Star Wars: The Dying of the Light (TheCorsair, Miss Melly)

When she felt Anakin's presence, he had been standing in black armor at her side. Personally, the darker colors had always suited him, but it worried her on how quickly he had changed from being so teasing and intimdate to rigid. He even seemed, dare she say it, more comfortable. Comfortable in a way that politics, while they still may have bothered the once Jedi, seemed to have put up with it better. He spoke for her, explaining that she wished to have the babies on Naboo. Peacefully and seemingly allowed. Pausing to look at him, she then moved to glance down. They were beginning draw more attention, especially now that the Hero of the Republic had joined them. When Palpatine made mention of what the 'father' of her children wished, she looked at Anakin wearily.


Again, Anakin took charge and crytpically put that the father has consented to said request. When Padme turned to look, heads immediately turned and murmured conversation began once more around them. Following back to Anakin, he offered her a sympathetic look and in small shock, she gave a quick, small nod to the head toward Palpatine who merely returned it and then resumed his polite but strong position outlooking his new... Empire.

When the Senator was greeted by others, she politely extended her hand and was offered congratulations on her pregnancy and best wishes for her health. Padme was quick to disreguard any further notion about her pregnancy or the father and merely went straight to business. In fact, things were going quite well after Palpatine made a speech to which Padme did not raise her glass, merely sitting at Bail's side. Anakin, to her left. As he spoke, she felt the instinct to reach out and followed through. Beneath the table, she found his mechnical hand now gloved and placed her own hand in it. It was her small thanks to him. The first she had given him in a long time.

A few people had started to dance in the center of the floor as the orchestra played, gentle streams of colors iluminating the large hall and giving it a soft glow. Padme sat at her table, secretly envying those couples who could show their love and passion for one another. A sad smile grazed her lips when one of the senator's from another capital offered to dance with her. She knew she couldn't refuse. "I'd be honored," she had managed to say and took his hand in her own as he led out the beautiful young Senator in her golden gown to the center of the dance floor for a dance.
There was little to recommend the ball, other than to say that it passed. For Darth Vader, Hero of the Republic, the high water mark was not the endless round of speeches praising his accomplishments. Not the medal he received for his service. Not even his own speech, in which he praised Commander Rex and the Troopers of the 501st. No, the high water mark was during Palpatine's speech, when Padme's small, warm hand had fitted into his mechanical one and remained there.

It was Anakin who smiled, at that moment. A warm smile, filled with love and the things he wished he had the words to say.

And then it was time to dance. Before he could ask, another Senator approached Padme and invited her to join him. Vader glared at him, murder in his lambent yellow eyes as the Senator escoirted the Senator from Naboo - his wife and the queen of his heart - to the dance floor. As the music played, he rose.

"Want me to have a little chat with him? Me and the boys?"

Vader glanced at Rex, hardly surprised that the Trooper was there. "For what reason?"

Rex rolled his eyes. "None of us are blind, not in the 501st. And we've known the both of you... well, our whole lives." He looked at the two senators. "Say the word, General."

"No. I will attend to this matter. Personally."

Rex shrugged, then downed a glass of wine as the man he still called General Skywalker strode onto the dance floor. "Bloody hell," he whispered. "Kinda glad I'll die in a decade. Not enough time to get stuck in like that."

The music whirled and ascended as Senator Klymint led Senator Amidala through the intricacies of the dance. "I must congratulate you," he said. "If your child is even half as lovely and as talented as you, then I believe Naboo will be the seat of the Republic within a generation." They spun in a circle, weaving amongst the other couples in an increasingly-elaborate series of motions. "And is it presumptuous of me to ask if you have chosen a consort?"

A shadow fell across the pair.

Anakin Skywalker - or was it Darth Vader? - stood beside them, moving in time to the music to keep them both close. Blue eyes that flickered with yelliw flame consudered Senator Klymint. "May I cut in?"
Allowing Senator Klymint to lead her to the dance floor, she graciously bowed, custom in the practices of song and dance. This was one thing that the Galactic Empire had not changed within it's new order. She was at least grateful for this, but much work needed to be done. Klymint was on the Senate Military Oversight Committee, explaining how excellent their plans had been going, how the Stormtroopers were turning out to be a fine bunch. How dull. Padme could not help but think in the back of her mind. Then, the subject turned back to her. Blinking innocently when he applauded her beauty and how he hoped that her baby would be half as lovely and talented as she. Since she knew, or at least Anakin had sensed she was carrying twins, she wondered if one of her children would take up a seat of diplomacy? Or would one of them train in the arts of becoming a Jedi..?

Ah, speaking of Jedi. Well, once a jedi. She had noticed him first, but Klymint had kept on praising her name and even leaned in to ask if she had chosen a consort. He had come in a little too close for comfort until Anakin spoke up. His presence suddenly frightened her as well. He asked to cut in, Padme able to see the glitter of yellow burning, but being held back by his baby blue eyes. Senator Klymint hesitated, not wanting to let go of Padme's hands before respectfully moving aside and giving Padme's secret husband a nod of his head. "Ah, and Lord Vader. Excellent timing. A pleasure speaking with you, milady."

"And with you, Senator Klymint."

With that, Klymint took another awkward moment to no doubt piss Anakin off, and left the two. Gently, he took up his position in front of her and they began to dance. "You frightened him," she whispered softly to Anakin, but her husband didn't seem to mind, if anything was still scouting the room. "But thank you... for dancing with me," she continued in hushed sounds, a small redness coming along her cheeks and a smile creeping along her lips. For the first time in Anakin's transformation to the dark side, she had wanted to kiss him. Right here. Right now. In front of everyone. Let them watch, Padme had told herself as she leaned in, but was stopped when a sudden cry was heard and a Senator representative from the Kanz sector went down near Sly Moore who itched to grab her red lightsaber at her side, drawing near when the sound of guns could be heard firing. Her look went to her Sith Master for instruction.

Padme was quick to see it and felt her figure being held by her husband. Ducking at the sound of more shots being fired, she could feel Anakin's hands dig onto her shoulders. Looking up at him, small worry in her eyes, she shook her head.

"Go. I'm alright! I know how to protect myself," running past him, she hurried to the conclave that Bail and uncle "Ono" Onaconda Farr had formed, joining him and taking up a blaster as she attempted to hit the enemy that had invited themselves unexpected. Separatists?! Or was it another form of rebellion? Had it begun so soon? A shot had nearly missed her as Bail attempted to put himself in front of her. "Protect Senator Amidala!" He could be heard saying to the stormtroopers who had formed a barrier around them. Padme was doing pretty well with her aim until she felt a hot sting against her arm, crying out and grasping it. It had grazed her, barely missing her belly and instead she had turned it had gotten the back of her arm and shoulder. Wincing, she shook her head, holding it to prevent further bleeding. "I'm fine," she assured them through gritted teeth. The twins inside of her panged loudly against their mother's womb causing her to inhale sharply and drop her blaster as she reached for a column to hold to.
"I didn't frighten him," Vader... Anakin said, a small smile twitching the corner of his mouth. "I just looked at him. He frightened himself. And how could I refuse to dance with the lovely Ambassador from Naboo?"

Padme nestled into his arms, and they resumed the dance. It wasn't something he was particularly good at - Jedi simply didn't learn to dance - but he soon found he could fake competence by focusing on the beat and taking subtle cues from his wife. They drifted around the floor, uncaring of the eyes on them and the whispers about them. In the Force he was aware of the subtle trend of her thoughts, and he held her closer as she pressed against him. Her face lifted to his, and the world contracted to the beautiful...

Blaster fire.

