Fairy Tail (OrangeFlames)


Jan 4, 2015

In a land far far away from ours there is a special place where magic lies, for many its a tool to help with everyday tasks for others it's an art, these are the wizards of Fore, with in this land there are many guilds, the most famous of them all is fairy tail the guild where ledges are made.

Most of the guilds use there powers to help people where they get a small commotion for there hard work.
Then there is the dark guilds take on the missions what put others in danger, murder kidnapping


It was a cold summers night when a storm hit fore destroying many buildings, throw the nights storm many lives were lost throw out the land of fore, leaving very little area's untouched by the passing storm.
In the cemetery there's a girl bent down in front of a grave stone baring a large angel on top. On her right arm is a feather guild mark from the Phoenix guild, one of the guild what was bleaved to be fully whipped out in the nights storm.
My charater

Name: Katie Spirit
Age: 16
Powers: I am the magic dragon slayer, nothing powerful I can increase others magic powers, when the dragons vanished I was sent back to my birth father who taught me the craft of making the celestial Spirit keys, till the day he died he kept it a secret that I am one of the dragon slayers making me keep those powers a secret, only using the family's gift, I am not that good at it throw.

I make the keys what take weeks to prepare using the lock I connect the spirits energy to the key throw the magical lock, I only ever mastered the sealer half.


The keys are in my art work
- M Y. O C. -

Name: Roy Mortiere
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Guild: Fairy Tail
Home town: Magnolia
Powers: Novice Ice Molding magic Mage

Roy was born to a slightly wealthy famiy known as the Mortiere. He learned Ice molding magic from his grandfather. Usually all males have white or silver hair and blue, gray or cyan colored eyes. Their skin is fair and sometimes ghastly pale. Eager to expand his magical abilitues he joined fairy tail in hopes of becoming stronger to surpass his elder brother, Boar.


As the rain seemed to set in, the white haired youth made his way through it decent enough. The yong man had spent his day trying to leave the mountain side where his family had once been stationed. Now, he had come all the way to Magnolia and this was his fate. Soaking wet and here in the rain. That was untul he saw a figure in the ce3metary and decided to head that way. Each small step brought him closer to the female whom knelt before the stone statue of an angel. Obviously she seemed to be praying or paying her respects.... He then cleared his throat, water dripping off his rounded and youthful face.
Katie jumped when she heard a notice behind of her. She was sure that she was alone here, she got to her feet and slowly turned around to see who was behind her. "I am sorry if I am disturbing you I will be on my way now". She said thinking that this young boy would like to be alone for some privacy. She started to walk in the direction of the gates so that Roy could have some privacy. She had no clue on where she was going to go next as she was the sole survivor from the phoenix guild. She stopped and turned back around to look at the boy, as she suddenly realized that the sound he made meant that he wanted to say something. "I am sorry did you need me for something?"
His icy blue optics lid as he shook his head of wet hair. He had no idea w2ho she was nor why would he need her for anything. He had just lucked up on her and did not want to startle the girl.He had always seemingly been good at that, even when small he had always been able to scare people, just popping up every now and again. "No, I am sorry. I was just passing through... Since it was raining... " As he said this he moved to grip the small bag on his shoulder more so, his bag now wet making a bit more heavy than before. Looking down he then looked back at the gate there... Was there any place open now where he could get out of the rain?
Katie watched the boy walk off away from her. She thought it was a little odd that someone would make a noise like they were going to speak then said something like that, but then what would she know, she was raised by a dragon after all. Then when they all vanished she was placed in her guilds garden back to the father what made her away from the one who raised her. She was and is the Phoenix guilds secret. "You lost?" She asked him while she squeezed the water out of her long brown hair.
Roy looked over his shoulder at the young girl. He then thought a moment. He was still frankly new here and to be honest he felt like he did need some form of directions. He was not too good with directions and that was clear as he ended up in a cemetary instead of the guild hall of FairyTail he was looking for. Turning about he faced her again and offered her a warm yet gentle smile. "Ahh, yeah I am actually!" He said with a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his head. He felt really stupid he had gotten lost like that, but he assumed that maybe this woman maybe needed help some how? Suppose he was foolish for thinking that.
"Where is it you are looking for?" Katie asked She didn't know this town too well but she knew where some of the buildings were when she asked where her old guild masters wife's grave was so she could place his ashes with her. she was starting to wonder when this horrible cold rain would stop. It was meant to be summer but to her it felt like winter. "If you want to get out of this rain there is a cake store not too far from here".
Right away the used shook his head no. He did not want to go to a cake store, not right now anyway. Looking at the rain that seemed to pour down his blue eyes slowly turned back to the female. He needed to return to his guild. Was there a way there that he did not know about? More than eager to quickly get out of the rain he not into the idea of the cake store anyway. "Fine, let's go." He stood back to let her lead the way.
The poor girls was now completely confused on what this boy really wanted. first he wanted to speak to her then he didn't, then he wanted some help, now he is saying he doesn't want any but telling her to follow him. Her dragon father was right all along humans really were difficult to work out. She may not be a fighting type wizard but she did have some pepper spray in her bag if she needed to get away from him in a hurry. She just hoped that if things come to that there was only the one as it was only a small can.

