DMs, and as it seems it is not easy to find people willing for that Beatrix happily accepts him in once he agrees to that. None shall interfere in what happens to another one out of the game, if anyone wants to do something it must be done in game.

Once that is taken care, Beatrix proceeds to check up his character as Melissa has not arrived yet is it her duty as co-DM to do that, your character is fully approved and then she asks Valerie to come and meet their last member while the rest of the girls arrive which should be anytime. The short busty girl he saw before comes in dragging Amelie from her arm, as she comes in, she leaves Amelie and rushes to him hugging his arm and rubbing her big plump breasts against him while happily giggling.
"Oh we have a new membeeeeeer? hiiiiiiiii, pleased to meet youuuuuu hehehe, I'm Valeriiiiieee, what is YOUR name?"
Kenji blinked, before nodding that yes, he did know how to use roll20. He watched Beatrix look over his character, as he agreed to the rules. As she explained it and he thought it over, he was surprised as Valerie jumped on his arm, hugging and burying his arm in her cleavage. With a grin, he faced her. "Hi there. I'm Kenji. I'll be joining the group as a bard!" he said, as the feel of her breasts made him start to imagine ways to abuse the LARP rule. After all, he was quite good at enchantment spells. Maybe he could make her fall in love with him, or fuck him. She'd be forced to crawl under the table and wrap her huge tits around his cock as her character did the same~ Shaking his head, he cleared his thoughts of the dirty idea, intent on using it once they got started though. "Anyways, I am also here to help with the roll20 site."
"Oh! a baaaaaard? you will playing with Christie character then, so Kenjiiiii do you play any instrumeeeeeent?
"Come on Val, stop bothering him, yo better git ready for play now"
Jessica scolds at Valerie which quickly left to look for her stuff and then started unbuttoning her shirt off, her plump heavy breasts bouncing lightly and freely even before she finished and more widely as she completely took it off, instead of a bra she was wearing a skimpy bathing suit top witch was clinging really tight to her massive orbs.

"Don't yo git any weird ideas Kenji" she said as she put her hand over his head and messed up his hair pressing his head down with strength. "It's just thet I don't like bulky clothing so I, well my characters ain't waring any armor"
"Ok, ok, take a seat now, I'll see how I can introduce Kenji here."

Mrs. Miller then took her chance to give him a brief explanation so he could go preparing the map, luckily for him they had recently started a new adventure after having finished the modules Mel had bought. She also explained to him this was the house of Mel's parents but as they both travel a lot and are never on town, there was really no problem on using it as they pleased, usually playing every weekend up to late hours and even weekend days in a row. Plus there sure is an advantage the she is with all of them as it provides the girls' parents confidence enough that they are doing fine with a teacher.
"And don't you worry Kenji, last week the girls spent so much time in the mayhem of making up their new characters that they hardly played too much at all so it should be easy to pull your bard in."
Kenji gave a smile, staring at Jessica stripping into a tight bikini top. "Uh, sure, that's understandable. For roleplaying, of course!" He says with a grin, as Mrs. Miller explains the rules to him, while he goes to sit by the table. He nods once she finishes her explanation. "Alright then. I'll meet them all, since my character is already made. I actually have some dice in my backpack I can use for this. Heck, so you know I'm not cheating, I'll even let you girls borrow some of the dice, since I know some people are hesitant about letting players use their own dice." he says, pulling out his bag of dice, reaching in to the secret pocket and pulling out one of his trick dice. "Anyways, what now?"
"Sure, it's ok, we can all use them right? Great! Oh and no Mrs Miller. Or Mrs. M, you heard me Jessica? I'm just Beatrix here, ok Kenji? now let's see where were you?"
Leaving Kenji to sit in front of the computer to be in charge of the mapping Jessica sits next to him. Valerie comes down again this time wearing over her t-shirt a denim vest that matches her shorts, her 'armor' she said, yet it was so small that it really covered anything at all, with her character sheet in one hand and shouting they were at the tavern last time while with other hands is pulling Amelie who had not changed at all from her school uniform.
Valerie rushes and sits to his other side leaving Amelie in front of him.
"Oh yeah I remember now, we'll get started then while the girls arrive"

After having split up around the town to look for information on the tower of the elementals it is time already to return to the tavern where all of the girls agreed to meet up, Jenn the barbarian, arrives first she says addressing to Jessica and continues to tell her she has failed intimidating the right people thus getting no information on the matter that interests them all, but as she enters she notices some music being played, the tavern certainly looks like a place Medea would perform at but as Jenn follows the sound it is not the sorceress but a halfelven bard playing some chords in his instrument.