All thoughts of romance fled at the sound. Darth Vader's head whipped around, scanning for the source. More shots, and he hesitated. Padme was in danger. The twins were in danger. He needed to see to her, first.

"Go," she snapped, pushing him gently away and running towards a far corner. "I'm alright! I know how to protect myself."

"All right," he reluctantly agreed, heart in his mouth. "Rex! Do you have a fix on...?"

He heard a single sharp cry, and felt the surge of pain in the Force. Padme! Padme had been hit! He reached out towards her, felt her thoughts, perceived that she was not badly injured. But she was injured. Whoever the dead man with the blaster was, he had harmed his wife. Fear and hatred and rage crystallized in his gut, becoming something hard and deadly. Turning calmly on his heel, he strode towards the source of the blaster fire.

"Skywalker!" someone shouted. Human of some stripe. "Death to Skywalker! Freedom for the galaxy!"

The man raised his pistol and fired rapidly. Vader lifted his hand, seemingly catching the bolts in his palm as he marched forward. His measured pace did not quicken as he gestured and the blaster ripped from the assassin's hand to clatter along the floor. Desperate now, the assassin tore open his shirt to reveal a vest packed with explosives. "We will be free of Republican tyranny, Vader!"

Vader stretched out his hand, and the man jerked a few inches into the air. The detonator hung limply from his belt as his fingers tore at some invisible bonds that constricted his throat. "You have disrupted this evening," he said, voice icy and calm. "And you have injured Senator Amidala."

"You... your... your whore... Vader!" the man gasped out. And then he blinked in surprise as his feet touched the ground once more.

"And now you insult her," Vader said in that icy calm voice. "You should kneel, and beg her forgiveness."

The man spat. "No."

"You will kneel," Vader commanded, emphasizing his words with the Force.

The assassin gritted his teeth. "My... will's... stronger than... that..." He gasped. "Your... Force tricks... won't..."

A gesture, and the man's left knee bent backwards. The assassin screamed as he collapsed to the floor. Vader strode forwards, looking down at him. "I find your poor manners disturbing," he declared, gesturing again. The assassin made a gagging sound as he clutched at his throat once more. "You should offer the Senator your most sincere apologies."
Gripping the column, she looked down to the bleeding wound and gripped her shoulder harder. Bail had noticed and gently pushed her back further out of harms way. "It's a scratch," she noted with a weak grin and as she moved to bend and pick up her blaster, she noticed in the chaos that Anakin had found a target almost immediately. The target that had targeted her. "Ani," she whispered and attempted to push past the crowds and still cover herself, but was too frightened to make it out further. As a pregnant woman, but also as a representative, she would be an easy hit for her movements and her pretty face gave her away. "Stop!" She cried out when she saw that her husband had used the same choking Force that he had once used on her. When the man got out that she had been Vader's whore she paused in her mid movements and watched lifelessly. Is that what they called her now.

Anger boiled up inside of her belly and another pang against her was given. Wincing, she held her belly beneath the golden fabric and watched as Vader made --no, forced the man to kneel before her. At first, Padme allowed it. They had disrupted the evening, he had insulted her, but it had gone to far. "Stop," she commented and moved forward to reach out and extend her hand. Even through the fires of battle and the verge of a threat ever on the lose, her hand was an offering of peace. The man would finally breathe again, barely, and took her hand, pulling her down with him suddenly, causing her to lose her balance. A blaster pointed to the side of her head, she flinched, one eye closed and attempted to turn her head. Stay calm. Padme was no dummy and she attempted to reach for the small knife she had kept beneath her dress, slowly drawing it up while the rebel was distracted.

"Try that again Vader, and I'll blast her brains--argh!"

Her eye caught Anakin's as she reached behind her and jammed the knife into his side to distract him. It had worked and just when he was about to recover and make do on his words, a blast was heard. But this was a different blast. One Anakin was all too familiar with.

The cool swish of a lightsaber which knocked and cauterized his head clean off. Padme nearly fell forward if it hadn't been for Anakin's quickness. "I'm fine, I'm alright," she promised and offered him a small smile before ducking her head at the sound of another round. Most of the representatives and the political orders were able to escape while those who were experienced in fighting would stay. Padme had been escorted out of the hall and taken to her room by Senator Klymint, naturally, who asked if there was anything further he could do. He even knelt down like a little prince charming, asking her.

"I'm quite alright. If anything, I'd like to be left in privacy," she assured him and that was enough to get him to leave. Rubbing her forehead, C-3P0 came over with a medical swab while R2 rolled in with a kit carefully balancing on her head. "Look at my two medical droids," she teased and 3P0 made a point to correct her, as usual, and tell her what he was before she smiled. "I'm only teasing." The ointment stung, but it was bearable. It hadn't hurt like there back scar from the battle on Genosis, but it had worried her to how close it had nearly missed her belly. Once her arm was wrapped, she had changed into a violet purple night dress with little flowers in her hair. She always dressed to impress, even before bed. Going to the balcony, she wondered if Anakin was alright. He was certainly taking his time. Touching her belly, the children moved again, as if to understand her fears. "He's fine," she commented and rubbed her bandaged arm.
Padme asked for mercy for the would-be assassin. And Vader, feeling he had made his point, granted. Which is why he was even more angry when the assassin grabbed her and pressed a gun to her temple. "Try that again, Vader, and I'll blast her brains ouAAARGH!"

His words cut off in a sudden cry of pain as Padme lurched away. The assassin went for her, and Vader moved. In an eyeblink he was supporting her with one arm, and holding the thrumming hilt of his lightsaber in the other. The assassin had nothing to say, as his head lay in the ground. "Are you all right, Senator?" Vader asked.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "I'm all right."

It was in his mind to kiss her, then, and damn the onlookers. She was his wife, after all. Let them gape! But then he heard more blaster fire. "Go, my lady,", he said, looking deep into her eyes. "You have more than one life to protect. Be safe."

He hesitated, started to lean in and kiss her anyway. Then, as more shooting erupted, he turned on his heel and strode off through the confusion.

"I... I didn't... didn't know!" he gasped, clutching at the golden alloy fingers clamoed around his throat.

He was Manrion Garrick, master of the Golden Spire - the formal hall the ball had been held in. Elements of the 501st had dragged him in, near the end if the fighting, reporting that he had been trying to flee with tens of thousands if credits in precious stones.

"You provided the terrorists with cover identities in your staff," Vader stated, voice implacable. "Allowed them into positions where they coukd kill several Senators and threaten the Supreme Chancellor." And my WIFE! His burning eyes held Manrion's focus. "You are a seperatist sympathizer, and a traitor."

"NO!" Manrion gasped. "I didn't... I thought it was just... just a... a protest! I didn't... didn't know! I'm sorry, I..."

His words ended with a sickly wet crunch as Vader's hand flexed. "Apology accepted." Contemptuously, he tossed the corpse aside. "Tear the Golden Spire apart, Rex. Find everything he did, everyone he spoke with. And bring them to me."

Vader forced himself to walk as he entered the bedroom, but that resolve broke as he saw Padme on the balcony. He rushed to her, pulling her into his arms and holding her tight. "You're all right!" he said, running his hands over her back as if reassuring himself of her reality. "I mean... Rex would have said... if anything had... happened." He stepped back, looking her over, then pulled her close. "I was so worried!"
When she heard boots hit the expensive marble, she stiffened for a moment and turned when he broke out into a run across the large expanse of the luxurious suite. "Ani," she called and for the first time in what felt like forever, he held her tight. She didn't stop him, but she stood there slightly limp as he ran his hands down the smoothing curve of her back as if to reassure himself that she was really alright. Her arm pinched a little, just freshly being bandaged, but he couldn't calm down. He looked her over, pride rising at the swell of her belly before he pulled her close again. "I-I know! But I told you I could handle it," very gently she drew herself arms width apart and looked to him. "Thank you... for saving my life." He paused at her, in his boyish way, and in a way that Padme could not help but smiling, though her eyes casted downwards. "Again."

