Yet Another Pokemon Journey - (Maj.Mario x TriniMad)

This Salamence was an unusual one; it actually had not taken that long for him to approach her, but perhaps that was in part to his desire to find a mate. Was Mignonette not a viable candidate? Obviously, it would be impossible for her as a human to bear him any eggs or babies, but what she could give him was not only her body but also the most care that a Pokemon could ask for, or in this case, more than any wild Pokemon could ever dream of. So to see such a powerful and dangerous creature shuffle forward with a certain wary care, she was extremely cautious not to do anything which could scare him away. First, she didn't rise or even move from her position besides small actions in his plain sight; her hand still beckoning for him to come closer like an irresistible lure and the gentle curve of her red full lips.

"It's okay, darling. I won't hurt you," the female trainer continued to reassure him, waiting until the Salamence was within arm's reach before she even dared to lift her hand higher to place feather-light touches upon his blue scaled neck. The Salamence was comfortingly warm, certainly different than any of her own Pokemon, and everything about him was a different experience altogether. Hopefully, this would only be the start of exploring his body while letting him make his way along her own; as his head trailed south to between her legs, so were her own hands running down his smooth draconic body soothingly. Already, this was amazing progress; to have a wild Pokemon allow Mignonette to approach and touch him so freely... But she had a good deal of caution still and dared not to touch the male's sleek member - just yet.

Instead, Mignonette would let him test and taste the sweetness and warmth that he would receive from her, exhibiting to the Salamence what a willing mate she was. Unlike female dragon types, she didn't even need him to go through the fuss of battle to win her affections - she already wanted his! "Poor dear, I'm sorry that you had to go through all these troubles for nothing! It's not fair for such a handsome and strong Pokemon like yourself to have no mate yet," she cooed out, pouting as gentle fingers traced along the scar on his neck while her other hand moved back to her own body to sensually unzip the rest of the leotard and expose her milky-white skin even more for him. Unlike her previous encounter with her own Pokemon, this was no time to scrap her smooth flawless skin on the rough ground; instead, all they needed was for her to expose her desire for him, presenting it welcomingly for the Pokemon with her spreading legs.

So as the leotard parted between her legs, the wet glint of her folds could be seen; Mignonette wasted no time to move closer, letting her large soft breasts with its perky nipples hang generously in front of the Salamence's eyes. "You don't need to go through any more hardship, darling. I can be your mate, and I promise you can have me as much as you want," she continued to murmur, one finger delicately running against her moist slit to bring it up appetizingly for the Pokemon to sniff and lick with a warm inviting smile. "See? No more troubles, no more pain. Just you and me to breed right now~"
From the way the Salamence was being so cautious to the way Mignonette was speaking- cooing and purring-, it seemed that she had the advantage here. She was the skilled seductress, the experienced sexual partner! After plenty of time spent with her four lovely boys, anyone would think that she had all the power in the world when it came to situations like this. But be that as it was, Mignonette was but a twig compared to the might of a Salamence. As the idea of taking this lithe, buxom human as his mate finally clocked in the Salamence let loose another low, rumbling growl and pushed his head closer towards Mignonette's own, finally giving into her desires... and his own. After all, he was looking for a mate- he just didn't specify for himself what kind of mate!

By Arceus, the Salamence shivered in delight and intrigue when the woman promised to be his mate and to be there for him whenever he desired. Not only that, with that leotard parted between her legs enough to show off that enticing alabaster skin and slick womanhood the Salamence had no doubt in his mind that this woman wasn't just yanking his chain. Oh yes, she really wanted to breed, to mate with him! As if the switch inside Salamence's mind had been flicked, the creature took a few deep breaths and sniffs of Mignonette's delightful scent before letting a hot, thick and wet tongue drop from its maw to land upon the woman's shoulders. Drawing even closer the tongue traveled up Mignonette's neck like a stalking Seviper, almost as if this was the Salamence's version of an intimate kiss. There weren't any opposable thumbs to work with, but he made do.

As the Salamence licked and slurped at Mignonette's neck and his hot breath washed over her form the buxom young woman would soon noticed that his thick, throbbing member was now fully unsheathed. It hung from the dragon's body and swayed back and forth like a gentle pendulum while occasionally brushing against Mignonette's leg. Sure, the Salamence wanted to get to the good stuff right away as much as any other domineering male, but with instinct and that wonderful male intuition guiding his actions, his first wanted to make sure that Mignonette could handle him. Once the dragon was satisfied with how the woman's neck, cheeks and lips tasted he descended down her body and nipped at her breasts for a moment before plunging his head between her legs...

And simultaneously sticking his hot, wet tongue down between Mignonette's moist folds to test the waters!~
Her efforts had easily paid off, and now, Mignonette could barely suppress a gleeful smile at how rare it would be to indulge in an interaction with such a powerful yet rare Pokémon like this Salamence was. So many trainers would leap at the chance to catch one, but as a Breeder in addition to being a Trainer herself, she was more than well-aware that most people's ways of handling their Pokémon was... Saddening, as if they were nothing but mindless beasts! Her own boys had clearly proven that otherwise, and even in the short time she had spent with this particular Dragon type, it was clear that all he needed was a caring mate to lavish love and attention onto him - as well as a willing warm body to breed in, which she wanted more than anything! The way he leaned in, all aggression transforming into curiosity and interest, was the best she could hope for, as obvious by how she continued to coax him in further.

"Ooh, that's perfect, my dear... You are quite a magnificent and magnanimous Pokémon, a mate that anyone or any other Pokémon should be envious of," Mignonette purred out, stroking not only his ego but now being confident enough that with his tongue being like a warm wet embrace, she was too free to explore onto his body too. Her hands had already massaged and gently pressed against his crest and neck, but now they dared to slide down as his exploration moved upwards. She eagerly leaned into his "touches," encouraging him with her own delicate kisses where ever she could, but the greatest thing she could provide was how her hands went for the prize; his nearly monstrous shaft of a cock, one that could even hurt Caesar's feelings. The trainer handled it carefully as if it was a treasure, because to her, it was truly a priceless piece that had to be loved after. She hardly hesitated to let him know such, singing her praise in soft sighs of pleasure at how electrifying his slurping tongue was against her already sensitive smooth skin, "Goodness! You truly do live up to being a dragon... I must thank you for choosing me as your mate, in fact. How gracious for a Pokémon of your caliber and strength to give such- oh my- attention to someone like me?" She had gasped when the Salamence nipped at her round inviting breasts, but even more so once he dipped his head further.

