Infinity's Edge (Arctic Fox & HaloHeroWolf118)

There was a soft klaxon of bells through the ship. Not one of a warning of any such drastic measure, merely one of time keeper.
Naya stretched as she began to rouse from her bunk. She was naked save for being covered by the top sheet. Rising up she was about to get dressed when she saw the small sink. She ran a small amount of water into it. Looking in what looked to be lockers and a couple of drawers she found some body cleanser, it smelled like the floral fields of Xandar. No towels or such, but she did find what passed for a comb. Taking a bit of time she washed as best as she could under the circumstances. She let herself air dry before putting the loaned clothing on again. Finally she opened her door after cleaning up the sink. Walking about a bit she moved to the pilots area to find Flint, and to reassure herself no one else was chasing them. It was then she noticed a red blinking warning light. "Flint?!" she called rather assertively "You might want to look at this"
Flint turned when he heard the worry in her tone as he stood up and came to where she was standing, seeing the red blinking light he stared for a moment then looked at her. "Strap yourself in now." he told her as he hurried back to the Pilots seat and strapped in as the ship began to shake and a few panels popped sending sparks flying as what ever Hallen had done to his ship it was causing malfunctions through out the ship. He could hardly keep the ship together as they were forced out of their jump and came out in a asteroid field surrounding a planet with a inhabitable moon in a just within the ring of rock and ice. They were hit Rocks tearing at their hull as he sped them out of the ring and toward the moon, the ship shook and rattled as they entered the moons atmosphere.

The inhabitable moon was covered in water and there weren't very large masses of land, he tried to find the biggest to put them down on. Finding the biggest and the ship came to grinding halt on the island it had a jungle on it and looked the best place. The ship hissed as the heated hull cooled, Marcus undid his straps and looked back at Naya. "You breathing?" he asked as he got out of his seat to check her.
Her heart skipped a beat as she realized it was even more serious as she thought it was. She had thought it to be a small leak but it turned out to be a system wide viral attack. As soon as he had strapped himself in she followed sitting in the seat opposite his and buckled in. More things were going haywire. She could read some of the panel instruments "Shield are at 43 percent" she said as each one they hit were still managing to be deflected. Still the danger was the shields were not re-engaging and re-enforcing after the impacts as they should, they were failing. If they hit one with enough kinetic force they would be squashed. Going through the field was the only option though, piloting was hard, as if hydraulics were failing as well. Almost gliding he managed to get them into the moons atmosphere. All that she could see it was mostly water, all light blue-green. Entering the sky went from the dark of space to the bright blue of a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. Small islets were here or there, she pointed to a fairly large one. Maybe 3 miles at its longest or widest. It was an effort but he managed to place the ship on what closely resembled a beach. Even with shoulder straps she was still thrown forward then back. She was not sure if she was conscious at first until she heard him as if she was breathing. Not sure what else may have shifted in the landing, but she did a bit as the loaned clothing rode up a bit. The under swelling of her breasts peaked out beneath the tied t-shirt. "I..I'm okay" she said giving him a smile. She was thankful to be okay as she began unlatching her harness and stood up. "If navigation is not messed with...where are we?" She was a bit rocky and fell into him slightly gripping his upper arms for support.
He caught her as she stumbled into her holding her close like this he could smell flowers and he recalled his dream, feeling her soft form against him felt right but now was not the time to indulge in dreams. He helped her straiten up and once she had her footing back he moved to a console and began to shut everything down even the engines he made sure emergency power worked but didn't leave it on either. "From the charts we're still far away from Xandar and even further away from any Stations or ports. Hallen did something to my ship." he growled obviously mad at the man. He sighed as he straitened and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he lost himself to thought, *Purge the Computers, Restart and scan for any signals.* he thought till again Naya encroached on his thoughts looking as she had in his dream. He pushed it aside but the scent of flowers lingered, "We have to find a different place to stay, Hallen won't be far behind now and I don't know if we were broadcasting our position or not. This planet has to have a good hiding place or two." he said as he began to move about the ship, he gathered clothes, food, drinks, some tools and weapons he almost reached for the old sword before he caught himself and grabbed his pistols instead strapping them on as he pushed a release switch and something dropped from the ship. "Cmon" he told her as he led her out of the ship through a door he manually opened, outside a large metal crate had fallen off the ship it was scorched and dinged up but it wasn't overly damaged.

