Infinity's Edge (Arctic Fox & HaloHeroWolf118)

Arctic Fox

Sep 21, 2012
The sunset on the home of Xandarian scientist Ovvyr Syzygy. Truth was he could use the rest. He and his family had gone on retreat as the Nova corp and scientists pondered his postulations. Various Infinity stones had crossed his path over his many years. He postulated it was possible to control such stones, or even destroy them. Then over 2 years ago there were ominous omens. Nothing he could pin point exactly. Then last year Xandar was attacked by Ronan and the Kree. Some in authority began thinking his paranoia was more than that. His superior suggested he go on a retreat until some in the Nova corp could discern any threat real or imagined. Unknown to many of his collegues his research was farther along than they thought. He managed to bring his work with him as well as his family.
Now this evening he had watched the sun set. His middle daughter Naya came out onto the porch with 2 cups. steam escaping from the liquid. "Father...Chagga?" She offered him the broth.
"Thank you Naya" he replied.
"Mother is worried for you. She wants to know when we can go back to Xandar" She flipped a tendril of coppery/ bronze hair that danced across her face.
"Your mother is always worried" he gave a smirk then sipped the broth.
"What are you working on any way? I'd like to understand it"
"It is hard to explain...In a way it is a weapon and a way to stop a weapon. It..." He stopped as a flash caught his eyes. he had to think quick. "I'll show you" he sat the mug down and led his daughter inside.
He knew company was coming, a flash that close and its trajectory meant is was clandestine.
Inside he had to be quick, he did not know how much time he had. In to a small lab where his family was not allowed Naya was ushered by her father. The door shut behind them "Naya...Daughter...Do you trust me?"
"Of course." she replied. Her sea green eyes looked at him in an uneasy way. "What is wrong?"
"I am not sure but my work must not fall into the wrong hands" He notices that her neck and part of her collarbone area was showing. In a bell jar case was an oval shaped clear gem with a white star in it. With a pair of tweezers he picked it up. This close both could feel a surge of power in it. She stared at it. Her father approached her as so she could see. It was then both heard weapons fire from outside. Before the first screams could be heard Naya turned her head at the surprising noises her father touched it to her skin between her collarbones. Instantly it burned her skin and grafted itself to her. She screamed as others began screaming. Loud and panicking. She began hearing voices. Not aloud but in her mind. She fell to the floor clutching her head. Her father began burning and destroying his lab. Then even as heavy boots could be heard her father hugged his daughter "Naya...I am so sorry...but it was the only way. One hand on her temple he used his other and touched the stone. Instantly she knew what he knew, felt what he felt. It was garbled though. She knew something important just happened, but she would need time to decipher it. He had not expected to survive, but he did "Naya, go Get to Xandar. I love you" he sat wearily on the floor.
Naya stood up and looked about. There was another door. She had never seen it, but she knew it was there. She did not know how she knew but she did. She could hear danger coming closer. "Father?"
"Go! Now!" he scolded her
Naya opened the secret door and looked about. Then began to run for safety. The families small shuttle. Making it to the forest line she stopped she could see that there were many Kree soldiers including one who looked to be in charge, tall angry looking, rather cruel looking. A moment later she saw her mother and father being flung at his feet. At this distance it was hard to hear them clearly. She could tell her father was asked a question, he refused and her mother was shot. Her hand covered her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. He was asked again, there was another shot. She turned and ran. Unknown to her at that moment is she was spotted. The leader found the last of Ovvyr children. In moments the pursuit began.
Naya made it to the shuttle. Luckily she knew how to pilot, not the greatest, but enough. The shuttle was started and was already 15 feet up when the attackers cleared the launch area. Some took shots at it, one or two were even good. She would not make it to Xandar in the shuttle. In less than a minute she cleared the planets field and was space born. She had seen her home being burned as she left.
Her heart beating hard she tried to calm herself and think about what happened and what she needed to do. She partially had controls for a jump to Xandar then realized she would not make it. With a navcomputer she punched in a random port to which she could make. The Kree craft watched the shuttle jump.
It would be a few hours before she would pop out some where. In that time the Kree and their allies put a bounty on her 1 million units alive! Scavengers and Bountyhunters would be out in force!