At this, the trainer has truly moaned in pure delight, her hands that had been teasingly stroking into the shallow dips of the thick draconic shaft even pausing briefly. After all, the best example she could put to how completely overwhelming the Salamence's tongue felt lapping and wiggling inside of her womanhood was Asmodeus', and in all honesty, not even the canine's thinner tongue could fill her this way. It was as if the dragon Pokémon was preparing her for the massive trunk of a cock he was equipped with, and for that, she was grateful! Mignonette certainly didn't need Lancelot's translations at this point, and the intimacy she was sharing with this powerful Pokémon only made it that much more special. "Mm... Do you like what you're tasting, my dear? It's good, isn't it? Tight as well?" she breathlessly cooed out among gasps, still reaching underneath him to now sweep both of her hands from the thickest part of the base where they could barely wrap around to the tapered tip, more than happy to let her fingers be covered in the smooth warm pre-cum. "And it would feel that much more better when you're inside of me and- Ah!"

Whatever Mignonette was trying to say was then cut out again by how the Salamence's hungry tongue had intentionally or not pressed against her g-spot, immediately making the trainer clench around him approvingly and tug at his cock to stroke him further. She was encouraging him to know that spot was her favorite, already teaching him even to one day rival her other boys; she was already that guaranteed that he would follow her after having promised her body to him. "Already a master, I see? Such a skilled... Mm, Salamence deserves an equally mighty name... That of the titans..." the trainer continued to moan out with her mind quick on the draw for inspiration, now letting her hips gyrate and grind against his muzzle, encouraging him further until he had his fill of her warm wetness, "Would Typhon befit you, my dear? How would you like for me to address you like that?
Not many Pokemon could understand much of what humans had to say. They could make out simple to complex commands and were capable of so much more like deciphering conversations and drifting towards familiar voices, but when it came to intimate, intelligent conversations they had problems. Luckily plenty of Pokemon were highly intelligent to circumvent this, but if they weren't, it was no trouble. All Pokemon had the innate ability that was common sense, and they used that to read a human's face, their tone, their emotions and much more. They were actually very clever- cleverer than researchers gave them credit for. As such, while the Salamence didn't completely understand what Mignonette was babbling on about, he did know that he was being praised and even worshiped by the woman beneath him. Nevermind the ego boost; the Salamence knew full well that he was in charge here, but just hearing the woman cement that fact filled him with great pride.

Yes, yes! While the Salamence was nevertheless grateful for the chance to take any mate, especially someone as buxom and as eager as Mignonette, he wanted her- no, needed her to believe that it was a tremendous honor to be bred by him. He purred in arrogant glee as his tongue made the woman moan and writhe about. Even more moans came about when he stuck his tongue even deeper as if it was a second, flexible cock coated in slime, or better yet, a slender-yet-thick tentacle. He grunted and growled at Mignonette all the while he pleasured her. At first he wasn't too keen on having his rock-hard pinkish cock be played with in her warm hands, but when she pressed into the shallow dips and even came close to his sensitive balls he just had to reconsider. From that point on it was as if the two were in a great rhythm that would have been a sin to break up.

Alas, while the feeling of the trainer's delightfully sweet walls press against his tongue was enough to make the powerful creature jitter and rumble, Typhon was itching to breed with Mignonette at that point. He allowed Mignonette a half a minute longer to bathe in the sensations of her g-spot being licked and flicked about before sliding his tongue out from her soiled folds. He grumbled and guffawed as he rubbed his snout against those wet folds- breathing in and out with all the passion of a fine connoisseur- before his head dipped about to fix the woman with his crimson eyes.

Another grunt and a low, rumbling growl, but one that had some humor attached to it. It was clear that he very much enjoyed the name 'Typhon', and how it sounded coming from those luscious lips of Mignonette's.

Turning around a full 180 degrees Typhon was now aligned with Mignonette's body in such a way that his long, hungry cock was rubbing up against her alabaster stomach. Lubrication glimmered off the shaft and was slathered against Mignonette's skin as the cock shifted back and forth- pulsing with raw energy all the while. Typhon rocked his hips here and there to position his cock in just the right place and, once he felt the kiss of his tip meeting Mignonette's pillowy folds, he held there for a moment. Not just a few seconds, no... Nearly half a minute the dragon would remain there, teasing Mignonette, showing her that she was his mate, that he was in power here, that his cock would only be given to her if she begged.

Ah, but fortunately Mignonette had already proved herself, so once Typhon was satisfied with his position he pushed his hips forward and in went that long, slick cock of his. Two inches, four inches, six... nine inches... Just under a full foot of Typhon slipped into Mignonette's pussy and rooted there as the powerful dragon-type growled in delight. He even dipped his head and went back to licking at Mignonette's neck, though it was clear that soon he would be interested in claiming more of her body. Once the shock of impalement wore off, Typhon would then shoot Mignonette a lustful look as he dragged his hips side to side, up and down, in and out in short but thorough spurts of energy.
Mignonette would have been more than ecstatic into just let the dragon Pokémon have his way with her womanhood, allowing the exploring tongue to map out every fold and crevasse that he could lap up - if there wasn't already something even better waiting, literally in her hands! The smooth and almost silky liquid that now coated the lengthy pillar of throbbing flesh was certainly a new sensation the trainer had felt up close. Even in her breeding days, Salamences were never turned over for a ranch to take care of, and she had only read of such wonderful warm lubricant. It was honestly a delight, one that she took full advantage of to let her fingers press easily against the most sensitive parts of the cock; no matter how unique or different each one was, they all had the same relative structure and erogenous zones, cooing and moaning in delight all the while they were pleasuring each other.

The withdrawal of the now named Typhon left a cold waft in his absence, forcing a gentle pout to appear on Mignonette's lips before she could just understand what they both wanted next. Sitting slightly to be braced up more against the semi-rocky ground, her eyes were practically fixated on the gently swinging rod that she had momentarily been lavishing attention on. How much different would he feel? Every one of her boys excited a different sensation, and with his length even outstripping Caesar of his leading rank (not that he would mind, that bumbling cutie), could he even fit? There was only one way to find out, and as he shuffled closer, she gasped in delight and surprise with how his cock spurted and left a trail of warm pre-cum on her stomach - a gift already!

However, once she realized that he was trying to slot himself inside of her, Mignonette was more than pleased to aid him; her hips lifted, more lewd moans and encouraging words purred to the Salamence the closer he got to her waiting wetness. She was impatient! Impatient enough that as soon as he teased the pointed tip against her hot folds, the trainer gasped and eagerly ground her hips as much as she could against the slick length - until she realized he was teasing her in return! Her eyes widened, another breathless whine leaving her plush lips as she stared up at Typhon with the most neediest and cock-hungry gaze, hands grasping for the Pokémon's shoulders and neck just to hold on, "Please- Oh please, Typhon! Mate with me- I want to be your mate! Oh, oh yes!"

