Bringing down Team Rocket (SnugCinccino X eric)


Nov 18, 2015
United Kingdom
In the Kanto region, Team Rocket is a massive criminal organisation. Many have a vendetta against them, but some choose to act upon their feelings rather than bury them.
Here is a story of two who took a stand to them.

Amp, the travelling Pokemon Trainer, stepped through the gate into the grand city before her. She smiled and turned around to her partner Volt, an Ampharos, who was completely out of breath. They had run all the way here.
"Haaaaah... Isn't this great Volt? We're finally here!" She said. "Saffron City...."
Volt however, could barely breathe.
"Amph.....aros......" It said through deep breaths.
Amp patted Volt on the head and took it by the hand.
"C'mon, you must be exhausted. First stop, the Pokemon center!" She said.
And with that, she walked along the streets, in search of the Pokemon Center. But little did she know that one of her most hated group of people was causing trouble nearby.....
Eric was confronted by a group of Rocket grunts.

His spiky brown hair stood still, and his Pyroar was battling them one at a time.

"Curses! There are too many of these bastards... HELP!" Eric shouted

Pyroar was mauling an opposing Arbok. Eric needed a miracle ASAP.
eric said:
Eric was confronted by a group of Rocket grunts.

His spiky brown hair stood still, and his Pyroar was battling them one at a time.

"Curses! There are too many of these bastards... HELP!" Eric shouted

Pyroar was mauling an opposing Arbok. Eric needed a miracle ASAP.

Volt twitched and pointed in the direction of Eric. Amp turned around and looked.
"What's the matter Volt?" She asked, before squinting to see Eric, and more importantly to her, Team Rocket. Instantly her hand clutched into a fist and she ran towards them.
"HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She shouted, taking out a PokeBall from her hoodie. "Magnezone Go! Use Flash Cannon!" She shouted, throwing the Pokeball into the air and releasing the Pokemon, who immediately used Flash Cannon on one of the Team Rocket pokemon.
The Grunts fled.

Eric got up, and said "The name's Eric. Thanks for saving me. How can I EVER repay you?"

Eric looked at his Mega Locket, with a picture of his deceased lover Peggy, and thought "I promise you... REVENGE!"
Amp sighed, and put her hand on Volt's shoulder.
"My name is Amp. And it was no problem, sending Team Rocket running away was a bonus for me." She said.

She glanced down at her Mega Pearl, remembering her sisters stolen Pokemon.
"Oh, and this is Volt, my partner." She said.
Magnezone floated back to Amp and rubbed against her arm, making Amp giggle.
"Yes Magnezone, I haven't forgotten you. Good job." She said, holding out a Poke'Ball to return Magnezone.
Eric's Pyroar was staring blankly at the fleeing grunts.

"I insist on finding some way to make it up to you, milady." Eric said, down on his knees.
eric said:
Eric's Pyroar was staring blankly at the fleeing grunts.

"I insist on finding some way to make it up to you, milady." Eric said, down on his knees.

Amp giggled at Eric.
"Heheheh.. There's no need for that..." She said. "Attacking Team Rocket on sight is sorta what I do."
Volt tugged at Amp's arm.
"Oh yeah, I need to go to the Pokemon Center, Volt is exhausted from running here." She said.
"Same here, milady. Pyroar and I need a rest, and so do the rest of my Pokemon. If only I could've saved the woman I loved. Now all I want is to avenge her, and also to repay you for saving me. Team Rocket has been persecuting me for as long as I can remember. I'd hate to know what darkness drives Giovanni's motives." Eric replied, getting up onto his feet.
eric said:
"Same here, milady. Pyroar and I need a rest, and so do the rest of my Pokemon. If only I could've saved the woman I loved. Now all I want is to avenge her, and also to repay you for saving me. Team Rocket has been persecuting me for as long as I can remember. I'd hate to know what darkness drives Giovanni's motives." Eric replied, getting up onto his feet.

Amp nodded.
"Giovanni..... How could he possibly be a gym leader even after what he does to people and Pokemon?" She said quietly.
Volt nuzzled her.
"You're right Volt, no point in feeling sorry for myself. C'mon, to the Pokemon Center." She said.
Then, she walked along the street, searching for the pokemon center.
Eric followed his savior, and returned Pyroar to its Pokeball. Not familiar with this particular part of Kanto, he wasn't sure where he was going.
Amp walked around for about 10 minutes before they found the Pokemon center, and a quick heal up later and all of their Pokemon were back at full health. Volt was looking more energetic too.
"Well, glad we actually FOUND the Pokemon Center...." She said.
Amp blushed a little at the sudden hug.
"Umm... Heheh.... Weird way to thank someone, but OK..." She said awkwardly.
Volt giggled at her face, sticking its tongue out.
He looked around, and asked "Which town are we in again?"
Amp checked her PokeNav.
"Saffron City, why?" She asked, putting it away again.
Amp stretched her arms, making Volt move slightly away from her.
"I'm not familiar with Kanto yet, milady. I'm originally from Sinnoh." Eric explained.
Amp smiled.
"Oh, is that so? I'm originally from the Lekada Region. " She said. "So I guess we're both new here."
Amp then looked around, and awkwardly scratched her head.
"Hmm..... I'm not really sure what to do now...." She said. "I was hoping there would be a Pokemon Contest Hall in this city, but I guess not."
"Never heard of Lekada, milady.." He added.

He noticed a Rocket Grunt dash inside the Silph Company building, and began his pursuit.
eric said:
"Never heard of Lekada, milady.." He added.

He noticed a Rocket Grunt dash inside the Silph Company building, and began his pursuit.

Amp was about to reply, but when Eric dashed away, Amp ran after him.
"Hey wait!" She shouted, Volt close behind her.
Eric tackled the grunt to the ground, and and wrapped his hands around the scumbag's neck.
Amp caught up to him, and pulled him off.
"Volt! Thunder Wave!" She comanded, and Volt hit the grunt with weak electricity, leaving the grunt paralyzed.
"Sorry about that, milady. I think this guy might be responsible for killing the woman I loved..." Eric said.

The Grunt tried to get up, but failed miserably.

"Damn right, punk! I have no regrets, either. The world will be ours one day." The grunt said, before passing out.

Eric's Tyranitar instinctively came out of its Pokeball, letting out a might roar.

"Alright, Tyranitar! Mega Evolve!" Eric said, clutching his Mega Locket. "I think they're holding many people hostage! We have to save them, and if Giovanni's there, we'll put him in his place!"

Mega Tyranitar then used its body to bash the barricaded door open, and several Grunts came running.
Amp turned around to Volt.
"Volt, it's time you Mega Evolved too!" She said, holding her Mega Pearl in the air. Volt was enveloped in purple light, and Mega Evolved. Amp then pointed at the Grunts.
"Volt, ThunderBolt!" She commanded. Volt launched a large electric blast at the grunts, shocking all of them.
"Thanks. Now let's see where we should go!" He told her.
eric said:
"Thanks. Now let's see where we should go!" He told her.

Amp had no idea what Eric was doing, so she just followed him.
Volt scratched its fur for a moment, and stood proudly.
"Ammmmmph......." It said.
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