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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri nodded her head, "She could but she also needs to buy him clothes and help with the rent and buy food with it too. You can't be upset if doesn't splurge for the natural products. I don't know how much you are willing to give her. I don't know how much she is making right now. Babies are expensive already, adding natural products makes them even more expensive. You can bring it up to her but you can't force her to do it." She explained.

"I'm sure he is healthy. She hasn't said anything about pregnancy problems or health problems. I'm sure it's a healthy, fat baby boy. No bubbles, unless he is blowing them." She smiled and handed him her plate.

She looked at the stuff and shrugged her shoulder, "she doesn't know. She can't know. She will test it out and see if he likes it. If he doesn't she will have to try something else. That's all she can do." She said softly. "Definitely don't start any wars. Bring it up the next time you meet at an appropriate time and see how she feels about it."

Adri looked at the table and back up at Jake, "Look, if we are all going to have a hand in raising him, maybe we should all learn to get along. Invite her over for lunch or dinner one day so we can sit and talk about how he will be raised. You two can divide days and holidays and discuss whatever you need to discuss before you go to your lawyers and have it all written out. I'll be mediator and write down what you two agree on and what you need to talk about with your lawyer. Okay?"
"Should we wait to buy that stuff then? Until we talk to her?" He rinsed the plates off.

He listened to Adri talk about him probably being healthy. She seemed to be warming up to the baby a bit more. It was a slow process and he understood that and was okay with it. "I hope he is healthy. But I love him even if he would be my Bubble Boy." He laughed a bit. "I'm going to make sure he's good at blowing bubbles. He's going to be good at everything like his old man."

Jake watched Adri, she was beautiful, just standing in their kitchen and she was beautiful. He just smiled and nodded missing a little of what she was saying cause of how good she looked. "No wars. Got it. I just find it kind of dumb to buy too much in case he can't use something then you are stuck with it. I mean a bit is nice to have on hand."

"Adri, baby, I'm trying to get along with her...but you have a good point. Damn you're so smart. Alright. How about next week?" Jake let Max out so they could leave. As he waited for him to be done, he text Layla about meeting up at their house to discuss raising him. He thought about the name issue and it bugged him all over again. "Seriously Owen Isaac Connors sounds stupid....I'm going to die if I have to call him that..." He sighed. Then he thought about his father. "It will be kind of neat to meet the man that gave me my last name..." He looked at Adri and sighed and it was like on cue, his mother called. Holding up his phone he showed Adri. "Want to talk to my mom?"
"We don't need shampoo or baby wash just yet anyways, So I don't think we should get that stuff. We can get a couple boxes of diapers, baby wipes, rash cream, baby powder and lotion because that is stuff we should have on hand before he gets here. Maybe we should get sensitive skin everything, just in case he has super sensitive skin. We need baby safe laundry detergent and a crap ton of other stuff as well." She scratched her head, "We need a lot." She nodded her head, "It would suck to have to waste something because he can't use it but it's not like it can be helped. We have to buy it and we have to try it to figure out what does and doesn't work."

Se checked his calendar and nodded her head, "You have a few afternoons next week. We can have lunch here one day and then you two can go to the lawyer and sign everything the next day." She sighed when he brought up the last name issue, "That's something you two will have to fight over. And I think you would get over it."

She gave him a kiss, "I'm sure he would love to meet you. You should give him a call." She looked at the phone and at Jake, "Fine." She took it and picked it up, "Hello, ma'am." She said sweetly and smiled at Jake. "Jake is busy right now but I can take a message." She walked up to their room and looked for something to wear for the day. She found a cute dress and half listened to his mother talk. She walked into the bathroom and plugged in her curling wand so she could do her hair. Then pulled out her make up so she could get ready for the long day ahead.
He listened to her about the stuff they could wait on. "Alright. We will get what we can and he should be okay with. I like the sensitive skin idea. I have that. I had to have special detergent and stuff. If we get something he can't use we can always donate it."

"Alright. I'll see when works for her baby. Thanks for being willing to do that with us." He could see she was trying and he loved her for it. They will be okay, he just knew it.

