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Dragon's Hoard

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Mar 21, 2014
The quest seemed simple enough. Something was taking cattle in the night and there were carcasses of deer being found in the woods mauled by something very large. And then there were the roars. They were only occasional but they echoed through the valley. There was something up in the mountains and it was something very big.

The villagers were terrified and scared it would be coming down into the town next. And if it was half as big as it sounded the town guards would have no chance. So the lord and the mayor scraped together some gold and offered it up as reward for the beast's head.

It probably wouldn't be too hard. It was probably just some dire wolf. At most a griffon or perhaps a wyvern. The townsfolk were scared but they were just merchants and peasants. It would probably be done with ease.

The party gathered together over a few days gathering fighters and supplies. Then they set out. It was a long hike into the mountains. They had been out of town for three days slowly making their way through the steep valleys and cliffs. They made camp. There were less than a day below a rather large cave in the peak above. That was probably where the beast was. It was night now though so they had this one last moment to rest before the hike and battle tomorrow.

They had one last night before the things fate and the beast had in store for them.
Calista Del Rey sat at the fire sharpening the second of her two long swords, both were of course already sharp and meticulously cleaned, but it gave her something to do as she idly scanned her companions. Her armor was perfect as well, though not the highly polished set she would wear if she were somewhere closer to civilization as opposed to this frontier backwater. Instead it was brushed to a dull perfection that was a bit less conspicuous for the practical work ahead of her. It mimicked her curves to near perfection, making her armorer the only man who had gotten a view of her well honed body, much to the disappointment of the many lords and knights that coveted her.

Though she kept a low profile, Calista was a rather high level knight of the Order of the Silver Flame. Her mission here was the same as the party she had joined, to discover the source of the raids and put an end to them. She cared little for the money that had been offered and had even considered adding to it to improve the quality of the party to be found. In the end she decided to save the Order a few hundred gold coins and as she looked over the party wondered if it had been a wise choice. She could probably do the task herself but it was not the Order's way to do all of the lord's dirty work and if they wanted to use this band of misfits, so be it.

She was however convinced, as was the local lord and mayor, that this was a minor beast easily defeated. Had they not been so near the frontier, she might have had better information as to the range and scope of some of the raids along with the treasure and magic being taken. Instead she only knew of about a quarter of the damage. That bit of missing information combined with her confidence that her Order had rid the land of dragons a couple generations ago, gave her a false sense of security. If she had suspected something as terrible as even a minor dragon, there would be a hundred knights here hunting it down, not this paltry band of thieves, barbarians, and an unproven sorceress. There was something about the sorceress though that bothered Calista more than it should, she couldn't put her finger on it but knew she bore watching carefully. The barbarian on the other hand, she wished would avoid her line of sight altogether. His lack of clothing was little short of offensive to the chaste paladin. The thieves well what could she say about them really, they couldn't be trusted any further than she could see them.

Still they were her companions for the immediate future so she did her best to smile and be civil, hoping they would settle this matter quickly so she could be on her way.
Pacing around the groups campsite at the edge of the firelight, Lizzie's eyes darted from face to face and then out into the darkness. She was out of her element and she hated it. She should have been back in the city, hell any city, breaking into homes not climbing mountains in search of trouble. She- well, they, were being payed well and that was what had drawn her here. She kicked herself once again for trying to satiate her own greed. They were days away from anyone now, so their was no chance she would be able to crawl back to civilization if she was seriously wounded. Not only that but the attacks were described as raids. That meant that whatever they were hunting was intelligent, willing to travel for several days to raid, and then strong enough to hike its way back up the mountains to wherever it (or they) lived with its loot. They were going to have to fight, and this they included her! Surely they won't pay me if I cower behind them the whole time.

As she continued to pace she bought herself breathing far quicker and louder than she had thought she was. Calm down, Lizzie, it's OK. Just think, you can take whatever was stolen without technically stealing and technically not stealing was the best kind of stealing! It involved less work than actual theft and you weren't legally responsible for your actions. Yeah, that's it. And if things go badly, even tonight, you can just slip away. You're already dressed to blend in, all you'd need to do is grab your pack. With a deep breath, she slowed her pacing before approaching the fire and sitting by it. Being sure she didn't look directly into the fire she produced a bag of ball bearings from a pouch and began rolling one between her fingers. Good, good, now just think of something else... Maybe the others? Yes.

The elf, um, half-elf... She was a sorcerer. There was that other rogue (a human like herself), and that barbarian. A shiver ran down her spine. Gregor. Scary man, though probably not right in the head. He had that thuggish look to him, even naked and out here. And he was big as well.

