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Together again~ (ZOMBiiE X 1hinata28 )


Jan 9, 2009

Faye looked at the door and sighed softly her hands in front of her clutching her only suitcase, her guitar was strapped to her back. She did not have much, her only other belongings having been sent a few days ago. Was the social worker telling the truth? Had she really made sure everything was alright with this man and his son? She did not remember her father or her brother having only been two when she was taken. Now and again she would get glimpse but nothing she could put a name to or a memory. She held the strap tighter before moving one hand to ring the bell.

Her mother and and father had a nasty divorce fourteen years ago and they split custody of the two children. She with her mother he with the father. That was the last time they seen one court. Her mother now dead from breast cancer she was sent to live with her only relatives. Faye looked just like her mother, long blond hair, bright blue eyes. She was also a very shy 16 year old not comfortable with moving in with a complete set of strangers, She closed her eyes before putting on a brave face.

She was shy with new people but even when she got to know people she was quiet, even more so now do to the recent tragedy, She sighed softly and waited just wondering if they were home, damn social worker leaving her there alone to wait at the door.
Heavy, booming metal music filled the house as Dylan layed out on his own bed, spread out like a corpse. He had been there for a few hours now, he was told to stay home to welcome his darling little sister. She hadn't even arrived yet, and the little brat was already screwing with his social life. He just hoped that she wouldn't be some little freak, whom he would have to avoid in public. The boy wasn't even really paying attention to what he was supposed to be doing, listening for the doorbell. It wasn't until a few minutes that he realize it had rung, causing him a great annoyance when it did.

The boy pushed his body up and off the bed, having to put in a great amount of unwanted effort. He made his way slowly towards the front door to greet his new family member, his long-since forgotten sister Faye. As Dylan opened the door, he looked down at the girl who stood infront of him. She looked almost exactly like the pictures of his mother that used to be around the house. He didn't say much, he merely held the door open for the girl, and pointed to where a few of her bags had already been stacked near the doorway. She was to be staying towards the back of the house, across from his own room. He didn't tell her what he was doing, but he slowly walked back along the large house, towards where their rooms would be. She could carry her own bags.
Faye lifted her head when the door was finally opened. She was taken aback by the person opening the door. It took her a few moments to figure out who he was. It must have been her brother. His age did not match that of a father. She nodded lightly when he motioned to her bags. She did not dare talk for some reason he scared her more then he should. Not like he would do anything horrible to her right? Well then again she did not know him, or her father for all she knew they could be mass murderers.

Faye walked to her bag and slung the one she was carrying right over her shoulder, then the second one, and carried the last two. She may have seemed weak but she could carrying decent loads. Not super strong but she was not weak, nor was she one to complain. She looked up and noticed him walking down the hall. She quickly followed him down the hall, walking a few feet behind him.

