Kryptonite (Belle and Father)

If he could hear her.

It was as if his ears were ready for her words and her alone in the world. As if there was nothing but her voice for him. Whether it had been purposeful or not, whether he had been ready for her to call upon him or not, the truth was that for whatever reason she had touched him and once he had been in her presence there was no going back from that point. She had imprinted herself upon him and he truly felt he could have heard her anywhere on the planet itself. However, this night he heard her as he floated high above the sky of Metropolis. Waiting, patiently for someone to call upon him. There was no shortage of squabbles, no shortage of troubles that the humans inflicted upon themselves. He knew, knew at this stage in life he could not interfere in everything...he could never be there for everyone. Instead he tried to be there for those who deserved his aid...the truly defenseless, the true innocents of life. It was to them he offered his aid. It was to them he would come.

Yet Jessie was different. Was it a difference because she had offered to aid him? No, he did not think so. He had been aided by others before, had offered and found solace with friends. Yet those friends had flown and he was alone and that was perhaps why Jessie had already become important to him. Why he was ready to jump when she needed it, immediately and without question. Because in his dire time of need he knew that she had jeopardized herself, that she had given of herself with no request and no need of payment for the service that she gave him. That was what turned her into something special for him.

So he answered.

His body angled, shooting down through the night sky and into the streets of the city. Bypassing buildings, moving with a speed so few could ever understand, he had no reason to fear. No reason to think anything was amiss. Yet for whatever reason while he ignored the world that humanity had created, something bothered him as he approached the apartment building. If his super hearing had alerted him to her call, then what alerted him to the danger that it might represent? Super intuition? Bruce had once posited he very well might have something of the sort, something that was hidden deep within his psyche that alerted him to danger. How often had they escaped by the skin of their teeth because of a hunch that had him wary? Had him on edge? Others might have considered him a bit to suspicious, but he trusted his instincts. His instincts told him something was wrong.

Something terribly wrong. Yet he continued his approach, coming up swiftly to her window and stopping there for her to see. His muscled physique, the way his chest rose up outwards from his if all his weight tugged upwards towards his shoulders and that seemed to merely make him fly. The will of a being beyond this world. He stood there, gazing at her with his eyes. There was nothing to say truly. She had called him and he was there.
Jessie stood at the window for a few long moments trying to decide when she should eventually turn and head back inside. As she stood there gazing out into the dark night of Metropolis she wondered just how silly she looked leaning outside of the window and whispering words to the hum of a bustling city night. Jessie closed her eyes and winced slightly before she nearly turned and shut the window...but then she felt a sudden brush of wind and she turned once more towards the opening.
And there he was.

Jessie took in a sudden breath as she was confronted with two sensations suddenly. Firstly she was still utterly amazed that he was real and that he was near her. She wondered if this feeling would ever go away - did someone who regularly stand in the presence of something divine like a pagan god of old or an Angel of a more contemporary religion ever become at ease with seeing something so incredibly strange and metaphysical that it became hum-drum? Jessie hardly thought so. And even though she had been so close to him a week ago - hell, they'd kissed a week ago - she still felt a sudden surge of excitement and wonder course through her heart when she saw him hovering just outside her window. Secondly, of course, she needed to get him away from hovering outside her window! Especially with what she now knew.

Reaching forward she took hold of his hand and pulled him in enough so that she could shut the window behind him and draw the curtains around them - almost as though she was about to have some illicit meeting with him. The thought of that made her cheeks warm up but she hid that. "Sorry about the abrupt house call," she murmured as she turned to face him. Any other normal night she could have offered him tea, to sit down, asked how his week went and if the kiss meant anything to - no. Definitely not that last bit. "But thank you for coming so quickly. Remember when I said I would look out for you if you kept your word about keeping the city safe? Well, this is me following up on my end of the promise. I went with the Daily Planet to the newly built Cadmus HQ today...and the man who heads the new division, a man named Paul Westerfield, he found something - a red substance he called Red Kryptonite...and he says that should the government have cause to, they could turn it into a weapon against you. He seemed sure that whatever this stuff is, that it could really hurt you." She felt her voice stammering through the words, as though they were hard to say, though in reality it was that she felt a kinship to Heman...and she couldn't stand to think of him being hunted down, regardless of who or what he was. So though they were hard to say or comprehend, they lost none of their sincerity. "So I'm telling you now so that you could do something...something to protect yourself against it. Or...Or maybe I'm just giving you the right incentive to leave. I don't know...but whatever you choose, now you know the truth."
A weapon?

