The Unwilling Slider [Azecreth & Wingshadow]

"I do," Kyon confirmed with a nod as Nagato asked about Mikuru being here. Normally he would have disagreed, but in this situation and given how close the two of them seemed to be in this universe, it would be foolhardy not to. She would find out eventually, and he might as well do his best to make sure that the blow was soft rather than crushing her. And maybe it was a mistake on his part, but it was one that he would deal with as best he could.

After Nagato's long winded explanation, he leaned over to provide one of his own, one that was infinitely simpler. It seemed that isolation hadn't made it easier for Nagato to interact with human beings. "She's an alien," he explained to Mikuru. That said, he looked back to Nagato and nodded, seriousness returned once more. "Yeah. I need your help to stop it, at least in the long term if not the immediate moment."
Mikuru continued to blink and stare in a confused manner, Kyon's explanation having failed to hit its intended mark. She finally nodded once, "I... I see, so she's a friend of yours and the two of you are working on something together. I'm surprised the two of you act so familiar with each other, even though it seems this is the first time for both of you." She looked up at Kyon with soft eyes hinted with worry. The tender-hearted girl fidgeted as she sat before the two of them, perhaps the realization of just how much about Kyon she had let to understand finally hitting her.

"Understood," Yuki nodded, "I will explain the situation to my superiors. For now, we should focus on creating a plan to slow the tension between the planes. The simplest meathod that we could employ requires us to drive the planes in different directions, specifically to divert their course from a singular path to distinct paths. As you are at the very center of this anomoly, your significance to influence the planes has increased dramatically. Therefore, you simply need to behave differently while your conciousness resides in each plane and act accordingly. The exact behavior or actions required to effectively accomplish this would require more observation to determine."
"Yeah, something like that," he confirmed with a nod as Mikuru tried to grasp what was going on. She put in a good effort, and really she was taking this better than he had overall expected. Just a sign of how different things were here, he supposed. "She does the same sort of thing Koizumi does. Just from more of a distance." That was interesting, and he was glad to see that she was, in fact, still an alien. He was horrified to think of what he would have had to do if it had just been Asakura. That could only end badly, at least for him.

He looked to Nagato then, giving her a smile as she agreed to help him out. "Thank you," he said gratefully, before registering the second part of her comment. Now that was.....interesting, he supposed, though he wasn't sure how he would handle it as of yet. So he needed to act differently? Well, he could try. "Alright, I guess I'll try to be less like my normal self, at least until we have a better plan." Mikuru might bot approve, but given that she didn't know the changes that had already taken place she would have nothing to worry about.

THat resolved, he paused for a moment before asking another question. "Oh yeah, apparently Asakura is transferring into our school. Should we be worried about her trying to do something to Haruhi?" He remembered the last time,and wouldn't trust her with a ten foot pole. He just wanted to know if he should start the paranoia immediately, or if they were to have a truce for a bit first.
"Behavior as in actions, not as in manner," Yuki clearified, "Perhaps I should have been more specific." Nagato let the subject drop after that, instead turning to the matter of Asakura's influence in that universe, "Haruhi lacks the necessary drive to assert her will on the universe on a concious level. Her sense of what is real and what is not real would not allow it, in any case. However, due to the fact that her focus is centered around you and your relationship with Asahina, and this current time plane literally bending in accordance to your actions, it has become apparent that other interfaces may conclude that a more direct approach to understanding Haruhi would be to first understand you. Asakura is one such interface."

"In other words, the question is if Asakura will try to do something to you," Nagato then looked at Kyon a bit more intently, "Doing so is not outside the restrictions granted to her, as she is only restricted from directly involving herself with Haruhi. However, I will interviene if any hostile attempts are made upon your person. Outside of that, however, I will not obstruct her attempts to observe."
Oh. Well then. So it seemed that Asakura was the same as she had been before, only she was more aimed towards understanding him rather than Haruhi. That was a relief in one sense, but it made things a bit more worrisome in others. It had been a close run the last time, and without involved in his life at all it only seemed to increase the threat. Then again, he supposed that distance didn't matter to her given her abilities. So in the end he couldn't really complain about it.

