Yet Another Pokemon Journey - (Maj.Mario x TriniMad)

Apr 26, 2014
Ah, Verdanturf Town. Though it wasn't as exciting a place as Slateport or Petalburg, just about everyone in Hoenn could agree that it was one of the more peaceful places to live in. There was so much grass covering the ground there that it seemed that there was no such thing as dirt, mud or rock, except for the mountains to the north which Verdanturf was nestled against. In the spring the area was heavily populated with flowers and shrubbery of all kinds, and not to mention berry plants which many wild Pokemon loved to no end. Trees were all around, surrounding the town at every side except for the east and north. But the most important feature of Verdanturf town was the superior airflow and wind pattern which provided the town with the purest air known to man. In fact, this feature was so well-known that whenever one remarks about heading out to get some fresh air, they are always reminded of Verdanturf Town.

Alright, that last bit might be pushing it.

Anyway, the town, as usual, was quiet on a typical Saturday afternoon. The shops were open, the Pokecenter received visitors and patients alike, and all around citizens were enjoying the bright and cheery day. Children were out and about in the town with their friends or parents while other people like tourists and the elderly took to the grand pastures and fields over yonder. It was very peaceful out there as well, and there were plenty of Pokemon to observe or catch if one desired.

In one particular grove, far from the eyes and ears of the common populace, there resided a group of Pokemon belonging to a particular trainer. Two large heavyweights, a Nidoking and a Machoke, were grunting and huffing as they grappled with each other in a form of friendly competition. Being that they were known as powerhouses, it was a good idea to keep training and practicing for whatever battle might approach them. Standing off to the side in his own little world was a Gallade who was either referring the two sparring Pokemon or simply keeping an eye on them to make sure that no trees fell under their weight. He didn't seem too happy to be babysitting these two, but without a trainer present he did what he could to keep the group together. The final member of this four-man-band was a Houndoom, and he was all by his lonesome sprawled out on a sunny rock. The dark/fire type didn't look to happy for some reason, and he kept glancing towards some openings in the grove as if anticipating someone's arrival.
For many, Vendanturf Town was a place of peace and happiness to escape the harsh world beyond its beautiful flowered borders, and a place that Pokemon and people alike could always bring back their best memories with just one breath of its pure air. For Mignonette, that was especially true.

However, her happiest memories were far from peaceful, but they certainly were eventful; there was no doubt that had her first trainer Pokemon had been with her at the moment once she stepped into the town's boundaries, he would immediately recalled it as well. After all, who could forget the first time they had sex and enjoyed beyond anything else at that? Forget human men, no one else could or even dared to understand the utter loyalty and prowess that male Pokemon could offer instead. To everyone else, Mignonette was just another ordinary trainer. Perhaps not just a regular trainer, considering that just a glance up her curvy athletic form always drew second (and often hungry) gazes after her, but with only the sight of her ample rear as the last sight of the female trainer, that would be all they could know. No one else would be the wiser about her more intimate attitudes towards her Pokemon...

It was well understood in the world of Pokemon that breeders were exceptionally close with Pokemon, sometimes even more than trainers could ever be. It was necessary, considering that they would always be around said creatures, but for Mignonette, it was something she had grown to utterly trust and devote herself to once she had decided to be a trainer instead. That mindset only proved even more correct once she had given herself to her Houndoom, and thus sealed the deal once and for all.

So the buxom trainer was in a high mood a few hours later once she left civilization behind her, having finished her accustomed shopping and restocking; Mignonette was more than eager to reunite with her beloved boys as she walked the familiar path to the nearby groves of trees removed from the actual town itself. Already, before she even see her team of Pokemon, she could hear them; the low grunts and growls of what could only be Hercules and Caesar, her Machoke and Nidoking respectively.

So when the female trainer finally came in view, she was wearing a knowing smirk on her face, dark grey eyes scanning the clearing and making a quick head count of her team of four; Mignonette was hardly looking to expand it any time, not with satisfaction and the hard work these four did that would be worth forty other Pokemon. All in all, each of them were behaving as usual, but it couldn't be helped that she might have a slight bias towards one of them that she called out to, "Asmodeus, dear."

Her husky melodic voice carried across the sparring as she gave a gentle wave towards the two muscular Pokemon to simply continue. The trainer's other hand was busy unwrapping the light cashmere scarf from around her neck and freeing her torso partly from the tight flower-decorated leotard of the matching stockings with a smooth unzip down the front of her torso past her navel. It was only in the privacy of her Pokemon and the wilderness that Mignonette would even dare such a risque action, exposing herself to them in invitation like this, and she was in a particularly good mood as she walked leisurely towards the sunbathing Houndoom. The afternoon sun filtering through the treetops caught the creamy white tone of her skin and only emphasized the tantalizing curves of her bare large breasts the closer she came to Asmodeus.

"Are you playing nice with the others, hm?" she gently cooed at the devilish Pokemon, settling herself down neatly next to him with a loving hand caressing down his sleek fur and then another stroke down his dark orange underbelly. Of course she didn't skip over also running her fingers lightly over his obvious sheath and the large tight black balls, a soft giggle escaping past her smirking lips. "I missed you too, my dear Asmodeus," Mignonette then leaned down to murmur against the Houndoom's neck, one hand still absently stroking his side as her head turned to motion to the other Pokemon on the team to also come over to her. They might as well sit through the show the sparring duo was putting on for them, and she would rather enjoy it with the company of her Pokemon up close against her.

Lancelot was swiftly becoming her closest confidant; the most reasonable of the four when Asmodeus was being moody, Caesar was simply just being a lovable brute as always, and Hercules was too single-minded in showing off his strength. Giving the Gallade the same welcoming warm smile, Mignonette waited before he was in reach before sneaking in a quick kiss against the Pokemon's green helmet and wrapping a lean arm around his waist. "They haven't been at it for too long, yes? I'm sure you've been doing a wonderful job keeping them from hurting each other, Lancelot," she purred lightly in approval, drawing the Pokemon backwards into her lap; conveniently, his red triangular protruding from his back neatly fitted into the trainer's cleavage, letting her breasts press lightly against his back.
Asmodeus the Houndoom picked his head up and looked over to Mignonette with great interest when he heard her sultry, husky tone in the air. The voice was both soothing and arousing, and despite the Houndoom's best efforts to remain in a bad mood its devilish tail began to wag. Though a difficult and somewhat unruly Pokemon, Asmodeus proved time and time again his worth as a powerful dark/fire type and never failed to protect Mignonette from threats. One would assume that the Houndoom was merely being greedy and overprotective, but it ran deeper than that. He was a loyal dog; as loyal as any other canine Pokemon out there.

Everyone of the four Pokemon gathered about in the grove looked up from their positions and gazed upon Mignonette's form as if she was a legendary, and while both Hercules and Caesar obeyed her gentle wave to keep sparring, even they couldn't help but glance over at her from time to time. Hardly any Pokemon would find a human attractive, but Mignonette was a special case. Eyes were upon her as she unzipped her leotard down to her navel, and soon, gazes ranged from admiration to lecherous once the woman's bare, perfect breasts bounced and breathed in the fresh air. Even Lancelot looked somewhat intrigued, but it was Asmodeus who expressed the most interest in his trainer.

And with a gentle coo and loving hands running down his fur and against his genitals, Asmodeus became putty in Mignonette's hands. His tongue lolled out of his mouth and he began to pant just a little as his tail wagged even more. This was a source of great shame for the proud Houndoom, but he always tried to counter it with the fact that it felt good to be petted by his trainer. Plus, with how brazenly Mignonette was presenting herself to him, Asmodeus had half a mind to assume that she wanted some attention all her own. He let loose a few grumbling growls and continued to be at her mercy even as his arousal grew and grew, and soon, Mignonette's sensual pats would discover his shapely red rocket that seemed all-too-happy to see the trainer.

Either not wanting to be left out or simply following orders, Lancelot the Gallade trotted over to Mignonette.

Though it was a secret to everyone but the most accomplished of Pokemon professors and researchers, Mignonette was one of the lucky few to see a Gallade's form shift to accommodate more intimate situations. The almost comedic hips, shaped like an egg on its side, could not be helped, but the arm blades and red triangular protrusions certainly could. Sensing Mignonette's more sensual, lewd side coming out once again like a troublesome rash, Lancelot sighed and retracted his arm blades into green appendages akin to that of his counterpart's and willed the triangular protrusion away for the time being. The protrusion, Mignonette learned, was to accentuate a Gardevoir or Gallade's psychic/physical stats in battle. It wasn't that Lancelot didn't care for Mignonette's sensual, sultry side. Oh no, he quite enjoyed her displays of affection and blushed whenever she placed a kiss upon his body. It was just that he placed his duty as a protector and confidante higher than that of being Mignonette's personal snuggle toy. But even he couldn't resist his trainer's advances, so he had no choice but to press his back into his trainer's soft and comfortable breasts.