At first he did not quite understood her words, something seemed incredibly wrong in that moment. Something seemed incredibly off. It was as if he were distanced from everything, a thrumming noise resonating inside of his head, a wave washing over him as he got closer to Jessie. He had never experienced the idea of being drunk before, nothing on the planet could have that kind of influence over his physiology. If he had though, if he had known what it was like to have liquor, then he would have been able to liken it to this experience. There was a heat inside of his chest, a warmth that was rare for him and in fact any kind of feeling like this was a rarity. He did not get ill, he did not take sick days, he was not given to feeling tired save in the moments of heroism that took their toll. His brow furrowed though as he got through it all, as he tried to sort it out, the muddled mind finally breaking through the stupor. It showed only briefly in his physical form, a look of confusion...a slight stumble as he came to land on the balcony with her to allow himself to be drawn inside. His hand in her hand was soft, his eyes seeming distant, but then he finally got it. Then he finally understood.

His eyes were like the oncoming storm. His voice whispered. "How dare they..."

She had seen his anger before, seen the way he had taken down the criminals in the alleyway, but this was something far worse. His hand quickly came from her grasp for fear of hurting her, even now he was solicitous of the fact that he was among those more frail than he. He stepped past her, into the room, his hands tightening by his sides and she could hear...literally hear the sound of pressure from those knuckles, the fingers curled together, a pressure that could turn coal into diamond. His face was hidden but cross the room was a mirror and in that mirrored reflection she could see a snarl, she could see something terrible in those features as his head tilted forward. There in that moment he looked like a man who very well might kill, a man who very well might protect himself completely from Westerfield and his cronies. A man who would go to war.

This was what divine fury must look like. He turned to look back at her, his face easing just a fraction, just the tiniest of bits as he spoke. This was not the Heman she had met the first night, there was a harder edge in her presence than had been there before, yet his words still held weight to them. "Thank you, thank you again Jessie...but run, no, I could never do that. If they have a weapon, if they feel they need it, I...," he paused, his eyebrows coming together as he seemed puzzled. "Red? Kryptonite isn't red...."
Watching him get was like Jessie was watching a volcano from the inside - watching that fury build like the relentless, primordial tide of magma. Upwards it rose, surging forward to defy the solid earth itself to burst forth and ignite the world around it into fire and destruction. As he moved away from her further into her living room she paused...but she did not move away. That was what you were supposed to do when an unstoppable force of nature was so near, wasn't it? Run? Jessie should have run. Every instinct in her head was telling her to get away - to hide from this being that could hurt her, could possibly kill her. And yet she was fighting those instincts, reminding herself of the man who had saved those people in the alleyway, and not the monster everyone was so anxious to believe in.

And then he looked back at her, and she saw his features soften for just a moment, but it was enough. The tension to flee eased and she took a half step towards him. "This one was. The stone was red as blood and it looked like it was on fire from within," she explained as she shuddered, "I'll never forget it. It just looked...wrong. Like when you see someone who you just know is trouble or dangerous - except instead of a person it was that thing. And I knew...I knew I had to tell you." She paused here a moment as she contemplated the fact that he wanted to stay here. Here where there was so much danger. Here where so many saw him as that monster - something out of a childhood nightmare - to be hated and despised without any cause for question. "You know," she said, her voice a bit softer as she felt her shoulders relax. "I would tell you that if you're going to stay to be careful...but that's a little pointless, isn't it? I mean of course you will be. You've were doing fine before we crossed paths, and fine in the mean time sense...but I just-"

And here she let out a very bitter sounding laugh as she folded her arms in frustration. "I just don't understand why you would want to stay. If I were in your boots I would be long gone - say 'screw you' to them all and fuck off someplace else. And yet you're standing here, knowing what this city plans to do to you the moment they have some bad press against you...and you're choosing to stay. Whether out of defiance or a genuine need to help people the way you did in that alley I don't know...but I know I would be either too resentful or too offended to stay..." she sighed softly, releasing her arms and shrugging as her smile returned. "I guess what I'm trying to say is're a better person than I am in either regard."

After a moment of her studying him - that cosmic baring, the strength of his structure, the gaze of his eyes - she made a decision. "And because of that, I feel it's my civic duty to offer you some thanks. I understand you may be busy as Hell, but if I was about to order some take out. How do you feel about Chinese food?"
Once again he was forced to wonder why?