He added some anti Grav lifts to the container and walked away from the ship not far but far enough before opening the container revealed a shelter large enough for two but camouflaged so it was hard to see against the jungle and it had defense systems with a shield that would protect them from predators. "This is better than a ship at the moment." he said as he remembered there was only one bed, "If you don't mind sharing it." he added as he carried the supplies inside. "I'll have to fix the ship before we get out of here and Hallen probably rigged it to broad cast to his ship so we don't have much time." he continued as he set the items down and turned on the machines that kept it cool and power the weapons and shield but he left the shield off for now. He looked at her and couldn't get his dream out of his head.
She stood up fully and nodded she was okay. Slowly she followed him out. luckily the air was suitable, it even smelled of flora and water. As they walked she recalled the light color of the ocean "Do you think the water is fairly shallow? I mean for most of what I could see it looked like you could see the bottom" she was curious. Most large bodies of water on other moons and planets the water changed color over deep areas.
She then saw him opening the crate after finding a suitable area more inland then erect the tent canopy. "You've rescued me so far, why should I mind?" when he talked of close quarters. "If you like, I'll help out if I can" she wondered if he would mind if she used her power on him as her fathers 'image' suggested. Still peeking into someone elses mind she knew was an uneasy subject. Still no time like now to ask.
"May I ask a favor of you? If you say no that is fine, I'll understand and respect your answer" she began "I dreampt last night of my father and learned a bit of what happened to me. I need to train and practice to control this power. Part of it is to learn about its mental capacity. Telepathy. I have never had the ability, but the stone would now allow me too."
she waited a moment to see if he would respond angrily or with interest. "I'd like to start by you thinking of say a number or an object and myself seeing if I can guess it, or by mentally sending you an image I am thinking of" some part of her hoped she would see an image of her, or her an image of him slipping in.
He paused as he connected the final rod that attached itself to the solid earth, "Somewhere perhaps but I believe this archipelago has shallow water between sand bars. "We're fortunate that there is no deep water bigger fish in Deep water. Even the Miðgarðsormr could lay in wait out there." he said speaking his native name for the World Serpent. He seemed to avoid her last question as he finished setting up the last parts of the tent, once he was done he turned back to her. "I can understand your need to get a handle of new skills even I had to get used to new things." he said as he looked at her. "Not many happy subjects up here be careful how far you go." he told her as he sat cross legged on the ground.

"I guess we'll start with something simple." he said as waited for her join him, An image of her from his dream refused to clear from his mind completely as did the smell of flowers. He tried to focus on a number though she remained present on his mind no matter how he concentrated.
"Well since we do have a lot to do I think only once or twice for the moment could do, Then I'll help with fixing your ship"
she smiled really for the first time in who knows how many days. She sat in front of him. She tried clearing her mind. Then concentrating she tried to feel and see what he was thinking. It seemed to take forever, but it was her just wanting it to work, and she was impatient. It was hot as the day began to wear on it seemed she wanted to take a cool bath in the shallow sea, still she concentrated. She said nothing for a bit, then an image began to form slightly whiteness, like a cloud or fabric. It moved gently in a breeze. "I see white" she said, not realizing she had sent out her thoughts about swimming. She felt she failed and looked at him crestfallen.
"It took time for me to master my new powers." he said as he smiled calmly at her still cross legged, "It's like a new muscle you have to learn how to flex." he continued showing her his ability coating his hand in the black Carapace armor. "Your power is of the mind which as I've been told holds limitless potential try again but don't force it imagine a hand reaching toward a light and imagine that light is my mind." he instructed having one gone through all this as he learned to control his new power. He didn't tell her that she had seen a part of the dress he had dreamed about, he hoped nothing else surfaced as he settled in for her second try the heat noticeable but he at least wanted her to get a grip on how to use her power as it may help them. He tried to clear his mind but that scene was still to vivid in his mind so he focused on that easily her in that white dress of silk the smells and the way she touched his chest.
She watched his hand and listened. She hoped it would have been easier. It's just she had never had to do this before, it was more difficult than she thought. "I am just hoping for enough control that it does not flare up at a bad time, like in a fire fight or some such". She settled in again to try. She concentrated on what he was thinking. After a few moments she again found white again. For a moment she thought she could not see. In the physical world and in her minds eye she reached to touch whatever the white was. She could feel it as if it were a solid thing. A strand of her hair furled by for a moment in the slight breeze, yet she felt no breeze. This time instead of backing away she pushed forward. Her hand and arm pulling the white softness away. There she was...she was somewhere else. On a beach, but somewhere else. It was beautiful. She looked about and there on the beach was Marcus, strong and tall. Not handsome by most standards, but his heart made him handsome enough to her. She could smell the sweet soft scents of various flora. He was standing there for a moment. She stepped forward, he stepped back and started to fade. "Wait!" she held a hand out. She could see the white again, it was a rather soft and sensual gown. "Please" she spoke in her minds eye. She found a vibrant orange flower in her hand suddenly, its smell unforgettable. "Tell me of a Tanaga Lily" it was a rare flower found on a distant planet in Xandarian territory, often grown for lovers. It seemed like a dream to her. She let it move to his hand. then she began to fade.

