Star Wars: The Dying of the Light (TheCorsair, Miss Melly)


Fruit Bat Vampire
Dec 17, 2013

It is the end of an age. The JEDI KNIGHTS, who have defended the GALACTIC REPUBLIC
for a thousand generations, have failed to remove the Sith Lord DARTH SIDIOUS from the office of
Supreme Chancellor. Even now, the Grand Army of the Republic turns on the Jedi Knights as directed by ORDER 66.

Jedi Master OBI-WAN KENOBI, in a final, desperate bid to turn the tide, has followed his former apprentice
ANAKIN SKYWALKER to the planet Mustafar, hoping to turn him from the Dark Side of the Force. Anakin, believing himself
betrayed by his wife PADME AMIDALA has lashed out her, and even now battles his one time mentor for survival on the lava-flooded surface of the planet...


Darth Vader struggled for breath, drawing upon the Force to protect his lungs and his flesh from the searing heat of the lava behind him. Born in the arid wastes of Tatooine, he'd never believed that anything could ever feel hot to him. When he finally left, he'd believed the rest of the galaxy to be like a glacier - beautiful, but cold.

Mustafar, however, had taught him the real meaning of heat. And it was a brutal instructor.

So he breathed, chest laboring to fill his lungs with air as the Force kept the monstrous heat at bay and filtered the poisonous fumes. And as he breathed, acutely aware of the glowing river of lava behind him, he stared up at his one-time Master. His one-time mentor. And, it seemed, his one-time friend. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man he'd loved like tje brother he'd never had. The one man he'd thought would understand. And there he stood at the top of the embankment, the actinic blue glow of his lightsaber making his face wan and pale in the ruddy light of the hell-world they'd fought through.

Vader focused, forcing the rage down. He had to try, once more. Obi-Wan was a good man, a man dedicated to the Republic. They'd fought together for a decade, breaking the back of the Separatist rebellion and working to preserve the Republic. surely he would understand. He had to understand. "How can you still believe the Jedi?" he called, voice raised over the crackling and hissing of the lava. "Even now, after they staged a coup against the Supreme Chancellor?"

"Palpatine is Sith," Obi-Wan countered. "He's shaken you, confused you..."

"Confused me?" Vader laughed, despite himself. "Master Windu led a coup against him! Took a half-dozen Guardians into the offices of the legally-elected Supreme Chancellor..."

"A Sith Lord, Anakin! How can you defend him?"

"How can you defend the Jedi, Obi-Wan?" Vader countered. "What evil has Palpatine done, to justify the actions of the Jedi? Did we defeat the Separatists, only to see the Order become just like them?"

Obi-Wan shook his head in that patronizing manner of his, dismissing his arguments as if they were nothing more than the ravings of a petulant child. "Come with me, Anakin!" he said, offering his hand. "There is still good in you! I can feel it!"

Shifting his stance, Vader lowered his blade and extended his left hand. "Come with me, Obi-Wan. You've been a good friend, and you're still loyal to the Republic. I can feel it. Help me - help us - restore it to greatness!"

The two men stared at each other for a long moment. And then Obi-Wan lowered is hand. "I cannot. Palpatine is the Sith Lord that has masterminded this civil war. You cannot ask me to support him now, Anakin."

"Vader", he said, lowering his own hand.

"What?" said Obi-Wan, surprised.

Vader raised his blade once more, gripping it with both hands as he looked for an opening. "My name, Obi-Wan, is Vader. Darth Vader."

Obi-Wan raised his own lightsaber, eyes flickering over the terrain. "It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground."

Vader shifted his stance, crouching for a spring. "You underestimate my power!"

There was a frantic edge in Obi-Wan's voice now. "Don't try it."

Drawing on the Force, Vader launched himself into the air. As he did, visions of the near future filled his mind. He saw himself screaming in agony as Obi-Wan cut him down. Felt his arm and legs slashed away, and the rough super-heated stone of the riverbank burning and biting into his flesh. And that would not happen. He would not allow it. Instead, he used the Force to alter his path, landing in a crouch before Obi-Wan as his one-time Master's blade slashed the air where he would have been. There was no joy in his heart as his lightsaber tore through Obi-Wan's abdomen. He loved his former Master, loved him as a friend and a brother. But... there was no other way.

Obi-Wan crashed backwards onto the burning rock, shock and horror in his face. "But... how..?" he gasped.

"Did Qui-Gon's final lesson mean nothing, Obi-Wan?" Vader asked, looming over him. "Darth Maul had the high-ground as well, and look how it served him."

Obi-Wan gripped his abdomen with one arm, trying to keep the blood and viscera from escaping, and groped blindly for his lightsaber with the other. With an air of calm detachment, Vader cut the limb away. "You are dying, Obi-Wan," he said over the man's scream of agony. "But it's not too late. You can still come with me. Together, we can restore peace to the galaxy."

Obi-Wan's stump beat against the stones, as if he could still reach his blade. Vader flexed his right hand in sympathy, feeling the subtle whirring of the gears and servos in his artificial limb. As he did, his mentor's pain-glazed eyes found him. "... You were the Chosen One!"

"I've heard that, yes," Vader answered, softly. "It's why Yoda tried to refuse my training.'

"It was said that you would, would destroy the Sith, not join them. It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in Darkness."

Vader bent down, lifting Obi-Wan's saber in his left hand. "There's what? A million Jedi in the galaxy? A million Jedi, and only two Sith." He weighed his former mentor's weapon in his hand. "It would seem that I have begun to bring balance to the Force."

Obi-Wan's eyes closed and his breathing slowed. Vader felt his life fading, and began to turn away. Then came an agonized whisper. "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."

Turning back, vader ignited Obi-Wan's lightsaber. With a single motion he split the man's head in half, destroying his brain. He stood for a moment, feeling unexpected tears trickle down his cheek. "And you were mine, Obi-Wan. You were my brother." There was a snap-his as he shut off the blade. Ignoring the heat, he knelt and curled his brother's limp hand around the hilt of his saber. Then, lifting him in his arms, he carried him to the edge of the lava flow. Gently, using the Force, he rested the body on the surface of the river. He shed tears as the body burned away, but none could have seen them - they evaporated as soon as they were generated.

Still numb, Vader slewed his skimmer to a halt outside his ship. Padme! In the ensuing minutes of the battle (had it only been minutes? It had felt like hours), he'd forgotten her. Forgotten his rage at his apparent betrayal. Forgotten that he'd lashed out at her as Obi-Wan had twisted his thoughts around and convinced him for just a moment that she had betrayed him. Frantically, he looked about. Was she alive? She had to be!

A gleaming golden form shuffled down the landing ramp of the skiff. C-3PO, the broken protocol droid he'd rebuilt on Tatooine so long ago. "Master Skywalker!" it called in that prissy voice he'd kept meaning to change out, "We have Miss Padme on board. Please, please hurry. We should leave this dreadful place."

without pausing to respond he pushed his way past the droid, racing through the bowels of the ship. Padme was lying on a bed in the limited medical bay of the skiff, eyes wide. "Padme!" he called, falling to his knees beside her and gripping her hands. "Oh, Padme! Are you all right?" The tears he'd shed at Obi-Wan's cremation returned to his eyes, leaving tiny trails through the soot on his face. "I... oh, god, Padme. I'm... I didn't..." Sniffling like a child, he looked away as his shame at lashing out at her returned. "I... I'm sorry."
"So this is how liberty dies... With thunderous applause."

Those words, her own words, were the only thing she could remember. Perhaps, she did not want to remember what transgressed afterward. It had all been a blur, truthfully. There were certainly bright moments in Padme's life, but they had all been wiped as she foolishly attempted to reconnect herself to the man she hoped she could trust. Obi-Wan had told her so many things. Too many things. Slowly, these dark memories surfaced into the mind of her poor sufferings. There would only be more to come. All she had to do was...

Wake up.

A voice? Strange. It sounded familiar, but too faint to make out a definite match. And soon, she could see the little black dots before eyelids slowly opened. Padme focused on her breathing first; this was an important step. Next, she remembered her duty that had now surpassed being a Queen, then a senator; the baby. Hand to her belly, she clasped there. Warmth. Life. Nothing had happened. It was either motherly instinct, perhaps the Force -- Anakin had mentioned this once, with that sly grin -- but her baby was moving. Perhaps a little slower than usual. She felt weak, but not undone. Never. She could hear the soft beeping, low, of R2 in concern. "Anakin," she whispered, her voice still lovely and calm like little chiming bells, but hoarse. She sat up very slowly, trying to stable herself. R2 began to pace the room as if nervous. One of his circuits was connected to a drip, giving Padme the fluids she had needed.

Touching her face, she reached behind her neck. All stiff. It was amazing what pregnancy could to do her. Anakin had said something about her 'glowing,' but she felt rather gross. Her head hurt, and as she swung her feet around, C-3PO nearly fell over, startled she had awoken. "Miss Padme!" He exclaimed, though his droid voice kept him monotone. Still, there was an emotional concern there.

