Red Hair and New Faces ( Denna / Malfrost )


Dec 1, 2015
Shana was confused. Where was she? What had happened? Why was she so sore? Recalling what had happened when she was last awake, a single tear slipped down her cheeks. Yuji... Yuji was... The strange Mystes had shown her a side of her that she had not thought could exist. She had started to warm up to him, and humans in general, but it was not meant to be. Surrounded on the way to school, Yuji and Shana had been backed into a corner. Heavily wounded, Shana protected Yuji till the end, but Yuji knew she would not make it without his help. He had distracted the remaining monsters by making a mad dash through the city streets. He was so stupid! How dare he!.... He.... Rubbing her eyes, she looks around. Where was she? How long had it been? And why was she tucked into a warm bed?
A young man walked into the room to check up on Shana. When he saw she was awake, he gave her a large smile and let out a large sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, you are finally awake..." he stated as he moved to sit down on the bed. He was tall, with short, brown hair and square-rimmed glasses on his face. He was slim and fit and his hand moved to touch Shana's forehead. "Do you have a fever...are you okay? I found you passed out on the street and you've been asleep for the past three days..." He said, his tone clearly concerned. As his hand was pressed on her forehead and cheek to cheek for fever.
Shana's forehead is hot to the touch. A small fever taking over after most of her wounds had healedShana looks at the young man, eyes wide and confused. Shana tries to sit up, but is not strong enough. Falling back against the bed with a groan, she stares at the young man, wondering where she is. " Who are you? Where am I? " Shana looks down at herself, seeing only a thin t-shirt covering her, blushes furiously, glaring at the young man. " AND WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?! "
"You are burning up..." The young man took a wet cloth and gently set it on her forehead as he pulled out a bottle of water and gently lifted the back of her head up so she could drink some water. "Here, drink." He told her, knowing she needed fluid to help her feel better.

At her question, he gave her a smile. "I'm Satoshi Yugo...I'm a high school student." He explained before he blushed and looked away as she pondered over her clothes. "You were only wearing at wet jacket and your panties when I found you.....I couldn't leave you in that." He explained, hoping she would understand.
Shana fumes, unable to even lift herself off the bed. Angry at her helplessness, she lashes out at the only thing she can, the young man, Satoshi Yugo, who was kind enough to save her. " Well, at least you could have gotten me... " She stares at Yugo for a moment, before realizing that he had removed her panties. If she was red before, she was scarlet now. Anger flared, but was quickly distinguished by the wave of embarassment that followed. " Wh-Wh-What are you- Who do you t-think- why w-would- " Stuttering, eyes wide, looking like she wished she could hide under the bed.
Satoshi quickly shook his head and backed away slightly and bowed profusely. "I didn't take them off, my mom did, I swear!" Satoshi proclaimed, not wanting to upset Shana. He moved back to her and pushed her down to the bed. "You need to calm are going to worsen your fever..." Satoshi pressed the wet cloth against her forehead and tried to get her to drink some more water.
Shana, realizing just how thirst she was, tries to take the cup, but is unable to hold it on her own. If things got any more embarassing, her head might explode. At least it wasn't Yugo who had taken off her panties. That was something. But she couldn't even get her own water! She would have to rely on Yugo for everything. Looking away from Yugo, unable to meet his eyes, she opens her mouth, hoping he realizes she needs him to hold the cup for her.
Satoshi noticed Shana needed help drinking and nodded his head, giving her a small smile as he gently cupped the back of her head and lifted it up slightly as he moved the cup to her lips and gently started to let her drink water from the cup. "Do you mind if I ask your name...?" He asked, curious as to what the name of the girl he had saved and nursed for was. He told her his name, after all...he hoped she would tell him hers.
Shana drinks the water thirstily. Spilling some down on her shirt in the process. Embarassed by her failure, she avoids Satoshi's eyes as she answers. " Shana... my name is Shana. And... thanks for saving me. " Shana meets Satoshi's eyes for a moment, before glancing away. She shifts uncomfortably in the bed as she notices she is rather sweaty from her fever. Embarassed by her smell, she pulls the covers up, looking at Satoshi. " I... I think I need a bath. "
Satoshi gave her a smile as she gave him her name. "Shana....a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He slowly took the wet clothe off her forehead and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. "It is not a problem...I wasn't just going to leave you on the street to die..." he explained. When she explained she needed a bath, he quickly swept her up into his arms. He pressed her against his strong and firm chest, but he looked away so he wasn't looking down at Shana. "I'm not looking...and since you can't walk...I'll carry you to the bathroom." He gave her a smile as he started walking down the hall towards his bathroom. "Why were you hurt?" He asked her, concerned evident in his tone.