And then, finally, he pushed in, the generous slick of his shaft making the entire thrust not only smooth but quick. Before she could take more than a gasp, Mignonette was feeling already filled; it had been so sudden, so easy that she was rendered speechless, reduced to nothing but a moaning and writhing mate underneath him! They were lucky that the Rustboro Tunnel was so little-used; had anyone come across this compromising situation, she wouldn't have even cared! All that mattered right now the slippery slide of Typhon's cock laying claim inside of her, a far stretch fro how overwhelming Caesar's massive shaft could be, but still enough to take her breath away and even dominate over the other Pokemon's. "Mm... Oh yes, like that, Typhon! You... You're so big, so powerful! Oh-" The trainer continued to compliment him with not only her words, but how her well-used and experienced pussy clenched around him in sporadic intervals, inviting him in even deeper than he already was.

For how satisfied she felt with his length twitching and burying itself almost to the gates of her womb, she could still see that a bit of his cock peeking out from between her slightly bent legs. Why should Typhon be holding himself back if he were to mate her like such? Then again, Mignonette was a greedy, greedy trainer who might just meet her match with this Salamence! "Deeper, Typhon! More! Oh please, more!" she could only moan out incoherently like the brazen vixen she was, instinctively leaning and squirming her body more into the touch of his tongue. At least she still had the mind to arch her body to give the Pokémon even further access to her currently uncovered and unloved succulent breasts, just waiting for more attention from that wonderful tongue of his!
Being so engrossed in his own superiority over his mate, Typhon chose to delay how grateful and wonderful he felt when he first slid into Mignonette. There had been others before her, mostly disappointing sessions with other females who didn't stroke his ego well enough or those who weren't into it as much as he liked, but Mignonette was something completely different. Her pussy, though thoroughly used and experienced, somehow felt to Typhon as if it was her first time; even his first time. She was so tight and constrictive that even the Salamence's natural lubrication was having just a little difficulty making things go smoothly. But Typhon didn't mind; in fact he was overjoyed to be with such an experienced mate, and one who was begging and moaning for his cock. Patience, patience! Typhon figured it would do no good to blow his draconic load inside Mignonette right out of the starting gates, even if she was divine beyond compare.

Huffing and snorting from the exertion, Typhon regarded Mignonette's pleading words with great satisfaction. So, she wanted him even more, eh? Typhon had restrained himself at first just so that he wouldn't break the woman in the first stroke, but if she was so insistent, who was he to deny her? With a powerful thrust Typhon buried a few more inches of his long, slick cock deeper into Mignonette's form. The lewd schliiicht of the quick action seemed to echo throughout Rustboro Tunnel, but not quite as much as the draconic hiss of pleasure that seeped from Typhon's gaping maw. Ah, so it was clear that he was enjoying Mignonette just as much as she was enjoying him! Not one to keep a good mate waiting, Typhon started to up the ante by increasing the rhythm; bumping his hips down into Mignonette's own as his cock slid back and forth through her delicious sanctum. He wasn't going to stop anytime soon, not while Mignonette's moans and praises sounded so heavenly to his ears!

But Typhon wasn't too greedy to ignore the woman's own desires! His feverish licks were only so potent on her neck and cheeks, and with her body squirming about, Typhon had half a mind to explore elsewhere. It took a bit of a stretch, but with the Salamence's flexible, serpentine neck he was able to bring his maw down upon those neglected, pearly-white orbs jutting out from Mignonette's chest. Now these were things that Typhon had never seen before, let alone experienced, yet he knew deep down in his soul that Mignonette would adore being licked there. Still humping her with aplomb, Typhon rubbed a stiff nipple with his snout before parting ever so much to bite and gnaw. Wedged between two powerful halves that could easily bite through iron, the nipple would be tweezed, teased, twisted and molested with all the skill of an overzealous lover. Typhon would repeat the process with the other nipple before eventually pressing his snout into the valley between Mignonette's succulent breasts.

Whether because of the dragon's natural affinity for fire or the heat of the moment, Mignonette would feel very, very warm, and yet very comfortable as well. The feeling was akin to being wrapped in a blanket hot out of the dryer, and while that was heavenly on its own, Typhon added a slimy, passionate tongue to the mix by lapping at the sides of the sultry woman's breasts. It seemed that he rather liked those delectable plush pillows!
While it was very true that Mignonette was certainly stretched from all of the other males she had been with, she had also gained ample experience and skill from being with so many different types of all sizes and girth; the wonderful sensation that Typhon was feeling of her walls squeezing tight around him like as if she was a virgin was an acquired secret, one that she wielded to its fullest potential. And what an experience it was for both of them! Not only was it pleasurable for the Salamence to be so securely sheathed like this as if he belonged in her hot folds, as he should, but the simple act of having so spontaneously offered herself to a wild Pokemon this way was one of the most appealing parts for her. In such a public place, where anyone could walk in at any moment not realizing a thing, to having such a virile and eager male pound away at her like this; it was a dream come true as usual! So she was more than happy to reward the dragon-type for how eagerly he responded to her lewd moans and whimpers, further clenching around him until every thrust was sliding her slightly on the ground as if she was a hot sleeve meant just for him! Just the simple motions of doing so ground his smooth yet rock hard shaft against her g-spot, eliciting even louder breathless gasps and yelps from the buxom trainer.

Then, the heightened sensation of that sinful tongue dipping and slithering about her body struck another chord of pleasure within Mignonette as soon as he had latched onto her stiff perky nipples. After all, they were there for him to play and explore with, and it would only be a waste if Typhon didn't. What a clever Salamence he was; while she trusted him not to abuse his dominant position right now and hurt her, to have him go so far as to play with her breasts as if he was a master at it made her gasp again in surprise, arching her back greedily even further into his otherwise dangerous maw. She surrendered her entire body for his amusement, supple body pliantly encouraging the tongue to run over her smooth alabaster skin with cooing encouragements, praising not only the flexible member but also the lengthy one impaling her between her legs. The peaks of sensation shot electrifying jolts of pleasure through her spine, joining what his cock was doing in filling her, and quicker than the usual she had with the others, she thought she could already feel an orgasm coming! Perhaps it was the fact that this was the first time she had ever mated with a dragon-type, clearly underestimating his prowess in satisfying a female, but she indeed did want to give herself over to him!