Then there was the paladin, Calista. She certainly isn't helping ease the tension but I suppose she's alright. I mean, she's probably honor bound to fight to protect the helpless (i.e. Me) and I can't really do anything illegal around here so we shouldn't have too much trouble. Calmer now, she dropped the bearing back into its pouch and looked at the others before speaking. "So, what'll you all be spending your pay on?"
"Jeez, what a dump." Sasha groaned as she lit a roll of tobacco with a small ball of fire she conjured up in her palm, before putting it between her cherry lips. She has long scarlet hair all the way down to her waist and marble white skin on a lithe body well-endowed with ample curves. She was wearing a red silk dress that can best be described as a nightgown, the fabric semi-transparent and leaving large parts of her cleavage and legs exposed. And while she carries herself with an air of nobility, her mannerisms and vulgar vocabularies suggests it's much more likely she had sucked a lot of nobles instead. And while she complains about the elements, the ease with which she helped set up the bonfire meant that she's no stranger to traveling and camping. "Of course, it's not like that Gnome's dick of a village is any better."

"Imma gonna spend my pay on boozes, smokes...and boys." Sasha answered the rogue's question with a hungry, almost wolfish grin. "I saw a very cute guy in the tavern last night; probably the only good spot in this gods-forsaken town." she paused there to suck on the roll of tobacco with expert skill, then blew the smoke out in small onion rings. "I mean, it's not like I need many stuffs, or what; I travel light, after all." Indeed, being an arcane caster with innate talent, she has little belongings on her person, weapons and armors being unnecessary (and unwieldy, for that matter) for her delicate form. What's maybe more jarring, though, is her almost nonchalant attitude toward their coming question; it seems as if she either had total confidence of their success...or she simply didn't really care about the outcome either way.

...Or maybe it's because she could feel something in the air. Something that no one else seemed to feel, a tingling sensation that made her nipples hard and visible beneath her dress, an electricity that seemed to travel through the rivers of her veins. Or maybe it's just nerves, or the cold, or maybe it's simply all in her head. Still, she could swear she had the feeling of great destiny - almost a premonition - even if she couldn't quite put her fingers on it. This had never happened before...except on that fateful night in the brothel, before her latent powers ignited the floor and sent her fleeing from the closest thing she ever had to a family to avoid her debt and guilt. She shook her head at that; she was over thinking things. It's probably nothing; after all, what great destiny could one possibly find in this unextraordinary place?
Ling leaned back against a tree, eyes half closed as he kept an ear out for the surroundings. He had dark hair, green eyes and a fairly ordinary look to him, course in his line of work, an unassuming look was always best. He didn't stand too tall or short, didn't have any distinct facial features or anything out of place, not too handsome but not repulsive. Course it always served him best when he was spying in a big city, not so much for this quest. He wasn't too sure why he took the job, other than the money was good, besides, how hard could it be?

"I shall invest the money well." Was his response, not going into details, as per normal for him or any spy like him. He surveyed the ragtag team that came to the villagers desperate pleas, an all too noble Paladin, another thief who seemed just as confused as to why they took this job as him, a sorceress who looked more at home entertaining a high end tavern than fighting and the big ol' barbarian. He just hoped it would be as easy as they all thought it was.

Sure he couldn't blend in with a crowd and spy here, but he was still stealthy and could stab well. He figured go in there, run ahead with the other rogue to scout the lair, check for traps. Then it'd all come down to a big fight with whatever beast the town was so worked up over. His bets were on some large wolf, something fairly mundane to waste five adventurers on. But hey, easy money, was easy money to him, not thinking it could be as bad as it actually was.
The money will be well received, but on was not after that he was after all, he could just mug whatever money he needed or even sneak his way to steal some, as he was, despite his large size and bearlike constitution, as nimble as the rogues in the group. Hard to believe such a huge man could hide and be so silent but as he grew in the streets he learned most of the thief's business, and he liked it that way, Gregor had grown to love the filthy streets of the city and the city itself and would do almost anything to protect it. He was not a man with many friends or someone who trusted easily in anyone but there was some nobility in his loyalty to his home town, maybe if someone could ever gain his trust, he would do the same.

But at a moment like this he wished he knew a little about the outlands just to be able to track whatever they were hunting as he was starting to tire about this search. Being used to endure everything and anything he was not uncomfortable at all and he couldn't care less about what they could find in such a place, but the company of such beautiful woman made him impatient. He was only wearing a loincloth that hardly covered his whole manhood, and as he grew anxious, the small piece of cloth around his crotch seemed to grow smaller. If they didn't find the creature soon he would be taking any the female here, whether she likes it or not.

