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Little Sister (L337 & Muffin)


Oct 12, 2009
Drury Lane
Ami sat on her bed with her knees pulled to her chest with her chin resting upon them. It was late at night and she was in her sleep wear with her hair twisted up in a chop stick. Her brother, Jason, who always seemed to be there for her, had recently announced he was going to seek higher education, which only meant he would most likely be going off to school.

They weren't blood siblings, but their families had been together for so long, he felt like her actual brother and best friend, they had been through a lot together. She didn't want him to leave, she was very much so dependent on him in many ways, and she secretly admired him, he was a true catch. But she didn't want to hold him back. He encouraged her when she decided to go to the art institute she attended.

She cursed herself for her selfish thoughts, the least she could do was support him. She decided to go to his room to pry on his plans to get the details. She wasn't even sure if he was home, but it was worth a shot. She jumped off of her bed and tip toed out of her room and down the hallway. His room was only a few doors from hers.

She stopped at his door, grabbing the door knob with one hand and knocking on it with the other, "Jason..?" she quietly asked, seeing if he was in his room.
Half asleep Jason the elder of the two step siblings in the house heard his door open. Letting his hazel eyes drop to the door from the queen sized bed in his room he groaned. “Yes, I am up, what do you want sis it's late?” He asked having no clue what time it was. He was a little bit of a bum and it was the summer so he was going to put his shades on his windows to good use and sleep all day if he could.

Looking at his clock he noticed it was still late in the night. “Come in, close the door so you don't wake up mom and dad.” He said patting his bed gently. Sitting up in the bed his naked chest was exposed in the beam of light coming from the door. Athletic build, strong, lean upper body was uncovered as he normally only slept in his boxers.
Ami got a look on her face like a deer caught in headlights, she didn't realize how late it was in the evening, she had spent a great deal of the night thinking. "Oh, s-sorry", she said in a whisper as she stepped inside, quickly shutting the door.

She tip toed across her brother's dark room and gently crawled into his bed trying to be quiet. She sat next to him and settled in. She sighed and looked over at him, "I didn't realize how late it was. I wanted to talk to you about something, but.. I guess it can wait." She examined his face, he didn't look awake at all, she must have woken him.

He looked quite nice in the moon light, it showed off the curves in his toned and muscular body.

"Sorry if I woke you", she said with a soft giggle, and smirked at her groggy looking brother.
Yawning as she talked to him he shook his head. "Please sit, hell crawl in I don't care. Talk you woke me up, might as well talk to me now." He said as he pushed the pile of covers back a little, they were siblings right; what could be wrong with this? His eyes moved over her body in the faint night light making her nightgown look like a flowing mist over her body that was slightly more attractive than normal for some reason. Smiling softly he leaned back into his pillows move back slightly more under the covers giving little thought to anything other than the fact that he was tired, she was there and surprisingly extremely attractive in her tiny night gown.
Ami fluffed up a pillow and creased down her night gown as she laid down, it was starting to ride up some. She pulled the covers up to her waist and looked over at Jason and sighed contently. His bed smelled of his cologne which smelled surprisingly good, it was rare when she liked the way a cologne smelled.

She felt sort of bad that she had woken him, she almost wished she could take it back, but there was no turning back now. She turned so she was laying on her side. She held the top of her night gown so she wouldn't slip out as she turned but let ho once she settled.