"Where... where is Obi-Wan, he was just here, they... they were here," she could feel the tears ready to well up in her eyes. Never had she cried so much. Why? Why had she cried.

You must be strong for what is to come, senator.

"Who's there?!" Padme called. The voice, again, was calling her from a corner. Or... or something. But this was the ship, there couldn't have been any one else. C-3PO stared at her before turning. "I shall retrieve Master Skywalker," he commented and hurried his way out. R2 rolled back then bumped into the bedside next to Padme. "It's alright," she padded his rounded top and it seemed to offer some comfort. "It's all going to be alright." She had been reassuring the droid, but perhaps the words needed to reassure her own self.

Then, footsteps. Quickly, coming at her very quickly. She tensed, and as if she'd hit a brick wall stacked with the knowledge previously, she gripped her head. At that very moment, everything flooded back to her. Anakin and Obi-Wan had been fighting. They were arguing, something about betrayal... what had happened. Her breathing became heavy as Anakin, her one and only Ani, swept in and immediately came to her side. He never failed to do so, trying so hard to keep his emotions in check in public. He gripped her hands, quite hard, and suddenly, she remembered this grip. This strange grip that would hold her around the neck, choking the very life out of her. Eyes wide, she drew away from his touch. "Stay away," she called with what bravery she had left. "Where is Obi-Wan?" It seemed Padme, at least to Anakin in his state of mind, did not care for his tears.

"Ani, where is he!?" She demanded, her voice growing. She looked down to find not two baby blue eyes amidst his smoked face, but rather, yellow orbs. Piercing. Dangerous. "What have you done, Anakin?!"

If Anakin had tried to hold her hands, or kiss her, she had turned from all of it. She had feared this man, this path, that she could not follow. He had tried to kill her, hadn't he?

"Ah. And so she is alive. See, Vader? Not all dreams, come true," a voice called and Padme tensed, her frightened figure began to tremble. There he was. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. No. This was no longer a man she thought she had known. She had her suspicions from day one, and as they began to build, she attempted to meddle in his affairs, striking delegations to try and weaken his power. He had changed. There was no longer the quick, coy smile of an aging man, but rather, a Sith Lord who commented an Empire. His Empire. A smile formed on his wrinkled skin as he attempted to come near Padme. Surely, his new, young apprentice would oblige.

"I am so glad to see the Senator safe. May I take your hand? If only for a moment." There was a strange attempt behind this and when he reached for it, she immediately flinched in his grip. "Let go!" She demanded, stumbling and almost falling off the bed in attempt to pull back. Padme was not unknown to the idea of putting herself at risk. In fact, she had done it multiple times during the Clone Wars (to Anakin's horror and slight amusement). Now, the game had changed and she feared she could trust no one. Palpatine was living proof of this and she looked in horror at the man she once called husband. The fear in her beautiful eyes and trembling in her hands.

"Anakin, please!"
Her rejection... hurt. He should have expected it, mind - given how he'd lashed out at her, tried to kill her, she must hate him. But... he hadn't expected to see that look of absolute terror in her eyes. Or to feel her hands rip from his grasp. Or to watch her struggle to cower away.

"Padme..." he said, voice broken. "I'm..." What could he say? I'm sorry?. Those were two hollow, empty words, compared to the hurt he'd inflicted on her. And then her next question struck as he struggled to find the words.

"Where is Obi-Wan?" There were tears in her eyes as she asked, and he felt the jealous rage stir in his chest like a serpent. "Ani, where is he!?" She met his gaze, then flinched again. "What have you done, Anakin?!"

"I... he's..." Vader swallowed, then drew a deep breath. "I... killed him." The pain from that simple admission was heart-rending. His brother. He'd killed his brother. His brother, his mentor, and his master. One of the only two Jedi who'd ever stood for him, believed he could be one of them. And he'd killed him. And for what? "He... he had gone... mad, Padme. He supported the attempted Jedi coup, against the Supreme Chancellor. He was even... even willing to try... again. And he wanted me to join him. Join him in overthrowing the Supreme Chancellor, and establishing a Jedi rule over the Republic!"

The memory of Obi-Wan's face, a smoking hole burnt through his forehead by his own blade, swam before his eyes. His one real hand started to shake, and he clenched it into a fist to control it. "I... it was... my... my brother... or... the Republic."

Then he felt it. A stirring, in the Force. The feeling of the dark, cool air that belched from the mouth of a deep cave, blowing across his soul. The chill, dark sensation was soothing, calming. And accompanying it came a voice. "Ah. And so she is alive. See, Vader? Not all dreams, come true."

Darth Vader rose and turned, then dropped to one knee before his new Master, Darth Sidious. "The future is always in motion, my Lord," he said. "And if the future moves, it may be directed."

"Oh, very well said, Lord Vader," Sideous said with a smile. "But only by those with the strength, the will, to direct it." He turned his scarred face - still bearing the evidence of Master Yoda's treacherous final attack - towards Padme.
"I am so glad to see the Senator safe. May I take your hand? If only for a moment."

She recoiled from the Sith Lord, fear and loathing visible in her beautiful eyes. "Anakin," she cried out, "please!"

He rose without thought, interposing himself between his wife and his Master. Sidious' eyes narrowed at the action, and his stance shifted subtly. "Please, my Lord," Vader said, keeping his hands away from the two lightsabers at his belt. "She has been... no, I tell a lie." He let his hands fall and his shoulders slump. "I... attacked her. I tried to kill her."

Sideous considered that. "And why would you do that, Lord Vader?"

"Obi-Wan," came Vader's response. "I... he followed her here and... and..." He closed his eyes, remembering the horrific moments. "I believed... I feared... that she had betrayed me. Betrayed the Republic. And I... lashed out."

"Then you..." Sidious began, but he never completed the sentence.

"I should have trusted her!" Vader exploded. "I should have believed her! My strength... the new strength I've gained... I should have protected her! And in a moment - a single moment - I nearly lost everything!"

It was only with the exertion of an iron will that Darth Sideous refused to give ground before his apprentice's sudden rage, but he could feel the power of the Dark Side boiling within Darth Vader. "Then, if that is your desire, you should... make amends," he answered, soothingly.

Vader nodded. "I don't know how," he muttered. "Not for something like this. But..." He met Darth Sideous' gaze with eyes filled with yellow flame. "She has been hurt enough today. Unless she wills it, you will not touch her."
Anakin had struggled to answer her. This hadn't been like him. When he admitted to killing Obi-Wan and tried to justify this, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. In her state of shock still as Palpatine gripped her, Anakin finally rose to her cries. He positioned himself between them, the cool pale hand slipping from Padme's delicate ivory hand. He had all he needed. Darth Sideous curled his lips in distance. She still had her Life Force. And it was quite strong. Was this due to his new young apprentice's power? How easily he could have zapped her of her energy, but Darth Vader was in a strange, emotional state at this time. He would spiral out of control. Further out of even Darth Sideous' reach. Young apprentices could easily strike their masters and the Dark Lord would never allow such a mistake to happen.

When Anakin lashed, Padme found herself unable to hold herself up. She slumped back down on the white medical pod bed and placed her hands around her belly. Everything hurt and her head was starting to pound. Wetting her lips, she looked back up at him, admiring the strength and curve of his back, his tallness that she always felt a little silly standing next to. How close she had been to him, and yet somehow now, so far away. There was an alliance between these two Siths that she could never support. How could she? She had to be strong, like the strange voice had told her to do; at the very least, for her baby. Had Anakin forgotten so easily about their little baby when he tried to...

Padme swallowed down her fears when Darth Sideous toyed with Anakin and inquired that amends should be made between the young husband and wife. She looked up when Anakin defended her. Darth Sideous had certainly come to a point where this bored him. He had better things to do, bigger plans to make. "I will leave you to your travels to Coruscant. I expect to see you there for our... new plans," he muttered and offered Padme a slippery smile and turned on his heels, his dark presence leaving the bright room. Should Anakin have turned to her, she backed up against the bed, in fear. "We have to go to back to Coruscant?" She asked, her soft voice pleading with Anakin. How could she face her Republic? Where did her position even stand now? Could she still serve as Senator in what it had become? Naboo! Why couldn't they go there.

"Anakin, let's go to Naboo. Remember? The picnic near the waterfalls and in the meadows," she inquired gently and attempted to stand and approach him. She looked down to his black glove. Very carefully, Padme attempted to take his hand in her own. "I don't feel safe in Coruscant, not even in our apartment, please. So much is changing so fast. Obi-Wan... he can't be dead. He wouldn't have done this! He cared about you, Anakin. He cared about us. He... he knew," Padme already missed their own little world. Why couldn't they have stayed their longer?