Her forehead rested against his own for a moment before sighing. "Oh, Anakin. What are we doing. What are we suppose to do. This is... just so messy," she commented, still conflicted by Anakin's betrayal to which she had believed so fully in before. It was democracy or her love, and currently, the latter was getting the better of her. "I mustn't," she whispered and drew away from him, though giving his cheek a small touch of her cool little hands. "I need sleep. I need clear thoughts for tomorrow, I have such a busy day," the stress in her voice rose but she placed a hand over her belly and blinked. "They're anxious," she whispered and looked to Anakin. He either didn't know what to do or how to say it.

"Are you... really ready to be a father? The Emperor knowing and the people will easily put two and two together at some point. We... should come clean. Eventually. It may make things easier." It seemed Senator Amidala - or perhaps now, Senator Skywalker, was starting to understand a little of where he had been coming from. Perhaps the fates were changing in his benefit. Or, lady luck was on his side for the moment. "We'll talk tomorrow. Perhaps we can do lunch in the bustling metro of Coruscant. It's been a while since I've been out there." One more glance before taking his hand and allowing his real hand to touch her belly. "Just wait a second," she whispered before a few thumps could be heard against his palm. "That's Luke," she said, closing her eyes. Then one loud one and Padme chuckled. "And that's Leia. I think they're going to be a lot more like you than me."

Shaking her head, she turned and rubbed her shoulders, giving him a glimpse of her bandaged arm. "Best go to bed now," she indicated, though not really stating that he couldn't join her, but she still seemed timid about the notion of sleeping next to a man that... killed his near brother. Killed children. And the fear consumed her once more. Her little ones stopped responding to Anakin's presence and all went silent once more. "Goodnight, Anakin." And with this, she exited to the bedroom hallway and found herself resting in bed within minutes. Instead of hugging him, she was clutching a large pillow, burying her face and willing herself to sleep without bursting into tears. She had always been so strong, but her heart was broken, knowing that they could not change what had happened and the future just seemed so unknown to her now.
"Is anyone ever ready to be a father, Padme?" Anakin smiled sadly. "I don't even know what a father is like, after all. And... I failed Ashoka." Her expulsion from the Order had hit him hard. In some ways it was where the path to becomung Darth Vader had led. She'd needed him, and he had failed her. "But... I'll love them. And I'll do my best for them. And I will never be afraid or ashamed to name them my children, or you my wife."

He started to say more but she changed the subject, inviting him to return for lunch It was unfair of him, especially after what he'd done, but the statement felt like a blow. His back stiffened and he started to leave, and then she caught his hands snd rested them on the swell of her abdomen. He could feel the two lives in there, feel them in the Force and in the movements under her skin as they shifted around. Anakin's grin was happy as she identified each in turn. "If they're lucky," he said, gently stroking her stomach, "they'll take much more after you. You've got the loojs and brains in the family, after all."

And then it was time to part. He started to protest, only to remember that he'd promised her safety. Even from himself, if she wanted it. And so he nodded, and kissed her fingers gently. "Good night, Padme," he said, backing away. "I love you."

Yhen, turning on his heel, he strode away.

"Speak, Lord Vader."

Vader looked up at Palpatine. "The Seperatist cell has been dealt with," he said. "The survivors are being interrogated as we speak."

"Good. Good," answered Darth Sidious. "And the Senator? And your children?"

"The are well," came the reply. "Padme sustained an arm wound, but it was shallow."

Sidious nodded. "Tbey are strong in the Force."

"I have sensed that, yes," Vader answered carefully.

"They should be trained, Lord Vader. Because both will be great. I have forseen it."
When Padme woke the next day, she was alone. Touching the bedsheets, she gently ran her hands along the cool blue fabric before sitting up on her side. R2 beeped her good morning and she ran her hands along the little roundness of his head. "Good morning," she whispered and in came C-3P0 with a cool glass of water, handing it to her slowly and wishing her well. "Good morning, ma'am. I have written out all of your planned schedules for this morning and laid out your dress for your appointments as well in the next room."

"Thank you, 3P0. Where is Anakin?" She asked softly and the droid looked at her head with his head turned as if he had been confused by the whole arrangement himself. "On the couch, milady." Padme sighed in frustration to this news, and finished the glass of water and hurried into the the main living quarters where the fountain head bubbled gently and Anakin had been resting. The cool breeze gently blew at the dark blonde hair and she sat next to him very carefully. "Ani," she whispered and placed a hand over his forehead. He was warm and began to toss and turn a bit. "Ani, it's me," she said a bit louder. Was he having a nightmare? Touching his hand in her own, she bent down to place her warm lips against his forehead to wake him. It seemed to do the trick and she asked if he was alright.

"Perhaps you should take the day to rest. Oh, you should have gone to bed. I could have slept here. You know I'm tougher than I look," she commented in annoyance that someone had to take damage and it had been Anakin. Even after all the horrible things he had done, there was still some good in him - this she knew. But it was a matter of bringing it out further. He needed saving, not her. And she would find a way to his redemption. She would save him. "I'm going to get dressed for my appointments, alright? I may have to leave the planet on a diplomatic mission, trying to keep the peace out there, so I don't want you to worry. I'll be with Bail Organa."

3P0 entered the room with a decent sized plate of breakfast for Anakin and Padme if she wanted any. "Here you are, Master," he called and Padme brushed back his hair lightly before rising and lifting a few grapes in her hands and moving to go change. She slipped into a dark gown with a purple trip and hood, smoothing the rich fabrics. Touching her belly gently, she wondered how many more maternity dresses she'd have to get. Weren't the little ones ready to come into the world? Perhaps they were scared. She would be too, coming into the world at this time, but Padme promised to protect them and Anakin had vowed that as well. It was just hard to believe anyone or anything anymore.

Taking a deep breath, she returned to the room and grabbed a slice of bread and butter and stretched her arms up high a little, smiling to him. Bending down, she grabbed her satchel of paperwork, grateful that it wasn't too heavy a burden for her. Not physically. "Alright, I'm off. Do you need anything before I go? And lunch at the noon hour? Where would you like to go?"
He'd returned late last night, and elected to sleep on the couch rather than in their bed. Padme had, after all, made it clear that she wanted to be left alone. So he'd turned off the air conditioning and curled up under a quilt, absently wishing that Coruscant wasn't so cold. His last thought before drifting into unconsciousness was how much warmer he'd be, if she was next to him...

The door opened before him. Huddled in the room beyond was a group of children, shoto lightsabers in hand. Their terrified eyes filled with relief at the sight of him. "Master Skywalker," one said, stepping a little from the group, "there are too many of them. What are we going to do?"

Another voice - a young Miraluka, his sightless eyes bound - gasped in horror. "He... he's killed Master Shaak Ti!"

His impassive eyes swept the room, and he ignited his lightsaber. "Come with me," he said.

"Murderer!" one of the children shouted, and then another, and then another. Shotos ignited, casting strobing blues and greens across the walls. Grimly, Anakin advanced...


He felt warm lips on his forehead. "Ani, it's me,"

He started awake, the memories of that slaughter dancing before his eyes. It took him a moment to realize where he was, and then he clung to Padme for her warmth and comfort. "Perhaps you should take the day to rest," she said, chiding. "Oh, you should have gone to bed. I could have slept here. You know I'm tougher than I look."