"O-Oh, oh, Typhon-! I think- I need to come! You-You're just so much!" Mignonette mewled brokenly underneath him between gulps of air to even breathe, thinking at least clearly enough through her lusty haze that the Salamence was nowhere near done yet, but she could feel the crest of the climatic wave already approaching. She could only hope that he would interpret that as a sign of just how amazing the experience was, and the fun was far from over yet! For no matter how tightly she was clenching periodically around his smooth shaft, when she finally orgasmed... Well, it was best to just let him experience it himself! It was the combination of a particularly deep thrust that not only rutted deep into her g-spot but also battered the gates to her womb, but also another Salamence kiss against her hyper sensitive nipples that finally tipped the trainer over the edge.

She hid none of it; the way she cried his name out in bliss, tilting her head back to press more of her body into his scaled form, and of course, how her walls just clamped around his like a snug vice. It wouldn't hurt, not with how throbbing hard his cock was already, but it would surpass any other sensation that ever enveloped the lengthy member in pure pleasure. As if to encourage and ease him further, her own juices began to leak around him while Mignonette was in the throes of the climax as her eyes were half-opened, a dazed smile beaming warmly at him for how powerful his performance was to elicit such a response from her so quickly! And with how his thrusts were still going, still rubbing indiscriminately against her most sensitive spot within those velvety walls, she could already feel another orgasm approaching even as this one wasn't quite finished yet. "I'm really... The luckiest girl alive... To be your mate, aren't I, dear?"
Roaring his own name between hot and shaky breaths, the Salamence rode through Mignonette's blissful orgasm with an incredible amount of willpower, though it wasn't to say that a small trickle of slick, syrupy precum didn't just happen to leak out from that impressive shaft of his. It provided just a pinch of liquid fire and a hint of what was soon to come! Panting and cooing, Typhon allowed himself- and Mignonette- a brief moment for recollection before easing his hips back into the swing of things.

If Typhon could speak a human's language, he would have scoffed at Mignonette's statement yet agreed wholeheartedly. The sensation of his long shaft kissing the entrance to Mignonette's womb was so wonderful, and something so foreign to the Salamence that he was concentrating so heavily on keeping things going without ending it all. How long had it been already? Four minutes, seven, ten? In all honesty Typhon couldn't keep count, and that wasn't just because he was bad at math. Oh no, it was so hard to keep one's mind collected when the feeling of Mignonette's pussy- so tight and pulsing ever so lewdly; slick with such erotic fluids- was so overwhelming! Typhon desired more of this intoxicating feeling from the way his hips slammed against Mignonette's own with enough force to rock her body back and forth, possibly hard enough to bruise the skin on her back with how uncomfortable the rocks were beneath her, and yet with every rabid, lust-fueled thrust Typhon was pulling the woman back with a nudge of his front legs or a strong grasp on her shoulder courtesy of his powerful maw.

It was rough sex- primal and uncoordinated, but the pleasure was raw and undiluted!

Once it became clear that Mignonette wouldn't be able to last as long as the two of them desired- it was their first rodeo together, after all- Typhon sought to take things up a notch by doing two things in sequence. First, he removed his blue and white-tinted head from Mignonette's supple breasts and dragged it up against her neck until his jagged teeth were right at her ear. His skin, that draconic, scaley hide, wasn't as rough and as course as it was sleek and rubbery, and oh-so aerodynamic. It would have felt very interesting on Mignonette's hot, sweaty and sensitive skin! So close to the woman's lips and still hammering away at her velvety folds, Typhon decided to show this mate of his just what he thought of her. Sure she was gulping in air between her mewls and moans, but surely she could breathe through her nose for this part, thought the Salamence. And so, without even asking for permission of any sort, Typhon let his thick, slick tongue slither out and wedge itself between Mignonette's lips. And it didn't stop there; it delved deeper past her teeth until it met with the woman's own slick tongue where it quickly wrapped around it and began to squirm about in a Salamence's rendition of a hot, passionate and sloppy Kalosian kiss.

The second thing Typhon would do- and this was only after a few minutes of idle kissing and sensational slotting- would be to soon break away from Mignonette's lips and rise up into a firm, powerful stance. It might have been jarring for the woman at first to have that warm, powerful aura suddenly leave her, but just as quickly as it left her it came back in greater force by Typhon's rough manipulation. Using a combination of its front feet, head and crimson wings Typhon would flip Mignonette over onto her hands and knees whilst still remaining balls-deep inside of her, still pounding hard against her cervix as usual. The corkscrew motion of her pussy churning around his cock started a reaction that couldn't be stopped. Overcome by the feeling and roaring in primal desire, Typhon pressed his sleek form back down upon Mignonette's body and ground his hips heavily into her ass as if he was trying his hardest to leave some impression of himself there. Hungry, powerful thrusts would bury his cock deeper and deeper still, all the while sliding against those sinfully slick and abused walls of Mignonette's pussy. Soon, however, all good things had to come to an end...!

And what an end it was! With one last push Typhon hitched his cock right up against Mignonette's cervix in such a way that the only escape for the rushing onslaught of thick, syrupy cum was within the confines of her pulsing core- her womb. Shuddering, growling and convulsing, Typhon held Mignonette still as he emptied months upon years of built-up cum inside of her. There was honestly so much of the thick stuff that it would have been impossible for Mignonette to hold it all. The white syrup, smelling heavily of exotic fruit, would ooze out from where Typhon's cock and Mignonette's pussy were conjoined only to seep down onto the rocky floor beneath them both. Oh, by Arceus, Typhon wished that he could pump even more of his essence inside his new mate, but he was only mortal. Once he was finished emptying the contents of his virile balls inside of her, Typhon slowly slid out from the woman and loomed over her with a curious look in his eyes; one that also held traces of concern.

After all, if Mignonette was his mate now, Typhon wanted to make sure that she was fit to go for seconds sometime in the future! He would lean down and lick her face like an affectionate puppy in the meantime...
The unrelenting thrusts of the Salamence was practically everything Mignonette could want now! Well, of course, she had greater ambitions in the long run; the trainer would conquer more gyms for their badges, interact with even more seemingly dangerous Pokemon, and then conquer the Elite Four. But for now, all that really mattered was being plowed and mated by Typhon, her instincts giving into his with that persistent need to be bred! Even if she had already came once, she was more than willing to come not only again, but as many times as she could to satisfy this mighty dragon-type! No matter how uncomfortable the situation was, it was completely overriden by the blur and haze of bliss that she was floating on, body so pliant and supple to his touch (or more correctly, nuzzle) that whatever he enacted on her was accepted - almost greedily by this point.