Jake kissed her back with a nod. The thought of meeting his dad made him nervous and sad. If he was his father he'd love it if his son reached out to him. "I hope he would love to. I should tell him he's going to be a grandpa." He smiled a bit. Then he watched her answer the phone. He gave her a look when she said ma'am with a small chuckle. His mother just voiced why she kept it from him all this time and how sorry she was. She wanted Adri to try to show him why, that she was trying to protect him. It was a bit of bullshit she said to try to make it seem like it wasn't too big of an issue. Like she had no choice. "I was only trying to protect my kids." She would say. Then she went on to bash Jake and his profession and that it wasn't a good example for a child.

Jake went up to grab his shoes and he saw Adri in the dress. He stopped and looked her over. He lipped 'wow' before kissing her softly. "You know we are coming home before our date right?"
She was half listening to his mother talk and most half planning what to wear. She laid out her dress on the bed and pulled out some silver jewelry to go with it. She stopped when she heard Jake's mom bashing his job, yet again. "If you ever want to see your grandson, you may want to stop and reflect on what you have done wrong. And stop talking about his job. You may not like it but that's what he does. He's great at it. I have to get ready for the day so call again when you are truly ready to apologize." Adri said goodbye and then hung up the phone.

Adri gave her hair a quick curl and put on a full face of make up. She put on her lotion and perfume and then walked to the bedroom to get dressed. She was looking at her reflection when Jake walked in. She gave him his phone back and went back to looked at her body. The dress was a bit tight across her ass and bust. The tightness made it a bit sheer which was a little risque.

"Well duh. This isn't a date dress." She shook her head and pinched his chin. "Can you see my underwear is the real question." She turned so her butt was facing the mirror. She was wearing no show undies so panty lines weren't visible and it wa sa ude color to match her skin tone so she doubted it but she wanted to be sure.

She grabbed her purse and switched it out for a cute small over the shoulder bag. The hardest part for her was picking the shoes to wear. They would be doing a lot of walking so she wanted something comfortable but cute. She found some black flats and slide them on and decided that was good enough.

"Mattress and bedroom furniture first and then baby stuff. Okay?"
He couldn't help but overhear her tell his mom off and he was okay with it. "Sorry you had to deal with that..."

Jake took his phone putting it in his pocket. His eyes didn't leave her body. His eyes checked her chest and ass out. Then she spoke so his eyes went to hers. "Well I didn't know cause you look sexy as hell and I said a sexy dress so I wasn't sure. Easy mistake." She was telling her to check her ass out. Damn he loved that woman. His eyes checked her ass out a bit longer than he probably needed to. "You are safe. No underwear line." He let out a sigh. Jake wanted her so badly that he left out a grunt.

He sat on the bed to put his shoes on. He put on some black low combat boots. He got up and followed her downstairs. "Deal. Sounds good." He put Max in his crate and then went out to the car. He put his sunglasses on before taking off to the store. "So mom was being a piece of work like always?"
"Perfect." She said to him not seeing anything. The kick boxing she was doing, was doing wonders for her body. The squats, even though she hated doing them, were working and it showed in the dress she was wearing.

She said good bye to Max and grabbed her car keys. They would need more space if they were going shopping. Jake had a long list that needed to be bought. She tossed her keys to Jake and got in the passenger seat of the car. She put on her own sunglasses and looked at him as he drove to the mattress store.

"Mhmm but you knew she would be. That's why you gave me the phone. I don't think she's going to let you go as easily as you want her too. If she gets too annoying you can block her until you are ready to talk to her." She put her hand on his and shrugged her shoulder.

"Depends on how you feel. I don't think she has my cell phone number so I won't be getting any calls from her any time soon."
Jake smiled a bit. "Baby I didn't expect you to really want to talk to her. I was expecting you to say no and we could ignore the call. You surprised me." He put some thought into it. Jake really didn't want to talk to his mother for awhile. "I won't block her, just in case she really needs me, like in case of an emergency, but I'm done with her right now. I need time." He felt bad for saying that because she was his mother, but she constantly put him down and after this, keeping his father away, it was too much for him.

