Tales of Xillia -- The Earth Spirit (Mystearica x Malfrost)


May 20, 2014
Fennmont was a lovely city. Forever shrouded in the dark of night by a spirit clime, it made do with beautiful lights in golds and blues. And in an ordinary world, this would be where everything shifted. Where Nachtigal, at the behest of Gillard, would devise a weapon that would destroy mana and spirits all for the purpose of tearing a fabric in space and time, leading to one Jude Mathis and one Milla Maxwell setting out on a grand adventure into all the world.

... but what if Jude had never gone after his professor? What if he had never met Milla?

What if the young man had simply stayed in the hospital that night, done his work, and never went to find the Lance of Kresnik? Just going to bed like the world hadn't shattered around him.

And what if, in all of this, Milla's world was flipped upside down with the Lance of Kresnik, and a hole was torn far too early. A hole into a world that was not Elympios. A world not unalike Rieze Maxia but oh so very different?


A pressure settled firmly on Jude Mathis' gut. Two pressures, really. Booted feet settled firmly there on him as a girl leered over him. She was cute, a girl next door type in a yellow dress with a parasol parked over one shoulder. She had blue eyes that might have been cute and innocent but which had their youthful sparked by a mind far too old to look so adorable. Her voice, additionally, sounded a lot more like a woman in their twenties than the girl of... well, she LOOKED around sixteen, but a sharp mind would perceive her to be much older.

Edna scowled.

"Hey. Human. Wake up," she said, prodding him in the forehead with the tip of her parasol.
The young doctor in training eyes slowly began to open. Something felt...wrong...off. His chest felt heavy, much to heavy. He was lying in bed after all, nothing should have been on his chest. His vision was finally starting to focus itself when he felt something poke his head.

At once, his training set in. Not sure if he was endanger and not even fully awake, Jude swatted at what was poking him in the head and quickly pushed whatever was on his chest off. He stood on his bed, dropping into a defensive posture to defend himself from something he wasn't even fully aware of yet.

His vision finally focused on the girl. a young blonde who couldn't have been much older then him...if she even was older. She certainly was cute, but Jude didn't have time to dwell on that fact. He had locked the door before he had went to bed, so how had this stranger gotten in.

"Ummm, excuse me...but who are you and why did you break into my room?" Jude asked in his controlled but polite tone of voice. Even when he was facing a potential robber, he was still kind and polite to his core. That was just the kind of person he was.
Edna couldn't have weighed a hundred pounds, but she was curiously resilient to his pushing right up until he was pushing himself up to his feet on the bed. Edna stumbled off of him, her body blurring for a split second before she had righted herself on the ground beside his bed. She was shorter than even him, which was an impressive feat.

"Huh. So you CAN see me," Edna said. "You seemed like you would have a powerful resonance with spirits, but I had no idea..."

She unfurled her parasol and let it hang over her shoulder once more. She cocked her head to the side. "... how indecent. You address a spirit in your night clothes. I see humans lack propriety in this world as well." There was a look in her eyes, a sharpness that was perhaps... teasing. But her voice was so flat, so confident, that one could almost forget that she'd broken into his room and had been standing on his chest to begin with.
Jude seemed to be confused by what Edna was saying. What did his resonances with spirits have to do with anything and for a short and young girl, she sure did come across as cocky. She seemed even shorter and weakly built then Leia...which he considered to be impressive.

When she mentioned addressing a spirit, Jude's confusion only seemed to increase. "Are you tell me you are a spirit....?" Jude chuckled, almost like he was mocking the very notion of what she was saying. "How can that be possible. You have a human form, and I can even physically interact with you, see." He stepped forward and started poking her in the cheek, showing that he could interact with her.
"Hmph. I know you just woke up, but try and keep up," she said. "I--" She just stared at him as he began to poke her in the cheek with a finger. The stare slowly turned into a glower and she reached out to settle a hand on the collar of his shirt. And with no further ado she... just picked him up. He was almost weightless to her judging by the way she stepped forward and set him on the edge of his bed before she stepped back again.

"... it's not a human form," she said. "I am an earth spirit by the name of Edna. Only one with a particularly high resonance with spiritual artes can see or hear me. But," she said as she knelt down, idly twirling her parasol over one shoulder, "... I appear to be stuck here. This isn't Hyland or Rolance, and I've been everywhere else at least once. I woke up in some manner of laboratory. No one seemed to notice me, so I had to keep walking around until I found someone I could actually speak to. Which brings me back to you," she said, jabbing him in the chest with her parasol.

"... so hey. Make a pact with me. Because I want to go home."
Jude was extremely surprised when he was picked up without much effort on the girl's part. It took him awhile for all the information to be processed. When he realized what she meant, he bowed deeply and quickly apologized.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I was in the presence of such a powerful spirit!" He proclaimed as he looked up at her, hoping she would forgive her. Once he apologized he looked up at her, listening to her once more. He was surprised he was the only one she had found that could see her. He didn't think his resonance was THAT high.