R2 beeped softly and C-3PO approached the room, silent at Anakin's side. "The lava is growing quite unstable around our docking position Master Skywalker." Padme turned her back to Anakin and attempted to create a distance between them. She couldn't even look at him. This person was not her Anakin. This Vader person, was not the kind husband she once knew. He was beginning his descent and Padme was simply at a lose. Idly, her hand began to stroke her belly in deep thought. It appeared she did not want to be disturbed. Whether Anakin left or not, Padme would find herself falling asleep on the uncomfortable bed, shivering against the cool travels of entering the stars above.
"Naboo," Vader agreed, watching Darth Sideous depart. He nodded, as if confirming some decision to himself. "We'll go to Naboo, for a time at least. Our... our children. They should be born there. Away from the chaos and the politics of Coruscant."

He dropped into a chair, slouching like a tired, frightened child. "I'll need to return to Coruscant eventually, though. I... have duties." He couldn't bring himself to look at Padme now. Couldn't stand to see the fear and horror in her eyes. "I'll... if... if you want..." The fingernails of his real hand dug into his palms, the pain helping him focus. "I'll make arrangements..." His eyes closed now, trying to hide, but all he could see was the terror in her eyes as he drew on the Force to try to crush the life from her. "You... won't ever have to... to see me. Again."

The R2 unit beeped as C-3P0 shuffled into the room. "The lava is growing quite unstable around our docking position Master Skywalker."

Vader nodded and rose. "Prepare the ship for takeoff, 3P0." Glancing over his shoulder, he looked to see if she had any response. The sight of her back to him was all the answer he needed. "I'll be along momentarily."

The two droids left. He stood, looking at his wife for a minute. "I can feel your fear of me, Padme," he said, softly. "And... I understand."

No response.

Swallowing, he turned towards the door. "I'll see that you're taken care of, lo... Padme. I can't expect that you'll forgive me, not after what I did. But... I'll see that you and the..." He hesitated, and his next words sounded startled and pleased. "Twins?"

Another moment's hesitation.

"You... and the twins... will be safe. Protected. From anyone who might want to use you against me." There was a scrape of metal on metal as he gripped the door with his artificial hand. "And even from me," he whispered. "I will never give you cause to fear me again, Padme. Even if... even if I have to lose you to ensure it."

No response. Grimly, face set to hold back his emotions, he left the room and strode towards the cockpit.
His words rang through her head. Twins. Twins. How did he know? Was that the Force? Twins. Boys? Girls? A boy and a girl? Names began to form in her mind, happy thoughts. At least she could return to Naboo, right? Something was nagging at her in the back of her head. It was telling her not to run. She had duties; she had far too many duties to attend to in Coruscant. If there was no good left, let she at least see to the mess. Being a mother or being a senator? A times, in their time of hiding, she attempted to be both. Now, things had begun to change.

Waking from her sleep, she knew they were in motion. They were headed to Naboo. If she returned there, surely she would be protected, but for how long? Could she delay the hopes of the people who still believed in the Republic? What of the Jedi? Where would they go, who would lead them without a Council? She wept softly, her hand covering her face. She had faced these demons before. Her own little world, or that of the people? It had been born, burned into her very being at an early age. She was determined to stand by them. She had made her people and those who still believed in a republic that based its foundations on democracy. If Anakin would not fight Palpatine and expose him for what he is, then she would.

Padme rose from the small bed and hurried out. 3PO was there and gently called to her to slow down. "Miss, shouldn't you be resting?"

"I'm fine. I need to speak with Anakin now. We must travel to Coruscant."

When the doors slid open to reveal the cockpit for their destination, Padme moved to Anakin's side and she shyly placed her hands on her belly. "You ruined the surprise. The twins," she said, a little hint of playfulness in her angry voice. "That means I'll name them," she called, her voice reaching the usual tones he had become familiar with. "Move over," she commanded softly. "We are heading to Coruscant. I must see the changes that are in motion and I must find a way to bring peace. Our... my, hopes of peace must be put on hold. Don't try to stop me. I am still a Senator for the people and must remain so no matter my pregnancy."
"Our hopes for peace," Vader corrected gently, even as he made room for Padme. Elation surged through him at her unexpected presence at bis side, and a shy, boyish smile ghosted his lips. "We both want peace for the Republic."

The ship hummed a little as it responded to his instructions. The deck suddenly ceased swaying with the tectonic shocks of Mustafar, and then the planet fell away below them as he engaged the antigravs. "Coruscant, then," he smiled, hope flickering in blue eys with only the faintest hint of golden-red flame. He started to rest his artificial hand in hers, hesitated, and then covered by adjusting a switch.

"We will win the peace," he insisted. "We've already survived the war - and a revolution. How hard could it be?"

A moment, and then he laughed. "Probably shouldn't have said that. Right?"

The mirror-bright arrow if silver winged across the night sky of Coruscant, hull a shifting reflection of the brilliant lights of the ecumenopolis below. It banked, merging into traffic patterns, then finally settled down on the private landing bay of the Embassy of Naboo. Gasses vented, and the landing ramp lowered as attendants gathered.

Slowly, footsteps were heard. A black-cloaked figure, little more than a backlit figure, marched unhurriedly down the ramp. Still swathed in shadow, it paused and spoke. "No, no, Luke is a fine name. I like it, really! But... Leia?"

A pause, as the figure listened. "Yes... yes, I did. All I'm saying is that I think 'Shmi Padme Skywalker' sounds better."
When Anakin said Republic, she flinched. No, no. It wasn't a republic built on democracy, anymore. It was a dictatorship. It was the Galactic Empire. Her memories came flooding back, and poor Padmè could hear the sounds of people as they stood to cheer and elect power to the very Sith Lord that her husband called Master. Anakin should not take it lightly. She gripped the seat and their destination switched from their peaceful getaway of Naboo, to the home they worked so hard to try and conseal their forbidden love and marriage. Anakin hated having to hide it and while Padmè did as well, she was able to adapt better to make things work out for the both of them.

Reaching their landing dock, she relaxed back in her seat. "Luke." She whispered. When Anakin heard her, she said it again, a little louder, though there was hesitation in her voice. As if he'd lash out at her again. "Luke for a boy. Leia for a girl. They mean 'light' and 'meadow.' I thought that was fitting for our children. The twins." Still, saying twins felt unreal to her. Was Anakin sure? She didn't doubt his powers, nor the Force, but it still seemed like it was yesterday when they married in secrecy.

Anakin was first to exit the ramp, Padmè following him more slowly. Somehow, the air felt heavier here, though the buzz and humming of traffic outside continued on as normal. "Her name will be Leia. You owe me that much. Her middle name can be Shmi."

She walked to him, touching his long cloak for a moment. "Let me look at you." She asked, clouded by the horrid smoke from the previous planet. Reaching up to touch his face, her hands surprisingly cool, she flinched a little when she saw the yellow orbs. Yes. Those baby blue eyes were gone. They had been there for a moment before, but not for long. Releasing his face when they heard a, "halt!" And two Stormtroopers approached. They asked for identification and Padmè shyly stood behind Anakin.

"And the lady?" They asked and she moved past him, her courage suddenly boiling.

"Senator Amidala from Naboo. I have returned from a small absence. I wish to return to my work immediately. I wish to speak with the--"

"We will escort you to your new office tomorrow morning." Their intercom beeped and she nodded slightly. Already, she could feel her own powers being diminished. "I will not let my people suffer." She hurried past the soldiers and made her way past them and slammed the glass doors shut. This was their-- her apartment! Since when did Clones get a right to watch and maintain? "Please make them go away," she whispered and hurried into the apartment, checking if anything had changed.


The holocast screen was on, updating her on the latest news. Palatines rise of power, the fall of the Jedi. They showed images of the temple in ruins and somehow, Anakin's name was proclaimed Master General Skywalker and savior. He had saved them from what?! "This cannot be... all of the Jedi... And Master Yoda?" She could feel Anakin approaching her. Turning to him, she frowned. "I don't know you anymore..." When he approached her, the new information spiraling, she moved back a little, tears in her honey brown eyes.
"Leia Shmi Skywalker," Vader repeated aloud. "I... yes. I like it." He grinned as Padme touched his cloak, turning to face her. "I still think Shmi Padme," he repeated, reaching to gather her into his arms as she touched his face. "For the two greatest women in the galaxy..."

And then the two troopers arrived, spoiling the mood. Vader glared at them, eyeing the red-on-black starburst of the 501st with displeasure as they demanded first his own identification and then Padme's. Finally, tired of the whole thing, she pushed past them. One trooper turned to follow, and his temper flared. "Trooper," he said, voice cold. "Your designation?"

The bone-white helmet turned back. "JJBX-327, Lord Vader."

Lord Vader. Somehow, hearing that from the soldiers of his own 501st sent a chill down his back. He pushed it aside, thawing the chill with his dark fury. "Are you satisfied of my bona fides, Trooper?" It was always 'Trooper' when he addressed them. Or the names they chose for themselves. He'd been a slave once, himself. And the fate of the clones was too much like slavery to suit him.

"Uhm..." Even with the distortion of the helmet, the soldier sounded nervous. "Yes. Yes, Lord Vader, I..."

"Then you will depart," Vader snapped. "Or do you have doubts about my ability to protect myself from my wife?"