"Why don't you text Amy if you want. Find out when she is coming. She didn't want to come until I talked to you first. She didn't want to intrude. She talked about if she could stay, staying until the baby is born at least. Gosh that is going to drive mom crazy, if Amy is here and she isn't to see her grandson." He shook his head. "She isn't seeing him, not until I can trust her. I don't want her putting him down and opening him up to abuse. I can't do that to him."

Jake's mind traveled on turbo speed. He needed to make sure his sister knew she could visit and stay with them because of their mother being a piece of work. "Maybe I should wait to set up a meeting though with my dad until Amy is here to meet him too. We could do it together. I still may call him, maybe tomorrow." He wanted to talk to his father but scared as hell and he wanted the day to be a great one.

Once they arrived at the mattress store, Jake got out walking in with Adri, holding her hand. They found the memory foam one and Jake climbed on it to test it out. "Ooo yeah...we could do a lot of love making in this thing." He wiggled his eyebrows at Adri playfully.
She pulled her phone out of her bag and sent Amy a text, asking when she would be arriving in Vegas. "Maybe she can help after he is born. I imagine you don't want to hire a nanny so maybe she could fill in. Just to help out when I have a shoot and you have a fight. She is family after all." The more she thought about it the more she liked the idea. Whatever made her stay out here longer and got her away from her mother.

"I think that is a great idea. wait until Amy comes down and you all can meet each other. It will be better for you and Amy if you don't have to do it alone. You can rely on each other for support."

She walked into the store with him and sat on a few beds to test them out. She found him lying on a bed and she walked over, "Does it come in a California King?" She asked and picked up one of the testing pillows and threw it at him for the naughty joke. She sat down on it and then laid next to him. "It will be more work, if anything. there is no spring to help with the bounce." She smiled at him and an attendant walked over to help them.

She asked if the mattress came in the correct size and he went off to check. When he came back and said yes she looked at Jake, "Is this the one?" She asked, "Or do you want the adjustable one that we can each set and raise and lower." Either way it looked like they found their mattress and now she needed to spruce it up. "Pier1 after this to check out bedframes and, possibly, night stands. Our headboard won't fit anymore."
Jake was sure she would love to help out and she'd do amazing. He would feel more comfortable having someone knows watch his son. He'd feel that way with all of his kids. "That's a good idea Adri. She'd probably love to do that. It would help keep her in Vegas. You know I want her to move here. She needs away from that crazy woman."

Meeting their father together was the way to do it. It would help both of them.

"I don't mind more work. I'll make it work baby. Plus we don't just have to have fun ON the bed." Playfully and secretly he gave her butt a smack as he walked by. "How about the one that raises up and has cool and heat. That way your heater can cool off at night." He asked the guy to deliver it too.

He headed out with her to go to the next place. "We need a headboard that I can tie you to." He grinned playfully before kissing her cheek. Once they arrived at the store he looked around with Adri holding her hand.
Adri giggled and shook her head, "You're so bad." She kissed his cheek and moved to the bed he was talking about. She lied it but she also doubted they would ever use the heat and cool functions. They qualified for next day delivery so they would be getting their new bed tomorrow afternoon.

Once they bought it, they moved on to the next store. "No we are getting a tufted head board. Something that hopefully goes with what we have." She told him and looked at the headboards in a catalog. She pointed at a few to see what he liked and then picked one that they both liked.

That was being delivered in a couple weeks so for now they had to deal with no headboard since their current one wouldn't fit a big bed. "Alright, let's go get this baby some stuff."
Jake picked a headboard out with Adri. He was a bit depressed he couldn't tie her to it. "We may have to get creative babe." He said playfully. He kissed her cheek.

They went to BabysRUs to get what they needed. Jake took his time looking around. He wanted only the best things for his son. He kind of wasn't sure where to start. He started with an outfit that said, "If you think I'm cute you should see my daddy." He smiled proudly at Adri. He also found baby Converse shoes. Oh yeah, his kid would stylish.