So many choices he had but the paladin was like the forbidden fruit in the whole group, that woman kept drawing his attention more than anything else, the curvy armor she wore couldn't just be just for bluff and he wished to take her out of her metal dress to feel her skin. He could realize she kept sharpening her sword only to keep her busy and he kept thinking to give better to those hands' sharpening move on his shaft right now.

Finally silence was broken. "Our half elf here is very honest, I like that in a woman", he said after hearing the answer of the sorceress, and he moved closer to have a better look at her body, being obvious that he liked everything else on her, "I myself had pretty similar plans for that money, why don't we..." he sat next to Sasha but he interrupted himself for a moment turning around to the rogue and pulling her closer to his other side. Cuddling between the two girls he addressed Lizzie with his deep voice "...and what about you?, what do you have planned for this reward?"
Lizzie flinched almost imperceptibly as Gregor sat between her and Sasha. She listened to both answers given and was hoping the two might head off into the darkness for some 'fun' when he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. Lizzie's breathing sped up immediately, though only for a moment before she was able to get it under control. Just answer him, just answer him... "I-I might invest it. I mean, I've always been a bit risk averse when it didn't come to stealing things so I may just keep it around like I do most of my valuables but it would be nice to have a more reliable income." She gave him a timid smile as she finished, wondering how he would respond and hoping someone else took his fancy soon.
"Now now, let us not get ahead of ourselves." Sasha giggled when Gregor praised her with his words and more so with his glances, seeming to take the imposing man's attention with great stride and composure. "You gotta have some gold before you talk biz." she planned on walking away and teasing the barbarian with her shaking hips, but then she noticed Lizzie's nervousness and decided to help out a sister in need. "...But if we can find a more private place, perhaps I can give you a look at the goods first." she giggled again and leaned toward Gregor to give him a generous view of her ample bosom....which was likely just going to make the rogue - and everybody else, for that matter - think she's a shameless slut, but then again...she is.
Lizzie's nervousness was obvious at being so unceremoniously pulled to the nearly naked brute. Calista stood and approached, she still held her sword but not in a threatening manner. Sasha on the other hand seemed attracted to the big man's barely concealed member like a moth to the flame. To her credit though she seemed to notice Lizzie's discomfort and offered her most obvious distraction however it did not seem like much of a sacrifice. Calista thought she would have to prevent the barbarian from dragging the smaller rogue along for the party, but she would rather not humiliate him this evening, she may have need for his bravado in the morning. Instead she tried a slightly different tack, getting their attention first by joining their conversation. "I don't count my gold before I have earned it." Her voice stern and virtuous as was typical of her class.

She made a conscious effort to soften her tone though as she turned to the nervous thief. "Lizzie, would you help me with my armor please?" Calista of course needed no help, she was completely independent and accustomed to operating alone for long periods of time, she pretty much preferred it. But it was the only excuse she could think of as she offered her free hand to the girl to help her up and away as she stared down the barbarian. The fire in her pale green eyes perhaps a reminder that only her tone of voice had grown soft.
Lizzie took Calista's hand gratefully, slipping out from under Gregor's arm and after her. Mouthing a silent 'thank you' as soon as she was facing away from him she straightened herself out and said, "Just tell me what to do and I'll take care of it."
Gregor liked the timid behaviour of the rogue, and he surely was enjoying being where he was not seeming to have any intention in letting her go. "hahaha invest it you say?, sounds like a good plan if you want to buy something 'big'..." he said looking at her and then between his legs giving her a grin. He then turned his head to the other beautiful girl, she not being shy at all talking about 'business'. Gregor was not used to pay for women as other men had to, and he didn't plan to start today, he always thought of himself irresistible to the opposite gender, even if they were shy or reluctant to admit it, situation that had ended in raping more than once.

As the sorceress leaned more against the barbarian making him an offer, he grabbed her tighter, not only having a better view of her attributes but pressing her swollen orbs against his muscled chest, it was clear he was more aroused as Sasha made him an offer which judging by his current size would not end in only a look. The real question was if he was going to stand up to go for a more private place or if he would stay were he was, in the middle of the two girls.