"Thanks," he replied with a nod before a thought occurred to him, and he quickly addendumed that statement before things progressed too far. "Oh, and Mikuru as well, if you could?" He remembered what had happened the last time, and wouldn't put it past Asakura to go after him through his supposed childhood friend. That just left figuring out what to do, how to act to try and delay the planes coming together, or something like that.
Nagato stared blankly at Kyon for a moment, as if unsure how to reply to his request. She had apparently never directly interacted with any of the group surrounding Haruhi other than Kyon himself through non-personal mediums, so Mikuru's relavence in the larger picture seemed somewhat lost on her. Nagato looked over at Mikuru, who returned an equally confused but also deeply concerned look. Nagato then turned back to Kyon and nodded, "Understood. I will protect Mikuru Asahina from any physical harm that may threaten her as well."

"W-what exactly did you understand?" Mikuru stuttered, "I'm sorry, but I really don't understand any of this... What does Ms. Suzumiya have to do with a new transfer student? Am I in danger? What's going on?" She looked between Kyon and Mikuru, frightened and rather upset. Nagato turned her attention back to her once again before speaking.

"Asakura is another humanoid interface, much like myself. In other words, she is also an alien. She has an interest in observing the extent of Kyon's influence on the parallel time planes within our given circumstances, so she may attempt to influence or harm you in an effort to spark some sort of reaction out of him," Nagato explained, causing the poor girl to look even more pale than before, "However, I will not allow that to happen. As you are Kyon's chosen special person, and one whom he may seek to consider for future procreation and prolonged social interaction. Although bringing harm to you would doubtless result in a significant shift within this time plane, it is something that he does not personally desire. I will see to it that it does not happen."

Mikuru's face turned a deep shade of red upon hearing her last few phrases, "W-what are you saying?! I haven't even gotten to tell him..." Tears began to well up in her eyes, and the rest of her words where drowned out as she buried her face in her hands.

"...Interesting human," Nagato mused, turning back to Kyon in a nonchalant manner.
Kyon breathed a sigh of relief as Nagato confirmed that she would protect Mikuru as well. Not that he had expected otherwise given how important she was, both in this universe and to him in general, but it was good to hear it nonetheless. He would have told Mikuru more about what was going on, but Nagato beat her to the punch to do it as she explained the situation at hand regarding Asakura and the potential danger that she posed.

What he wasn't expecting though was the lack of tact and that, in turn, bringing Mikuru to embarrassment and possible tears. He had forgotten how blunt Nagato could be, something that his own version had dealt with over time and with prolonged interaction with the rest of the SOS Brigade. He facepalmed, head bowed slightly for the moment as he grumbled under his breath. "Nagato...."

"Thank you Nagato. I'm glad to have your help," he said at last once he had managed to recover from that particular experience. He'd just try to put that behind him if he could. For the moment that was all he could think of covering, and he was ready to move on now that he had confirmed that the alien was still in this reality and was willing to help him. "Oh, by the way, have you heard of the Data Observation Rift Entity?" He had asked his version of Nagato, but perhaps this one knew something that his own didn't.
Nagato did not visibly react to either Mikuru's nor Kyon's plight, instead merely nodding in turn when he thanked for for her assistance. As a humanoid interface who had spent neither the time nor effort necessary to develop any distinctly human traits outside those granted to her by the Data Integration Thought Entity, Nagato, perhaps, did not find it necessary to beat around the bush when conveying information. Subtilty most certainly did not rank highly in her priorities.

"The Data Observation Rift Entity is a being beyond the realm of human comprehension," Nagato replied almost instantly when Kyon voiced his question, "Its true nature remains a mystery even to the Data Intregration Thought Entity, as its presence exists outside observable data. However, it has made itself known by the influence it exerts upon the time planes that it observes. Much like the Data Integration Thought Entity, the Data Observation Rift Entity cannot leave the rift in which it is perpetually suspended outside of the flow of both time and space. Instead, it projects a more simplified copy of a portion of its own conciousness onto the time planes that it observes. Outside of these projections, it has exerted little influence upon the universe and time plane in which we now reside. This being the case, the Data Intregration Thought Entity has put little effort to understand its purpose of existance and reasons behind its behavior."
Kyon left his embarrassment behind for the moment as Nagato answered, giving him more information than his own version had. Perhaps that was a result of her increased isolation that made her judgment less effected, but either way he was glad for it. It means that he would know what he was dealing with that much better, even if it wasn't the best of things. It seemed to be an organization equal to that of the Data Integration Thought Entity, which was a tad worrisome given what he knew of the capabilities of the latter group. If the former had the same amount of power, who knew what they might do?

