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little red riding hood (L337GAM3R)


Oct 15, 2009

Name: Rena
Age: 17
Idea: Little red riding hoodX wolf (changes into a human form)

"Bye mom ill see you tommorw when i come home from Granny's" Rena said as she left the small house that her and her mom and dad lived in. Rena was 17 so she was aloud to walk to her Granny's house alone now. Granny lived on the other side of the forest it was about a half hour walk if you stayed on the path. Rena always stayed on the path she did not want to get lost or attacked by any animals.

She had her hair that was down to her mid back all down and a red hood over the top of her head. The red cape was long and went almost down to the ground. She was 17 and a very good looking girl so she was wearing very fashionable. She had on a tight shirt that showed her stomach and very tight pants that were low on her hips showing the thin straps of her g-string.

As she walked on the path of the forest she got about half way there before she saw something in the forest and started to walk off the path and into the forest. She soon got lost int the forest and sighed as she looked around not knowing where to go.
What the girl was distracted by was a small vision of a black wolf. The vision, or more correctly the projected image that was alluring the slender female from the path was not actually there. It was a projection from what appeared to be a young man, dressed in a fine black suit, with crimson eyes. The projection was his true form, a large black wolf that was easily moving through the under brush of the forest. The wolf and the male shared a name Fenrir, the second son of the great Wolf Fenris of Norse mythology. Many years ago, after the fall of Odin the wolves had been cast down by mother Gaea. Now they were made to to guard graveyards and the gates of hell, Fenrir himself was the first “hell hound.”

Fenrir did not refer to himself using that name anymore, it had been millennium since the casting, now he called himself Rin. Rin was a six foor tall athletic male, who was not sitting on a large branch in a tree his crimson eyes closed as his his projection moved with playful motions to lure the girl deeper and deeper into the dense woods.
Rena got closer and closer an soon stopped when she realized how dangerous this was. She turned around to go back then noticed she could not see the trail so she did not know how far she had gone and she new she turned a few times so it was not just a straight line back. "Its got to be this way." Rena muttered then started walking but she was going the wrong way. She was lost more then anything. this as the first time she had ever left the trail and she got lost. Rena could not believe she had done this. Thankfully she had a basket of goodies with her. She had them for her and Granny so they would have something homemade to eat well she was over but it looked like it was not going to make it there if she stayed lost.

Rena looked around as she walked around then muttered "Im getting more lost then i was before this is stupid." She was getting mad at the fact she was lost she hated it.
Rin watched through the crimson eyes of the shadow of the wolf that followed the young girl in the red cape. Moments later as the girl entered deep into the forest and realized she could no longer find her way back to the path the demon in the tree opened his eyes, the wolf vanished. Dropping to the ground without a sound, hands in his pocket the male who appeared to be in his twenties began to walk slowly deeper into the woods, whistling a soft melodic tune. The tune echoed through the woods but could easily be followed if one was just to listen to it.

Stopping in the middle of a clearing the males form became slightly different, his clothes changed the black suit became a pair of black shorts with a black hooded sweatshirt. With a smile he pulled the hood up and closed his eyes waiting to see if the young, attractive female would take the bait.
When Rena heard the whistling she looked over and fallowed the melodic tune. She did not know what she was getting herself into but if it was a person whistling witch to her belief that's the only thing who would so it must be a human and that meant she say be able to get back to the path if she asked that person. Well at least all this made sense to her. She started to walk faster to catch up with whoever it was. Rena saw someone standing there in black shorts and a black hoody so she guessed that was the person who was whistling.

