Saint Grime
- Joined
- Oct 22, 2015
- Location
- No man's land
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GRIм's Emporium of Misfortune
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Dear reader, I see you have the misfortune of stumbling upon this thread. Below, you can find a small catalog of what it is that I have to offer. Please make sure you go through everything important before you PM me with a request. The thread will be updated from time to time, and new sections or content will be added subsequently. Please do not post on the thread. (New plot ideas here)
If you like what you see, hit me with a PM. I am actively seeking potential RP partners at the moment, but remember to check out some of my old RPs just to get a feel of how I write. (All art in this thread is from Madame Endora's Fortune Cards)
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Greetings. You can call me Grim or Grime, whichever you prefer. I think a brief introduction about me is in order. I am thirty years old and have been role-playing for quite some time. I have enough experience as a role-player to call myself literate and good at it, even though English isn't my first language. I wouldn't say I am an expert, but I can put up the good stuff. Give me your best, and I'll give you mine.

Requirements & Inclinations

![]() I don't require much. All I ask is that you put up a good effort in the RP (2+ Paragraphs), make little grammatical mistakes (No one is perfect), and keep the plot interesting. Besides these, other requirements are the usual stuff: respect each other, understand time constraints and problems in posting frequency, tell me whether you like something or not, and so on. Communication is the key to a good RP. Don't like anything? Tell me. Want to add something? Tell me. I'll do the same, too. The worst thing that I can do is say no to your idea. I am ghost-friendly but do appreciate communication. However, I hold no grudges if someone vanishes. I am more than happy to write again. I am guilty of doing it too, and I apologize to anyone being affected by it. I am trying to be more communicative myself. If we have written before, feel free to send a message again! I RP via threads or PMs, but feel free to ask about another venue. Who knows, I might try it out. From now on, I also have Discord for plotting and OoC. Something extra that I'd like to add is that most of the time, I can get slow. I'll post a reply after 2-4 days or even once a week most of the times. This is something you'd have to compromise on, as I can get busy. Now, coming to what I like in an RP. I have a huge inclination toward plot-driven RPs. I prefer my RPs to have a 60/40 or 70/30 plot-to-smut ratio in favor of the plot. The least I will do is 40/60. This, however, does not mean that I don't like to include smut in the RP. I can also do short-term scenarios, but you'd have to ask, and that usually depends on my mood. But feel free to hit me with a short-term idea based mostly on smut. |

Likes, Dislikes & Maybes

I give what is given to me. The quality of my posts will be based on my partner's. If you give me something really good, I'll try my best to give you something exceptional. That being said, the primary things that I like are a good story that engulfs me and strong characters. I love character and world-building. I want to be immersed in developing the personality of my characters and the world in which the story is set.
Multiple characters are something that I do include in most of my RPs, and this is something you'd have to be on board with, even if you're not playing more than one character.
I do not have an F-list or any other kink list. I don't plan on making one, either. What I can tell you is that I am okay with a wide variety of kinks and sexual fetishes. I usually like to play dominant characters, but I can also play submissive ones on request. I try my best to play characters that go well with the demands of the plot.
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A few things that I like are:
The maybes are negotiable (These are on the menu, but I'd like to discuss them if they are to be included):
| The things that I dislike are those against the site rules and anything that belongs in the toilet.
Also, no amputations, vore, or similar stuff. Also, no god-modding, please xD |

Role-Play Records

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Current RPs Deceased RPs Keeper of Chaos via Thread A Dangerous Game via Thread Till Death Do Us Part via Thread My Lady's Appetites via Thread Blind Forgiveness via Thread Insatiable -A Clichèd Romance via Thread Blood Moon via Thread Ratsu Häbi via Thread A Fiendish Fling via Thread Aegis via Thread The Reaping via Thread |

Writing Samples

You can view the rest of my writing in the Role-Play Records section from the thread RPs.

