A living statue. That's what she felt like, standing in the doorway and staring at the two of them. Her mind felt like a horrible torrent of emotions and thoughts that were flying at top speed. Her horrified eyes moved from her destroyed bed to the two of them on it, locked together still by his length. Elle fought with herself for a long moment before swinging wide the door, turning away from the two of them. "Guards!" She didn't know what else to do, as she had lost the fight for her dignity, tears flowing freely down her face.
The cavalry, so to speak, arrived before she could call out for them again, rushing in the door with swords drawn. Nyla hadn't moved from her spot on the bed, positively purring at the fact they had been caught red-handed. Even more pleased by the princess' visible distress, "Guards, please escort these two away." She was choking on her words, wiping her face with her sleeve, "Just get them out of here!"
The cavalry, so to speak, arrived before she could call out for them again, rushing in the door with swords drawn. Nyla hadn't moved from her spot on the bed, positively purring at the fact they had been caught red-handed. Even more pleased by the princess' visible distress, "Guards, please escort these two away." She was choking on her words, wiping her face with her sleeve, "Just get them out of here!"