"excuse me can you help me." Rena said loud enough for the man to hear or at least she hoped she did as she got closer to him.
Smiling beneath his hood Rin turned and looked at the young girl approaching him. Her clothes so scantily clad to her body, her adolescent form so sultry, his eyes took a moment to scan her frame as he smiled. "What do you mean my dear? You aren't in any danger out here." Yet He thought to himself as he reached up and pulled the hood back from his face. His black hair was a little messy, and his eyes were an odd color but other than that and the small scar on his right cheek the male looked perfectly normal. Sliding his hands into the pockets of his shorts he looked at her and walked over to her, taking in a couple of deep breaths he smiled and spoke again. "Why are you wandering through the woods. I mean, most people say this is the resting place a great black wolf don't they?" He asked as he walked around her, surveying her entire body in the light of the sun breaking the dense canopy of the forest.
"im sorry to disturb you but im lost can you help me find the path?" She asked then said "well i have heard that as well that's why im trying to get back to the path." She said as she watched him walk around her. "why are you walking around me?" She asked as she watched him intently. She felt uncomfortable with being looked at like he was looking at her. "do you know how to get to the path or are you lost as well?" She asked. She looked at him liking how he looked he was rather sexy but he was pretty creepy as well.
Smiling Ryn looked at her and stepped close to her, taking in a deep breath inhaling her scent he smirked. "Run, before I decide what to do with you human." He said with a low feral growl. His red eyes flashing at her as he smiled showing his extremely sharp canines. "You wandered deep off the path, and into my home. See this isn't the home of a simple wolf, it's the home of a demon." Suddenly most of the light faded as some of the trees seemed to bow together to block out the sunlight. "If you can find the path you will be safe, if not I will probably devour you. You have a ten second head start...go!" He said and jumped back a few inches from her.
Rena let out a gasp as she backed away as he spoke about what he was and that he would devour her. When he told her she had a ten second head start to get away she dropped her basket of goodies and took off running. She was pretty fast though the trees slowed her down and she did not know where the path was so she just kept running hoping she was not going deeper into the dark forest. Rena kept looking a head not wanting to know where the wolf was as she ran she new not to look back just keep going forward as fast as she could.
One...two........ten Rin counted slowly to himself before simply blinking out of sight and moving through the forest in a ghostly form, known as a wisp. Rin smiled as he watched the little girl running and decided to have himself some twisted fun. Projecting his will onto the forest he watched as Ivy vines shot out and wrapped around her extremities, her wrists and ankles were caught, and her body was pulled from the ground. Appearing once more in front of her Rin smile and was dressed in his black suit. "Oh, I should have mentioned running was futile." Rin walked up to her, face to face he smirked. "Please call me Rin, and feel free to scream and struggle all you want, it's going to make this all the more fun.'
Rena let out a scream as she was captured by Ivy. She struggled as much as she could against her bounds as she tried to get away but failed but she did not stop trying to get free. "dirt bag." Rena yelled at him then glared at him. She almost seemed fearless but that was only because she was hiding her fear from him. She did not want him to get the satisfaction of making her scared. She she slowly stopped struggling as she looked at him it was starting to hurt her wrists and ankles struggling against something that would not let her go. From the running and the struggling her shirt had moved up showing more of her thin smooth skin.
Walking close to her he smirked and placed his hand on her flat, soft skinned stomach. "You take good care of yourself, I would imagine that there isn't a single hair on your body aside from your head." His hand teased the hem of her shirt before moving down to gently pull at the exposed strings of her underwear. "And in such naughty clothes, are you a whore?" He asked, a hint of excitement in his voice as he gave a rough tug up on both strings. Holding them strained for a few moments he let go and moved behind her. "A firm ass." He said simply before bringing a hand starkly to it with a rough smack. "What should I do with you intruder?"
"you wont find out now leave me alone mutt." She yelled as him trying not to shake in fear as she could not get away from him. She was scared but could not do anything about it. "H-hey leave them alone and no im not a whore." She said then let out a scram as she was roughly smacked on the ass. It hurt she really hated how all this was going she just wanted to go to her Granny's but she new that was not going to happen as lone as this demon was having fun with her. "Let me go." He said softly at the question of what he should do with her.
Rin smiled as he smirked and ran his fingers up her spine to see if she wore a bra. "Now now, letting you go would ruin my fun, unless I chased you again." His eyes brightened when he found her bra was absent today. With a smirk his nails grew sharp almost into claws. Letting one of them tear through her thin shirt and rip it from collar to hem he smirked and didn't yet pulled it from her body. He walked around and let his hand once more become human as he grabbed the srings once more pulling up again, knowing the cloth would be wedging itself between her pussy lips as he did so. "Letting you go is not an option."