You can view the rest of my writing in the Role-Play Records section from the thread RPs.
The world was ripe, with mankind scattering like a plague through it. Empires were crumbling and new ones were being born and expanding. One such empire that rose from within the chaos was the Empire of Nu. It was a monarchy run by the Nu family for more than a quarter millennium. Their prime objective was expansion and colonization of the land masses that housed several small kingdoms. They were quite victorious in their goal, with the expansion of the Nu Empire at its peak in the current times and trade booming through colonization. The Nu Empire was a superior nation, blessed with wealth and advanced knowledge of magic. They believed that god himself was the sun that lit our world and they built several monuments and structures to honor the sun, their god. Colonization was how they thrived. First, they were traders and then conquerors. They were like an infection spreading through the flesh, slowly drowning all in its path into the sickness of disease. The Nu however caused a rather unique form of ‘disease’, if one was to call it that. Once the Nu had set foot in a land, they slowly took over it, first through trade and then by showering the elite with riches until their treacherous hearts rebelled with the promise of more by the Nu. They used one of man’s oldest sins to lure the corrupt into their trap. Greed always worked and the Nu fed on the greed of men. Once their rule was established, they slowly introduced their religion and the newly conquered area soon became an amalgamation of cultures, unable to retain its own pure one. However their colonization wasn’t all that nefarious. In fact the Nu Empire was very principled and organized. The areas under their control prospered and grew. They had established a solid chain of bureaucracy throughout their empire that controlled everything and in the end reported to the Emperor.
Except for the capitol, the rest of the Nu Empire was all mixture of various races, languages and cultures. Their capitol, the city of Skardia was one of the most advanced cities in the world. Unlike others, it had marvelous architecture, one that was envied by others. The city being a port city flourished from trade and had a network of artistically constructed channels for ships and boats. It was built over a cove and most of its mass was situated over water with its sides encapsulated by mesmerizing water falls. Skardia was the center of the government and housed all that was important to the empire, including a maximum security prison, that caged some of the most vile and ruthless men to roam the Earth. Calling it a prison was an understatement. It was a torture house that deployed some of the most horrendous ministrations to its residents, a warning to show the rest of the world what happened if someone came in the way of the Nu Empire’s goal and mission.
Except for the capitol, the rest of the Nu Empire was all mixture of various races, languages and cultures. Their capitol, the city of Skardia was one of the most advanced cities in the world. Unlike others, it had marvelous architecture, one that was envied by others. The city being a port city flourished from trade and had a network of artistically constructed channels for ships and boats. It was built over a cove and most of its mass was situated over water with its sides encapsulated by mesmerizing water falls. Skardia was the center of the government and housed all that was important to the empire, including a maximum security prison, that caged some of the most vile and ruthless men to roam the Earth. Calling it a prison was an understatement. It was a torture house that deployed some of the most horrendous ministrations to its residents, a warning to show the rest of the world what happened if someone came in the way of the Nu Empire’s goal and mission.
“We illuminate the world with the light of our god, the star that shines bright over us and blesses us with daylight.”
The locals of Skardia referred to the prison as “The Pit’’, a sobriquet derived from the way it was constructed. The Pit went deep into the ground, with every layer housing criminals of various levels. It was built deep into the sea on the outskirts of Skardia, a small island being the only way in and out. From the ground it would appear as a small island with a cave that went into the depths but what once went inside never came out.
The Pit was a never ending nightmare and trapped in this nightmare was Oruç Reis, a notorious pirate that ruled the seas at the in his youth. He had been living this nightmare for ten years, crumbling bit by bit, decaying into darkness. Punished for his heinous crimes by the Nu Empire, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in The Pit because death was just an easy way out for him and he was denied that. The Empire wanted him to suffer and make an example of him for the years to come. Ten years ago the Empire of Nu was at war. Their trade ships were being looted and their soldiers and officials massacred over the sea. A new tyrant had emerged, claiming the waters of the ocean as his. They called him Barbarossa owing to his red facial hair. Named Oruç Reis at birth, very little was known about him except that he was a merciless pirate driving by the bloodlust and the desire to claim all that ventured into the sea. He and his fleet of pirates sailed over the salty masses of water like hyenas, stealing, murdering and pillaging all that crossed paths with them. Oruç started at the age of twenty and by twenty five he had an army of pirates. This army of the lawless and corrupt posed a threat to the Nu. They had previously ignored Oruç and his followers but things took a turn for the worst when the man ransacked a ship of the Nu Royal Navy. The ship was carrying an immense amount of gold and with it members of the royal family. That day Oruç washed the gold that they owned with the blood of the royals and then dumped it all into the sea. Oruç had a particular hatred directed towards the Nu and their religion. He never disclosed the reason to anyone but after that incident the seas trembled with war. Hundreds lost their lives and in the end Oruç was captured and sentenced to a life of torture in The Pit for genocide.
But things were soon about to change as the Empire was hatching plans to expand further but this time their expansion wasn’t going to be on land. This time they were after another treasure, a fabled legend, “The Lost Empire of Pala” and they needed a man who was well versed with the waves of the seas.