"Uh-uh." He shook his head at that. "No. There's barely enough room on this couch for one, let alone three. As long as... as we're sleeping apart, you get the bed." He tried to get a look at her arm. "Besides, you were injured. And tough or not, I... I worry." With a sigh, he looked away. "And... where are you going?"

She slipped from his arms. "I'm going to get dressed for my appointments, alright?"

"Can I help?" he asked, a suggestive tone in his voice. "I mean... I'm no good as a ladies maid. But I think I've got the whole 'getting you undressed' part down..."

"I may have to leave the planet on a diplomatic mission, trying to keep the peace out there, so I don't want you to worry. I'll be with Bail Organa."

He nodded, wordlessly, then turned his attention to the breakfast tray C-3P0 had carried in. Eggs and smoked fish and dark klaff went down without being tasted, as he turned her words over and over again. He had everything he wanted, didn't he? Then why did it seem everything was falling apart?

Padme returned, dreased in an elegant green gown. She stole a slice of buttered bread from his plate, bit into it, and then stretched and postured just a little for him. "Alright, I'm off. Do you need anything before I go?"

"You," he answered with a smile. "Always."

"And lunch at the noon hour? Where would you like to go?"

He thought for a moment. "The Indigo Tower? it's not as... exclusive as the Skysitter, but it has a magnificent view. And I've heard the food is good, too." Rising, he kissed her gently. "And... when you do go offworld? Take Rex, and a squad of the 501st. Please?" A moment's hesitation. "I know you're tougher than you look. But... I worry."

She smiled shyly and nibbled at her toast for a moment, shaking her head. When he mentioned the Indigo Tower, and the seemingly good reviews, she nodded. "It's a date," she whispered before he stood up and took her face in his hands, kissing her suddenly, but very graciously. When he drew back, he asked when she would depart today and begged her that she take Rex and the squad of the 501st. It was his, wasn't it? He seemed worried that he'd upset her, but she raised her hand and quickly promised him that she would not argue. "Fine. But if I take Rex, who will keep you in line?" She raised her eyebrows in question and leaned up, allowing him to kiss her one more time. She could feel the cool metal press into her back. Again, they kissed, Padme gently attempting to break free.

"Ani, pelase, I'm going to be late. I fly in an hour," she begged him and finally drew away. "And let's talk about undressing... later." Again, her eyebrows raised but she moved past him with a second glance over her shoulder and exited the apartment. Rex was quick to meet her, no doubt being called by Anakin, and the squad followed behind her as she made her way first to her office first to get a few pieces of paperwork and a couple signatures out of the way. She was given a fruit basket with a bottle of wine at the door. Confused, she checked the note, wondering if perhaps Anakin had sent it, but it had been from Chancellor Palpatine who signed, From the Empire, thanking you for your hard work and to congratulate you on your pregnancy.

Rex dipped his head in. "Mrs. Vader?"

Padme gave him a side look. "What did I say about calling me that?"

"Sorry ma'am, rolls off the tongue quite nicely. What shall I do with this."

"Send it to my room." She wasn't particularly looking forward to trying it, but Anakin's body was better built against immunities than her own, especially with her pregnancy, she wouldn't be trying to eat anything that made her feel unsafe. Finally, when her day was done, she met Bail Organa at his ship and he turned in surprise at the squad. "Ah, it seems I'll be in need of further protection after the little... disarray at the gala. Anakin-- Vader... suggested it." Bail looked at her knowingly and merely escorted her in his arm up the ramp. They were orbited for Yavin, passing it's 4th moon and landing on the jungle, ripe planet. They were asking for negotiations with a small rebel base that was starting to form.

"Senator Amidala," she was greeted and for the first time, she thought a moment to correct him, but now Anakin no longer took up the name Skywalker. But her children would. It would keep them safe. Touching her belly beneath the fabric, she knew Rex was no doubt sending report after to report to Anakin on their progress. Amidala was taken care of and debated and negotiated for nearly hours as they protested and Padme found her own self struggling to represent the new Galactic Empire, but promised what she could. In the end, the negotiations were successful, but still needed to be worked on further.

"Back to Coruscant. Rex? The Indigo Tower please."

"A hot date tonight, Mrs. Vader?"

"Oh, Rex..." Padme shook her head, embarrassed and buried her face in her hand as Bail awkwardly looked away.
Rex chuckled a little as he set the coordinates. Outside, the stars stretched and streaked and finally gave way to the swirling unlight of hyperspace. Bail shifted uncomfortably for a moment. "Commander? May I ask you a question?"

"Of course, Senator," Rex answered.

"Is it true? What the news reports that An... that Darth Vader did?"

"At the Jedi Temple, you mean?" Rex's voice was neutral and flat.


Rex rotated his chair. "You were there, Senator. I was the one that saved you from that lone Jedi, remember?"

"I didn't see anything that happened inside."

"Good on you," Rex replied. "Me? I saw too damn much. Let me tell you what happened."

Settling back, Rex removed his helmet. "Operation Knightfall, we called it. The Jedi had betrayed the Republic in a series of attempted coups acriss the galaxy. The 501st, under the general's leadership, received the honor of pacifying the temple itself. Peacefully if possible, but through any means necessary." He ran vauntleted fingers through hus close-cropped hair. "There were more than a thousand Jedi in that building."

"Eight hundred of them were children," Bail snapped.

"Bullshit," Rex snapped back. "Eight hundred of them were short, half-trained Jedi. They weren't kids any more than I was ever a kid." He snorted. "The one I put down in front of you? We'd ordered him to surrender. We wanted him alive. On his own, he killed 37 of my men." Armor clacked as he crossed his arms. "He was twelve. He'd been trained as a warrior since he could walk. And he killed 37 of my men."

Rex let that hang in the air.

"Yeah, the general killed most of them. The shirt half-trained ones and the fulky-trained ones. Because he's a good man, the general is."

Bail snorted contempt. "Hiw do you figure that?"

"Because he saved us. Eight hundred short, half-trained Jedi would have devoured the 501st and spat our bones out. And if by some miracle we survived - and even with his efforts, only forty percent of us did - popular opinion would have painted us as 'monsters' and 'baby killers'. But he took that on himself, did what had to be done to spare us that name."


"Shut. Up." Rex's voice was dangerous now. "You have no right to judge him. While politicians like you were ordering us up in the millions and treating us like meat droids, he and General Kenobi treated us lime people. He bled for us. He learned our names. And he hilled eight hundred short half-trained Jedi to save our lives." His gauntleted fist hammered against his breastplate. "I would die for him, if he asked me to."

With a convulsive movement, he jamned his helmet back on and turned back to the controls.
Padme was silent throughout Rex and Bail's strange and then suddenly angered banter about Anakin's deeds. She lowered her head when the topic was brought up. Strange. As a diplomat, she strived to see things from all different angles. Here, Rex had one of them. She began to wonder about this, but could not bring herself to fully forgiven Anakin. Still, she could not let go. Closing her eyes, she placed a hand to her belly. "Please. Enough. We are descending soon," she interjected which seemed to get the two to stop. As they landed at the boarding hub on Coruscant, Rex escorted Padme back to her room where she found Anakin waiting for her. Rex either figured he'd want to escort her personally or it was a command given. Ether way, Padme did not seem to mind.