The feel of his draconic hide was, indeed, something interesting - nothing painful, but it elicited quite wonderful and new sensations as it occasionally stuck and then at other times, slid like silk against her now damp warm skin. For a reptile like Typhon, having a hot-blooded and easily excitable mate like Mignonette must be the best he could, but the greatest sensation that she already had the privilege of experiencing was his tongue... And here it came again, this time for her mouth instead! Sadly, with her other Pokemon, kissing usually just wasn't an option, or when it was, strangely awkward due to the mismatched muzzles and mouths. But with the Salamence and his flexible tongue, having it be slithering into her moaning mouth instantly cut off the cooing compliments that she was pouring out to him - to much surprised pleasure, one that she quickly adapted to by wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him in closer! "Mm, Typhon, what a wonderful- Mmph!" After all, she wasn't really saying anything that was much of substance, and now, it was just better to concentrate wholly on the dual sensations that was being hammered into her from between her legs and then the insistent kissing up ahead. If anything, it just made things that much more intimate and hotter, knowing that this seemingly wild Pokemon did know some manners of romance and endearments on hand even without talking!

The wet passionate kiss the trainer shared with the Pokemon thoroughly stole her attention for a while, enough that her mind was blanked out in the midst of the pleasure - quelling the orgasm that had been ever so steadily creeping up the entire time. But it reared back just as quickly as the Salamence did, leaving Mignonette gasping and flushed like any defiled virgin, or wise vixen in this case, with an ecstatic smile on her flushed lips. But then, the real ride was just about to start as she barely had time to coordinate herself with his greater strength, being jostled from the hard ground to now facing it, barely catching herself on her hands and knees. However, the feeling that was elicited from turning on his cock was something she had never felt before, or at least, not to this degree of magnitude. Instead of just occasionally brushing against her sweet spot, it felt completely as if Typhon was intentionally now barreling down with all of his strength into pounding her with another orgasm! So it was inevitable; the trainer was breathlessly mewling and practically screaming as she squirmed on his shaft, now more insistently than ever, clenching and rolling her hips in tandem with his jerking draconic ones.

However, that was only the first one to come - quite literally! With Typhon's tip nestled up right against the end of her folds, it sparked another explosion of pleasure right on time with the Salamence's release; only if they were compatible to make eggs together, no doubt that this would be a very fertile clutch he could give her! The warm gushing feeling of his cum shooting deep into her was enough for Mignonette to then clutch her abdomen affectionately, almost tenderly as she shuddered in the throes of another orgasm, trying to keep as much of his now dripping juices from her entrance as possible. Draconic cum always had special properties, far more than that of any other Pokemon, and once again, her eye as a Breeder knew that Salamence cum would have fetched quite a high price! But no, it was for her, all for her, and as her mind finally cleared up enough to the point of understanding again, she managed to turn back over in order to sit and purr gracious compliments to him.

"Now, since you have been so gracious to treat me this way as your mate, dear," Mignonette began to breathlessly pant out, hands still affectionately running against the Salamence's head and neck from where she could reach, "Would you like to come with me? I can show you so much of the world, and of course..." Now the trainer had a sly smirk appear on her reddened lips, leaning in to kiss him and even try to draw Typhon into another sloppy wonderful kiss. Only when they parted did she still lean in, letting him have full view and access to her uncovered breasts in her defiled state, "All the opportunities to mate with me again! As much as you desire, my dear Typhon~"
It would have been foolish for Mignonette to be modest at this point. She had such a profound impact on male Pokemon, so much in fact that even when she was down and out or soiled with cum she had a Pokemon's heart in the palm of her hands. Case in point, when she sat up to purr and run her hands along Typhon's head and neck despite shining from sweat and defiled with his cum, the Salamence was focused on nothing else but her. This was a keeper, a mate that he needed to protect from others. Nobody else deserved Mignonette in Typhon's eyes, so he was going to do everything that was within his power to keep her as his and his alone. Naturally, this mindset would be nipped in the butt in due time, but at the very least it allowed Typhon to show his sensual side.

The big, possessive Salamence drew his head in towards Mignonette's own and gladly reciprocated the kiss he was given without even the slightest trace of hesitation. Yes, a thousand times yes- he wanted to be with Mignonette, and to see the world and all its treasures. He parted from her, allowed her to speak and, once she had said all that she needed to say, Typhon leaned in to get right back to his mate's supple, curvy form. Without making a single sound- other than the lewd slurps and schlicks that came from his wet tongue lapping against Mignonette's pillowy breasts- Typhon told his new mate in great detail that he would accept her offer!~

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

A few evenings after that fateful encounter with Typhon the rest of Mignonette's team were getting ready to turn in for the night. Nobody knew the specifics of how Mignonette convinced Typhon to join up with them, but given how insufferably proud, cocky and borderline unruly the dragon was combined with how satisfied and relaxed Mignonette was, there wasn't any need to dig too deep into things. The group had set up camp outside of Rustboro City on Route 116 whilst Mignonette went out on her own. With the city so close by- yet thankfully out of earshot- it was very wise for Mignonette to spend some time on her own there, whether it was to gather supplies at the PokeMarts and stores, scout out good hotels or simply to enjoy her own company for awhile. Asmodeus wanted to join her, but eventually settled on keeping a watchful eye on Typhon.

Nincadas chirped in the night and wild Pokemon scampered about in the underbrush under the starry sky. While they were still getting ready to turn in, Mignonette's Pokemon busied themselves with personal grooming, bedtime rituals, idle conversation between each other or curious exploration. Lancelot, supported by the watchful eye of Asmodeus, took to arguing with Typhon from time to time when the two of them tired of all the talk of restrictions and guidelines. Lancelot was a thoughtful, considerate sort. Typhon wasn't. Caesar, carefree and thinking of very little at the time, lumbered away from the camp to gaze up at the starry sky and to chase a few Skitties that wanted to play with him.

Hercules distanced himself from the rest of the group, but it wasn't because he detested their company. Routinely Hercules would partake in some personal training at set times of the day, such as right in the morning or right before going to sleep. Seeing Typhon waltz around like he owned Mignonette, like he could completely demolish the others without much effort, struck a chord within the Machoke. As such he began to train harder, to push his muscles to the breaking point. His training also served as an escape- racked with insecurity issues, Hercules thought that the best way to surmount them was to train his body until it was in peak condition, and then further so that he could hold his own against the likes of Typhon. He didn't want Mignonette to know that he was a little intimidated by the new arrival...

As such, Hercules would be benchpressing large stones, performing pushups, situps and other physical feats close to Mignonette's tent. Eventually he would fatigue himself, so soon he had no choice but to rest against a tree and catch his breath.
Rustboro was a wonderful city, one that had opened up numerous opportunities not only for those residing in its skyscraping buildings, but for also those who were passing by. For it was the location of the first Pokémon gym in Hoenn, so just going by it sparked almost nostalgic memories for Mignonette. Back then, she only had Lancelot and Asmodeus, with the former just a Kirlia, but it had been an eye-opening opportunity nevertheless - including the rewarding sex she had later that night with her one and only faithful Houndoom. Now, returning back to such a place, the trainer's sights were more placed on securing a room that wasn't too extravagantly expensive for all of her Pokémon to fit in; she never thought it fair to keep them cooped up in their Pokeballs for long, hence why they preferred and had already made camp on the outskirts of the city instead. However, tonight had ended up something of a bust with how late they had arrived and the majority of the lodgings already not accepting guests for the night.

