Bringing down Team Rocket (SnugCinccino X eric)

Eric began looking for the nearest elevator, impatiently pressing the button.

"C'mon... Dammit!" He said.
Amp points at the stairs.
"Wouldn't the stairs be a safer option?" She asked. "They could cut the power to the elevator, and then we'd be trapped."
Volt continued ThunderBolting any Grunts it saw.
"Good point. Ladies first.." He said, staying behind until Amp went first.
Eric and Mega Tyranitar followed, and surveyed the area.

"So... Where do you think they're keeping the hostages?" Eric asked, his partner Pokemon itching for an opponent to obliterate.
Amp looked up and down the stairs.
"Well... I'd say in the offices." She said. "They could easily hide them there, but maybe we should scout ahead." She took a Poke'Ball from her pocket.
"Furret, go!" She said, throwing the Pokeball up the stairs. The ferret-like pokemon appeared, and dashed around the upstairs rooms incredibly fast.
"Galvantula! Scout the area for hostages!" Eric said, sending out his Galvantula.

Galvantula obeyed, looking from the ceiling.
eric said:
"Galvantula! Scout the area for hostages!" Eric said, sending out his Galvantula.

Galvantula obeyed, looking from the ceiling.

Amp took something out of her pocket. It looked like a disc with the mega evolution symbol on it. She stared at it for a few seconds, then put it back in her pocket. Her Furret dashed back to her, scurrying up her arm onto her shoulder. Amp pointed at a map on the wall.
"Did you find anyone other than Team Rocket?" She asked. Furret nodded, and pointed at the fourth floor and the top floor.
"Thanks Furret, you were a great help." She said, petting the pokemons slender body.
Eric returned Galvantula to its Pokeball.

"Should we split up?" Eric asked Amp. "Or should we stick together?"
"Yes, milady. As you wish." Eric replied, letting her take the lead.
Amp slowly crept up the stairs, going up multiple floors until they had gotten to the floor where Furret told them the hostages were.
"Alright.... Is this it Furret?" She asked the Pokemon.
"Fuurrret!" It replied, nodding its head. Amp reached into her pocket for a Pokeball as she looked around the corner.
Eric then noticed a horde of Rocket Grunts, and Mega Tyranitar was ready to show no mercy, letting out an angry roar.
Amp pointed at the Grunts.
"Furret! Retaliate! Volt! ThunderBolt!" She commanded.
The two pokemon jumped into action, and launched their attacks at them.
"Tyranitar! Dark Pulse!" Eric ordered, and his Mega-evolved Partner shot a blast of dark aura at the Grunts, making them cringe.

Eric then stole the keys to the hostage room from a fat Grunt, opening the door and saving the hostages.
The hostages thanked Eric and Amp, and escaped the building.
Amp pointed at the grunts.
"You'd better be gone by the time we get back." She said, then turned back to Eric. "C'mon, Furret said there is at least one hostage on the top floor, probably the CEO of the company."
And then she ran up the stairs, her Pokemon close behind.
At the top floor, Amp and Volt burst through the CEO Office doors. And as Furret said, there was a hostage, but there was also the Leader of Team Rocket himself....
"You...." Amp trailed off, unable to say anything else.
Eric's fists clenched out of rage.

"YOU BASTARD!" Eric shouted at Giovanni. "Prepare to pay for what you have done! TYRANITAR! CRUSH HIM!"

Mega Tyranitar then let out a roar of anger, and charged at Giovanni, firing Ice Beam after Ice Beam.
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