The Crow: Unforeseen Duet (Alvis Alendran & darkangel76)

Jacob smiled as he felt Lucy relaxing into his hands. She carried too much stress in her shoulders these days. He knew why, completely, but still, he wanted to help her however he could. When the girl had returned, he still didn't immediately reach for the water. His hands were occupied, and he found that he was reluctant to let go of Lucy. When the explanation of how Lucy had met her came out, Jacob found that he had a smile on his face that wouldn't fade. Even the ever intrusive thoughts of what her sister would have done, which is most assuredly grabbing the girl and throwing her to the mercy of the legal system, didn't put a damper on his mood.

As the girl finished the tale, he looked at Lucy with that smile on his face still.
"Wasn't much? Just got her a job, a place to stay, kept her busy enough to stay out of trouble. Don't sell yourself short Lucy. You did a great thing for her, and I don't know many people that would have done that. Taken the time for it." He told her. He pat her shoulders lightly, and lifted the glass of water. he took a small drink, just to see what happened. It was cold, and he noticed that. Which was odd really. He looked at his hand, and found it actually had a healthy colour to it, like he was a breathing human being, and not...whatever he was. What was happening to him?

You're forgetting why you're here. You're letting yourself get lost in this role you've invented. You weren't brought here to flirt and preen and compliment this woman. Remember who you are now, and why you're doing this. The voice of the crow was harsh now, uncompromising. Jacob felt his eyes flutter closed a moment, adn he felt a chill rush along his body. One hand still on Lucy's shoulder abruptly lost it's heat, and was chilled on her skin. He opened his eyes again, and then looked to Artemis.
"Thanks. But I...don't know if I'm feeling to it just yet. Can I get a raincheck on that smoothie?" He asked a strained smile on his face. he had gone from someone enjoying the ambeince and the company to someone that looked as though they had found a heavy burden that needed to be borne. The why of his existence was on his mind once more. Though still, looking at Lucy again, he felt his hand warming again. The crow on his shoulder might have some command over his purpose, but Lucy had a command all her own.
Artemis shrugged, but her smile never faltered. "Suit yourself," she said with a wink. "It'll still be on the house the next time you pass through though." She brought her hand up—nails painted sparkly black and purple, rings gracing most of her fingers—and held out her index finger. Slowly, she traced an 'X' over her chest. "Cross my heart."

Lucy smiled and knew the girl meant it. Artemis was sweet and meant well. She just came from a bad situation. Not once did she regret their paths crossing and she was glad she was able to be there for her. If only others had done the same for her...

They could have...she'd thought they would. But that had been a joke, cruel and harsh.

But she didn't want to think on that especially now that her sister was dead. None of her past could be fixed. There was no such thing as closure. But at least she could pay it forward. Seeing Artemis smile, laughing and made her glad she was able to touch someone's life for the better.

Again, Lucy found herself leaning into Jacob's touch. He hadn't moved away from her, his hands still quite firmly in place. He also didn't flinch or try to correct Artemis when she'd referred to him as her boyfriend. A wave of heat washed over her despite how revealing her clothes were.

Lucy nibbled her food and when she finished, she felt quite sated. It was nice just spending time with Jacob, introducing him to various aspects of her life...god, it felt so right!!!

"So, where you off to?" Artemis asked, interrupting Lucy's thoughts.

Lucy took one last sip of her unsweet tea and sighed. "Just walking along the river," she answered.

"Uh-huh. In that?" Artemis wasn't convinced, but she knew not to press. Instead, she gave them both a knowing look and moved to glance inside the door leading to the kitchens. When she faced them both, she leaned against the counter, her hands manipulating something.

Lucy arched a brow while Artemis glanced from side to side. There weren't any other patrons, but Wil wasn't far off and who knew if someone would just show up or peek in. Artemis began to whistle and then rocked back on her heels as she slid a gun, slightly obscured by a dish rag, toward Jacob.

"I'm not stupid," Artemis said. "But I think you'll need this more than us."

Lucy gave Artemis a look of gratitude, but remained silent, her body inching closer to Jacob. She looked up at him, her green eyes trying to read his. "We should get going." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Artemis and Wil had done a lot by offering the gun and she knew it. So there was no way she wanted to endanger them further by having those who were after them come looking for friends.
Jacob paused at the gun being handed to him. He lifted it gingerly, glad of the long coat, replete with pockets and places he could stow it. He knew how to fire one of course, Ben had been rather insistent that if he was going into his chosen career, he'd need to know, just in case. But Jacob had never been comfortable with one, never liked the feel of them. He'd been a gentle soul, and a gun, especially a small one like this, was made for nothing less than shattering a life and person. While he'd done it with his bare hands at this point, the gun still felt alien in his hands. But while he was strong, and fast, and seemingly impossible to kill, he knew that he still had limits, and the ability to end a life from a long distance woudl be useful.