"I see," he said aloud hen, frowning in thought. He wasn't sure if he would tell her about the letter,but he could at least explain himself. "They contacted me earlier and agreed with what you said about me being the source of our current problem. I figured I should ask and see what we were dealing with." There was some nonchalance in his tone, but how genuine it was even he didn't know.
"That is highly unusual," Nagato remarked, "The Data Observation Rift Entity's projections have never approached us before. We assumed their only purpose was to passively observe, but it appears that this fundimental assumption is false. Proceed with caution." She did not explicitly tell him not to meet with this projection, representive, or whatever, but she did sound quite determined to express her concern for him all the same.

"I think I understand better why you sought me out to speak in person," Nagato continued, "However, I would like to conceal the knowledge from the Data Observation Rift Entity that I am working alongside you in this case. It may be that the Data Observation Rift Entity does not wish to associate with the Data Integration Thought Entity, and cutting off that source of information would be detrimental to our resolving the current state of affairs in our given time frame."

"Was there anything else you wished to discuss?" Nagato then suggested a shift in topic.
"Right, I'll do that," Kyon agreed with a nod. He wasn't sure if the Rift Entity kept intelligence between the various universes, but it seemed like a reasonable precaution to make sure that it didn't know he and Nagato were working together in this universe. Given the apparent bias that it had shown against the alien before, he would need to play that particular card close to the vest, if only to keep from making the situation worse with regards to them. The concern was nice as well, all told.

As Nagato suggested a shift in topic, he thought about it, going over the various things that could be discussed based off of what he knew. However, nothing immediately came to mind at the moment. He had covered most everything, so far as he remembered. There was one thing, but he wasn't sure if he should talk about that with Mikuru here. But nonetheless a way occurred to him, so he went to add it before they went on further.

"Oh yeah, one of your counterparts in the other planes was attacked while trying to investigate the source of this whole thing. Be careful so that the same thing doesn't happen to you before we come up with a plan to stop this completely." He had the feeling that she wouldn't have anyway, but better safe than sorry. He didn't need her to be injured as well when they went into trying to fix this once and for all.

That said, he had nothing more to contribute. "Um, I guess that's everything." He looked to Mikuru, making sure that she was okay and seeing if she had anything to add to this. It had to be a lot, and he wanted to make sure that she wasn't too overwhelmed. Though one could imagine that it was a bit easier to cope, dealing with Haruhi every day. But they'd see.
"Understood," Nagato nodded, "I will keep my distance for now. I will also keep a close watch over your condition and that of Mikuru Asahina, and interviene should any danger arise. In that case, I will not be able to promise that I will avoid direct conflict." The interface seemed to have more to say, but she stood up and motioned toward the door, as if to bid the two farewell for the night.

Mikuru as well had been thoroughly drained by the experiance. She hobbled to her feet with some difficulty and bid Nagato goodnight, "Take care, Nagato-san. I'll keep doing my best as well, so you be sure to do the same." Nagato nodded in affirmation to her ambiguous statement. Mikuru then turned to Kyon and leaned on his shoulder, eyes shimmering deeply like jewels, "Walk me home tonight, Kyon?"

Nagato's stare became somewhat more intense for a moment, gaze bouncing between Kyon and Mikuru before settling on Kyon, "You be careful as well." With that, she turned and started to roll out her futon, an indication that she intended to turn in a bit early that afternoon. Mikuru, meanwhile tugged lightly on Kyon's shirt, "We should probably get going as well, ne?"
"Alright, that's good enough," Kyon replied as Nagato agreed to be careful. His worries were laid at ease even if it looked like she might have wanted to say more. But it was getting late, he would admit, and he didn't have anything more pressing to say. Given the apparent relationship between Nagato and Kyon here delaying any longer might be a bad idea, at least as far as not drawing attention went. They could always meet again later if something came up.

he rose to his feet as Mikuru did the same, noting how tired she was. It seemed that things had worn her out, though it was hardly a surprise. Maybe not being a time traveler had made it harder for her to deal with this stuff, though she probably would have appreciated not having to say 'classified information' all the time. He had to imagine that that got old eventually. "Sure," he agreed before looking to Nagato. 'Until next time."