end part I of prologue
Nayas shuttle came out of her jump. She wondered if she had not landed in hell. It looked like a giant skull. She melded with spacecraft from all over. From what she could see there were Badoon, Shiiar, Kree civilian ships, even a few Skrull apacecraft. A lot of independent craft too, freighters and haulers mostly. Falling in line she followed others in to land. The port was quite large. Landing she shut the shuttle down. She would need to figure out the damage, repair it then get to Xandar. Moving about a bit she made herself presentable. A reflection reminded her of the gem now at the base of her throat, she would have to hide that. She found a sleeveless trench that belonged to her sister, it had a collar that cover her neck. Only then did she open the hatch to exit. The air reeked but was breathable. She then did a walk about and noticed that part of a power disc coupling was gone. She would need a new one or be forced to make short planet hopping jumps. She then closed the hatch. And set about to look for someone able to do repairs.
Walking a bit she realized she was hungry. She noticed the place seemed to be a mishmashed interstellar marketplace. A dangerous marketplace. some creatures looked at her leacherously, a few in distain. She felt like she was being led to slaughter, it made her nervous. She found a kiosk to exchange units. With certain codes she could withdraw some. As she stood there, her back to others a very large male approached her from behind. She felt him before he saw him. Turning quickly the male grabbed her by the throat and had her lifted nearly 2 feet up. Her green eyes wide in surprise as she grabbed his arm. She tried to speak, but with her wind pipe being nearly crushed she could not say anything.
"You are mine! Boss be happy, I be happy" the Achaerian spoke.
Naya began to get a bit panicked and a bit angry. She gave him a kick, it was stronger than she thought it would be and she was dropped even as he went down. Coughing a bit as she gained air. The alien yowled in pain as she got to her feet "Going to be happy now?" came out roughly. A light crowed had gathered to watch. Looking about Naya noticed that there were 2-3 others headed her way dressed in colors just like the Achaerian. One began drawing his weapon. Near a railing Naya slid to a lower level and began running. She could not figure out what the hell was going on. moments later she felt something wrap about her legs tripping her. She fell over a person sleeping on the side...or possibly just a body not hauled off yet. Rolling she saw a man in a dark blue jacket, different from the other 3-4 that were chasing her. Giving a growl she reached quickly and with rather surprising strength she snapped the bolo cables. She was off and running again. She needed a plan, she kept this up she was just going to die tired. Turning the corner she began to take on laser fire. It forced her back. After a moment she moved back around the corner again, no firing. Apparently they figured she had moved. She kept running again and saw a Kree warrior standing there, laser rifle aimed at her. A fucking trap! "Halt Xandarian" Naya stopped. There was no place to dive for cover or run for safety.
"You killed my family!" she said angrily
"You are a threat to the Kree Empire" he replied. Half a heartbeat later he fired striking her in the mid section.
For Naya everything went in slow motion. She saw the plasma leave the rifle and come to her. She felt it hit her, a tingle covering her entire body, gathering in her palms. Her hands aiming at him. Then it was almost like life leaving her body. In a jolt pure energy left her hands stiking the Kree warrior reducing him to briquette and ash. For a moment she stood there not sure what she did or if she actually did it.
Suddenly there was a volley of 4-5 more blasts coming in. It brought her out of her stunned state. She moved to duck for some sort of cover. Running she began to feel tired, like she wanted to faint. She finally slowed down after she figured she lost them all...then realized she was a bit lost now too. Leaning against the façade of a building she ran a hand through her bronzed hair. Blinking a bit, heart racing, trying to figure out what was happening.
Marcus Flint was not in a good mood that morning or what counted as morning when you lived most of your life in space among aliens and other strange creatures that often defied his definition of life. He had been strolling around looking for a place to stop and eat when the disruption had drawn his attention. Marcus groaned knowing his luck he'd get dragged into the commotion and end up running across the galaxy for some reason it was a likely scenario but he prayed it stayed hypothetical rather than become and Actual situation he found himself in. He decided to avoid it altogether as he moved through the pressing crowd toward a bar he knew that served something that was at least edible. Marcus was tall for a human at 6'5" he could spot a number of Aliens some Kree and others all attacking something. As things were Marcus wasn't overly handsome Average he thought best described him he had mismatched eyes his Right Glacier blue and rather normal looking while the left was Neon green surrounded by blackness a result of the experiments done to him by some other aliens. He wore an old duster with a tight long sleeved shirt that showed his toned muscles and dark pants with boots finished his attire. He was armed with some standard pistols that hung on his waist, he was making his way to the bar when he noticed a cute Xandarian girl standing against the wall.

She was rather cute he thought as he moved toward her, "You look distressed." he said as he leaned against the wall blocking her from sight as a group of Kree ran by. "If you need help perhaps I could be of assistance. Marcus Flint Mercenary for hire." he said smiling at her.
She was tired, hungry, and shaking. She didn't know what to do. She was looking at her hands when another tall male began approaching her. Her manner of dress suggested she was not a frequent visitor to a port like this. She stuck out like a rare blossom on a rock blasted world. She was easily outed as newcomer. As he spoke her face shot up, a look of fear in her sea green eyes. She had gotten a glimpse of several of the ones chasing her ran by, then she heard him speak and he mentioned 'Mercenary'. She gulped and gave a squeak "Why are you people chasing me?" it was obvious she was scared and was trying to put on a brave face. She began to try and figure out how to get away from this large male. It worked once, maybe it would work again. "Get away from me!", she tried to will the energy she hit the Kree earlier with to do it again. This didn't work as planned. Marcus was hit in the chest with her fist. The hit was not too hard, it was obvious this woman was not a seasoned fighter. She then stepped back, preparing to bolt. Her eyes went even bigger as both were suddenly in the shadow of some.. thing large. Looking it seemed to be a very large Achaerian, larger than the other one shed seen, but wearing the same type of outfit. This one looked to be on steroids. (ooc: Achaerians have deep purple grey skin, that in places forms a black obsidian rock protuberances and smell of sulfur, 3 fingers and opposable thumbs. They can be from 7-10 feet or more tall and average weight is about 500lbs. some can reach up to a ton)
"My catch!" He said almost laughingly. The emblem on the uniform indicated he was affiliated with the Starshadow Mercenary hunters. A group known to start wars for profit, fight for profit, steal for profit, and...well anything they wanted to do...for profit. Mercs, warriors, bountyhunters, and thieves make up their ranks. Not a nice group.
Several moments later there was another round of blaster fire. Naya screamed as one hit her. A stun blast. blue white electric tendrils danced about her skin as she collapsed to the street, twitching slightly.
She was fatigued that was easy to see and scared as she asked why he was chasing her, "Hey now I wasn't chasing you." he tried to explain before she shouted at him to get away and hit him in the chest. She backed away till they were both cast in shadow. He looked up and up his head falling back as he looked at the Achaerian that the biggest he'd seen in a long time. When it claimed the girl as his catch Marcus realized he had walked right up to the hypothetical situation he had tried to avoid. Too late to turn back he puts himself between the huge Achaerian shaking his head, "My catch." he said putting a hand on the girls shoulder and beginning to lead her away from the alien as calmly as he could. "Just keep moving. My ship isn't far." he told her till the heavy hand of the Achaerian landed on his shoulder stopping them cold. "MY CATCH." the Alien roared trying and failing to intimidate Marcus.