"General," a new voice said as an armored figure rounded the ship, "Don't mind Jay. He's... new. One of the men brought in to shore up the Legion after Knightfall."

Vader's face lit up as he turned. "Rex!" he called, grabbing the armored man and thumping his back. "Good to see you! What is going on?"

"We haven't been able to account for all of the Jedi yet, General," Rex answered. "I thought it best if we secured the Embassy against your return. This is the obvious place for them to strike at you. And I can vouch for the loyalty of the 501st." He glanced around. "And... General Kenobi?"

Vader sighed, then turned and strode towards the apartment. "Dead."

"Dead, general?"

"I killed him. He... was part of the plot, it turned out."

Rex was silent for a moment. "A pity. He seemed to be a good man."

"He was," Vader corrected. "And that, I believe, was the problem."

Vader didn't join Padme. Not right away, at least. The new realities on Coruscant demanded attention, and he turned his attention towards inspecting Commander Rex's deployment. As always, there was almost no need. Rex knew his business, after all. But the simple act of verifying this soothed his nerves, made him feel the as if he were peacefully back on the battlefield instead of ankle-deep and sinking in the dustsands of politics.

"And the Embassy staff?" he asked as he strode upwards along a ramp.

"Processing them now, General," Rex answered. "There are twelve that we're holding for further investigation at the moment, and the Supreme Chancellor has personally vouched for seven. We should be finished by morning."

Vader nodded. "Good." He turned and looked downwards at the Commander. "Tell the Troopers that they've done well, and that I am pleased with their performance."

"They know, General."

Vader chuckled. "Tell them anyway."

Rex nodded, then hesitated. "General..?"

"Yes, Rex?"

"What... I mean... the new Troopers are calling you 'Lord Vader'." Rex hesitated again. "What... how should we address you, now?"

Vader stared at him for a long time. "Darth," he finally said. "I am Darth Vader, now."

"Yes, Gen... Darth."

Vader's lips twitched. "Rex. I will never be offended to hear the 501st call me General Skywalker. But..."

Rex nodded. "Politics." The distaste was thick in his voice.


The two men stood silently for a moment. Then, Rex saluted. "Good evening... General Skywalker."

"Good evening, Rex."

The door hissed open. Padme turned sharply, haunted eyes looking away from the HoloNet display. "I don't know you anymore..." she whispered, tears shining in her eyes as she backed away.

He stopped, features impassive as he watched the recap in the broadcast. "Padme..." he began, starting to reach out to her. Thinking better of it, he gestured at the terminal and switched it off. "You do know me," he whispered.

Removing his cloak, he entered the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. The simple act still mystified him, decades later. The idea that water could be dispensed at will, freely and in whatever quantities desired. That thirst was not a universal sensation, but an irritant to be quenched. "Not all of the Jedi," he said, back still to her. "Not all. Many escaped."

He drank the water slowly, in the fashion of Tatooine. Swishing each mouthfull around, allowing it to penetrate the tissues before swallowing. And the finished the tumbler. Even now, the idea of wasting water was horrifying. "Master Yoda," he said, speaking softly, "was a traitor. In a sense, the traitor."

Padme's face was visible as a pale reflection in the dark window. Still he did not turn, choosing instead to look at the reflection. "He prepared a coup, presenting it as defending the Republic. He managed to convince me that the Supreme Chancellor was a threat, that he had somehow masterminded the war for his own political ambition." His smile was wry. "Master Yoda, it seems, is a master manipulator, because I accompanied the Jedi sent to arrest him." A sigh. "Master Windu. Master Kolar. Master Tiin. Master Fisto."

He put the glass down, listening to the dull clink of ceramic on metal. "They didn't try to arrest him, Padme. As soon as we entered the Office, the Masters drew their lightsabers and attacked him." He shook his head. "I was sent by the conspirators on an errand, when they did this. By the time I arrived, Master Windu was preparing to murder him. And so, I made my choice. The Jedi have defended the Republic for a thousand generations, Padme. Against all threats. All."

Again, that wry smile.

"The Supreme Chancellor is a powerful office. But that power is nothing, compared to Jedi who will betray the Republic for their own ends. And so, I acted. I chose the Republic over the Order."
In her alone time, she had merely checked every nook and cranny to make sure that nothing had changed. She also began to look for tracking devices. Nothing. When she heard the door hiss open, she cursed herself for not changing the password. Padme closed the box which held Anakin's padawan braid and the japor snippet that he had carved for her and she often wore as a necklace. She hadn't today. Slowly the night of Coruscant was descending about them and Anakin moved past her, unfastening his cloak and making his way to the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water as he began to speak. When she heard that many of the Jedi had escaped, she perked up. Slowly, she sat on the ottoman.

Padme was wearing her hair slightly pulled back, but down, long and curly. It appeared she had freshened up in his absence. However, she still wore black. She continued to hide her pregnancy that only at this point, Anakin knew. She wore a long, high neck purple dress with black beads and a black shawl over her shoulders. Still elegant, but in secrecy. [outfit]

Things just still did not sit well with her. "I don't understand..." It appeared for a moment that she had believed Anakin. But the statements did not make sense. "The Jedi have a code. They don't murder. You know this," she narrowed her eyes at him. He was justifying his actions based of false accusations. What had the Chancellor done to him, to twist his mind? Where had her Ani gone? "What Republic," she whispered and stood angered at him, a hand at her chest. "I see no justice! I see no Republic! How can I believe anything or anyone anymore?!" She blinked hard to conceal the tears.

"Don't... don't come near me," she called, bumping into the long couch as he approached her. Padme could feel a sliver of fear. If this continued... his temper would rise. Anakin had a tendency to do it. He had already established the fact that he would hurt her if she continued to disagree with him. Would it be worth it to keep defying it? Her stomach suddenly hurt and she gripped the back of the nearest desk and held herself. "I... I'm fine. I just need to sleep. I need my husband back," she whispered softly. Looking to him, she seemed frightened. Padme Amidala Skywalker rarely did whenever she was with Anakin. She had trusted him. "You really wish to serve him? Call him Master? It doesn't seem like you to serve someone. Obi-Wan was different." Holding her head, she felt cornered by his sudden presence, his concern for her and the children. "What am I suppose to do..?"
"I know they have a code, and that they don't murder," Vader said, finally turning to face her. "But... you know how easy it is to justify actions." He snorted. "Master Yoda and Master Windu filled the ears of the rest of the Council with dire warnings about the Supreme Chancellor - they may even have believed what they said." He strode towards her, his pace measured. "And if I had not acted, there would be no Republic. Just a galaxy ruled by Jedi with hands dripping blood."

"What Republic," she whispered and stood angered at him, a hand at her chest.

He stopped, gesturing out the window. "That Republic, Padme," he declared. "The one that still exists, because I chose justice and the rule of law over..."

"I see no justice!" she snapped. "I see no Republic! How can I believe anything or anyone anymore?!"

Vader moved towards her, holding his left hand - his real hand - out to her. "Believe in me, Padme," he asked. "I'm your husband. I..."

"Don't... don't come near me."

He froze as she stumbled backwards, nearly tripping. Fury and fear surged in him. He was her husband! How dare... But no. He'd gone down that road, once. And once had been a million times too many. And so he mastered his fury, and waited.

She gripped the back of the desk, and fought for control. Any of her political enemies would have been fooled. But not Vader. He could see it in the tension in her body, feel it in the turmoil in her mind. She was terrified. "I... I'm fine," she lied.

She wasn't. She was off balance. Afraid.

"I just need to sleep. I need my husband back," she whispered softly.

"I'm here, Padme," he whispered, voice equally soft.

"You really wish to serve him? Call him Master?"

Ah. And now he saw the reason. Part of the reason, at least. "I serve the Republic, Padme. And, with the emergency powers granted by the Senate, he embodies the Republic."

"It doesn't seem like you to serve someone. Obi-Wan was different."

Jealousy flared through him. Jealousy and rage, and he fought to contain it. "He was, yes." A pause. "He was a traitor. To the Republic, and to the ideals of the Jedi."

She leaned against the wall, holding her head. "What am I suppose to do..?"

"Rest," Vader whispered. "Rest. The children need their mother healthy." He took one step forward, smiling faintly, then stopped at the look of horror in her eyes. "I need their mother... my wife..."

She didn't answer. After a moment, he sighed. "You'll be safe here," he said sadly, turning and taking up his cloak. "I'll give orders that nobody - not even me - is to be admitted without your express orders." He tried to chuckle as the heavy cloak settled on his shoulders, but it came out a grim bark. "You know Rex. He'll obey that order, even if he has to throw me out of the Embassy."

The door hissed open. He paused for a moment, then half turned. Silhouetted by the city lights of Coruscant, he was a shape of blackness in the night. "I love you, Padme. And... I only hope that, someday..."

He turned.

"That someday, I'll earn your forgiveness."

The door hissed shut behind him.