With that he departed, supporting Mikuru as needed as they left the apartment and headed for her house. He seemed calm, but really he was more just happy at the moment to be with Mikuru, and the fact that everything was working out for the moment. There were worries, of course, but with the adorable redhead at his side it all felt a lot more bearable, her smiling yet tired face like an energizing tonic that held him in its sway. It was like that time when he had gone back to be John Smith for Haruhi, with all that was involved in that.

So he did what he needed to do, whether it be supporting or carrying her, as they headed back to her house to drop her off.
Given that circumstances in this time plane had changed from the one Kyon's memory had more familiarity with, it came as no surprise that Mikuru guided the two along when it came to navigating the city streets and sidestreets as necessary to arrive at her house. She would alternate between leaning against his side and allowing herself to be carried, although all the while she gave no indication that the conversation back at Nagato's house had in any way put a damper on her spirits now that the two of them could walk side-by-side.

"You know, Kyon," Mikuru's smile flashed, a shimmering light amid the dim, drab afternood air, "Aside from all the talk about aliens, time planes, and all that, it sort of felt like we went to a friend's house, together." She nudged him gently, her arm looping around his as she walked, "Sort of like a date, right?" She tugged him with a bit more ernestness, just as they turned one last street corner, whereupon she reluctantly slipped away from him, "Next time, I get to pick where we go, ok?"

She gave him a playful smile and an eye-catching wink as she approached the front gate of an unassuming dwelling. It certainly did not give off a strong impression, and it certainly did not hint at the fact that the corrisponding resident had come from a different time plane in Kyon's universe. Instead, this charming young woman simply bid her friend farewell in her own vaugely familiar manner. Without further ado she slipped through the gate and stepped up the short pathway to the front door, which she promptly unlocked and vanished through the doorway.
Kyon allowed Mikuru to lead the way back to her home with easy acceptance, her apparently too tired to notice that fact which was good for him, all things considered. He was certainly more occupied with making sure that she didn't collapse along the way, supporting her as she leaned against him or otherwise carrying her on his back for as far as he could walk. Yep, this was definitely like that one time, though Mikuru would not have been able to appreciate it, at least in this universe.

That did get him thinking idly though as he trekked towards her house. So how had that whole John Smith thing worked anyway? Did John Smith exist here? Or was there another time traveler around? It did cross his mind that Mikuru might be some deep cover time traveler, but he discarded that notion very quickly. That would be too hard a front to hold up, even for her, and it was excessively paranoid. So he wouldn't bother.

"Huh?" Kyon glanced over to Mikuru as they walked along, her pegging this as a date of sorts even if it didn't seem anything close to a date to him. "Sure, I guess," he agreed at last before breaking into a light smile as they rounded the corner and she pulled away. "Okay," he agreed with a nod. He had no idea what she would want them to do, but he was certain that it would be certainly heartwarming, like the wink that she gave him.

Then she was gone, vanished into her unassuming house and leaving him alone. He sighed, hands returning to his pockets as he made sure that Mikuru made it inside. His gaze turned to the stars then, a silent plea regarding his current fortune and fate, before he turned and headed for his own house. This day was coming to an end, and now he would have to be prepared to do it all again in the morning.

With the passage of time and the shuffling of planes came yet another change, as the circumstances surrounding the "unwilling slider" continued to shift.

The next morning, Kyon would feel the somewhat familiar sensation of hands ruffling his sheets, accompanied by his sister's insistant pleading that he get out of bed. "Kyon! Kyoooon!" she pulled the covers away from his head and reached under them to tug at his arm, "Come on, sleepyhead! You're making her wait for you." The early morning like hung in the air in a dull manner, indicating that it was most likely overcast. The world would not suddenly take a break for the weather, however, and neither would school, but this was most certainly true of a certain high school girl who seemed determined on inserting excitement into each and every moment of her life.