"Keep going." he told the girl pushing her ahead of him as black tendrils began to pour down his left arm as his left eye glowed dangerously his left arm came back as he pivoted on his right foot and threw his left with all his strength into the only place that was in range. A normal punch he doubted would have worked on the large Achaerian but one of his enhanced punches where he was aiming made the giant double over with a groan of pain as it gripped where Marcus had punched him. The black tendrils had solidified around his left arm like a carapace of a giant insect jet black with neon green veins glowing under the armor. He turned around and rushed forward picking the girl up, "Running running running." he said repeatedly as he took off holding the girl tightly as he raced away from the pursueing Mercenaries. Once they were far enough away he stopped and put the girl down as he tried to retract the carapace armor on his left arm, it slowly retracted but it seemed to take considerable effort to do so.
She jumped slightly as the large rocky creature called her his catch. She almost backed out of reach when the other male clamped his arm on her and called her his catch as well. This was greeting surreal she just wanted now to get back to her ship. The more humanish looking male began to push her out of the alley and away from the Achaerian, but it was obvious something was going to happen.
The Achaerian bellowed she was his again, posturing. The human male pushed her out of the way she began to run again, trying to get away from them all as the blasts came in she didn't see the Archaerian get knocked out as her own world went dark from a stun blast. She was only a few steps away from the mercenariy who shoved her. Her trench went from looking brand new to pretty much worthless as protection. It revealed some bits of her light colored skin, but no real permanent burns on her at all. Picking her up was fairly easy, though she did have some weight she was not as heavy as one would think. In moments both were in another section and level of the port. For several moments as his carapace began to dissolve and retract back into his body it gave his a bit of time to really look at his package. She looked to be a young humanoid citizen of Xandar. Her dark hair flecked with metallic highlights, giving her a look like her hair was metal even though it was not. It framed her oval face. Her trench coat she wore (which looked like it came from a trendy shop where more honest folk walked) was now open, being burned and ripped in places. It hung off one shoulder showing she was most definitely female. She was wearing a simple white blouse that wrapped around her waist like a short sash. She was definitely well endowed, any larger she could probably be one of the females that work at many of the bars and taverns. Her tight black leggings were skin tight, showing that she had virtually not an ounce of fat on her where she did not need it. Her boots came just above her ankles and there was a slight heel to them, not a scuff mark on them. It was obvious she came from a more 'honest' how did she end up in this floating den of thieves? She was out cold and probably would be for several more minutes.
"Give her up Flint!" he heard a familiar voice. Just off to his blind side stood another male, rather humanoid save for his red skin and hair. He stood in his well worn uniform, a modified miners guild uniform. His hands held behind him, with his duster concealing anything he might be hiding. He then heard the several warm ups of blasters encircling him. He was obviously not alone. A jagged scar ran along this beings right cheek to neck, his stance exuded authority. "She's our bounty" his voice said in a rather gravely tone. Captain Hallen was known to be a man not to cross. A disgraced and former Nova corp officer, spy, Badoon gladiatorial prisoner, and a relentless tracker. To say they knew each other would probably be an understatement, thought at moment to be friend or foe would be a hard choice to make.
'Give her Up'? He hated when people told him to give up. He looked at the girl she was a Beautiful little thing but he didn't know her, she wasn't his responsibility. He contemplated the options even as he pulled his pistols out he was feeling the after affect of using his ability already as his head throbbed. He peeked around the corner seeing all the bounty hunters and Mercenaries, "That's Odd I heard the same thing from a Achaerian from the Starshadows." he shouted to try and buy some time. Hallen wasn't someone he wanted on his ass it was hard enough getting work without having a hit squad dogging you. Marcus looked at the girl again he could leaver her, he had no obligations... He shook his head gritting his teeth as some chivalrous part of him woke up. "Alright Hallen. Let me show you how I Give up!" he shouted as he stepped around the corner and unloaded on the mercenaries that had moved closer while he had contemplated his options.
His fire tore into the nearest targets cutting them down as he fired as fast as he could pull the triggers before slipping back into cover. The retaliation took chunks out of the wall as the Mercenaries unloaded in an attempt to keep the pressure on him so he couldn't return fire. Holstering one blaster he reached for something behind his back as he pulled out the round little object before tossing it out there. The Resulting flash stunned many of the Mercenaries as Marcus picked up the girl and ran for the railing with her over in his arms. The leap seemed to make time slow down as those that hadn't been blinded fired at him and his passenger then the ball glowed as it exploded tearing into the Mercenaries as he began to fall. Falling was an oddly peaceful sensation that tightening in his stomach that made him aware of small things like her breasts pressed against his chest as he turned over firing at Hallen as best he could before they landed in a vat of nasty viscous stuff. The putrid yellow liquid threatened to drag him down as he pushed the girl out of the vat and then himself, gasping for air he looked up at the smoking ruin where they had been. Spitting out the nasty slime he picked the girl up again and headed in the general direction of the docks where his ship rested, "Stop for bite I thought. Not much happens here unless you look for it. I said." he growled to himself as he hurried as fast as he could dripping the nasty liquid that was drying and made him feel crusty.