Swallowing hard, she nodded. Yes, rest. Only rest. Taking a deep breathe. She attempted to process all of this information. What if Anakin was right? What if the world she had known, thanks to Anakin's presence in the Jedi, she had learned much from it. She had considered Obi-Wan a brother, the council a good guide for keeping the peace. But Master Windu had acted spontaneously. They had acted quite on the offense. Time was moving quickly and all Padme could hold her hope to was the calmness that Naboo would bring her once the children were born. They would breathe that clean air and live a life hopefully away from the corruption. He gathered his cloak and promised her safety. There was a further notion to be said that no one - himself included - would not enter without her consent.

She had remembered Rex. His bravery was unmatched and the two had been close. Padme was grateful that Anakin had close comrades. But for how much longer? What else would push Anakin to the brink? When he told her that he loved her, for a moment she believed it. It had all sounded just as it had from before. Her lip quivered as he turned, her hand outreached. But he was gone. Emptiness. Padme was at her desk within the hour, writing an "official note" and gently placed it within her cloak as she exited her room, locking it and R2 (who had beeped sadly when she said she was leaving without him!) within her apartment. It was her usual sweet smell that attracted the Stormtroopers who, now, were nearly lining every wall of every hallway, watching her go by.

Padme was stopped at one point, the threat of a BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle pointed a little too close. "Excuse me, I only have a note to be delivered." One of them quickly took the note and flipped it over. They both looked to one another. One nodded and the other entered the room they had been guarding and Padme was politely asked to leave.

The new Darth Vader would find a little sealed envelope with the word 'Ani' written on it. When unfolded carefully, her careful and lovely writing would read, Come to bed soon.

In reality, she would have wanted for him to come immediately to her and maybe he tried. Maybe there were a couple Troopers down, but by the time she reached her apartment and took the time to change and settle in bed, Anakin had not returned. R2 was quietly in the corner, protecting Padme against any unseen threat, perhaps tracked straight to Anakin to alert him should anything have happened in his absence. As she lay down, feeling the empty space of the bed that she had felt for too long as Anakin had always been on a mission or out and about, she turned on her side and hummed gently, stroking her belly. Soon. Soon they would be born. Force, how would Anakin handle being a Father? Was he ready? He could barely keep his cool now. Naturally, much of the duty would fall on her, but she was prepared for it. Padme had always lived some kind of duty. Queen, Senator, wife, now mother.

Her dreams consisted of two little fair haired children running through a familiar meadow when she heard a soft voice calling to her. "Mm, Ani," she called in her sleep. She was wearing her soft, silky light blue night dress with pearls draped along her shoulders. They fell down a little, revealing her the gentle curve of her breast and the way her dark hair fell in curled masses along her shoulders and spread against the cool blue pillows. "Let's make love," She cooed. Again, she scooted forward to the presence in bed. "Ani... Ani, you're late... why are you cold?" She grumbled and when her eyes opened, she released it was most certainly not Anakin but rather...


She cried and kicked the golden droid who had hit the bed post, fell when he could not see and ended up knocked over in bed with Padme. R2 immediately sent out a distress signal. If Anakin had been nearby he was no doubt, thoroughly amused. Perhaps he had come after all? Or merely watched her in the darkness? Or hadn't even been here at all and attempted to join his wife in bed properly soon? Padme was scrambling to get up, her face beat red, her body trembling in embarrassment and sudden shock of it all.

"Oh, dear," C-3PO attempted to remedy the situation but could still not get out of the bed.
"What is thy bidding, my Master?"

One knee bent, arms folded across his thigh, Darth Vader knelt before the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. The man simply known as 'Palpatine', after his noble family from Naboo. The man known to a select few as Darth Sidious. Head bent, he waited.

"Rise, Lord Vader. You have done well." The Sith Lord's voice was like oiled silk.

Darth Vader rose, meeting the gaze of the wrinkled, scarred old man who was the most powerful force in galaxy. "The purge is not yet complete," he said. "Many Jedi have escaped both Order 66 and Knightfall."

The scarred face twisted in a feral, evil grin. "It matters not, my young Apprentice. They will be found. You will find them." A laugh. "Find them, and destroy them."

"Yes, my Master."

"Destroy them utterly, Darth Vader. Render unto them, as they rendered unto our ancient Sith bretheren." Sidious leaned back in his chair, watching his apprentice's face. "But... you are ill at ease. Tell me."

Vader sighed. "Padme."

Sidious nodded. "As I expected. She is willful, is she not? The very attribute that made her a great queen - and that attracted you to her - makes her... difficult." His eyes went distant, focusing on the horizon. "She will join us, in time. I have forseen it." He watched his apprentice again. "Go to your wife, Lord Vader."

"She fears me," Vader answered. "Fears what I have done."

Sidious cackled. "As she might, yes. But it is the nature of women to draw close to power. And besides..." He smiled again. "Women are changeable."


"Go, Lord Vader! We have much work to do, in the coming months and years. And you have earned a night's rest!"

Bowing, Vader turned on his heel and strode away. Sidious watched him leave, then rotated his chair to stare out into the early dawn light. "I have forseen it," he murmured. "She will join us. Or she will die."

Rex was waiting as he returned to the Embassy - it didn't feel like home, not now. But... where else would he go? The blasted remains of the Temple, to sleep among the dead? It might be better, that way. But then, Rex was at his side and handing him a lavender envelope scented with delicate perfume. "From your lady," he observed.

Vader slit it open, then laughed as hope surged through him. "Rex! Do you... do you know what this means?"

The Clonetrooper shrugged. "Dunno. Does it let me toss you off the Embassy roof?"

"Not tonight,"Vader laughed, clapping an armored shoulder with a prosthetic hand. "Not tonight, at least!"

He walked the meandering paths of the Embassy slowly, using a measured pace to calm his nerves and keep his legs from shaking. Come to bed soon, she'd written! Had... had she forgiven him? What else cold it mean? Grinning, he slung his cloak by the door and passed through the darkened house, then quickened his pace as he heard her cry out. By the time he reached the bedroom, his lightsaber was in his hand. Had the Jedi come? Would they strike at him through...

Suddenly, he was laughing. "Oh, dear," he gasped out, slumping against the door frame. "Not... not gone an hour... and I'm replaced?"

"Master Skywalker!" the golden droid protested, sounding distressed. "I would never! I am not programmed for such..."

"Six million forms of communication, right 3P0?" Vader laughed harder. "I'm sure that... that somewhere... there's..." He couldn't keep it up. Sides shaking, tears of relief and release glinting in his blue eyes, he stepped forward and dragged the protocol droid from the bed. "Never mind, 3P0," he laughed. "I did a good job, putting you back together. And I'm sure I didn't make any... ah... specialized modifications."

Despite being unable to display expressions, C-3P0 managed to look both offended and disturbed. "I'll... I'll depart for the evening then, Master Skywalker."

"Go, 3P0," Vader laughed. "And take R2 with you." The stumpy astromech droid seemed to hesitate for a moment, staring at him with various eyes before trundling away. Clutching his sides, which ached from the sudden burst of laughter, he shook his head and gave Padme the first real smile he'd worn since leaving for Mustafar. But the amusement faded swiftly as he watched her, and he wondered if he dared to hope.

"So..." he said, resisting his urge to simply gather her into his arms. "Uhm..." A sigh. "Damn it, Padme. I'm a fool. No, something worse - and I can't think what. But..." He started to reach for her with his real arm, then stopped. "I... hurt you. And all I can do is say that I'm sorry. And that will never be enough, Padme. Never."

He looked away, emotions struggling on his face. "You deserve better than me, Padme."
And there he was, laughing. Anakin rarely laughed, at least in their last year together. Rarely had he been knelt over with doubled the laughter when 3P0 tried to explain himself with furthered the humor. Padme bit her cheek to keep from laughing too. She was over the embarrassment, but her smile and laughter had been a reflection based on Anakin. She couldn't believe it. For a moment there, she could have sworn she'd seen his blue eyes when he finally came to the side of the bed. He requested their alone time, 3P0 happy to oblige and R2 following in a slow roll behind him. 3P0 was muttering something about how he'd have to 'check' his circuts more carefully next time.

As Anakin smiled down at her, she merely stared at him. Her large brown eyes wide and drew the sheets quickly up around her like a frightened child. Suddenly, a look of determination to stand up to his tall presence replaced it. Immediately, Anakin recoiled. Though he physically moved to sit next to her, he did not engage in anything further for fear he may do something... wrong. Again. He began to speak and when she called softly with a "hm?" herself, he seemed frustrated. It wasn't unusual for Anakin to go from 1 to 10 in a minute, but he seemed to have an internal struggle. Suddenly, a spark of hope. She had not truly realized it, but at least Anakin had felt the emotion of guilt. A Sith Lord wouldn't have looked back, yet Anakin did so, at least for her. He regretted his actions and that was something that kept him in the light. Something she prayed would never be taken away from him completely.

Taking in his words, she turned to face the large extended window now draped with curtains for her privacy. She slipped out of bed and moved toward the other side, making her way out onto the balcony as she did so many times before. He could watch her now, her petite figure, rounded belly and slim shoulders raising then falling as a small sigh escaped her lips. "It won't. But you are apologizing to the wrong person. Wrong people," she said, turning back to face him, a look of hurt on her face. He knew what she had meant.