Not because he did not get thanks on a regular basis, but he did not gain intimacy on a regular basis. Regardless of all those women who had thrown themselves practically at his feet, there was something far different about one of them not only saving him...but actually offering him a measure of intimacy and friendship. How could he ever repay her for such a thing? Only those who were like him, who were different, had ever reached out to him in true friendship. Now though there was Jessie and he felt completely at a loss for how it affected him. The anger was still there, but it softened in her presence, it eased....and it became something else. It became something more powerful and intense, resonating upwards as she talked to him. If he had thought about it the emotions might have been very akin to the kryptonite she was discussing, the strange fire within it, how it seemed to radiate power. He felt that now, that heat within his chest.

Once more he felt like he was in a stupor, raising his hand to his head, a sight that none had ever seen. What was it that was bothering him, why suddenly had being in her presence made it hard to think? It had not been there before, he might have been nervous and a put uncertain but he had definitely not felt confusion. His voice asked the question that was on his mind, the one that seemed more to come from the emotions spiraling inside of him. "Are you...are you sure it's you want?" His words hit on that last bit, making it emphasized. Want....

He wanted something. He wanted her.

That want allowed his mind to find clarity. That emotion let him finally find a focus for how he felt. Surely it felt alien, an emotion that was not normal for him, but was that caused by something foreign? Was that something different encouraging him or was it...his wish to actually be with someone? His wish to actually feel the touch of flesh? He remembered the brief kiss, he remembered holding her against him, but this time...this time he wanted his hands to be somewhere quite different. He did not just wish to hold her....he wanted to caress her, grope her, feel her sighs of pleasure. It could be seen in his eyes at that moment as he stared at her, as he met her gaze. The question had been asked had it not? She could read between the lines, probably better than anyone.
Jessie had been reaching for the phone in her pocket when she heard him take a step forward and speak. In the pauses between the words he had to say she turned towards him. She had been anticipating his question - something along the lines of 'are you sure it's Chinese you want'? - and was building up a answer. But then once more - once again really - he caught her by surprise and completely off guard by one word. One loaded, fiery, heated word.


Jessie couldn't place it but there was something about the way he said that one word...something that made every thought in her head stop, every beat of her heart suddenly double in its cadence, and every bit of her throat go dry with unspoken...well...want. Jessie let the phone slowly drop to her side. She was...utterly entrapped by his eyes. Those eyes, those beautiful strange eyes that held so many secrets and yet in this one moment spoke to something a lot more vivid and clear. Want. Had Jessie even been a simpleton she would have figured out that this person - who was beneath it all a man - had a sincere desire. For her. Holy crap! Holy- Holy fuck. This person, this incredible cosmic being...wanted her. Jessie had no doubts about her self confidence - she knew she was pretty, intelligent, and charming when she wanted to be. But she was mortal. Temporary. A fleck of space dust in comparison. And yet he wanted her.

And he was staring at her - waiting for a response. He had kissed her before. And she had liked it - she had liked it so much she had kept herself from thinking about it for a whole week because she found herself obsessing over it. She had a response. "I...very much want to kiss you again," she said, her voice soft and low as though she was imparting some great secret. "You've no idea how much I've thought about it - wanted to think about it - and wanted to kiss you in this past week. But I'm not the kind of woman to push my wants onto others..." she said as she took a few soft, deliberate steps towards him until there was hardly any significant space between them and she could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin. "So what do you want?"
He would have to be gentle.

That thought would always be inside the back of his mind when they were together, now and in the future. He would have to be gentle, careful, and it was something that he worried about when giving into his passions. For him this was something soft, something involving light caresses and motions designed to illicit sighs of pleasure. He was intent on ensuring that was so, that he would not hurt her. That he would be so very kind....yet the truth was far different, the reality was something completely opposite of that fact. For passion drove him, desire pushed him, and what was gentle for him was something all together rough on the flesh of the human being that was there before him. His hands moved, touching her shoulders, pulling her near to him as he slid his hands down to grip Jessie's perfect bottom...his fingers clasping almost cruelly, lifting her up against his body, but this time it was more than a lift.