As Lucy edged closer to him, his hand came off of her shoulder, unconsciously pulling her to him, his arm around her midsection. He nodded to Artemis.
"Thanks. For everything. Try to stay out of trouble, eh?" He smiled as he said it, making the statement lighter. He took Lucy's advice, and walked out of the door, his arm still around her. He knew he couldn't die, at least no way that he'd found yet. But if he was honest with himself, he was nervous. Lucy was going to be potentially right in the line of fire. And while he was going to do what he could to help her, the possibility existed that she might get hurt or killed in this. Keeping her close was as much for his comfort as hers. He could feel an aura of tension coming from a building up ahead, and heard the faint thrumming of bass coming from it. It was dark now, the clouds thickening massively to blot out any signs of natural light. The club was in sight.

Jacob arrested their movement, looking at where they were going. He let out a long breath before speaking.
"We'll need to be able to pass for a normal couple in there. Enough that they don't look at us like anything beyond a few people at the club for a good time." He started. Without thinking about it, his fingers found the zipper on her hoodie, and drew it down. The crow on his shoudler lit off, moving to the roof of a building. "So we need to act natural, happy even. The more attention they pay us, the worse it'll be. So...tonight we're a couple." He hesitated. "No matter how we do this, it's a risk. If you wanted to back out, I understand, but if you still want to help..." he leaned down and kissed her cheek. "...thank you."
Lucy waved goodbye to Artemis, her thoughts divided between worrying for her newest friends and what the night would bring. She felt safe with Jacob though she knew, unlike him, she was completely breakable. Still, just being near him made her feel something she couldn't explain and she liked it, didn't want to lose it.

The walk to Industry was quicker than expected. Lucy could hear the thumping sounds of the music as they neared, the heat, the energy. No doubt the place was buzzing inside. She looked up into Jacob's eyes. He'd stopped walking, his expression serious and causing her heart to flutter. She swallowed lightly as his hand slowly unzipped her hoodie, revealing her covered up body to his careful gaze.

The outfit Lucy wore wasn't hers, but Aleena's...even if it was something she had a hard time imagining her sister ever wearing. On her own body, she was sure she looked awkward, a poor imitation of what her sister had been. She feared she wouldn't be able to pull things off and, worst of all, that she'd let Jacob down.

Looking into Jacob's eyes after he placed a tender kiss on her cheek, the heat of it still lingering, she nodded. "There's only going forward," she said softly. Slowly, she let the hoodie slide off her arms. She then stuffed it in the bag she was carrying. "We're in this together." She looked up into his eyes, her cheeks flushing, her breaths slightly ragged. "I'm going to help you. I...I want to."

Lucy smiled at Jacob. A breeze blew in from the water. Goose bumps formed on her flesh, her skin going taut beneath the fabric of her shirt. She refused to shiver. She was too caught up to care.

"I'm ready when you are," Lucy then said glancing in the direction of the club.
She was scared, that much was clear, but she was not unwilling. And Jacob admired her for it. She was braver and better than she thought. Maybe someday she'd be able to see that in herself. The outfit would have looked good on most women, but Lucy did have the figure to carry it off very well. She might be getting some attention of her own if he didn't keep close. He let out a breath, fixed a good smile on his face, and stepped cloe to her. He had to reach down somewhat to get a hand on her, his palm on her side with his fingers splayed over her stomach. He used the arm on her back to lead her along.

The sound from the club kept hammering away at his sensibilities. He'd not been much of a clubber, only having gone to a few, and even then, it had been to chase a story. Now, it was to chase a life, and snuff it out. The doorman was in the process of turning away a few single men, and then a single woman. Couples were the only ones getting in now. Jacob raised a hand in greeting, and the doorman looked him up and down with a glance. His gaze did more on Lucy, lingering on her, taking in the outfit, the curves and the entirety of the look. He jerked his head, unhooking the chain that barred their passage. And then they were inside.

Dim light, broken by moving coloured spotlights, and a bass line that hammered at the senses. You could feel it in your gut, and the wide dance floor was covered in a tide of bodies. In the low light it was almost eerie to see, the people undulating like the sea at night. Fortunately, they did not stand out too much. Lucy's hair was a bright enough red that it was easy enough to see, and whenever one fo the black lights swept over them, they both glowed in that light. Jacob moved towards the bar. A drink to take the edge off for Lucy would be a good idea, and it was the thing to do. A man should buy his lady a drink or two. He caught few glances being thrown her way by some of the men that had simply made an arrangement with someone to get in without anyone else. The looks were not subtle, they were appraising, admiring, hungry. Jacob gave them a glare that had them at least redirect their gaze while it could be easily seen.

