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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake didn't want to end up like his stepfather and he felt that was a valid fear to have. He already had a temper like him, but it was mostly because he was never taught or shown how else to get his emotions out. Since Adri he had been trying to let them out in healthier ways.

He wasn't upset she wouldn't tell him she loved him. "No Adri, that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm not trying to force anything from you. I said I didn't tell anyone else or bring anyone home to try to show you what YOU mean to ME. Not just my assistant to me or some girl I bring into my bed. I'm trying to show you that what I feel for you is different than anything I've felt before. And I'm also afraid to lose you just like you are of me is all I'm trying to explain." He let out a big long breath.

"I'm not trying to pressure you, I'm just explaining how I feel. I'm trying to talk to you about it instead of keeping it to myself and blowing up later. You're afraid I don't care about you? Adri... what do you need me to do to show you that I love you? That's what I was saying, I told you I love you, I put it on the internet, I told my family, that all should mean a bit of something that this is real to me. It's not like I'm keeping you around for the sex." He smiled a bit. "I keep you around cause I love your company. And yes you're an amazing assistant but partly of why I think you're so good is cause you do care about me." He got up and walked over to her and put his good hand on her hip.

"Baby anyone else wouldn't eat the crap I want to stay fit like you do." He laughed a bit. "Or when I do have a fit, you put up with me. There's a million reasons for you to go Adriana, so for a bit I'm gonna be scared you're gonna want to go. Just like you're scared I'm going to break your heart. But together we work that fear. I'll tell you a thousand zillion times that I love you and I'm not going anywhere if I have to. Cause you're worth every word." He moved his hand to her cheek. "You mean a lot to me. When I win or lose I want you in my corner Adri." His thumb caressed her cheek before kissing her softly. "I love you. And only you."
"Of course I care about you." She said softly and looked into his eyes.

It felt like he was trying more than she was at that point. She looked at him and gave him a kiss. "I don't want to fight anymore." She put her hands on his hips and kissed him again. "I want to try harder. I am going to try harder." She gave him a gentle hug and rubbed his hair back. "I won't leave and you won't break my heart."

She smiled at him, "You know that food you eat isn't all that bad." She teased. "But it could be the fact that I make it." She laughed and kissed his cheek.
Jake returned her kiss and looked at her confused. "What are you going to try harder on babe?" He hugged he and held her a bit closer. "I don't want to fight anymore either babe." He went to speak but hesitated.

Then a smile formed when she started talking about the food. "Plus I can cook pretty well too. And I try to only pick out the good stuff. Maybe we can look online together for some new ideas to try together. That would be fun." He laughed a bit. "It probably is because you make it."

"Babe...I know this is going to sound cheesy and kind of stupid. But I just want to sit with you a bit. Can we do that?" His eyes looked in his. "Please?"
"Opening up and letting you in. I feel like I have been distant and I don't want to be."

"Yes, you can cook very well." She laughed. "I think that would be nice. Maybe we can go to a cooking class too and have a little date night." She smiled at him and poked his hard stomach. "I think it will be fun."

She nodded he rhead to sitting with him. There had a been a rift between them all day. Now things would finally get back to normal.She walked with him to the couch and sat on his good side. She put her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck.
Jake looked at her with his eyebrows wrinkled. "A what? A cooking class? Why do we need that if we are good at cooking anyway?" He smiled but he was thinking how would that look a big macho UFC fighter doing a cooking class.

He kissed her head and let his lips linger a moment. "Baby, I didn't say something to pressure you. I don't want you to feel pressured." His fingers laced with hers and he caressed her hand. "Do it at your own pace. That's all I could ask for. Don't rush into anything, I want you to be sure. 100% sure."

He nuzzled into her a bit. "Kind of funny I was worried about how macho a cooking class was but in reality I basically asked to cuddle with you." He smiled and kissed her head. "You excited to meet my family?"
"To learn how to cook different stuff. We can take an advanced course if you are feeling fancy. I think it's a cute date night idea." She shrugged her shoulder. They wouldn't be able to do it untl he was better though. And then it would have to be after a fight so he could eat whatever he wanted.