Mignonette was hardly dissuaded though, having picked up essentials from the Poke shops, and she could easily spend more time tomorrow finding a proper and large enough room for them all along with Rustboro's more specialized goods. Returning back to her team was always a treat, even with the sun dipping low in the horizon already, not a very unusual occurrence anyways. As she returned to the clearing that they were temporarily residing in, the trainer took her sweet time to greet and inquire after each of her Pokémon; Asmodeus first, as usual. The dark and fire canine received a cooing welcome from his trainer as she gently rubbed his belly and head, then she reached over to drop a loving kiss onto Lancelot's cheek with a warm thank you as usual for his patience. Typhon himself managed to wrestle out just more than small affections, having her indulge in a particularly passionate tongue-twisting kiss than she had expected, before she managed to part ways from the greedy Salamence to embrace Caesar tightly from behind and murmur sweet affections into the Nidoking's pointed ear.

Finally, it was Hercules' turn. For at least a few moments, Mignonette simply watched the Machoke exercise, grey eyes hungrily taking in the sight of how his masculine muscular form rippled under the strain of the weights and then sheer exertion of the reps he was doing. The smile on her plush lips was that of both admiration and pride too, considering how far and how much the fighting-type had improved in strength and confidence ever since she had picked him up from the toxic atmosphere of the other bullying Pokémon. Among all of these considerations, the choice of who would sleep with her tonight was easily decided; a prideful right that she was always careful to share among all of her team as to not incite jealousy too much, but for how fervent he has been training all this time, Hercules certainly deserved it - and her.

"My, my, someone's been working hard today~" Mignonette finally revealed her presence with a soft sing-song praise from where she stepped out behind a tree, letting the rising moon illuminate her shapely figure for him as she stepped closer and closer to the Machoke, "And you're doing it all for me, dear? I'm quite flattered! Only a Pokémon of your strength and caliber can handle all of this." Now directly in front of him, she didn't even hesitate at how glistening with sweat he was; to her, it only made him that much more appealing, even more so with how overwhelmingly masculine he smelled! The sheer load of pheromones briefly made the trainer consider just dropping to her knees here to suck him off, but she managed to debate against it, running one hand down his rippling muscles while licking her lips slowly. "Since you're all so worked up now, I simply can't let you go to sleep this tense alone! Come, why don't I help you relax together tonight~?"

Even if Hercules didn't know of Mignonette's sultry vixen side, the lustful look in her eyes and the mischievous smirk painted across her lips would be enough. But she wasn't done quite yet! With one hand still admiringly running against his chest and hulking shoulders, the other now stealthily reached to run knowingly against the tell-tale bulge in his underwear. It was currently soft, but as her fingers rubbed teasingly at the outline of the shaft, she already knew of how throbbing hard and thick it could get! But as soon as she started, the trainer then stepped back, winking at him before walking quite seductively back to her tent with the easy sway of her hips and ass towards him. The Machoke would just be left with her velvety words purred into his ear, "Join me whenever you're ready, my dear Hercules~"

She, whenever he would enter the tent, would be more than ready. It didn't take long for Mignonette to shed her leotard, being an outfit she was well-versed in undressing from, and the trainer was already sprawled out on the soft bedroll in the most lewd ways in front of his eyes. With her long legs spread, the Machoke would be able to see how her inviting pink folds were clearly wet, glistening as she idly fingered the outmost lips, not wanting to spoil it too much for him! Her head was thrown back while her thoughts were delving into the most debauching and scandalous of fantasies involving Hercules' might and virile sex drive, patiently waiting for said Pokémon to finally appear to claim her tonight!
Hercules wasn't the type to melt into a puddle of adorable delight at Mignonette's words like Caesar did, but still her words had an effect on his body and psyche that was too profound to ignore. The Machoke stood up straighter, fixed his trainer with that proud and curious eye of his and bathed in the praise she oh-so-graciously wanted to shower him with. Mignonette could merely be acting, lying or some perverse combination of the two and it wouldn't matter to Hercules, or rather, he wouldn't register it as such. Just the feeling of being validated like this was enough to reinvigorate the Machoke. Already Hercules felt like doing a few more bench-presses, perhaps jog around the whole of Rustboro City or go toe-to-toe with Typhon with the desire to beat that pompous douche into submission. And yet, when he felt his sultry trainer run a hand down his prized muscles and lick her lips ever so slowly, all of his plans went down the drain in favor of something completely different.

By the time Hercules decided on what he wanted Mignonette's fingers were rubbing at the sizable tent forming in his briefs. It was hard not to get, ahem, hard with Mignonette around, but with her touch Hercules became nearly as hard as titanium. It was such a quick transition that the Machoke was soon expecting Mignonette to reach on in and take a peek or a few strokes for herself, yet just as soon as his arousal had been started the woman retreated with that minx-like wink of hers and, by Arceus, that tantalizing walk back to the tent! Hercules couldn't help but stare at Mignonette's hindquarters- her hips and ass- and desire to hold them, squeeze them and mold them with his strong, flexible fingers.

It would be so cruel of Hercules to ignore Mignonette's offer to relax together!~

After composing himself somewhat the burly Machoke would saunter into Mignonette's tent and drink in the scene of her fingering herself whilst as naked as the day she was born. If only Hercules could muster the words like Lancelot could; he would have told her right then and there that she was beautiful beyond compare. Alas, Hercules was never a poet nor a strong romantic, but he could at the very least show Mignonette just how much she meant to him through his support, his presence and, of course, through the pleasure of his virile cock. He slid deeper inside the tent and closed the flaps behind him to make sure that they wouldn't be disturbed before advancing upon Mignonette like an arrogant fighter taking his time; in no hurry to pin his opponent down.

A strong hand went to Mignonette's foot, slid up to her calves and rested upon her delicious thigh. At the same time Hercules would brush up close against the woman. He wasn't the cuddling type most of the time, but right now he did want to rub his scent and 'manliness' into Mignonette's body while he was so close. It was so damn hot seeing the woman of his desires playing with herself while her head was thrown back in rapture, and the Machoke could only imagine that she was doing all this to get ready for him. In his mind there was no need for much foreplay as, well, Hercules believed his presence would be enough to make potential mates quiver in anticipation, but tonight he did want to relax with her... At least, for awhile. So, with one hand resting at the woman's inner thigh and the other snagging under his boxers to free his grand, healthy cock, Hercules schemed to make Mignonette beg for him.

