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ADDED Pic with the writng

mr deen

Oct 19, 2015
if there is option to insert image with writing like social site, then all writing will be more interesting ....
Insert image into writing? If you mean a hyperlink you can.
Example [image link]
[url=link goes here]name[/url]

If you mean an actual image, also yes. You'd have to use a site like photobucket or something. If you mean neither of these things then I am not sure what you do mean.
Unless you get creative with the code on this site, your options are a little limited. You can easily place an image at the top or the bottom of your text. Getting it on the sides, with justified text, is a little bit harder. I'm not at all sure of how to accomplish any of the fancier formatting tricks, but there are people on this website that could help you. Try asking Ariamella or lait; if they are feeling generous, they might just help you out.
There are simple ways to add pics as well as more complex ones. Ariamella and lait seem to be the most talented in formatting on the site.

For those of us who do things more simply there are these two techniques:

1. Within a spoiler the code is [ spoiler][ img]http goes here[ /img][ /spoiler]. Remove the space before the first bracket in each portion of the code. Below is an example of it in use:


You can also add a description, as in [ spoiler=Green Elf][ img]http goes here[ /img][ /spoiler].


2. To imbed it on the page use [ img]http goes here[ /img]. As with the one above, remove the space after the first bracket in each portion of the code. Below is an example of it in use.


I hope this helps.
i mean to say insert image cannot show the image source path from the computer as we did easily to every social blog is a problem to insert desire image from the computer
I had issues understanding that....
You're saying you want to be able to insert pictures straight from your laptop without having to upload it to another site?

BMR is a writing site, not a social blog, so there are bound to be things you can not do here that you can do elsewhere and vice versa.
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