Calista made her move then, coming closer to the trio to help the distressed Lizzie out of the hands of Gregor. She inevitably had a whole view of his huge sheath as she approached the group, as he was laying down his small piece of cloth would not cover him at all from her angle, even less as he kept growing bigger. "Even the demure paladin comes now, she wants a piece of Gregor too? Sure! There is enough for everyone." releasing Lizzie of his log-like arm he let all of the girls have a better view of his manhood then. He had already surpassed the ten inches but still showed no signs of being close to meet his full size. "Seems things are finally going to be fun, go ahead Lizzie, help the lady strip for her man", he squeezed her ass helping her stand.
The sun had long gone down and now it was getting quite late. The stars came out and the night sky was beautiful up in these high mountains whether or not that was the particular beauty anyone was focusing on. So each of them had the choice of getting to sleep now or partaking in fun. Of course staying up and having fun would make it difficult to have a good sleep. But really what did it matter if they didn't get much sleep, tomorrow would be a cakewalk anyway.
"In your dreams..." was the paladin's only response to the barbarian's boastful fantasizing. To complete her 'rescue' Calista held onto Lizzie's hand until they were both out of reach of the lusty barbarian. She had paid little attention to the barbarian's growing arousal though it was impossible to ignore completely. Returning to her spot on the far side of the campfire she decided to have a little fun with the barbarian. She was fairly confident he wouldn't run off with the sorceress too quickly if he thought there was a chance of seeing her strip.

She turned to face the fire and raised her hands, scooping up two fistfuls of her long red hair she exposed the leather buckles that held her armor in place. "Just loosen them on either side dear." she politely asked the small thief. "Careful it doesn't fall away to quickly." She offered as the solid breast plate, not as heavy as it looked, fell slightly with the loosening straps. Calista trusted the younger girl wouldn't let her armor drop as she kept her hair and hands raised, her eyes on the barbarian.

Underneath her breast plate Calista wore the thinnest of silk camisoles, just enough to keep the armor from chafing her pale soft skin. Her full breasts turning upwards at their tips, defying gravity as her nipples visibly hardened in the cool night air despite the fire. The rest of her armor came off rather quickly with Lizzie's help, her dextrous fingers making the task go all the quicker. "Thank you Lizzie...there is a nice little stream just over there, will you join me to freshen up before we settle in for the night?" Calista rarely enjoyed the company of other women, her Order almost exclusively male, besides her. She shook her head, letting her hair fall back down around her pale shoulders. She gathered a few small bath related items then pulled out a small but dangerous looking blade, giving the barbarian a parting look and a not so subtle hint of what might happen to his pride and joy if he followed. She then offered her hand to Lizzie, hoping she would join her for some pleasant company and relative safety.
As Lizzie finished unbuckling the straps of Calista's armor, she was about to sneak out into the woods (if just to be away from Gregor) when the paladin made her proposal. She was momentarily thrown off balance by the offer. She had never expected the paladin to ask someone to be around her when she was naked. She had the body, the voice, the attitude and the work ethic of a zealous paladin (or at least, she had thought she had). Responding perhaps a little too quickly she said, "Of course, lead the way." And followed the paladin off.
Sasha chuckled when Gregor pulled her close, and she put her delicate hands upon his muscled chest as well, but she gave no intention of going further at this point. After all, while Sasha is a slut, and not the smartest person in the bunch, she's also not stupid; she could see that given his current state, a look at her "good" would likely result in a full-blown "business" exchange, and she hadn't been paid yet! Besides, while she does enjoy sex - the only way for her to work as a hooker for most of her adolescence without becoming completely broken - there is something else that she would enjoy just as much, if not more so.

"Oh, looks like the demure paladin is gonna take a bath for her man!" Sasha whispered into Gregor's ears, as sweet as committing sins, reinforcing his already delusional idea that all women - including the honest paladin - find him irresistible. After all there's no love lost between Sasha and those so-called "righteous" people, people who smite what they considered to be evil while riding pass the poor and the oppressed on their high horses. Eve since she had awakened to her powers, taking these people down a notch had been a hobby of hers. "This must be a roundabout invitation for you to see and take her by the streams!"
"More like on yours" the barbarian answered blowing her a kiss, but as both her and Lizzie went off, he thought the fun with all the three girls would be over, although there was still the sorceress who seemed very willing to have a taste of him, maybe he should focus on her only. But a few seconds later his attention was drawn toward the paladin again, her lips may say no, but her luscious body was certainly asking for him as she did strip for him. Gregor enjoyed the view of Calista' hardened nipples, watching for her tight ass as the rest of the armor fell down. His eyes continued all over her the whole while he whispered to Sasha if she would like to share a better view of the paladin. He didn't care at all about the blade Calista had, even if put against his member, for he was sure any blade would find itself broken apart before any part of his body severed.