"I know." She said softly. "You aren't rushing me into anything. I just...I have to put more trust in you." She rubbed his thigh and sighed.

"You fight people for a living. You get paid to knock other men out. I don't think you need to prove your machoness." She laughed. "And if I book us a cooking class you are going, with no complains mister. Or you hire a chef to come here and teach us something special."

She nodded her, "I'm very excited to meet your family. A little nervous but nothing I won't get over once I see them."
Jake laughed a bit. "You think I'm pretty macho? Even though I won and still tore stuff? Even though I'm possibly in more pain than Diaz is? Which Babe? Can we maybe check and see how he is doing? Maybe tomorrow we can call his assistant?" Jake had nothing but respect for Diaz. Even though he tore his elbow he still thought he was a good fighter and he liked his work ethic.

"Now beautiful, that is an idea. I could totally hire a chef. But if my girl wants to do a date night...I guess to make her happy we can do that too." He smiled and kissed her softly.

He grunted a bit in pain as he tried to get comfortable. His ribs were hurting, as well as his elbow. "Babe you'll love my sister. I just know it. You'll get along with her very well. I can see you two ganging up on me." He smiled. "Only one you need to be nervous about is my mother. And well...I don't really take everything she says to heart." He smiled a bit and moved again.
"Baby everyone gets hurt sometimes. He put you in an arm bar and pulled a little too hard to get you to tap. Next time you will stronger. And I'm sure Luke is looking for a way to teach you how to slip out of one so it doesn't happen again." She kissed his cheek. "You pulled his arm out of socket Jake. You're probably in the same amount of pain." She nodded her head, "I will leave his number on the counter. You can call him while I'm gone or you can wait until I get back."

She nodded her head, "That would make me very happy. And this time you don't have to buy out the entire place. If people see they can see and talk and whatever. All that matters is us."

She smiled, "I hope they both like me but if I win over your sister I will be happy." She felt him move and rubbed his upper thigh. "Why don't we go to bed? I think you'll be more comfortable there. But first you need a shower. Do you want me to help or can you do it on your own?'
Jake smiled a bit with her talking to reassure him he was macho. It made him feel good she was in his corner even if he was hurt. He was realizing she probably would always think he was no matter what.

Jake wanted to do anything he could to make Adri happy. Going on a date night would be awesome. And yeah who cared who saw them. She was his girlfriend now and honestly he wasn't ashamed of anything with her.

He chuckled a bit. "You will win her over. I know it. Aim is cool. You may not like her fashion but she will love yours and want tips. We don't have a big selection of choices." He laughed a bit. "You probably never knew you were working for a country boy did you?" He smiled and kissed her.

He thought about the shower. "Help would be nice. Or even a nice bath...with company would be nice." He grinned.
"She can always come down here and I'll take her shopping. Until then I am sure I can find some cute stuff at the mall where she shops." She laughed a little bit and shook her head. "No, actually. I really didn't think you were a country boy. Maybe a small town lad."

She stood up and looked down at him, "I will draw you a bath. And I will be your company from the outside of the bath." She kissed his forehead. "Stay here." She ruffled his hair and walked to the back.

She started the water and got it nice and warm. She added the bath salts and let it fill up all the way before she went to get Jake. "Come one handsome. It's bath time." She grabbed a big fluffy towel on their way back to the bath.

"I have never given someone a bath before. I don't even have nieces or nephews to bathe. You will be my first." She smiled and helped him out of his clothes and into the bath. "I'll wash your back." She got on her knees next to the tub and scooped up some bubbles. She placed them on his head and smiled at him. "That's what you're supposed to do right?" She teased and kissed him.
He smiled at the idea of Amy coming to visit and Adriana taking her shopping. "She would love that babe."

He nodded a bit at her drawing a bath and her sitting on the outside.

Once he got in it felt really nice. Then she put bubbles on his head. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure. That's exactly how you do it." He looked at her and put his hsnd on her cheek to kiss her. Then he pulled her down into the water with him. He didn't care she had her clothes on. "That's how I do it too right?" He grinned at her and kissed her deeply and then put bubbles on her head.
She was lured in win a kiss and then like a siren he pulled her into the tub. She put her hands on either side of him so she didn't fall onto him. He topped it off by putting bubbles on her hair. She shook her head, "No you didn't." She said with a smile on her face. "The bather isn't supposed to get wet."