(ooc: she may not have 'read' your mind but she was in it)
She found her eyes closed and in a moment fluttered open. She was not sure it was a dream or if there was contact.
"Control comes with practice." he said shaking his head to try and rid himself of the sensation of someone poking around in it. "We best get started before Hallen and his ship get here." he said more for her sake as his full power wasn't very good at distinguishing between friend or foe. He picked up the bag of tools and headed for the ship he pulled off a side panel and reached in side till he found the problem and set to work fixing it. He hummed to himself remembering the only time he had returned to his home world it had changed too much and felt just as alien as the worlds he'd been to out here on the ocean of stars. He began to mouth the words remembering the woman who sang it the song burned in his mind after so many times he had watched her perform while trying to understand his old world and how it had changed. He hadn't realized he'd been softly singing while he worked till turned to grab a different tool.

"So your father gave you that jewel and it gave you these powers no wonder people are after it and you." he said as he put the panel back in place, "I have to flush the virus out of the system but I repaired one of more important parts." he said as he watched her the sight of her against the crystal water was nice she looked at home here even without other life here.
She nodded as both seemed to return to the real world, she was not sure if she dreamed the incident or she just failed miserably. She nodded as he mentioned Hallen. She followed to help him. She was not mechanically inclined but she was not incompetent either. She knew positive to positive, negative to negative, as well as what different tools were. She handed him the correct spanner when asked. She listened to him humming and nearly singing a sweet haunting tune. In a way it made him quietly more attractive she thought. He only stopped when she handed him long handed closed headed socket spanner. She smiled up at him. He suddenly stopped.
It seemed she had irritated him some how, perhaps she failed even worse and touched something she should not have. Still he was speaking to her "That is what his memories told me. I think he chose for me to learn the mind powers first hoping it would make the others easier to learn. I just wish he'd given me a guide book or something to learn by". She glanced at the tidal pool area. it looked cool and tranquil, very inviting.
As he replaced the panel she began placing the tools back into the bag. "Do you think we are still putting out a beacon for him to focus on?" she asked. She knew until the power cells were back up to a decent level they would not be taking off.
"It's possible but I shut down power to everything so unless he put a secondary beacon with it's own power it's hard to say." Marcus replied as he picked up the bag. "Perhaps that's where you need to look find what he shoved into your head unless you don't think that Xandarians won't want to dissect you to get to it either." he said as he climbed onto the ship and helped her up. Pulling off another panel he was greeted with some smoke the part was ruined as he pulled out out, "Replace this. Lets see what else needs replacing so we only need one trip into the ship." he said sweat beading on his forehead as he moved to another panel and took it off. It was long work under that sun and with the humidity it was miserable but if they could get it minor stuff repaired he could work on the inside once he could safely turn things back on so it wasn't an Oven inside the ship. With Naya helping it went smoothly and he didn't have to spend so much time hunting the right tool down.
She moved with him to repair the craft "I had thought about it...I know the Nova Corps can at times be xenophobic of those with odd and special powers. It's possible I get there and become person non grata in my own homelands. Become a ...a experiment" she said a bit sadly "Or even turned into a weapon". It was obvious she had thought about what might happen. She handed him an identical part of one he handed her. The piece was still hot ... yet subconsciously she had not realized it until she looked at her hand and it was still smoking. Tossing it a moment onto the beach she looked at her hand ...not a mark on it.
The work outside was warmed by the 2 suns. The only thing keeping them cooled at the moment was the breeze coming off the water, She took off the jacket as they worked. The shirt she wore slightly damp with perspiration and humidity clung to her. "Aren't you hot in that jacket?" she asked.
Marcus paused as he connected the new part, "This jacket is very important to me I got it from a close cousin." he told her as he picked his work back up while he spoke. He showed her the jacket unaltered he was lucky this wasn't one he had worn on the Station, this on had a furred collar and name on the front the 'Lady Sylph'. "I had it altered for my own reasons." he said pointing out the odd ruins that ran down his arms and the patch on the front under the words. On the back was an image of a plane with a woman dressed in armor, sword in one hand pointed out and a shield painted black and green. "I don't take it off except when I'm going into dangerous places or on a job. Plus my tolerances are a little higher than most." he lied she could tell by the sweat on his brow. He finished with the part and replaced the panel. The next was removed and he could see the damage was from the field of asteroids as it had torn across the name of his ship, he sighed as he ran his hand above the ruined words. "This is all I have..." he said more to himself and he growled little, he had worked hard serving some of the most deplorable bastards this galaxy had he had done things that would have shamed his father had he been alive. Inside he knew his father knew somehow in Valhalla his father had watched over him all the things he did to earn this ship, his home and all he had.