He carried the girl toward a place they could hide, He stashed her in a dark corner as he closed the door to the empty shop. His gun were covered with the goop and he wasn't sure they'd work right like this. He waited and listened waiting for the girl to wake up, "What am I doing?" he asked himself looking at the girl as he heard voices outside the door. He drew a knife as he waited the Mercenary pushed the door open and moved inside the shop his weapon ready but he wasn't ready for Marcus grabbing him and before he could speak he slit the green skinned males throat. Grabbing what he could off the corpse including the assault rifle he moved toward the girl and picked her up tossing her over his shoulder and hiding her under rags as he hid his face as well. He stepped out of the shop and limped toward the docks, "Gotta get to the ship. Then get outta here." he said to himself as he watched Kree and others search for them, like this he looked like a hunchback covered in dirty rags unaware of the boot prints he was leaving.
Hallen shook his head as the young pup decided to take the hard route. From behind him he pulled his two Skrull heavy blasters. These would take out things permanently. Like buildings, walls, floors, and flesh. He began firing with pretty damn good aim, his followers were able shots as well. They nearly had him boxed and reclaiming their quarry until he decided to be nasty and whip out that photonic grenade. Ducking quickly Hallen and several of his people survived. Getting up and looking over the railing he could see both alive but too far out of reach. However there were ...options. over an internal comm Hallen gave instructions to his men. He then moved back and out of sight. He gave a huffed growl as he left the area, holstering his weapons for the time being.

Naya was not aware of the fire fight, falling, or the nasty vat of goo. Pushed up onto the floor next to the vat her clothing was now wet and slightly sticking to her, her blouse clinging to her skin showing her well rounded curves and practically molded around her breasts. The cold dampness making them rather ...alert, actually very alert it seemed. Her long hair now blended with the goo clung to her skin as if she had been swimming. After a few precious calm moments her slightly labored breathing became a bit calmer. Looking at her he could see something else as well, it had been hidden by the blouse and trench she had been wearing. A whitish stone at the base of her throat. Tech implant? Species physiology? fashion trend?

hoisted over him eventually as they got closer to the dock areas she began to come around. Nayas head was splitting, like she had been hit by a heavy space hauler. She began to move slightly, the goo on her making it hard to open her eyes and part of her and her clothing stuck her to him. When she did get some unstuck there was a slurpy suction like sound. "Wha..a.."

Hallens crew shadowed Marcus as instructed...even taking out a few rivals in the process. It did not take Marcus long to get back to the port area and his ship. Naya just beginning to gain consciousness as they were making their way aboard. Having made it aboard his ship and working to the pilots seat to take off.
The seat in sight he watched as the seat turned around with Hallen in it. "Set her down, Flint" His blaster aimed at him and less than 6 feet from him. "Didn't think it would be that easy to slip away did ya?" He fired, catching both.

Naya woke up again...her head splitting, but passing quickly. She was in a a ..well she wasn't sure. It looked like a cross between a cabin and a prison cell. After a few breaths her eyes opened wide and she sat up bolt straight. She started to try and get up. She felt strange. It was then she realized she was not wearing what she had on before. Sniffing, she could smell a disinfecting soap. She looked herself over, someone bathed and redressed her...well barely dressed her. She was wearing a light green, sheer and revealing, clingy dress. Her hair was brushed out and left wild. Searching a bit her clothing was not to be found. There was nothing else in the room really save the bunk and a small sink and a small locker. And a door. She tried to open it. It would not budge.

For Marcus he woke up tethered to a chair. He had also been cleaned up, so to speak. He was wearing some of his other clothing. His disgusting clothing was gone, but his more 'useful' items were in a pile just out of reach. There was few swats from some creatures back hand. A few laughs could be heard. And there as eyes focused was Hallen. Sitting in a rather comfy chair staring at him "Awake now, boy?" A clunk to the side where his hand was not tethered another of the crew let a plate of food down. He knew Marcus would ask "Your ships in tow". That meant he was aboard Hallens ship "Black Ice" (supposedly named for the floating rocky debris that does not show up on radar and hard to actually see in space, taking out many vessels).
Marcus had tried to ignore the girls beauty though no hot blooded males could completely ignore such curves. He had believed they had gotten away as she began to wake disoriented at the moment as he reached his ship and moved for the controls only to come face to face with Hallen then he out like a light. Waking to pain was nothing new, waking up in different clothes that was new. Then there was what he woke up to looking at Hallen it took him a bit to shake the grogginess that came with waking. He growled at Hallen's words as looked around tasting the blood in his mouth from the back hand that must had roused him, "Good to know." he said as he stared right at Hallen and smiled. "You're not made at me for killing some of your guys are ya I mean you could have picked your words better before. I hate being told to give up." he continued as food was set on the side that he had one arm free. He didn't touch it immediately as he looked around the remaining crew and Mercenaries, he whistled looking around him at ships interior before popping a bite of food into his mouth and chewing slowly. He watched them closely as he ate, "What about the girl? You didn't let one of these animals clean her up did you because I don't like that sort of thing." he said the threat clear in his tone.

This wasn't the first time he had been tied up like this though it was the first time there wasn't a rope around his neck as well. He remembered the day he died for the first time as clear as if was sitting on that horse staring into the cold eyes of Ragnar once again cold and defiant as he swore he'd find his love again big words at the time considering it was thousands of years later. He took another bite waiting for the proposal he was sure was coming as he watched Hallen no longer moving his mismatched eyes off the red skinned alien.
"Cleaned up from that toxic sludge" he spoke, a hint of an evil smile on his face. He then let out a short barked laugh "She's still good, got her locked up in a cabin". His way of saying she had not been touched. He at what looked like old cheese with dark green veins in it. "Now....about my crew....Well if they can't hold their own in a fight, fuck them. Means I don't have to pay them now".