“I must not give in. I must not give in. I cannot break.” The whisper was faint, dominated by the sound of trembling lips. It was getting grueling each day to repeat these words, which were a mere false hope. Oruç knew deep down inside that it was useless but he was desperate and his own words were the last straw of hope he could cling to, to try saving his sinking sanity. Cries of pain and screams begging for mercy were what rang in his ears for ten years. Yes, he had been in this nightmare for ten years. Captured at twenty five and now living his days like a miserable prisoner in what seemed like hell. The first few years, he held out but soon the voices in his head started. They grew each day and now they were louder than ever, feeding on his decaying mind and driving him mad. Some days he wished he could embrace death but his body was strong and his physical form was not yet ready to kick the bucket even though his mind had almost given up. They locked him up in small iron cubicle, so small that the man couldn’t stretch his legs properly. There was no light in this hole for the demented except for the narrow beam that appeared each day for an hour. Every time they let the light in, Oruç let his hues feel its warmth like a man dying of thirst. It was the only thing that ever came from the outside world.
This day was going to be different because the most unexpected thing was going to happen. The Pit was going to break its rules and let someone out. The Emperor had ordered Oruç to be let out because he needed the man’s expertise and knowledge. Today was the day, things would change for the man and he would be given a second chance at life. Oruç’s eyes burned as the door to his cage slid open. He wasn’t used to much light and the guards were directing their lamps at him. “Look at him. Smells like the sack of shit he is.” Laughter ensued from the guards and to add to their amusement one of them kicked Oruç in the head, knocking him out cold. “Sleep now Barbarossa. Today is your lucky day. Fucking miracle that they’re letting you out.” Oruç couldn’t comprehend anything. His mind was too feeble and the kick to his head easily knocked him out.
A cold splash of water was what woke him up next. Everything felt different. He was seated but his wrists were bound. His skin felt itchy and cold. Slowly as more of his senses began returning, he could smell the air. It was different, more clean and pure. Questions ran through his mind. Where was he? What was happening? “Be gentle with him. He is in a fragile state. Enough!” These words were heard in the distant. Oruç couldn’t open his eyes. There was too much light. Confusion was overpowering his processing ability. Finally he mustered up the strength to speak as his orbs slowly became visible and he took some of the light in, giving him a blurry view of a place that seemed like a room. “Where ….. am I?” He could make out the figures of two men but that was all. “All will be explained to you in due time. For now you must heal.” The same voice spoke again. It was comforting to hear another man speak after so long. As more of the air and light struck his skin, he shivered a little and felt itchier. “You must try to remain calm Barbarossa. Your body is rotten and it will take time to heal.” The man that spoke to him was a healer, a very skilled one. He had applied several ointments to Oruç’s skin and raw flesh. Soon he began using enchantments and magic to heal the wounds. This wasn’t a one shot process. No, it took time and was excruciatingly painful. Oruç groaned and screamed in pain. It was working despite the pain. The first sense to heal properly was his eyesight. After a few attempts his vision became clearer. “I can…. I can….see…” The words couldn’t come out from his lips as he was overwhelmed with emotion. After a long time, tears drizzled down his cheeks. He had forgotten how joy felt and this little joy of regaining his sight overwhelmed him. But this was just the beginning. In front of the seated man, there was a large mirror and when he could see properly, he saw his reflection for the first time in ten years, showing him what he had become after the horrors that were dealt to him.
What was a stern and arrogant looking face, had now aged tremendously into a withered mask of skin. His bright red hair had turned gloomy and greasy, with his hair long and running down to his back and beard dangling over his chest. To say he needed a haircut was the least of his worries. After processing the changes of his face, his bright blue hues saw what became of his body. All that was once muscular and chiseled was now a rotting piece of flesh, infested with gashes and scars. The amount of scars on his body overshadowed the artwork inked on his skin, something that he got in his youth. The tattoos were no longer decipherable. He looked feeble, with is bones sticking out of his skin. The sight made him tremble and shiver. His pride and honor was tarnished. More tears ran down his cheek. He was both happy to be out of that miserable place for once and sad at what he had become. “Where am I?” He asked again, voice weak but demanding answer. “You’re free and that’s all you need to know for now.” The reply was simple yet the words were powerful enough to make Oruç drown in emotions he had long forgotten. There was still hope after all.
This day was going to be different because the most unexpected thing was going to happen. The Pit was going to break its rules and let someone out. The Emperor had ordered Oruç to be let out because he needed the man’s expertise and knowledge. Today was the day, things would change for the man and he would be given a second chance at life. Oruç’s eyes burned as the door to his cage slid open. He wasn’t used to much light and the guards were directing their lamps at him. “Look at him. Smells like the sack of shit he is.” Laughter ensued from the guards and to add to their amusement one of them kicked Oruç in the head, knocking him out cold. “Sleep now Barbarossa. Today is your lucky day. Fucking miracle that they’re letting you out.” Oruç couldn’t comprehend anything. His mind was too feeble and the kick to his head easily knocked him out.