One his cock was freed- and once Mignonette was paying attention (though Hercules was very tempted to allow her to keep fantasizing in the hopes that he'd hear some very, very raunchy things)- Hercules pushed his hips up so that his cock was brushing against the woman's outer thigh like an affectionate canine's muzzle. It was already so thick and warm, but when it felt the smoothness of Mignonette's skin it twitched and pulsated ever so slightly before leaking a heady stream of precum. Though thin at that moment, said precum smelled unmistakingly manly, even for Hercules. Still keeping his position of looming over his 'relaxation partner' for the night, Hercules used his other hand to poke and prod at Mignonette's inviting, sakura-colored folds just as she had done to herself not too long ago. However, unlike Mignonette's fingers, which were supple and thin, Hercules' digits were larger, meatier and much more powerful. Two fingers would frame her lower lips and rub against the outer folds for some time at a languid pace, at least before Hercules started to nuzzle Mignonette's clitoris.

There Hercules would make himself comfortable with how he was manipulating Mignonette, and he only hoped that she was comfortable as well with his rippling muscles and hot, musky breath washing over her for the time being... At least before he got serious about relaxing.
Even lost in her quite sultry and scandalous thoughts, Mignonette couldn't miss the way the tent flaps rustled as soon as her "suitor" for the night entered, with as much grace as he had strength - which was plenty of both. Well, that was just part of his overall appeal, and she took her sweet time to open her now lustful eyes, the grey of the irises even seemingly to have darkened in desire once her gaze raked down Hercules' powerful form. Her fingers stopped, momentarily, in their familiar grazing of the entrance of her folds as he approached, and then with almost one last reluctant press against her clit, she finally lifted her hand away to let the Pokemon see the full glistening blossom of her womanhood for him.

"All I've been thinking of is how I need you mark me as yours tonight, my dear Hercules," Mignonette purred out, her skin feeling extraordinarily even more warmer anywhere the Machoke put those big powerful hands on her body, especially the closer he slid it up her leg. And even as she was saying that, the trainer could already feel how he was doing it! The overwhelming aura of the Pokemon enveloped around her, and if her breathing was still deep and steady before, it was starting to go shallow into excited pants - trying to breathe in as much of his masculine scent as possible. What definitely made it that much more potent was how sweaty he still was, and was going be with her soon, which while familiar, was more arousing than relaxing at all! However, the trainer herself had some tricks up her sleeve, or namely, on her fingers. Her sweetened juices, already flowing from how she had been pleasing herself, were mischievously wiped on the edge of the fighting type's jutting mouth for him to lick with a soft giggle from her and another sultry wink. "Taste me... Just thinking about you already has me aching to have you inside of me, honey. Now that you're actually here, I feel so small when you wrap your arms around me… I miss this so much, feeling so helpless when you dominate me with that strength of yours~"

Mignonette meant every word of it, even more so as she then easily would her slender arms around his broad shoulders, gently trying to pull his bulky body down closer to her own. Compared to the Machoke, she even as a fairly athletic woman, was someone whom he could probably break as a twig - yet she would never feel safer than around him and the others on her team. Intimacy was only the next step now that she had been well-acquainted with her Pokemon, and for the moment, she appreciated practically how romantic this entire scenario was, even down to how his cock was gently nudging against her leg. The warm spill of his pre-cum had her giggling again as the trainer unwound one of her arms from where she had been admiringly stroking his arms and chest to swipe her finger into the thick stream, then letting Hercules see every moment of it, smeared the entire dollop of it onto her tongue. As if she had drank from the sweetest elixir of life, she moaned at the heady masculine taste of it, eyes even closing momentarily in enjoyment.

"Tonight is going to be a lot of fun, Hercules. If you're already treating me this well... Then you deserve nothing but the best, my dear. With your skills and strength, I don’t want to be able to walk tomorrow," she continued to coo, intentionally reaching down now to swipe not only one finger, but three into the puddling pre-cum, and once again with another delighted laugh, sucked on them hard enough that there was an audible lewd pop once she withdrew her digits. But the real attraction at the moment was how the Machoke now had taken over with his fingers rubbing her slit, and Mignonette couldn't help but exhale deeply, a slight shudder that ran through her body and made her back arch in response. After all, that was one of his best assets; while each of her Pokemon had a different expertise, she was quite grateful that Hercules' was his dexterous fingers, which were masterful all in their own! She was already squirming by the time he was stroking the outer lips, eyes bright with even heightened lust as she smirked once again among breathless soft encouraging moans.

She was doing her part more verbally this time, more measured in her actions and eloquent in her words to stroke his ego; it was a definite change in pace, but one that was intentional, in order to further bolster Hercules' pride and confidence - especially for tonight!
Mignonette tasted lovely that night, but then again, to Hercules she always tasted lovely. There were a few times in the past when the Machoke had delved between her legs to eat her out whilst kneading that fluffy, taut ass of hers. Oh how he loved those moments; his tongue delving deep inside her pussy, squirming and wriggling about while he delighted in the woman's breathless moans and whimpers. Hercules couldn't help but fantasize about doing the same thing that night as the woman of his desires gave him all the signs for him to do as he pleased. From the way she was fawning over him to the smack of her lips after she greedily suckled at his heady precum, Hercules knew that he had full reign to do whatever he wanted to this woman. He increased the pressure of his fingers on her folds until he was sinking a big, fat finger down inside her, and from there- just as a special treat for her- he would curl it up to push, prod and rub against her g-spot... But only for a few seconds, for while Hercules could easily continue to please this woman with his fingers alone, he wanted to satiate her lust, and his own, with his most prized possession.

He was going to destroy Mignonette that night and fill her up with so much of his essence that she would be satiated for weeks... Or, perhaps more realistically, at least a couple days. Hercules had to be reasonable with how he planned his victories over Mignonette, after all.

A low and sensual grunt was followed by a devious chuckle as Hercules nudged Mignonette away from his body and straightened her out. His cock was throbbing so much that it was damn-near painful, that it would have been such a big relief to just sheath himself deep inside Mignonette right then and there. But Hercules wanted to claim Mignonette like a viking warrior, so as such she needed to be put in a very, very submissive position. He reached over to her sides and twisted her about so that she was primed on all fours- just as Mignonette had been positioned with Typhon a few days ago- with her ass sticking high in the air. It would have been amusing for the proud Machoke to see Mignonette try to entice him further, perhaps by wiggling that ample peach about and looking over her shoulder, but Hercules was determined to show her just who held all the cards here. He pushed down on Mignonette's head and sent her cheek to her sleeping bag while at the same time raising her ass even higher. Once he was certain that the woman knew her place, Hercules would bring his throbbing cock over to her velvety, glistening folds and promptly buck his hips to sink it all in at once.