The girl lifted her head and continued to follow him. "Your name is...Dylan r-right?" She muttered not wanting to get his name wrong.
"Mm, yeah." he half mumbled as he pushed open the small wooden door which led to the girl's room. It hadn't been used in years, there was only simple furnishings and it didn't match the rest of the house very well. It was a little old-fashioned, because neither of the men living there ever bothered to even go in there. "Dad cleaned it out a few days ago." he told her as he stepped inside the room and looked around for a few seconds and then looked up at the girl. He didn't speak, he just looked over her body, she wasn't too bad looking...
She nodded happy she had gotten his name correct. "Okay.." She looked inside the room and nodded with a soft smile. At least they had a room for her. She walked in slowly and set down her bags before slowly removing her guitar from her back and leaning it against the wall. That was very important to her. She then put her arms before her back and turned to look at her long lost brother. She noticed him looking at her and a blush went on her cheeks. She decided to look at the room. She did not mind it looked old and unused. That just meant she could break it in more. She nodded to herself and sat down on the bed a moment. "Um..thank you for showing me my room." Faye smiled gently her hands in her lap. She moved to remove her jacket which she set down. Once the jacket was removed her figure was more obvious. Much more appealing as well.
The boy couldn't help but to notice the girl's figure as she removed her jacket and a bit of her body was shown off. He let out a smile, but then started to leave the room. "If you need anything, I'll be across the hall." he told her, a lot more kind then when he had first greeted her at the door. He closed the girl's door behind himself and then entered his own, taking a seat at his desk and turning on the computer. He sat there as little sounds filled the room as the machine booted up.
Faye nodded to what Daylan said and smiled a little. "Alright..." She said unsure of what else to say. Once the door was shut she stood and stripped the bed of the sheets and went to her bag and pulled out a set of blue sheets which she put on the bed, then pulled out pillows from the same bag. She needed her special pillows to sleep. Once the pillows were on the bed she grabbed a second blanket. It was her blanket from when she was little. It was pink. She laid that onto the bed as well. Faye had one other thing to add, well two a small orca plush, then a bunny plush. She smiled a little and laid down sinking her head into the pillows and closing her eyes again. Faye was sleepy from the flight. She yawned a little and tried to go to sleep.
Dylan began to check his messages, he could hear his sister in the next room moving things around. But he decided to pay little attention to what she was doing. As soon as he had finished checking his messages he decided it was time to go and get washed up in the shower. The two siblings would have to share the bathroom, but they had it to themselves because the father had his own on the top floor of the house. But Dylan walked out of his room, towards the bathroom and quickly undressed, hopping inside he turned on the warm water. As the droplets of water hit his body he felt more awoken as each touched his body.
As she tried to sleep she found herself unable to do so. she sat up slowly and looked around the room, a small whimper leaving her lips. "What am I supposed to do here?" She asked herself. Normally she would be cooking something for dinner or talking with her mother about school, or other problems she had. Sure she had just turned 16 but that was not that great a thing either since her mother had died on her birthday. She stood up and decided since he did say if she needed anything to ask him. Faye walked to the door and opened it. She heard the shower and sat down by her door, her eyes closed. She decided to just wait for him to come out. She had grabbed her guitar after a moment and started to strum small melodies, very lovely melodies. She had taken lessons since a young age,
Faye had completely slipped Dylan's mind, he was so used to being home alone all day that he simply grabbed a towel and began washing off his hair as he hopped out of the shower. He exited the bathroom and turned down the hall towards his room, facing Faye he was completely naked. He didn't even notice her at first, only her music. He could hear the faint strumming of a guitar and so he looked around, only to see the small girl sitting down at the end of the hall. The boy tried his best to pull the towel down around his waist, unknowing if she had seen him or not. "Uh, can I help you?" he asked hesitantly as he tied off the towel on the side, stepping infront of his door and looking down at the girl.
When he did notice her the girls face was pink. It was pretty obvious she had seen something and she was very shy at the moment. when he came to stand in front of his door she stopped playing and stood up slowly. She swayed a little from side to side. She was blushing do to seeing way to much of her older brother and for him hearing her playing. She opened her door and set the guitar down before speaking to him. "Can I cook something?" She spoke slowly. "I can um..make you something for lunch. It will help me from going crazy and you will get a meal out of it?" Faye had a small smile on her lips, obviously wanting to cook something. Faye also would not mind cooking for him which is why she mentioned it.
A little weirded out by her, he had never had a little sister around the house before. And most of the meals he had were takeout or simple meals made by his father. "Um, sure some food would be good." he said as he made his way into his room to throw on a pair of boxers before going out to the kitchen. Usually he could just walk around naked as he wished for the whole day, but now that she was around he should probably cover up at least a little bit.
"Good." She said quickly before making her way down the hall. It took her a few minutes to find the kitchen. When she did she grinned. She looked through the fridge and the shelves before deciding to make BLT's. They were simple and most people liked them. She found some bacon and began to fry six stripps of the bacon before getting four peices of bread and setting them into the toaster. She returned to the pan to cook the bacon. The girl began to hum as she cooked slowly.
As the house was slowly filled with that oh-so delectable aroma of bacon-y goodness, Dylan couldn't help but to feel a lot better about his current situation. Sure, she may be a little sister, and most likely annoying, but she could also be used to cook, do chores... and many other things. A little smile came to his face as he finished pulling on his jeans and a tshirt. He waited a second before leaving the room, he just sat quietly in his bed waiting for the girl to finish up the meal a little more. Sure, he was hungry but he really didn't know what to say to her and he thought maybe if he went down, she might try to start talking to him. Sure, he wouldn't be able to avoid her all the time, but he could put it off a little bit.

But after a few minutes of waiting he just couldn't resist that delicious aroma, and so he pulled open his door. It was like a wave had built up behind that wooden door, the smells hit him like a brick. It had been quite a while since he had last eaten a nice home-cooked meal. Even though it was only a simple BLT, he walked quickly down the hall and made his way towards the kitchen to grab a bite.
Dylan really did not have to worry about her trying to talk much. Maybe a simple hello, but that was it. She was ab extremly shy girl and since her mothers death she had a much harder time talking to people. Then again it was only a week since her death. Faye sighed contently as she smelled the scent of the bacon. It smelled very good. Besides cooking kept her from having a complet breakdown.