She raised the black hood around her face and smoothed back her hair. "I'm ready to go," she said softly allowed Anakin to escort her out to his speeder when he was ready. "Please don't drive so fast, well... maybe a little on the turns," she said, a little sparkle in her beautiful, honey brown eyes. Shyly, she looked away when he started the engine up. They arrived at the Indigo Tower, clearly as stated, a tower of a building whose faint lights gave off a violet glow. She took Anakin's hand in her own as he helped her down. The had a reservation under the name, 'Skywalker,' to which Padme ducked a little further beneath her hood. They had paid well and their privacy would at least be respected.

They ascended to the top floor of the tower where Padme watched in awe as they were seated at a private table, away from the crowds. A gentle instrumental musical track was being played overhead and for the first time in a while, she was at ease. Taking a seat, she lowered her head a little and placed a hand to her belly. "It is nice here," she commented and took up a menu, a look of confusion on her face. "There's so many choices... did you have a busy schedule today, too?" The waiter came around, laying down a few extra napkin's, ready to take any further drink orders. Padme ordered a ginger milk tea.
"I suspect I'll have a busy schedule for the foreseeable future." Anakin chuckled. "Which, given my training, is a distressingly long time." He eyed the menu, noting the presence of six different kinds of water, and pursed his lips in thought. "Ah... the yellow Orso '47, I think." A moment's hesitation. "And a glass of the Crystalring mineral water." The waiter nodded, and discretely vanished.

"But," Anakin continued, "specifically today? Yes. It fell to me to supervise the cleanup in the aftermath of... Knightfall." The last word came out a whisper, and his eyes - mostly blue - were haunted.

"You have responsibilities, Lord Vader," Darth Sidious snapped.

"And one of them, my Master, is ensuring that the Temple is secured." Darth Vader looked up at the senior Sith Lord. "I will ensure it is carried out. Successfully."

"Uhm... cataloging artifacts and records. Securing the Temple..."

The bodies were still there, where he'd left them. Some still had small lightsabers clutched in small fists. It would have been nice to be able to say they looked like they were sleeping, but that would have been a terrible lie. The signs of chaos and violence were everywhere. In the walls. In the destroyed furniture.

Carved into the bodies of children.

Darth Vader stood in the center of the room, staring. Occasionally he flexed first his artificial hand, and then his living one. On those instants, he would then glance down at the limb in question. And then he would look at them once more.

"What do you want us to do with them, General?" asked one of the Troopers. JJMK-22, who had chosen the name 'Johnny Mike'.

Vader drew a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "Catalog them. Find out who their next of kin were, and have them returned if possible. The rest are to receive a proper burial."

Johnny nodded his armored head. "Yes, sir."

Vader turned his back, face impassive as the Trooper gave the orders.

He looked away and drew a long, shuddering breath. "I... I hope your... trip went... better. I'd rather hear talk of peace, right now, than of more war."
Just the mention caught her off guard a bit. Looking down at her salad creation of greens and a few fruits, she began to pick at it slowly. Padme did not know what to say to this news. It disturbed her and the look on Anakin's face only furthered the said disturbance. He didn't seem to want to dwell on it, so she politely agreed to move on. "Yes. The negotiations went well. Your friendly Emperor should allow me to do this more often. They aren't all too happy with the way things are changing. Slowly, but surely. It is too difficult to change to a dictatorship," she said with slight distance. "Or at least attempt to build one's throne even higher. But I shall continue to be an advocate for the people."

Their drinks came and after they ordered, Padme a little weary on ordering anything too expensive, but Anakin insisted. Soon, their conversations became a little more lighthearted. "I can't wait to see their faces," she mused softly, glowing in motherhood as she placed a small hand to her belly. "Can you really feel them through the Force?" She asked, slightly amused and amazed by the wonders of the world around her. So much they simply could not comprehend. "I wonder if someday I shall feel it, too," she mused and munched on her food quite happily. "This is delicious. It's not hard to eat for three, you know. I'm always so hungry," she insisted.

- - - -

After dinner, Anakin sped them back to the apartment where Padme became still suddenly as they entered the front sliding door. "Ah," she paused for a moment and offered him a smile. "It's nothing," she said lightly before stumbling and catching herself against the corner of the couch. "A little light headed. Probably from flying, maybe," she concluded, trying to find the reason for her sudden drained face and the lack of coherency that she prided herself on. And then suddenly, she nearly collapsed to the ground. If Anakin had not been there, she could have easily hit the glass table and hurt herself. Catching his arm, she could feel tears in her eyes. "My water broke," she whispered, praying that Anakin knew what that meant. If he didn't she inhaled a sharp breath. "Ani.. the babies. Their coming," she swallowed hard and started to feel pain. This wasn't right! It was as if an unknown force was doubling her pain, taking a further toll on her. This pain wasn't even coming from her belly anymore. It was like a blazing fire coursing through her. "Ani, please! I need to be taken to the m-medical wing," she begged, attempting to stand. "S-Something's not right," she cried out again in pain.
Thankfully, Padme decided to change the subject. "Yes. The negotiations went well. Your friendly Emperor should allow me to do this more often. They aren't all too happy with the way things are changing. Slowly, but surely. It is too difficult to change to a dictatorship."

"Dictatorship?" Anakin countered. "Emperor? I think you're being a little... harsh. The Supreme Chancellor merely wields the emergency powers granted him by the Senate - granted by popular vote, if you recall. And they will be surrendered once the state of emergency is ended."

"Or at least attempt to build one's throne even higher. But I shall continue to be an advocate for the people."

"No, no, absolutely. Please do." He leaned back in his chair. "The sooner the remaining Seperatist factions can be brought to heel, the better. And if it can be done peacefully, so much the better."

The waiter returned with their drinks, and they ordered - Padme flinching a little at the cost. They continued to talk, steering away from politics and eventually finding their way to the subject of their expanding family. "I can't wait to see their faces," she mused softly. "Can you really feel them through the Force?"

"I can," Anakin answered, smiling. "They're... it's hard to describe. Their minds feel like human minds - the same sort of deep complexity. But... their thoughts are strange. Unformed. Completely in the moment, and aware of nothing but each other and their mother." His gaze grew wistful. "They're comforting. Like a warm blanket, on a cold night."

"I wonder if someday I shall feel it, too."" she mused.

"You could, yes," he answered, unexpectedly. "Anyone can learn to sense and even control the Force, Padme. Some people are better at it, but it connects and fills everything and everyone." He hesitated. "I could teach you, if you want."

The dinner concluded, and Anakin flew the two of them back to the Embassy. Not by a direct route, but following a winding path past the more scenic parts of the Coruscant skyline. As he piloted, he talked of inconsequentials. The dim glimmer of stars in a night sky nearly drowned out by the lights of the ecumenopolis, and how different it was from the broad, black nights of his own homeworld. The coming twins, and what they might be like, and how they were surely going to be beautiful because they had a beautiful mother. But finally, the flight came to an end as he touched the speeder down. Troopers of the 501st snapped salutes as he dismounted and opened the door for his wife, then fell in to escort them to the door of the apartment.

And then, suddenly, Padme stumbled and caught his arm. "A little light headed," she insisted, although even without the Force he'd have known she was wrong. She was too pale. "Probably from flying, maybe."

"Maybe," he agreed, concerned. "But... why don't you..."

She collapsed, and he caught her before she could hit the ground. "My water broke," she whispered.

For a second that was a meaningless statement to his ears. And then he connected it to the sudden turmoil from the twins, and her own suffering. "They're..?"

"Ani.. the babies. Their coming," she gasped, doubling over. "Ani, please! I need to be taken to the m-medical wing," she begged, attempting to stand. "S-Something's not right," she cried out again in pain.