They reached the bar, Lucy's presence actually getting them service quickly. Over the pounding music, Jacob only held up two fingers, and the tender just poured two shots, and set them before them. Jacob lifted the shot, and held it up in a toast towards Lucy. After a moment, knowing nearly anything he said would be lost in the riot f sound, he knocked the shot back. After all, he was dead. What could a bit of liquor do to him?
Eyes. Lucy felt them everywhere and more so than the waving limbs that brushed against her body when she walked too close to someone. Nervous, she focused on the way Jacob let his hand rest against her abdomen, her back. He protectively led her through the crowd of dancing, writhing bodies until they finally made it to the bar.

The air was hot, thick with sweat and electric energy as the music reverberated off the walls. Lucy could feel the place vibrating, see everyone dancing, limbs moving in time to the beat. Several couples were more than obscene right there on the dance floor and it made her blush, her head turning to look elsewhere. But everywhere she looked...eyes.

Suddenly a couple of shot glasses were set down in front of them. Lucy licked her lips as she watched Jacob pick up the one and knock it back. She supposed the other one was meant for her, so she drank the thing quickly. The liquid burned as it went down, warming her body and dulling her nerves just a bit. She coughed a little and covered her mouth trying to smother the giggle out of habit. Given how loud the music was, her action was hardly disruptive.

Lucy then brought her hand down and looked into Jacob's eyes. Smiling at him, she tried to ignore the onlookers. One man in particular had been staring—unblinking—since they'd entered. Not once had he looked in another direction. She found the whole thing unnerving. Never before had she garnered such attention. And she wasn't sure she ever wanted.

There was only one person's attention she wanted.

"D-dance with me?" Lucy asked, her eyes shifting to where the one man had been sitting only his seat was empty. He was nowhere to be seen. "Please?" She moved to stand, a little light headed from the alcohol. Her feet stumbled slightly causing her to fall against Jacob. She smiled, giggling once again. She took a hold of his hand and tugged, urging him toward the dance floor.
When Lucy stumbled a moment, he brought his hands up to catch her, make sure she didn't fall. He had a moment fo being thankful that the Goth fashion sense included sensible footwear. He didn't much like to think what might have happened to her if she'd been in heels. Then she was tugging on him. Dance? Here? With her? Jacob didn't dance. He just didn't. he'd danced with Aleena, once, at her insistance and it had been a slower ballroom style dance that he'd learned ages ago. He looked back at the bartender, who only smiled and put two more shots in front of him. Jacob didn't hesitate, old college instincts kicking in. Both shots went down the hatch to a pleasant and familiar burn. He was dead, but old habits died hard.

He stopped resisting. Blend in. Become a part of the crowd. It was that simple. And besides, a pretty lady that he'd come with wanted to dance. He let himself be led along, still keeping closer to her. The way she looked still elicited more than a few looks, and one reaching hand on the approach. Jacob slappe it aside, harder than he'd meant to, but the person got the message. They found a small pocket of open space on the floor, and jacob looked around, seeing all the motion. His vision swam just a little, and he realized that he fet...flushed. Warm. Actually drunk. Maybe being what he was wasn't carte blanche for shrugging thigns off. He smiled at Lucy, hoping to all that he could imagine that she knew what she was doing. One of them had to.
Eyes. There were so many. But Lucy only cared about a particular pair and she kept hers focused on those as she led Jacob out onto the dance floor. The music was loud, the bass causing the walls to shake, the floor to vibrate. Despite all the chaos, suddenly everything melted away and it was just her and him.

Jacob. He was all Lucy cared about right then and there. She was there in Industry for him, to help him and she'd do it all over again.

Just then the music shifted and a new song began to play. Without hesitation, Lucy began to move her body. She closed her eyes and found the music's rhythm. She was sure to stay close to Jacob—her body brushing against his, her hands moving over him. Her face flushed, but she continued to move. Opening her eyes, she found her resolve when focusing on the man before her.

Jacob. He was what kept her grounded and safe. Lucy felt alive, like she just might mean something the longer she spent time with him. Such thoughts were intoxicating and she allowed herself to get lost in them as she danced.