"Perhaps I do." She commented quietly, playing with the many curls in her hair. "But we can't change what's happened now, can we?" Always the voice of reason for the both of them. On most things, not everything. Anakin had always been wise beyond his years. That's why they had called him the Chosen One. Now, they continued to do so. He was becoming something of a celebrity which made Padme a little nervous. Since Anakin was no longer a Jedi... what was their status now? "Do they know?" She whispered softly.

Turning back to face him, she placed a hand idly on the balcony. "Do they know about us? The Chancellor? Who knows? Is there still a code? Or can we..." For a moment she seemed happy to consider the fact that they wouldn't have to hide their love. If this was true, the world would demand a public acknowledgment of their marriage. The pregnancy. The people loved her and now they followed Anakin's so called "justice" for the "people" so now what? She moved back to bed, her head hurting again. Looking to his real hand, again, extended, she took it a little quicker than normally. "Touch me. I know you won't make the same mistake again. You never do. Don't be frightened of me. If anything, you know I'm tougher than I look."
Anakin reached out, gently resting his hands on her stomach. Under his touch - one hand flesh and the other metal - he could feel the faint stirring of the twins. Through the Force, he could feel their fleeting, unformed thoughts. Both hesitated as he touched their minds faintly, like the petals of a flower. He could feel the strength in them, the uncertainty about the cool, dark presence he was in the Force. Smiling, he let his love for them and their mother flow gently over them.

"They're... magnificent," he managed, feeling unshed tears prick his eyes. He looked up at her, smiling with joy and relief and an overwhelming sensation of love. "As are you, Padme. You deserve better than me, far better."

The world seemed to contract around them as he leaned forward, cupping her cheek with his living hand. His lips touched hers, soft and gentle as he kissed her. "And I know you're tougher than you look," he smiled. "I was there, remember? When you faced down a droid army on Naboo?"

His next kiss was harder, fiercer. He pulled her into his arms, feeling her body soft and tight against his as he crushed her to him. His mouth was hot on hers, tongue demanding entrance to her mouth as he parted her lips and his metal hand pressed against her back. "More powerful than me, too," he whispered, his blue eyes meeting hers with wonder. "I've led armies, defeated Dark Jedi and monsters, and yet you've conquered me entirely."

He kissed her again, hands slipping down her shoulders to cup and lift her breasts. His living thumb played with a nipple through the thin fabric of her gown, and he moaned a little into her mouth as he felt it harden into life. "And to the victor," he gasped, voice playful, "goes the spoils." His lips crooked in a sly, lust-filled grin. "What would my captor demand of her prisoner?"
Anakin was quick to do as he bidded. He reached out slowly to touch her belly. The coolness of his metal hand was felt but she looked back at him, slight hesitation in her face. He was making out their life Force, wasn't he? He was searching slowly until a small smile crept upon his lips and tears came to his blue eyes. There! They were there. No longer were they yellow orange, burning bright with anger, but the blue hues that she had fallen in love with. He looked so at peace and she dare not break this.

She held her breath when he said how magnificent they were. She was included in this gracious commentary and he leaned forward, holding her against him as he kissed her very lightly as he had done the first time their lips had met. A smile twitched at the corners of her lips, only a moment as he reminded her that he was present at the time when she had to handle herself against a droid army. "Yes," she recalled gently.

Before Padme could breathe in the air once more, he kissed her harder, hoding her more tightly as if to never let her go. To never make the same mistake twice. And suddenly, Padme forgot. She forgot the world around them and the troubles that had always seemed to follow. No Jedi, no council, no Chancellor, no senate. Just them. It had always been their hope. When he looked down to tell her that even she was more powerful than him, she took great pause. For a moment, she thought to use this wisely. To remember the voice she heard before waking up. To stay strong. This was only the beginning.

"Anakin," she breathed hotly, gasping softly when he gripped her tender breasts and held them up slightly. She could feel her body growing warm beneath the silk sheets. He was turning her on again with that kind of talk, he always did. Most didn't know or understand it, but the late Queen of Naboo had always been a naughty girl when it came to her husband. "We shouldn't... I... I can't right now," she breathed after he gave her a final, forceful kiss. Her back fell against the pillows perfectly able to prop her up. "Please don't, I can't," his young wife gripped his hand and frowned. She meant it and brought her hands over her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered lightly.

Whether Anakin was annoyed or gracious to have had least held his wife in an intimate way, the promise of a heated night would have to be reserved for a later time. Innocently, she pecked his cheek and turned on her side facing away from him. He wasn't entirely forgiven yet it seemed, but progress was being made.


When next she woke, she would find Anakin's sleeping face mirrored to her own. She had curled into his protective embrace, naturally as she had done before. Shyly, she ducked her head and attempted to move from his arms, being as sneaky as a petite pregnany woman could. All she needed was a hot bath... hmm. A hot, steamy, bath with General Anakin Skywalker. Well, Darth Vader, but Anakin to her. Always to her. She could just imagine his warm body beneath her own as she rode up and down on his--

"Good morning Mistress!" C-3P0 called joyously, padding through the sliding door.
Anakin's face fell, just a little, as Padme declared she wasn't ready. "I..." He nodded, barely able to trust his words. "No, no, I... I understand."

Disappointed? Yes, of course he was. But... well, her quick, warm kiss on his cheek took the sting out of it. Maybe he wasn't forgiven yet, not completely. But she settled down into the bed with a warm smile, and he elected to take that as a sign that things were better. And so he simply sat, watching her in the darkness, heart full too bursting at the sight of his wife and their children. Finally, moving silently, he slipped his clothes off. The belt with the two lightsabers - his own, and the shoto he'd carried since he left the Temple - he rested on the endtable. Everything else he draped over a chair.

Still silent, he slid beneath the covers and rested his living hand on her hip. She shifted a little and he settled back, content for the first time in days.

Always in motion, the future is...

He stood in darkness, a chill wind plucking at his cloak, saber thrumming in his hand as he held his defensive stance. Across from him, on a slight rise, stood an unfamiliar Togruta woman gripping a crimson lightsaber. Or was it green? No... it was both, in the vision.

"Snips?" he asked, as he realized that he knew her.

"Don't call me that!" she thundered, shifting her stance. "You don't have the right,..." The last word was, somehow, both 'Vader' and 'Skywalker'.

He lifted his own blade, both blue and crimson, and waited. With a cry of anger (desperation?), she lept...

The vision changed...

...warm water sluiced over his skin. An unbelievable luxury, one he hadn't believed people actually did as a matter of routine hygiene. Submersing yourself in water to clean yourself, and then simply letting it drain away? He'd thought the attendant at his first bath was mad.

Padme slid into the water with him, her bare skin beaded with sweat from the temperature of the water. He sighed as she straddled his thighs and pressed against him, letting him feel the swell of her breasts and her belly against his chest. His fingers combed through her hair as he kissed her, and he moaned softly into her lips as she rocked against his erection. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you so much..."

She smiled back, the tender expression belying the mischievous expression in her eyes and the way her hands trailed down his chest to wrap gently around him. As she stroked him, she spoke...

"Good morning, Mistress!"

His eyes snapped open, focusing on C-3PO as the golden droid minced into the room. "Threepio," he groaned, hoping to sink back into the delicious dream-vision he'd begun to share with his wife, "go away!"

"Oh, dear me," the droid said, sounding worried. "I had rather hoped you would both be awake."

Anakin looked at the beautiful woman still tangled in his arms and their blankets, and rolled his eyes at her. "We're not, I assure you."

"Are you certain?" the droid asked, sounding confused. "I was certain you addressed me just..."

"Threepio," he groaned, shifting a little in an effort to keep his erection from tenting the sheets. "What is it?"

"Commander Rex has several messages, Master Skywalker. Multiple requests for audiences with Lady Padme." The droid paused. "Oh, yes, and Chancellor Palpetine has requested that you attend him as soon as possible."
Looking up to Anakin, she buried her face back against his chest inhaling the scent. He always smelled good to her. A little minty in there. Gently, she began to trace the lines of his muscles along his chest, her kind fingertips taking a moment to familiarize herself with every muscle, every brush of skin. When he rolled his eyes at her, assuring 3P0 that they were indeed not ready to wake up. Blushing, she managed to turn and sit up a little, brushing her hair back and out of the way. Of course she had audiences to attend to. She was still a senator.

"And finally, a public reception is requested at the Gala ball this evening." Padme looked to Anakin. A ball? Would they go together then? He hadn't answered her when she had previously asked who knew about their marriage. Did Rex know? Padme knew that they were close, but she feared what Palpatine would think. But the former Queen knew how to handle tricky public situations. But now, her children's lives were at stake. "Thank you 3P0," she commented softly. He seemed pleased and grateful to be thanked and scurried out as R2 followed.