She went to the toaster and took out the toast before going to the fridge. She added the mayo, then the letuce followed by tomatoes and finally three strips of bacon. Faye nodded it looked good enough. She cut it into two triangles, then did her own. She set it down onto the table just as he came in. "I finished it." She smiled a little. "I hope it is okay..." Faye said gently before sitting down.
"Wow, it smells good." he said, trying to be as nice as he possibly could. He took a seat right infront of the plate she had just put down. He took one of the triangles into his hand and took a bite out of the BLT. It was pretty good, maybe she wouldn't be completely useless. As she went over to get her own food, he couldn't help but to notice her body once more. "Hey, after we finish eating do you want to go and relax in the hot tub?" he asked curiously as he finished off the one half and then began to bite into the other half of the meal.
The girl smiled happy he was enjoying the food. She took smaller bites of her own food. She was quite as she did so. Faye was slightly surprised when he asked her if she wanted to relax in the hot tub. They had a hot tub? Then again why was she surprised by anything. She looked down a moment before taking another bite finishing one half. "Um...sure." Faye lifted her head to give her brother a sweet smile. Faye finished the other half a few minutes later before going to clean the dishes. "I the cooking if you want?" She offered deciding doing something for them was better then nothing.
Dylan didn't say much before leaving to go get changed once more and put on his bathing suit. "Yeah, sure." was all he said as he left the room and walked back towards his room one last time. He quickly pulled off his cloths and pulled on his bathing suit, which were simple black shorts. He then headed out towards the deck, which was fenced off. Even though their house was fairly close to the city they had quite a bit of room to themselves, but his father still liked privacy and so he had the surrounding of the deck built quite high.
Once she had finished cleaning the clothes she went to her room and shut the door quietly. "Now...bathing suit..." She whispered looking through her bags, she knew she had it in one of his suit cases. "Ah found it!" Faye slowly stripped off her clothes and pulled on her two peice. It was blue and the top tied behind her neck, the bottom was like a skirt but very short, more like a ruffle. It did show off her figure pretty well. She spun a bit before slowly coming out of the room. It took her a few minutes to find Dylan. She walked ver slowly her hands infront of her. In her bathing suit her figure was shown very well, her top hugging her medium sized breasts, not flat but not huge. They fit her body well. "Um." She murmered walking over.
"Hello, um, Faye?" he half asked, her name slipping his mind. He pushed over in the tub to give her some room, he moved so that he would be facing her. He checked over her body, sure she was his sister... but he was still a teenage guy, of course he would think of her. He flashed her a smile as he added to his greeting "hop in, the water is nice and warm."
She turned her head when she heard her name. It sounded more like a question then him actually calling for her. She turned her head and smiled slightly before nodding. "Um..okay." She murmered softly before walking over and slipping into the hot tub. She smiled, the water did feel rather nice. She had only been in a hot tub once before, a few years ago. She sunk in a little before speaking, her eyes looking down. "Sorry...for causing you any trouble here...I know it was showing up..." The girl said softly as she played with some water/
As the girl apologized for being there, he kind of felt bad for her. "It's not your fault you're here, don't worry about it. Besides, it might not be so bad having a girl around the house." he told her as he leaned over closer to the girl, his face was only a few inches away from the girl's. "You're still my sister..." he told her, trying to avoid looking down her top, but he just couldn't. He stared a little down at the young girl's cleavage.

[Sorry I was staying at my girlfriend's for a few days.]
(Ah it is fine, no problem ^+^)

She blushed when he spoke to her and leaned closer to her. "I suppose so..." Though she doubted he remembered her, if he did it was most likely not many memories. She noticed he was looking down a bit and she sunk into the water a bit, the water covering her upper body. "I suppose...but it still must be an inconvenince..." Faye sighed gently as she looked at her older brother wondering just what kind of people Dylan and her father were.
"Maybe you should stand up and let me get a better look at you, it's been so long." he suggested as he placed his hand on her hip and gently pushed her up to her feet, not quite forcing her up but more so helping her, without waiting for her to even agree. And once she was up on her feet he looked over her body slowly, examining it while keeping her held gently with his hand. "You know, you don't have to wear your bikini. Hot tubs can be a lot of fun when you're naked. Don't worry, I'm your brother, I'm allowed to see you naked."
She did not protest when he said she should stand and let him get a better look. Faye kept a soft blush on her cheeks as he looked her over once or twice. She was also blushing do to the hand on her hip, this having been the first time he touched her since she had arrived. It really did not feel like a brother sister relationship he was after. "Huh? no..." Her hand went to her bikini and rubbed the fabric between her fingers. "I prefer to keep it on..."
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