He then grabbed some sheets for the crib, toys, bottles, burp rags, blankets, some diapers and wipes. Then they grabbed things for bath time. Then he grabbed gates and a playpen that was a changing table and crib as well. "That would be nice for the living room and maybe in gym." Jake was enjoying picking stuff out for his son. He would ask Adri's opinion things.
"I'm sure you will find something to tie me to." She laughed and kissed his cheek in return.

She sat back and watched him pick out everything he needed. She thought she would feel worse watching him do this for a kid that wasn't theirs but it was actually kind of cute. She would always have that small hint of jealousy but this was like a tester child. To see how Jake was with babies. I'm sure a lot of women would have loved to take their men out for a baby test run.

She rolled her eyes at the outfit he picked out, "It would be funny if you got that and he looked like Layla." She teased. She raised her eyebrow at the converse shoes but didn't say anything. The baby wouldn't be walking for a while but if he wanted to prep, more power to Jake. She did fine converse socks with the shoe printed on them and threw them in the basket. It wasn't the only contribution he made. She would pick out a few things when Jake wasn't looking and threw it in the basket.

"You know what would really be nice? One of those things that you put on the ground and it bounces and vibrates and lulls the baby to sleep. Or keeps him to sleep when you are busy in the gym. We might want a little bassinet by the bed so we don't have to walk to the nursery every time he cries. Some baby monitors that connect to the wifi so we can watch him and make sure he is okay. A machine that warms up premade bottles so we can have them on hand at night and just warm them up. Maybe even a mini fridge in the nursery to store bottles for overnight use. You know what, let's go get some more bottles and binkies." She smiled at Jake.
Jake gave her a look when she teased him about the baby looking like Layla. "Not funny." Jake grabbed more socks for the baby thinking he would need a lot of socks. He grabbed bibs as well.

He tried following everything she mentioned they should get. She was right about the bouncing thing or a swing. He was cool with that. A bassinet was a good idea too. Baby monitors. How could he not think of those. He grabbed everything on the list she gave him except for the mini fridge.

A finger went up and he went to the baby proofing section. He looked at it and started grabbing outlet covers, and stuff for the cabinets. He knew he had some time before the baby would be into that kind of stuff but at least this way they would be prepared and have it for when they needed it.

He smiled back at her but before they could go after more binks and bottles he grabbed her hand and kissed her softly right there in the aisle. "I love you."

On the way to their destination of bottles and binks, he got sidetracked at decorative letters. He found the letters for 'Owen' and tossed them in the cart. "Let's keep the receipt...." He smiled at her.
"Kinda funny." She said softly and pushed the cart as he added more and more stuff to it. It was getting pretty full with all of these big boxes so they had to get another cart. Adri pushed the lighter and smaller stuff and Jake got stuck with the heavier items.

"And car seats. Two of them. One for your new car and one for mine." They could go get the baby but there would no point if they didn't have something to put him in. "We almost forgot."

She smiled after he kissed and looked into his eyes, "I love you too."

She watched him pick out the letters and nodded her head, "I always keep the receipt."

She saw diaper bags and her eyes light up. "A couple more places after this. There is a cute boutique downtown that has all the baby clothes you could dream of. We can stock up on newborn outfits up to six months for now. Then we can go back later." Once she got him downtown she could set her trap.
Jake picked out a carrier carseat combo for his car. He let her pick out her own for her car. He got something that was green and blue and manly.

His girl was always on top of things. They may need to bring more than the letters back. Something may not fit or maybe he wouldn't like the binks they picked out. Whatever they didn't use they would return.

"Babe...I need a manly bag...maybe we can get two. One for you and one for me?" He found a simple black bag that was obviously for guys. He grabbed it showing her. When she mentioned a boutique he knew he was going to spend a lot of money shopping that day. "Alright baby. Where ever you want to go love. Are we done here?"
She looked at the car seats and ended up picking a nice fancy one. It was supposed to grow with the kid so she would only need to buy the one carseat for the one baby.

"Don't you worry your pretty head. I know exactly what bag we are going to get and you are going to love it. It will be manly but I will also want to carry it around." She thought about it and nodded her head, "But we also need a diaper of quality that will last for not only this baby but future ones as well." She looked at the bag and it was nice, it had a lot of pockets and spaces for stuff. "We can always get two, I suppose but don't come trying to steal mine because it looks better."

