Another Hole in Wonderland (Tsair x Candira)

Alice was very much unsettled by Cheshire's visit, and even though he had disappeared, she got the sense that he was still there, watching her. She doubted that feeling would ever go away now that she'd met him in person. His list of the things that made up the mess of Wonderland had scared her, too. She was actually scared now--worried about what to do next. Her world, she considered, wasn't this one. So that meant she had to try to find a way home. He had told her that this way was alright, but that way was better if she wanted his advice.

She didn't really trust Cheshire, but she had a feeling that she would regret not taking his advice. It was the only thing he'd offered her for free. And he had to know how creepy he was being--he had to have realized that he was going to mess with her. He had actually taken a risk to come this close and watch her in person if Wonderland really was a mess.

So then maybe she could trust him--just this once. Everything he had said made sense, and he had been practical enough to tell her that if she needed his help, it would come at a cost....yes. Just this once, she would trust him. If nothing else, she could always turn around and come back this way again.

After taking a moment to regain her composure, Alice took a deep breath and turned to go that way. Hopefully, she wouldn't regret trusting Cheshire.
Alice traveled back over the path, passing the sign and now heading that way. The ground here was soft, as though saturated by rain on a regular basis. There was a thin layer of mist along the floor, and the pathway began to descend slightly. The sounds of the forest had returned again, quiet chirping of crickets, rustling of branches, and faint sounds of chirping. The further Alice walked, the more the noises prevailed. Soon, there was a cacophony of tones intermingling to create a pleasant, relaxing melody. The tops of the trees began to become covered in a thin veil of webbing, within which was trapped various colours of smoke.

Following the path further would reveal a rather soothing area, along with a bubbling pool of spring water. In the pool, there sat a man with jet black hair, lounging, fully dressed, inside the water. Beside his place at the pool, there was a large contraption with a line to it, with a small amount of smoke coming from it. The man brought the line to his lips, taking a deep inhale. As he did, two large antennae on his head glowed a slew of colors, before he exhaled a line of smoke into the air, creating a smoke-infused image of a rainbow.
Well, Alice was relieved to hear the sounds of forest creatures around her again. Something about the silence from before had her fearing for her safety. Here, though, she felt like everything would be alright. The forest was full of life, saturated with sound and beautiful colors. It was as she was scanning the area that she noticed the smoke. Fascinated by its changing hues, she began to unconsciously follow it to the source.

Well, there was something you didn't see every day. There was a fully dressed man sitting in what appeared to be a hot spring. He was smoking something out of the most intricate looking bong she'd ever seen. And, of course, the antennae were very interesting, too. She was fascinated by the man in front of her. The man brought the line to his lips and she noticed his face. Something about his features attracted her, but she wasn't sure what. Then again, the rainbow smoke was beautiful, and maybe it had something to do with that.

As she came forward, still following the path, she stepped on a branch and startled herself. She brought her attention back to the man and frowned a little. "I'm sorry to bother you. I was just going that way," she said, hoping he would understand.
The man's attention drifted lazily towards Alice, his antennae also turning towards her. "And who..." he began, smoke exhaling from his lips as he spoke, "Are you?" he states casually, though his focus is clearly not on Alice. He took another hit from the bong, breathing deeply before exhaling the smoke towards Alice. It swirled and coalesced into the shape of a finger, gesturing her forward with an aromatic pleasure. "Would you like some?" He stated, seeming to waste no time beating around the bush with a gesture towards his line. His tone was as smooth as the smoke he exhaled, no sense of harshness to it, only the occasional headiness when amidst it secondhand.

"That way, eh? Well, you picked a very good way to go. Much more enjoyable than this way. A Bandersnatch has those lands, and going into there is sure to cause one to lose their buzz," he continued with an euphoric hum. His attention, for perhaps the first sentient Alice had met, was not truly focused but more bypassing Alice with each breath. "You look nervous. You shouldn't be."
Alice tilted her head, fascinated by the man in the spring. "My name is Alice. Who are you?" His offering made her eyebrows shoot up a little as she wondered just what he was offering. She'd never really smoked anything before, but he was making it look very nice. Still, it was nice of him to ask, and he was doing really cool things with the smoke. Slowly, she came forward, avoiding the spring water and staying at the edge. "I'm not really sure, but thanks for offering."