'All in at once' didn't mean that he was slow or gentle about it. Hercules knew that Mignonette could handle it; she blatantly asked him to take her like this so that walking would be a chore in the morning! In under a second the fat, bulbous head of his cock was glued against her cervix while two hands held Mignonette down- one on her head with fingers curling around locks of her hair, the other squeezing and kneading at her ample asscheeks. Purring from the sensation, Hercules angled himself closer to Mignonette's buttocks and soon pulled his hips back only to jab them forward once again, and again, and again. His cock was soon like a well-lubricated piston with how easily it slid through Mignonette's well-charted folds, and it echoed out the lewdest of smacks, slaps and faps with each go. For every second heartbeat that thumped from Mignonette's chest she would receive a pussy full of cock, a guttural chuckle of rapture and a greedy squeeze of her ass- complete with the rare open-palmed slap to said delicious rear!
Mignonette would be more than happy just to let Hercules spend the entire night having his way with his fingers and her slit, keeping her on a perpetual dazed high, one arm clutching the plush fabric of the bedroll above her head while the other continued to rest on the muscular Pokemon's bulging arm. But of course, her lover for the night had other plans, not before already making the trainer squeal with delight not once - but more than twice! Each time, it sent a pure electrical shock of pleasure up her back, making her gasp and shudder with her back arching off the back and unattended large breasts heaving gently before she settled back down, an even wider encouraging smile on her now flushed face.

However, before she could even utter another sultry word to coax Hercules along, the Pokemon was already on the move, and Mignonette was more pliant than ever to allow the fighting type to have his own plans at the moment; they had so many countless occurrences of sex that both of them worked together like well-oiled gears without any hesitation, and he was always one for dominance - which she greatly encouraged. Not only had it helped bolster the poor Machoke's low confidence, but it also had honed his skills to the point that whatever he was planning, she was more than excited for it! But this time, it didn't take much to realize exactly what was going to happen, which didn't diminish the delighted gasp that escaped the trainer once her arms had caught herself on the much softer fabric underneath her than the scraping rocks just days beforehand. It would be already obvious to her longer partnered Pokemon that she sometimes did enjoyed being manhandled this way, even more obvious now by how the trainer was arching her peachy swaying ass even higher than before to present it exactly like a gift. "Mm, Hercules... You're going to fill me up, aren't you? Fuck me like you own me now, my dear~"

Mignonette got her exact wish! While she had been sultrily purring out those words, she had a fair idea of what Hercules was doing with lifting her behind even higher before having her cheek pressed down, but not exactly. Not until she just felt the full force of the Machoke's cock surging into between her moistened walls with all of his strength did she squeal, squirming and unintentionally clenching tight around the throbbing shaft! The surprise certainly took the trainer by surprise then as she gasped and moaned wantonly like a brazen slut (not that she wasn't!), her body having braced on her elbows before they gave out completely underneath her, depressing the angle even more for the fighting type to continue ramming into her. The only thought that was on her mind was that it felt as if he was going to completely fuck her brainless, and it was already starting with how hard he was nailing her g-spot with each jerk of his hips forward!

Not only that, but the stimulation of his hand slapping her ass only made Mignonette mewl desperately as her mind whitened with pain and then a rush of delicious prickling sensation, briefly struggling against the Machoke's strong grip on her hair before she remembered - tonight, she would be Hercules' bitch! All she wanted to do was milk his balls dry, accepting every single thrust her railed deep into her welcoming pussy, walls still squeezing and clenching around him as the trainer muffled her broken moans and breathless screaming of his name into the bedroll. It wouldn't do to wake everyone else up, and just hearing the wet scandalous sounds of his hips laying claim against her plush behind as the most wonderful music only heightened the moment even more!
Hercules didn't want to hurt Mignonette. No no, not at all! If he could live in a perfect world he would have relished the opportunity to lay with her every night without fear of her getting bruised, banged up or worse. Alas, the nature of his 'lovemaking' would undoubtably cause a few bruises to form here and there, but Mignonette never seemed to regard them with shame. Like hickeys and cumstains, she seemed to wear them with pride- no, it wasn't just that. She was honored to be with her Pokemon like this... At least, that was what Hercules believed. But he wasn't here to gain some insight into Mignonette's inner machinations. He was here to fuck her brains out and make her writhe beneath him!

Still smacking away, still thrusting in as far as he could go, Hercules was determined to make Mignonette squeal even more for him. He paused for a moment in his ministrations and gripped his trainer's ass- hard- before nudging her about on his cock. A swipe to the left, a pull to the right, his cock sliding out as he pushed her away before he pulled her back into his body and impaling her on his cock at the same time. It wasn't gentle at all, but it was the way Hercules wanted. He grunted and guffawed as he noticed bits of Mignonette's hot lady fluids gush out or splatter against the sleeping bag underneath them, and soon it became like a game for him to try and entice the woman to let loose with even more of those intoxicatingly beautiful and potent droplets of hot feminine juices. To help him further this goal Hercule's cock would pulse with spurts of energy while the hand that had curled within Mignonette's hair would trail down her neck- squeezing there ever so softly as a sign that he still cared for her, that he was still madly in love with her as much as the others were- and to her wrist which, once locked tight in his iron grip, would allow the Machoke to get even wilder.

"Maa... Maachoke!~" Hercules chuckled with a haughty tone, though like Mignonette he too wanted to keep things lowkey lest the others were woken up. That wouldn't do at all; Mignonette was all his tonight! "Mmmmaugh..."

Another pause, and like the last time, this one preluded a rapid burst of ravenous energy. Hercules positioned Mignonette in such a way that she was still being fucked doggystyle before him, only now she was twisted to the right so she could get a better look at her dominator as he tugged on her arm with enough strength to make her cringe. It wasn't enough to threaten popping her arm out of its socket, but there was still pain, and though pain was a good tool for domination, Hercules was doing his best with his constant, pistoning movements and light slaps to help override said pain with overwhelming pleasure. His hips would shake and twist about as if trying to drive his cock against every yet-untoched nerve along Mignonette's wonderful cunt walls all the while he directed his attention from the hypnotizing sway of her ass to the varying expressions on her face.

There was a benefit to the submissive position Mignonette was currently in, and it was that Hercules could see the way her breasts swayed and smacked against her chest with each feverish thrust from that overbearing cock. The Machoke licked his lips- sweat glistening off of his form as droplets cascaded down his face. It looked like he was nearing his limit, but he at least wanted to claim those tits for himself before he was finished!
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