"A pact...well...I don't mind, but what does that even consist of?" He asked curiously. He had never been around such a powerful spirit that seemed to be from a completely different plain of reality from his own, so he wanted things to be clarified. After he asked his question, he extended his hand out with a smile. "I'm Jude, by the way. Jude Mathis. It's is a honor to meet you, Edna." He gave himself a belated introduction.
"Hmph," Edna said. "You can not even recognize a powerful spirit when you see one. What manner of school is this?" Edna asked. She had gathered that much at least -- the dorms and all that were easy to connect to it being a school after all. She was fortunate that Jude had his very own room, otherwise all of this would have been a good deal more awkward than it already is.

"Hm. Jude Mathis. Well, Jude, I suppose I am pleased to meet you as well," she said. She scowled at how she should explain exactly what it was she needed from him. He had a high resonance but... she had been changed when she came into this world. She was cut off from her usual source of energy, and in order to get more she would need to find some way to tether herself to him, making use of his own energy to more fully manifest.

"We will have to directly tether. Were there any other way, I would take it. But I don't have the power to make you a Shepherd. Which means..." Edna sighed. She pointed her parasol at his chest, refurling it as she went. "... take off your pants, Jude Mathis."
"Well, we don't normally see spirits in forms like the ones you are currently in, so I can't say I'm surprised no one could really see you. Even if they did, you were just a human to them." Jude explained to her as he nodded his head.

When she mentioned direct tethering, even he knew the basics of what that was. "Oh, you need me to share some of my mana with you, I'm okay with that." He gave her a smile, but when she mentioned taking off his pants, his face turned a crimson red as he became embarrassed beyond belief. "Wh..What!?! What does taking off my pants have to do with giving you mana!?" He questioned loudly, his face on fire as he was no longer thinking straight.
"Hmph. I am from a different world, if you hadn't already guessed. Spirits from my world are required to root themselves in a physical vessel. I can do it with almost anything, so long as it's pure. But you humans feel different in this world. I can't use you as a vessel without physically anchoring myself. And to do that," Edna said as she took a step closer to him, "I need you to take off your pants. You're pure. Anyone with eyes can see that. Get me?" Edna asked, prodding him in the chest.

"You already said you were okay with it. So lose the pants," Edna said. "Trust me, I'm not any happier about it than you are, but I have to do what I have to do. I can't afford to be away from my home for long. There are... things I must do," she said, clutching one of her gloved hands to her chest.
Jude was trying to figure out if pure meant virgin or something else....if it meant virgin then she was clearly insulting him right now, but he would have to let it slide. Jude squirmed nervously in place before he finally relented with a sigh. He would do anything if it meant helping someone.

"Well....if you are really alright with it and alright with me then..." Jude muttered softly as he let his pajama pants and boxers drop down to the floor to reveal his half erect cock. Even when flaccid, it appeared quite large in both girth and length.
It was sometimes hard to tell with Edna. Whether she meant it was because he was a virgin and unsullied by the flesh of others... or if it was because he was, at the deepest level of his being, a kind and loving soul that truly wished for humans and spirits to coexist.

Maybe it was both!

"I..." Edna paused a moment as his pajama bottoms and his boxers fell to the floor. Would she be able to...? She thought she would, but--

There were a hundred things she wished to express right then. Gratitude, surprise, a few other mroe carnal things, but she carefully smoothed them down under her sheen of indifference. "... not bad," she managed. She settled her parasol down next to the bed and slowly hiked up her skirt, pulling down yellow and white striped panties. She threw them to one side and uncinched the ribbons on her legs. So done she slowly climbed onto the bed and pushed him down by the shoulders.

"This is just for tethering. Don't go thinking this is anything more," Edna said. But... her cheeks were pink, and the top of her chest was flushed. Her hands trembled just slightly, and slowly she began to stroke his partially erect cock.
Jude let out a sigh of relief when she seemed to be satisfied with the size of his cock. Jude was a worry wort about letting people down, and he was grateful his cock wasn't letting her down at the moment. When she unclipped her bow and pulled her panties down to reveal her pussy, Jude licked his lips as he gulped. He was hoping he would be able to satisfy such a powerful spirit.