"Hey, Kyon," Haruhi's voice called out as well, the brunette bending forward toward his head in order to smirk at him, "How long are you going to make your cute little sister pester you until you roll out of bed? I mean, seriously... How inconsiderate can you be? I come all this way to pick you up and you're still sleeping in? You really should give your sister some credit for putting up with you every day." Satisfied with her speech, she began looking around his room at her own leasure, as apparently this was the first time she had ever intruded upon his personal living space.

"Say, would you happen to know where Kyon keeps his magazines?" Haruhi turned to Kyon's sister.

"Hm..." Kyon's sister considered her question for a moment.

Kyon frowned, brow furrowing as he shifted in bed, trying to deny the incessant noise and agitation that was trying to rouse him from his slumber. The lack of sunlight only helped, an allure to keep him in his dreams and away from the land of the living. Oh, right. Sister. Well, that explained who was bugging him well enough. It wasn't as if it would be anyone else.

Blurry eyes flickered open in confusion as hi sister mentioned someone else being there, only for the hazy sight of Haruhi to come into sight as she lectured him. It could have been worse, with her practically chewing him out for making her wait, but this more pleasant alternative really wasn't all that much better, at least in his mind. More important was the fact that Haruhi was here, in his room, a place that she hadn't been to in his original universe, at least as far as he was aware.

"Nnngh, I'm awake," he grumbled as he sat up in bed, just in time to hear the query about magazines. "Hey, don't go insinuating things that aren't true," he countered even as he hopped out of bed. "I'll be ready in a minute." With that he moved off get dressed and have a quick breakfast before rejoining Haruhi so they could get to school.
Haruhi said farewell to Kyon's sister before stepping outside to wait for Kyon, which she did without much complaint, surprisingly. When Kyon shuffled out of the house she was leaning against the front gate, which she stepped away from as he approached. "Took you long enough," Haruhi smirked, reaching out and grabbing his arm, "That hill isn't going to get any shorter while waiting around here... Come on, let's get going already!" Truth be told, the fact that Haruhi had gone out of her way to Kyon's house indicated that this was no ordinary house call. Based on previous clues, Haruhi would have to walk at least twenty minutes out of her way to Kyon's house, which implied that this was no mere whim or coincidence. That, or the location of Haruhi's house had changed between the universe he was more familiar with and this one. In either case, her presence was odd to say the least.

Haruhi, however, did not act particuarly annoyed by the detour. In fact, her mood lightened the longer she tugged him along, "Hey, Kyon, do you ever wonder why it is that people keep certain things about themselves hidden? I mean, certain things like special talents people like to boast about, but other things people do they keep hidden. I suppose part of it is ingrained into their minds by society, but that does not explain all cases..." Another rather pecular topic to bring up first thing in the morning, unless one also took into account the eccentricity of the person voicing the question.

"What do you think, Kyon? Are people just being dishonest with themselves, or are they just putting on a show for other people?" Haruhi inquired. Considering that her relationship with Kyon in this universe had a similarly ambiguous state, the question itself felt rather ironic. Haruhi, however, most likely completely missed this.
Fortunately Kyon was an expert at getting ready for school in a hurry, and once he had made sure that his sister wouldn't be off looking for magazines or something like that, he headed out the door to join Haruhi. "Right, let's go," he agreed with a nod as she took his arm, the two of them headed up the hill together. That offered plenty of time to think about things, such as the confusion at Haruhi being here in the first place. It wasn't exactly on her route, and he knew that she wasn't the sort of person to go out of her way like that just because she felt like it.

Trudging up the godforsaken hill that he needed to climb to reach his school, Kyon found his thoughts interrupted as Haruhi spoke up at last, definitely in a good mood as usual. Well, he supposed that his Haruhi would have been angry or annoyed at him, so the change of pace from this Haruhi was very much welcome, especially if it saved him from unnecessary suffering. It might have been a bit early for philosophy, but he knew that when it came to Haruhi he had little choice but to answer.