He truly picked her up, picked her up against him and the kiss that ensued held all the demand that the first kiss had not. The first kiss had been loving, slow, almost sensual for a man that had wanted to show her a side of appreciation he had not shown another. This one screamed that she yield to him. This one demanded that she open her mouth to his tongue that flicked against her lips. Superman, Heman, an alien from another world was kissing her in his living room...holding her like she weighed nothing in the slightest. Something might very well have been wrong with this, something might very well have been uncertain about it all, a difference in who and what he was that was being brought about due to the strange emotions coursing through him. Want was true at that moment, arousal...

...that was very true.

She could feel him in his arms, pressing near, and there was no doubt as to the erection that pressed through the outfit that he so normally wore. His was a dark look, an outfit made of material that was otherworldly and left to him by his father...a general who appreciated a military look, a combat oriented aesthetic. It did nothing to aid in covering the change of his need, the pressing of heavy flesh, and there was little doubt now that Superman was most definitely all man...and quite compatible with human anatomy. Perhaps there might have been an uncertainty of that fact among the women of Earth, but with the feeling of him pushed up against her abdomen...there would be no uncertainty left.

Slowly the kiss ended, slowly his tongue stopped flicking against her, and he whispered..."I want you."
Jessie felt the breath anxiously hold in her chest as he reached forward to touch her shoulders. There was no verbal answer yet but Jessie could feel the answer radiating from his demeanor and the look in his eyes. It told her than he was as utterly enthralled with her and perhaps had been throughout the week. Even before his hands reached down to take hold of her, her own hands reached up and her finger tips brushed against his chest. The material of his clothes was warm and firm, no doubt like his skin, and she felt the breath she was holding slowly release as his hands finally moved down to their main objective and in that one action everything changed.

The kiss was explosive. Now that they were touching like they had wanted to do in this long and anxious week, they were like two chemicals that had been set to react - all they needed was heat. And now there was nothing but heat, and when he pulled her close there was not even a moment's hesitation. Were he not so fast he would have seen her reaching for him in equal measure of him for her. And when their lips met she didn't even need the moment of hesitation. She surrendered to the fire of his touch, the pressure of his lips on hers, and as her arms slipped up around his neck she arched her body against his. Her lips parted as he wished for her to do and he would discover she was kissing him back - her tongue eagerly seeking any touch and taste of his.

Desire. Yes. Oh yes there was desire - she didn't need to feel his erection to know that but the touch of it in any way only heightened the rush of sensation. Holy fuck he wanted her...and that realization was both humbling and enthralling. She was not the kind of woman who wilted at the sudden idea that maybe she wasn't worthy of this man or else he was in a different 'league'. Though he was - he was the very definition of being in another league - but the fact that he wanted her did not bring him down to her level, it raised her to his. And it made her believe that whatever was about to happen between them could work. And it made her excited. So very excited.

As the kissed slowly ended and he pulled away from her she caught her breath and caught his gaze as he gave words to his want. But Jessie didn't pull away from him. Her arms only tightened around him and she pressed her body against his until there was no space at all between them. Her fingers pressed into his black hair and she let only a breath of time pass between them before she responded with words of her own desire. "Then have me," she whispered back. "Because you are what I want."
His eyes searched hers and he gave a small nod of his head. There was no smile on his features, nothing but solemn acceptance of those words. Yet in his eyes she could see the want stirring, swirling around, alien and pooling with an intensity that no man could ever match. His fingers slowly slid up from her bottom as he raised her a tiny bit further and he whispered very quietly, his voice measured and sure as he knew exactly what he wanted.

"Trust me."

That trust was something that would be needed, that trust was something that would be required. He might be Superman but no human being would feel immediately comfortable with what he was doing. His arms moved upwards and underneath her as he raised her a bit further so that she rested in the crook of them. This was beyond the pale, something completely unexpected, but she had offered...she had offered to let him have her and he seemed to have taken her at her word. He braced her and then slowly began to lean her back, not because he could not handle her but because he feared the shock would cause her to lose her balance and slip from his arms to the ground beneath her. The position let her raise her legs up if she wished, to rest upon his shoulders, because he was doing something no man was capable of.

No man but him.