She was pleased that she had been right to trust Cheshire about which way to go, but she found it hard to believe that he had had pure intentions the entire time. It was nice to know, though, that not everyone had an agenda around here. This guy, for instance, was so calm, and probably buzzed. He was observant, however.

"It's just that I'm not really sure where I am or where I'm going. I need to find a way home," she said, taking a seat near him. "If I knew that, I bet I could relax more, you know?"
He leaned back in the pool, sinking a bit further and resting his neck on the edge, eyes drifting shut for a long period before opening. In the meantime, however, his mouth never ceased. "Me? I am Absolem. And -why- would you want to return? Such a wonderful place, here. Relaxing enough." His eyes opened once more, black entirely. "Where are you from to return to? That seems the best sort of place to start," he began.

The pleasant tunes began to quiet down, becoming more a song in the background than an environmental standout. Absolem, if he noticed, completely ignored the situation, seeming to regard it as a normal occurrence. He simply inhaled once more, blowing out a new plume of smoke, this time over the water as it settled into various small flowers of smoke. "If you're not sure of that, it seems that staying where you are is a valid decision."
Absolem was a kind person. He was very mellow, and he seemed to really want to help. If nothing else, it seemed to interest him enough to talk about it with her. She sat near him, only a little startled by his eyes. But they were still very nice. She smiled and thought about what he asked her. Did she really have to go back? This did seem like a pretty nice place after all. It was relaxing, and Absolem seemed like a cool guy to hang out with.

"Well, it's hard to explain...I think I remember falling, but I'm not sure. I'm really confused," she said with a frown. "I remember that it wasn't like this place at all...but so far, this place is pretty and nice..." Now she was just babbling. So she took a deep breath and tried to relax again. She found that the more time she spent here, the more relaxed she became.

The pleasant music changed to something closer to a real song and it made her happy. His smoke-blowing was beautiful and sort of fascinating to watch. He made a really good point about staying where she was. Why did she need to go back, really? She was sure there were reasons, but nothing came to mind at the moment.

"Hmmm, You make a good point, Absolem. I can't think of a reason to leave right now, but I feel like I'll miss my home sooner or later." She sighed and watched his smoke flowers over the water. "How do you do that?"
"Missing home is not such a bad emotion. It makes home seem all that much better," Absolem commented, simply looking over the water at the moment. He seemed lost in his thoughts for the briefest of moments before he looked up towards Alice once more. "Your home must be wonderful if being here ends up making you miss it. Though I suppose it's just a matter of where here you are. This spot, for instance, is much better than other spots. I don't envy those other spots, and feel as though I would quickly miss being here." His words were each enunciated with small bursts of color coming from his mouth as the last remnants of the smoke he'd inhaled finally escaped. He reached over to the bong, pulling it over and adjusting its contents with a new addition from his front pocket.

"As for how I do that, it's a matter of finite control of the lungs. A practice gained by talking a great deal," he stated with another hit of the newly filled contraption. "It's not so difficult once you learn how. It's learning how that is the real question," Absolem continued as he blew the smoke out. This time, there was no rainbow of colors, simply a thin fog that ejected from his lips, gaining more potency in the air as it formed a tiny cloud which floated upwards to rest at the webbing above. "You have a way of finding wondrous places, it seems. How do -you- do -that-?"
Alice considered Absolem's thoughts on missing home. She didn't miss hers yet. She couldn't really say why she would at the moment. Her family and friends came to mind, but nothing else about it really stuck out. "I guess, I'd miss the people there more than the place. This place is very nice...I could see why you might miss it..."

Something about his mention of the other spots seemed slightly ominous, though. It reminded her of Cheshire's list, and that had made leaving sound like a good idea. Still, she couldn't imagine those problems here. She was a lot more relaxed now that she could talk to someone about her problems. Someone who didn't rile her up and get amusement from watching her make mistakes.

As Absolem adjusted the bong, Alice wondered what went into learning to make smoke dance and twist like that. His question, however, brought her back. "Hmmm...I think it's more about luck than skill, really. I seem to always be in the right place at the right time to get to places like this..." Though, she wasn't entirely sure if that was accurate.