Well now Mignonette had really done it; poor Lancelot was flustered! So much, in fact, that the Gallade was stunned out of moving or properly reacting.

(( Given that a Gallade/Gardevoir can sense feelings, and that they are psychic types, would you like Lancelot to 'speak'? He could serve as a translator for the group. Or, if you'd like, Mignonette could be able to understand her Pokemon. ))
There was something utterly endearing about the way that Asmodeus reacted around Mignonette; other people might instantly be wary of the canine Pokemon's fierce temper and grouchy personality, but to her, it was simply all part of the Houndoom's charms. After all, she had known him since he was only an adorable little Houndour, and even if she wasn't a breeder, there was more than enough signs to show that he was just as pleased to be with her as she was to be back with him. The human female didn't cease in her petting of her Pokemon's sleek fur, but it never ceased to amaze her just how quickly excited he could get - even if the devilish Pokemon did all he could to hide it.

However, there was no way he could hide the prominent sight of his red rocket extending out of its black sheath now. With her attention now split between the Gallade on her lap and her other hand stroking the Houndoom's body, it came with a sudden but not unpleasant surprise once Mignonette stroked her hand down his belly again to feel the smooth shaft under her fingers. There was nothing but amusement and a glimmer of her own sensual excitement in her voice as she purred out in response, "You did miss me quite a bit, didn't you, Asmodeus? Good boy~"

Mignonette heeded the soft growls he was giving her with a touch of endearment in her soft smirk, but it was really the panting the Houndoom was making that she wanted to hear more of. The Pokemon was already relaxed, but perhaps she could help him out in his "bad mood" with even more affection. Her eyes might slide back to gazing at the smaller Pokemon on her lap, but her hand didn't stop their mischievous actions for one second; slim fingers were now wrapped firmly around Asmodeus' cock, "petting" him with teasingly slow strokes - whether or not the canine Pokemon wanted to take any further now was simply up to him.

Most of the time, she fluctuated between a protective and a brazen vixen-like personality - usually, more or less both depending on the Pokemon she was interacting with. While she might be boldly stimulating her first partner without another care in the world, her other hand was gently stroking Lancelot's helmet-like head lovingly. Her chin was lightly rested on one of his thin shoulders, and feeling how he was easily accommodating to her touches, Mignonette gave him another warm smile as she snuggled even closer to him. With his back pressed lightly against her large soft breasts, it must be a wonderfully relaxing seat for the Pokemon as the female's other hand was steadily still wrapped around and pumping the Houndoom's member. "Feeling comfortable, honey?" The Gallade seemed unusually still and quiet for the moment, which drew a quiet chuckle from the trainer as she snuck another kiss against his green neck, letting her lips linger there briefly as her eyes flickered back to watching the other two sparring Pokemon. "You're awfully stiff at the moment, my dear Lancelot... Is everything alright, hm?"

(( I do like the idea of Lancelot being able to psychically talk to her and be the "spokesperson" for her team! Though Mignonette might be able to figure out from body language for their simpler demands or statements, that's perfect for Lancelot to communicate their more complex thoughts to her. After all, it is seen that some Pokemon are as intelligent or even more so than humans. ))
At the feeling of having Mignonette rub and stroke his cock, Asmodeus the Houndoom let loose a soft whimper and briefly turned into a puppy once again. He wagged his tail like a happy lapdog and laid back with his hind leg raised so Mignonette could get at his member more freely. Though the Houndoom wasn't the biggest fan of these impromptu handjobs, he still loved the attention his trainer was giving him. Then, as soon as a few seconds had passed, Asmodeus regained his usual temperament and growled as if he was going to bite his trainer. But that was merely a ruse; an idle threat. The Houndoom would never hurt his trainer, even if she was deliberately trying to embarrass him, and that was what Asmodeus thought Mignonette was doing. He could not deny, however, that what she was doing was so good he didn't want her to stop.

The dark-type's pants began to grow in tempo and intensity as he felt more and more pleasure radiating from his cock under Mignonette's skillful fingers. The poor thing was torn between lying there and taking it or trying to assert his dominance over his trainer. In the end Asmodeus settled for the latter, though the manner of doing that wasn't his best. He shook off Mignonette's hand away from his now stiff and rigid cock and made a move to stand. From there he would nudge his head against her backside and lick what bits of skin he could find. A canine like him wanted to first check if she too was aroused, and to do that, well, he had to get in close to take a few sniffs.

Seeing as Lancelot was situated in front of Mignonette's lap, Asmodeus resigned himself to sniffing the trainer's rear end from time to time; and all the while being near-oblivious to the idea that his trainer could still be gripping and teasing his slick member.

- The other two members of the team, Hercules and Caesar, caught a few glimpses of what Mignonette was doing to Asmodeus and while Hercules was tempted to muscle his way in there and get some attention himself, Caesar remained blissfully ignorant and oblivious and even managed to land a few hard hits on his partner. This in turn sparked another sparring session, and in turn, the two powerhouses were at it again like rival brothers fighting over some injustice.

Finally, Lancelot. He shivered at his trainer's touch and hunkered down a little as if it was terribly icy. Yes, he was tense at the moment, but it was justified. He had plenty of feelings for Mignonette like the others did, and hell, he had even had sex with Mignonette plenty of times, but the least out of any other Pokemon in Mignonette's party. He was torn between protecting Mignonette and giving into her advances... The poor creature blushed even more at the way her hand stroked his head, and when her lips kissed his neck only to linger and coo knowingly into his ear, well, he figured that he was done for.

Unlike Asmodeus who at this point was eager to partake in some fun times, Lancelot seemed rather ashamed of himself. Mignonette was absolutely right; he was awfully stiff as evidenced by the mushroom-topped member poking out from under the Gallade's hips. The pulsating member continued to grow, shamelessly so, before Lancelot let loose a little grunt and reached out to cover himself up with his hands.

"N-no no, everything's fine Miss Mignonette," Lancelot grumbled in his flustered state. He unconsciously pressed his back further against Mignonette's luscious breasts and let loose a shiver that seemed brought on by pleasure. "I am, though. C-comfortable, I mean."
With her attention torn between the two beloved Pokemon around her, Mignonette was still able to keep up a steady presence for each of them; her many years of living and working in a busy environment with other Pokemon had given her a fortitude to multi-task most efficiently. It was especially evident when she just had to glance over when her hand was shaken off of the canine Pokemon's slick shaft, and all the trainer did was smirk knowingly and let her hand trail upwards to scratch against that sweet spot behind his horns.

As for the Gallade on her lap, she giggled quietly in delight at the way he seemed so utterly shy still around her. It was adorable, to be honest, and getting a rise out of the honorable Pokemon was always satisfying in comparison to the other easily receptive males on the team. Mignonette's eyes didn't miss the way the tip of his member was boldly announcing Lancelot's arousal at the moment, and to help him along, her hand now slid down lightly his body to grasp around the Pokemon's pulsing warm shaft. "Oh honey, but you're still so tense. Let me help you relax now, hm? Stay seated here," she murmured quietly against his ear once more, and with a single squeeze to the member, began to loosen herself from around him.

Oh, Asmodeus was hardly forgotten, nor was the bulging erection between his legs, but she had plans for both him and Lancelot at the moment. Once Mignonette had freed herself, the female trainer then moved to stand in front of both of the Pokemon. Another glance towards the sparring duo caught the eye of them, especially Hercules, but another gentle wave was given to the two to continue. For now, it seemed like a shame that if Hercules and Caesar wanted part of the fun, they would have to wait for sloppy seconds with her; however, next time, she promised to herself that they would both have her first then.

Now with her attention back on the Pokemon on the large flat rock, it was with slow and sensual movements that Mignonette began to unbuckle the various straps that held the clothes onto her body; the stockings were separated from her leotard, the buckle that kept the top half of the outfit together around her shoulders, and the various belts around her shapely hourglass figure. She was going to make a show for them and perhaps somewhat for the other two who could watch her from behind, and the trainer was deliberately taking her time to let the Pokemon become even more excited over her. First, her matching boots and stockings were peeled off as she bent over, letting them fully see the full softness of her breasts. Then, as she straightened up again, the top half was slipped off with several teasing wiggles of her body as if the fabric was made of silk. Her breasts were finally freed as the human female gathered the various articles of clothes together, letting them fully ogle the aroused pointed shapes of her nipples, and with one careless slide of her panties off her long lean legs, she was now completely naked.