Lucy swayed her hips, her body circling Jacob as she let her hands run over his shoulders, his chest. She felt heady, the mix of the alcohol and heat and music playing with her senses. But being so close to Jacob, being able to touch him...she whimpered. Her entire body on fire, ignited just by being near him.
Whatever liquor he'd drank was in his system, adn the nerves and situation were sending it thundering through him. And then Lucy started to dance. If you could call it that, and he was going to. It was like she'd decided that she was going to be a different person, and that person was absolutely not going to allow any doubt about who she was with, and that she was happy to be with him. He didn't know if this was her getting into the role, or a sincere declaration in physical form, but he was officially past the point of caring. His skin felt like it was on fire, so much heat coming off of him, and each time Lucy moved her hand along him, he wanted to do more, return the favour. He wasn't here to be a pole for her after all.

he held out a hand, catching her side, letting himself start to move along with her, keeping her closer to him than she had been, wanting the contact the feeling, the everything about her at this moment. There was no other thought in his head right then, only Lucy. The rhythm that he'd learned in his old highbrow dancing classes still served him well, letting him slip into the flow,pciking out the steady timing of the music, matching it with his movements. His hand snaked to the small of her back, pulling her tight to him, putting the closer than they'd been, leaning his torso back just a little to make sure he could still get a good look at her, still moving them to the beat, still liking what he saw...even loving what he saw. His free hand came up to the side of her face, hand cupping her cheek, staring her right in the eye, seemingly trying to memorize every detail of her.
"You're beautiful." He breathed out, not sure when he'd made the proper discovery, or the decision to tell her.
One moment Lucy was swaying to the music, dancing around Jacob as he stood there on the dance floor. The next, Jacob's hand was on her waist, pulling her close and closing any gap that might've remained between them. The air was electric, sizzling between them as she stared into his eyes. His gaze was intense, searching and exploring...or was that her own?

It hardly mattered. Lucy could feel herself panting in Jacob's arms, gasping for breath as he held her close, moving their bodies together to the rhythm of the music as it continued to play.

Lucy could feel her knees going weak, ready to give. She could melt right there against Jacob and be perfectly happy. He lifted his hand then and touched her face. On instinct, she closed her eyes and leaned against his palm, letting out a tiny sound of approval. He called her 'beautiful'. It was like magic, as if fate had decided to smile upon her for once.

Gone were thoughts of her father...of abandonment...all of it.

Bringing her hand up to meet his, Lucy opened her eyes and looked at Jacob. "Is this real?" she asked him, her thumb beginning to stroke his wrist, her body still moving with his. "If this is one of my dreams..." she went on, body aching for his. "Don't wake me up." She twisted her head a little and kissed his palm.

More than anything, Lucy wanted Jacob to know just how much she cared, how much she wanted to give him, do for him. He deserved everything and she wanted to be the one who was there for him. She ached for him to know and in more ways than one.

"Please, let me dream just a little longer." Lucy's face pleaded with Jacob, her green eyes glistening as she gazed into his. The tension was thick, the heat rising and she had fallen for him...not wanting to change that for anything.
What was he doing to her? this was hurting her, he knew it, she might want this moment, but it was onyl going to hurt her in the long run. He knew it, he knew that he knew it, and he could see the tears in her eyes, knew that this must on some level be everything that she'd wanted from things, but had to be terrified it was all going to go away from her soon. And Gods forgive him, he didn't care at the moment. She was looking up at him, he was looking down to see her. It wasn't what he wanted at that moment, it wasn't the right way of doing it, and he needed it to be right. He let go of her face, pulling his hand away, shifting his hand off of her back, almost like he was pulling away.

But then his hands went lower, bending at the knee to let him feel the smooth skin of her leg, before gripping her and pulling her off fo the ground, and up to be able to look him in the eye. That was right. He wanted to see her on his level. Wanted it to be like that. His mouth was moving, words coming without any thought to them.
"Dream a little bigger Lucy." He said to her, adn leaned his head in, heedless of any consequences or any other factors, and kissed her. His hands shifted, one wrapping around her to keep her up, the other snaking around her back to pull her tight to him, letting this kiss stretch on, making it last, because if he was honest with himself, he wanted it all to last, wanted it to be right like this, wanted to not only let her dream a little longer, but give her the culmination of her dream. Now he knew for certain why he'd been afraid to get much closer to her. There was sinply too much risk that he'd hurt hre in a way like this, but he didn't care. She wanted this moment, and he wanted it with her. He broke away from her lips a moment to lean down, dragging his teeth along her neck a moment, before he came back to her lips, his hand up high enough to tangle in her fiery tresses, putting all his abandon and passion into that moment.
Jacob's hands moved down Lucy's body, gripping her, pulling her up so that she was level with his eyes. She gasped audibly at his actions, all thought lost the moment he spoke. When his lips pressed against hers, primal instinct took over, her body reacting to every touch, every advance. This moment was what it craved, had been longing for the moment she'd set eyes on him—no, since she'd first seen him in her dreams weeks ago. Tiny, desperate whimpers escaped her as he kissed her, the passion hot and heavy and only climbing as his hands became lost in her hair. A shiver caused her body to shudder when he let his teeth graze the supple flesh of her neck. Oh, she was molten liquid in his arms, pliant and molding to him. This was right. She'd never been more certain!