"So...", she started, "What are your plans for school? Are you... are you going off anywhere?" She starred at him innocently but then laughed nervously, this was definitely an odd time to ask this.
Jared chuckled watching his little sister in the dark room, barely able to make out the distinct features of her body. With a smile he shook his head. “I might go up north, there's a school with a good sociology department around there. It's only like forty five miles from here.” Jared said as he shifted over looking at her as he rolled onto his side to look at her face to face. Even in his half asleep state he figured she didn't want to lose him to a school with how close they had always been. With a smile he yawned and stretched a little before chuckling and patting her on the top of the head softly. “Don't worry cutie, you're not gonna get rid of me that easily, I don't want to go too far from home.” He said as he rolled back on his back and gently poked her flat stomach. Closing his eyes he sighed and was a bit shocked at some of the images dancing in his head, his sister, in some not so sisterly like poses. He opened his eyes and smiled again at her as he thought about how to make her feel better about all of this.
Ami sighed in relief on the inside and flashed a smile when he said he wasn't planning on leaving home. It'd be like losing her best friend if he left, she'd have no one to run to. "Darn, now I won't be able to turn your room into a closet..", she said, then stuck her tongue out at him. She poked him back on the bare stomach, it was much harder than her. Her cheeks turned pink as she suddenly got the desire to feel his muscles, she had never gotten to before. But she'd only want more once she got a little taste.

She was trying not to act too upset or excited. Was she trying too hard to hide the ever so increasing attraction she felt for the boy next to her. As he rolled onto his back, she remained on her side looking at him, briefly leaning her head towards the pillow, taking in the scent of him. "You'll be missing out on all of the fun of going off to a university..", she started with a smirk, "You'll never get into hot college girl's pants staying here".
Looking at his younger sister he chuckled at the comment about getting into a girls pants. “Well if I wanted to I am sure I could, probably right here in this bed. Nailing her as hard as I could making sure the entire house knew she was enjoying it.” He said with a wink as he stretched a little. “And as for your closet most of your clothes are small enough to fit into your purse so I think you should just buy a duffel bag and save space.” Jared said reaching over and poking her side a couple times to tickle her. “I mean I don't know why you have so many tiny underwear, I mean seriously empty your laundry out on your own from time to time.” He said as he smirked and chuckled. “Besides you'd miss me too much if I left.”
Ami got a slight surge of jealousy as Jared teased her about banging a girl. She most definitely would not want to hear that, she'd much rather it be her under him on his bed. As soon as she thought about that, she cursed herself. This was her brother in front of her, and here she was, thinking she'd rather him fuck her than any other girl.

She was brought out of her naughty daze as he started to poke her more. Being so ticklish, she rolled onto her back giggling softly, trying not to be loud. She put her hands over her mouth and smirked. Once she stopped giggling she sighed and looked over at him, "Good, I don't want my stuff in your room now anyways, you'd just raid my panty drawer..", she said quietly as she smirked at him.
Chuckling at her he smirked. "I could simply steal them out of the dryer, maybe post them on craigs list with a picture of you and see how much I could sell them for, who knows I might could make some money." He said as he laughed softly and yawned. "It's really late, but I am not sleepy anymore." He softly placed his hand on her side and tickled her a little more. "I bet I could wake mom and dad up if I brought home a couple college girls and went at them both." He said with a smirk as he closed his eyes and the image came to his mind, except one of the girls was his sister.
Ami giggled and squirmed about as Jared tickled her. She started to laugh outwardly but then bit her lip and quickly stopped laughing. She sat up and sat on top of Jared, pinning his hands down, unaware that her silk night gown had ridden up. "You trying to get me in trouble?", she said with a smirk. She flipped her hair and looked up like a snob, "I'm sure I could wake up mom and dad before you could anyways..", she said, trying to hide her jealousy still. But truthfully in her head, it was her and her brother moaning together, it would definitely be a bad idea to wake their parents that way.
With a smirk as she mounted him he looked at her and chuckled. His eyes lustfully taking in her body, her soft skin touching his. "You know, if you're going to try tonight I am confused why you're on my crotch." He said with as smirk as he shook his hips a little, playfully grinding with her. He didn't mean to have done that but in actuality he hadn't thought and in that one action had given himself a half erection, nine inches starting to swell with his little sister on him. This was not a good scenario, at least it shouldn't be right? Jared smiled nervously hoping she wouldn't feel it, or she would ignore the fact his cock was growing between her legs.
Ami giggled but as also surprised by the joke he made as he wiggled his hips under her. She was taken even more by surprise as she was poked by her brothers cock that was stiffening and swelling. For a moment, she got a brief feel of how big he was, and she wanted to smirk when she realized he was quite hung. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked down at him a little shocked. "Uh-um...", she said softly not knowing what to say. Ami crawled off of him and sat next to him.