"Do you think I should try to go home?" Alice wondered. It seemed like the thing to do, but she had no idea how to do what she proposed. Also, she was becoming quite comfortable here with Absolem. He was very nice and very calm, and he was right about this being a good spot. She wondered why he was sitting in the spring fully dressed and decided she should ask later. One question at a time.
"Well if you're trying to get out, I'd say you were in the wrong place at the wrong time," Absolem replied, his normal cool demeanor a tad admonishing at the statement. He glanced towards Alice, the depthless black of his eyes seeming even darker with the smoke dancing upwards from his mouth to pass over them. His antennae drooped low, laying back against his head as he continued, "It's not 'whether you should try' to get home, it's how will you. That you're considering it means you will need to leave eventually, or it will eat at you." He let out a puff, exhaling a final wisp of smoke from the breath.

He tapped the line for a moment before taking another puff, it seeming more of a habit than something necessary. "I have nothing eating at me. It's why this place works well for me. It doesn't cleanse my worries, because I have no worries to cleanse. Living that way is not something one can grow into." He wasn't letting out any smoke this time, his words seeming a bit withdrawn as he kept the breath. His eyes flickered shut for a brief second before he finally began to release the smoke, the cloud sparking outward quickly before dissipating in wisps across the water. "If you belong somewhere, I think it best to get there however you can. Though, the time in between should be held with reverence as well."
The how of it all was the problem. He was very good at getting to the core of problems. Everything Absolem said was very wise to her ears. Taking his advice seemed like the way to go. "You're right. I suppose that brings me back to what I need to do now and where I should go from here. I do feel better, though. Thank you for listening." She smiled and felt a need to show him thanks somehow. But she couldn't for the life of her think of what to do.

"Absolem...why are you in the spring with your clothes on? It seems like it would be uncomfortable."
"Why? Why are you out of the spring with your clothes on?" Absolem stated, the casualness sounding reasonable, with even such an inane statement. "I am where I choose with what I choose. It's actually rather... an appealing sensation, in my opinion. Once I remove myself from the pool, I believe it should be much less comfortable, but until then I will simply enjoy it." His hands rested atop the water, poised carefully to not break the surface. His eyes seemed to search the liquid for something momentarily, though it was evident after a moment he was simply in thought.

"My place is here. This is where I belong. Now, the only journeys for me are those of exploration of sensation," he continues with a nod towards Alice. "There is no more travel to experience, only new feelings." He slowly immersed his hands, dropping them beneath the water. "I'll learn them all, eventually."
Well, she couldn't really argue his logic. He was so very sensible. It was actually kind of odd how much sense he made. She watched as he carefully moved his hands over the water, and then submerged them, curious to know if that was a new sensation for him or not. She was also curious about how she would feel in the spring like he was. He did look very comfortable, after all. The blonde tilted her head as she listened, wondering at how he seemed to enjoy himself exactly in the moment.

"That's, Absolem. Is there anything I can do for you? I feel so much better after talking to you. It doesn't seem right to not try and return the favor."
Absolem looked over towards Alice, eyes finally seeming to acknowledge her physical presence. "I do not require any form of return. I didn't pay you any favor, I simply spoke. Perhaps you are simply where you belong at this moment, that would likely cause you to feel better." He seemed to be observing her from his position, but it was hard to tell with his eyes. He moved a hand up to ruffle through his hair momentarily, causing water droplets to spray out, creating a momentary shimmer within the smoke around the man.

"Besides, the only things that I seek are new sensations. The only ones of those that you can provide me are those which are not taken lightly," he continued, the calm tone of voice resonating nicely with the quell of the tune created by the wildlife. "You're an... enjoyable conversationalist. Others don't come by here often. I believed I was the only one who belonged here. You, however, seemed to belong for a short time, and it's pleasant that you did. It's already been a new experience," Absolem added, his mouth finally taking emotion in the form of a warm smile towards Alice.

"Should you choose to wait on moving on to the next place you belong, you're welcome to belong a bit longer. If you should, however, I do recommend enjoying yourself a bit more," he said, gesturing towards the bong aside him. "Or you could simply stay and relax longer. If you get in the pool, however, do be aware that leaving with wet clothes would be awfully trifling." He seemed to not commit Alice to any of the choices, rather leaving it up to her as he took another inhalation. He exhaled, and a steady stream of smoke snaked out of his mouth, retreating away from the man as though a serpent.
It was so nice here that it seemed a shame to move on. Absolem had been kind to her, and he seemed to want nothing from her but conversation. She was pleased to have been able to do something nice for him, and that he enjoyed her company. He was very welcoming, and she was glad she'd met him. So far, he was the only person she truly trusted without hesitation in Wonderland. Aside from the doorman, that is, but he was all whole different story.