"This is my thanks to you for watching the others, sir knight," Mignonette said low and sultrily as she swayed closer with her hips rocking, and once her clothes were placed aside safely, leaned in on her flat palms in front of the Gallade. The trainer remained like this for a few moments before leaning in even closer, letting her breasts press against him again (now completely naked and on his chest instead) as she whispered once more, "And I do love how you call me Miss, Sir Lancelot." There was a teasing smile on her face as she pulled away, only to place another deceptively chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth before gazing over to the Houndoom.

With her position of facing the Gallade, her backside was sticking outwards, the curves of her ass evident in the afternoon sun. "I'm all yours now, Asmodeus," Mignonette called out sweetly to the canine Pokemon as her legs spread wide, pushing her bare slit up higher to be seen; the Houndoom could definitely tell that she was more than eager for him to mount her, wetness faintly gleaming in her folds as she bent down even lower along Lancelot's body.

The poor dear was trying to hide it from her, but his shame wasn't needed at the moment as all Mignonette did was tsk gently at the Pokemon and move his hands away with her own to coax the green palms up against the large softness of her breasts. Leaving a warm trail of kisses down the Gallade's body, she could see his sizable hardening member full in sight; the human merely licked her lips as she glanced upwards to its shy owner before taking the mushroom tip into her mouth and sucked hard, letting her tongue lap at the slit to spur the Pokemon on further.
"Miss Mignonette, w-we really should be-"

We really should be headed off to Mauville City, up north through the mountains, down south to the water, anywhere else but here where you are so enticing right now. This was what Lancelot wanted to say, but despite his best efforts, he lost his voice. He was forgiven of course. Mignonette was simply so divine that whenever she dialed up the charm and became sensual with one of her partners, Lancelot could hardly look away. He stared at her form when it was freed to the elements and focused on the parts he admired the most: her collarbone, thighs, hips, sultry smile and of course, her breasts. It felt sinful to look at her like this way, but if Lancelot's trainer was offering herself up to him like this, then it would be a sin not to participate.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't; and Lancelot was certainly damned to enjoy Mignonette's every word and feature.

Upon her approach Lancelot readjusted his sitting position and allowed Mignonette to grab his hands only to place them upon her breasts. To keep her from lowering herself down to his crotch so soon, he decided it was up to him to convince her that he appreciated her advances despite his reservations. His palms, rough from fighting and labor, grasped the milky white skin of her breasts and began to rub and knead there. He kneaded her skin as if he was a baker, and occasionally his fingers would wind around a sharp nipple to tease and flick it. Out of all the other Pokemon, it was Lancelot who was the most sensual and the most caring, though Caesar was a close second.

Once the gallant knight Pokemon had gotten his fill of Mignonette's wonderful breasts he allowed her to come down upon his twitching member. How he longed to have another kiss from her, one upon his lips now that she had kissed him upon the neck and upon the corner of his lips. His wish would be granted, somewhat, by Mignonette's warm and moist mouth closing around his stiff and pulsating member. At this the Gallade let loose a soft whimper of agonized delight. He was very, very appreciative of this and to show it he dragged his palms up through Mignonette's hair and to the back of her head. Her tongue was teasing him now, and if Mignonette needed any further evidence that she was arousing her second confidante, her tongue would come across the Gallade's precum as it dribbled out in wanton lust.

"Aah... Y-you're- Mhmm, if I may say so... Whenever you do this, I'm like putty in your hands, Miss Mignonette," Lancelot groaned.

Asmodeus took the opportunity of Mignonette's spread legs in stride and came around to give her all the proper attention a Houndoom could give. His demonic tail wagged about in feverish desire as he sniffed at her bare slit. Oh yes, he could smell and sense her wetness without even needing to see it. Her sweet musk was like a potent, pleasing aroma that excited rather than calmed. For Asmodeus, he pushed his nose in close to those moist folds and got a good whiff before doing something rather strange for his kind. Instead of mounting the woman as usual, Asmodeus took a few more whiffs before unfurling his long, wet tongue and lapping it against Mignonette's silken folds.

He had very little idea where he had learned how to do this. Maybe it was Lancelot who said something in passing, or perhaps it was Mignonette herself who taught Asmodeus how to perform it. Regardless, tasting the sweet nectar of Mignonette's folds was so exciting that Asmodeus could hardly contain himself. He wanted to mount her, but first, he wanted to make sure that Mignonette really was his. More and more did his tongue lap against her naked slit, all in the efforts of making this naked trainer beg for her 'mate's' cock. Asmodeus wanted to hear it; at least his pants, which were punctuated by low growls, seemed to voice that desire.
Naturally, Mignonette was quite the proud woman; never would she invite any other man besides those of her team to touch her like so, and there was plenty of reasons why. Lancelot knew exactly how to please her, how to excite his trainer even more than she was before until she was practically writhing gently in his skillful fondling of her breasts before she had lowered her head down his cock. Now the Gallade fully deserved to be repaid for his sensual touches, and she was more than eager to do just that as the female felt his hands run against her silky black hair.

She could taste the warm precum on her tongue as Mignonette dragged it against the slit again, milking it once more for its uniquely mild sweet taste before diving down deeper onto the shaft. A soft moan of approval vibrated up her throat, only adding to the stimulation now as her tongue rubbed up against the underside, pressing teasingly against the prominent vein that ran along the length. After a few moments, she found it fine to support herself with one hand and use the other to run along whatever she couldn't fit into her mouth for the time being; specifically, the trainer rolled and gently squeezed the Gallade's tight ballsack, caressing it with the utmost amount of care.

Finally, even though the growing haze of lust that was starting to cloud her mind from the twitching leaking member she was lavishing attention on, Mignonette was still aware enough to feel and hear the Houndoom circling around to her behind. As always, she prepared for the canine Pokemon's heavy but comforting weight on top of her suddenly, but what she didn't expect was to feel a wet hot presence lapping up against her moist slit. That was enough to get another moan of pleasured surprise and a heavy pant onto Lancelot's cock, pulling off just the slightest to catch her breath and turn her head back to see Asmodeus simply enjoying the taste of her aroused sex. "Mm, good boy... You're always such a dear, Asmodeus," she complimented the devilish Pokemon breathily before turning back to kiss down the side of Gallade's shaft and lick off the dribbling precum.

Now Mignonette's sensual moans joined in with Asmodeus' pants and Lancelot's groans; having both of her Pokemon so intimately participating with her at the moment only made the trainer even more eager as she dove down deep onto the Gallade's stiff cock, cheeks hollowed out with every dip of her head. She was almost ready to deep-throat the knightly Pokemon's cock as she could feel the tip brushing against the back of her relaxing throat; her lips would occasionally brush against the base of the shaft, and the female then gazed upwards with mischief and adoration in her eyes. The vibrations of her nearly constant pleasured sounds only emphasized each suck and swallow as the lewd sounds could be heard in tandem with the Houndoom's licking of her now completely soaked and quivering folds. She was more than ready to have him take her now, mate with her as passionately and purposely as only an alpha canine Pokemon could, as evident by how she was teasingly wiggling her hips and lightly pressing her tight slit insistently against his hot mouth.
The Gallade, Mignonette's confidant, was resting on cloud nine at the moment with his trainer's mouth and tongue working wonders upon his cock. His palms clenched and he did what he could to contain himself, though try as he might, the faintest of curses and praises escaped his mind and replicated themselves within Mignonette's consciousness. She could hear his arousal and all that he said, and he was begging her for more. Normally so reserved, Lancelot was having trouble keeping his hands to himself. He continued to wind them around Mignonette's hair and urge her closer to take in more and more of his slick, pulsating cock. Unlike Asmodeus, Lancelot was so very easy to tame and control with merely a few sensual words, or even better, the best treatment of his erogenous zones.

"Mhmm! I f-fear that you're too much for me," Lancelot whimpered. "You're going to spark a rise out of me v-very soon, Miss..."

Seeing the hollowed cheeks of his trainer, his mistress, was more than enough to make Lancelot more aroused than ever. If this continued, Mignonette was going to receive a fair amount of his cum!