Everything about the moment was perfect, the intensity more than Lucy could bear. Each kiss was like torture—sating so much, yet leaving her wanting. She wanted to be closer—needed it—though with Jacob it was impossible to be close enough. It always would be. There was no denying it. Her arms wrapped about him tightly, one hand gripping his shoulder while the other splayed across his back. Her nails began to dig into him slightly out of desire, desperation...need. She was on fire, her body alive, awake and wanting.

"Jacob..." Lucy whimpered, her hand on his back trailing down. How she wished she could reach underneath his coat. Frustrated, she moved that hand back up and let the hand on his shoulder move down along his chest until she wrapped it around him underneath the jacket he wore. She longed to feel his skin against her fingertips, against all of her. Whimpering, she tugged on his shirt and finally managed to get her hand onto his back, letting her fingers take in the feeling of his skin. She let out tiny sounds of contentment, but the need for more was still there. Each kiss that she gave him was more urgent, her lips parting, begging for him to explore, to take. She wanted him to, needed him to.

Just as he'd told her moments ago, Lucy planned for the first time to 'dream a little bigger'.
Lucy had always struck him as a restrained kind of personality, but now, in this club, ike they were now, there was nothing of retraint in her, there was a kind of hunger, of abandon. He felt her fingers on his back, the sensation sending shivers along his spine. Jacob had a momont of wishing they were closer to a wall, a table, something solid that he could use to brace her to free up his hand, but that was a waste of a wish, and he didn't dwell on it.

He let go of her head, already missing hte feel of her hair. He was fast discovering that he liked that feel. But his hand sought the ehm of her shirt. It fit close to her skin, wasn't easy to reach under, but he was determined, and managed it. He felt her lips parting on his, could hear the sounds she made, inviting him to do more. He slid his tongue forward, tasting her, lvoing that moment, his hand taking in the soft skin on her back, the motion causing her shirt to ride up her body, showing more skin taht glowed in the lighting on the dance floor. Jacob realized he'd taken a few steps, moving forward, but not even realizing he was doing it. No one on the floor tried to interpose themselves, no one seemed to mind what they were doing, there were even likely a few that appreciated the view, but they were far from his mind in this moment.
Lucy could feel Jacob's hands moving a bit more feverishly, trying to hold onto her. Something. Without a second thought, she wrapped a leg around his waist. The other soon followed while the hand gripping his shoulder moved to a firmer hold about his neck. There was a heat pooling between her legs and the sudden contact as she felt him nestled between them, her thighs on either side of his body, only made her sense more keenly aware.

Jacob. He was her everything. Lucy let her tongue trace along his lower lip, more desperate sounds as she all but begged for him to take. She liked how his hands felt on her body—so right, so perfect. This was how it was supposed to be, was meant to be. Her body screamed for his...her heart, her mind. She didn't care who was watching so long as they were together embarking on this journey, down along a dark path with an uncertain future. But she knew she wanted that future so long as he was in it.

"Jacob..." Lucy panted between kisses, her skin on fire, her hips rocking ever so slightly against his hips as she gave her thighs a squeeze. She tried to tell herself it was to help hold herself up, but...the sensations that coursed through her when she moved. She couldn't help herself. She wanted to be closer. More. Anything.

So much heat! Lucy couldn't get enough. His hands on her skin...oh, she wanted them everywhere, exploring everything, leaving nothing untouched. And to think this was just the beginning—them kissing, touching, exploring. She choked on a tiny sob of pleasure as she trailed kisses along his jaw and went to nibble on his ear, his neck before returning to his mouth, so desperate for his taste, once again.
Her legs around him, anchoring them together, Jacob could feel her keeping tight to him. There was an almost frantic edge to this, and on both sides. He found that he hadn't stopped walking, carrying her easily across the floor. They hadn't gotten very far onto the floor before they'd started, so it wasn't far to reach the edge. The dance floor was a half dozen steps down from teh bar level, leaving a wall that kept everything on the floor contained. There were faint lights at the bottom of the wall to make sure people coudl see it, but everything from the knee up was shrouded in darkness, the spotlights that tracked across the place never coming close. It was almost private by comparison.

Jacob slowed enough to not crash Lucy headlong into the wall, and pressed her up shoulders against it. He mouth kept moving from his, and each time he half chased her to get back to kissnig her, loving the taste of her, the feel of her, and on some level knowing that he should stop, but that voice was a faint whisper to him. Lucy's own sound, giving voice to hsi name, was far more demanding his attention. Between her legs anchoring her to him, and her shoulders on the wall, he was able to move both hands. under her shirt, sliding it up to expose her midestion, he loved the silky feel of her skin. There was a comparison in his mind to something, but he couldn't place it. He didn't try and chase after it either. The next time their lips parted he bit down at the base of her neck, leaving a bright red mark on hera kiss at the hollow of her throat, another lower before looking for her lips once more, still desperate for that contact.
Never had Lucy been kissed like this. Never had she felt such passion or longing. Such fire! The music was blasting, but all she could see, hear, feel...all she could focus on was Jacob. Him. He'd somehow managed to carry her from the dance floor and press her up against the nearby wall beside the bar. The smooth surface was cool against her back, a contrast to the heat rising between them both. But it was hardly enough to diminish what was happening between them. Her one hand roamed his back, fingers on skin, touching, exploring...craving.