A cold splash of water was what woke him up next. Everything felt different. He was seated but his wrists were bound. His skin felt itchy and cold. Slowly as more of his senses began returning, he could smell the air. It was different, more clean and pure. Questions ran through his mind. Where was he? What was happening? “Be gentle with him. He is in a fragile state. Enough!” These words were heard in the distant. Oruç couldn’t open his eyes. There was too much light. Confusion was overpowering his processing ability. Finally he mustered up the strength to speak as his orbs slowly became visible and he took some of the light in, giving him a blurry view of a place that seemed like a room. “Where ….. am I?” He could make out the figures of two men but that was all. “All will be explained to you in due time. For now you must heal.” The same voice spoke again. It was comforting to hear another man speak after so long. As more of the air and light struck his skin, he shivered a little and felt itchier. “You must try to remain calm Barbarossa. Your body is rotten and it will take time to heal.” The man that spoke to him was a healer, a very skilled one. He had applied several ointments to Oruç’s skin and raw flesh. Soon he began using enchantments and magic to heal the wounds. This wasn’t a one shot process. No, it took time and was excruciatingly painful. Oruç groaned and screamed in pain. It was working despite the pain. The first sense to heal properly was his eyesight. After a few attempts his vision became clearer. “I can…. I can….see…” The words couldn’t come out from his lips as he was overwhelmed with emotion. After a long time, tears drizzled down his cheeks. He had forgotten how joy felt and this little joy of regaining his sight overwhelmed him. But this was just the beginning. In front of the seated man, there was a large mirror and when he could see properly, he saw his reflection for the first time in ten years, showing him what he had become after the horrors that were dealt to him.
What was a stern and arrogant looking face, had now aged tremendously into a withered mask of skin. His bright red hair had turned gloomy and greasy, with his hair long and running down to his back and beard dangling over his chest. To say he needed a haircut was the least of his worries. After processing the changes of his face, his bright blue hues saw what became of his body. All that was once muscular and chiseled was now a rotting piece of flesh, infested with gashes and scars. The amount of scars on his body overshadowed the artwork inked on his skin, something that he got in his youth. The tattoos were no longer decipherable. He looked feeble, with is bones sticking out of his skin. The sight made him tremble and shiver. His pride and honor was tarnished. More tears ran down his cheek. He was both happy to be out of that miserable place for once and sad at what he had become. “Where am I?” He asked again, voice weak but demanding answer. “You’re free and that’s all you need to know for now.” The reply was simple yet the words were powerful enough to make Oruç drown in emotions he had long forgotten. There was still hope after all.
The desert of Kathai was infamous for its stretches of seemingly endless seas of sand and dirt that starved and drained any that dared to cross it. Situated on the map as a jagged and deformed ellipse, this desert consumed the soul of any being that ventured into its arms; its arid surface home to the graves of countless beings, its wisps of slow blowing hot winds akin to the embrace of death. Legend had it that at the heart of this desert, in the cliffs of stone lay a Jewel that belonged to a war god, Olomgir. The Jewel bore the promise of giving its finder the glory of kings, and a chapter in the books of the histories of the worlds; a chance to become known forever. While the sane traversed around the desert instead of crossing it, some driven by ambition, greed and the desire for glory were foolish enough to enter Kathai and be lost forever. That was until the “Brave” attempted this feat. The Brave were a group of warriors and adventurers who in their never-ending thirst for glory took it upon themselves to earn the prize promised by Olomgir, and just as they were about to be devoured by Kathai, they found the legendary Jewel and a spring of fresh water erupted from the ground to help them quench their thirst. The hot winds were soon tamed and Kathai turned a little mellow from the harsh devourer it once was. The Brave founded the city of the Southern Godmark in the cliffs of stone and erected a large statue where the water sprang to honor Olomgir.
Centuries later, the city of The Southern Godmark had now become a notorious hub of all things illicit. As Kathai grew mellower, caravans of travelers, merchants and all sorts of folk started to venture into the sands. Their arrival made the bazaars of the Southern Godmark bloom. The large stature of Olomgir from where a small river flowed was the only water source in the desert. It signaled the start of a place that housed people of varying origins, many wanted in the neighboring kingdoms for all sorts of crimes, bazaars filled with rare merchandise smuggled from places afar, and perhaps the most notorious of all, the fighting arenas. The cliffs were carved into grand arenas supported on long obelisks and these had the rank of temples among the locals. Southern Godmark was founded in the name of a war god and blood was holy for this place. Attending fights in the arenas every evening were prayers that the people offered to the war god. The strange sands of this land had an affinity for blood and warriors of great repute travelled miles to fight in these arenas. By no means were these warriors owned or enslaved by the elite of the Godmark, who were the decedents of the Brave. Instead they were payed hefty pouches of coin and honored like royalty. Those with a taste for blood never left until they too fell to the sword in the arenas.