She nodded her head to being done with Babies R Us and walked with him to the front. The cashier made a joke about not needing to worry about getting everything so soon and glanced at Adri's stomach. She just laughed and brushed it off. They got a lot of stuff and it all added up pretty quickly. Mostly because it was such short notice on Jake being the father. It would have been much more reasonable to space purchasing stuff through out the nine months but they bought it all today.

The bags fit in the trunk but the boxes had to be squeezed into her back seat. "We might need to take a trip home before we go downtown." She got in the car and put her head back. "If we have time we can go look at cars before our date."
Jake smiled at Adri at the cashier's comment. Hell the didn't have enough time to prepare he felt. The closer the time got he knew the more he freak out. It was good to have Adri, hold his hand and keep him calm. Oh what would he do without her.

He got the car loaded up and then Adri made a good point about stopping at home. "We can run home babe. We check on Max too." They headed home and Jake grabbed her hand as they drove. "I noticed more when we checked out than I put in the cart." He said playfully, teasing her just a little.

Once they got home he let her go in to let Max out and he started carrying the stuff in and he just took it all right up to the nursery. Once everything was in there he wondered if he went a bit overboard but babies require a lot. He would put everything together the following day. He went downstairs and grabbed a drink and looked at Adri. "We ready to get back at it beautiful? If you wanted to look at cars we could. But not something we have to do today."

As he stood there in the kitchen his phone went off. "Layla is okay getting together next week." He looked at his phone. "Baby just link up my calendar with my phone so you and I both of it. Or is it already that way?" He started looking at his phone. "How is Tuesday for you babe?"

They then headed out to continue shopping.
Adri shrugged her shoukder when he mentioned extra things in their cart, "Maybe someone mistook your cart for theirs."

When they got home she let Max out back to pee. He was still sleepy so he was taking his precious time doing it. She left him out back and helped Jake bring the bags in. When Max was ready, she let him in and let him get back in bed before she trapped him in the kitchen.

"I'm ready." She said softly and bent over to get a bottle of water. "We can look and see what they have but we will not buy a car. It takes too long." She nodded her head to Layla coming over, "Your phone is already set up like that. I'm pretty sure I have Tuesday free so that's a good time."

They got to the boutique and she picked out some cute little clothes for Sunday dinners. It was a known fact that girl clothes were much cuter than boy clothes and she got stuck looking at all of the cute hair bows and ruffled diaper covers. If he thought buyi for a boy was bad, buying for a girl would be even worst.

When she was finished she took it to the cashier and bought it all herself. "Think of it as a baby shower present." She kissed Jake's cheek and walked with him out of the little shop.
"Mmhmm sure they mistook my cart for theirs. Mhmm." He smiled at her.

"Okay just car looking. Got it. No buying. We did say that about a dog too..." He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss.

Jake replied to Layla that Tuesday would work for them. She made a joke it would be the first time he treated her to dinner. He ignored it and put his phone in his pocket.

"Adriana...we are having a boy not a girl. We can come back later when we have a girl. Deal?" He found a few button up shirts that looked cute so he grabbed those and paid for them. "Babe you don't have to get me a... shower present. Guys don't have showers."

Once the car was packet up they drove to the car dealerships. He checked out the Durangos first. But on the way there he drove by the new Dodge Challengers. He slowed down and looked at them. Then he looked at Adri pouting. Oh he would love one of those, but he's going to be a father so it wasn't practical but he could always get one once he was champion. He then got to the Durangos and parked to get out and look at them. He found a silver one and a black one he liked.
"Yes, but a car can't give me puppy dog eyes." She smiled back.

"He could identify as a girl." She reasoned and shrugged her shoulder. "And no one can really tell when they are just born." She picked up a bow and slowly put it in the basket. "It's for the future. Don't worry." She laughed and kissed his cheek. "They do. The baby shower is for both the mother and father. I got her a nice basket full of stuff and now I am getting you a bag full of stuff."