"Oh a bard, they are good with gossips and the like, I'll ax him if he knows sumting"
Jessica despite being sit next to him she stands and bends upon Kenji, her forehead touching his.
"Hey mister moosician can I have a word with yo?"
Jessica smirks at Kenji closing her eyes and then locks his head with strength below her arm pit smothering him against her breast, claiming she drags the half elf to her table whispering to him if he knows something about this tower she and her friends are looking for. Beatrix interrupts before Jessica sits, telling the still imprisoned Kenji that Kyras indeed knows something about this tower thanks to his wizard master from whom he inherited his current ring. She also makes it clear that as Mel is not here and she doesn't know the details on the tower Kenji can just make up a story an add his own flavor to it.
Kenji blinked, surprised as he was put into a headlock by Jessica and 'dragged' over to the group. In character, he decides to play along. "Uh, of course, Lady Barbarian! The tower is an ancient place, created by a master Wizard of old. He had done many things to protect himself, and even enchanted the tower itself to provide protections. The walls are eternally attracting metals and other such objects, so if you come in with swords or armor, you may find yourself pinned to the wall(magnetic walls). He did so to protect himself from foolish knights who would attack him, since he had no use for such things. And also, he had quite the training in enchantment spells, but had little interest in wasting time learning the healing class of spells, so the very land is enchanted. Healing spells would work, but he made it so that when one has an enchantment spell cast on you by an ally, it heals you twice as much as a healing spell of the same level. So it would be prudent to bring an enchanter to join you!" He said, making it up off the top of his head. "But be warned, some of the traps he had installed, were placed by a succubus summon of his, so they may be meant more along the lines of instilling lust, removing armor, or other such traps. Just keep an eye out." He recited to the party, smiling. "I actually have an interest in that tower myself, my teacher always wanted to find something from the tower. Would you girls mind if I joined you on your quest?"
"Great Idea Kenji." Listening to his current story Beatrix added to Kenji's words, "the elements the tower refers to would be transfixions of the actual elements, the magnetism referring to earth, the healing powers of the enchantments referring to water, the lust succubus meaning for fire and finally the wide assortment of traps standing for wind"

Hearing what the lore versed bard words Jessica was not too much worried, wizards, traps, Jenn would just have to get herself a club and she would be ready to go, their druid and sorceress wouldn't have problems either, maybe the tools of the rogue... she released Kenji from her grasp and sat down then "Sure yo would be welcomed, anyway as a bard yo must be good not only at charming spells but also at countering them right?... By thee way mine's Jenn what's yours?"
Jessica pulled out a couple of cans and started drinking saying Jenn will ask for a round of beers to cheer with her new partner in adventures while the rest of the group arrives.

Valerie jumped into scene as she said she had been hiding and listening to her whole conversation
"So it is actually a wizard theeeeen, if what you say is truuuuuue I will be harder to disarm the traps in there so YES I agree too that Kenj...err Kyrax joins us, teehee. Lorelein is also here....heeeeeeyy Loreleeeeein"
Amelie simply nodded "Su..sure, its ok"
"Great then! the more the merrier, now Kyrax why don't yo go rent us sum rooms to spend the night. We'll leave for the towar at the morning."
Kyras/Kenji nodded, not mentioning the fact that they got his name wrong. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you too, Lorelein and Jenn." he said, bowing, before he walked to the inkeeper, and used some of the money he earned from his performance to book some rooms for the party, 'accidentally' forgetting to get a single room for himself but just booking a room of 2 and a room of 3 people. He then returned to the group, and told them about the rooms, handing them the keys and letting them decide how they would separate to sleep for the night. "Also, about what you asked before, yeah, I should be able to help counter enchantment spells. Some might be best to let the spells just wear off, like a sleep spell or something, if there are no enemies. I don't want to end up using my spell slots all up on counterspells." he explains, smiling as he takes a sip of his own drink.
"What thar was no single rooms?!" "I call Ameliiiiiiie to go sleep with meeeeee then, I mean Lorelein, Kyrax can go with Jenn and Medea" "Ah ok girls, we'll do it yor way then" "Oh Kenji you're free to say Kyras can do it but you know you wont be able to use countersongs or counterspells yet right?"