He laid her down in midair, laid her back completely in his arms so that she was horizontal. Of course a human man could have balanced her, perhaps stood with her and done all sorts of wicked things. Could have let her rest her shoulders on a wall, or against furniture, but this was something completely different. As he moved her he kissed along her throat, along her bosom, across her stomach, but his intentions were much further down than that. Nothing but his arms beneath her as he held her horizontal before his very eyes and then brought her back so that his head went beneath her skirt. He kissed her through her tights, up along her thighs, nuzzling as he brought his face between them...slowly licking through her clothing. The mouth of Superman upon her very flesh.
Trust him. Trust... Jessie had trusted him from the moment she had deleted that photo from her phone. So when he encouraged her to do so now, she nodded softly. And she was rewarded by being suddenly lifted up into the air. Jessie gasped out loud in shock and she immediately wanted to twist and wriggle her way out of his arms until she was back on the ground...but that was where the trust came from, right? So she closed her eyes and though her body tensed she told herself to calm down - that he wouldn't let her go. That he (hopefully) wouldn't accidentally drop her. Oh yes. This was trust alright. Jessie didn't even like extreme heights! But finally she felt his arms straighten beneath her and felt her legs find something stable to rest on. Something. What was he doing? Jessie thought this was going to be some strange way to carry her into the bedroom, but now they seemed completely still. She was expecting him to lean her against something, or set her down.

But no. He was kissing her now. And the adrenaline surging through her body now made the sensation of his lips on her skin all the more exhilarating. The sudden thrill made it seem like she could feel his kisses all the stronger throughout her whole body. Jessie gasped as he began kissing her thighs. Her legs wrapped around him in anticipation as she began to slowly loose her concern about falling or even the slight bit of discomfort - bodies weren't meant to bend that way - and instead focused on the kisses. She could feel the warmth of his lips through her tights and she shivered. But it was nothing in comparison to how it felt when he brought his lips to the most sensitive part of her body.

Jessie moaned much louder than before as she felt the instinctive urge to arch her hips forward, but she did not want to have him lose his grip. So instead she reached her hands forward and took a very firm grip of his arms. As she did that she arched her back very slightly so her body would naturally push her hips forward against his lips. As she did so, her fiery red hair fell behind her and swept down towards the floor. And now she could feel the blood start to rush to her head - providing all the more sensation and all the more hyper sensitivity to her nerves. Everything was now so heightened that she couldn't help gasping and moaning pleadingly as he explored more of that secret place with his mouth.
There was no need for such things as bracing her, no need for such a thing as protecting her from her harm from falling. She was in his arms, she was in his hands, and there was never a safer place to be in this life. Never a moment that she would not be cared for, assured that at all times she was never going to feel anything but absolutely wanted in those strong hands. His eyes had closed, there in the darkness beneath her skirt he moved against her in ways that only he could have done so. It was frighteningly powerful, he could crush her in a moment, yet he must have been trying desperately to contain his passion to prevent himself from hurting her...because each touch while bruising could have been so much more. The hands on her back braced against her, massaging her just slightly, keeping her steady as the tongue moved just a little bit and he realizing he would not be content with not feeling her flesh against his lips.

Superman would have what he wanted.

Slowly his eyes opened and she felt heat, she could feel something happening beneath her clothing, and for a second the red flesh of his laser vision permeated the room from up underneath her skirt...casting a shadow behind him. Had he? Had he just used those eyes to take away the offending material! The answer of course was yes, yes he damn well had. Some would have said risky but it was done with the air of a man who could have just slid her panties off, of the delicate ease of someone flicking a bra clasp loose with one hand so that they could have access to what they wanted. This was no different in his eyes, though assuredly it would be for hers, and with that flash there was a warmth that could be felt radiating against her lovely wet sex and her tiny bottom. Once more his mouth went to work, eyes closing.

Kissing her in a way that she had not been expecting. That tongue moved inside of her, tasting her, swirling round as he gave a low hum of approval against her perfect flesh. He took those few moments to truly explore her, truly show her the wickedness of a man who could make his tongue flick faster than the eye could was a small game, sensual in nature, for even if she felt the lashing cross her clit...she could not see below her clothing. Yet he wanted more of her, of course he did, and slowly he brought her away from his mouth so that he could clasp her once more in a hug...his fingers sliding beneath once he had her back where she was looking down at him, his hand tightening on her now almost bare bottom...the flimsy remains of her tights and panties covering what modesty she had as he looked up at her and he whispered.