Pleased with how eager and insistent Mignonette was behaving, Asmodeus decided to call it a day on licking her silken slit. He was ready for her, his stiff red cock pulsing with lust and pure sexual energy. The Houndoom growled and raised himself up to place his comforting orange fur against Mignonette's uncovered, marbled-white back. His front paws rested over her shoulders and pressed down in a show of dominance while his eager cock twitched and prodded at her thighs and ass. Comically, Asmodeus was never quite able to position himself properly at first and whimpered as he tried to right himself.

But in time the very tip of his cock found purchase in Mignonette's wet pussy, and from there Asmodeus let loose a low growl of satisfaction as he sank it inside her. Immediately the Houndoom's tongue was upon the crook of Mignonette's neck as well as his hot, hellish breath. He was more than pleased with being able to mate with his trainer! Once he had gotten a fair distance inside of his trainer, barring the infamous knot, Asmodeus allowed himself to thicken up inside her and began to thrust; slow and deep-like, all for the sole purpose of giving himself pleasure... And of course, to give pleasure to Mignonette!
It never pleased her more than when she could quite literally hear and feel the satisfaction that her Pokemon were experiencing because of her; it was only a blessing that Lancelot shared such an intimate connection with his trainer that every moan and psychic murmur he stated in her mind aroused Mignonette even more than before. It was true that the Gallade was receiving the most of the stimulation, as it was his cock which was being lavished attention on, but doing such lewd and sensual acts to him gave her a powerful sense of satisfaction to see the honorable Pokemon give himself over so freely.

Luckily, she was also not left unattended, writhing with the unbridled lust and desires built up from both pleasuring Lancelot's cock and being pleasured in turn by Asmodeus' tongue. The trainer's hips were briefly held still as she felt the Houndoom's heavy weight finally climb on top of her, drawing another wanton moan from the female as she dipped her head down low onto the Gallade's shaft. Normally, Mignonette was quite patient; however, just as eagerly as she could feel the canine Pokemon's slick tip poking and pressing against her thighs, so she was also just as impatient to finally feel her first Pokemon and partner mate with her again. Luckily, it didn't take long, and the lusty that she gave out was probably loud enough that the other two Pokemon of her team could also hear it once she felt the pulsating slick cock slide into her wet folds.

Asmodeus was thick as always, eliciting a shuddering pleased sigh from the female human to feel the aggressive Houndoom claim her once again. With each of his powerful thrusts, it spurred Mignonette on even further, sucking up and down the throbbing cock in her mouth tightly in time with each push of the Pokemon inside of her. She was milking both, Lancelot's whimpers making the trainer now wrap her hand around what she couldn't have in her mouth at once as her inner walls were squeezing and coaxing for the canine Pokemon to press in deeper and deeper, push his bulging knot in. Her muffled vocalized moans and cries joined the lewd sounds of moist flesh smacking together and the slurping sounds of her mouth around the Gallade's shaft to help him along to his climax, and it was obvious she wanted more and more; harder even, by how her cries became louder and louder - faster, Asmodeus!
Asmodeus was quickly picking up the slack where it counted. He loved his trainer, yes, but he always had the typical canine instinct of asserting his dominance over her. This meant more than enough growls and pants, and especially a lot of force! The Houndoom's canine hips slapped against Mignonette's rear end in a state of constant ecstasy while his slick and bulbous cock slid through her tight opening with little grace and much brutism. Though the canine lacked the opposable thumbs or hands necessary for giving Mignonette's figure the proper attention it so deserved, Asmodeus made up for it with his sinfully-soft orange underbelly that continued to rub and nuzzle her back as if he was giving her a sensual massage instead of a rigorous fucking. Only the best for Mignonette, after all.

As if he could completely understand Mignonette's plight and cries, Asmodeus began to step up his game to match and overtake her lewd cries. His hips carried him faster and tighter against the woman before all of his meaty length slid inside, and with it, the bulging knot Mignonette seemed to love so much. The pulsating bulge slipped past her outer walls and scraped so delightfully well against the twitching walls of her pussy before being pulled out for another romp. Asmodeus's tongue lolled in great joy and he panted more and more as his thrusts now included his knot as well. It was heaven; nice, slick and smooth at first and then a treasure trove of pleasure in the form of a knot at the end, as if that was a reward for Mignonette taking as much of Asmodeus as she could.

Her cries wouldn't go unnoticed. The odds of a wild Pokemon hearing the woman were great out here, and she shouldn't be too surprised to see a few Zigzagoons mulling about with curious looks on their faces. But they wouldn't dare come any closer from the bushes where they watched, for Caesar and Hercules were finished sparring and were now eagerly looking on. Hercules stared in a mix of entertainment and jealousy before the first one overrode the second while Caesar, as much of an oaf as he was, was content to sit down and simply be happy that Mignonette was happy. A furtive glance over in their direction would reveal that they were very much aroused, and they weren't hiding it.

"Th-they'll want to see to you as well," Lancelot murmured. He twitched and began to writhe against Mignonette's sucking as time passed. "Haa! Miss Mignonette! I need to-"

But the Gallade could do nothing to resist his trainer, and neither could he prolong the inevitable. Her mouth was so sweet and sticky around his cock while her tongue and fingers caressed every little part that mattered. It was as if Arceus himself had designed this human trainer! In time Lancelot grunted and had little time to decide where to shoot, so, in the premise of saving time and energy, his hands darted to the back of her head and held her steady as his cock twitched, pulsed and finally blew up within her mouth. Hot and sticky streams of thick cum gushed out of the Gallade's member and into Mignonette's mouth without any commentary by the embarrassed Lancelot!
The way that the Houndoom took her was certainly most animalistic and rough, but that was exactly Mignonette wanted it from the canine Pokemon! After all, it was how Asmodeus expressed his love and affection to her, and she couldn't have expected any more than having the alpha Pokemon thrust all of his love and adoration into her, enough to make the trainer's eyes start to roll back from the sheer bliss of being mated as such. Compare that with the way the warm fur of his underbelly was rubbing and pressing against her back and it only made it more wonderfully pleasurable; no hard scales nor rough hide to hurt her, and only the powerful strength of his hips pushing the knot in and out of her tight pussy. A normal Pokemon, and a female Houndoom at that, wouldn't have been able to let the Pokemon's bulging knot slide in and out so wonderfully, yet for both of them, it was more than pleasurable.

With each thrust, the knot would push hard against her g-spot as if it was designed perfectly for that exact reason of making the trainer gasp and cry out with pleasure in each thrust, letting her large breasts swing heavily with each rock of her body. However, her mouth was still occupied with Lancelot's also twitching cock, muffled moans as she vaguely realized that he was about to blow... And the Gallade did, flooding her mouth with his deliciously thick and warm cum that she was more than happy to swallow down. Mignonette had grown accustomed to loving the taste of her Pokemon's seed, and the Gallade's was especially unique in that it had a more lighter and sweeter property than most - almost like delightful candy as she swallowed it down and greedily licked the still twitching cock clean.

Finally, she pulled her mouth off of Lancelot's shaft, still licking her lips and now fully able to pant and express her growing pleasure even louder than before. Every thrust Asmodeus slammed into her quivering clenching walls was driving her closer and closer to orgasm, but Mignonette was still coherent enough to hear the Gallade's murmur about her other two Pokemon. The trainer was far from exhausted, and even with the lingering mild aftertaste of the seed in her mouth, she was ready for more - if they would take the opportunity of her now freed mouth, panting and moaning wantonly. "Mm, mmm! Ah- Ah, Herc-Hercules! Caesar! Come!" she cried out for them, dark grey eyes opening just slightly in her pleasure to turn towards the two obviously also aroused Pokemon before they closed again, back arching under the Houndoom's excited mating.
After his sweet release Lancelot felt as if there was nothing more he could do for Mignonette at the moment. While she had been giving him one of the most sensual blowjobs he ever had, he came to the realization that giving her his body for her to enjoy was one of the best things he could do for her. His pleasure came second to her release, or at least, that was what the Gallade believed. Asmodeus believed the exact opposite. For the Houndoom, his pleasure was all that mattered, though he would be lying if he tried to convince Mignonete that her pleasure wasn't that important. The canine pounded away at his trainer's delightfully wet entrance and made sure that she received plenty of his husky breath over her neck.

"Hah... Asmodeus says he's... Well, he's very pleased with you, Miss Mignon- No I will not tell her exactly what you said! Yes, she feels nice, yes, but keep those specific thoughts to yourself, Asmodeus."

