Addicted to Hunie (Wiki x Lilly)

Sep 18, 2015
The Moon
Lilly laid back on the sofa in her small apartment, laid back, in little more then her little pink bra and panties which were simple and modest, her 35 C cups snugg in the comfortable fitting pink push up bra, her panties simple pink panties with white hearts. She could hear the tv, Kyu was watching porn in the other room again, Lilly had gone a few weeks without hunting for Hunie, and she didn't hear much from the girls of late. The blond haired, blue eyed woman, rose up with a yawn and went to her pantie collection drawer, she needed a good easy lay today, a peek in the drawer revealed the used panties of the girls she brought home, some hadn't been washed, a shake of Lilly's head and an audible sigh resounded, "I need to update my collection...." She sighed, before an ironic blip of a message caught her attention to her phone. Lilly checked, it was from Tiffany, a click on the message opened it, and she read the message.
Tiffany sighed as she sat in her classroom during school, it was good because it was the last day before the weekend would start and she could use for a little relaxing, especially with all the practices she had like today in the morning. The young blonde was tired and bored and the class wasn't helping at all, boring and full of work hated by of course the students themselves including her. Finally about another hour passed and she was finally free now from her class stretching and walking out holding her blue and white backpack. Tiffany took out her phone and yawned, deciding to text her girl, "hey what's up, classes finally done, bored...maybe hang out if your not doing anything?" She added a smile and sent it turning to walk down the hall.
Lilly, made her way to the bathroom as she read the text, it was from Tiffany alright, she waited on answering back, as she felt the gurgling in her stomach. "I have to stop eating like I have Niki or Kyu's metabolism...." She would sit down on the pot, after pulling her panties down, and took care of her business, she read the message again, as she went potty and thought up a response, then it hit her.... She began texting back, "Sure, sounds fun, meet me at the Cafe down the way, in say, 30 minutes....?" She sent the text, then finished her business, a grimace crossed her lips, as she finished up, and stood up, she felt much lighter after that. She flushed, and went to check her make-up and applied a little powder and mascara to bring out her brilliant blue eyes. She finished that and chose a casual outfit, button up baby blue shirt, with a white denim skirt, she chose some low heeled shoes, never really enjoying high heels herself, and soon, she passed by Kyu, being sure to give her a little sugar on the lips, after giving Kyu a soft kiss, she moved to the door, "Going out with Tiffany for a bit you can watch the house for me right?"
Tiffany finally made it outside after a bit of a walk to her locker to take out her books and things she didn't need until next week, just so it was easier with her bag then turned to head outside finally feeling the warmth and brightness of the sun on her cold skin. It was really good for the moment but she couldn't stay out in the sun just like that, sitting down at a nearby table and hearing the buzzing of her phone as she did get a message again from her. Reading it she smiled, standing up and slowly heading down to the outside of the school then down the street to the nearby shops and cafes but going to the particular one where they always hung out at. " sure sounds good!! I'll see you!!" She texted back as she stopped at the sidewalk waiting to cross the street to the cafe.

Kyu breathes heavily with a big smirk on her face, jeez she couldn't get enough of doing something like this and she wouldn't stop this for anything even if lilly always heard something from the other room, of course she also knew that it was ok with it but just doing it was amazing. The fairy turned to see her walk in, leaning in to kiss her back with a blush and a smile, " yeah, ok then I can, please bring that sweet ass back not too long before I miss it ok? Maybe get me something too?" She asked not asking where she would go, "have fun!!!!" Waving she turned and gave a yawn and stretch in her seat.
Lilly gives Kyu a wink, and then walked out the door and waves, then made her way along the streets. The city was quiet most days, not much happened, her walk was part sexy sway, part casual attempt to just enjoy the strut, she made her way to the cafe, that she had asked to meet up with Tiffany, and Lilly spots her sitting out under the outside awning, and moved to sit across from her and leans in to catch her by surprise with a kiss, "Been awhile hope you haven't missed me to much sweety, hows school going? You behaving for poor Aiko in class." Yes, she had some fun with Aiko, as well as Tiffany's own mother, who was quite the gallop as well. Lilly, smiled sitting back down after giving Tiffany her kiss, and questions. She ordered some sweet coffee for herself, and a few donuts for them to share, and a cup of hot chocolate for Tiffany.