She sat back on the other side if the tub and took her shirt off. She tossed it into the shower. She stood up and peeled her pants off and tossed them into the shower as well. Once her underwear was off she sat in the tub and smiled at Jake.

"I should probably be behind you." She said softly and played with the bubbles.
He laughed a bit. "You obviously have never bathed a child before then." He laughed a bit more. And blew bubbles at her.

Then she stood up and got undressed and he smiled at the view. "" He leaned close to her and kissed her slowly and deeply before adding more bubbles to her head as they kissed.

"You can move behind me if you want babe?" He scooted up to let her in the back. "Wait...I can't see you back there you could put me in a head lock or something I don't know..." He grinned and held his hand out to help her up.
"I really haven't. I haven't been around little kids that much."

She moved behind him and rubbed his shoulders down to his chest. She shook her head, "Oh yeah because i am totally planning on putting you in a headlock." She laughed and kissed his shoulder.

"Don't be silly. If I want to fight you I will wait until you are healed and body slam you to the couch. Or body slam myself against you." She nibbled on his ear and laughed again.
He grinned relaxing back against her. "We had to babysit our cousins sometimes and would always get soaked if we had to bathe them. I made Amy do it a lot." He chuckled a bit and rubbed her legs once she sat behind him.

Jake smiled and let out a small moan when she nipped his ear. "You would do something like that. I would be okay with that. why do we have to wait till I'm healed. At least you know now I won't fight you on anything."

His hands rubbed her leg and he just thought about taking her home and he got a bit worried. It was always an adventure when he went home and was around his family. "This is nice...why haven't we done this before?"
"Why do we have to wait to fight or to bodyslam each other? I think it would be best if we waited on both until you are healed. I don't want you getting hurt even more baby." She rubbed his head, getting his hair wet. "It's safer this way."

"I never thought the tub was big enough for two." She said softly.

She started to massage his shoulders and relaxed behind him. "This is really nice though. We should do this more often." She chuckled. "I guess we will since you need help bathing."
He shrugged. "I would be fine babe. I'm a strong guy." Sometimes Jake really thought he was invincible.

"Well we proved it was. There is plenty of room..." He kept rubbing her legs and liked the feel of her chest against his back. His head leaned back against her shoulder resting a bit more.

Jake thought he could handle bathing on his own but really until his elbow was healed he probably would need a bit of help. He could use one hand but it would be awkward. "That would be nice babe." His hand grabbed her left hand and he wrapped it around him and kissed it softly before resting it on his chest. "Baby...I don't want to overwhelm you by any means...but..." He let out a sigh. "I was thinking about maybe it would make more sense if we just moved in together. It would save you money. Why pay for rent when you're staying with me all the time? It just makes the most sense to me. And I'd love it if you moved in with me."
"It will be more fun when you are healed. Two weeks isn't that long and like the doctor said, you are super healthy. You might get better sooner than that. Which means back in the ring and back to rough housing." She kissed his neck and grabbed the shampoo. When h eleaned back she washed his hair.

She smiled when he asked her to move in, "I was hoping you would ask soon. Bringing some stuff over every week isn't very much fun. And I kind of already took over some of the drawers in the guest room." She giggled and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't like living out of a suitcase."

She pulled the head out of the tub and rinsed his hair out. "I'd love to move in with you. I will talk to my land lord tomorrow and see if I can pull out of the agreement. Okay? I'll move in when we get back."
He loved the feel of her hands massaging his head while she shampooed his hair. Then again who didn't like when someone shampooed their head, that feeling was so relaxing.

" my place big enough...I mean...when we get back we can start looking for bigger houses. A house for us." He turned and looked at her. "Our house." He smiled at her.