So he listened to what she had to say, confusion rising as he looked over at her. That was definitely an interesting question, and a lot more serious than he would have expected from her. "I guess," he admitted after a moment. "I suppose some people just don't consider it a special talent, or don't think they're actually that good at whatever they do. So yeah, dishonesty and a lack of confidence, I guess." That was just his humble assessment anyway, since he wasn't exactly a psychologist or whatever.
"Hm... Is that so?" Haruhi gave Kyon a somewhat disappointed look, although exactly what she expected from him remained unclear, "So to reach one's full potential, one must be willing to be honest and confident. Determination and opportunity certainly do not hurt either." She nodded twice, "I think we need to apply this to our own lives effective immediately... For starters, we should seek out anyone at the school which may have had an encounter with a fox fire or anyone who plans on having an encounter with one in the near future." Exactly how she managed to jump from one conversation topic to another without so much as a transition remained a mystery.

"This is one of those sort of things that we can't simply jump into," Haruhi declared, her smile returning to her face, "So our lack of investigation progress should simply encourage us to explore more promising sources of information. That way, even if we still come up emptyhanded, I'll know that it is through lack of effort and determination." In other words, she was very willing to pass the blame off on her brigade members rather than questioning her fundimental assumption that fox fires existed in the first place. Of course, even in this universe the tried and true rule, that when Haruhi was bored and wanted somethign to happen, it tended to happen in the most inconvenient manner possible, appeared to be true here as well.

Haruhi did not give Kyon much time to think this latest development over, as she tugged him along unceremoniously through the front gate and to the front entryway where she quickly switched from her outdoor shoes to her indoor ones, giving Kyon a narrow window to escape which she quickly shut down at the first opportunity. She took hold of his arm once again and tugged him to the nearest stairwell, hardly waiting until they had turned the corner before pulling herself close. She pressed herself against his chest, firmly and with purpose as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him in that mischievously enchanting manner. Oh great, Haruhi had gotten in a wierd mood again...
Kyon was still in the dark as far as what Haruhi had intended by that question, so he was actually somewhat glad as she wrapped it around back to the fox fires, even if he continued to be impressed by her ability to do that in the first place. She was a master of changing topics. Given his own nature, which was far from the analytical kind like Koizumi, he was glad for it. Yet even that didn't bring much relief, if only because Haruhi was the same as ever. "I don't think anyone plans to have an encounter with fox fires," he pointed out nonchalantly as he trudged up the hill.

Listening on, he frowned in disbelief as she basically said that she was going to push off the responsibility for failure on the rest of them if they didn't get anywhere. And here he had thought that this Haruhi was nicer than his own version. "Alright, if you say so," he replied in a nonchalant and somewhat resigned matter, finding that agreeing with her usually was easier with these sorts of things, especially since he couldn't think of a particular point to legitimately disagree with her on. He had the feeling that something would happen soon enough, if only because she was her.

"O-Oy," he protested as she basically dragged him through the gates and the front door, giving him only a few minutes to change to his indoor shoes, which he did as quick as he could. Fortunately no one bothered him, but before he could even think of escaping it seemed like she was back, grabbing his arm. Were they headed to the clubroom? No, it was quickly revealed to be a stairwell, hidden from sight and mind.

Understanding dawned as Haruhi turned and embraced him, giving him that smile which seemed to lure and hold captive, the one that was different from the grin that usually heralded mischief and mayhem. But at least Nagato had given him some idea of what to expect, so he was more prepared for it. His hands rose as well, coming to rest on her sides as he broke a smile of his own, ready to lean down and meet her in a kiss if that was her intent. "You're insatiable," he noted at the same time, somehow expecting that that was the same between his Haruhi and this one. If she wanted something, she would get it one way or another.
"Is that a complaint?" Haruhi returned, tugging him down even as she pulled herself upward to capture his lips. The gesture felt tender yet laced with desire, hessitant yet firm as she held herself close to him, the warmth of her body mixing with the lingering exhertion of climbing that confounded hill. While she had taken measures to ensure some amount of privacy, her insistance also implied a certain level of determination that would likely not be dissuaded even if they were to be discovered by an unfortunate student who decided to take the western stairwell to class that morning. Not that Haruhi particularly cared about rumors spreading, as she would likely twist it into some sort of opportunity to spread her club's infamy to even greater reaches.