The charge for the room will be 5 silver pieces as it will only be for the night Beatrix says before deciding that as the girls wont be arriving soon she will call it a night and will have Christie join them later at the next day. So it's Kyras sleeping all by himself with Jenn then, who after drinking so much is a little drunk, she requires that Jessica rolls a Constitution save to see how bad she is affected. She isn't worried that's easy she says as she's got +5 in that save, grabbing Kenji's die from the table she rolls before having her character go to her room. Beatrix secretly sets the DC at 10 and lets her roll, Kyras being responsible of her should she fail.
Kenji gave a small pout. "Ah, can't you make an exception for me? I know you told me the other GM is a stickler for the rules, but c'mon, it sounds like it will be useful for the tower. Please? Or, if not... maybe let me do something else fun that IS a part of the rules, later on?" he asked Beatrix quietly as the other girls were excitedly chatting amongst themselves, giving her a small pleading smile. He then glanced over when he saw Jessica take his die. Raising is foot slightly, he brought the magnet on his shoe within range of the table, and as they all watched the die bounce and roll, it caught the magnet, and teetered to a stop on a natural 1! "Ouch, bad luck..."
"Can't really make an exception here but you will still be allowed to charm an already enchanted member of the party so you have control over her actions instead of the trap or compete to see who controls her if it's a creature and you can always support someone to succeed on subsequent rolls with your bardic inspiration so no worries on that, I could even give you a few advice too given this is the first time you play a bard. Plus you know how there is always creative ways to solve a problem."

"Hey! What are whispering thar? get aside Kenji, let me roll the die an' move on this minor..."
Jessica pushed Kenji away and rolled suddenly pausing after she saw her fumble on the die...

"Gah! yo gotta be kiddin' me... meh anyway better against a drink that against an orc"
"Ha, ha, you're Kenjiiii's rag doll now Jessica"
"Oh dear, I'm afraid Jenn will go unconscious for a while and then at disadvantage at every die roll before her 8hours long rest"
"I know, I know...shut up Val!..hope yo at least take my character to our room now Kenji"
Jessica then laid herself over the table and played dead without opposing any resistance beyond the weight of her tall athletic body, which was slightly taller than his. Around the table they were playing at there was a couple of large sofas that could be used to simulate the bed should Kenji want to take her over there.
Kenji nodded to Beatrix, accepting what she offered. "I understand. I'll try to think of something to help if necessary." He said, before watching Jessica roll, and then pass out. Giving a gulp, he hooked an arm under her and picked her up, his hand closing around one of her breasts, but only Jessica could even notice it as he began to carry her to the couch. "Uh... I'm supposed to be in character, right? I... didn't quite make this character for LARPing, but if I have to play the charisma focused bard..." he said hesitantly, before taking a breath, and getting in character. Kyras smiled, hauling the busty barbarian to their bed, and laid her down, before giving a semi-perverted smile, broken only when he checked with the others to make sure he was to continue, giving them the idea that even he was uncertain about it(despite the fact that he truly did want to do this! And this was the perfect place to do so!). "Well, my old teacher did always say that the reason he slept lightly was that any sort of armor is uncomfortable to sleep in, and leaves you with kinks in your back. I am sure she wouldn't mind me doing this, it's for her own good after all~" He said, reaching under her and loosening her top, before pulling the bikini top off and moving it to the edge of the bed/couch, before he rolled up his sleeves and sat above her, smiling. "He also taught me that one massage trick. He did say to only do it to lovers or something, but again, I'm sure she won't mind if I do it, to maybe give her a smoother wakeup, rather than a painful headache." he said to himself, as he began to 'massage' the sleeping barbarian, working his hands along her sides, before groping her tits and then massaging her shoulders while watching her breasts jiggle beneath him. He did so for a few minutes, using some skills he actually had in real life, to do a semi-accurate massage on Jessica, before finally finishing and getting off and starting to walk back to the table, smiling. "Sorry about the wait, I tried using a little trick my old bard-master taught me to help girls after they are drunk. It doesn't help the headache as much as just drinking a lot of water, but it helps with stiff muscles when they wake up. Is there anything else to discuss?" he asked, still in character, acting as though he hadn't just groped her in front of them all.
"Sure Kenji go ahead, that's the idea"
"Yay, you can aaaaaactually get paid BACK for that head looooocking you got earlier"
Hearing that comment and feeling Kenjis's hand going way too close beyond from where it should be Jessica gulped in silence and let herself be carried with effort to the couch. She wasn't wearing hardly anything, just the school short skirt and a two piece bikini which as he emphasized, was clinging pretty tight. Her top was immediately removed by him having her large perky breasts bounce freely before he groped them.