Seeing as he was finished for the time being- at least, Lancelot believed so- Lancelot removed himself from Mignonette and sat back to tend to his limp and sulied member. Occassionally he would translate something for Mignonette from Asmodeus, but it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before. The travels had worn the Houndoom's temper down quite a bit over the past few months and that led to a few compliments more than usual. But as if to balance that out, there would be assertive, dominant statements meant to degrade Mignonette as a mere mate. To Asmodeus' chagrin and pride, Lancelot oh-so-kindly refused to translate those statements.

More and more did Asmodeus' pulsing girth sink into Mignonette's plush folds, and with each thrust there came the added weight of his great and all-powerful knot. How on earth Mignonette got used to it let alone loved it was up for debate, but then again, who could blame her? The hot and twitchy bulge sometimes threatened to remain burried inside of Mignonette, and as time passed this became more frequent. It seemed that Asmodeus was soon to reach his limit, and he was cursing himself in his canine tongue when he realized that his trainer, this mere mate, could last far, far longer. Not wanting to be outdone, the Houndoom growled deep and redoubled his efforts to give her the pounding she deserved.

As for Caesar and Hercules, they waddled over to Mignonette as she was being taken by Asmodeus, though they didn't look at her with any disgust or shame. This was their trainer, and they adored her no matter how she acted or how depraved and lewd she was. Their errections were quite apparent, and they twitched here and there as if they couldn't maintain their girth for too long without tearing a whole through time and space. But there they stood looking perplexed, for they wondered what on earth they could do for Mignonette!
Even if they were all enjoying the most basic and animalistic of acts, Mignonette would always be grateful that she could still communicate with Lancelot on a higher level; the Gallade was quite intelligent and vocal, and having him lending his voice to state what the other Pokemon on her team was saying was always helpful. So when the satisfied Pokemon pulled away, murmuring to her what she could feel panting and dominating over her at the moment, all it did was make the trainer smirk and laugh breathily in both amusement and pleasure. Oh, she could definitely feel it with how Asmodeus was pounding even harder and faster into her, each thrust nudging her farther and farther over the edge to a climax, but it was reassuring to hear him share the same feelings that she was expressing - how far would it be if she was utterly enjoying the experience and the Houndoom wasn't? Of course, she knew that the aggressive alpha canine Pokemon saw her both as his mate and his trainer, equaling out the two opposing considerations about her, but even if she would never say it to him, there was a part of her that absolutely enjoyed to be degraded and held tightly in his strong grip and snapping hips at the moment.

It seemed that Asmodeus was holding out longer than usual, but then again, their fucking had always been rough and quick unlike the slow and sensual sessions with Lancelot that could last for hours on end. But with this new and pleasant surprise of his cock continuing to frantically breed with her, it was just enough to push Mignonette up to orgasm; her near-constant cries and moaning now increased in volume as the trainer felt that familiar warmth expand in her lower half, and like a crashing wave, she came! There was a sultry moan of the Houndoom's name as her wet inner walls clenched around him with a flood of her own sweet female cum, trying to instinctively milk the Pokemon for his seed as her body shuddered and back arched even more. She simply couldn't think, gasping and feeling as if she was drowning in the utter bliss that continued with each thrust that buried the canine's knot deep inside of her. "Ah, ah- As-Asmodeus! Yes, mm- Oh, that's good, please- Dear, please-" she was begging almost incoherently, the constant pounding just robbing the female of her normally silky smooth words into wanton moans and cries, "I want- Please, oh- Come for me! Asmodeus! Ah, ah-!"

Hazily, as the orgasm slowly subsided, still leaving her with a powerful content feeling and an electrifyingly sensitive body, Mignonette could sense her other two Pokemon nearby. Their straining erections were never more desirable than now to the trainer as she was rocked back and forth continuously by the Houndoom's eager thrusts, and they quite certainly deserved the attention too. Licking her lips again, she reached out for the Machoke's belt, bringing him in to be seated where Lancelot was just a few hot moments was before bringing her head down to mouth and suck him teasingly through the fabric of his underwear with sultry broken moans. The female could definitely smell his musky attractive odor, leaving her head spinning as she gazed up at Hercules with a slightly dazed look. "Let me- Ah- Hercules, I want to pleasure you as well. Let me drink your hot seed," she moaned out against where the prominent mushroom head of the Pokemon's impressive cock was before turning her head slightly to gasp and motion for Caesar to also come closer, "Cae-Caesar, mm, love, touch me- please, oh Caesar..."
Indeed, Asmodeus was lasting longer than he usually did! But could Mignonette really blame him? After all, the poor Houndoom had been without sexual release for quite some time. How long has it been... Days? A wek? My my, it felt like centuries! Joking aside, it was true. Asmodeus's hips were remaining strong even as the threat of Mignonette's orgasm drew ever closer. Time and time again his impressive girth pistoned within her hot and silken folds as if it was clockwork, as if it was meant to be. His pants echoed his thrusts and growls, and soon, even he would approach a blistering hot climax.

Once Mignonette's climax was underway, Asmodeus put his all into the final stretch. Her pussy was so tight it gripped his cock like a form-fitting sheath! The Houndoom could barely contain himself even as his most sensitive knot plopped in and out of Mignonette's divine entrance. In and out, in and out it went, sowing pleasure and reaping it by the second! When his trainer clenched so tight around him and her inner walls pulsated and rubbed against his canine cock, Asmodeus thought of it as a challenge. He plowed his way through her wonderful orgasm, his cock lathered up by her feminine cum, and didn't stop until she was finished. Though he missed his cue, it was a relief that the great Houndoom came later rather than never at all.

As if rewarding Mignonette for cumming, Asmodeus buried himself as deep as he could within her wet folds and unleashed a steady torrent of sticky, milky-white cum inside her. It sloshed about within the young woman's folds as if it was supposed to belong there, and it would fill her with such a lovely, warm feeling akin to that of sitting in front of a fireplace for some time, or of ingesting something that would soothe the soul. The last bit wouldn't be all true, however, as such thick cum would probably arouse! Once he was finished emptying the contents of his balls within Mignonette, the unruly Houndoom, now tamed once again, pulled out and retreated some distance away to recover, pant, and lick his own genitalia like a good boy.

This in turn opened up the fun for Hercules and Caesar who had been very, very patient up until then. The Machoke was amused by how eager his trainer was to suck him, even through the fabric of his underwear (which we will never question why he wears or why a Pokemon evolves into them). The proud Hercules 'allowed' Mignonette to do as she pleased for a moment, but when she motioned for Caesar to come about the Machoke too the opportunity to pull down his underwear and reveal his impressive member for Mignonette. It was big; bigger than anything Lancelot could provide, though it paled in comparison to Caesar's. The only thing Hercules had going for him that made him 'better' than Caesar was that he knew how to please a female well, or at least, that was what Hercules so arrogantly thought.

With his thick and meaty shaft standing tall and erect before Mignonette, Hercules was eager for her to begin pleasing him, for her to drink all that he had to offer her. She just needed to get started, that's all.

As for Caesar, the bumbling oaf of a Nidoking, he was all too happy to carry out Mignonette's desires. His large purple appendages, though ending in sharp claws, were surprisingly delicate as always when they fell upon Mignonette's rump, back and thighs. Caesar never wanted to hurt his trainer; in fact he was arguably the most gentle Pokemon in Mignonette's party, and that was ironic considering his name. But in spite of this gentleness, Caesar loved to mate with Mignonette and enjoyed being close and intimate with her, as was proven when a rounded 'finger' nuzzled and rubbed in and around Mignonette's soiled slit.
Back when Mignonette had just started her Pokemon journey and discovered the wonderful feeling of being mated with Asmodeus, he had been knotted with her - several times at that too. But now, after knowing and loving each other's body for so long, the bulbous throbbing knot was mainly only for the purpose of pleasuring the trainer, but that didn't mean that she could still feel its hot and heavy girth fucking her with only the eager intensity that a canine Pokemon could give. So riding the tails of her orgasm and clenching around the pulsating shaft, it was to her utter delight that he finally came. She could feel the warm flood of his cum shooting inside of her womb, the precious seed that would have been worth thousands had she still been a Breeder. But no, he wanted to mate with her only, not some random female Pokemon who hardly deserved such a magnificent Houndoom's attention, and that made even more of a blissful sigh escape the female as she smiled and felt him empty himself inside of her - kept inside by the knot that threatened to push her over into another orgasm before he pulled out.