The barbarian followed the two girls, hiding in the shadows and being silent as a cat so they couldn't perceive him. He was hoping he would fuck the halfelf while watching the bathing couple, but if she didn't follow he could just jump in and surprise the two girls as well. He had been way too teased and for that he was getting laid tonight one way or another.
Huff Huff Huff Huff
They are fast.
Huff Huff Huff
How did they cover this much ground so quickly? Are they all horses?
Huff Huff Huff
I hope at least one of them is a horse. Part Horse.
Huff Huff Huff
Don't think about the awful running. Just the horse parts. Part.

She wasn't quiet with her run. She was panting, out of breath, pack clanking and jangling as she ran. Margaret Zwindler had fallen behind the group and was frantically trying to catch up. At 5'4", she wasn't very tall but easily could lord over the Wee Folk. Her hair, messy from the run, was an odd purple, and she wore glasses, with a minor enchantment on them. The young human woman was no stranger to the road, the wilds, but she was never alone and usually there was some brave idiot to flirt into helping her.
But you can't flit with the adventurers when they already left, can you, stupid? No, you can't. You're stuck running through the woods like an all you can eat buffet for any monster that decides you are yummy. Fuck, my back hurts!

She saw the fire light in the distance. She heaved a heavy sigh of relief and slowed down her pace a bit, letting her large and jiggly breasts relax from the hellish run. She took this time to adjust herself, making sure nothing popped out when it shouldn't. While the leather armor did wonders to protect her body, she had to get a strapless one to better hide under her dress. So it left much to be desired in the area of support.

Then she heard something in the woods. A branch snap. A growl. Maybe she just thought she did. She froze, listening as hard as she could. When she heard nothing, she calmed. A snapped branch for real made her panic. She bolted, sprinting as fast as she could. Afraid for her life for the most recent time, she hit her panic button and issued out the challenge no true adventurer could resist.


Calista knew the barbarian was likely to follow, unless of course the little harlot sorceress could convince him to focus on her alone, but she doubted he could resist the temptation of forbidden fruit. Still she had been adventuring for quite some time and knew how to take a bath without getting fully naked. Lizzie's hand felt warm and comforting in the cool evening air. As they reached the stream she slipped her toes into the water and shivered. "I think this will be a rather quick bath." She smiled at the younger girl as she released her hand and laid out her small collection of soap, cloths, and a hair brush.

Calista stepped into the frigid water until it was just inches below the silk half slip that covered her from waist to mid thigh. She was only a couple of feet from the young rogue and could talk easily and quietly as she listened for any sound of danger, or the bumbling of a horny barbarian trying to spy from the woods. She was actually less concerned about the barbarian than the other rogue. She had a feeling he could spy on her without her having any idea he had ever been there.

"So tell me a little about yourself, is this your first adventure in the wilds?" It was just small talk as Calista's hands bathed her body with the chillingly cold water. She kept both her camisole and half slip on, washing around and beneath with a practiced speed and thoroughness. Probably not quite the show Gregor would be hoping for but still she was, at least by her standards, rather scantily clad with the silk clinging to her curves all the more as her body became damp from her bath.

When she was through, Calista pulled a rather heavy flannel nightgown over her head and with a bit of shimmying and bending pulled out her silken underthings to dry in the night air. She was just about relaxed and ready to head back for a good night's sleep when she heard rather odd challenge of a new adventurer 'too pretty to die here'. She looked back towards camp bemused but not particularly concerned. "Seems we have 'reinforcements'" She said as she gathered her things to return to camp and meet the new arrival.
Gregor arrived behind the two girls to watch wet show, seems Sasha was not following but he wouldn't care for a while as the paladin was already in the water, her wet scantily clothes tracing every curve of her voluptuous body. Gregor was surprisingly quiet as wild beast stalking his prey, and that was what he was doing for he didn't plan to just watch if he was alone. He didn't care if she was not removing all her clothes, he was not waiting anymore, this bitches had set him in the mood for some sexy time and he was going after his treat.

His urchin life had made him graceful as a cat, or rather as a dire bengal tiger, and he was heard by any of the two women, he lurked and approached closer and he was about to pounce upon them both when a sudden scream broke the silence of the night "It's going to kill me!". Was it Sasha, no, that was not her voice, and they were not followed, he was sure that he would have noticed, then who it was, no travelers around this side of the mountain. "Damn, just about when I was about to get laid with Calista and Lizzie", he saw how both females turn her heads in direction of the scream. The paladin wont have time to put on heavy armor for several minutes, but Gregor was sure Calista would go and do something about it even if it meant having to go half naked so he went ahead to the stranger.

