Another Hole in Wonderland (Tsair x Candira)


Jan 18, 2015
Halloween night on a weekend, the air was cool and calm, and a party was the main word of the town. The raucous sounds of music filled the night air and the general 'whoops' and cheers of the partygoers broke any quiet portions between songs. The streets were empty, though the roadside was full of parked cars and bikes. There were students and adults alike drinking together in front of the house, some wandering into the back.

Police hadn't yet been called, and since most of the neighborhood was at the party it was likely they wouldn't be showing up. Even if they did, it seemed unlikely that a warning would do much to quell the party. The various members seemed to be having the time of their lives, the costumes varying from silly to obscene. The night was young, and it seemed that if anyone wasn't at the party, then they weren't going to be having an exciting night at all.
Alice was on her way to the party. She thought an ironic costume would be fun this year, so she'd dressed up as the Lewis Carol version of herself. That said, there was nothing that said she had to look any less hot than she might have at a normal party, and Halloween gave her an excuse to get even more dolled up....and just a little sexier than she might normally be. So this year, she was sexy Alice on her way to the party--her own personal Wonderland.

The natural blonde had curled her hair and put a blue bow in it, happy to see it complete the look. Her blue eyes had just a touch of smokey eye make-up, her gloss was pink and shiny, but the rest of her make-up was light and natural. She wore fake pearl earrings, too, just for an extra touch of fun. The costume itself was short, frilly, and sweet--traditional blue, too.

She was normally a college student, but tonight, she was a famous character who'd followed a white Rabbit into a crazy world of imagination. When she was satisfied that she looked as good as she was going to look for the evening, she smiled and got ready to go. She put on her high heels and grabbed a little purse with her ID, some money, and a few other odds and ends she thought she might need, and headed out the door toward the party. She could hear the music pounding as she came closer.

She waved at other party goers she passed on their way in and blew kisses to a few of her friends who had whistled at her. This was going to be a good night and a great party.
"Looking good Alice!" one of the boys from Alice's class commented, shouting from his position near the entrance. His costume was a bit less class than hers, dressed as a large banana with two grapes at either leg. Perhaps a bit more sexual than hers, but definitely nowhere near the quality. He was immediately distracted, however, by another group of friends who picked him up, bringing him over towards a keg for some purpose. Quite the phallic imagery, but one that was overshadowed by most of the party.

Before Alice quite reached it, however, a man was leaving the party. He was wearing a white suit, fine clothing, and had two large rabbit ears coming from his head. The costume stood out in the darkness, its pristine coloring seeming to contrast sharply. "I stayed too late, this is terrible..." he lamented, seeming rather distraught about his situation. "What am I to do, what am I to do? I'll never... Alice?" he began, pausing briefly as he spotted Alice. His eyes flashed, almost with a form of recognition. It immediately passed however, as he walked down the sidewalk. Once he got close, he started moving faster, darting past Alice with intent, seeming focused on something behind her then. The rest of the party seemed to not even notice the man, rather focused on the various tasks they were doing.

"No, no, no more time for thinking, no more time for drinking, one drink to much left me out of time!" The man continued down the sidewalk at a fast rate, though not quite running. He turned, and moved past a push, still seeming rather rushed. The only thing that could be seen from the bush was two large ears, and soon, even those simply descended into the bush.
Alice laughed and waved at her friend in the banana suit. He could be fun to hang out with once he was finished dealing with the keg. She chuckled on her way toward the house in question when the man in white came hurrying out. She was admiring his costume as he came toward her and was about to give him a compliment when he said her name. She wasn't sure if he was talking about her character or her, but it seemed like he recognized her from somewhere. She tilted her head, about to say hello when he practically ran past her.

Alice turned to watch the strange fellow rushed into a hedge, his ears the only things visible from the bush. And then they were gone, as though he fell. "Oh!" Worried that he might have fallen and hurt himself, Alice headed toward the hedge in question. "Are you okay?!" she called out as she hurried into the green and then missed her footing.