Urias’ breath raged under the shadow of the obsidian bars holding him inside the tunnel leading into the pit of the arena. Very soon these bars would be raised, and the roar of the crowds would be the only thing audible. The roars and chants could still be heard, yet in this moment the man’s own breaths were louder than anything else, the excitement making his heart race. “Praise be to Olomgir and the Brave for calming the deadly winds of Kathai and giving us the Godmark!” A loud voice boomed in the arena, silencing the crowd with its coarseness and confidence. “Guests… travelers, warriors… the people of Godmark!” Each phrase uttered from the old man’s mouth ended with a long and dramatic stretch of the last words. “Welcome to the holy arena, where we are gathered to witness true strength, skill and offer blood to our god, Olomgir. Let the bloodshed begin!” His last words echoed far and as they died, the bars rose. Stepping out into the burning sun was a man of a lithe built, muscles chiseled finely, and torso stained with several deep scars. The crowd started to chant ‘demon’ repeatedly, growing louder with every passing moment. Urias Daeva was known as the demon of Godmark, a sobriquet given due to his deadly fighting style and the strange glowing golden tattoo like scars that ran up his entire left arm. The limb looked unhuman with the flesh being a mix of charcoal hues till the elbow. Urias donned very little armor; just a pair of leather greaves till his waist, where a crimson cloth was wrapped loosely and tucked in. His torso was bare and his right arm being the sword arm was strapped with thick leather bands and the fingers covered with a glove. His agility demanded his body to be light, so anything heavy was out of the question.
Upon stepping into the middle of the pits, Urias kneeled on one knee causing his wavy and messy black locks to shroud his face till the chin. Grabbing a fistful of the sand, he rubbed it over his chest, an act of honoring the arena before standing back up and gazing at the crowd with his stern grey hues. From the opposite end, the bars went up and what came out was an orc twice the size of Urias, leaving a trail in the sand behind him from the large war hammer that he dragged. The weapon looked like it belonged to nothing less than giant and the orc was no less of that, with his flesh and veins popping out with every flex of a muscle. The green skinned fiend was unlike any normal orc. The crowd went silent until the feet of the monster stopped, and he roared, lifting the hammer with a single hand, frothy drool bursting out from his mouth, canines large and sharp, ready to bite the head or Urias off. The roar and the wild excitement of the crowd that followed sent chills down Urias’ spine. “What a beast of burned. He looks like a fine piece of meat to carve into.” A weaselly voice whispered inside the man’s head. “I can’t wait for us to gut him.”
The voice inside his head was no illusion or mental instability that the man had. No, that very voice was why he had those strange scars on his left arm, the reason why he was called a demon and rumored to turn into a blood thirsty fiend. The voice that spoke was a creature that was an inseparable part of Urias, an unholy entity that craved for blood and where else to satiate such a thirst than a place like the Godmark.
The ground shook as the orc charged towards Urais, but he stood still, right hand ready to draw the long dagger that he fought with. It was a strange choice but living in the Godmark had taught him the value of showmanship in the arena. So, he abandoned all sorts of weapons except for a dagger that he always had with him, a weapon from his distant homeland. “Here he comes….” The very same voice spoke rather excitedly like a child anticipating a surprise. “Focus.” Urias whispered under his breath and in a swift motion leaned back to avoid a swing at him by the orc. Whilst leaning back he drew out the fancy looking dagger and front rolled to cut the legs of the beast. The orc wore a loin cloth and plates of thick armor on the shins and arms, nothing else. To Urias’ surprise, the orc’s skin was too thick to leave an impacting cut. Within minutes, the fight was dominated by the beast swinging the large hammer recklessly at Urias who was merely evading every attack skillfully with a display of acrobatics. The dirt beneath their boots began to rise and surround the battling duo, obscuring the view of the crowd. Both the fighters had ample reserves of stamina, which was surprising considering the size of the orc. “The eyes Urias…” Desperately looking for an opening, Urias made a reckless leap for the orc’s face, clenching the dagger in both hands, aiming for the eyes but his timing was off, and he was struck in the chest with a blow that tossed him several feet away like piece of meat, piercing the dust cloud and rolling in the dirt. Roars could be heard from the pavilions of the crowd as they thought it was about to end. The excruciating pain left Urias unable to breath and coughing up blood as he barely scrambled to his feet. His vision was getting blurred and little streams of blood dripped down his chin.
“You reckless fool. Must I always save your pathetic existence in times like these?” The demon sounded irritated but knew his own survival depended on Urias. Suddenly, the golden scars on his arm glowed brighter, his orbs turned pitch black and it was as if he was given a boost of strength. “Once more. Urias, go for the eyes.” This time, it was he who charged first and not the orc and a visible change in speed and agility was seen. His moves were faster, yet all his attacks were merely leaving scratches on the beast. He needed an opening and saw one when the orc swung at him. Evading it, he grabbed the handle of the war hammer and launched himself up, leaping to land on the shoulders of his opponent and pierce its right eye with a fierce blow. Clenching the hilt with both hands he held onto the stuck blade, swinging violently on the orc’s back as he screamed in pain and dropped his hammer. His attempts at grabbing Urias were futile and soon he was flat on the ground, roaring and twitching in pain as he bled and slowly began to die. The dagger had went in deep in it’s skull and the damage was deep. The crowd had gone silent for this defining moment. Urias took his blade out and walked over to grab the orc’s large hammer, dragging it over with both hands. He showed no mercy with his kills and liked to finish them off in the most brutal of ways. Clenching his teeth and mustering most of his strength, he swung the hammer and smashed his opponent’s face into the ground, splattering blood all over himself and the ground below.
With that finisher, the orc bled out into the sands and very soon it started to bubble. The sands of this land had an affinity for blood and blood spilled in a manner worthy for the war god was absorbed into the ground without a trace, becoming a part of the land. The very same happened with the bubbling blood; it soon was absorbed by the ground and as this happened, a voice boomed, “Olomgir accepts. We have a victor, the Demon of the Godmark!” The crowd roared and it all came to end. Urias’ eyes went back to their grey color and the glow in his scars toned down as he walked back into the tunnel from where he came.
“That was… satisfying.”