"Aaahhh..." Jessica moaned yet remained still, "Oh fuck! yo sure are enjoying this huh Kenji, mmmm aahhh"
Her nipples hardened even as she found herself very uncomfortable having herself receiving such a treat in front of Valerie who didn't missed her chances to tease her and her teacher who simply beheld in silence. Amelie just turned her face away completely blushed, but she herself blushed too and even found herself getting slightly horny as she was humiliated for the longest minutes she had ever lived.
"Oh Jessica loooooook at you, you are really enjoying it hahaha"
Shut up! yo...ahh ahhh"
"Go ahead Kenjiiiii, have Kyras take off her BOttom tooooo, her bikini is just TOO tight teehee"
Of course she meant it just as a tease, nobody would react so normally if they actually considered him fucking Jessica her just like that. Still they all watched how Jessica kept being fondled and how she would only squirm and moan with the rough massaging the hands of Kenji were giving her on her now oversensitive breasts. As he continued her pussy got slightly wet and she just tried to muffle her moans and control her wiggling hoping nobody would realize the shiny lubricating fluids coming out of her pussy.

When Kenji finally returned to the table, Beatrix was blushing with still she told him it was ok, that he shouldn't worry, Jessica deserved that for what she had done earlier to him. She was even worried his neck was still sore and would even let him have his way with Jessica a little more as it was time they all went to sleep, next day they would go have to the tower. If Kenji did so she would meanwhile talk with Valerie to check her rogue's equipment, otherwise they would keep moving onto the next day.
Kenji grinned, hearing Valerie tell him to work on Jessica's lower half, as Beatrix also told him it was Ok. "Well then, ladies, I'll be heading to sleep then, I shall meet you in the morning~" he said, before whispering to Beatrix. "If you want, you can start describing the morning while I roleplay what Kyras does during the night." He said, before putting on a small grin. "Or you can watch..." He told her, that part loud enough for the others at the table to hear, even as he walked back to the couch. "Oh, how could I have forgotten. I massaged her to make her able to move her upper body in the morning without kinks in her joints, but I completely forgot to do her lower half. I don't want her to trip or anything." he said, as he began to slide her skirt down, before tugging aside her panties. With one hand, he began to massage her hips, then her thighs and legs, as his other began to rub and slide a finger against her pussy, before slowly pushing into her, starting to finger her right there on the couch, his cock growing hard as he began to use both hands to 'massage' her, while grinding the bulge in his crotch against her wet pussy. After doing that for about 5 minutes, he reached down, and unzipped his pants, grinning as he pulled his cock out, already slightly lubed from her fluids soaking into his pants, before he began to push into her, starting to thrust into her cunt and fucking her right there in the room, relying on her to continue 'rping' being asleep.
Valerie giggled silently as Kenji got all excited about what he was going to do
"Go ahead Mr. Kiraaaas, I will stay looooonger and check my equipment beFORE we head into the magnetic waaaalls of the tower"
Beatrix was no voyeurist at all but she would stay with Valerie for a while before moving on to the morning inevitably having them watch the lewd show while Jessica grew nervous with his words and tried to complain.
"Shouldn't I wake up already"
"Oh no my dear, not unless he performs some rough movement on you"