She shook her head when the car slowed down as they passed the Challenger. she got out with him to look at the Durangos. "It's a really nice car." She tried the door but it was locked so she looked through the window instead, "It'll fit a carseat, maybe even two." She stood back and looked at Jake, "You're going to see every speck of dirt with a black car. I'd go with silver." She heard someone coming up from behind them and turned.

The ever persistent car dealer approached and smiled at the couple, "Hey guys, my name is James. Interested in getting this beauty?"
Jake smiled at her comment about two car seats. "Or a car seat and a dog. Except that is leather seats so we will have to make sure to put something down for Max." He looked in the windows as well. "Yeah true. But I like the black..." He smiled a bit. "The silver is nice."

He turned and looked at the guy before shaking his hand. "Jake. Yeah just taking a look. Looking to get a bigger vehicle that is a bit more family friendly. I really like the Durangos." James offered them to take it on a test drive. Jake agreed and they took her for a nice little spin. The guy explained it had the new transmissions that give the car a smoother ride. That would be nice with a baby. It also had satellite radio and gps. Jake really liked it but wasn't buying it today. "Maybe we will be back in a week or so. We will do some discussing and go from there." James insisted on not letting it sit too long or it may not be there.

Once they were on their way home, he looked at Adri and grabbed her hand. "What did you think of the car babe?"
"You might want to put something down on the leather seats for a baby too. Don't blame my boy for that." She crossed her arms and watched him look through the window. "Are you still going to like the black when you can't get to the car detailers?" She asked him. She knew he liked his car absolutely clean and with a baby to add into his already crazy schedule she doubted he would be able to get it washed as much as he wanted too. She would take it but it was looking like her modeling career was starting to take off and she wasn't sure how often she would be working.

Adri grabbed her purse from the car and then got into the car for the test drive. It was a nice ride and big enough for Max and the baby. She could see why he wanted it. "I'm sure we will be back soon. Before anyone has the chance to take it." She was happy to get away from James and his persistent attitude.

"I liked it. It's a nice car. This would be your car babe. If that's what you want then you should get it. Just don't make me come with you when buy it. I hate how long it takes." When they got home she helped him take the bags to the nursery. She pulled out everything that needed to be washed and separated them all into piles so she could work on the laundry later. She put all of the binkies, bottles and teething toys in a bag to take downstairs so Jake could wash them later.

She walked to where Jake was and wrapped her arms around him, "What time are we leaving for our date night?"
Jake laughed at Adri not wanting to come along when he purchased it. "Well babe you'll have to at least drop me off."

Once they arrived at home he helped take the bags up to the nursery. He then went down to let Max out. Max got to run around the yard a bit, a little of his energy coming back. He played with him a little before Adri came down.

His arms wrapped around her. "Uhh.." He looked at the clock. "Let's leave at 4. Or as close to it as possible. That way we can get dinner and we have a place to be at 7." His hand rubbed he back as Max ran back inside. "Are you excited? Any ideas where we are going or what we are doing?" Jake was thrilled as he got to do something fun with Adri after a stressful week. It would be a fun filled night, that he could promise her.

"Want to shower together? Save some water and do our part for the environment?" He gave her a grin before kissing her softly. "Don't forget...something sexy. But you always look sexy."
"I'll drop you off and make sure you don't come home with a Challenger but I'm not staying." She relented.

She picked up Max and gave him some love. She shook her head, "I don't know. You haven't told me anything. All I know is we are going to dinner." She looked into his eyes and kissed his lips.

"If we want to get out of here by four, I can't get my hair wet. You're lucky I used a setting spray so I can get into the shower without messing up my make up. Go get the shower started. I'm going to sit with my boy and then I'll meet you up there. And plug in the curling wand on the counter."

She patted his butt and sent him off. She cuddled Max for a little bit and then locked him in the kitchen. She went upstairs and took off her dress so she was standing in the bathroom in a black thong and bra. She curled her hair and pinned it up. She put on a shower cap to protect it. She took off her bra and panties and entered the shower.

It probably wasn't the sexiest look with a shower cap on her head but it would be nice to have a shower before their date.
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