The next thing she knew she was falling and screaming, and then the world went dark.
The fall was expansive. Unusually so, seeming to continue on for a minute, the darkness lasting. Alice had no footing, no sense of ground below, and no sense of light above. The time finally passed, and her descent slowed for some reason, a gust of wind going upwards flipping up her skirt as it also slowed her descent. She floated downward into a well lit room, containing a table with a cupcake on it, a bottle next to that, and a very tiny door on the far side of the room.

Upon the cupcake was written the words, "EAT ME, BIG". While not the most trusting of words to ever be written on edible material, it didn't seem there were many other items in the room, the bottle simply marked with the words, "DRINK ME, SMALL". There were two chairs on either side of the table, empty and seeming rather worn. The room was covered in shades of blue swirled with white, creating a rather sky-like appearance in a calming manner. Regardless, the room held a sense of unfamiliarity, the upward escape seeming impossibly missing.
Alice screamed as she fell, passing out just as her fall slowed her to a stop, her skirt blowing up to reveal the lacy panties beneath. She floated down and was gently set on the floor of the strange room. She wasn't out for very long, but she was disoriented at best when she woke up. The last thing she remembered was falling, but she couldn't remember why. She looked down at her clothes and saw that she was dressed up like Alice...but sexier. Thoughts of a party breezed through her head, but dissipated as she looked around her and saw the table set with the two familiar objects.

The pretty blonde stood up and smoothed out her dress, walking drowsily toward the table. She looked at the cake, knowing that she should take a piece of it, but not remembering why. She knew, however, that she needed to drink the bottle. Why did she need to be small? Well, there didn't appear to be a way out of the room in her current state. So she took a piece of the cupcake and put it in her apron pocket. Then she picked up the bottle and drank the whole thing.

As she drank, she could feel that something was happening to her. It was like she was falling all over again, but not quite the same. when she took the bottle from her lips, everything around her was so much bigger! The chair looked like a sky scraper! What was happening to her? She gasped and dropped the bottle, looking around her. Where was she supposed to go? She still had the cake in her pocket, but she wasn't sure if this was just part of a dream or not...

She hurried toward the wall, looking for something different along the baseboard...and then she found it. A large door.
As the room grew, the trek of only a few steps became a jog, and the chair seemed too big at this point to get to the table once more. Once Alice arrived at the door, it casually opened, though behind it was... another door. In front of that one, in the small antechamber of a room within, there was a man who was leaning back against it, slightly snoring. Though, at the automatic opening of the door, he blinked slowly awake. It wasn't until his eyes set on Alice that he truly snapped to attention, however. "A..Alice? You came back?" he stated, seeming truly confused. He rose to a full stand, about a head taller than Alice as he approached. His dress was rather gaudy, brown shirt and courdoroy pants outfitting him, along with leather shoes. He stopped in the doorway, however, seeming to refrain from approaching further. "You look... different. More, mature?"

His words were still rather sleepy, though he seemed at attention now, a hand on either side of the doorframe. "Look at you, filling out that outfit nicely, it seems..." His words held a hint of something more than admiration, however. His brown hair was cut short, and he had a rather gaunt face, but the thing that stood out most was his nose. Rather forward and round, it was the only feature of the man that wasn't quite stiff and rigid. Even his stance held the notion of an impassable object, allowing no easy motion around him without confrontation. "What are you doing back here? Good to see you're the right size again, however." Behind him, the room had a checkerboard floor, but was apparently devoid of any other furnishings, simply another door to access further.
She gasped as the door opened...and then another. The curvy blonde stepped forward toward the antechamber, confused by what she saw. There was a man sleeping against another door. He seemed stiff from his nap, definitely drowsy. She tilted her head as he came closer, some golden curls falling over her shoulders. He was taller, and even a little handsome. He was on the skinny side, but that wasn't what seemed off.

He seemed to know her--recognize her, and that reminded her of a man with bunny ears and white suit, but she couldn't quite make the connection. He knew her name, and he seemed very pleased to see her again, if not surprised.