With the new duo occupying her attention, Mignonette hardly had enough time to coo and pant out her appreciation and thanks to the retreating and satisfied Houndoom. Already, knowing that their trainer was still more than hungry for more cock, she was also delighted to see Hercules expose his massive throbbing member to her, making the female lick her lips once again. Now Asmodeus' milky thick seed was starting to drip from her pliant box, a warm dripping trickle that only spoke to the male's virility and made her moan again at the lewd feeling of such. But now, she could resist the even more human-like cock in front of her and like as she did to Lancelot, greedily suckled and cleaned off the Machoke's red mushroom tip for his dribbling pre-cum. Unlike the Gallade's light sweet taste though, his was powerfully masculine and heady; it was enough to make her already moan to taste the salty flavor of it as she descended down the side of his veiny shaft with a long sensual lick of her tongue.

Peppering adoring kisses up the straining veins around his thick cock and even daring to lewdly nuzzle her cheek against his thick girth, Mignonette couldn't wait to also taste even more of Hercules' cum - probably the most "filling" of all of her team's Pokemon. Lancelot's was only the "appetizer," but it was truly the Machoke's seed that was the "main course." Power was the key for the muscular Pokemon, and after having deep-throated the Gallade's cock, the trainer was properly warmed up for this Pokemon's too. Lowering her head down, she once again hollowed her cheeks out and began bobbing enough to go down most of the meaty length, tongue actively seeking and tasting any more of his leaking precum before swallowing it down as hungrily as ever. Her hands were necessary now; body balanced on her elbows as she wrapped a slender hand around what she couldn't fill into her mouth and another fondling his large swollen balls playfully.

Caesar's gentle groping of her lower half also helped, and she couldn't help a muffled squeal when she felt the Nidoking's blunted finger tease and press into her wet and dripping folds - both from her own cum and Asmodeus'. Of course, the large plated purple Pokemon would arouse and play with her even more, which was having its desired effect as she was already panting and wiggling her curvaceous hips at him. He was the one who could bring even more bliss than most any other Pokemon could (of course, Mignonette would never admit this to Asmodeus, considering how hurt the Houndoom would be) with that massive ridged cock of his, and with so much liquid still inside of her stretched pussy, she wanted his cock as vocalized by her whimpering increasing cries around Hercules' throbbing length - very, very soon!
Hercules, as proud as ever, felt a surge of satisfaction when Mignonette lewdly caressed his dick with her cheek. It looked so cute that it tugged at Hercules' heartstrings! Having his dick be caressed with such love and care, no, to have it be worshiped like that... It really made this arrogant Machoke feel special and irreplaceable. And when Mignonette kissed and licked his shaft before taking him into her moist mouth, well, that was heaven once again. The muscular beast of a Pokemon patted her head like she was an affectionate pet and gently ground his hips against her sucking movements. The pleasure she was giving him was quite commendable, and as time passed and the sounds of her lewd sucking filled the air, Hercules soon desired more from her.

He 'spoke' in soft grunts and low purrs from the back of his throat as he played with strands of her hair. Mignonette didn't need Lancelot to know that Hercules was praising her; listing the things he liked and loved about her. And of course, when his grunts became rather husky, Mignonette would realize that he was now describing how great her tongue and mouth felt against him.

Though exhausted and content, Asmodeus and Lancelot sat upon the flat rock together and watched Mignonette do what she did best. They didn't see what she was doing as disgraceful; they simply looked at her with adoration playing in their eyes. It wasn't hard to see why. A Pokemon adored their trainer near-unconditionally, and one might say that a Pokemon was far more loyal than a human confidant.

For Caesar, he was still content with groping, rubbing and touching every bit of perfect, milky-white skin he could find. His smooth, clawed hands roamed around Mignonette's buttocks and continued to tease around her slit. Sometimes the Nidoking would grow bold and delve inside of her wet and dripping folds with his blunted fingers, though it seemed that he was simply being curious as always. His hot and husky breath wafted into those dripping folds and delighted in every little quiver they enticed. Soon, after having his fingers roam everywhere and his hands mark out a fine place to rest, Caesar huddled close to Mignonette's rear and propped his massive, ridged cock against her ample buttcheeks.

"Oh dear," Lancelot mumbled. "Here he comes..."

Without any further delay, Caesar positioned his girth at Mignonette's silken, soiled folds and pushed inside. He was gentle of course, but with how slow he was going, well, that only accentuated his ridges. Inch by inch his cock sank into Mignonette, and when it got a fair distance inside (not to excess, for Caesar was so concerned with not hurting his trainer) Caesar let out a low rumbling growl of pleasure and satisfaction. He rested his hands on Mignonette's ass and gently rolled his hips to allow her to get comfortable with him inside her.
Of course Mignonette prided herself highly on how she pleasured her Pokemon, and even though by now, it was obvious that she had figured out what and how each of her team enjoyed their various acts and styles, none of it diminished just how satisfying it was to still hear their sounds of approval every time. Especially Hercules as he was and to feel his hips pressing up against her mouth, it only spurred the trainer on more and more - all towards the final end goal to milk him into his climax and for to be able to feel his thick spill into her mouth. She was now fully feeling his throbbing length press against the back of her throat each time she sunk down onto his meaty shaft to kiss around his base, and the female's eyes were closed as she willed herself to relax through the many times of practice she had with him, just the way the Machoke loved it.

As if it wasn't hot enough to be pleasuring such a beast of a Pokemon with her mouth, Caesar's sensual touching was igniting the fire in her body once more with every press of his fingers onto her skin. Granted, it didn't take long for Mignonette to feel aroused once more with how prepared and willing she was, but the Nidoking's teasing was certainly appreciated with the various muffled moans and cries vibrated against Hercules' cock that the rest of the team could also hear from the female. So she hardly needed the warning that Lancelot gave her once the trainer could feel the pulsating ridged cock finally sink into her dripping box, but it was enough to briefly stun her with its sheer massiveness.

Perhaps another female might have ran away screaming and gasping at such a Pokemon's cock, but for Mignonette, it was almost like a crowning achievement of her that she could take the Nidoking's aptly considered "kingly" girth as it stretched out her inner walls, ridging scraping up another wonderful tingling shiver as he pressed in slowly - and teasingly as she saw it too. It was so mindboggling that the trainer had to pull off of Machoke's member for a moment, gasping and giving soft incoherent whimpers and cries as her body became used to the massive length inside of her. It was a very good thing that Asmodeus had his turn before Caesar or else perhaps she might have not felt the same pleasure after having such a cock like this now.

"A-Ah- Caesar, dear- You can- More, more," Mignonette urged him on in short breathy pants against the base of Hercules' veiny cock, slightly rocking her hips backwards against the Nidoking's to let him slide more of his cock into her. Then the trainer slid her half-open and slick mouth back over the mushroom tip and sunk back down onto the Machoke's length to continue on even more eagerly now with even louder lewd sounds - absolutely determined to taste his warm seed and have him come before she did once again!
Both Asmodeus and Lancelot looked on in morbid fascination as Mignonette not only took Caesar's big, ridged cock, but she actually enjoyed it to the point where it looked like she was going to immediately orgasm! The two had seen Caesar in action like this before, but every time they saw it, it was as if they were looking at it for the first time in over a year. The Nidoking was as massive as he was sensual, and he proved it when Mignonette rocked her hips back against the stiff member in an attempt to shove more inside her. Caesar rolled his hips and gave them a bit of motion as if he was jostling something small into place, and for someone like Mignonette, every little twitch and tug would feel wonderful and unlike anything else. Not even Hercules could compare to Caesar, though to tell him that would be... disastrous!

Hearing Mignonette's silky sweet moaning sparked something primal within the Nidoking, and despite his best efforts to resist, he had no choice but to give in and give his trainer what she wanted. With a happy grunt the Nidoking pulled back his hips and thrust into her pulsing, wanting pussy. That alone enticed a coo of rapture from the back of the Nidoking's throat, and if Mignonette was observant still, she would feel his cock pulsate and thicken up just a tiny bit more in appreciation. From there on forth, Caesar was both gentle and rough. His blunt 'fingers' gripped Mignonette's hips and pulled her back against his ridged cock while his hips shot forward in grand attempts to bury himself as deep as he could get within Mignonette. His self-control usually stopped himself from reaching her cervix, though this wasn't always the case, so Mignonette would be either pleased or alarmed when the thick, bulbous tip pressed against it.

"Niiiidooo...! Kiiiiiing....!" Caesar's grunts and cries sounded much too carefree for a Pokemon currently rutting a trainer, but that was the beauty to such a lovable oaf!

