The New Age (Azecreth and Princess)

"Garet would say that," Mia began with a smirk. "But I still don't think anything is wrong with you. Once we teach you what you need to know, you'll be okay. Even if your father is right, and you still can't control your powers, we'll just drag you around Weyward with us while we look for something to explain the new power Isaac has. We can kill two birds with one stone!"

"You're both really nice," Karina said with a smile. Much nicer than anyone had been to her after they found out what she was capable of. She had always been an outsider, but it had only gotten worse now. "I'd like that...but I'm not sure if I want to leave just yet. My father might come back to see me, after all." He had been missing for about three years now. She could only hope he was okay. Perhaps she could try to find him, she knew where he was supposed to be. But she was always content with just...waiting.
Isaac nodded in agreement with Mia, even if he wasn't quite so thrilled with her making this decision on her own. But he wasn't about to object to it either, so he let it be. It would be nice to travel with someone new, even if there was no guarantee that she would come along. It was all based on whether they could help her, and he had the feeling that she might not want to follow them around to help solve his own problem. It would be only fair to assume so.

In the end, Karina did refuse, but not for the reason that he had been expecting. Still, he wasn't about to force her to come with them if she didn't want to. And without knowing the deeper story behind it, there was no reason to push. "If that's what you want to do," Isaac replied calmly. "I don't know when we'll be through her again, if ever. Just make sure it's a decision you won't end up regretting." That was all he could really say on the matter.
"That's right, I know it's hard to think of leaving the place you've lived in for so long. Especially if you feel like you have responsibilities. You just have to remember that you should be making decisions based on what you want, Karina." If her father had left her here without seeing her for so long, Mia had to wonder if he ever intended to come back at all. One thing at a time, she supposed. They'd at least stay long enough to teach her the basics.

Karina understood what they were both trying to say, but she just didn't know what she wanted to do herself. The rest of the way back she was silent until finally they got back to the ladder. The sun was still shining in, so at least no one moved the crate back. "Finally. I'm so hungry..." Karina said as she put the torch out and started climbing out.
With Karina falling silent Isaac did as well. There wasn't that much to talk about at this point, and presumably she needed time to think on things. That he could give, and so he did, as they made their way back towards the entrance of the tunnel. IT had been a busy day, and he was looking forward to the opportunity to relax, and perhaps a bit of training on the side, both for Karina and for himself.

Emerging from the hole in the ground, Karina would be practically assaulted with a petulant whine, not pleased in the slightest. "Karinaaaaa." The voice came from another girl sitting on the crate, somewhat lanky and with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, a wooden sword resting next to her. And yet the way she carried herself gave the impression that she wasn't exactly normal. "You said that you'd take me with you. You promised!"

Emerging from the tunnel on Karina's heels, Isaac looked at the girl in confusion, who in turn scowled as she saw that Karina had gone through with other people, rather than herself. "Sorry. Who are you?"

The girl vaulted off the crate, grinning as she gestured to herself, standing tall and proud. "The name's Olivia. And I'm Karina's best buddy." Well then, this was going to be interesting. Or awkward. Isaac wasn't sure which yet, as he moved out of the way so Mia could exit the tunnel.
Mia was curious to see who the new voice belonged to as she hauled herself up the ladder. Karina just sighed and shook her head. She was sure that she had told Olivia that she was going at noon, what the heck was she doing here so early? She didn't even know what to say. Best friend? More like girl who just followed her around everywhere for seemingly no reason. Karina knew that she would be bad news to a perfectly normal girl like her so she tried desperately to avoid her. But she somehow always found her and it was annoying to say the least.

"Yeah, well guess you came too late. I told you dawn." She lied as she started pushing the crate over the hole after Mia was out. "Anyways, I killed it. We killed it. Go tell everyone, they might believe it from you."
"Hmmm." Olivia frowned, bowing her head slightly as she thought over Karina's explanation. She had the feeling that the other girl was messing with her, since she distinctly recalled her saying that they were to meet at noon. Had Karina lied to her to get her out of the way? She hoped not, but she had the sinking feeling that that was the case. And it hurt to hear so, since she genuinely thought that the two of them were friends.