The young school girl finally finds the cafe and a good place to sit waiting as she is leaning back in her chair, it really had been a long day for her school days and she didn't really want to think much about anything at least when she could rest. Her backpack was laid beside her as she waited for a bit finally seeing the young women she had to meet again, leaning forward a bit and being baited into a kiss leaning back all the way with pink cheeks. "Did you really have to do that?" She asked not minding it but surprised. " well yeah of course, it's just been a long day with her and she seems to hate it too anyway......" She shrugged and sighed, " practice is ok, but nothing new.."
Lilly smiles, and the coffee, chocolate and the donuts came and were set down, she winks at the one tending the cafe, before she headed inside. Lilly turned to look at Tiffany, and smiles, "You just need to either make it through, or stop while your ahead, that's all the philosophical bullshit I will provide you dear." Lilly was a no beat around the bush type of woman, if you didn't like what you were doing she would tell you to either keep at it or stop doing it.... It may have been her nature of not sugar coating anything that made her so likable, she said what she wanted and regretted none of it, "So, rather odd question, did you enjoy that time we spent, curled up together, mashing our cunts together, I could always be up for more of that you know, could help relieve your stress too." She winks as she sips her sweet coffee.
Tiffany runs a hand through her hair, following inside and watching everyone being busy in the cafe around her, it was always busy like this but it wasn't too bad whenever she went here. " oh no it's nothing like that, it's just...actually a game is coming soon and their of course gonna have it here too..." Deciding to bring something up to show her that her practices weren't all bad. A few more moments passed quietly as she started to drink from her cup, blushing madly and almost spitting out her hot chocolate but instead coughing. " are you kidding?! You know how it's embarrassing to ask that even with a place like this!" Tiffany only took that so far, " are you trying to embarrass me?" The young girl really was someone who wanted personal things not out in public much so it didn't bother her a little though she wasn't really mad much either.
Lilly giggled sweetly, leaning in and licking the chocolate mustache off her sweet Tiffany's face, and calmly leans in licking a little bit off her cheek, before sitting down. She calmly sips her coffee before answering, and letting Tiffany's brain reconnect, "I am not bothered about showing my affection... why does, my affection bother you?" Lilly was trying to trap the poor girl, knowing ever since their first time, Tiffany had never had a good time denying her. Lilly sat eying her, for a moment, "I enjoyed our time quite alot, and I had hoped with it being so long since last time, you practiced a few new...." She leans in and whispered into Tiffany's ear "techniques." She said so subtly, and with the sweet hint of sweet coffee breezing along the back of Tiffany's neck beside her ear.
"It's not that, I don't hate it but I just don't want people hear to say that so casually and think something...." She said saving her hands in front of herself, "wall there's school me practice so I never get to do anything until weekends you know..." She turned a bit to look at her, " did you wanna do something after this maybe?" Anyone who knew Tiffany the most knew that she was a good girl, not liking perverts, and also being a bad liar and someone who you didn't know whether she was serious or not when she was mad, soft heart and good looks as some would say. As she shivered a bit by the lick all she could do was blush and lean back a bit more drinking more again from her cup.
Lilly smiled at Tiffany, her gaze locked on her. She was so sweet and innocent, unlike her mother, who was sexy and overly ready to fuck. Tiffany needed a little coaxing at times, she was no stranger to working Tiffany over, and in truth, she wanted to hook herself someone she could take home today. She looks to Tiffany "Would you like to bring that new game over? I got a new console I wonder if it will work on it...." She sent Kyu a small text saying "Prepare the special drinks." Kyu knew likely what she meant so Lilly didn't need to explain, she also stated she had donuts to pay her with. She sent the text and focused on Tiffany, "Would you like more chocolate?"
She crossed her arms looking back at her quietly, "ummm sure....but it's at home though." Tiffany sat up and leaned back as she finally finished completely having just s cup now. Kyu finally went out into the living room after that much fun, still being in her pink panties and bra. She turned on the tv and brought snacks as her phone would buzz, looking at the message she stood up and stretched " kk, who's the lucky cutie then?" She sent the text then smirked and took off her bra, taking a pic of herself with one eye closed, a smile and a piece sign, sending that to her too. Kyu put her bra back on and started now as she headed to the kitchen. Tiffany stood up with a yawn, " sure, maybe in a coffee cup though?" She said wanting to bring it, "I hope it works then.."