She looked at the tent in his boxers and then up at him. "I--I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you---", she said, as if she was the one that gave him the erection... or was she really? This was indeed an awkward moment, her brother got an erection while she was on top of him. She assured herself it was an uncontrolled thing, although she liked the idea that he got hard because of her. In a failed attempt to lighten the mood, she said "Looks like you're the one that needs it..", she said with a nervous laugh. She was trying her hardest not to look at it.
Looking at Ami Jared stammered a little looking back down at the now fully erect penis that was causing a large tent in his boxers. Jared's eyes as well managed to look over the soft legs that had caused this erection, trailing up to the hem of her light night gown. Sighing Jared put his hand on the back of his head and groaned a little as he looked up at the ceiling thinking of what to say in this situation. With a small chuckle Jared looked at her and smirked. "You know what Ami, I blame you for half of this. You are the one who came in here, woke me up and then mounted me."

Jared looked over her and was trying to plan his next move when it popped into his head, the attraction he had for his sister was obviously more than that of a normal sibling. "So, I mean I guess part of this..." He said looking down at his crotch. "Could be because of the young, lithe blond that I was picturing with that monster deep in her cunt. I mean in my mind she was wailing in pleasureful screams like a banshee, her head just above the pillows with our hips slamming together." Jared looked over at her with a smirk.
Ami blushed at his comment blaming her, but glared at him with a smirk when he mentioned the blond, feeling a little competition. She stuck her tongue out and said, "Oh yeah? Screw blonds, brunettes do it better.. and you were the one thrusting into me!" She was a bit bummed that the massive erection before her may not be throbbing especially for her. She'd much rather have that monster in her. She wanted to tell him she could out-do any girl he got with any day, but instead, she decided to test him.

She nonchalantly scooted forward as she rested up on her arms. One of the thin straps to her silk night gown slipped off of her shoulder falling down, almost exposing her bare breast underneath the paper thin cloth. If she made any sudden movements, it'd fall down. She repositioned her legs causing the skirt to ride up, ever so slightly revealing the lace panties that she was wearing underneath.
Jared looked over at her and chuckled. "Oh, not in my mind Ami. It was this little blond with a firm ass, handful breasts, blue eyes." He closed his eyes and groaned leaning his neck back a little bit. Opening his eyes he smiled softly and shuffled down more into the blankets, his eyes catching the strap of her night gown and the lacey underwear peeking out for him to see.

Stretching a little bit he raised his hips so that his erection was more pronounced against his boxers. "Well why do brunettes do it better, blonds are dumb and malleable." Said Jared as he let his eyes look over her body quite obviously.
Ami smirked and glared him in the eyes and then trailed them down to his cock that seemed to be ready to burst out of his boxers. She bit her lips, she'd very much so rather show him. But she leaned her head to the side and gazed into his ever so obviously wandering eyes, "They know what you want and how you like it, they don't just try to get it over with, they make sure you enjoy yourself..", she said softly gazing at his tent. She was now feeling a bit flustered and warm all over. She squirmed a bit and sighed contently.

She picked up the strap to her night gown and pushed it up, "And I see you looking", she said with a smirk and an innocent giggle.
Jared sighed and put his hands behind his head looking her in the eyes now. "I don't seem to be the only one looking, you're gazing awfully hard at my boxers." Jared said as he watched her move the night gown back up. "And if brunettes do it so much better, and only want to please the guy they're with one would think they wouldn't enjoy themselves focusing on pleasing their dude." Jared smirked and sighed. "Besides I haven't ever met a kinky brunette, blonds like anal, toys, even had one who wanted to be tied up to the bed."
Ami blushed harder and laughed nervously. Her gaze went back up to his face. She smirked with a look of confidence, "I never said a brunette never got anything out of it. By time I'm-- I mean, brunettes are done with the guy, he'll do just about anything for the girl. And toys? Ha.. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but a girl that asks you to use toys doesn't have very much confidence in your cock", she said nonchalantly.