Shana blushes at the compliment. She looks startled as he kisses her forehead, and even more so as she was lifted into his strong arms. Unable to say a word, she clung to Satoshi, scared what would happen if she should fall. She had never felt so helpless. she ponders on how she should answer his question as she is taken to the bathroom, leaving no room for thought on how a man was carrying her, half dressed, to be bathed. " I... had some problems with some unsavory types... and... I ended up on the losing end. "
Satoshi blushed as Shana clung to him. He had to say, it felt nice to have such a cute girl rely on him. When she mentioned running into unsavory types, he scowled. "I hate bad people like that....I swear, Shana....I won't let that happen to you again...I'll protect you...I promise." He looked down at her and gave her a smile before he realized he was basically looking at her naked and then looked away. They made it to the bathroom and he continued to hold her as he turned on the water to fill up the tub with hot water. "Ummmm...Shana...I know it might be asking too much...but I'm worried that you might pass out in the tub so....if possible...would you allow me to bathe with you to make sure you'll be alright?" He asked with with a tomato red face.
Shana gapes at Satoshi. Was he asking to bathe with her?! What should she say? What should she DO?! She was unable to resist if he forced himself on her, but he didn't seem the type. She also didn't want to refuse someone who had saved her life. But could she really bathe with this man, who she had just met? " W-what about your mother? C-Couldn't she help bathe me? You said she helped with my clothes, right!? " Grasping at straws, she tries desperately to find a way to not offend him, while still keeping her dignity.
Satoshi rubbed the back of his head meekly as she mentioned his mother. "She is out at work right now...she won't be back until much later this evening..." Satoshi looked back down at Shana and blushed deeply. "I'm....just worried about you Shana....I can understand your hesitation...but if you pass out in could make your condition I?" Satoshi asked as kindly as he could. He didn't want to take advantage of her after all, he would feel really bad.
Shana nodded, deflating. She couldn't think of any way to get out of the situation. And he was being awfully nice, all things considered. Shana tugged at Satoshi's shirt, drawing his attention. " Just... I'll keep the shirt on... ok? " Though a wet t-shirt wouldn't hide much, it would at least let her pretend she wasn't naked, in a tub with this good looking man. She didn't want any confusing feelings right now, she needed to recover. She would do whatever was necessary to get better, even if it meant having someone else take care of her for who knows how long.
Satoshi blushed as he looked away. "I...don't think it would be a good idea for you to leave the shirt on,'ll cling to your body and make it harder for me to clean you." Satoshi looked at Shana with a small smile as he tried to help her stay calm. "You'll get in first and I'll get in behind you and wear some swimming trunks....that way I don't really see anything and I'm not totally that okay?" He asked her curiously, wondering if that was alright.
Shana frowns, unable to complain when it was put that way. Pleased that Satoshi was going to wear something, she nods. " I.. I guess... since I need to get clean.... but.... " Shana trails off, looking away, unable to meet Satoshi's eyes. " Just... don't look, ok? Promise? " Shana starts to look a bit worried again, thinking over the situation, and not sure what she should do.
Satoshi nods gently and then kisses Shana gently on the forehead. "I promise...I won't look." He smile as he sat Shana at the edge of the tub and turned off the water now that the tub was full. "Just take your shirt off and slip in....I'll be back in a moment once I have my swim trunks on." He gave her a small nod and then walked off towards a side room to change.
Shana blushed when Satoshi kissed her forehead. A strange feeling filled her as she stared at Satoshi as he left. She shook her head, trying to remove the strange emotion, a look of confusion on her face. Looking down at her shirt, she tried to take it off, but she wasn't quite strong enough, and only ended up getting it stuck over her head, and falling on her side. Shana muttered as she tried to remove the shirt, but she couldn't quite get it over her head. Unable to see, she struggled, splaying on the floor, trying to remove the frustrating shirt.