Lilly, smiles and looks to Tiffany, "Don't worry, if the game doesn't work, then I have plenty of 'other' games we can play." She smiles and looks to her, "You remember my apartment number right?" She said as she sent a text to Tiffany with the info once again, just in case Tiffany lost the information along the way. She then ordered Tiffany another Hot Chocolate, and ordered it in a coffee cup, maybe the young lady wanted to pretend she was ready for adult drinks like coffee when she wasn't, either way, then the text from Kyu came back, she saw the image and smirks, texting the words 'The high school virgin is coming over', Kyu knew who High School virgin likely meant, as she had told her about all of the girls she slept with, soon she scrolled to see the image and smirks, moving the Phone under the table while Tiffany was distracted, and got a short of Tiffany's panties under her skirt visible with the way she was sitting, and thus, sent the image over to Kyu to oogle. Lilly ceased her suspicious actions by the time Tiffany's attention came back and she smiles, "You found yourself anyone better then me yet?" She questioned as if trying to see if someone was moving on her marked property and if she was going to have to stab someone for getting involved with her lovable Virgin.
"But you know, I hope it does work though..." She shrugged as she crossed her arms and waited, taking her cup and having a small drink, then opening her phone to see, "well I have this now.". Kyu yawns and sighs as she looks over the buzz," the innocent ones, good luck with that..." The fairy sent it and continued her things. Tiffany shivered feeling a breeze, looking down at her phone and letting her have the shot but not knowing, closing her phone in time to stand up, " ready, ummm..n-no though there was some guys flirting.." She blushed and shivered from the thought of both her and them. Tiffany straightens her skirt and looks around, "so I'll meet you there then?"
Lilly smiles gently, and would take her time getting up, she would pack the donuts up. Then offers Tiffany a hug before they parted ways "Yup, meet you there, we will have drinks and chips, oh and my 'sister' will be there." She let everyone believe on the outside that Kyu was her sibling, made it easier to explain to others then that she was actually a sex fairy sent by Venus to nurture Hunie, which you will have to play the game to understand that mumbo-jumbo, with the parting of the two of them she looked to Tiffany before calling out "Oh those guys give you trouble come find me I will give them hell." She said before grinning and going to walk for home leaving Tiffany with a nice view of her ass in this awesome skirt as she walked away.
Tiffany smiled and tilted her head a bit, waving to her as she left, blushing as she did look at that ass, " jeez lilly..." She blushed and couldn't help but giggle softly as she turned and went her own way. She really did like having lilly around and she cared if she got hurt like most guys who flirted with her, it just wasn't the same compared to her. Finally after a little while she made it home with a sigh, sitting on the couch to rest before she went up to her room to look.
Lilly arrived home and went to the kitchen to check up on her horny fairy. She sneaks up on Kyu and gives her a playful nip on the ear, and a rub on the ass. "Hows my sweet little honey bee, brought ya donuts." She said holding one like it was a dog treat, "Okay, sit nice and pretty and I will feed it to you." She loved doing this with Kyu it was wierd to some but it was fun taking advantage of the adorable fairy, "By the way be sure to put on your human disguise." She made note of the special drinks, "This stuff has hunie flowing and panties dropping so effectively, you must teach me the recipie some time." She said dabbing her finger in one cup and licks a drop from her finger. "Mmmm." Lilly moans lewdly and winks at Kyu.
Kyu yawed a she leaned against the table with the stubs to the side as she shakes her idly, just doing that whenever she was thinking or just bored after doing something like this, turning to slowly look over and see her home after hearing some footsteps. " damn straight you should bring me something!" She said with a smirk then a smile. "Well I just got finished...mmm you are in the mood aren't you..." She says with a trading smirk as she lick her lips, " feed me please!" Kyu then pretends to beg.

The fairy leans back against the counter and crosses her arms, "sure, so you bringin her home, can't wait to see her sexy ass...nope that recipe is mine and I wouldn't want anyone stealing my specialty, you know that..." Kyu sticks her tongue out and winks back teasingly.
Lilly flashed Kyu a smile and dropped a powdered chocolate donut into Kyu's open mouth. "She should be here, any second now, you did make to sure the one meant for her wasn't to high in alcohol after all, I want her juicy not tipsy." She winks at Kyu, Lilly had gained a lot more confidence in her romancing skill since she and Kyu had gone on a quest to gather hunie from the beauties around the world, she checks her phone a second Lisa sent her another raunchy video Tiffany who was so innocent had one of the dirtiest porn star mothers in the world, "Good lord, how is she taking that thing, and even up.... up her ass, holy crap...." She then reconnected back to reality, and sends Kyu the video "Here, Lisa made a new video, its a private one too... for obvious reasons..." She winks and takes the drinks out into the living room, and plugs in her consoles she had 3 of them parody xbox, playstation, and wii. She turns her head to the door hearing feet approaching the door, "Kyu transform now!." She called and moved to the door.
