Addicted to Hunie (Wiki x Lilly)

She simple smiles, she didn't want to push anything and she was always cautious around her, having being the good girl to make sure. Tiffany finally sat up again and took the drink, leaning forward to drink most of it and set it back down just sitting there for a moment, she did feel her body being weird, feeling warm on her cheeks and her chest, it wasn't that hot but it was just something strange inside. " umm..thanks..." She said softly as she crossed her legs in front of herself a bit more feeling a sensation. Kyu still just watched as she finished the bag and throws it away, " well I'm helpful as fuck..." Saying it with a smirk as she then looks to the tv now.
Lilly smiles to Kyu, and mouths a silent thank you, soon, she settled in, and played the game with Tiffany for a bit, but after a few sips, she herself kinda started feeling drippy in her tiny little panties, "Oh, man your really good at this game." Truth be told Lilly hadn't been trying all that hard at the game, she simply was eager to have her version of fun with Tiffany, and smiles, she slowly moved and sat on the couch as she would look to Tiffany, "I am going to order a pizza what kind you like?" She asked and wondered how Tiffany was holding up after a few sips of Kyu's special drink.
Kyu can't help but giggle a little bit, feeling something in her stomach, it was just a weird excitement and rush to see how things would play out, turning to look over at Tiffany with a huge grin then to see lilly, giving her a big grin and a wink. Tiffany took another sip, as her legs were crossed even tighter, she felt the feeling again stronger and harder to hide " th-thanks a lot..." Her breathing was a bit heavier and her cheeks were redder as she leaned back to get more relaxed in her position. " umm...m-maybe some cheese and p-pepperoni is good..."
Lilly finally rose from her seat and nods, she calmly walks with a sexy sway in her step, and as she bends over to pick up her cell phone. She flips it open dials up the pizza place, and puts in the order, she soon turns and moves in behind Tiffany and crosses her legs and bundles the younger girl up so she is sitting on her lap, with a playful smile, "The order should be here in 30 minutes." She flashed Tiffany her biggest sexiest smile.
Her heart is beating more and her breathing is a bit heavier, "that-that's fine...." Someyhing was happening to her, and it seemed she would try to hide it. She didn't feel about going to the bathroom but somethig else that would be worse for her. The girl stays still against her wanting to keep her legs closed as something could be seen under it if she would.
Lilly gives the younger girl a smirk, and continued to play with her, she could feel Tiffany growing heated. She had the poor girl settled upon her lap for what it was worth, as they played somewhere in the second half of the third game, she leaned in and gave Tiffany a slight nip on the ear "You alright sweety? Your burning up a little?"
She continued to play as she started to move back and forth, her legs shaking a bit, "yeah I'm fine...just surprised by that you know..." Tiffany looked over at the cup then looked away not wanting to ever touch it. "I'm fine..." Finally her legs stop shaking for a bit. Kyu just sifhed and say with them on the couch, she didn't feel like going for her porn or doing anything at all.
Lilly smiles, and slowly she reached her hands up under Tiffany's breasts softly, "Dear, I have really missed my cute little Tiffany so much, you call so rarely anymore, I am always so lonely with out my little lovely Tiffany." Her tone dripping and sweet, she leans in cupping Tiffany's breasts softly and slowly with the skill that had subdued the normally shy and perversion free Tiffany, Lilly's hands cupped the girls breasts and slowly she stroaks and rubs them around in a light gentle manner not to fast, but not slow enough to make her want to pull away, "Come to Lilly, Tiffany..... come to me..." She whispered ever so gently, before softly nipping Tiffany on the ear, aiming for her weak spot.
" i-I'm sorry..." She says shaking a bit as she starts to grab on to her body and touch her. " it's school and practice that's it you know..." She leans back and moans softly, "not there..." Tiffany looks over, "but your sister Is isn't she?" Kyu just crosses her arms, " well mostly..." Tiffany squirms a bit feeling her touched all over.
Lilly continues groaping Tiffany's breasts, they were fullfilling to touch. Lilly grips and squeezes Tiffany's adorable breasts. She begins to lick the ridge of Tiffany's ear, the poor girl was trapped with Lilly, "I bet your super stressed, I wanna help you out." With little notion, Lilly raised and lifted off Tiffany's shirt not waisting any time, she grips and massages Tiffany's breasts brushing her fingers over her quickly budding nipples.
(Still with bra)

Tiffany sits up a bit, laying her head back on her. Kyu sighed and went over to go upstairs to do whatever than just sit with the tv. Tiffany softly moans more as she still moves slowly around in her grip, feeling her boobs being squeezed and played with more now.
The young woman with her bra on, she lingers a lick of her lips. Tiffany's boobs were really nice. Her fingers tug and rub along her nipples still snug up within her bra, she could smell the sweetness of the young girl. Her eyes roaming around but ultimately, she was inevitably going to be sure Tiffany enjoyed her stay today, her lips trail and she kissed along the lobe and neckline of hers, then within moments, she found herself bending little Tiffany over and kissing her along the back till her hands reached and slowly grasped the waistband of her bottoms.
" I thought we would normally hang out..." She said, leaning back more and squirming with a moan as she closes her eyes with her mouth open, before being bent over with her hands on the table and her ass in the air, looking down with an embarrassed blush. Even if she did deny it it wouldn't be hard for Lilly to know that she wanted more just from her expression.
Lilly smiles and with her bent over, "Oh this is pretty normally for us two isn't it though." She helped to remove Tiffany's bottoms and soon her hands lift and tug away her panties and puts his mouth up against her cunt and begins lapping and dragging up and down. The tip of her tongue buds and hard against Tiffany's sweet pussy.
She flinches and jerks forward a bit her arms wobbly, moaning loudly. " did you really have to be fast like that?" She says sloely turning with a blush, " my arms...I can't hold myself up..." Tiffany moans as she starts to become even wetter.
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