"Alright," she agreed at last with an inherent sigh. She would do it since Karina had asked, though she would at least like some details. Like who these people were or what had even happened. Saying that the monster was dead wasn't very informative, after all.

Well, as far as she was concerned that merely meant that she got to employ creative license. And if Karina didn't like it, then that was no one's fault but her own. That said she collected her sword and prepared to walk off, to go tell the village the good news. She was curious, eager even, but she knew that there would be time enough for stories later. "So what're your names? I might as well make sure everyone gets due credit."

Isaac glanced over to Mia and Karina before answering, introducing himself. "I'm Isaac." He waited on Mia then as Olivia stood with a smile on face, in spite of the lie.
"Mia, it's nice to meet you, Olivia." She smiled, then glanced over to Karina who was visibly annoyed. She had just assumed she didn't have any friends from the way she was talking last night and even today. Maybe she was exaggerating? "Why don't we all go with Olivia, Karina? So we can explain the situation..."

"Because I don't want to. The mayor doesn't want me around his son because I make him sick, he hates me. It would be better if someone else told him." Karina didn't care if she was being a brat, or if she was being mean. Olivia just didn't understand her and would be better off not being around her.
"Likewise," Olivia said, a grin returning somewhat as she looked over at the foreigners. For whatever Karina had done, the fact that they had gone with her to beat that thing meant what she had suspected all along. it was just a matter of getting them to let her go with them, and then she would be free of this boring place forever! It was just a matter of getting them to agree with it.

Isaac frowned at the exchange, picking up on the tension there. "I see. Maybe one of us should go with her, to corroborate?" He wasn't sure if it would change anything, but it couldn't hurt to offer.

"Nah, it's fine," Olivia replied with a dismissive wave, doing her best to help out, even if it meant simply staying out of the way. "I can handle it." She couldn't help but feel bad about it, at the very least Karina not being able to say the news herself, but she was more than willing to do it in her place. So, unless someone stopped her she would walk off to do just that. Just as wanted.
"Bye Olivia." Karina waved her off, and when she was gone she sighed. "What a pain, I really thought she'd believe me..."

"You lied on purpose? How come?" Mia asked as she tilted her head to the side. She was still slightly confused, seeing as how Karina seemed to not like this girl who was so fond of her.

"Because," Karina began with a shrug. "The others made fun of her for hanging out with a witch like me, and they keep telling her that she'll regret it. She doesn't seem to care, but I do. I don't really want my problem to become someone elses. She's normal, she deserves to have friends. Not like me." She explained as she looked away from the two. Maybe she was being mean, but it was for Olivia's sake, honestly.
Isaac frowned slightly as he watched Olivia go, the girl fighting off whatever sadness may have arisen from Karina's brusque attitude. That was sad, and a bit harsh, at least as far as his own experiences with his friends went, but he said nothing of it as he gave her the chance to explain herself, lest he get a mistaken assumption of how things were.

Well, it was about what he expected to be honest. She didn't want to hurt people with her powers, and was worried that Olivia would suffer for her relationship with her, even if it did seem genuinely earnest on the part of the other girl. So he hummed in thought, rubbing his chin in quiet contemplation of what he had just seen and heard.

At last he acted, taking a step forward to add his own bit. "No offense, but you're going to have to stop thinking like that sooner or later," he pointed out. "You're going to have control of your powers, and people are going to have to get used to the idea of Adepts living among them." He wasn't saying that she had to change now, but sooner or later she would need to reconsider her attitudes. Was she alright with simply living in isolation from society forever?

That said, he glanced around at the empty area, where no one else seemed to be appearing. "I guess we should return to the inn then."
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