She walked out of the crematory and headed towards the nearest shelter she knew of in this area. The makers not too far from the Fairy Tail guild hall, and it was just in time as the rain really started to come down. The good news for Roy was that he could at least see the Fairy Tail's guild hall from where they were. "I am afraid I really don't know where it is you are looking for as you never said". Katie finally said to him, "I can't show you many places I am not from around this city, I am from the next town over. I am Katie from the Phoenix Guild".
Roy stood there a moment before he followed the young girl. To be honest he was a bit too naive to try and hurt anyone. And he himself seemed to have a selective memory and a one tracked mind. He had always been that way and this was just how he was, very ackward and some what a bit of an odd ball. Once they walked a good distance from the cemetary he was able to see that the rain had come down even higher than it had only moments ago.

A smug and somewhat annoyed look plastered itself on his face while he turned about slowlyt, taking in his new and very damp surroundings. Blue eyes then widen as he saw the guild hall and like a small child on their biirthday he pointed and then ran off in said direction. Still, not giving what it was he was looking for but instead grasping the young lady by her hand and dragged her towards the guild hall of Fairy Tail. She could of course mace the poor boy or even yank away. His grasp was a eager yet gentle one as he had finally found what he had been looking for!

"This way! It is over here!"
As the door opened an object come flying in there direction or to be more to the point. A chair. Just like normal the guild hall had become a battle ground as many of them had gotten in a scrap.
"What the". Katie said. "If this was the place you were looking for I would have told you to walk to the centre of the village and you will see the guild hall as it's impossible to miss, besides when someone introduces themselves its manners to do the same, even animals know that much".
Roy was about to speak when the chair came flying his way! He did not even have time to react as he was hit face first with said chair! Roy toppled to the ground and lay there as he muttered a 'Yesd Ma'am'. He struggled to get to his feet and made a face as he rubbed the sore spot. As it seemed the place was far more lively than he had ever expected at all. Still, he moved to stand up and dusted himself off. He turned back to her and bowed in respect. "Thank you so much for your help, Miss! I am sorry... I have a bit of a one tracked mind..." He admitted with a bit of a red stained hue on his face.
"You really need to be more helpful and tell people what you are looking for. Not everyone can read minds you know". Katie said there was still the point of him not introducing himself. She decided to walk out of the guild when a mug hit her across the head making her wear the bear what was inside of it when the mug shattered. As she walked out of the guild hall an odd blue spirit key fell out of her pocket and onto the guilds floor.