Naya paced in the cabin. She was not sure what was happening or going to happen to her.

"Now how did you catch her?" Hallen asked "I mean Hell...She just vaporized a Kree captain" she shrugged and gave a snort "After the trouble so far no wonder both the Kree and the Mad Titan have had their tendrils out. Make no mistake the million unit bounty is ours. On the way to the Out Rim now to contact the trade" He gave a thin grimace then "Right now I need an extra hand. See, A lotta other bounters know we got her. They are gunning for us now, and I AM a bit short on crew" pointedly saying he's short handed because he's killed part of the crew. "I'm offering a full share of the bounty for her in return for your ...employment to get her to our contact alive and well" He reached for a slice of a piece of fruit. "What do you say?"
Marcus paused letting the new information sink in as he took another bite of the food and chewed slowly as he looked from Hallen to the remains of his crew then back. A smile spread across his face as he shrugged and adjusted in his seat as best he could as he readied his response. "Well a million units isn't really that much of a bounty I mean if the girl can take out a Kree captain with no weapons it might be dangerous just holding her. I'd try negotiating for a fifty million units." he began as he hid the fact that he was using his power to cut his cords. "I would suggest handing her to me as there was no way I'd double cross you I like breathing after all but your not the randomly trusting sort." he continued popping another piece of food into his mouth as he chuckled and raised his hand. "But the thing you should have asked yourself is. 'Why did he whistle?'." he finished and whistled again and from his pile of gear a thick black smoke filled the area of the ship as he popped his bindings. His eyes could see through the smoke or rather his one eye could, he grabbed his gear as he hurried from the room and hurried to find the girl as angry shouts erupted behind him.

He strapped his gear on and moved through the ship as he opened cabin after cabin looking for the girl, Hallen might kill him for this but at the moment he didn't care. The money was a big deal but he doubted he'd had lived long enough to spend it Hallen didn't owe him and working for the man felt like giving up his scruples. He moved from one cabin to the next till he found the locked one, concentrating he forced his power to work. It was difficult to rush but worked all the same, creating a claw he tore the door open and looked inside spotting the girl as he stepped in. "You have two options stay here and been given to the people who seem to want you dead or come with me and live for as long as that is at this moment." he said as a blaster bolt just passed behind his head. Leaning back he returned fire killing the shooter.

"Times up better choose now or stay." he said unaware that maybe have a carapace claw might put someone off of choosing to follow you a bit even as it changed to a shield which blocked another blaster bolt but still hurt a little.
The dark smoke began snaking about. Dirty trick with the acrid smoke. Hallen sighed a second then hit his alarms. Immediately klaxons began going off. Hallen moved to get to a more protected and advantageous position. "Flint're being an unreasonable asshole!" he snarled "Spread out, Hodju....Flar....Move to the detention cells" confusion began to take hold as a ship wide search began.

Naya was pacing in the small cabin cell when all of a sudden klaxons and sirens began going off, including a fire alert. She tried the door, it wouldn't open.
Then she heard someone attempting to open it, she stepped back. She heard some distant blaster shots as well. Then a rough monsterous claw rended the metal. Wide eyed she stepped back not sure to scream or not. The manual lock was broken and the door swung awkwardly open. A man she kind of remember seeing was there but he looked different. The blaster impact jolted her as he spoke of going with him. She almost wanted to recoil from him, but something in her mind would not let her. Then another closer blast occurred, pinging near the sundered door frame.
The dress was not suitable to run in. She reached down and found a seam and she ripped it from ankle to mid thigh. Standing upright and facing him she took his hand. If this fight was about her...she was going to have a say in it. She began letting him tow her through the now smoky dark corridors.
(I don't know if something like Warp exists as I don't remember it in the movie so that's what I'm call it)

He watched as she tore the gown up to her thigh and mentally shook himself to get moving as he avoided the mental distraction that was this Damsel in distress. He guided her through the ship his eye looking through the thick smoke which wouldn't last much longer as he tried to find an airlock, he had to get to his ship break the tow and then get them to Warp out of there and then he'd ask his questions. He encountered a few crew members knocking them out of the way as he kept running with the girl in tow. He paused as pain ripped through his stomach making him double over as he pressed the girl against the wall as he felt his stomach try to jump into his throat. Using his powers like this had drawbacks but he couldn't risk going all out especially when he had the girl with him, as the pain faded he straitened and breathed deeply for a few moments before they resumed their frantic pace.

Finding the airlock he looked out to see his ship was right there, Opening the door they stepped inside and he pressed a button on his belt which made a door open on his ship. "Alright hold on to me tightly." he said as he put her arms around him as he held her close the appearance more intimate than it was in reality. "Don't worry...I'll protect you." he said before kissing her deeply and punching the outer door opener and in a rush they were sucked into the vacuum of space floating toward his ship locked in (if their luck ran out) a final loving embrace. Their luck held as they landed in his ship and the doors closed re-pressurizing with a smile he broke the kiss and hurried to his pilots seat. Breaking the tow line took a few presses of buttons and he broke away his eye showing him the dangerous field that surrounded the Black Ice. It was larger than his the 'The Defiant' but still he could hold his own in a dog fight, he wasn't sticking around for this as he took off programming the jump as fast as he could. Before Hallen could catch them again they were gone.
(In the books Marvel never really tells. however theory at the moment is most ships can cause wormhole gates. they can get from solar system to solar system)