Cheshire, though strange and creepifying, had also proven to be trustworthy so far. It was a good thing that she'd come that way instead of this way. She smiled back as Absolem graced her with a warm smile. His offers to help her relax more if she decided to stay were very gracious. He'd offered her something from the bong, and a chance to be in the pool of warm water around him. Though she didn't really smoke, she wanted to get wet a little less, so Alice stood and came closer to the stranger who'd become an excellent temporary companion and sat on the other side of the bong, removing her shoes and stockings to let her legs dangle in the water.

Instantly, she was relaxed. She could see why this was such a nice place. "Well, I'll stay a little longer. I like watching you blow smoke. It's pretty. And I like talking to you. You're an enjoyable conversationalist, too." She smiled brightly and leaned back onto her hands, watching the smoke swirl away. "I'm curious, though. What kind of sensations are you looking for, Absolem?"
Absolem seemed a bit wistful in his reply, leaning his head back to look upwards the the mesh of web adorning the treetops. "I seek... It's hard to say. Can you describe a sensation you have not experienced?" he asked. The genuine nature of the question was striking, as though not a rhetoric, but more of a desperate request, despite the likely impossibility. He brought the line to his lips, breathing in deeply before laying the line down once more. He made small 'puh' noises as he emitted a series of smoke rings, which rose up towards the web, resting at the top in a haphazard pattern of circles.

"Alone, there's only so much that one can experience alone. When you run out of things, how do you think of new ideas to obtain new ones?" Absolem seemed, for the first time, upset. His mood sank momentarily before stabilizing once more. "I've come to accept another journey coming to a close. But, when I heard the crack of you when you stepped on the stick... That was a new sensation." He looked over towards Alice, jet black eyes fathomless as he continued, "Surprise. The sound. The sight of a person walking through. You're belonging just fine," he added in, a word of questionable praise, though clearly intended to be.

"I seek... Nothing specific. I'll simply enjoy the new sensations while we're belonging at the same time. Speaking, thinking, smoking.... and when you leave, a new sensation of how that will feel." Absolem closed his eyes momentarily. "I still enjoy the unpleasant sensations."
Well...damn it. She supposed she was looking for a vague answer--not really something specific. It would have been difficult for him to describe something he'd never felt before. "I suppose it would be difficult," she said, watching the smoke rings. He was so good at that. She understood exactly what he meant about being alone. There was only so much one could do.

She nodded. "I see." Oddly, she found his compliment to be high praise. But did his idea of the new sensation he would feel when she left mean that he would miss her? She smiled at the bittersweet idea and considered that she would probably miss him a little too. By far, he was the best person she'd met since she was here. "Hmmm, I think I like belonging here. Maybe I'll belong again sometime," she said.

Her eyes closed for a moment and thought about something nice she could do for him. She reached down and brushed some of his damp hair away from his face. "Is this a new experience?"
Absolem's eyes were trained on Alice, seeming to widen just for a moment as her had neared, before becoming controlled once more. "It is. Your hand is... warm," he said. His black hair was easily parted, feeling a bit like silk. The unusual softness despite its dampness felt even more off due to its temperature. The man's skin as Alice brushed somewhat against it was rather cold, despite the water being a mild temperature. He didn't react to the touch, however, seeming more intrigued and interested by it than anything.

"You're the first I've truly interacted with, touch is... Pleasant," he states, seeming to decide after a moment. "It's hard to describe. It is most assuredly a good feeling, however," he stated. His black hair now rested on his head parted, and his antennae drifted upwards once more, going slightly out to either side. The rings of smoke from above now began to fall, still not having dissipated. They drifted down to the water, dispersing only then. "If you do find yourself in need of a place to belong again, you would be most welcome."
She smiled at him as he told her her hand was warm. She hadn't really noticed before, but yes, it was. She smiled a little as he told her touch was pleasant. She had to agree. Touch was pleasant mostly. His hair was so soft and his skin was cool and smooth. "I'm glad you think so. I'll be sure to belong here again someday."

She let her hand fall and then leaned back into the soft ground to relax for awhile. Belonging here for now seemed like the thing to do, even as the smoke rings dissipated. She was happy to have given Absolem something he'd wanted. She rested, closing her eyes, legs still dangling in the water.