Lucy arched against him, wanting to be as close to Jacob as she possibly could. He tasted wonderful, true decadence yet her body still burned with a grave hunger. Hips bucking, she pulled him closer still. She was a choir of gasps and pants as his hands moved over her skin, her body trembling with need and so much desire. She let her head roll back as he kissed her neck, a hand reaching up and grabbing hold of his hair when he bit down on the soft, supple flesh. She pressed him to her, urged him on. This was what she wanted, for everyone to know she was his.

When Jacob's mouth found hers again, she mewled and kissed back with fury. She let her tongue seek out his so they could dance and taste while their hands petted and caressed. Her body arched again into his, skin taut beneath the shirt she so wished could be taken off her body as his hands moved up...up...up... A small groan rolled over her lips. Yes, she was heaven and just as she knew him to be...he was her angel!
There was a moment of hesitation. They'd gone pretty far as it was, and no one would ever doubt at this point that they were here together, a very...affectionate club couple. But Jacob couldn't lie to himself and say that was the reason they were doing this. Not anymore, not when they were this far, and he knew at this point there was not going to be anything that stopped them beyond outside intervention at this point. The need was raw in the air, the want, the naked desire that they were both riding. Given ehr normal temperment, Jacob had actually anticipated Lucy stopping her before this point, but there was no sign of her dissaproving of this. And he was as willing as she was to indulge. His hands on her sides braced for a moment, knowing that he was about to cross another line, and then making the call to do so. her shirt hitched just beneath her breasts, and then slipped up over them.

Jacob let his thumbs flick across her nipples, his hands gripping her to keep her close to him, eyes flicking around a moment looking for something more. He saw what he wanted, and slid Lucy along the wall, coming up to a booth that weas reessed into the wall. Only a single stripe of black light was there to illuminate things, and Jacob Carried Lucy into the booth, glad that it was a large one made for a party of at least six or more. Long, and thickly cushioned benches were there, and he laid her down on one, situating himself over her, and still keeping her close, but now able to move without fear of her falling.
For over a week Lucy had seen this man in her dreams, each one more vivid than the first. It had started with shadows, fire and thunder, so much confusion. Then, she'd seen his face—those eyes, that mouth. They'd burned themselves into her mind, a permanent memory forever etched into its darkest recesses. He'd always beckoned and she'd always followed, his face shadowed just as it was...right then.

Lucy knew this was how it was supposed to go. She'd felt it the moment he'd found her, saved her. And she'd never leave his side, no matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice. Every twist and turn her life had all had led to this moment. It was where fate wanted her. It was where she wanted to be, needed to be and never had she felt so utterly complete. For the first time, she felt like everything made sense despite how fucked up the world had become. Her sister had died, her family corrupt...and the man she loved and desired more than anything...was a resurrected soul who was brought back to exact vengeance.

As the music continued to blare, the black lights shimmering down upon the both, Lucy kept her all of her focus on Jacob. She didn't notice the people glancing their way as they passionately made love with their mouths right there against the wall. His taste was too decadent and she was too afraid he might somehow vanish, be taken away like everything else in her life did. So she held on, desperate to seize the moment, relish it for all it was worth.

Lucy's breath hitched as she felt Jacob's hands tug on the hem of her shirt, lifting it up until it finally was over her head. His thumbs grazed her pert nipples causing her body to shudder in his arms while she let out a soft groan of approval. His arms continued to shield her, protecting most of her from onlookers. Eyes...they were there, staring. But she hardly cared. She was with Jacob. He had her trust. All of it. Slowly, she felt him moving her again, sliding her along the wall. She kept her legs tight about his waist as he moved, helping to keep herself upright as he walked. It wasn't long before he stopped and gently laid her down upon something soft. A quick glance and she realized he'd located a nearby booth, something giving them a bit more room and...a bit more privacy. She blushed beneath his gaze, the black light shining down upon them.

Looking up into Jacob's eyes, Lucy let her legs relax a little, letting her feet find their footing on either side of him as she laid beneath him on the cushion. Her heart was racing, her breaths ragged and short. But her eyes said it all—desire. Though it ran deeper than that for mixed with that desire swirled other emotions, the strongest one being love. She reached up to Jacob, her top half bared for him to see.