A city girl he saw far away running in the woods, not someone who could be expected to survive on the wild without help, a short sassy dress and glasses she had. Gregor was in his way to step in her way but in the woods she found himself with Sasha. Seemed she followed him after all, maybe she couldn't keep up when he hid in the darkness, but there she was staring at him in a seducing way. He wouldn't say a word this time, he was just too horny, he just pushed her against a tree for he would let his cock do the talking now.
Glancing over her shoulder as Calista stepped into the water, Lizzie let out a quiet sigh. "Thanks again, Calista. I think things would have gotten violent if it weren't for you." Stripping herself, she was about to pull her shirt over her head when the other woman questioned her. She paused and lowered her shirt before replying. "Well... Yes, it is. It's also the longest time I've been outside of a city and I'm not sure I entirely like it. I feel vulnerable here and more than a little bit afraid." She began to lift her shirt again only to be interrupted by someone's scream for help. Jumping in surprise she quickly thrust her arms back into her shirts sleeves and donned pants. "S-should we go find her?" Lizzie said, keyed up and practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. "I-I mean, it sounds like trouble."
"You are very welcome dear." Calista said with a warm smile that was rather unlike her normal public expression. She was developing a certain fondness for Lizzie that she hadn't really expected. "He did seem to want to help himself to whatever he desired, which I think is about anything with a pulse and a vagina." She said, her sternness resurfacing for a moment.

She relaxed once again though as the subject changed to the wilds. "It does take some getting used to, I can't count the number of nights I spent in the wilderness, usually alone." To a large extent, Calista didn't mean to be as stern as she seemed, it just sort of happened being brought up in the Order.

For some reason, Calista simply didn't sense the feel of real danger at the voice in the woods. To her it seemed almost silly but she did think she should check it out, after all it was a female voice and Gregor was most certainly prowling around somewhere. Calista held her dagger and gathered her small belongings quickly and set off towards the voice. Her flannel nightgown making her seem almost ethereal in the darkness, she assumed Lizzie would keep to the shadows as they sought to render what aide might be needed by the new arrival.
The young girl had barely escaped from the wolf chasing her, but once she made it to the camp it was easily chased off by the adventurers. Then eventually whether it took only a few minutes or until mere hours before sunrise, everyone settled down to catch a little bit of sleep. In the morning it was time to rouse whether rested or not.

It was morning and time to get started. They would have to leave now if they wanted to reach that cave before dark. And even a small creature could become dangerous in the dark of night. Some of the group certainly had not got much sleep and would be groggy and off their game. But it shouldn't matter right? This would be easy. Find the thing chop off its head and head back to town for the reward.

It was a long hard hike up the sheer cliff. Finally they got up to the cave. The cave was much much bigger than it looked like from below. There was a little landing above the steep climb up and then it was straight to the cave entrance.

The cave was big enough to fit a ship inside. A wide straight hall went down into the mountain. It opened into a massive cavern. And instantly they should all realize this was no simple monster. The giant cavern was covered in gold coins. It was like a lake of gold. There had to be millions of them. Stopping to pick up just one anyone with any knowledge would instantly realize these coins were anchient. Some were thousands of years old but they were all still shiny bright and new like they had only been made yesterday. And they came from all over the world. Most of the coins were from countries none of them had ever heard of. In the sea of gold coins there were gems and diamonds of every shape and color. There was a ruby as big as a man's head. The fortune here had to be the greatest in the entire world. They could rule the whole kingdom for less than a tenth of this gold.

Not only that, but there were six tunnels leading off. And every single one opened onto a chamber just like this and filled to the brim with gold. This main cave had passages that lead to dozens of others. He had used his magic to carve a city of tunnels and chambers out of the mountain.

The dragon was smart. He hunted far and wide. If a ship carry gold disappeared here and a caravan of gems dissapeared there no one would suspect it was a dragon. He also didn't mind too much about the other dragons getting killed off. Because almost every time he went and got their treasure for himself. He had spies. Birds mostly. He gave them food and they told him about gold. The birds also told him about the band of would be slayers coming up his mountains.

So he was ready for them and they had already lost. The dragon wasn't home and the caves were empty. But there was no sound. They were all silent. Then there was an angry roar. He was going to announce himself. The earth shook as he landed. He walked down his entrance to find the little creatures. He spread his wings and blocked out all the light from above.

