Fairy Tail (OrangeFlames)





Roy walked down the small trail headed out to try and make sure he had eeything from his missions. He wanted to take time out and make sure he kept a few suveniors to remember the mission by. he walked into the guild hall and sighed out with a edge of happiness in his voice. He still had a long way to go in making his ice maker magic stronger. He knew with time it would grow. He walked over to the guild master showing him he had co/mpleted the mission.
The guild master Makarov looked up at Roy when he come throw the guild hall. Jumping down off the bar he looked at him with a smile on his face. "How did the mission go my boy? I hope there was no troubles and you got paid the full amount". he said full of hope for one of his younger guild members.

It took Katie longer to double head back towards the town as it was mainly up hill throw the route she took. When and where possible she liked to walk on foot. "Hay Mouse I know you are following me". She said knowing that one of the Zodiac spirits had come on his own, he had always acted like an older brother to most of the guild members.
"What you going to do now your the only one left?" Mouse asked but to be more truthful he was the rat and mouse was only a nickname given coz of his ears.
"Find the animals after that no clue". Katie responded to the tall dark haired boy with green eyes.
Mouse shook his head and lead the way back into town. Just like Leo he was the leader of his Zodiacs and can make the other 13 get along and can come and go without any need for any summoning. He pointed up at the dog then went back to the spirit world.
Roy nodded at Makarov and then showed him the money he had made. It was more than enough and it seemed that things would slowly become better for him. All he had to do was keep this up and climb the ranks. His brother Boar would be so happy about all of this, he just knew it! Roy walked back out of the guild hall and that is when he spotted Katie. His eyes widen as he walked over to her and watchd the dog spirit. He gave the female a wave and smiled from ear to ear. "Hi there, how are you?"
The master chuckled to him self as he watched the youthful energy from the young Roy. He enjoyed watching the younger members living there life to it's fullest. One of the joys he gets at being part of the guild.
"Hi". Katie said watching Demon. "Demon stop begging for food throw the window and get down here this instant". There was no luck as the dog completely ignored her. "Dogs. Almost all of them I have met only thinks about food". She added to Roy rolling he eyes. "You seem happier today". She said to Roy. Ignoring the dog she opened a packet of bisects what made him fly next to her in a instant, she dropped one on the floor so she could place a lead on him. While the dog was distracted eating Katie winked at Roy.
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