Hello there potential partners.
Obviously I'm Hero. I am of the male persuasion and I'm 20-something though often I find myself feeling ancient. Currently I'm seeking new and interesting role plays. It's something to occupy my time and there's nothing quite so enjoyable as getting a notification that it's my turn.
I'm not big on fancying things up in a request thread so I'll keep it simple and to the point.
1. Be Awesome.
2. Be able to at the very least mirror my post length if not scare the crap out of me as I read a wall of text happily.
3. Heterosexual romantics only for me. Tried the rest, doesn't tickle my pickle.
4. Absolutely no non-consensual/rape or anything affiliated with the likes of it.
5. I don't play canon characters. I often don't really grasp who these people are on an emotional level so I'd rather not sully the original writer's work.
6. I thought of one more thing that irks me - If you message me, come to me with something to add. One line message while off putting are not a deal breaker, but one line messages with no goal in mind or even so much as in idea will be chucked in the trash. I am picky. Oh well.
In terms of number 5: There are very few fandoms I'm willing to thrust myself into. Star Wars, Gundam, Marvel/DC, Pokemon and Digimon are pretty much it actually. I've no issue running around in the shared universe of the central characters but I don't want to be them, and if possible I'd like to not even use them for interactions. They would exist but not be people we know is what I'm saying, so yeah. Granted for Digimon, I'd always much prefer just pretending it's an entirely different season of sorts, Digimon are the same but the canon characters may as well not exist.
Anyway. I think that's enough grouchy for now. I'm sure you're curious about pairings or potential plot nuggets. I have a few of those. So here's the good bits.
Plot Nuggets!
Star Wars:
Havoc Squad Reborn - A special Imperial strike force who's purpose is to uproot rebellion before it becomes a credible threat and hunt remaining Jedi after the purge. I have characters and ideas in my brain. So that's good.
Something Old Republic or Legacy Era - Really I'd just like to play a Miraluka force adept. It'd be fun to hash out a real plot though.
The Cold War - Much like in world history, the cold war fostered an arms race. In this plot it takes the concept and instead of nuclear weapons, the arms race begat Gundams and came to a brutal head. Obviously this will involve space colonies and such, I just kind of like the idea of two world powers fighting each other while trying to pretend they aren't...in giant mechas.
This Is The Way The World Ends - It's finally happened. War has ruined the earth. The only truly livable space is the space colonies. The planet's surface is a barren wasteland scorched to ashes. But there are still ore deposits, necessary to fuel and maintain the colonies. And with the world unlivable this makes harvesting them difficult, and more than that, it makes resource bases the most precious commodity in the world. Clearly this needs to be fought over with giant mecha.
Post Season 2 - At the end of season 2 everyone was a digidestined. Everyone had a partner. I like that. But that doesn't mean it's peaceful. So what happens when the digital world is under threat again? This can be very interesting as of course it will be more adult oriented. The world knows about digimon and the digital world, so how would our world handle it? Poorly, duh. Imagine the kind of control humans tried to have over Digimon (like in season 3 which ended up creating a sentient program that tried to eat the world) now imagine how they'd handle this new found digital world being under threat? Clearly not just anyone should try to fix it. We could either play people specially assigned to save the digi-world or a group of young adults who said fuck it we're going. Politicians can kiss my ass, I'm saving digimon.
Pokemon: I don't know if you've read the fan theory about Gen 1 and the war, but it's out there and you can Google it. I kind of like the concept but I'd like to set it somewhere entirely new. So, imagine if you will a Pokemon region actually split into different countries. The age of legal Pokemon training has been raised to 18 from the typical 10 year olds running around. And to become a trainer all people must register for military service, this was put into place because of a decade long war going on between the two countries. So the plot could follow prospective trainers drafted into the military just out of training with their Pokemon and told, "Now you have to go fight for your country."
Slice O' Life:
We're Trying to Fix It - A couple has run into some relationship issues. Guy proposes, girl says she isn't sure. Typical high school sweet heart syndrome. They're all they've ever known about love. So to try and sort out their own mixed up wants and concepts about love, the two agree to go to a swinger's resort. This would involve multiple characters (doubling and then some) and an exploration of a variety of sexy scenes. It's mostly smut with character development built in.
Illicit Club - College Students at a very buttoned down university form a club of debauchery. Unable to live out their wild college dreams in public because of fear of expulsion from their school, they meet in secret and test the limits with each other. Yet another multi-character central idea. And another exploration of sexiness.
Something mindlessly romantic.
That's about it for my plot nuggets.
Generic pairings!
Pick 'em. I don't much mind. If you can think of something fun I'll likely want to do it so long as it doesn't violate my brain. As for things violating my brain, I have an F-List. It is here. The nos are all very hard nos. Maybes are more leaning toward ok. But no means no. Silly people.
I have AIM and Skype for plotting and casually chatting. Feel free to ask for them if we get something going.
I think I'm done. Yeah I'm done. PM me if you're interested though I guess you could post here, but I'd rather discuss things in PM.