As for Hercules, he looked on at Caesar and no longer gave him a jealous/envious look. Instead he was giving the Nidoking the same look one male would give to another when they were having the time of their lives together. He would have bumped fists with the great oaf, but with the way Mignonette was sucking hard on his dick, well, it was hard to even fathom it. The Machoke clenched his fists and held on tight to Mignonette's hair before gripping both sides of her head. From there he would pull her head down at times to practically face-fuck her. His grunts grew deeper and harder before the warm embrace of Mignonette's mouth became too much for him.

With a low growl Hercules jabbed his cock down Mignonette's throat and expelled a great deal of hot and sticky semen down the passageway. He figured that his trainer would have a tough time breathing, so he tried to make his release quick. Unfortunately for him, Hercules pulled out just as the last string of cum shot out. The hot substance would land right smack-dab in the middle of Mignonette's face and get over her cheeks in a messy fashion. Alarmed and exhausted from seeing such a thing, Hercules raised his big hands up and held them away from Mignonette's face. The heavy blush on the Machoke's cheeks only showed that he was incredibly flustered about this; even apologetic!

Between the tandem of these two strong Pokemon, Mignonette was glad that she had Asmodeus and Lancelot to have "warmed her up" as persay. It wasn't that neither of them was lacking in any department, but compare them to the way Hercules and Caesar handled her, and the trainer doubted that she would even have enough energy to keep up for a second round afterwards! She didn't even need to necessarily move herself; the strength of the Nidoking with each thrust of his hips pressed her forward to push the Machoke's cock down into his mouth, and then she went the other way - swaying back and forth in a see-saw of pleasurable bliss as if her life meant nothing before being filled with such girthy massive cocks in each hole.

Whatever ache she had was drowned out then between the way that they handled her; Mignonette could barely even think at all. She moaned without abandon or a care in the world, knowing that the lewd sounds she made drove her Pokemon even more wild, as if the wet slapping sounds of scales and skin hitting skin wasn't enough. Especially whenever the Nidoking nudged his massive length deep inside of her, it was like a burst of mind-numbing shock each time; she would blank out, reduced to instinctively clenching around him in a useless (but pleasurable) effort to keep Caesar's length inside of her before he would pull out to thrust again. She didn't want it to end, didn't want this utter madness of constant pounding pleasure to stop, but even the great Hercules met his end to make the grand finale all that much more better for all of them.

While the trainer wasn't necessarily choking around his cock, the constant fight to breathe made her throat tense up around his pulsating length that was continuously streaming even more creamy liquid to fill her up. Mignonette didn't mind it, not at all; if anything, having her face nestled against the musky skin of the Machoke's groin with his shaft stretching out her lips only made her even more excited, adding even more fuel to the blazing fire of desire that burned inside of her. But her orgasm was not at its peak yet, still climbing as with one powerful thrust of Caesar's hips behind her, finally Hercules' thick cum erupted into her mouth! That was exactly what she had wanted, and the louder muffled moan that came from her squirming body impaled on the Nidoking's member was evident of her pleasure. The streak of warm semen that was spread onto her face was even more like an extra treat for her; as soon as her mouth was freed of the heavy length, the female was laughing in blissful glee, shamelessly licking her lips and whatever dripping cum that remained on his softening length.

"Oh- Oh, my dear Hercules," she panted out, her heavy breasts rocking with each thrust of Caesar; she was trying her best to reassure the Machoke that she enjoyed the extra burst on her face like this! He should never be ashamed of doing such a fun and unexpected finish, as evident by the wide smile on her white-stained lips, "N-Next time- I want to- Ooh, Caesar! Please- Enjoy your seed more like that- All over me-" Hopefully, he understood the gist of what she was saying because by this rate, Mignonette was quickly losing her coherency to the edge of the building pressure that the Nidoking was rapidly pushing her towards; by this rate, the trainer was going to orgasm even before him!

That was exactly what happened; between Hercules' hot seed filling her mouth and splashing onto her face to the constant pounding of Caesar's unrelenting hips, there was only so long that Mignonette could hold out on. So the wave crashed almost unexpected, forcing the trainer to let out a shaky cry amid all the breathy moans as her body clamped tightly around the Nidoking's bulbous cock with a flood of liquid that mixed into the warm sloshing mess dripping out between her legs, intent on quickly milking the virile Pokemon of his hot cum to add to it as well!
Even though Hercules was still thoroughly embarrassed- and how could he not when he was the proud showboater- the sight of his beautiful trainer enjoying his warm, thick cum upon her face made him feel at ease. The Machoke soon guffawed and reached out to pet his master upon her head, even deciding to run his thick fingers through her lovely locks of hair. With Mignonette licking her lips, cooing and mewling, even leaning in to lick and suckle at Hercules' cock, the big lug never felt better. He didn't even mind not getting to experience that heavenly body's complete package- after all, Hercules had had plenty of time with Mignonette in the past to the point where it seemed like he was competing with Asmodeus. Arrogant as he was, Hercules knew better than to get in the way of the favored fire-type! And besides, it was Caesar's turn to have fun!

The big, lumbering Nidoking was nothing but overjoyed at the pleasure seeping through its system. Caesar grunted, cooed and continued to have the time of his life even as his eyes zeroed in on Mignonette's expressions and body language. As slow as he was, he cared to know what she was feeling- and if he had any pride, he surely would have bellowed in victory when he saw that the buxom woman was eagerly bucking her hips against his own. In and out his thick, ridged cock went; sinking in with the most delightfully lewd of sounds before sschlitting out like a well-lubricated piston of unparalleled potential. He was a battering ram to Mignonette's wonderful pussy, and if he felt like it Caesar could easily break through that pesky cervix and lay claim to her sensitive womb.

Ah, but Caesar, again, was just a big, lovable oaf! He wouldn't dare hurt Mignonette- yet that didn't mean he didn't want to see her cringe and twitch as her body accommodated his own. With a wave of his clawed hand Caesar turned Mignonette about so that she was angled on her side with her leg held high, even as she shook and convulsed from her powerful orgasm. This was it: the final stretch! Caesar grinned wide enough to show off those pearly whites as he put all his effort into pleasing Mignonette. Nearly fifteen seconds of rough, passionate thrusting later and Caesar was down for the count. He gripped her leg and buried himself tight against Mignonette's hips as his fat cock bellowed out thick streams of hot, milky-white cum. The other pokemon could hear it splattering against Mignonette's inner walls as Caesar kept going until the slickness inside his beloved trainer was washed over by what he had to give her.

And when it was all over, the giant Nidoking pulled out and collapsed to his knees just so he could loom over Mignonette's form with a big stupid grin on his face. Taking the initiative, Asmodeus, Lancelot and even Hercules swarmed around the spent woman to treat her like the loving, loyal pokemon they were. Asmodeus in particular trotted over and licked Mignonette's cheek as his tail began to wag- showing that he was beyond pleased with how things had gone and that he was curious to see what would happen next!
As if orgasming wasn't enough of a pleasurable sensation, the fact that she had such enduring strong partners only made everything Mignonette was experiencing at the moment magnified by multiple times! Her body was so tenderly sensitive, having already came before and feeling Asmodeus pound her through to the end before he came, and to have it now repeated with Caesar but in an even greater and thicker scale... What more could a woman ask for from her Pokemon than this? Not only were they powerful in battle, but they were the same in sex - unrivaled and completely unmatched by anything or anyone else! So it only felt fitting to let the Nidoking empty his massive balls into her pliant womb, her body eagerly taking the entire thick creamy load that never seemed to end, not until it began to ooze out from around the Pokemon's girthy shaft and onto the ground. The massive creature always gave more than he ever asked for, and out of all of her team, the gentle brute deserved whatever he could have from her - as much as he wanted of her body.

As she laid there spent and blissful on the ground with mixed seeds of so many virile males leaking out between her legs and stained on her face, Mignonette was never happier. It was true that money couldn't buy happiness, but having well-endowed and strong Pokemon to mate with was certainly enough for this female trainer! Not to mention, the love and care they returned to her was all this buxom trainer could ask for, and had there not been even more Pokemon to catch and experience, she would have been content to spend the rest of her days with her four precious boys forever.

"Oh, I love all of you, dears... Mm, thank you so much for your hard work and dedication to me..."


As idyllic as Vendanturf Town was for Mignonette and her team, there was little else besides peace and boredom to be found in the beautiful place of paradise. It was time to move on, to find new challenges, and of course, more Pokemon! There were two choices that the trainer deliberated over with Lancelot; Mauville City and Rustboro City. Either one offered the resources a small town couldn't offer, and after much contemplation, it was decided that they would try Rustboro City first.