She didn't have a choice, she would just to remain 'asleep' until he stopped, her anxiety increased when he slowly took her skirt off, she was hoping he would at least leave her something to cover up and it would now be evident she had wet herself with his previous caressing. She would hate to admit it but he was good at what was he was doing, rubbing her hips and then moving to her inner thighs getting his hands wet on her already dripping juice before he went close yet to her pussy. Trying to resist all this time containing herself from moaning too loud she found herself unable to do so when she finally felt his finger going between her dampened folds and right into her 'massaging' her from the inside. Jessica tried biting her lips but it was useful, taking her hand to her mouth she started moaning out loud now, drawing the attention of her friends to her, distracting Valerie and Beatrix from their task just to see how Kenji lowered his pants and revealed his stiffened cock only to thrust it inside of Jessica now, once and again as he began fucking her in front of all of them. "Oh my, this has gone too far, Jessica dear, you may awake now"

But Jessica was able to listen then, being too deep into the pleasure that has been imposed on her, Beatrix having to repeat herself a few times so she heard her and reacted, she would be pushing Kenji far from her and crawling away but Beatrix' repeating calls had him on alert too and before she could try to do anything she could easily charm her as she was still imposed disadvantage on her rolls.
Kyras smiled. "Now now, you shouldn't move. You are still hung-over and I'm not done with the massage." he said, before casting charm person on her to calm her down, letting her calm down and reapproach him to continue his 'massage'. "That is what a bard does, after all. makes people feel good and uses enchantment spells. I could put you to 'sleep' again if necessary~" He said, lying about it since he didn't have the sleep spell, but he did have charm, so he used charm person on her to hopefully get her to fall under his control so he could continue fucking her.
"Oh, you Kenji bastard, ahhhh, somebody give me a die please"
Amelie approached shyly to her with a die, letting it in her hand without saying anything before turning around immediately but forced again to look how she was being fucked as she dropped the die to roll and asked to see the resulting number. Jessica was so nervous knowing that wisdom was actually one of her worst saves and even worse she had disadvantage on it.