"I...I'm dreaming a little bit bigger, Jacob," Lucy said breathily, her eyes fixed to Jacob's, her body on fire and aching so very desperately for his.
The thought of how many lines he was crossing, adn how much damage this might cause in the long term had occurred to jacob on some level, at some point. But not right now. Now, there was only the moment, and the situation before him. And that was a half-clothed Lucy who was, as she said, dreaming bigger. ANd for reasons he might never fully understand, she had been dreaming of him. As she reached for him, he leaned down to her, pressing his lips to hers again, pressing his own body to her, relishing the feeling of her, wanting stil more than he'd had. His head swam a moment from the emotions running riot in him. But then he leaned back away from Lucy, and shrugged the coat from his shoulder, before pulling his own shirt off, tossing them both onto the table of the booth, befre leaning back in, desperate for mroe feeling.

His skin on her skin, the contact, the heat pouring off of them both in a riot of activity, desire laid bare to both people, all other factors left to the side. It was all about what they had now. His hand trailed down her side, taking in that smooth skin that was so familiar and yet so different all at once. His fingers slipped under the waist of her shorts, feeling along the skin there, thumbing working to pop the button loose.
The moment was real, though somehow Lucy felt as if it could slip away, dissolving into nothing but a memory. A dream. But Jacob had frequented her dreams the past couple weeks. His face was seared into her mind, the curve of his jaw and those eyes that saw into her soul. Already she knew him intimately, though she knew her past encounters couldn't compare to being with him in the flesh, seeing him with her own eyes, able to let her fingers trace the contours of his body. Oh, to finally touch...and be touched in return...!

Lucy's senses were reeling, overwhelming her as she filled with a raw desire that was almost frightening. But there was no way she'd run from this. For too long she'd craved this and everything in her life was telling her that this was right. Skin flushed, her green eyes glazed with desire, passion, love, she let out a tiny whimper when Jacob shrugged off his coat and then removed his shirt in one fluid motion. The feel of his skin against her own only made her want more, need more. Her legs spread a bit wider and she felt his hands working at the buttons of the leather shorts she donned.

Dreadful things!

Desperate whimpers rolled over Lucy's lips as she clutched Jacob close. Her hands moving over him, trying to learn every exposed inch. She arched against him, raising her hips to to give him easier access, anything. The fingers of his other hand teased the hem, igniting her flesh that was hidden beneath.

An ache throbbed between Lucy's legs. The bit of material concealing her, barring the way and causing her much frustration was slick with her wetness as she felt herself become damp with arousal. Never had she felt like this, so in need. Jacob felt good above her, his body nestled between her legs, skin on skin. She longed to feel more, to become one with this man.

To hell with vengeance and resurrection! To hell with death and abandonment! It was about seizing the moment, grabbing and holding onto the precious opportunities life threw at you. You never knew when they'd come. Or when they'd be taken away. And Lucy hardly wanted to lose out on this moment. Head spinning, she nipped at Jacob's lips, his jawline. Not once did her hands stop as they moved down his back...reaching, reaching. She let her own fingers tease the hem of his pants, dipping below, searching for more.

"Please," Lucy begged, her body liquid heat in Jacob's arms, hips still moving, trying anything to give him better access. She let one hand move down along his front, urgently trying to work his pants free.
There wasn't any room left for doubts, and Jacob knew that lucy was gone now. There was not going to be much left of her sense of self right now, and if he tried to break away from her he was liable to get pounced on. Not that he was opposed to such a thing, but right now, he had other things to contend with.

Leather. Why did the shorts have to be leather? If they'd been fabric he had no doubt that he'd be able to simply tear them in half. Come to think of it, maybe it was a good thign that they were leather, if they intended to be able to move around after this. If Lucy intended to walk at all. He felt her hand on his pants, took the hint, knew what she wanted, what they both wanted. Knew that he had to move away to make it happen. He'd make it worth her while. That much was certain.

He stood up, away from her, hands on her shorts, and dragging them down. He only managed to get them off of one foot before he was done finghting them, leaving them handing from one of her ankles. He undid his pants, pushed them far enough down to free his member from the confines, and moved back into her embrace. Logistical problems were solved now. They could reach the point they were aiming for. Perhaps on some level it was the point he'd been aiming for since he'd gotten a good look at Lucy.

He lined himself up with her, keeping himself on target, and never thought about holding back from the moment. not for an instant. With a rush of breath, he moved forward, and Jacob felt himself sheathe inside of Lucy completely, his hips on her.
"Oh Gods, Lucy..." He breathed.
It was agony! Sheer and utter agony as Jacob fumbled and fought with Lucy's shorts. But it was a battle well worth it when she felt them finally slide down her thighs, her one foot managing to wriggle free without removing her boot. Wretched things! She made a mental note to never wear such things ever again. Gone was the noise—the music, the din of the crowd that no doubt was staring, watching with great interest—it had all melted away along with the flashing lights and other distractions. It was just her and him on that booth couch, their bodies pressed together—flesh against flesh—as she felt him nestle between her legs, free of his pants, thrusting deeply inside her as they became one.