Below are some of the pairings that I'd like to do. However, I'm not limited to these pairings. Listing everything can be a pain.

Grim Reaper x Victim
Grim Reaper x Immortal or any other supernatural being
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Human
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Thief
Pirate x Princess or any other royalty
Prince/King/Noble or any other royalty x Pirate
Hunter x Witch
Hunter x Thief
Assassin x Assassin
Assassin x Backstabbing Client
Assassin x Interpol Agent
Mob-boss x Rival's daughter/sister
Mob-boss x Federal Agent
Magician (Stage performer) x Witch
Warlock x Witch
Serial Killer x Next Victim
Serial Killer x Investigating Agent/Detective
Detective x Thief/Conman
Psychologist x Patient
Grim Reaper x Immortal or any other supernatural being
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Human
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Thief
Pirate x Princess or any other royalty
Prince/King/Noble or any other royalty x Pirate
Hunter x Witch
Hunter x Thief
Assassin x Assassin
Assassin x Backstabbing Client
Assassin x Interpol Agent
Mob-boss x Rival's daughter/sister
Mob-boss x Federal Agent
Magician (Stage performer) x Witch
Warlock x Witch
Serial Killer x Next Victim
Serial Killer x Investigating Agent/Detective
Detective x Thief/Conman
Psychologist x Patient