She was not letting go, last thing she wanted was to get lost on this ship. Some how he led her to an airlock area, at least here she could breath and see again....bonus. He scared her slightly as at one point he pinned her to a wall. She thought he might have been hit or ill, she wasn't sure. Soon though they were near an airlock. Neither were in any kind of survival suits. Everyone knew more than 30 seconds they would be dead. She started to panic a bit more, but she did notice he seemed to be lining up the other ship to the airlock. Through a small portal she noticed the door on that ship open. Then he grabbed her close, pinning her to him. She heard him say 'hold on tightly', she grabbed his belt. She glanced up with big sea green eyes. Suddenly he kissed her. She was about to rebuke, but ..she could not explain it other than it felt right. Her eyes closed as he cycled the lock. In an instant the rapid decompression blew them both into the harshness of space. The vacuum nearly immediately wanting to pull them apart cell by cell. Frost building on them slightly. It was the momentum that mattered. Suddenly she felt them bumping against metal in their free fall like state. In the next heartbeat an influx of air could be felt and gravity being restored. Both fell to the floor of the other ships airlock where the rapid decompression from the other ship blew them into. landing in a heap on the floor she shook from the coldness that was now leaving her. The kiss now broken her eyes opening to see the one she had been with getting up and moving quickly. He had been wearing more proper or at least more durable clothing. She sat freezing for a moment, acclimating herself to the warmer environment of this ship. After a moment she began to get up and move careful as she did so, not sure what traps might be in play. She found her way to the pilots deck just in time to get ready to jump. for safety she put herself in an empty seat and sat quietly to let him do what he was going to do. She just watched him as he did this. The other ship...larger than the one she was in had began to turn towards them rather lethargically compared to this one she was on. in moments there was a clear path and buttons pushed. Flints ship hit the blackhole jump.
Once they were safely away he sighed then relaxed as his arm returned to normal, he looked tired as though he had been awake for days. He stood up shaking his head and rolling his shoulders, "That was fun." he said chuckling as strolled past her seat. His ship could house a few people but so far had only held him, "If you're hungry I suggest eating something." he called out to her as he entered the Galley. There was a bottle of some blueish green liquor that he picked up and took a long pull off of before setting it down he sighed feeling his insides settle. The decor of his ship was rather Random weapons hung on the walls here and there along with what appeared to be a rust pitted sword and a shield painted green and black. The rest was odd and ends he had collected and spent some time taking apart and putting back together. "I'll try to find you some new clothes something that will um...not leave so much exposed." he said loudly so she could hear if she wasn't close by.
The jump would probably take a while. Where she ..they..would come out she didn't know. As he stood and turned to move past her she stared at him, not saying anything. It was obvious through her dress she was still cold from being in space. After he moved she wondered what to do next, what this male would do next. She then heard him mention getting something to eat. It had been a while since she had any food. She then stood up and followed his voice. She found him as he mentioned clothes. "Thank you...who are you?" she wanted to ask what was he, but that did not matter as much as her first question. She leaned a bit against a piece of the ships frame. Her bronzish hair loose over her shoulders. Hallen had selected a perfect attire to bring out her fair humanish tanned skin, and the fact it clung to her tantalizingly was a testament to the mans reputation with females. Her voice was soft and a bit melodic. "Why are people chasing me?" It sounded strange, she knew part of it...but she hoped he had another part of the puzzle she was in.
Marcus chuckled at her question, "I thought I introduced myself when we met." he said smiling at her with his best Roguish smile. "I'm Marcus Flint Mercenary for Hire." he said his tone meant to place some grandeur on his declaration, "As for why people are after you a Million unit bounty is good reason." he finished as he began searching for some clothes for her. He found a shirt, pants and jacket for her they were clean if over sized. "Here." he said approaching her unable to keep his eyes from wandering down her body in that outfit he noticed her curves and distracting assets, her copper colored hair and lightly sun kissed skin was enticing. "There's a room for you to change into over there." he said as he pulled his eyes back to her face and pushed the close into her hands. He hadn't been distracted by a woman in a long time and she was interesting with that jewel at the base of her throat giving her an even greater allure that he had to resist as he doubted she had any romantic thoughts for a possible enemy as he was still debating whether the the million units was worth it.
"A mill...Damn, Father what did you do?" she was rather surprised and spoke to no one in particular about her father comment. She looked up into Flints mismatched eyes as he handed her some of his clothes. "I...I apologize for being such a bother" She rubbed a piece of fabric between a thumb and forefinger. The tattered filmy gown she wore did hot hide the fact the cold from space made her nipples erect and easily seen through the fabric. She moved to the area he indicated she could change. From behind her pillowy rump swayed gently side to side. Before disappearing from view she stopped and turned "My name is Naya, my father was Ovvyr Syzygy", then she stepped in. some things began to click as only recently there was news of her fathers death, apparently he had been a very important scientist for the Nova Corp.
She had stepped into what looked like a bathroom. Placing the clothes down on a small shelf as she looked in the mirror. She could see the gem at her neck, it looked to have grafted itself to her skin. She reached up with a hand and touched it. For a moment it was warm. The gem pulsed twice. It was then she thought she heard her fathers voice "Naya.." it said softly like an echo. She looked about and saw no one. Looking back in the mirror she then looked down, she must have imagined it.
She slipped out of the dress. She stood there naked for the moment then began putting on the Flints clothing. Though he was obviously taller and larger she did her bet to figure out a way to make them fit. His pants were wide enough for her to slip over her wider, more feminine hips and placed on she secured them where they would not slip off, but they were bit too long. From the already torn dress she ripped two strips and tied them to her ankles. From there she ticked the extra length up under the ties, letting it bloom out a touch, much like many military uniforms do. The shirt she put on was similar to a pull over. Having no under clothes she would bounce and sway more. She noticed a hole along the torso area. She covered it up by tying it off in a knot on the side, exposing her taut midrift. Then she put on the jacket, its sleeves too long she merely pushed them up, a bit. She tossed the rest of the gown into the trash. She came back out and joined him in the galley area. She found a seat and sat down. How she wore his clothes did not hide her charms, it was almost as if she was built to be noticed. "Am I your guest or prisoner?" she asked calmly. She was curious. A million unit bounty was radically unheard of. It would tempt many, and has so far.
Marcus watched her turn and bit his lip by Odin she had all the right assets to turn a mans head clean off. He remembered the name vaguely and when it clicked he snapped his fingers as indication his brain had caught up as he was bright but not always on the same page as others. He occupied himself with trying to find some food but all he found was liquor, he hadn't realized his own stores were so low but he did find something a few boxes of unopened rations that were hidden above the cooler. He looked in the cooler and found some more food luckily he hadn't let things get that bad, he set the food down and took a seat just in time for her to come out. He almost couldn't pull his eyes off her chest as he noticed the sway of her breasts without the support of a bra, as she sat down he could see her flat stomach and belly button before he finally brought his eyes under control.