It was his recurring nightmare, coming true. After everything else, she was still dying! Dying and there was nothing he could...

Stop. The inner voice was deep and cold and imperious. He clung to it, drawing strength from it. She would not die. He would not permit it.

"Rex," Darth Vader snapped into a comlink as he helped Padme to a couch. "Medivac, now. Lady Amidala is in labor, and it is progressing poorly."

"Shit!" Rex's voice snapped back over the unit. There was a pause in which Vader reached out and touched Padme's mind, blocking the pain. It wasn't a cure, far from it. But it would stop the suffering until they got her to the med wing. "Laartie inbound, ETA 5 General."

"Understood," Vader answered. He clutched his wife's hand. "Breathe, Padme. Slowly. In, and out. In, and out." He kept his own terror hidden away as he spoke. "We'll have you there soon."

The Troopers hit the door, barely waiting for it to open to push inside. JXKB-11 ("Jason") and ALVI-33 ("Alvin") - two of the best field medics the 501st had to offer. Alvin went to work assembling the stretcher as Jason pulled crossed the room and knelt by Padme to test her vitals. Within moments the two medics had her on the repulsorlift stretcher. "Laartie's landing now, General," Jason announced. "It's risky, but we need to move her to have any hope, and we need to move her now."

"Then do so," Vader ordered, and then all three of them were racing towards the landing pad and the gunship.
Padme remembered what one of the doctors had said to her earlier. To breathe. To focus on the breath; in and out and to clear her head. It was much harder to do than usual, and she was beginning to fear that something else, an unknown force was at work in order to make this more difficult. Who? Why? She winced as he helped her to the couch and began to shout into his comlink. His wife cried out once more time, a last time as suddenly a calming wave of something, a little blue light entered her thoughts and she slumped a little against the couch. For now, this gentle easing light was able to give her some comfort. She looked to Anakin and knew instantly that he had done something to try and help. She reached for his hand and he grasped it. It went to his face when he told her to breathe slowly.

It wasn't difficult to hear him, and she merely nodded, offering him a weak smile. "I'm... a little scared," she admitted and even laughed, placing her hand to her belly. "Why are they so angry," she wondered, her voice sounding so small and sad. To her shock, Troopers entered the room, not giving her a moment to recover as she tried to stand by herself, finding her body switching into polite mode. The senator was told she was not needed to stand and one of the Troopers took her vitals. To her surprise and initial hope, everything looked alright. How could this be? Jason looked puzzled as she had and then they mobved to grab a repulsorlift stretcher to which she was given some assistance to the Troopers. "I'm sorry," she mumbled in a weak voice and no one there would blame her.

They were taken to the landing pad, Padme placing a hand to her brow in discomfort as it began to return throughout her entire body. They were rushed to the medic wing as Anakin had ordered, people getting out of the way, others watching in curiosity. When Padme was sent into the room, Anakin was not allowed in. Whether he put up a fight or remained calm and away from everyone, Padme did not know. She wished she could see him once more, feeling his face in her hand. It would have been enough. Poor Padme could now feel the pain rising once more. "It hurts!" She cried and the medical droids began to buzz around her, positioning her upright and cutting out her gown and slipping her body into a white gown instead while she slipped in and out of consciousness.

Anakin was eventually permitted to watch, but behind the glass if he so choosed. Placing her on the birthing table, she thrashed out in pain, tears streaming down her pretty pink cheeks, her breathing rapid and overwhelming. The soft beeping of her heart beat on the monitor was no doubt a focus of many minds. And after an hour of her pain and her beautiful voice crying out for help, in anguish, the first cry of a baby was heard. It was a healthy baby boy. "Once more, once more," the medical droids called to her and she looked at them, slightly frightened and unsure, but the pain struck her. Her babies had wanted out, hadn't they? They were ready, whether she was or not. And finally, moments later, a little girl had followed, being carefully wrapped into the white sheets.

Padme was given a brief moment to see either one of them, and tried to smile, but even that had become hard to do. "Luke," she whispered, touching his little beet red face. "Oh, Luke," she said, a soft motherly tone in her voice. And then, her baby girl. "Leia," her voice cooed affectionately. Twins. Just as Anakin had... had said... And slowly, her mind was succumbing to darkness. "I... I need to see him," she begged, her hands falling to her sides as her eyes suddenly closed, the beeping sound of the heart monitor not as consistance. "We are losing her," the droids claimed in their monotone voices, though somehow still surprised.


Across the way at the Emperor's little palace on Coruscant, he had been focusing outside the window, watching across the way where the medical bay resided. He was concentrating very hard. He had done everything in his power to attempt to kill one of the children; just a soft experience. He laughed when he heard both of the cries. They had lived. Was it the children's strong will, or their mothers? And suddenly, as he continued to attempt to drain Padme's life, he felt a block. A strong force that was opposing it. And immediately, he knew. The once Chancellor drew back his hood in frustration, though he did it slowly. His own apprentice had felt the disturbance in her life force and attempted to restore it to her through himself. This hadn't gone as he planned and once the Emperor's attempts were detected by Anakin - or someone - he backed off. Frustrated, he slammed his fist against his desk, causing a large dent.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

The heart monitor returned to normal, and the progression of Padme's natural breath returned, though her eyes stayed close. She had merely passed out at this point. She had survived. Was it Anakin? Or the children? Or perhaps a small fire in her own soul? Whatever the case, she was moved to a more comfortable room, the children placed in two little pods as their crying ceased. Luke was curiously looking around while Leia began to shout in delight of some sorts.
She was alive. The twins were alive.

The thought ran through Darth Vader's mind like a litany. A mantra, alliwing him to focus on his rage as it fanned and blossomed. His master, Darth Sidiius, had tried to kill her. Tried to kill all three of them. And he had possessed jusr eniugh strength to blunt the attack. Padme had suffered, because hus strength and skill were not enough to directly counter the power of the Dark Lord. But she lived.

They lived.

His instinct was to strike now. Order a direct assault on the offices of the Supreme Chancellor by the 501st,and crucify Sidious before the Senate. But he held back. Darth Vader knew he was no match for his master. Not yet. And so he woukd play the dutiful apprentice. Absorb his master's lessons. And theen, when the time was right, he would strike.

Gently, he scooped up his two children. They were wrinkked and blotchy, eyes half-closed and hair thin and whispy, and they were beautiful. "Hello, Luke," he whispered. "Hello, Leia." He paused, feeling their unformed thoughts through the Force. "You an overthrow the Chancellor. He has forseen this."

Leia's mouth worked a little, and his smile grew wider. "One day, the two of you will join me. We will avenge your mother, and you will rule the galaxy at my side."

Padme stirred in her sleep, and her eyes opened slowly. "Hello, love," he said, scooting close. "Would you like to hold them?"
She was awakened by the sound of soft cries. Her children. She began to stir slightly, her eyes opening very slowly as she turned up to see Anakin. Handsome, smiling, and at peace. She enjoyed this look of his and began to inhale carefully. No pain. It was as if it had slipped from her body entirely. Instead, she was able to feel human again, for the most part. There was a little pain down below, but that was natural enough. It meant she was able to create and give life. Turning her head, she sat up a little and nodded her head. "Yes. I would," she whispered softly and reached out. First Luke to which she looked down and began to laugh softly. "Look at his eyes," she called to him, looking up at Anakin then back to little Luke. Then, she took Leia in her hands. The eyes were still light as any babe's would, but slowly, she could see speckles of honey brown. But the both of them were starting to look like Anakin.