"Are you sure you still want me to take?" There it was, his gentleness, his willingness to take care of her and to show her compassion. To assure her that she was safe with him...he knew this was alien for her, being with him, being with someone like him...he had longed for so long to touch a woman and now, now he was having it...he did not wish to frighten her further. Yet his eyes danced with the tiniest bit of mischief as they curled under the crook of her bottom.
The power of his hands was overwhelming. Any other man might have dropped her or not even cared to hold her at such an angle as to please her, but this man did. Jessie was so lost in the reverie of her own pleasure that she almost didn't notice the sudden heat that removed bits of her clothing. The warmth drifted her out of her state for a moment, but before she could even question what had happened or why his tongue delved deep into her folds and she cried out in bliss as pleasure rushed through her body, igniting every nerve with the power of arousal. Ah yes! This was what Jessie wanted - what she needed! Superman may also have gotten what he wanted, but this pursuit of pleasure was not a selfish one. The near constant pressure on her clit with his warm tongue made her writhe in ecstasy in his touch. Warmth began building in her abdomen that had nothing to do with heat vision. Jessie could feel the pinnacle of her pleasure drawing near, oh so very near...and Jessie absolutely loved it. She surrendered herself to the pleasure he gave her - to Superman - utterly and completely.

But then he slowly lowered her before she could enter into that place of absolute pleasure and surrender. Jessie caught her deep, ragged breaths as she shivered. Her lower abdomen groaned in upset at being taken down from so passionate a peak, and she groaned as he lowered her from his mouth. But before she could complain he pulled her into a deep embrace, his fingers firmly grasping her body close so there was no chance of her slipping. As she gazed down at him she surely had to appear flushed and breathless, but there was something else in her eyes too - a silent plea that she too wanted more than this. She was happy to be pleasure by him in any regard. But she wanted the kind of completeness that could only come from his being in side her - the intimacy that came from him being in her bed.

And his voice unlocked something else in her. He spoke so gently, with such care, that it made more than just her abdomen warm. It made her chest absolutely radiate with affection - not just from her but from him as well. She could tell that this was not just a lewd act for him - it was an act of reaching out for another soul, another person, and the pleasure and comfort that could only come from them. And it made her surrender more to him than she thought she might - she gave him not just her body but she could feel her slowly surrendering her heart to him also. And it made the choice he gave her all the easier.

"Yes, Heman," she replied in a warm whisper. She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his, letting the words linger as warm promise of pleasure to come. Then she leaned forward and pressed her warm lips deeply against his, nipping his bottom lip and pulling slowly. "I want this. I want you. Behind me is the door to my room...take me there, please."
There was no need to say please in her request, no need to beseech him. He felt like he was on fire with her. Felt like he was drugged and he had a truly hard time measuring his steps that would lead them into the bedroom. Part of him wanted to say no to her and to deny these feelings, not out of any sense that he did not want them but that out of the sense of it...something just did not feel right about it. Yet the pleasure of being with her took hold, the feeling of her lovely lithe body rocking against him, and he pulled her closer and felt her lips upon his...a slow sensual kiss that felt like he was in heaven. Was this actually something wrong, he thought, was this something that others did not feel? Perhaps, just perhaps this was what it was like for a Kryptonian. Perhaps this was how it felt when he was truly aroused by another being. He gave a slow languid smile, letting the passion of his grip ebb just the tiniest longer as cruel upon her as he carried her with ease across the threshold to lay her down upon her bed.

He might be Superman but there was a vulnerability in this moment that he realized more than anything after he lay her down and he stood there. Had he ever been nude before another adult? The idea that perhaps there might be a measure of virginity to the Man of Steel, a measure of something pure was not an idea that many people might share but it was there in his features as he gazed at her. A gentle giant might be the truth in this case, for what man of his age had never consummated intimately with another? He pressed his lips together, feeling the strange stirring of emotions being caused by...whatever was happening between them. It was powerful the mixture, heady, and his hand reached up to wipe his brow for just a moment as his eyes broke contact to look away from her, anywhere but her, as he tried to struggle with the powerful drives inside of him.

How could one deal with need, hunger, embarrassment, even a measure of shame?

He knew though that a decision must be made, that he had to reach out in some way, and so his beautiful eyes found hers once more. If he were to be with her he would have to find that vulnerability that other human beings had, and so once he lay her down he began to undress. Others had never seen the man of steel do so, perhaps there were even jokes about how he slept in that outfit, but this time he removed it to lay it upon her floor...the material stretching and moving in a way fabrics on this planet never would. Nanotechnology they would have called it. He adjusted and stepped out, stretching just slightly in the dim light of her room as she lay there and she could see him completely. Exquisite and pristine, a living Adonis before her very eyes. He was obviously aroused, everything about him screaming that he was most definitely all man, but there were his eyes meeting hers. Those eyes wondering...

