I love Queen! XD
Anyway, I'm finding that these memes are very telling. You can learn a lot about people based on the memes they share. Like, clearly the ones people spit out are the ones they come across most frequently most likely for a reason. You know, because they relate to them in some way. LOL! Kind of nifty. XD
That said.....more from me on the Aspie and introverted and anxiety front! BWAHAHAHAAAA!!! >.<
Most Aspies are introverts. And, even if you aren't Aspie...if you're an introvert? Yeah...you feel me here! LOLOL!!! ; )
A lot, though certainly not all, Aspies deal with anxiety on some level. My level? Well, it's fucking insane! HAHAHAAAA!!! And you don't have to be Aspie to suffer from anxiety either! Sooo...nyah nyah! XD BUT...oh, this is sooo me it's hella stupid! I'll literally dart down a different aisle to avoid people! Even people I like! @_@ Just face-to-face social interaction drains the ever living fuck out of me! >/////<
Ummm....GUILTY! <.< *hums* I wonder how many other Aspies/autistics/whatever you want to call yourself (fuck, I interchange the terms all the time, lol) are similar...... *ponders* Bet a lot of natural introverts are guilty of this too. ; )
>//////////////////< This, errrr....yeah...... DON'T JUDGE! Stimming is a fucking thing! It is, damn it! LOLOL! Though, it's hardly planned and I almost always don't realize I'm doing it. I'll catch myself sometimes. But, I never realize when I start doing it. If that makes any sense.....rocking is actually one of my biggest ones. *giggles like mad*
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUTH!!!!! Not just because I'm the parent of an Aspie, but AS an Aspie. Holidays fucking drain me something terrible. I'm sure they do for everyone. So, I bet a lot of people relate in general. But, shit. When you're dealing with a kid who is quoting movies at you one-third of the day, making siren noises another third and then spouting out math problems that last third.....uhhh....and lets not forget all the other chaos that ensues ALL while you're trying to hold your own shit together. Ummm...yeah. Holidays SUUUUCK! LOL! >.<