He sighed at her covering his eyes with a hand so he wouldn't stare at her as he thought on her question and what he had to do. After a long drawn out moment of silence he opened his eyes and looked into hers. *A man could drown happily in those eyes.* he thought before he opened his mouth to answer her, "You're my guest. I said I'd protect you and I will though you may not be able to pay for it." he said. "Your bounty has allot of bad people some will just kill you others could do worse but as long as I breathe I won't let them." he added, he avoided mentioning payment for the job as she had little to nothing now besides what weaker or more perverse men would accept as payment. "If you're tired there is an empty bed and I scrounged some food though I only have this to wash it down." he finished as he picked up a liquor bottle swirling the neon green contents before taking a long pull from the bottle. "I've been meaning to ask about that gem." he said as he drew close to look at it before touching it with pointer finger on his right hand that had been a claw not too long ago.
She smiled as he said he would protect her. For the moment that would have to do. "I think..." She started as she touched the stone herself again "I think this was what they were looking for. You see my father and the rest of my family were under Nova Corp protection, hiding as my fathers work was being evaluated. You remember Ronin the Accuser nearly destroyed Xandar. Well he was allowed to test and explore the infinity stone. This is not it, I know that. However I believe he managed to figure out how to duplicate it or control it, I am not truly sure which" She was not so proud or prudish about sharing a bottle as she reached out and sipped it abit before setting it back down and continuing "We were at our families retreat on Nuvaluna, enjoying the rainforests there. I was with my father when a band of soldiers under a Kree commander invaded our home. My father placed this gem to my neck and it burned its way in to my skin, then he told me to run. I watched at a distance as my mother was killed and so was my father" she was nearly in tears at that moment but she kept them from falling "I am not sure about my brother and sister. I managed to get into our family shuttle. It was damaged as I escaped. I am guessing that they saw photos of me in our home" She shrugged a bit sadly "I need to get to Xandar, and I have no real clue where I am" (ooc: Xandar...very far away right now. close to the border between the Badoon, Skrull, Kree borders. the Outlands is disputed territories and every lowlife is there hiding or taking advantage of others). The bit of drink in her reminded her of how hungry she was. "What about you? Your transformation? Was it from a Kree or Skrull experiment?" She picked up the offered portion of rations to eat a bit of it.
Marcus Flint frowned at her question, "My memory of that time is fragmented and jostled. The only thing that is clear is that it was painful and it changed me." he said his tone telling her that's all he would say. He remembered bits and pieces mostly things that didn't make sense and bits that had to be myth, the scientists had claimed he had Asgardian blood in him along with an incredible healing ability. He gave some thought to the fact that her siblings could be alive and if they were they'd be used to get to her either one would be sent to find her and separate them or she'd be given an ultimatum. He doubted her siblings were alive but that was because he could think like the men that had attacked her family, "I'm sorry for your loss, I loss my mother and father when I was just child." he said remembering that night as defining moment in his life. He didn't tell her his thoughts about her siblings even a betting man wouldn't give her possibly false hope. "You should get some rest." he told her though it looked like he could use some as well, he had found it harder to sleep as he grew tired of finding no warm body next to him when he woke.
Naya listened to what Flint would say. She looked him over as he spoke. She was curious about his transformations she had seen. It was common to have implants, and there were various species in the galaxy. Then as she suspected he might have been experimented on by one or some of the more less scrupled species. She thought he would have been a very handsome man had what was done not been done, He was still handsome in a rather craggy manor. He was tall and from what she had seen under his clothes his body was taut and well muscled. She felt his rough lips on her more softer lips in the frozen kiss they shared. She felt the strength in the muscles of his arms as he embraced her.
"I should apologize..." her head dipped slightly "..I did not mean to bring up any bad memories" She ate the rest of her meal. She blushed slightly, imagining something like a foolish little girl would do. She had a quick flash of the both of them ...together. Lack of sleep was apparently turning her brain to mush, she thought. She had been stunned a few times over the past few hours, but that was not true sleep. There was no dreaming and relaxing with it. His ship was larger than her families small jump point ship, but smaller than the other dreadnaught class or what ever it was. "Is there a free cabin to use?" she asked. She wondered if it did or if it had been stripped to have an enlarged hold for goods or weapons.
What a mismatched pair she thought. He must think she's the 'little princess' she thought even as she also thought about him looking rather like a pirate.
"It's alright." he said as he took another drink, he often thought people were to sensitive about their pasts but he learned they had good reason to be. Memories were painful and even he had some he'd rather never remember again but those memories made him who he was. He smiled at her as he pointed to a room next to his, "That room right there is empty the others two were turned into an Armory and storage." he told her as he stood and showed her the room. It was clean and the bed was covered with furs from a few Alien animals that made the blanket but he pulled them off to leave her the top sheet he kept the ship warm and thought removing the fur blanket would help her rest easier. "I'm going to be in mine." he told her as he left the room he had given her and walked into his, like the other room it was clean as well but there were some weapons scattered about and furs covered his bed as well. He removed his shirt before his door closed she could see his muscled chest and back, he laid on his bed not bothering to get under the covers as he sighed closing his eyes to sleep.
She followed him to the room offered. She watched him remove the furs. "Thank you" She said stepping in as he stepped out. She followed him with her eyes as he went into his quarters. She was about to shut the door to hers when she glimpsed him removing his shirt. Quickly she realized she was staring at him and blushed again. Not only was he tall, his physique fit his frame. She could make out his rather corded muscles ripple as he removed his shirt. Her heart nearly skipped a beat. She closed her eyes a moment as she leaned against her now shut door. Taking a deep breath she began to remove her 'new' clothing. She folded them all neatly next to the bunk. Then, naked now, she slipped into the bunk. It did smell a bit of the furs, but she didn't care. Only the top sheet covering her she laid away for a few moments pondering the last day or so, sleep finally claiming her.
It was in her dreams she found herself back home..sort of. She was on a high plateau on a planet she had never been on. She was wearing an outfit of white and light green, her dark rust brown hair moving in a slight beeze. In the distance she could see what looked like lightning from a storm. It was so real she could swear she could smell the air.
"Peaceful here, isn't it" she heard a voice say. Turning she saw her father standing there. Smiling she ran to hug him, but she passed through him as if he were a hologram. He turned to face her "I am truly sorry daughter"
"I don't ..I don't understand" she was nearly in tears as she slowly stood up.
"I am only a memory you have of me" he spoke
"Then you are not real, are you?"
"Yes...and no" he spoke again. "When we were attacked and I placed the stone on you, it accepted you" he began "I did not know if it would or not, but I had no choice. Then I touched it and the surface area of your skull nearest your memory retention. I willed much of my knowledge into you through this stone"
Her head tilted as she tried to understand.
"You know of the Infinity stones" he asked her. She nodded as he then continued. "I have been close to several. My work was classified by the Nova Corp. I managed to create a way to garner surface atomic structured cells of 3 of the stones, the Time, Mind, and Power. In my lab I managed to combine them into the gem stone you now have. It is not as powerful as it pregenitors, but it is powerful. I used the mind stone to place within your mind the essence of my memories. This is to help you to learn to control the stone. Also to hold within you the knowledge I have."
"Then this is why others now chase me?" she asked.
"Yes, my daughter I believe so. I cannot say this positively as my memory is only as far as to when I placed my memories here. I will continue to learn as we speak and I will help with storing new memories transferred through you." he had continued.
"So I have these powers now, I just need to learn to use them?" she asked
"Yes, and I will help you if I can" he responded "I know you have already used a part of the 'power' gem, even if by accident. The mind powers should be the first though. They will be most difficult to control. When you awaken you should practice reading some ones mind and sending your thoughts to them. This ..." he gestured about "Is only a very small amount of that power. We have been talking for some time. Now it is near the time for you to wake. Know that I will be with you. My daughter"