He was a gigantic creature even bigger than the dragons of legend. He was twenty feet tall at his shoulder. His whole body was sixty feet long. His long neck and tail doubled that. He was solid muscle. Thick cords rippled under his scales. Tight along his legs and bulging at his impressive pecs. Not to mention the flight muscles along his sides and back. Each of his legs was three feet thick, ended in a big strong paw tipped with fearsome claws. His tree sized tail lashed angrily behind him. He lowered his head to hang right over them. His massive head was as big as a person. His long fearsome fanged snout looked like it could swallow a horse hole. He was covered in thick red scales each like a shield and twice as strong. His back was blood red with thick bumpy plates like a mountain range. His sides were brighter red and shining smooth. His belly faded to more of an orange. And he was clearly a male because that orange continued all the way down to between his hind legs were a pair of testicles each four feet across hung in a scally sack. Just above the sack was a slit that hid his massive slick ink black cock.

His eyes stared angrily at them. Two long sleek black horns grew from the back of his skull. He snorted at the people under him. His breath was red hot. Obviously some inner fire burned in him and he could let it out to roast them all. "How dare you intrude on my home? You mortal creatures are such pests. I can't have a single decade of peace."

He pointed with his tail to a pile of bones stacked up in one corner. The pile was filled with weapons and armor not valuable enough to be mixed in with the rest of his hoard. He obviously just burned the meat off those bones because they were too tangled in their old armor to be worth eating.

He grumbled while thinking. "I suppose it is time I do something about you creatures. I guess I must solve the problem once and for all or I will never get any peace." He looked over the people. "I will start with you."
Calista woke as she usually did to the bird song that usually erupted just before sunrise. It had not been the best night's sleep but she had certainly had worse. She simply reversed her process for getting dressed for bed and slipped her skimpy undergarments under her flannel nightie until she was once again in just the camisole and half slip. They were still just a bit damp so she gathered the rest of her gear while the warmth of her body drove the last of the morning dew from them.

It took her a bit longer than the others so she appreciated the headstart. As the sun rose she would stir any of the others that hadn't risen on their own. They still had a significant climb ahead of them and she wanted to wrap this mundane matter up and go back about the more important work of the Order.

As they climbed, she recognized it almost immediately as a dragon cave. Of course there were no more dragons but such a place would make an excellent base for any number of troublesome creatures. It did give her opportunity to share the tale of her great grandfather slaying the 'last' of the dragons. It was a mature red female and he destroyed all the eggs, there were no more dragons. That was as much a tenant of her faith as charity and chivalry.

It was not until they were well into the cave and the sight of untold riches that Calista made the dreadful realization that there was at least one more dragon and from the looks of it an ancient one. "Flee!" She told them "Warn the mayor, tell him to contact the Order." Being a paladin she didn't think how her words would be received by the others. It seemed like she was trying to send them away from a lifetime of riches. The danger was still not obvious, only the wealth of nations glittering before them. It was not until they heard the roar that the danger became real. It reverberated within her chest as much as it did in her ears.

If the others would not, or now could not, flee; it was her duty to make it back to alert the Order. She hoped at least Lizzie would follow but she doubted any of the others. She sheathed her swords, all but useless against such a beast, and headed back staying along the large rocks and other detritus on the edges. There was no shame in hiding when the purpose was to escape and warn of a greater danger. One more smoldering corpse up here wouldn't make a bit of difference but the Order needed to mobilize before it was too late.

She heard the dragons approach and listened to his words from her hiding spot almost right next to him. She didn't even breath when he said 'I will start with you' not knowing if he meant her or one of the others. She felt she was well enough hidden unless the dragon had some other senses, or one of her party betrayed her...
Ling had ignored most of the activities of the night, instead settling with getting an early sleep. He was not the chivalrous sort, that sort of behavour tended to get a man killed, nor was he stupid enough to confront the groups barbarian about his behavour with the women of the party. Sure if it came to it, he'd slice the brutes throat if he crossed the line into raping them, but only when there was no danger to himself involved. A life time of aquiring information and theft had made such an attitude necessary.

Waking early, even before the Paladin, who'd been pretty active during the night, the man donned his armour once more. He typically didn't wear armour, finding the freedom of clothing much better for his work. But they were just going to be hunting a beast, he'd take the trade off rather than get unlucky and not have the leather between his skin and claws.