He liked his house. He liked the basement and the space but maybe the place was more the right size for just him but not both of them or if they ever had a family...Jake never did buy the house for it to be his house he'd be in forever. "Maybe we could find a place with a bigger basement that I could do more training and working out down there. Get you an office to work from or a bigger one for us to share." He smiled at her with all his ideas. "What do you think?"
Her eyes almost fell out of her head, "Really?" Her smile grew even more, "A bigger house? I'd...I'd love that Jake." She kissed the back of his head shampoo and all, "Our house." She hugged him from the back. "I like the sound of that."

She nodded her head, "Maybe a full on gym? Or an extra room that you can make a gym. Or would you want it to be in the basement?" She asked.

"How many bedrooms are you thinking of? You see baby. This whole injury thing won't be so bad. While you are getting healed we can look at house and visit family and whatever else. It will be fun."
He thought about it a bit. "Our house sounds nice doesn't it." He smiled and kept rubbing her legs, her smooth legs.

Jake thought about it. "Hmmm. Maybe another building that is a gym would be nice. The basement would be a cool home theater. With a big screen to watch the fights." He smiled and looked at her. "You have good ideas. And baby we need a big kitchen for my baby to cook for me in. With a nice spot for me to sit and watch. I don't know about bedrooms. What do you think?" He leaned over and kissed her softly. He liked how happy she seemed by all of this.

She was right maybe this injury wasn't half bad. "Yeah but baby...I still can't help but feel that my opponents are getting that much farther ahead of me. You know my goal is to be the champion and champions can't win injured. But it will be good look for a house together and get away for a bit. But let's make a stress." He held his hand out. "Deal?"
She nodded her head, "A gym we can both use. So not all boxing stuff, Mister." She teased. Of course he would want a big screen to watch fights on. "Oh and the occasional RomCom or Real Housewvies show." She giggled and started to massage his shoulders. "How abo this, you can have the big basement home theater. I just want a walk in closet to call my own." She raised her eyebrow and smiled at him.

"That depends. Is this a forever home where we grow in it or is it a we needs more space home?" If they were going to start a family in this home they should probably get enough rooms for future kids. If it was just them she would say three. One for them, one for guests and one for whatever they needed. All she needed was a budget and she would find them the perfect place.

"I know but I know you will train harder when you get better. You will push yourself and push yourself until that fight or until I drag you out if the ring. And I will if I need too." She warned.
He could set up a gym so she could work out. Jake was more than fine with that. "Sure babe we can do that. But mostly fighting stuff." He laughed a bit. "Walk in Maybe we will both get one. That way I have space to put my clothes they send me."

Then the next question caught him a bit off guard. A house to grow in? Like a family? He never really realized if he thought about it before. "I don't want to move a lot. I think a home to grow in would be nice. Not saying we would NEVER move but I think we should be there awhile." He kissed her hand. Jake had all these ideas for what would be nice.

"What if we had a separate building for when our family visits. So when we have a family of our own we still have space." He looked at her.
"A gym fit for the both of us and two walk in closets." She agreed.

She didn't think she would be as happy as she was when he said a house to grow in. "Then we should have a few bedrooms. A place where we can have dinner parties too. I want a nice dining room and a big chefs kitchen."

She nodded her head, "A mother in law suite or a pool house. That could be fun. And you did say we need to get a pool." She was excited to look at places with him. She wanted to find their dream home. A place they would both enjoy and grow in.
He rested his head back against her with a smile on his face. "I want a pool yes. A pool is a big must just like your big dining room and chefs kitchen. I want a pool and an outdoor kitchen. I could take care of the outdoor kitchen." He smiled and turned his head to look at her. His lips pressed small kisses against her skin on her neck.

Jake looked at Adri and tried not to freak her out with his question but he couldn't help it. "You want a family someday?" He didn't mean they needed to start one now they just never talked about it. He had been told before that a woman wouldn't want to have a family with him because of his career that she would probably make him stop fighting first. They wouldn't want someone punch drunk taking care if their kid.

"You want me to come with you tomorrow to do stuff at your house? Or do you want some alone time?" He didn't want her feeling smothered. He just enjoyed being around her and spending time with her but she was pretty big on him taking it easy and not hurting his elbow. But if she was gone maybe he could get a work out in.
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