Jude allowed himself to be pushed down and he let out a light moan as her delicate and soft hand slowly began to stroke his limp cock which began to harden in her hand. He was worried she might be rushing it, so he moved his hand to her head and tilted her chin up so they were looking eye to eye. "You don't need to rush it....I need to pleasure you first so you are wet when we start...that's what I've read...at least..." Jude blushed at his own inexperience but decided to take the lead as he flipped Edna over so he was now on top and she on her back. He lowered his face to her own as he planted his lips on hers, his tongue lashing at her lips and seeking access to her mouth as his cock rubbed up against her exposed crotch.
Edna was ready to just get this over with, to bounce on him like a machine until the transfer of energy was complete, sucking him for the mana inherent to all beings. There wasn't any pleasure to be found in this experience, at least that's what she kept telling herself. But when he grasped hold of her chin and tilted her head back to look her dead in the eye. "It's fine. All I need is to--" But then he was cutting her off and flipping her over. Despite the apparent strength and resilience she had when she wished to, she was not able to stop him flipping her over onto her back.

And then his lips were on hers, currying forth a little whimper from between her lips. Her arms slowly wrapped aorund his neck and her thighs parted as he began to brush himself across her. There came another little moan, her eyes closing tight as he kissed her so warmly, so passionately. Booted feet ran up the back of his thighs, her hips rising up against him, grinding back against his girthy cock.
Jude was happy to feel Edna kissing him back and trying to get more pleasure out of their actions. If they were going to do this, he wanted to do it right and make her feel good in the process. His tongue shot its way into her mouth when she moaned as he explored her cave for a few brief moments. Then, his appendage began to seek hers out. His hot tongue pressing up against hers and swirling around. He kissed her passionately, all the while rubbing his by now fully erect, veiny and throbbing cock up against her quivering pussy.

He removed his lips from hers after what felt like an eternity. He gave her a smile as he licked her cheek, almost like he was marking her as his. He began to plant kisses up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas on her neck. "Might I take your top off...?" Jude asked her, his voice soft and hot as he whispered in her ear before nibbling on her earlobe and sucking.
Edna's head was swimming. How could a human--? But those thoughts were shuffled off swiftly as she felt something arm and hot rub over her entrance time and time again, teasing her, brushing across her clit on every second or third slide. Her lips parted beneath his and her fingers twined through his dark hair.

When at last he pulled away from her, Edna stared up at him with bleary blue eyes. "I..." She whimpered gently as he nibbled on her earlobe. She didn't answer him, only getitng her hands between them to pull her dress up and over her head, throwing it off to one side. She had a toned and lithe body with quite small breasts, tipped a rosy pink that had already gone hard.

"J-just get it over with. Y-you're not going t-to make this feel good," she said. But her cheeks were burning, and perhaps the only person in the world she could fool just then was herself. She was a panting mess already, and he'd barely started in on her yet.
Jude stared at Edna's bare body for a moment. She had a very cute and alluring form and he couldn't help but blush as he took her all in. "You are beautiful....very beautiful..." Jude confessed as he kissed down her neck to her now exposed chest. His mouth sought out one of her breasts. He didn't care if they were small, if anything, that made her even cuter. His tongue swirled around one of her perky and hard nipples before he sucked on it like a baby trying to drink milk. He then nibbled on her nub gently as he used one of his hands to grope her other breast, pinching the nipple between his digits.

His other hand meanwhile ventured down her leg and soon reached her hot and wet entrances. His fingers sought out her clitoris at once, moving to rub and tug on the most sensitive part of her body rapidly to give her even more pleasure.
In other times she might have snapped at him for not paying any attention to her words... but she didn't want him to stop. Not with the way his large hands, calloused and strong from his martial arts training, ran over her body, one of them ending up on one of her small breasts while the his tongue closed on one of her nipples. "Ah.. J-Jude," Edna whimpered. She was flustered and hot and bothered in all the right ways, and he would find her soaking wet with that questing finger of his.

Pleasure thrumming across her body, Edna reached down and down, one of her small but deceptively powerful hands closing on on the base of his cock. She began to jerk, the motion unskilled but trying all the same.
The way Edna called out his name made his face flash red. He was in love now...he was sure of it. Even if this amazing girl would never return his feeling, he was sure he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life now. He pushed his finger knuckle deep inside her and wiggled it around as he nibbled on her nipples. When he felt her stroking off his cock, he let out a soft moan before an idea popped into his mind.

"Lets switch positions..." He stated, his breath starting to become slightly ragged. He gripped Edna's hips and first, they rolled over so he was now lying on his back on the bed and she on top of him. He then turned her around so her ass and crotch were right in front of his face and his throbbing cock was pressing against her cheek. "That's better. " The young boy chuckled as he gave her firm ass a quick spank before groping it. Meanwhile his lips sought out her cunt, his upper lips on her lower ones. "So wet~" He teased her as he started to lick up her love juices rapidly while his fingers moved to play and tug on her clitoris.
Edna might have protested, said that they needed to have actual intercourse for this sort of tethering to finish taking place... but her mind was clouded with some kind of pleasurable haze, her body thrumming happily as he paid her so much attention. She hadn't even HAD such attention in... had it already been one hundred years? One hundred and fifty? Once one hit a thousand you started counting in fairly large increments.