Shyly, she began to look around, wondering if anyone could sense them like this. For a moment, there was only silence, and Padme could finally feel at ease. With her children in her hands, she began to weep. But these were not sad tears, they were happy ones. She couldn't believe that she was here, with Anakin and their children. After a gentler moment, a medical droid reappeared and administered some pain medication to Padme through her arm. Though her eyes never left Anakin's as he politely sat in the chair nearest to her. He wasn't engaging with her in a loving husband way, but she could tell through his eyes that he was; he couldn't have been more proud, more happy. Had he... been right in the end? Had he saved her? Had all of his wrong doings be for this one perfect moment? Padme felt her heart sink. As a Queen of the people and a representative of them following, she could not so easily justify an action of one perfect moment for the cost and lives of others.

Looking away from him, she looked down to her clasped hands and took a few breathes and waited for the droid to leave. "I'm in a little pain, but I wish to resume my duties tomorrow. I will be with the children in the morning and evening and we shall have one of my hand maidens watch them. Motherhood is, unfortunately, only one of my many duties." It seemed to stress her, but even after birthing two children, Padme's mind was set on doing her duty.
Padme took the twins, here face lighting up as she held them. "Look at his eyes," she called to him.

"I did," he answered, a foolish grin on his face. "They're beautiful. He must get them from you."

Without warning, she began to weep. Vader hesitated, uncertain what to do. Was something wrong? And then Anakin looked at her face, at the inexpressible joy on her features, and he leaned forward and took his wife - his family - in his arms. Emotions surged in him, and he felt moisture trickling down his own cheeks. "They're perfect," he whispered. "And they're ours. Our perfect babies."

He'd nearly lost them all. Lost them to his own lack of control. Lost them to Darth Sidious and his assassination attempt. Pain twisted in his chest, pain and grief at the thought that he might never have been able to do this. Never been able to hold his wife, never been able to see his children. A wild fury coursed through him then, fury that quickly transformed into a steely, cold rage. Sidious would pay for this. He would pay.

"Are you well?" he sniffed, trying not to sob. "I mean... no, it's a stupid question."

Looking away from him, she looked down to her clasped hands and took a few breathes and waited for the droid to leave. "I'm in a little pain, but I wish to resume my duties tomorrow. I will be with the children in the morning and evening and we shall have one of my hand maidens watch them. Motherhood is, unfortunately, only one of my many duties."

"What?" Anakin gaped at her. "No! You can't!" He bit off the next words that tried to come out of his mouth, and drew a deep breath. "'ve just had our children. You're entitled, if anyone is entitled, to a little time off." He scooted his chair closer. "I've already arranged for us to return to Naboo for a time - Coruscant and the Supreme Chancellor can do without me for a month, and the HoloNet exists if they can't." He kissed her forehead. "Let Dormé or Sabé carry the load for a while - they've done it before." He grinned. "And the HoloNet exists if they can't."

His gaze turned, becoming a mixture of serious and hopeful. "Come on. Just a month, with your two most trusted Handmaidens carrying on while you're away. Just the four of us. And your family. Because I'm certain we won't keep the proud grandparents away."
Padme was not surprised when her husband seemed on edge when she announced that she planned to go straight back to work. He was perhaps, a little offended in some way, and she raised a delicate eyebrow to him suddenly trying to find the words to try and convince her. "I don't do time off well," she admitted softly and when he admitted that he'd already made plans for them to go to Naboo, caused her lips to part in surprise. When his head came toward her to kiss just above her brow, she closed her eyes for a moment. Dormé and Sabé were always ready and able to step up to the plate. In fact, she could easily convey information back and forth; she'd done it plenty of times before. She knew they would be well taken care of. It would be easy to disguise them; just like old times.

"I don't know," she mused, but Anakin's boyish promise caused her to be transported to a time of innocence. Their picinic in the lush meadows of Naboo sounded promising. Plus, it had certainly been a while since she traveled there and home had felt so distant. Being stuck on Coruscant was the last thing she wanted. It just worried her with Anakin's new... reputation. "A month, I can't agree to. But I will see how long I last. But I am allowed to bring my paperwork and communicate with my handmaidens as I need. I shall arrange for them to meet me this evening," always business with Padme and when Anakin leaned toward her, she gently tilted her head and allowed him to kiss her as if it were their first exchange.


As Padme recovered in solitude, their ship was already being prepared for take off for the evening. Anakin no doubt thought it would be best if they left Coruscant by sun down and did it without alerting others. Padme dressed in a simple dark purple gown with a black robe over and a hood which she rose over the two buns holding her hair in place, reached out to take the two little white bundles in her hands. She gently passed Leia to Anakin. The children had been fed and bathed and were quietly, peacefully, resting. "Please take care. And contact me should anything happen. If you need me... only you will know where I am. I put my life and trust in you, as I've always done," she said softly, the regal authority always ringing true. Both of her handmaidens, Dormé taking the night to dress as Padme and twist her hair in Padme's fashion, bowed their heads.

Turning, she held Luke close as they ascended into the smaller cruiser and Padme touched Anakin's arm. "No politics?" She asked, hoping for a promise. If Anakin could truly agree with her here, she would place her trust back in him. Hopefully, this wouldn't lead to dismay and chaos. It was risky to move, but she had to take a chance. Still, a shroud of darkness could be felt behind her and Padme, though she was with her husband, somehow did not feel as safe a she would have liked. C3P0 and R2 were along for the ride, C3P0 handing her a cup of water as Padme sat down in the back, holding the children. "Thank you 3P0." Very gently, she placed each of her children into the tiny white medical pods as they floated ever so carefully and rocked on their own. Padme lowered her hood, knowing the children were being watched by the droids, and moved to join Anakin for their ascension into space.
"No politics," Anakin agreed, bringing the engines of the cruiser on line. "I promise."

Preparations had gone swiftly, because he'd made the arrangements ahead of time. He'd told Darth Sidious that he was following up on a lead as to the whereabouts of Master Yoda, and that he'd be taking the 501st and departing immediately in the Victory. And that was true, from a certain point of view. He had ordered the 501st to board the Star Destroyer and follow up on just such a lead - one of the Hutt Cartels had provided information that he'd been sighted near Tatooine, of all places. The only troopers remaining were the squad that had been chosen to be Padme's honor guard.

Rex had protested, mostly because he wasn't taking the honor guard to Naboo with him. But Anakin hadn't yielded to the Commander. It was vital to the deception that they remain. And besides, he could certainly protect Padme if anything happened. So, grumbling and bitching, Rex accepted the decision.

The engines purred and hummed as Anakin cut in the antigravs and the silver needle of the ship launched into the sky. Within minutes it had passed beyond the atmosphere and was arrowing through the space around Coruscant. "We're going to Naboo to relax," he said, picking the conversation back up. "No politics. Nothing but us, and our family." A pause, and then he grinned. "Well, unless Dormé or Sabé or Rex call. Because I'm confident they won't bother us unless it's an actual emergency." Hands flickered over the controls as he altered course slightly. "Which reminds me..."

Stars moved before them, and soon the figure of a distant ship could be seen. At first, there was nothing about it to give a sense of size or scale. But, as they grew closer, it was clearly the triangular shape of a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Anakin touched the comm. "Saber calling fist. Saber calling fist. Over."

"Saber, this is fist," Rex's voice responded. "Go ahead."


"Green. Enjoy your hunt, saber."

"Roger that, fist. Out."

He gave Padme an apologetic look. "Sorry. I just had to make sure everything's clear. Rex'll be minding the store for the next month. Even if Palpatine's looking for me." Reaching out, he paused as he gripped the hyperspace lever. Then he took Padme's hand, and put it on his own. "Together?" he asked.

