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Hoard of the Dragon Queen OOC

Oh believe me, I'd be doing all I could to maintain the double-meaning if you hadn't done that. But yeah, this is gonna be fun.

EDIT: I'm also amused; of all the parties I could be in, I joined the one that has not one, but two people who decide that mid-coitus is the best time to talk about religion.

EDIT 2: And both of them are Chaotic Good, while I'm the Neutral follower of a freaking Lady of Hell.
Hey, while I'm thinking about it, can I make a suggestion/request that at some point, we devote some time to a scene with the group hanging around one of their campsites during a journey? If anyone else is interested in that, I can see it allowing for some fun stuff.
Hey Red, I think we're mostly waiting on you to set us off on the trail. Unless I'm totally wrong--that's always possible.
I was waiting for you guys to actually go. It's just to the north-but to speed things up, everyone make a perception check.
Got an 11 on my Constitution check. I feel like an Athletics bonus makes sense here, though, in which case it'd be 13.
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