"Hmph. How impert--"inent. It's what she wanted to say. But it trailed off into a little squeal as his warm lips closed on her pussy and she lost track of how to word. She took off her glove so she could get one hand around the base of his cock and the other around his balls. One consequence to being as stunted as she was in her growth (the short Jude still had her by a respectable amount) was a small mouth, and while she was very good at throwing around words all willy-nilly this was... a little different.

Still, her lips wrapped around the head of his cock and she sank down three, three and a half inches, beginning to suck him off as she jerked and fondled with her warm hands, trying not to moan too much around the meat in her mouth.
Jude found her attitude to be quite adorable, and he wanted to drive it out of her with lust and desire. His tongue shot up into her pussy and began to wiggle around wildly as he pounded his appendage into her like a piston. His lips were now pressed up fully against her cunt as his fingers worked magic on her clitoris, tugging and rubbing the sensitive nub rapidly.

His free hand moved to begin to tease her asshole, one of his fingers gently rubbing and prodding at her entrance to see how she would react. He moaned into her cunt as her mouth engulfed his cock. He could feel his rod throbbing in her mouth as her tongue swirled around it. He started to move his hips, trying to push more of his cock into her mouth, trying to get her to take it down to the base.
Edna almost felt overstimulated at his actions, the way his fingers toyed and played at her and the way his tongue eagerly consumed her over and over again. Her body grew hot, and she ground herself against him unbidden by her mind. She couldn't believe that he was pushing her this far this fast, almost making her--

She tried to hold it back, instead focusing on his cock. Her head rapidly bobbed up and down on the top of his cock; she let it enter the back of her throat once or twice, but a sad fact of physiology was that he was simply too large for her mouth. Taking him to the base would be an act of suffocation, so she made up for it with her hands, rapidly jerking off the base of his cock with both hands.

But she could only distract herself for so long. As he sucked on her clit just one last time... she fractured. Her vision went white and she came, moaning hard around his cock as her whole body went tight. She convulsed on top of him, hips squirming and back arching as he drove her well over the edge.
Edna's attention to his cock was driving Jude close to the edge as well. Her sucking and bobbing, combined with her rapid jerking off with both her hands drove him wild, but he made sure to keep paying her pussy attention with his mouth.

It paid off. She climaxed for him, hard. His tongue happily licked up all of her juices as she came, he enjoyed and became addicted to her taste. As she moaned around his cock, the pleasure of the vibration caused Jude to burst as well. He moaned into her climaxing folds as he pushed his cock into her mouth as deeply as he could and came. He filled her mouth to the brim with his hot and sticky seed. It filled every orifice in her hot mouth and filled her to the brim as his excess started to leak out of her lips and drip down her chin. His breath ragged, Jude pulled his still hard and throbbing cock out of her mouth with a pop and it accidentally slapped against her cheek, causing his seed to splatter against her lovely face.
Edna was just beginning to come down from her orgasm when Jude had his own. Her eyes widened as spurt after spurt after spurt filled her mouth and throat. It... tasted good. She swallowed it all down as he came, a few droplets here or there escaping from the sides of her mouth, dribbling down her chin and back down his girthy cock. At last she drew back from it, sucking down huge mouthfuls of air.

"... you... you fool... that wasn't... what we needed... to do!" she said between those big gasps. She felt sticky and sated, her chin and cheek covered with his leavings. She wiped it away the best she could, going back on her knees and turning to glare down at him... though with the addition of her blushing cheeks she probably just looked more adorable than anything.

"And.. we still need to actually tether," she said. She tried not to sound excited at the prospect, but the way she rubbed her slick thighs together in anticipation might have given her away.
Jude looked at Endna's cum covered form with arousal, his cock throbbing and pulsing as his desire to make love to her increased even more. He swallowed hard as he tried to contain his lust, his want to ravish her was strong, but he wanted her to enjoy herself as well

As she got off and commented how they actually had to tether, Jude simply nodded. "Well, since this is for you and you made me feel good....how about you pick the position?" He stated with a smile. In reality, he wanted to bend her over and take her like a bitch in heat, but he was trying to contain myself and act like a gentleman.
Edna gave him something of a severe look. "I-I wasn't trying to make you feel good. S-stupid human," she said. She gave him a full-body once over, trying to contain her blush as she surveyed what would soon be making love to her. For real this time. N-no, she reminded herself. It was tethering, nothing more. There was nothing more to it than just that. Repeating that over and over again almost made her believe it, too.

Edna slowly lay back on the bed, claiming his pillow for her own, and she raised her knees up, spreading her thighs wide with her hands wrapped around her legs. She sucked in a deep breath and looked up at him. "Just... like this. Get it over with," she said. Her heart was hammering and a faint sheen of sweat glittered across her skin. Between her legs she was still sopping wet, perfectly ready for anything he wished to throw at her.
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