Yes, she was belonging quite nicely.
As Alice rested back against the ground, her vision dark with her eyes closed, the sounds of the forest began to take over, seeming to be all the sound of the area. The period of rest felt unusually rejuvenating, the smoke seeming an herbal cleanse more that a thick smog. Without sight, she seemed more sensitive to all the sensations around. Everything felt more potent, the smell of strawberries now noticeable in the smoke near the ground. Every second, there was another aroma. The varying scents seemed to create an amalgam of memories of different foods and spices.

The world seemed full of different sensations at this moment, as though this were specifically built to tickle all the senses at once. The feeling of being surrounded by different scents, sounds, and textures was easily noticed to be something that Absolem desired of the location. It was only a short time, however, before a cold sensation was felt brushing Alice's knee, before it was discernable that a hand had been placed to rest upon it. "The sensations are wonderful when one is removed. As though amplified... Are you enjoying it?"

The familiar voice of Absolem permeated the air, his coolness of tone and smoothness of pitch carrying and adding another pleasant tone to the almost symphonical backdrop of sounds.
Alice was swept away in the different sensations around her. All of her senses were heightened as her eyes remained closed. The scents were very pleasant, the strawberry, especially, and she smiled as the sounds of the forest began to take over. She let the different scents and sounds wash over her, soothed and nostalgic at once. It seemed like Absolem was interested in experiencing more sensations. Perhaps that was why he blew smoke with all these different things.

She smiled and relaxed, nearly nodding off a little bit. She was surprised by the cold sensation on her knee, but she quickly realized it was just Absolem trying to get her attention. She enjoyed the way his lovely voice carried. He made a good point about the amplified sensations of smell and sound.

"Mmm, yes, it's very nice. Are you?" she asked, wondering if it was as pleasant with his eyes open as well.
Absolem's voice in response drifted casually as he replied, "I am. When I first found myself here, I spent an entire day with my eyes closed... You reminded me of that, it was... nostalgic." The sound of another inhale followed. "You become so much more in tune with things. Every seems to work together around here," he finalized, seeming to have come to the realization previously but still proud to voice it. The sense of pride in the area was evident, in the place he chose to stay.

"Just don't fall asleep, however. You might fall into the water," he warned in a what could almost be construed as humor. The water rippled lightly against Alice's legs, the mild liquid caressing. "I don't close them as often now, however. I feel the sensation dwindles if overindulged," the man continued quietly, seeming to be in contemplation now.
Alice chuckled as he warned her about falling asleep. "I'll be careful," she said. She smiled at the pride in his voice, pleased that she could share those thoughts with him. "That's true. But when you open your eyes again, everything is fresh," she said, her blue eyes fluttering open again. This was such a beautiful spot. It was difficult to imagine Absolem anywhere else, but he had journeyed to get here, after all. She was glad he had found a place that suited him so well.
"That's true enough," Absolem stated, seeming to agree with Alice. The sound of dripping came from the pool, and soon, Absolem was in Alice's sight, dripping while still dressed. Without the water obscuring view, he was clearly wearing a black buttoned shirt, along with a pair of black slacks. It was clear that there was some weight to the clothing as he looked down, standing above Alice. "We were right. It is uncomfortable now," he admitted, lips turning up in hints of a smile. Smoke trailed from his lips as he spoke, indicating that the smoke was still held in the man's lungs.

He knelt down, then, next to Alice, looking at her still. "You're intriguing. Interest is a fantastic sensation," he began, seeming unsure of what to say to the girl. He was still soaked below the torso, but he didn't seem to mind it. As he finished speaking, he began to release the smoke held, a downward helix forming that parted into two directions as it reached the ground. "What interests you?" he asked, then, dark eyes focused upon Alice's own.
Alice sat up as she heard the dripping and chuckled at Absolem's admission. He was dressed in black, and soaked to the skin. Poor thing. She gave him a sympathetic smile and watched, fascinated as the smoke swirled around them. Now that he was at her level, she got a better look at his face. His eyes were entrancing, and his features were interesting. He thought she was intriguing. Somehow, that made her feel very proud of herself.

As the smoke swirled out of his mouth, she watched, very amused. "Well, lots of things interest me. That smoke and the tricks you play with it, this place, people--especially you." She smiled and tilted her head, wondering a little why he'd gotten out of the pool. Then again, maybe he was just tired of it.
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