She looked at Anakin finding him always watching her before she shyly gathered the sheets around her. "I'm going to take a bath," she whispered lightly and slipped from bed, hurrying out in a cute fashion, and politely closing the door behind her. She locked it and turned to start the water before looking back and then unlocking it. Maybe Anakin would need to come in and... brush his teeth! Yes, it was technically his apartment as well. They both had plenty of credits. Tossing her nightdress into the laundry shoot where it would would freshly cleaned and proccessed by the next morning, she slipped into the bath and closed her eyes.

Touching her belly, she smiled a chuckled noticing how her belly still stuck out amonsgt the bubbles covering her slender figure. Humming lightly, she reached up and over to light a nearby candle. It had reminded her of Naboo, straight from her mother's kitchen. Sometimes a little reminder would be enough.

When she heard a knock, she shyly ducked. "Anakin? Oh... uh, right, yes, you can come in." She was going to add, don't look but she knew he would justify a right to look because they were married. When he entered, she sunk further and lifted a flexible leg and turned the water off with her toes. It was probably more sexually inviting than she had intended. And great. Now she had a perfect view of his musclar back. "Seems... you're just as busy as I am today," she attempted to make light conversation, washing her body with a cloth slowly and keeping as hidden as she could under the bubbles. If he drew closer behind him, he would see her cheeks were sprinkled a light pink.

"And please tell me the Chancellor doesn't know about our children," she tested him, her voice raising in urgency. "Who knows, Anakin? They want to know tonight at this Gala and I... are we even allowed to do this now? I'm worried."
"A public reception?" Anakin mumbled aloud, running his golden hand through his shaggy blond hair. "For what?"

"Why, to celebrate your role in ending the uprising," C-3P0 answered. "And your heroism in saving tbe Supreme Chancillor from assassins."

"Oh." To be honest, he wasn't looking forward to it. He was a warrior, after all. A general. Not a politician. And now he'd have to waste an evening mingling with bloated bureaucratic parasites. "Uhm... tell the Chancellor that I'll be there... uhm.. as soon as possible."

"Of course, Lord Vader. I shall see to it at ince."

Lotd Vader. Darth Vader. The name didn't sit well, not lying in the bed he and Padme shared. Darth Vader was a creature of the battlefield. Just.. couldn't he simp,y be Anakin at home?

No. Probably not, save to Padme. To the rest of the galaxy niw, he was Darth Vader.

Swearing a little, he tossed the covers aside and padded naked across the floor. Pausing to knock gently, he waited until he was invited to enter. And he was glad he had. Because he was treated to the sight of Padme Amidala Skywalker, glistening in the water and wearing inky bubbles, and that sight burned his burgeoning ill temper away.

"Seems... you're just as busy as I am today," she said.

Much more interested in the way her hands moved iver her skin, it took him a moment to realize she'd spoken. "Ah... yeah. There's a lot to do, it seems. Who would have thought that winning would be so much work?"

He sat on the edge of the tub, then considered slipping in with her - their shared dream had been pleasant, after all. But that might be still too much, too soon. So instead, he settled fir gently massagibg her neck nd shoulders, and tried to ignore the throbbing ache of his erection.

And then she asked if Darth Sideous knew of the twins.

"I... don't know," he said. "I mean, he was tbere on Mustafar and he's not blind, so he knows you're pregnant. And he knows we're married. And I'm pretty sure he can put two and two together..." A shrug. "I haven't told him, though."

He mulled over her final questions. "As for us? The fate of the Order is... uncertain, after they tried to seize power. But..."

Shifting around, he caught her hands in his and looked her in the eyes. "I'm tired of hiding, Padme. Let's do what we should have done. Declare ourselves, and let the galaxy envy us our happiness." He raised her damp fingers to his lips and kissed them. "You are my wife, Padme. And I should glory in that blessed reality."
When Anakin approached her side, she stopped washing herself and sat up a bit. Padme did not realize how easily the bubbles slipped away to reveal her form. He was watching her, seemingly annoyed that they had to attend something so public and so political. Personally, she thrived on it. It would allow her a way to convey things more easily. Surely there were many people worried about her as well, she owed it to those she called friends to at least be honest in her pregnancy's state. She huffed lightly at his comment about 'winning' being much work. He hadn't won anything... not yet at least. Padme refused to say that out loud.

Leaning over, he placed his firm hands on her shoulders and began to gently massage. She had flinched at first still unsure of his contact before he began to kneed out the kinks that she had carried under her skin. Closing her eyes, she hummed softly before opening one eye and becoming annoyed when she learned that the Chancellor had a great deal of knowing their secrets. "Wonderful," she mumbled sarcastically.

Finally, Anakin seemed unsure of their position now that the Jedi Order was... barely in power, if any at all. They were scattered across the galaxy, left to regroup on their own accord. When he captured her hands, she popped open her eyes and turned to look at him. Anakin no longer wished to hide anymore. Ah, he had said this often in the past. During the Clone Wars, he seemed so angry that all they did was keep it a secret. Normally, she was able to cool him down, but when he kissed her fingers like that, so delicate in his ways, his words that followed, she sighed. "I just don't know, Ani."

Asking to be left alone as politely as she could, she finished the bath herself and slipped out, drying her body and placing extra care against her belly, humming a familiar lullaby to the children. When she dressed, it was in her usual darks, a gentle dark green with a hood. Her curls were down, tumbling along behind her shoulders. Anakin had always liked it down. Wetting her lips, she found Anakin ready to head out as well.

"Anakin?" She whispered and touched his shoulder. "I refuse to call you Darth Vader," she promised and when he aimed for a kiss, she turned her face just a little bit. He could take the opportunity to turn her chin and show her who was boss or not. Either way, Padme was left standing near the doorway, her cheeks pink. Finally, she made her way out, headed to her own office. It was being gaurded by Rex. She could feel his grin under the helmet.

"Goodmorning Senator!" He said cheerfully and she offered him a small smile, entering her passsword to unlock the door. "Good morning. Rex, I have much work to do. Please only allow in those who have my appointments for the day. Not even General Skywalker. If he didn't make an appointment... he's not allowed in," it sounded strict, but there was a hint of a smile and Rex nodded when the door closed behind her.
Padme's hesitation was understandable, really. And not just because of the way he'd attacked her. She'd been raised with the reality of the Jedi, and then had followed her heart into a forbidden relationship with him. And now, he was asking to take that relationship out into the public eye. It couldn't be easy for her to contemplate. And so, when she asked to be left alone, he nodded and rose. There was another refresher in the apartment, after all.

He was mostly dry and dressing himself, when he heard the bathroom door open. The black fabric of his uniform clung lightly to his damp skin, and his hair hung limp around his sides. Despite wanting to turn and take her in his arms, he kept his back to her as he cinched up his belt - the better to grant her the privacy she needed.

"Anakin?" she whispered, touching his shoulder. He turned at that, and his breath caught at the sight of her. She wore a simple green gown, and a green cloak with a hood, and her dark hair tumbled in waves across her shoulders and back. "I refuse to call you Darth Vader."

He chuckled at that. "I'll never ask you to, Padme. Darth Vader is a mask. A name to rally troops around, and to terrify the enemies of the Republic." He leaned in to kiss her, and found his lips brushing her cheek. "For you - to you - I will always be Anakin."

He smiled at her as she slipped from the room, then sighed and straightened his back. It was as if a mask covered his features, hiding him as the weight of being Darth Vader once more settled over him. Distantly, he caught the faint whisper of voices. One the voice of Obi-Wan, and the other unknown but hauntingly familiar...

"There is still good in him.

"He's more machine now than man; twisted and evil."

Flexing his metallic fist, Darth Vader eyed the prosthetic limb for a moment. Than, with a scowl, he thrust it into the black gauntlet that hid the golden hand.

"Not even the General, hmm?" Rex said, voice speculative under the distortion of the helmet. "As you wish, ma'am." A pause. "Maybe I'll get to throw him off the Embassy Spire yet."

He walked beside Padme in as much silence as an armored Trooper could manage. "Nothing personal, you understand. I've just always been curious if I could manage it. And besides, how many times do you get to do that to your commander?"

Rex paused outside her office door, nodding slightly at the two troopers who joined him. "We can head off your appointments if you want, as well. It's been a rough few days. If you want the day off, just let us know and we'll tell the Supreme Chancellor himself to piss off."

Another beat.

"To respectfully piss off, that is."
Padme blinked a few times when Rex made a joke. A small smile dotted along her lips and she began to move inside of her work office. Padme was surprised when Rex and two Troopers followed. Stopping, she looked at him when Rex said it was nothing personal when he wished to throw Anakin across the Embassy Spire. "Nothing personal taken. I'm sure General Skywalker would be quite amazed himself," she attempted to distance herself from him in any sort of relationship that would break further beyond the boarders of 'friends,' but she was beginning to wonder if Rex was in on the marriage. But now, Rex was attempting to make her stay easier. It was as if he had known about the whole ordeal. She turned and gently lowered her hood.