The young fairy tales the sweet little treat and starts to eat it, being really happy about eating something other than just chips or cookies, it was just a nice little change for once. " duh..of course, why would I wanna do that even to someone that's a cute school girl, well maybe...I kinda wanna see it..." She said not wanting to lie about it a little, " don't worry I got it, of course she's in school and I wouldn't expect her to really drink either.." Kyu leans back and runs a hand through her hair as she looks around the room bored. Kyu hears her phone and opens it, watching the video, " holy fucking god damn shit!!! That is one hot fucking thing,mmmm..." Finally she turns and sits down, watching, " hmmm a game session I guess...." Tiffany had finally found it, leaving afterward to the apartment where they would meet for a hangout. She followed the directions and finally made it, knocking on the door, and leaning against the wall a bit with a small smile. The knock was also heard by her as she stands up, her wings disappeared and dress changing into a black and white pattern shirt with black shorts.
Lilly opened the door, and motioned for Tiffany to come inside, and took a look at what Tiffany was wearing, just in case it was different, and she smiles "Welcome to my humble home Tiffany." She gives a playful bow and a right this way stance before flashing her a cheeky wink, "Come on in, my sister Kyu is in the living room right now, so lets go plug in that game huh?" She said, trying to push her breasts out more so Tiffany could be distracted by her big double D's and smiles, "Your mother gave me permission to tell you, that she wants you to stay here for the night." A lie, but it would work in the end Lisa didn't really pay much mind if her daughter stayed out late. Soon Lilly lead Tiffany to the living room where drinks and snacks were laid out as was her consoles. "Here she is Kyu, came over like I told ya she would." As if she had made some bet Tiffany wouldn't come, which no bet was actually ever made.
Tiffany waited a bit seeing the door then seeing her friend in front of her. " thanks!" She says with a small bow, walking in and looking around the place with her hands in front of her. The blonde started to follow, seeing a glimps but not saying anything, though not embarrassed either, "oh talked to my mom....well I guess then, it would be late to be back home since I came late." After a second she would follow seeing another girl sitting in a chair seeming to wait for them. " sister? Right...?" She said guessing with kyu just telling her yup. They seemed really different more friends than looking to be related. Finally she would sit down on the couch, taking out her game and leaning in to put it in, " wow you guys really prepared..." Kyu just sat and watched them, " hook, line...." It would just be about waiting now.
Lilly smiles, and offers Tiffany to have herself a seat, her couch was previously cleaned up and free of fairy juice and Kyu's other explosions she might have had on that couch during her porn session. She calmly smiles and sets everything out, she would turn the game on, and it seemed everything was working out fine, "You had time to shower and everything? While your here your welcome to make yourself right at home." Lilly was giving her basicly the okay to be naked and vulnerable in her house, but she kept it subtle and friendly, while it was obvious to Kyu and herself what it was Lilly's ultimate goal in all this actually was.
"Yeah of course I did, that's why I was a little late, sorry..." She gave a light smile,wearing a dark buttoned up shirt with brown shorts instead of the white and blue school uniform. She was happy to meet her sister and she was even having fun already, leaning back more and waiting. Kyu yawned and grabbed a donut from the bag starting to eat more since she would know it would be just hers now. " I'm glad I could do this after school..." She took a long sigh and got more comfortable, seeing the two drinks on the table, she would smile softly seeing she really did care about hanging out as much as they could today, " umm...hey do you mind if we eat and have the drinks now?" Of course they were just right in front of her, and the girl herself had no restrictions but she thought of asking, thinking that most people prefer to save a lot of everything until after they played for a long while than eat most of it before. People knew her mostly for being the proper nice girl with manners compared to her mom, but that was because she was busy with things that didn't really matter compared to Tiffany having the college and homework.
Lilly smiles and takes her drink and hands Tiffany hers, she laughs "Your so polite sometimes, don't worry, me house is su house... or however you say it, anyways do what you like, your permission is fully granted to do whatever you wish." Lilly was lazy obviously, but she had a caring side to her, and that ultimately made her really enjoyable to some girls, she calmly drinks hers, the special Kyu cocktail was sweet, tangy and there was something about it, that boosted the mood of the one who drank it, sometimes even to a degree of intimacy, "Oh that is really good Kyu, my compliments." She winks and begins the game, the effects didn't hit as fast in Lilly because she was so used to it, but Tiffany would be drinking it for the second time basicly, and it was all to obvious to Lilly the girl was stressed, thus it work a whole lot more effectively to sooth and calm her, until she is nice and juicy with hunie.
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