Obviously I'm Hero. I am of the male persuasion and I'm 20-something though often I find myself feeling ancient. Currently I'm seeking new and interesting role plays. It's something to occupy my time and there's nothing quite so enjoyable as getting a notification that it's my turn.
I'm not big on fancying things up in a request thread so I'll keep it simple and to the point.
1. Be Awesome.
2. Be able to at the very least mirror my post length if not scare the crap out of me as I read a wall of text happily.
3. Heterosexual romantics only for me. Tried the rest, doesn't tickle my pickle.
4. Absolutely no non-consensual/rape or anything affiliated with the likes of it.
5. I don't play canon characters. I often don't really grasp who these people are on an emotional level so I'd rather not sully the original writer's work.
6. I thought of one more thing that irks me - If you message me, come to me with something to add. One line message while off putting are not a deal breaker, but one line messages with no goal in mind or even so much as in idea will be chucked in the trash. I am picky. Oh well.
In terms of number 5: There are very few fandoms I'm willing to thrust myself into. Star Wars, Gundam, Marvel/DC, Pokemon and Digimon are pretty much it actually. I've no issue running around in the shared universe of the central characters but I don't want to be them, and if possible I'd like to not even use them for interactions. They would exist but not be people we know is what I'm saying, so yeah. Granted for Digimon, I'd always much prefer just pretending it's an entirely different season of sorts, Digimon are the same but the canon characters may as well not exist.
Anyway. I think that's enough grouchy for now. I'm sure you're curious about pairings or potential plot nuggets. I have a few of those. So here's the good bits.
Plot Nuggets!
Star Wars:
Havoc Squad Reborn - A special Imperial strike force who's purpose is to uproot rebellion before it becomes a credible threat and hunt remaining Jedi after the purge. I have characters and ideas in my brain. So that's good.
Something Old Republic or Legacy Era - Really I'd just like to play a Miraluka force adept. It'd be fun to hash out a real plot though.
The Cold War - Much like in world history, the cold war fostered an arms race. In this plot it takes the concept and instead of nuclear weapons, the arms race begat Gundams and came to a brutal head. Obviously this will involve space colonies and such, I just kind of like the idea of two world powers fighting each other while trying to pretend they aren't...in giant mechas.
This Is The Way The World Ends - It's finally happened. War has ruined the earth. The only truly livable space is the space colonies. The planet's surface is a barren wasteland scorched to ashes. But there are still ore deposits, necessary to fuel and maintain the colonies. And with the world unlivable this makes harvesting them difficult, and more than that, it makes resource bases the most precious commodity in the world. Clearly this needs to be fought over with giant mecha.
Post Season 2 - At the end of season 2 everyone was a digidestined. Everyone had a partner. I like that. But that doesn't mean it's peaceful. So what happens when the digital world is under threat again? This can be very interesting as of course it will be more adult oriented. The world knows about digimon and the digital world, so how would our world handle it? Poorly, duh. Imagine the kind of control humans tried to have over Digimon (like in season 3 which ended up creating a sentient program that tried to eat the world) now imagine how they'd handle this new found digital world being under threat? Clearly not just anyone should try to fix it. We could either play people specially assigned to save the digi-world or a group of young adults who said fuck it we're going. Politicians can kiss my ass, I'm saving digimon.
Pokemon: I don't know if you've read the fan theory about Gen 1 and the war, but it's out there and you can Google it. I kind of like the concept but I'd like to set it somewhere entirely new. So, imagine if you will a Pokemon region actually split into different countries. The age of legal Pokemon training has been raised to 18 from the typical 10 year olds running around. And to become a trainer all people must register for military service, this was put into place because of a decade long war going on between the two countries. So the plot could follow prospective trainers drafted into the military just out of training with their Pokemon and told, "Now you have to go fight for your country."
Slice O' Life:
We're Trying to Fix It - A couple has run into some relationship issues. Guy proposes, girl says she isn't sure. Typical high school sweet heart syndrome. They're all they've ever known about love. So to try and sort out their own mixed up wants and concepts about love, the two agree to go to a swinger's resort. This would involve multiple characters (doubling and then some) and an exploration of a variety of sexy scenes. It's mostly smut with character development built in.
Illicit Club - College Students at a very buttoned down university form a club of debauchery. Unable to live out their wild college dreams in public because of fear of expulsion from their school, they meet in secret and test the limits with each other. Yet another multi-character central idea. And another exploration of sexiness.
Something mindlessly romantic.
That's about it for my plot nuggets.
Generic pairings!
Pick 'em. I don't much mind. If you can think of something fun I'll likely want to do it so long as it doesn't violate my brain. As for things violating my brain, I have an F-List. It is here. The nos are all very hard nos. Maybes are more leaning toward ok. But no means no. Silly people.
I have AIM and Skype for plotting and casually chatting. Feel free to ask for them if we get something going.
I think I'm done. Yeah I'm done. PM me if you're interested though I guess you could post here, but I'd rather discuss things in PM.