The only way through to the grey hued city was that of the Rusturf Tunnel, a formerly halted expanded passageway that still remained relatively devoid of trainers and full of wild Pokemon. Mignonette had no worries about using the cave system though; the Pokemon were small and weak, not worthy of her attention, and even if they did try to stop her, a can of Max Repel was more than enough to ensure a safe trip. So she entered the dimly lit underground without a fear the next day, a confident sensuality to her movements; the buxom trainer was so ensured of her safety that all of her Pokemon were resting in their Pokeballs, and she strolled oblivious to any stronger Pokemon who had laid claim to the caves since her last trip through it...
While Mauville was the best place in the Hoenn region to pick up batteries, devices and other electronics, not to mention electric pokemon, Rustboro was an older, more established town with plenty of shopping centers, the Trainer's School, all kinds of exotic events and most importantly the HQ of Devon Corp., the largest and most powerful of all the corporations in Hoenn. If one needed the most cutting-edge piece of technology, Devon Corp. had it. Rustboro was also home to the first gym in the traditional trainer's journey; specializing in rock-types and chic clothing, if Roxanne was anything to go by. And yet, to get to Rustboro from Verdanturf one had to- yes, you guessed it- travel through that long Rusturf tunnel with naught but the sun's rays piercing the tunnel's high ceiling to light the way. For a skilled trainer like Mignonette, it wouldn't be a problem at all.

Like she remembered from before, Mignonette wouldn't encounter anything that would halt her progress within the tunnel. Geodudes rolled out of sight or played the part of inert rocks when the trainer passed while Whismurs looked up at Mignonette with great interest and confusion. Typically most wild pokemon fled from the sight of humans, but some were able to sense that particular humans were friends of their kind and thus were not easily startled or driven away. The adorable mauve balls of joy poked their heads out from behind rocks and debris to watch Mignonette as she went past; some even waved to her or chirped in greeting, but none of them would allow her to get too close. They were wild for a reason, after all.

It seemed that Mignonette's travels through the tunnel would be very uneventful... At least until she heard the low growl of a very rare, very powerful pokemon nearby. Frightened, all wild pokemon near Mignonette scrambled for cover and fled the area before the owner of said growl appeared.

A gust of wind and a big dark shadow falling over Mignonette would announce the arrival of a new, powerful and fearsome Pokemon. If she looked up she would notice a large blue dragon-type circling about the rocky main atrium of Rusturf Tunnel as if it owned the place. A Salamence from the looks of it; and one that didn't belong there. They were rare- hardly any of them made their roosts or lairs upon Hoenn's mainland. After swooping about and scaring off enough Zubats to put a Max Repel to shame the Salamence sniffed and snorted at the air until its draconic eyes dialed in on Mignonette down below.

Like the great beast it was the Salamence swooped over and fell to the ground on all fours with a great thump. It then advanced through the dust and debris that were kicked up to charge at Mignonette... Only to stop a fair distance from her. It lowered its head and let loose a low, rumbling growl as power radiated off its form. Now closer, it became apparent that the Salamence was a little smaller than others of its kind, yet it was still as intimidating as any other... And it was bigger than Caesar could ever hope to be! Clearly this was a very territorial male, but what it wanted from Mignonette was anyone's guess.

From that aggressive stance to the way the Salamence's eyes were narrowed in slits, perhaps it wanted a fight? Did it want Mignonette to turn back and leave immediately? Maybe it was like some kind of highwayman in that it hoped to get something good out of the woman? Mignonette would have to take a guess on this one!
Mignonette would have never figured that on this uneventful day, she would have encountered anything out of the ordinary, and especially not a Salamence! While she hadn't traveled all over Hoenn yet, the trainer was more than certain that encountering one in the wild was both a rare and startling moment, yet... Here she was, eyes wide at the magnificent creature as it landed heavily in front of her. Immediately, her mind was already trying to decipher what the Pokemon was communicating through its body language; she was always first and foremost a breeder, and when the female trainer had simply been caring for Pokemon, it was crucial for her to understand what they wanted. With some like Asmodeus, it was all too-clear what his desires were with her, and that was the beginning of their beautiful (and adoring) relationship that led to now! But this Salamence? She had to exercise as much caution as possible with such a wild aggressive creature.

"Hello, darling," she cooed out soothingly, taking the pragmatic route of lowering herself down to the ground in order to make herself seem less of a threat to him. Yes, it was a him; a glimpse of the thick bulbous member underneath the white lined underbelly made it all too obvious, and at that, Mignonette couldn't help a smile from curving over her red lips. A male would be much more easier to deal with than a female, especially if she appealed to his most basic instincts that all males desired. But would he be interested in a human female? It had taken a fair amount of seduction to coax Lancelot to indulge in his primal needs, and while he was the true exception, it had taken all sorts of ways to have her team be so willing to mate with her like this now. "I'm not here to hurt you, my dear. See?" she continued to murmur, keeping her voice pleasantly low and quiet enough that the massive Pokemon would have to come closer to hear her clearly as slim fingers beckoned becomingly for him to approach her. "If you come here, I'll help you to feel such happiness as you've never felt before. I can promise you that."

She was also now seated somewhat seductively; Mignonette was leaning forward, her flower-patterned skin-tight leotard already half-unzipped down her round peeking breasts at the Salamence. While the female trainer was not truly aroused yet, if she could coax the Pokemon closer, that could change very quickly and also be more than apparent to the massive beast himself that she was willing to mate with him. The realization then set in as she gasped, almost forgetting a long-spoken piece of advice to her; male dragon-types always tend to find dark caves and lairs to roost in when they were in search for a mate... Could this be the reason why he was seemingly so territorial and aggressive? She wouldn't know unless he came closer to her, as she was still seated there, smiling warmly and completely submissively at him.
Ah! So Mignonette had hit the proverbial nail right on the head! The advice given to her was spot-on; this Salamence was indeed in search of a mate! Like most dragon-types it aspired to roost inside the darkest, rockiest caves and scare off all other Pokemon in the vicinity before it thrashed about in an attempt to draw out a female. Female dragons just loved the growling and yipping, the callous disregard for other fellow Pokemon in search of a new lair and the sheer power that a potential mate could offer. Indeed, a Salamence like this one had to be a bonafide badass in a spacious lair before it had even a Snorunt's chance in hell at attracting a mate. But this particular Salamence had chosen a poor place for its roost, and given the somewhat hunched 'posture' along with what looked to be a fresh scar along the creature's neck, it appeared that whatever lair it wanted to claim before had been occupied, and thus it paid the price for being an interloper.

But like most males, this Salamence was stubborn enough to seek a lair and another chance elsewhere, even if that meant chasing off those damned Zubats and Whismurs. So far it wasn't faring well... Until Mignonette came along.

When the woman cooed and lowered herself to the ground the Salamence put a stop to its own advances and regarded her with curiosity. Being a wild Pokemon, this Salamence had seen very little of humankind, and while it had half a mind to drive this strange woman away, seeing her seated before itself- or rather, himself- in such a seductive position tugged at his heartstrings and forbade him from doing any harm to her. Honor compelled him to not attack a foe that was no threat to him, so the Salamence settled on idle glaring, low growling and, for the most part, little twists and turns of his head as he examined the woman before him. A Salamence like him would have no interest in Mignonette's body, yet the way she was sitting... the way her skin was showing so much... it elicited a primal desire from deep within his core.

"Sala... Sala... m-mence?"

Soon the curiosity within this Salamence took hold and was upgraded to genuine interest, yet when the realization that this human- this lithesome, buxom creature- wanted to mate with him kicked in, the creature recoiled in shock and embarrassment. He lifted his head up and away from Mignonette as if turning his nose up at a dish of food, yet even as he tried his best to ignore her, his body was growing restless and eager for some action. The thick, bulbous member hiding underneath the dragon's body like a Remoraid to a Sharpedo twitched and throbbed before the very tip poked out from his vulnerable underbelly. The Salamence let loose a low grumble of disgust, more so at himself than at Mignonette, and soon found himself trudging forward just a little more.

Just enough so that he was now nose to nose with Mignonette, and from there he would begin to sniff her all over- starting at her hair and face, trailing down to her torso where those peachy orbs were barely poking out, and then ending near her crotch. This Salamence was too curious for his own good... And just as Mignonette thought, he was looking for a mate. Another low growl escaped the dragon's throat before it was certain that this female was interested in her. Without another sound the great creature stood there within arm's reach of Mignonette; eagerness prevalent in his eyes for whatever the woman had planned for him.
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