At present, however, she acted more upon her current whims rather than considering the possible complications from said actions, and her whims directed her in one particular direction for now. Her kiss became more insistant, more demanding of the male she had whisked away for her own personal satisfaction. Even if her demeanor had lightened somewhat in this world, Haruhi would be Haruhi after all and be it demanding her way or demanding Kyon's affection she would have it in either case.

When she finally parted her lips from his, she gazed up at him, eyes carefully scanning his features while still holding herself close, "Hmmm... Just when I thought you had improved somewhat."
Kyon didn't bother answering her comment, if only because he didn't have time to as she pulled him down, their lips meeting in a kiss. It was....strange, unusual, and certainly there was the worry of someone spotting them in their current position. But at the very least he was more ready for it than he had been, and did his best to reciprocate the tender yet firm touch at the same time. It was perhaps a bit more difficult than it would have been with Mikuru, but he would be lying if he said that he didn't feel any attraction to Haruhi at all. That was just the way these sorts of things went.

Yet like always it wasn't enough, Haruhi more insistent as she pressed against him, and he did his best to cut a good mix between giving in and not going too far with it. He wasn't going to bend over and allow her to do whatever she wanted after all, even if they hadn't exactly gone all the way in their relationship. He was just getting used to it, that was all.

At last Haruhi broke the kiss, and Kyon could feel himself being sized up, evaluated, examined, even as she continued to stay close to him. "What's that supposed to mean," he protested in turn to her criticism, legitimately unsure. But he couldn't say as such, so he waited for her to enlighten him. Either she would, or he would be left even more in the dark than before.
"It means what it means," Haruhi smiled, "Reflect on your actions and improve accordingly, or I will be forced to take drastic measures and put you through another strict training session." Great, now she really sounded like a pervert. Regardless if she was serious or not, she felt confident enough in his performance to ease up on him somewhat, "Still, you managed to keep me intrigued all the way to the end. You have talent... It would be a shame to waste it."

"Is there something on your mind still?" she tilted her head to the side slightly, "I mean, I usually give you an inch and you take a mile... Not that I mind taking things at my own pace but..." Her tone softened somewhat, "Are you still worried about your midterms or something? I thought I told you I'd call a study session next week, so quit worrying about it already. The way you get hung up on stuff isn't healthy, you know." Haruhi, the Haruhi of this universe at least, sounded genuinely concerned and unlike last time there was no timely bell to disrupt her.

"Come on, if you don't tell me what's wrong then how am I supposed to do something about it?" Haruhi's tone sharpened somewhat, but still carried the same genuine concern as before.
While there was a sort of electric thrill that spawned with the possibilities Haruhi engendered, there was also that sense of looming dread he got whenever Kyon was dragged into SOS Brigade activities. Idiot, don't just go and say something so suggestive like that! As per usual though, all the protests were in his head to keep Haruhi from getting angry at him. The last thing he need was for Haruhi to turn the world into some sort of H-Manga on accident, or something like that. Which was a terrifying thought in itself, past the finishing compliment.

Then what she said caught him by surprise. Wait, he was the aggressive one here? Well no wonder she hadn't been happy. Just what kind of man was the Kyon of this universe?!? An incredibly lucky one if what he had experienced was any indication, he just had to wonder how different their personalities were to result in that sort of thing happening.It explained a lot of what had happened thus far.

It was a lot stranger to hear Haruhi so concerned for him, and the way that it triggered his guilt trip made the following obvious. "'s because I'm a Kyon from another universe who's mentally taken over the Kyon you know, entirely unintentionally." However, given what had happened the last time he tried to explain this sort of thing to the Haruhi of his own universe, he had the feeling that she wouldn't believe him. That was just how the story went.

Which meant that once she was done pouting about how he was mocking her or something like that, he would smoothly transition into the 'real' reason. After all, he was used to bluffing around Haruhi. "Sorry, but not all of us can be graced with your intelligence and skill. I'll try to stop worrying about it." Whether she bought it was another matter, but he had done his best.
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