She laid back on the bed looking at the ceiling but then back at him, "Perhaps you don't have what it takes to make a brunette scream your name.." she said with a smirk, thinking otherwise.
"Well then, if you think that I guess you will just have to ask your friend Suzy, she liked it." Jared said with a smirk finally breaking his silence about the night him and one of her friends had hooked up. With a smirk he leaned over, his lips gently against her ear. "She couldn't even say my name, she screamed the entire time especially when she was fucking herself with a dildo and I was tearing her ass open." Jared said with confidence as he leaned back on his back, in his mind he was keeping score, he had once again one upped her comment.
Ami burned with jealousy as he leaned into her ear and told her what he did. How could he sleep with her friend? Of all people, one of her friends! But she would not outwardly attack him for that, she wasn't as innocent. She was tempted to shove her hand in his face when he whispered in her ear.

She looked over at him, "Suzy? She's got to be looser than a 4 year old's shoe laces. Remember? I'm the one she kisses and tells to", she said with a half laugh. She sat up on her knees facing him, "You ever wonder why Liam likes me to hang out with you guys so much?", she said with a smirk, as she did the splits on his bed briefly before sitting back up, "He told me those years of gymnastics when I was little really paid off paid off." She winked at him. She ended up sharing something about his best friend as well. She was not the type to randomly hook up with guys, she liked to think of herself as classy, but she got drunk at a family barbecue and ended up showing Jared's best friend her gymnastic skills.
Jared chuckled and shook his head a little. "Actually he said he liked the fact that you could put one of your legs on his shoulder and the other on the bed so easily. Guys share shit, I punched him for it but we're best friends shit happens." With a smirk he set up and looked at her, his eyes locked with hers. "And Suzy and I hooked up before she got loose, I taught her how to fuck." He said with a wink. "It was three years ago, she never told you? Right here actually, you were at some camp or another and I was here alone when she came by to see you, one thing led to another." Jared smiled and laughed as he leaned back into the pillows.

The score was in his favor again, however the thoughts of her flexibility were now beginning to sink in to his head as he thought about all the positions he could put her in, but who knew if she could take all of him, or even if she could handle how rough he liked to be.
Ami knew she had nothing left to beat him, except one thing, one thing they both knew was true whether he admitted it or not. They were both competitive with each other and would go to far lengths to win or prove themselves correct. Ami would never have thought to do what she was about to do on any normal day, but Jared had managed to get her so worked up, she had to make him think she'd be the best fuck in his life.

She scooted closer to him, and did as he did earlier. She leaned into him gently, with her breasts softly pressed against him. Her lips gently grazed his ear, and whispered seductively, "Then why is your cock hard for me?" She smirked and gazed at the tent in his pants that still remained there the entire time.
When she made her final move Jared knew he was winning. He smirked and tilted his head to the side looking down his body to where her breasts met his chest. "Well someone is jumping to conclusions, I mean you did wake me up, you did get me thinking about college pussy." Jared looked at her raising an eyebrow. "Besides sis, if I was hard for you, it's not like you would take the initiative and try to make anything happen." Smiling he leaned forwards and gently placed his fore head to hers and kissed her nose. "So then, I think you lose this round." Unless you happen to actually make the next move this is check mate. He thought to himself at the end of his statement. His head leaned back into the pillows as she was still right there face to face, chest to chest with him.
Ami sat up, "Well excuse me, how was I supposed to know you get worked up so easily? I don't get wet thinking about guys that could be. All I did was sit on top of you. I've sat on plenty of people and never had an issue with that. But you.. You got hard while I was on top of you, and you willingly thrusted into my naughty area.." she said innocently, sliding her hand down to her hips. "Poor boy.. that easy eh?", she said as she sat up.

She turned slowly around hanging her feet off the bed, as if she were about to leave. Secretly, she hoped he'd make a move or do something to keep her there. She peeked over her shoulder flipping her chocolate colored hair back, "So horny your sister can make you stiff", she said with a giggle.
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