"eh stop touching me. leave me alone." Rena yelled as she started to struggle again. She could not help it but struggle since her shirt was not ripped and Rin was making her underwear start wedging itself between her pussy lips. "Stop it" she said trying to move away again but failing. "Why cant you just go to some village and find someone to torture and leave me alone" She wanted to get away but she did not know how and she could not looked at the man who had captured her since he was so attractive she thought she might give up and let him have his way.
With a smirk he grabbed her by the jaw forcing her to look at him. "Oh come now, why won't you look at me? Am I some hideous beast of a demon, I thought I chose my form well." He released her jaw and his hand turned back to the claws it had been when he tore the back of her shirt, now he reached up and tore through the front of it. Shredding it he ripped her shirt from her body, now she only had her pants and g string. "I wonder if you will come to enjoy being used by a demon in all of his forms." He said as he looked at her bare breasted and hung up for him to see.
"Yes your a beast now leave me alone let me go." Rena yelled at him as she look away from him again. A gasp left her lips as her shirt was ripped once again and her breasts were reviled to him and the cold air making her nipples harden. "ill never enjoy being used by a demon manly a dirty mutt of a demon like you." she hissed out at him
"Really you annoying little cunt? Then why not look at me, I think you're afraid you will lose yourself in what you see." He said as he raised his voice and brought his hand hard across her cheek. "I bet your little string excuse of panties are soaked through as you know what going to happen to you. Every hole violated by a being that can be human, animal, an even a mix of both." Reaching up once more he pulled her head to face him and smirked. "If you don't look at me now, I will kill the next person I find in my forest, in front of you, no matter how long it takes. You will be made to watch my victim torn limb from limb and know it was your fault. All because you won't look at me." He said releasing her jaw once more he his hand moved to her pants. His fingers played just inside the waist line.
Rena didn't want to look at him and she held back any noise of pain as she was slapped across the cheek. She new she was wet from the thought of what he was going to do to her but she hoped she was not as wet as he had said. She did not know why she liked the thought of being violated by a being that can be human, animal, an even a mix of both. as she was forced to look at him she could not believe that he was threatening her with someone elses life just to get her to look at him. She could not bare the thought of getting someone torn to peaces just because she did not want to look at the sexy demon in front of her so she looked at him even after he let her jaw go. She tried to stay calm as his fingers went just inside the waist line of her pants.
"There you go, such an obedient little girl." Rin smirked and his hands tugged her pants lower, the vines on her legs slowly retracting and curling away as Rin pulled the tight jeans forcefully from her body. Looking at her bound at the wrists in only her tiny g-string Rin smirked and placed his hand on her smooth cunt, rubbing his fingers along the strong of her panties. Pushing her tiny underwear even further between her wet lips he looked at her, his eyes locked on hers. "Now tell me, why are you so wet?" He said as he pulled his middle finger away from her pussy and brought it to his lips. Licking her juice from it he smiled savoring the taste.
Rena bit her lip was her pants were taken off her body. She felt really uncomfortable being a play thing for the wolf. She bit her lip harder as he touched her cunt. she stopped biting her lip long enough to say "y-you know why." She then went back to biting her lip as she watched him lick his finger. watching that just made her wetter she was really starting to want him and it scared her. She could not look away witch made her watched him savoring the taste of her juice.
Rin smirked at her comment. "I know, do I, so are you saying I was right?" He asked as he let his hands move to her panties and peel them from her body, tossing them to the ground with her pants. Rin walked around her, his right hand trailed up her spine into her hair giving a hard tug back his lips at her ear. "What should I do with you?" He asked in a low, guttural voice that was almost a growl.
Rena held back a gasp as her hair was pulled and her eat was attacked by the demons perfect lips. She was know naked wet and wanting the demon who she should be scared of not horny for. There was something wrong with her there had to be to make her this horny for a demon and animal. At the question of what he should do with her she had many things to say but all she said was. "Let me go." She did not want to fully give up on wanting to get away.
The vines that were once around her legs now crawled back, the ones on her wrists shifted to move her to where she was held horizontally in the air. The vines on her legs moved to her calves forcing her knees to bend in the air. She was now held, in the air at his waists height, in a doggy style position. Taking his right hand he jammed his pointer finger and middle finger roughly into her cunt and started to finger her soft mound. Squishy noises came from her soaked sex. "Those sounds say you don't truly want to be let go." He smirked and with his left hand unzipped his trousers, freeing a large eleven inch monster from his boxers that was hard as a rock he smirked. "You know, I can make it bigger in my other forms." He chuckled knowing she could turn her head to look if she wanted to.
Rena let out a gasp as she was forced into a new position. She tried to struggle out of it up stopped with a gasp like moan as two fingers were jammed into her. It hurt a little but she ignored the pain. She turned to see how big he was and just looking at the eleven inch hard as a rock cock made her moan. She wanted him bad now but she looked away and said "n-no let me go this is not right." This was wrong he was a demon a wolf this was wrong but she wanted it.
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