....did Superman need her approval?
Jessie felt a warm rush of excitement as he carried her from the living room into the bedroom and set her down on the bed. Thank god she kept a mostly clean room. The desk in the far corner was cluttered with books and stacks of paper, but the floor was tidy, the laundry basket kept hidden in the closet, and the bed made up neatly. She looked up at him with soft, excited eyes that spoke of her happiness that this was occurring and her delight in him. There may have been a moment of doubt in him but with Jessie there was absolutely no doubt at all. She was absolutely confident and pleased with her choice to be with him in this bed. She had only been with one other man, but it had been a somewhat lengthy relationship. She had no scruples about her body. She knew the connection that came from engaging in enjoying one another's bodies...and was ready to have that with him. There was an unspoken connection there between them already. Jessie had felt it since the night she deleted that photo, since the first time they kissed, and this was that connection coming to fruition.

She was so sure...but she did not think he was. He looked away from her for a moment - it was not a long bit of time but just enough to convince her that for all his power, he needed to be encouraged through this. Not babied. Not coddled. But encouraged. Even as he removed the strange clothed he wore, she began to do the same. He made short work of the bottom half of her clothes but there was still fabric to be taken off. So she pulled at the sweater she wore and it slipped over her head. Beneath was her fair, smooth skin with a nude bra with lace lining wrapped around her soft, round breasts. She then moved her hands down her body and then slithered the remnant of the skirt and tights she wore off of her body. And before she could reach for her bra...he stepped out of his clothes. And Jessie stopped moving altogether just so she could stare.

To say he was beautiful demanded an expanded definition of the word. There was no word really for just how magnificent he was. Jessie had no scruples about her body...but damn she was out of her league. And that didn't make her wilt away, that only made her realized just how incredibly lucky she was. But before she could get too lost in her own gaze, she remembered the hesitation in his eyes. He needed her. And so she smiled in amazement and reached her hand out towards him, beckoning him to come to her. "Heman..." she said softly, "Kiss me again, please?"
Kiss her again?

Was that really what his intention was going to be? Was that truly what he was thinking of in the back of his mind as he stood there? Yes he was vulnerable, that was a definite truth. Yes he was hopeful to seek that he was accepted, that he was wanted, but was he truly considering the idea of a mere kiss when he looked back to meet her eyes and sought something more...perhaps something gentle inside of him wanted that, but something deeper and feral wanted something else. It was the side which showed in his stature, how it stooped just the tiniest of bits, and in his hands tightening once again as he moved closer to the edge of the bed. It showed in the lines of his face as he looked down at her, as he considered her, and his hand came out to takes her slowly as he felt that pulsing sound once more in the back of his head. The feeling of stupor washing over him as their flesh touched again...

The way he hardened even more for her, standing there at her bedside, erect and ready for her.

He slowly moved his body onto the edge of the bed, the heavy frame causing it to creak just slightly. What would it be like to make love to a man such as him? What havoc would he wreak when he lost control, if he lost control? The truest measure of trust was in Superman's willingness to remain remain collected. It had been the fear of so many in his life that he would lose himself to his his emotional frailties. Where other men struggled to keep their cool for fear of such simple acts of violence....Superman struggled to prevent himself from toppling buildings, from destroying other human beings, and from with a casual shrug he could wreak havoc upon the very people who accepted him. It was why they were frightened of him, why they prepared to take him, and why they had created their weapon against him.

Could he truly blame them? For here it was that struggling control, of a man who wants to grip the legs of the woman beneath him and mount let go, to ride her into oblivion, but even that was lost to him. The abandonment of pleasure, the act of giving it all into ecstasy. That hand trembled just slightly in hers as the other came out to touch along her bra...tracing slowly, moving, caressing before slipping underneath to capture one perfect breast in the palm of his hand...sighing softly. Everything was heightened to him at that moment, everything was on fire, a living world of sensation that was assaulting him. Heman could hear almost anything, smell everything, sense the slightest of variations in temperature...what must it be like for him with her writhing beneath him, with her aroused and readied, with her heady excitement overpowering. Slowly he leaned down and his lips brushed across hers.

And he kissed softly...
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