Plots & Ideas

Note: All my plots are not set in stone. I am willing to change them to a great extent and add your ideas if you are interested in any of them and are willing to plot with me. I am also not limited to these plots or plots like these only. I have quite a few ideas that I haven't worked on much.

Fantasy - Vampires, Witches, Reapers...
Till Death do us Part It is a dual timeline plot, which can be driven in a few ways. It revolves around the story of the first vampire, Demetrius, and his lover in two timelines. 600 years ago, a young and ambitious merchant from the house of Draculesti in Romania sets out on a journey to find a coveted treasure in the mountains. On his way, he stops in the village bordering the mountains, and there he meets her (YC), a bar-maiden who captures his heart and makes him fall head over heels for her. Determined to amass riches for himself and then propose to the love of his life, he promises to return after 4 days and heads out to find the jewel of the mountain. The jewel of the mountain was no jewel. It was the blood of a demon that granted the drinker immense power. There were, however, like always, consequences to this. Arrogant and blinded by greed, Demetrius drank the jewel and forever sealed his fate as an immortal who would roam this land to try and satiate his thirst for blood. Thus, the first vampire was born. Things took a turn for the worse when he returned. The woman he loved (YC) turned out to be a member of a Holy Order dedicated to destroying the evil spread by demons. The secrets between the two were soon unveiled, and she felt betrayed by Demetrius. In their final battle, both lovers were unable to kill each other, and Demetrius was put into a long slumber after defeat. Now, in the current times, Demetrius is awoken by his only remaining survivor, and somehow, YC has also survived. There are three angles to this in my mind, though more can originate if you pick this up and plot with me. I would like it if dark romance, blood-play, and horror could be included in this. I am also open to gore and rituals for this. 1. YC somehow gained immortality and now is an elder of the Holy Order. Demons and vampires still roam our world. What will happen when YC reunites with MC, who now searches for revenge? Will old feelings interfere, or will new ones develop? 2. YC is reborn and only has flashes of memories from her previous life. She is a huntress for the Order and is assigned to track and eliminate MC. Will she regain her memories from their interactions, and if so, will she be able to carry out the deed? 3. YC also becomes a vampire as in their final battle, MC bit her before he was put to sleep. Now, YC is the queen of vampires and runs things with an iron fist. When MC awakens, her empire is threatened, and so are the old feelings that she buried. MC is on a quest for revenge and to take back what is his. He is, after all, the first of his kind. Key elements in this plot are flashbacks. Yes, I would like to play the story from the part where it starts in the current times and reveals the past with flashbacks. The timing will be with the consent of my partner. Other important things are the powers of vampires, the limits of these powers, and a hierarchy system that I can explain once the plot is picked. |
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned A clever magician meets a witch at a masquerade ball, and after a steamy one night stand, he slips away in the night with a necklace of hers that was the source of her rather unique powers. The magician soon finds out that what he acquired was 'real' magic, and he uses it to take his tricks to the next level and become what he always wanted to be: the best of them all. What he doesn't know is that the woman he used and tricked is a witch and that necklace is her family heirloom. She'll do anything to make him pay and get her family heirloom back, to the extent of plotting ways to kill the magician, but as it turns out, he is a difficult man to catch. |
Action and Thrillers - Thieves, Serial Killers, Detectives...
Secret Library This isn't my own original plot. It was one of the first thread RPs I did, and I developed it with someone, but since it was so good, I just had to post it here. Credit goes to the mysterious writer whom I can't remember I did this with. I've tried this idea before a little, by the name of "Fiendish Fling" (You can find this in the RP records section), but it didn't go too far. A notorious serial killer (MC) who is only known by his sobriquet "Blood Painter" from his MO of painting with the blood of his victims decides to become active after remaining in hiding for over two years. His new hunting method is a game to lure a worthy prey by leaving a series of messages, clues, and riddles in a library, just to see who'd be curious enough to respond. Your character can be anyone you like, from a detective or FBI agent to just a curious student. This whole RP will focus on the games and riddles the two use to communicate via their messages left in books and other places in the library. Slowly, they'll develop a bond, and the serial killer will make his move. |
A Monday Gone Wrong 5 war veterans, frustrated and angry with the treatment they received back home, decide to rob a bank to hit it big. All things seem to go well until the clerk pushes the alarm and gets killed. After a 4-day standoff with the police and the death of 1 one of their men, they escape with the bank manager (YC) as a hostage. The tides turn when one of them betrays the group, killing 2 and injuring Jason (MC). He barely makes it and grabs half the money and the bank manager with him. Now, with the police and his former partner on his tail, MC has to outrun them, and he has the hostage with him whom he can't trust, but he needs her to work with him. This plot is more action-themed but can do well with some intense drama and maybe a little romance. |
Dystopian Worlds and Realms
The Purge Yes, this one is inspired by the movie, the second one, "Purge Anarchy". The year 2020. The new government has found a way to curb crime and poverty using man's innate desire to kill the ones he hates and is jealous of. The government has introduced a concept called The Purge. Every year, on Purge Day, for 12 hours everything becomes legal including murder, rape, and all sorts of crimes. Except for explosives, all sorts of weapons are legal. Men become savages during these hours, and the streets are filled with the blood and screams of the poor and helpless. MC is out on purge night to avenge the death of his wife and daughter when he spots a girl (YC) about to be raped and killed by a gang. She reminds him of his wife, and he saves her. Things take a wild turn when a group of rebels attacks the government, and what was a violent night of 12 hours becomes a killing spree lasting for an indefinite time. Now, MC and the girl (YC) must survive until some form of order is back. Violence and gruesome scenes are essential to this one. |
Lost Between Worlds A shipwrecked girl (YC) lands on a mysterious island where she finds a portal to an alternate dimension. Now, the Earth is a hunting ground for a superior race of beings that have ancient and tribal hunting traditions. Lost in the jungle, she must survive. The world is man vs man and alien vs man. No one can be trusted, but she finds a beacon of hope when she is saved by a group of survivors (MC being one of these survivors). Now, to return to her time, she must find the portal once again. This plot can go in a multitude of ways. If you pick this up, be sure to pour in some interesting ideas or themes. |
Some Raw Ideas
The Ideas in this section need to be worked on and developed a bit. Most of them are thoughts or plot fragments.
Thirst This is set somewhere in a barren and desert-like country that is in political turmoil as a militant group is trying to take over and spread chaos in the land. A group of these terrorists ambushes an intelligence outpost of a European/American military. All are killed except a female agent/special forces soldier (YC), who is taken captive by the men. She is different, which makes the men want to have a little 'fun' with her before killing her. However, not everyone in the group agrees with this idea, especially a man who has lost his wife and children in the war (MC). Unable to see this happen, he turns on his men and rescues the girl. This story is about the pair's survival through the harsh, war-ridden desert environment as the man tries to get the girl to a rallying point while his people chase them down. This plot is about the twisted attraction between a terrorist with a code and an intelligence officer/special forces soldier who can't get enough of war, turmoil, and bloodshed. Violence and other dark elements are at its core. | Untamed Lust This is the plot where I'd like to play a submissive male lead in a heavily sexual setting. If you'd like to play a dominant and psychotic woman, then this is the one for you. Your character would be a young millionaire who inherited the fortune of her parents in her teens after they died in a tragic car accident. Being an only child and having so much money from a young age, she had it all. Now in her late twenties, she faces loneliness as she is too possessive and controlling for any relationship to work out. She always got what she wanted, and her being a control freak was the reason why all her relationships failed. One night, she tries an elite male escort service to see if money could buy her the ultimate submission of a man and pleasure. The man that she gets for the night (MC) obeys every one of her twisted and demeaning commands, but the arrangement is only for the time that is paid for. Wanting more, YC tries to track down MC only to find that the escort service job is an alter ego. Out of that life, he is a completely different person, is extremely rude, and even has a girlfriend. Unable to handle this, the woman plans to own the man and uses her money, influence, and twisted mind to ruin his life step by step until her psychotic need comes to a dangerous level. | |
Insatiable -A Clichèd Romance I've done this plot before, but I'd like to redo it. You can find the old one in the RP records section. This plot is quite simple and is inspired by a manga that I read a long time ago. The lead characters were childhood friends, with MC being the son of a business tycoon and YC being the girl who always beat him in everything. She was poor but highly intelligent and always had the admiration and support of MC's father (The reason behind this is an open plot element up for discussion). The childish competition turned into a bitter rivalry as both of them became extremely competitive, and as they grew, their friendship turned into animosity. Now all grown up, both work together for the boy's father's company, and the rivalry now extends to the office environment. She has always been a part of his life in one way or another. He is extremely jealous of the attention his father gives her and wants to defeat her and his own father to let out the old grudges he has been holding in. Unable to defeat the girl, he hatches a plan to win her heart and get close to her to know more about her, only to dump her in the cruellest of ways so she would leave and be ruined. But what would happen when this little game takes an unexpected turn and he begins to actually fall for her while she slowly finds out the truth about his plans? Betrayal, drama, and romance are the key elements of this plot |
The Gateway Somewhere in the 22nd Century, a young and promising physicist (YC) invents the machine that opens a gateway to another dimension or the past. It could be any of those. I really wanted to do a time-traveling plot, but instead of playing the time traveller, I'd like to play the primitive warrior, thief, assassin, or merchant that she encounters. It is an intriguing relationship to play as both characters have a lot to learn from each other while going on a journey or an adventure. |