When Calista woke he only gave her a passing glance before moving off to idely scout around the camp site. He wasn't chivalrous, but he wasn't going to let the Paladin catch him peeking on her dressing, he'd rather keep in her good books before going into battle. So he left to scout, returning once she was done getting ready, helping rouse the others.

The climb wasn't too difficult for him and they soon reached the destination, a cave, larger than any the man had seen before. Course his eyes wern't on the features of the place, for he soon saw the gold. Ling's eyes lit up, the first thought being on scooping up as much of the coin and gems up before the rest of his companions. But he kept a hold on his greed, proceeding to slowly enter the cave, eyes darting around for ambush. No simple animal would of gathered such a horde and no humanoid would leave it lying around like this, so he suspected a trap. But the more he walked in, looking for signs, he could see none.

Relaxing somewhat, Ling bent down picking up one of the coins, inspecting the markings that dated this thing long before the lifetime of any member of the party. That was when Celista started to panic and ordered them to flee. At those words, Ling quickly understood what was happening. This was no man or beast, nor was it a Wyvern or any of the lesser mythical creatures, it had to be the king of them all. As the roar came, Ling didn't need another warning to bolt. Too late though as the shadow was already defending upon the cave mount as the last dragon returned to his home. Ling, out of options, dove for cover, hiding behind the rocky outcrops and mounds of gold on the other side of the mouth from Celista. Even if the hiding was ineffective against the dragon, spreading out would help in fighting it.

As the beast landed, Ling began to inspect the beast, his previous thought on fighting quickly dwindling in chances of success. This beast was far too large and old for them to handle, their weapons could barely break through its scaled hide. Still Ling picked out a few weak points, tiny gaps between the scales of the belly, the eyes and nose and most of all, the giant balls this clearly male creature possessed. Pulling out a throwing knife, Ling got ready to strike. They couldn't take this thing in a straight up battle, but maybe a sucker punch would allow atleast some of the group to escape. So he took aim at the crown jewles and waited for any other member of the party to make their move, hoping the Dragon couldn't see his hiding spot.
"Are we there yet?" Sasha kept asking between yawns while the group climbed the cliff, obviously fatigued and even her gait looked funny. While she have had her fair share of cocks, Gregor's was still one of the biggest and baddest she had ever have...though that may soon change, as they found themselves in the cave of a dragon. Sasha was perhaps one of the first to pick up the cue, despite not knowing anything about the ancient and exotic coins. The simple fact that this is a large cave filled to the brim with varied treasures was enough to tip off someone as obsessed with dragons as her. She thought about warning the others and maybe get the hell out of here, but while she was still struggling between hoping to meet an actual dragon and not wanting to become roasted meat, the dragon appeared before them.

...There's this story she heard from a Oriental monk, who practices a very interesting style of martial arts called Kama Sutra. In the ancient times, there was a great lord with an obsession over dragons. He had collected everything he could about dragons - from utensils to furniture, from clothing to jewelry, everything in his mansion is covered with dragons. One day, a dragon learned of this lord, and was very impressed by his affection, so the dragon decided to pay him a visit. The lord, waking up one day to find a real, fire-breathing dragon at his doorsteps...died of shock. The monk said this is a story about the difference between fantasy and reality, how sometimes the reality can be much stranger than fictions...and a lot more dangerous.

Sasha took a deep breath as she finally snapped out of her trance, mesmerized by the power and glory of the superior creature before her. Ever since she learned her possible draconic heritage from a wizard, she had dreamed of meeting one. And unlike the lord in the monk's tell, instead of dying from shock, she find the real thing much more beautiful and far more majestic than any tales or paintings made them out to be. And that's when she knew it was hopeless; they were completely unprepared to deal with this level of threat, and even if they did, she doubt it'd have made any differences. After all, would ants be able to do anything to a human or a dwarf, no matter how well-prepared the ants are? She saw no options left, not even fleeing would save their pathetic lives, not unless the dragon decided to have mercy on them.

"We're truly sorry for our impertinent behavior, your majesty." Sasha said and knelt before the dragon and begged, something she had gotten quite good at in her line of work. "If we had known a creature as powerful as you is the master of this treasure trove, we'd never have dared to set step into this sacred ground." she said and stripped off what little clothing she had, revealing the fact that she was wearing nothing underneath it...and the thin layer of crimson scales that covered vital parts of her body. Dragon scales. "As you can see, I'm a distant kin of your glorious race, and while I wouldn't dream of being worth even a single scale of yours, if there's anything I can do to cool your flames of rage, please say so." she bowed her head at the dragon then. "I'm your royal servant, and your wish is my command."
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