"Ei...eighteen" Amelie stuttered, making Jessica smile with relief yet she asked again for the die to be put in her hand for her second throw. Amelie kneed slowly completely red as she was so close to the naked couple, the heavy breasts bouncing right at her face, she picked the die up and tried to give it in her hand but as Jessica squirmed and bounced Amelie grazed her swollen nipple instead. "I..I'm so so..sorry" she apologized once and again succeeding at grabbing her hand this time as Jessica had and orgasm from having a second person touch her as she was being fucked vigorously. Still Amelie had to stay a few more seconds to watch the second result, an eight this time, as being imposed with disadvantage forces one to use the lowest roll Jessica's barbarian was inevitably and effectively charmed by Kyras, compelling her to Kenji's will for an hour.
Kenji gave a grin at the sight of the dice rolls, before he perked his head up with a grin. "Say, if this is roleplay, does that meen the druid came in to check up on us, and saw me simply 'massaging' the barbarian? Or did it not count since she was just helping with the dice?" he asked, before turning to Amelie. "Cause if it does count... 'Well, hello there Miss druid. Do you want to have a massage to? I've been told I have magic fingers." he said, as he pulled Jessica over to him again, setting her back onto the bed so he could start to push his cock into her, the bard starting to fuck her hard, bouncing her on his shaft as he 'massaged' her body, fucking her right there, as he stared at Amelie. "if not is fine, but I do want to ask if you'd like a round of massage or something to sooth any pain or knots you might have." he said with a smile, inviting Amelie to join as he continued to fuck Jessica.
"Uh uh no I was just... uh... the die". Amelie quickly returned to her place with her face all red as her seat was just in front of them, still she wouldn't help touching herself discretely a little aroused from what had just happened. On Kenji's side Jessica now didn't know what to do. She wasn't 'asleep' anymore so she could move freely or not so much as her barbarian was charmed by the charismatic bard and her wide toned legs were wrapped by his arms, her hips held tightly with his hands but she wasn't thinking about it anymore, thanks to Amelie's sudden touch she had climaxed when she least expected, her pussy now growing eager for more. She forgot for a second about the role play and reached for Kenji's shirt , grabbing him and pulling closer to her forcing him to fuck her deeper and rougher, "Oh Kenji yes YESS!! make me cum!!!" It was a fortune they had the big house for just them as her moans and scream became really loud, but as she lost control it was clear that she needed someone to remind her this was just a game.
"Oh no this is wrong so wrong, please Kenji do something, you have to control her."
Kenji grinned. He then shouted, "Jenn! Calm down~ I'm glad you are enjoying my massage. But, we are in a tavern, and I don't want to get kicked out before we have a good night's rest for the adventure tomorrow. So I may have to call this session to a close, for now. But, if you do still feel sore or would like another massage," he began, still thrusting away rapidly, fucking her hard and rough, even reaching up to pinch one of her nipples, "Feel free to ask whenever we are safe. So if we make camp in the tower, or find a bedroom and the group agrees to rest, I'd be more than happy to give you another massage to help work out more knots in your muscles. Ok?" he asked, talking calmly and in character, punctuating it with one final thrust, slamming balls deep where he began to cum, his cock erupting inside of her pussy and spraying his load into her womb, rope after rope painting her cunt white, before he pulled out and sprayed the last few shots onto her tits, grinning as he began to rub it in like 'lotion'. "Now, that should conclude our massage session. You may go to sleep if you'd like, to get ready for our adventure. I shall probably do the same~" he said, as he got up to head back to the table. "Like that, Beatrix?"
Jessica was so lost into him that she hardly listened to his role play mumble, still pulling him closer and her legs wrapping him around by his waist she swayed rhythmically with him moaning his name out loud "Oh Kenji, Kenji!, fuck me... harder, harder!!" .With her pussy stretching as much as it could to allow him reach her depths she wanted to pull him out of his calmed state so he would fuck her like an animal. Despite her pleads and moans Kenji was able to control himself, yet he didn't fully contain as not to release inside of her, her own juicy cum mixing with his hot thick seed and spilling down her thighs and ass as he pulled out. She was still moaning and panting when he released a couple more of what would be his last jets of warm milk over her, making her crave yet for a second round as her orbs were massages with his creamy cum. She would slowly come to herself again when he left for the table but she would still stay laying down for a while recovering herself. Amelie would keep touching herself and if one had paid close attention you could notice her pencil was no longer next to her character sheet.

"Ok, thanks Kenji... I guess. Let's move on now"
After spending the night in the tavern you all get ready to depart toward the Tower of Elements Beatrix say, whose location... she couldn't find the location so Mel should have it, to keep things going on a group of brigands approaches to the party, asking them to handle the map you have. The group is surrounded by three ugly stinky lowlifes and there is only three of you, Ellimie, Lorelein and Kyras, unfortunately Jenn the barbarian has not joined the group yet, it was a fair fight and Beatrix called for initiatives as well as asking Kenji to handle the map for her.
Kenji nodded, sitting by the computer again, and opened up the map, setting it up. "Uh... weird. All the tokens for bandits or brigands are either female, or dead. The male ones are part of a set that you have to pay actual money for. Should I just use a dead one, or maybe we can just say they are female bandits instead?" He asked Beatrix, even as he reached for his dice, taking the normal one, and giving it a roll, getting a 12. "That's my initiative. Anyways, I'm putting the female tokens on the field." he said, as he also grabbed the pictures of everyone's characters, and made tokens for them as well, placing them on the map.
"Ok no problem on handling that then, um three cutesy lovely brigands take on the party then, lightly armored and wielding only daggers they shouldn't be taken lightly I remind you, now let's see if they can sneak you before you have a chance"
Unfortunately Beatrix rolls a natural 1, this time Kenji having nothing to do with it, but still the rogues go last. Valerie follows with the die and then Amelie who is still secretly pleasuring herself in silence, a 6 and 5 they roll, adding for a 9 and 7 respectively so the turn goes to Kyras. "Oh what a sucky luck, you go fist Kenji then"

Meanwhile Jessica writhed in the couch making an effort trying to stand, warm fluids gushing and dripping out of her. She slipped off the couch to her knees and slowly made herself on her foot again, excusing herself to go to the bath leaving a while sticky trail behind her.
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