He got back to work replacing the panels and determined to get her back into working order. "Home and coffin." he said as he moved with Naya to another panel and began working, "Must have been hard having a parent that was working so hard all the time." he said remembering the long summers when his father would leave with the other long ships to raid their neighbors or far off lands. His father always returned showered Mother with the spoils that were his or leading a slave that would work the land, till that night with the fire. He pulled his mind back to his work.
"You bathe in it then?" she asked about the jacket. Of course she didn't think he did. Something hit her mentally, at least she thought, she swooned a bit. For a moment she thought it was a heat or sun stroke, but it wasn't. "Sorry.... for some reason I had a vision of a big boat on fire, it had something carved out of wood. Not sure what, but it had many and large teeth, and a long tail." she looked at him confused. She wasn't trying to read his mind, but the thought crept in. It made her rather uncomfortable, in fact it frightened the hell out of her. Perhaps a bit of distance between them would help, she thought. "Excuse me" she moved from off the ship to the beach area. She moved to where a support strut was for a landing gear. It was near the stair well to inside the craft and in the shade. She didn't say anything but tried to calm herself. a small breeze seemed to gently move the warm air about. She watched it make small waves on the water. This close to shore the water was crystal clear.
He knew what it was his fathers long boat. Had she seen it by accident or had she been aware and searching? The lack of questions made him give her an odd look as she excused her self and moved away from him. Distance was one thing, he looked out over the crystal water and remembered storming a beach in Britain fighting in the shield wall with his brothers and sisters watching the water along the shore turn red. The fighting had been brutal but victory was sweeter putting the Victorious dead to rest had used allot of wood, fire seemed to be a theme in his life he'd watched two homes burn, friends sent to Odin by fire. He remembered the prayers he spoke to the statues and altars of his gods. He sat there on his ship removing his jacket as the breeze stirred he remembered watching the fire consume the ship with his father aboard how the village burned and he and a few others survived rebuilt and avenged their people. Revenge gave way to love as he remembered her. He pushed the memory down forced it from his mind with the sadness it brought he was blessed he thought that she was a fading memory. But that memory brought Naya to the front again in that white dress, hand on his chest as she spoke to him in his old tongue and how soft her lips felt against his. He hadn't known he had closed his eyes till he opened them and stared at the crystal clear waters again deep in thought for the moment.
ooc) sorry was out of town and out of cell range.
Naya had just been watching to give herself an inner calm. Suddenly she felt odd, not ill but ...odd. She closed her eyes a moment. When she opened her eyes again she could still see the water but Flint was there, right there. She could reach out and touch him, but he looked a bit different. He was a handsome warrior clad in metal and finery. suddenly she realized she was again wearing the white linen gown. There seemed to be a breeze as it billowed lazily. Suddenly her hand was on his chest as it had been before. Her sea green eyes moved up to his two ice blue eyes. Even as she seemed to question on if it was a dream or reality she could feel him. His hand wrapped about her waist drawing her closer, the other on her shoulder slightly pulling at the white fabric holding up her dress. They moved closer as his lips pursed. Her own lips seemed to grow warm and swelling, her head tilted up to him. In moments their lips were about to touch, her eyes closed. Her breathing became slower and deeper. She wanted to feel the kiss..... It did not come. Opening her eyes again all she could see was the lapping water. She realized she had been crying, but her tears slowed. Still under the ship she moved to the surf edge. It was fairly clear and still she could see her reflection. No ugly things, water looked pure enough. She reached in and got her hands wet, she then shook some of the water off and then tamped her face a bit. The action gave her time to think. She ran, she got nervous and ran. Dammit! She needed to stop being scared, fail or not, keep trying. She took a deep breath then moved back to where Flint was.
"I apologize. I acted like a child" She said as she stood there "In the past few days I've been chased, shot at, and scared out of my wits. I have a powerful tool I do not know how to control. I don't even know if my nation will even accept me. Land here I know was not intended. The heat was and is making me slightly irritable. I acted snarkily. Please forgive me"
she stood there a moment then began to reach to see how she could help him fix his craft.