Then, with her hand resting on his as he pulled the lever back, the stars lengthened into streaks as they lept into hyperspace.
Ducking her head as she joined him to sit, she watched as Anakin smoothly flew them beyond their world above and into the stars, Coruscant looking much less intimidating from this view. She glanced down slightly when her husband reminded her once again that Naboo was there for them to relax. "It feels like forever since I've been home," she admitted softly after he further the promise of no politics, only their little world and their little family. She couldn't believe this was happening, nor could she believe the Emperor would allow this so easily. He was a cunning man and she would have to remember this; he was pulling Anakin's strings and she had to be mindful of this. What if he turned again on her too? It had happened so easily then and it could so easily happen now. Swallowing hard, she was broken from her thoughts when Anakin spoke to the comm on his wrist.

Free from any restrains behind them, Anakin apologized that he had to make sure everything would be going smoothly back on Coruscant. She shook her head; she didn't mind. Rex was a closer ally than Palpatine had ever been. As he reached for the lever to dash them into hyperspace, he leaned over and took her hand to place on top of his. He asked if they could together, she gave a small nod and moved her hand forward as they warped quickly into hyperspace. She could not help but feel they were still being watched, even so far away as they had been.


As they arrived on Naboo, the beautiful golden and green once fuzzy now coming into the light. The palace looked as majestic as it always had. Anakin had called in to prepare for their landing just outside of the palace. It seemed they wanted Padme to make an apperance to which she initially declined but then approved of. She knew Anakin may be upset about it, but this was her home and her people meant just as much as her own two children. "Please? I promise, it'll only be a few days and we're being housed in the palace. After, we'll head to the lake house. The one we stayed at so long ago," she seemed to reminiscence and felt Anakin's hands to her face. Leaning up, she kissed him very gently. She always seemed to know what he wanted and how badly he craved it. Perhaps she was gaining strength in the Force after all.

They were escorted to the Queen's throne room to which she politely bowed and prayed Anakin would do the same. "It is so good to see you," the Queen of Naboo said warmly, rising and to reach down and shake Padme's hand personally. Padme would forever be loved on her home planet.

"It is always an honor to be here. I know there is much you wished to discuss but I am here... on pleasure, not business."

"Of course, Senator. Congratulations on the birth of your children. Word has spread." She eyed Anakin perhaps a little cautiously. It seemed Naboo, even this far out, had heard of Anakin's... strength, for a lack of better words. "We welcome you always, but we are cautious of the new Galactic Empire. We fear that democracy will not reign as it should. We request an audience with you, perhaps later this evening on how we can make everything, in the favor of our people work," she suggested softly to which Padme bowed politely and thanked the Queen, asking to retire for the evening.

The palace did not disappoint. Padme and Anakin, plus their children were given a luxurious large room with an adjacent bedroom for their children, an open large archway so they could be near. Padme dropped her bags and smiled. "This was my old room. They didn't have to do that. It even smells like me. How strange," she commented but offered a smile as R2 rolled in. She patted his little shape and let Luke and Leia rest on the bed beside her, gently swaying Luke a little in her arms. "Please don't be upset," she offered to Anakin knowing that already she could not avoid politics. It was in her nature due to her senator term; he had to understand this. But at least they were one step away from the core of all the chaos.
Anakin shifted uncomfortably in the grand audience room of the Theed Palace, aware of the eyes on him. It was clear that they had heard of his actions - the entire galaxy had heard, after all - and that few approved. Which made sense, really. It was the Jedi - Master Qui-Gon and his apprentice - that had broken the Trade Federation blockade and liberated their world. The man who had destroyed the Jedi would find few friends on Naboo. So he waited, dark and silent, as Padme consulted with the new queen. It was the easiest way he knew to mask his feelings before a crowd. Obi-Wan had taught him that...

The thought of his friend and Master and brother made his eyes prickle. Obi-Wan's death had been unavoidable, but even now he wished it had been otherwise.

Finally, the reception was over. Cloak swirling around him, he followed Padme and their honor guard to their chambers. As she stretched out n the bed and settled the babies next to her, he prowled around the vaulted rooms and looked out over the waterfalls. "This was my old room," she observed. "They didn't have to do that. It even smells like me. How strange."

"Well," he smiled walking back into the bedroom, "no wonder I think it smells perfect. What a pity they seem to want you to pick up your old duties as well."

She picked one of the swaddled bundles up - Luke, from his presence in the Force - and rocked him in her arms. "Please don't be upset."

"I'm not," he said with a sigh, taking a seat next to her and scooping Leia up. "I suppose that you can take the Ambassador away from politics, but you can't take politics away from the Ambassador." He leaned forward a little, bumping his nose against the baby's. "Isn't that wight, Weia?" he cooed. "Isn't that wight? Ooo... yes it is, yes it is..." He began laughing. Leia, for her part, seemed unimpressed.

Suddenly, clutching Leia firmly to his chest, he threw himself back on the bed. "Help!" he shouted, wiggling. "She's got me! Killer baby! Killer baby!" Leia, yawning, still seemed unimpressed.

Anakin laid there for a moment, grinning and mouthing "killer baby" still. But slowly, his expression became more serious. "Actually... I don't think I can escape politics either. Is this..." He glanced around. "Can we trust these rooms?"
Anakin could make a bad situation, a bad place, better. She smiled a little and shrugged her shoulders. "I am far from perfect, Anakin," she mumbled gently and rubbed her shoulders as she opened the large windows which acted like large doors that led out to the balcony. It was beautiful; a lovely view that reminded her of when she was year at just the young age of fourteen, ruling, commanding, designating. In a strange way, she almost missed it. Perhaps she was drawn to this notion of leading no matter what she was. A queen, a senator, now a mother. What was next? Turning back to Anakin who was trying desperately to impress his infant daughter, she grinned, shook her head when he drew back onto the bed with Leia.

Finally, Padmé broke into her big, beautiful full smile and began to laugh. "You're ridiculous!" She hadn't felt this at ease in a while and seeing the two of them filled her with great joy. Only in the Skywalker's life could a moment this nice last for only a short period of time. They returned to the fear of the room truly being safe or not. Frowning a moment, she went back and placed the now sleepy Luke into his crib. "Truthfully? I cannot say. I am a friend, an ally of Naboo and I always will be. But... times have changed. However; this was also the home of Palpatine, too. Surely, as much as you trust him, this place can be trusted... to a certain extent." Closing her eyes suddenly, she could hear those noises again, calling out to her. Who was that? Rubbing her forehead, she moved forward and took Leia from Anakin gently who was now growing sleepy as well. Placing her daughter in the pod next to Luke, she offered Anakin a small smile.

"What would you like to do? Shall we walk? If anything, I think the children are safer away from us. If there is a threat, they would come to me first. And I am willing to take such a risk," Padmé concluded, willing to defend those she cared for even at a distance. Dormé was there at the door a polite knock later, revealing the four guards outside of their room. She bowed.

"Milady, we have the personal Queen's guards here at your door as am I and three other maidens. If you wish to explore your home once more, you may. I trust your..." Dormé shyly bowed her head to Anakin, "guardian, would be more than happy to accompany you and keep you safe."

Padmé gave Anakin a curious look and tilted her head. Perhaps they could go back to the meadow they so enjoyed or the balcony in which they had declared and shared their love only to the two droids that had kept said secret. The lush green world of Naboo awaited them. Padmé was unaware of the Chancellor so far away who could feel their force, their childrens' strong feelings already blossoming, and finally, he was ready to invade the still neutral land of Naboo. And he would convince his young apprentice to have them join whether he liked it or not.
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