Roy had just opned his mouth to say who he was when he saw the on coming mug and saw iut hit Katie on the head! He then ducked and then noted there was a key on the ground, His eyes lid a bit as he moved to scoop it up and then went after the female. He assumed this key was hers. And he must return her kindness of helping hm. "Hey Miss, You dropped your key!" He said as he caught up and held it out to her, He of course had no use for such keys. He did not even know how to use Ice molding magic well enough to try and pick up a new skill just yet. "I am Roy, Roy Mortiere!"
"Thank-you Roy my guild master would have come back to haunt me if I lost this. His name is Zip and this dog was the Phoenix guilds mascot. When he died Zip stayed in out world too long and would have died for a second time so I sealed him away inside of the key to keep him safe. He was meant to be given to a Celestor Wizard once they had proven themselves loyal to us, but that never happened and I am pretty sure it never will". Katie said. She showed a photo of her guild 7 years ago with there mascot Zip.
He stared at the photo and gave a small nod of his head. How hard it must have been for her to have to have gone through al of that? He could only wonder what that was like. Roy moved to offer her a bright and cheery smile. She did not need to feel sad, she was obviously doing the right thing and helping her Masters wishes by taking such good care of the dog. "Hey, no worries. You are doing ojay. It is a good thing I looked down when I did!" He said this while he then turned to look back at the busy brawlels that were goongon in the guild hall.
"Are you sure you want to go back in there they seem like a violent lot, nothing like the way Master talked about in Mavis day, his great grandfather was friends with her back in the day the guilds were created". Katie said. "You didn't just come from the next down over did you by any chance?" She asked.
"Aye, I just came rom the mountains... Hakabay. Near there. The Mortiere manson is there. My brother ins a mage too." He spoke highly of Boar even though his older brother could careless what he did or how Roy was even doing. Roy then perked up when he ehard the name of Mavis! He had heard of her, she was the First Master of Fairy Tail! His blue eyes lit up with interests then. "I have heard of Master Mavis! Your folkss really knew of her!?"
"Every member of the spirit family and the Phoniex guild are told about those days when the first guilds were founded so that there history isn't forgotten" Katie said pulling a comb out of her bag and started to brush her long brown hair, keeping it in her pigtails. "You haven't seen a cute grey puppy with black demon wings, A sandy cat with large bird wings and a odd tail, A sandy wolf with a black noise, brown tail and paws with white angel wings and a black wolf who has a red strip from it's head to his tail golden hair on his head grey patches from his paws up his legs in the shape of grey flames, he also has black and grey angel wings. Long story put short a member of my guild she could make her drawings some to life permantily, but now Sammy has been killed by the story I don't know where they are". She tried to exsplain the animals as they are not from this world

Mean while the guild finished with there daily scrap and Mirajane managed to inform the guild about the mass damage with in Fiore as it will effect most of the jobs on the board.

Roy listened to what Katie was saying. The young girl seemed to be having a bit of trouble trying to describe all of the animals and how this other female of her guild made the pictures string to life. It was very interesting to say the least. But he did not know what else to say and do. "I will be on my way now, thank you Katie. I am glad we met one another. I must off back to the guild."
"Oh well Yang is bound to course trouble at some point the black wolf, well lets say he steals things while your watching him makes you chase him for hours, he gets board then gives it back". Katie said laughing. "Not so easy to catch since he can fly, I had better head back then they are never too far from the guild, thanxs any way bye". with that she headed back throw the woods on foot as she didn't to too well on any mod of transportation. "Good Luck I think you will need it" she called out, As it was still raining she took shelter in the woods when reality hit her, no home and last of her guild. "Why did you send me there Rage and where are you?" She said to herself talking about her dragon father.
Roy spent the rest of the day with the Fairy Tail guild. He did not have any other plans other than to try and speak to the guild master in the morning. Right now all he wanted was a hot bath and a hot bowl of food. He would more than likely try and make sure he had a good mission from the board tomorrow.
The next day Katie ran all the way back to her village. After all even throw most of the village was destroyed she still needed to find the animals, but while she was still there she wanted to help the villagers find there belongings with in the rubble and help stable some of the buildings. Most had help from outsiders so here wasn't much to be done. Katie went to the guilds sleeping quarters at the back the guild hall and started to remove the rubble till she found a wooden box with 4 keys inside. "Well I am glad you four are alright, Winter, Spring, Aurtum, and Summer". She said to the keys. "Oh Demon you will follow anyone with food". She sighed when she saw the note saying that there flying dog had followed someone to the town she had just come from. Katie headed back in the direction she had just come from

The guild master was sat on the bar like he normally did with his legs crossed. The dog was flying in mid air looking throw the second window of fairy tails guild hall.
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