"Please commander Rex. I cannot put my own needs first. If I cancel, I'll continue a bad habit already further. But I appreciate your concern," She mused a bit to herself before shaking her head and offering him a smile. "Thank you." And gently, she closed the doors behind her. Falling into her comfortable chair, she began to rummage through the paperwork had that accumulated itself upon her desk. She went to work immediately. Padme was very good about letting go and moving forward, at least when it came to petty work such as this. She'd say, "come in," softly and rise whenever Rex announced her appointment clients were here.

By the end of the evening, she was out of the doors and taking her time on the elevator as she watched the bustling night life of Coruscant began. "Not here," she whispered and gently placed a hand to her belly. They deserved to be born in a place not filled with deceit and the rush of things. Entering her apartment, she called out to Anakin, only to find him preparing for the gala event tonight as well. She assumed that he would wear robes...? Or armor of some kind? She wasn't sure exactly what his position stood on now. Wetting her lips, she politely accepted a kiss to the cheek from him and looked down and away, making her way to the dresser.

"CP0, my golden dress, please," she commented softly and the droid immediately knew where he needed to go. He found his way (surprisingly) through the massive space that was known as Padme's closet. She began to change innocently at Anakin's side, awkwardly trying to bring up conversation. "I accomplished much today. I was even able to sign a delegation for peace on a few planets. Not everyone is happy with your Emperor," she said, distaste in her mouth. "I am lucky how much influence I hold," she slipped into the dress that CP0 had draped in his arm and she thanked him lightly and attempted to zip herself, but couldn't reach the zipper. "Ah, Ani? Could you help me a moment?" She asked politely, the smooth curve of her back tempting him to places he'd already tried to go. She added a matching golden headpiece to complete the looked and placed her hands on her belly, wincing a little. They were moving quickly tonight. Out of excitement or fear, she did not know.

"Are we ready to go?"
"You seem troubled, my young apprentice," Darth Sidious observed. "Speak."

Vader looked up from the hololithic table, eying his Master carefully. "I... am concerned about some of these plans."

Sidious drew closer, examining the displays. "Which ones? The establishment of a Republic Security Bureau, to fill the void left by the destruction of the Jedi? The expansion of the military? The..."

"This... ball," Vader interrupted. "I do not see the need for such a thing."

"Ah, Lord Vader," Sidious laughed. "It is times like this that reveal how much of your education has been neglected. The ball is essential."

"Why?" Vader challenged.

"We have shattered the Jedi, scattering the survivors to the winds. We have announced their treachery, and your own role in defending the Republic." The Supreme Chancellor's eyes met those of his apprentice. "They must be reassured that, in the wake of this, they are safe." A pause. "They need a hero, Lord Vader."


"Yes, you. The one good Jedi," and here Sidious' voice dripped sarcasm. "The man who, when forced to choose between loyalty to the Order and loyalty to the Republic, chose the Republic. The man who found the Seperatist leaders and ended the war single-handedly." The Sith Lord smiled. "You are going to be feted and lauded and honored, Lord Vader. The people will love you. And it will tie them to us all the more."

The conversation still occupied his thoughts when he returned to the Embassy. At least, it occupied his thoughts until Commander Rex blocked his path. "Orders, General," he'd said, and Vader could practically see the smile under the helmet. "I need to check with the ambassador, first.'

"You're enjoying this, Rex," Vader said.

"Hells yes I am, General," Rex laughed. "How often do I get to fuck with my CO, on his own orders?"

Vader crossed his arms across his chest and waited, staring impassively at Rex. The Clonetrooper's voice went silent for a minute. "Right. You're cleared. Guess I don't get to toss you off the spire."

"You're obsessing, Rex."

"Too right I am. Opportunities like this don't come along everyday."

Shaking his head, Darth Vader strode down the hall and into the living chambers of the Ambassador's apartment. Their apartment, really. Padme stood with her back to the door, the golden cloth of a long gown clinging to her form, and the back open to reveal the full length of her body from the curve of her rear to the graceful column of her neck. "Ah, Ani?" she called, struggling to reach the zipper. "Could you help me a moment?"

He stepped forward, fingers tracing slowly up the length of her back as he caressed her spine. "What sort of help do you want?" he whispered, slipping some of the fabric from her shoulders in a half-playful manner as he kissed the nape of her neck.

"Are we ready to go?" she asked.

Anakin nipped gently at the base of her neck, and his living hand slipped beneath her dress as it drifted low. "Depends," he murmured, gently squeezing the firm flesh of her rear. "Where do you want to go..?"
She waited as he came around from behind and gently touched at the back of her dress. Padme had fallen right into his trap. "Anakin," she called out in slight annoyance. All she wanted was for him to zip the damn dress up and even he could not resist her smooth and supple skin. "The zipper," she reminded him a light but threatening tone. Slightly cool lips came to her neck where he kissed and she inhaled sharply in response. Why must he always do that? He knew that was a weak spot and took advantage of it. When she felt a warm hand slid beneath her dress, the shoulders had already brushed lower than usual, she shivered. "I... I don't want to go anywhere," she admitted but snapped and turned around, catching the zipper on his own robes, snagging them awkwardly. Again, another romantic attempt broken.

"Anakin!" She groaned in annoyance and once he remedied the situation, she dabbed a little perfume onto her wrists and began to walk out of the apartment, asking that C3P0 take care of the place as R2 beeped happily. The lights dimmed as they exited, the small circular water fountain no longer running. She walked behind Anakin, unsure of how it would look should she be at his side. If he wondered, she merely shook her head. Rex, along with a regiment of Troopers followed them to the main Hall where the gala was being held.

It looked absolutely stunning. Not a decoration was out of place. Senator Amidala's table, along with her fellow people from Naboo, and nearby Alderaan, were quick to join her. She moved away from Anakin to great Bail Organa and his wife who had shown. "It is good to see you well," he kissed both her cheeks and she forced a great smile and a sigh of relief. "It is... good to be here. Clearly, I am needed. How... are our plans?" She whispered softly and Bail gave her a quick look, glancing at the new second in command of the new Empire.

"They will continue. There has been few sightings of Jedi. I shall report to you tomorrow morning." Padme could only smile and bowed her head politely. When she looked to the Emperor in his chair at the tip top of the stairs, he had been watching her very intently and only offered her a sliver of a smile. She moved past Bail who worringly looked at Darth Vader. It seemed Bail was one of few - at least now - who knew of their relationship. Padme only trusted a select few and it was clear he was one of them.

"Chancellor, no, should I say, Emperor," she came up to him. They were watching her, waiting for her to kneel, but she did not. She stood her ground quite firmly and did not move. "I am honored to serve and shall continue to do so. To keep the peace. It is my duty. I have many deligations for you to sign tomorrow." It was not a request, it was an order.

Had this been anyone else, action would have been taken. The former Chancellor gripped the sides of his eleborant chair and chuckled. "Of course. I always have time for my favorite Senator of Naboo. How is your family?" He was mocking her, challenging her, and still, she did not give in.

"Wonderful. Naboo shall always be a place of peace and restoration. I look forward to extending this to every planet until your watchful Empire eye."

Now, she was pushing buttons, so he would return the favor.

"And your pregnancy, Senator? When shall we look forward to welcoming new life in the Force?"

Padme froze, her determination suddenly crumbling and her lips parted, but no words came out.
Anakin Skywalker would have felt uncomfortable as he walked into the glittering room filled with the great and powerful of the Republic. Even though a Jedi was supposed to be above considerations of class and status, he'd never fully absorbed that lesson. Too aware that he'd been born a slave, too aware that he had inky been trained in defiance of the Council, he reacted poirly in such environments. Curt, belligerent, aloof, cold, all of these words had been used to describe him. All because Anakin Skywalker struggled against his iwn distaaste and sense of inadequacy.

But Darth Vader had none of those weaknesses. Darth Vader recignized them all for what they were: sycoohants and toadies and profiteers. Men and women who had built financial empires on the backs of the kind of women and men he had been born to be. Creatures who clutched whips and titles and spoke of democracy.

"Don't like this, General," Rex muttered. The Clonetrooper had been required, by virtue of his rank, to eschew his armor for the black dress uniform of the Republic. It was clear from the hard expression on his face that he hated the way people were staring at his scarred features. "Too open. Too many ambush points."

"The only threat we will face here, Commander," Vader answered, "will be the risk of drowning in a sea of tedium."

Padme, who had steadfastly refused to walk at his side, moved forward to speak ti the Chancellor. Vader followed in her wake, ignoring the hangers-on who sought his attention. As he drew near, he heard Sidious asking after the health of the twins.

"They will be born soon enough, Chancellor," he said, moving to stand at her side. "In a few more weeks, I will accompany her to Naboo - she has exoressed a desire for peace and solitude." He paused. "With only her famiky in attendance."

A murmur of conversation erupted, at the sight of the Hero of the Republic standing next to the pregnant Senator. Palpetine leaned forward. "And the father's wishes?"

A collective intake if breath was heard at those words. Darth Vader merely met Darth Sideous' gaze. "I believe," he said, "that the father has consented to honor her wishes."
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