Offbeat Ideas

Thirteen Years of Darkness This idea requires either YC or MC to be blind. The outline below is for YC being blind however, I am more than willing to switch roles for this idea. The overall theme remains the same. They were both thirteen, him being a quiet and timid boy while she was the little starlet of their school. A chain of events led to the boy being bullied by the girl and then by her friends. Soon, it got out of hand, and the boy became the laughingstock of the school. Bubbling with hatred and revenge, he ached to inflict pain on the girl and scar her for life just like she had done to him. It was then that he found a strange book which he used to invoke a curse of blindness on the girl. Consumed by hatred, the boy ignored the consequences of his actions. The curse made the victim blind for a time twice their age, and when that time was over, the one invoking the curse would die, and the victim would get back their sight. The girl's life became hell for the coming years, and no one could explain her sudden loss of sight. Now nearing 26, the boy has a happy life and is about to get married when sudden markings begin to appear on his body. He is reminded of the curse he invoked 13 years ago. Desperate to live and find a way to break the curse, he digs deeper until there is a small ray of hope. If the girl forgives him, then he will live, but the girl will remain blind for the rest of her life. If she doesn't, then the boy will die, and she'll get her sight back. With life going to do good for him, he isn't going to give up so easily. This is where the deception comes into play. He tracks the girl down and starts to get close to her under a fake alias. The pair starts to get close, and the boy realizes how cruel he has been. With guilt beginning to consume him and feelings beginning to develop for the girl, he gets more confused as to what he needs to do. What will happen when the girl finds out the truth? Will her feelings for him intervene and make her forgive him at the cost of her sight, or will she punish him and let him die? This plot has an open ending, and playing a blind character plot is hard, but if you're up for the challenge, then feel free to PM for this. One of the main kinks that this story would explore would be sex with a blind person, which would introduce a new spectrum of the dom/sub scenario with more focus on trust and emotion between the characters. Capture Me This idea revolves around erotic photography and the relationship between a photographer and his model. There is no plot for this yet, but what this idea is focused on is the description of erotic photography and the depiction of taboo kinks in the photographs that MC. It would make the sexual relationship between the two rather complicated, and to add something more to it, I would like YC to be a struggling person who gets paid well by MC for working with him on his projects. She needs the money, and he feeds off her desperation while he uses her as a model for his taboo projects. If you're willing to pick this up, then creativity is a must for this, along with strong emotional content. You'd have to create a plot with me. The Girl in The Yellow Dress The Video If this video inspires a plot, a story, or an idea, then hit me up for this. People have several interpretations of this music video, and all of them are quite fascinating to build a story on. Palpitations "I love her in red" She (YC) was the young wife of a filthy rich businessman. The couple had just welcomed their firstborn child when horror and tragedy struck. Her husband's rivals and partners murdered her man and child in cold blood, leaving her battered and raped so she could suffer for the rest of her years. All of this is to conjure an ancient and evil being (MC) that would reward them with riches and success for committing such a heinous act in his name. What the murderers did not know was that this demon was never their ally and things would take an interesting turn when he would endue the woman with strange powers so she could avenge the death of her husband and child. Chaos and corruption please the demon, and to stay in this realm, he needs blood. What another fun way to have that, then by seducing the very woman he was helping and obtaining more than just pleasure from her body. This plot involves a lot of dark content, gore, blood play, and blood-related sexual fetishes. If writing horror and macabre scenes are your cups of tea, then we can discuss this plot. Some Characters That I Would Like to Play From left to right, column-wise (Going down): 1. Virgil from the Devil May Cry series. 2. A tribal leader from an African tribe in a dystopian world. 3. A draconic human (a human with mutated dragon limbs) in a fantasy world. 4. An orc warrior or tribal leader in a fantasy world. 5. An Arabian thief, warrior, or tribal leader in a historical or fantasy setting. 6. A barbarian from the frozen Northlands. If you'd like to play a plot with any of these characters, then send the number and description in a PM. We can get plot ideas rolling. |

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