Satoshi was quick to change into his swim trunks. When he walked out, he was shirtless in his trunks, revealing his firm and toned body. He had taken off his glasses to fully reveal his face now. He saw Shana on the floor and quickly ran over to her. "Shana, are you alright!?" He called out to her, clearly concerned as he saw her trying to get the shirt off. "Sorry....Shana...I'm already breaking my promise..." He stated as he gripped the shirt and pulled it over her head. She was now naked in front of him, and he couldn't help but stare at her beautiful body. He quickly composed himself though and moved to put her in the bath. "Sorry...Shana..." He looked away embarrassed, hoping she would not be mad with him. He then slipped into the tub behind her, letting her rest her back against his firm chest. "Comfy?" He asked her with a small chuckle.
Shana blushed furiously as Satoshi stared at her nude body. Unhappy that Satoshi had broken his promise, she sulked in his arms, refusing to look at him. She sighed in relief as she was slipped into the tub, not having to worry about him staring at her. Relaxing slightly, she enjoyed the warm water, leaning back into Satoshi's chest. She sat there, and just enjoyed the comforting warmth of Satoshi's body, finally starting to calm down, feeling the soothing water loosen her muscles. Sighing happily, she nods. " Yes, very comfy. It's nice and warm. " She didn't seem to be sulking anymore, as she relaxed in the tub, happy that the sore muscles were finally loosening. Thinking she was already recovered, she tried to sit up and wash herself, but she quickly tired, falling back into Satoshi's arms.
Satoshi was happy when Shana finally seemed to relax into his chest in the tub. He saw how she was sulking at him before she was in the tub, and he didn't want her to be mad or upset with him for long. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck as he let out a blissful sigh. "I'm glad you are feeling comfy...when I found you, you were on the verge of death....I was worried sick...." Satoshi confessed to her as they relaxed. When she tried to wash herself, he shook his head. "Here, let me help you." He stated with a chuckle as he poured a tub of warm water onto her head before lather his hands with shampoo and starting cleaning her hair. "Your hair is beautiful, just like the rest of you. " he complimented her with a smile.
Shana rethinks her situation. Satoshi has obviously been worried about her, and has been incredibly kind. Maybe she shouldn't be angry with him... He DID break his promise, but that wasn't his fault either.... If anything, it was her own fault, wasn't it? And even though he has had all the opportunity to do whatever he wanted to her, he didn't. Shana turned her head to face Satoshi, blushing at the compliment. Finding herself strangely pleased with the compliment, she put a hand on his leg. " Thanks Satoshi... You've been really good to me, even when I overreacted, and yelled at you. I'm not angry anymore... and I just wanted you to know that I'm grateful for you saving my life.. " She leaned back into Satoshi's chest, and sighed happily as she enjoyed the sensation of having her hair cleaned by someone else. She found it it strangely enjoyable, closing her eyes, and cooing.
Satoshi let out a sigh of relief when Shana said she wasn't angry with him anymore. "Thank goodness....I couldn't stand the idea of you being angry with me for long...." Satoshi confessed to her as he ran his hands through her hair, cleaning her long and flowing locks. "You don't need to apologize for anything though, or be grateful....I would want someone to do the same thing for me if I was in the same spot." He chuckled as he looked into Shana's eyes. That's when something happened, his eyes seemed to fill with affection and desire for the girl. "I.....want to protect you seem like a really kind girl are so cute. I will protect you, Shana...I promise." He gave her a smile as he pulled her into his firm chest. His head moved forward and he planted a kiss on her cheek. "Shana....can I...?" He asked ambiguously a he moved a hand up to cup her cheek, his thumb glazing over her lips as he slowly started to lean in towards her, waiting to see how she would react.
Shana stared, transfixed by Satoshi's eyes. She wondered at the strange light in his eyes, unable to look away. As he kissed her on the cheek, she broke her gaze, and blushed furiously. Her lips trembled at his touch, but she was unable to move away, caught by his gaze as she glanced at his face. Not moving as Satoshi leaned forward, she put a hand on Satoshi's chest to steady herself as she trembled. " S-Satoshi? " She asked worriedly, confused by the emotions that were welling up inside her. She felt hot, but she wanted to be closer to the warm Satoshi. She leaned in a bit, wanting to get closer, but not quite reaching him. " I-I want... " Shana let slip a few words, but she caught herself as she realized she had been about to ask him to kiss her. What was going on? She was so confused, wanting to be closer to the kind, strong Satoshi, but why did she want him to kiss her?
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