"You have a right to be upset." he said to her turning his head to squint at her leaving his left unaltered eye to look at her, he gripped her hand as she looked around for work to do. "It's alright it's hot better to wait and hope it cools off, enjoy the water if you wish." he told her as he held her hand. He felt to urge talk to her, tell her about who he had been and was. He looked into her eyes trying not to think of her in that white gown but as someone else now alienated from her people, hunted and with powers she would have trouble controlling without practice. He looked at not a means to end or just some passenger he wanted to fool around with but as someone that was just a little like him yet he wasn't running from anything.
"Listen Naya I'm older than I look and in that long time I know a few things. You need to relax and cool off." he said smiling at her, "Go relax let your mind settle." he told her remembering fight training with his dad that had given him that little pearl. He recalled being roughly tossed into the dirt by his father and how his frustration and anger had exploded and he just started throwing punches and kicks till his father gave him a hard smack to the head. They had talked and his father had sent him off to calm down, now he was giving that advice to Naya.
"What about the others? Think we have time for it?" she asked. Not that it would have mattered, she really wanted to take a swim. She wondered what he meant about older than he looked, then she thought perhaps it had to do with who and what experimented on him. She was beginning to feel the warmth again. She shifted her seating on the hot metal. "Still I guess a short wade might be good. My people can tolerate extreme heat and cold for short times. I will stay with in yelling distance" she then glanced about and about 30-40 yards was 2-3 heavily foliaged plants that would allow her to leave her clothes dry and let her slip into the water. She pointed towards it "How about there? I could stay mostly in sight. will that work?"
Flint looked where she was pointing as he nodded, "That's perfect. Shout if you need anything." he said as he stood up and examined the water for a moment. "Have fun." he briefly added as he turned back to his work, this was good he had a few more places to check then he had to power up the ship to purge the virus luckily had a personal save of everything on his computer and it would ensure that the virus was gone for sure. His mind kept thinking on the dream though it was really trying to remember other things than her. He tried remembering the words spoken in his home language, *"Are you at peace my warrior?"* he remembered her saying as she moved toward him.
He tried not to think of her swaying hips or how soft her hand felt running along his smooth chest, he pulled another panel off moving around to get a better view of the damage. In the act of moving he lifted his eyes and looked at her as she was walking away catching that sway he had dreamed of. He felt that he'd welcome making that dream a reality. He stared for a while before finally getting back to work pulling the damaged components out and replacing them the sun heating the hull as he worked making his brow bead with sweat. He was thankful for the refreshing breeze that struck his neck and back, pulling the final part out he realized it was salvageable so he climbed off the ship and found the tools to repair it now working in the shade of the ship.
ooc: sorry was ill (I am diabetic and somehow my medication was goofy and made me ill)
Naya made her was to the spot she pointed too earlier. behind a strategically placed tropical plant branch she began removing her clothing. oh a bath sounded so decadently good. She laid the clothing over the branch so they would not get sand in them. then she tested the water, it was warm, yet cooling to the touch. Moving in totally it seemed the deepest it was in this islets small cay area was about 4 feet deep. So clear you could see bottom. It reminded her of a few other planets that were like this, peaceful and deceiving. She could see small blue and green fish about 3 inches or so long. They paid her no mind, she wondered if there were larger or more dangerous fish or water based creatures outside the cay. She swam around and used a bit of the sand to scrub herself a bit, letting the salts wash the dirt off of her. Her now wet hair clung to her like molten bronze and copper. In a few strokes she swam near to where the ship was. "The water is wonderful" she called up to him. "If you get a chance you should try it". She didn't realize that the water was so clear that if he looked she was not hiding anything. The only thing disrupting her showing everything was her making ripples with her hands. ripples she made just to keep treading in place.
Edric looked up from his work as he heard her voice and looking at her he had to pause in mid stand as he spotted her form in the water and what laid beneath the clear water. The ripples gave it a dreamlike appearance but he could make out her intimate areas well enough, *A swim sounds good.* he thought smiling as he watched her tread water while he stood fully. He could feel the hot sun on his back and his coat was hot, he shook his head at last smiling as he could find any reason why he couldn't work in the evening hours if this planet had any. He pulled the coat off as he climbed off the ship and removed the rest of his clothes, he had no issues revealing himself as she could now see the chiseled chest and abs of his physique. He had old tattoos on his shoulders and chest the one on his chest was an intricate knot that formed a leaping wolf his right arm had green tattoo like markings that led to and connected to the tattoo on his shoulder. His left arm only had the tattoo on his shoulder of set of playing cards a game he had enjoyed greatly on his return to earth a Queen of Hearts and Ace of spades, the queen had a name but the writing was in a strange runes. He walked into the water sighing as the water cooled his skin, "You were right." he said looking at her with his mismatched eyes.
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