Lucy bit down on the inside of her cheek, her green eyes squeezing shut as she held tightly onto Jacob's shoulders. He felt so good, so...perfect. Her body gripped his like a vice, soft and warm and inviting. Tilting her hips, she let her body slowly adjust to the welcome invasion, accommodating him like it was meant to. Instinctually, her legs spread a bit wider and she felt him hit a sensitive spot deep within. Unable to help herself, she let out a tiny gasp of pleasure, her body unable to hide what it wanted, needed, craved. Bucking her hips a little, she could hear how wet she'd become. Not even the sound of the music or the crowd could hide her desire as the squelching sounds reached her ears.

Her body was throbbing with need as she trailed kisses along Jacob's jaw line. He was seeing her. Not Aleena...not anyone or anything else. It was her name on his lips, her body that he was seeking, exploring...loving? Lucy looked up into Jacob's eyes, her own filled with so much emotion, so much fiery passion that she had no intention of holding back. It didn't matter where they were, who was watching...they were together. That's all she cared about.

Lucy let out another moan, her hips moving to meet Jacob's. "Jacob," she pleaded, pulling him closer, grinding against him. "This is happening..." She nibbled his ear and let out a soft cry. "Please, let the dream last..."
There were words in his head, little points of light and inspiration, things to say, to compare to, and none of it would stick. Rather than a process of now until later, there was only now and right now. And the feeling that he was getting. Lucy was not waiting for him, not risking that he might have second thought, as unlikely as that was by now. But that was fine, he was more than willing to oblige her really.

He didn't fight her pulling him closer, he embraced it, moving with her, grinding into her as she did so to him, getting his knees situated so he could properly go to work on her. He leaned his head up , and captured her mouth with his, wanting that extra point of contact with her, his lips parting, his tongue touching her lips, tasting her, enjoying, it all, loving the moment, enthralled. His hips drew back a pace, and then forward, a gradual pace, savouring the feeling, the changes in the feeling, every moment. There had to be people behind that would be noticing, but Jacob couldn't be bothered to be worried about that now, or maybe ever. Unless he had to, and then he would do what he had to in order to get back to this moment. He didn't want it to end any more than Lucy seemed to.
Lucy met every one of Jacob's thrusts, her hips meeting his in a steady rhythm that could only be described as bittersweet torture. Her body molded to his as he held her close, his heat melting her to her very core. She burned for him, hot and feverish, full of desire and so much more! Whimpering with need, she welcomed his mouth as it crashed against hers, his tongue tasting and exploring, her own desperately exploring his in return. She savored each touch they shared, each moment like it would be the last.

How she hoped it wouldn't be!

Tiny sounds of approval rolled over Lucy's lips as she writhed and arched, her mouth working against Jacob's in a heated dance she was reluctant stop. Her hips moved wildly beneath him, begging and pleading for him to drive deeper, to mark her as his own. Already she knew—the dreams, her own intuition, all of it had already made it clear. But this was the here, the now and she was overwhelmed with sensations, with feelings. Her body was begging for more, the throb of her clit reaching the point of agony.

Lucy couldn't hold back, soft moans sounded in the back of her throat. Her body knew what it wanted, needed and he was right there with her as she teetered on the edge of losing control—her angel.
Fire. It was the only way to decribe how Lucy felt under him. It was like liquid fire beneath him, hot enough that he swore it would burn him. But he wouldn't move from it, not for all the world. The less restraint she showed, the harder it was to keep anything like control, he'd been wanting to be gentle, loving, but there was no time for that kind of thing now. Only passion and heat and need and now.

His back arched, driving his hips forward harder than before, the impact shaking both of them, a beautiful collision between them. Jacob groaned into her mouth, tasting her tongue along his, torn between wanting mercy from this wild side of her, and more of it, always more. Mercy hadn't been somethign he'd seen much of since coming back, and he didn't see much point in it now. Hands under her arms, gripping her shoulders, using that to both keep them close, and the pull her onto him with each thrust, more force, more speed, more everything, Jacob was going out of his mind with just how much more of Lucy he wanted.

Such short term thoughts were not his normal outlook, but here and now was all he had. He was on borrowed time, and he knew it. How much more could he borrow? And was there a price to pay for it, more than having to live past what should have been an end to his despair. But Lucy seemed a balm for those feelings. A way of keeping the dark at bay. His candle in the night.
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