Dreams are funny things. They can go for some time or take place in an instance. She was not sure which at the moment as she stretched slightly and moved over to her side and continued to lazily doze.
For Marcus sleep was never eventful when it was they were not pleasant dreams tonight was a rarity, he could see her standing there draped in a dress of ivory white silk thin enough he could see her lightly sun kissed skin beneath. Her hair like copper as the moon light washed over them, he was laying there feeling the cool breeze that warned of winters approach. The smell of pine and cedar trees carried on the wind felt like home, she turned from the open window her eyes falling on him even as his eyes traveled down to the gem at the base of her throat. She moved toward him hips swaying casually but the effect still drawing attention, she spoke in his native language as though she had been speaking it for years a her soft hands found his chest and ran up to his face. He could smell the subtle perfume she wore invoking memories of summer flowers and days spent on the green grass. Her weight pressed on him as he moved one of his arms...His arm would not move he looked down and saw the black metal straps that held it in place.
Just like that the pleasant dream burst like bubble and he was staring up into bright lights as aliens swirled in and out of his vision needles pushed into his skin knives of fire cutting into his mind drawing pain. He screamed or thought he did as he struggled and pulled at his bonds he felt the rage build inside him as he tried to tear at the aliens and rip out the wires they were lacing through his body the pain returned with vengeance as it tore thought and reason aside leaving him screaming and scratching like an animal trying to escape further into his own mind.

Marcus woke gasping for air as he sat up on his bed cold sweat beaded on his skin making his skin shiver as the air hit him cooling him. He stood up and entered his private wash room and looked into the mirror the face that met his was not his face his power had begun to awaken a his green eye was just solid green now as half his face was covered in the carapace armor like half his chest and both arms. He stared at the creature he had turned into as he grabbed the carapace on his face and pulled as he tried to claw it off but it was a part of him as much as his own heart. Breathing deeply he retracted the armor and once he was back to his old self he was sick the blood landing in the sink to be washed away as he removed the taste of it from his mouth he left the bathroom and strolled out of his room grabbing a bottle he finished it then tossed it in the trash. Grabbing another one he sat in the pilots seat he sighed trying to remember the pleasant part of his dream remembering her dressed in that thin white silk.
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