"I look different?" she repeated, confused. Where did she know him from? When had they ever met? She blushed a little as he leaned on the door frame and she backed up just a little so that she had some room. She could feel his eyes roaming over her as he told her he liked the way she looked in her outfit. "What do you mean? Was I the wrong size before?" And of course, there was the question of when she'd been here before, but her thoughts were still very scrambled.

The room was bare, but the floor was almost hypnotic with its pattern. It was very disorienting. "Do I know you?" God, she was so confused!
The man very nearly frowned when she asked the question, but reverted to his previous expression almost immediately after. "You've... Well, someone like you has been here before. Is your name not Alice?" he asked, his round nose twitching slightly with the question. He backed a bit into the antechamber, glancing behind himself. "You needed to get through this door last time... It'll be the same if you need to this time, but that's up to you," he stated, gesturing to the portal behind himself.

"You simply require to 'turn the knob', if you understand. I must come in before you go out," he added, with a gesture to his waistline. It was quite evident what he intended as a requirement, though his recognition still left something to be questioned. "Alice was the wrong size, and switched between the wrong size a few times," he continued, seeming rather befuddled by the line of questioning. "It doesn't seem like something one could forget. Perhaps you're not Alice, and are simply Alice. If you are Alice that is." The words had no difference in their pronunciation, but the man seemed settled on whatever conclusion he had formed. He leaned back against the door, glancing outwards towards Alice. "Well, if you're not Alice and haven't come through this door before, you may choose to stay in that room forever, if you like," he continued, seeming to give another yawn.
"No, my name is Alice," she said, more confused. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you. I think I need to get through the door, though. I'm not really sure where I am, but this seems kind of familiar. "I'm not sure I understand what I need to do, but I'll do it if you'll help me. Would you, please?"

She tilted her head and came closer to the man now, seeming to understand that she needed to do something for him in order to move on. And she knew that she needed to move on through the door. Maybe if someone like her had done it before, she needed to do it again. That seemed reasonable to her somehow. Yes, she was Alice. Clearly, she just needed to do whatever she'd done as Alice in the past. Right?

She was off to a good start if she was the right size, now. Last time, she hadn't been. So that was nice. And he seemed to like that she filled her outfit out so well. Maybe that had something to do with being the right size. Dream logic was helping her here. yes, she just needed to go through the door.
The doorman got a broad grin on his face as he nodded, gesturing her ever closer as he nodded. "Oh, I can help alright. In, in you come," he began, moving to shut the door behind Alice. When he did, the room's checkerboard floor switched colors, the whites becoming black and vice versa. The subtle shift didn't seem to mean much, but it was a noticeable shift nonetheless. "The first step is done, and now drop to your knees," he began, a hand moving to ease Alice down while his own went to his pants. He undid the button, revealing a stiffened phallus of above average size.

"Hands, mouth, whatever you choose, once I get off you'll get out," he stipulated, a hand remaining on the girl's shoulder as he looked down upon her. "The faster you work, the faster you can move on, and the Alice I knew was all about progress," he continued, his other hand moving to the woman's chin for a brief moment, his hazel eyes gazing down at her until he removed once more. "And I can hardly keep a door shut forever, after all. What good is a doorman that doesn't open a door? That's simply a man."
Alice moved closer to him as he closed the door behind her, surprised at the shift in colors on the floor. His grin was also a little bit of a surprise, but she soon understood pretty well what he wanted as soon as he told her to get on her knees. Oh! So that was it. Well he really should have just said so. In her disoriented state, it all felt like a dream, so she agreed immediately.

The blonde got down on her knees as he pushed on her shoulder and looked up at him as he undid his pants. Her blue eyes locked onto his stiff member, and then slid up to his face as his hand held her chin. His hazel eyes were entrancing and she smiled at his quip about being a good door man. It was very true.

She returned her attention to his above average erection. Her soft lips pressed against his tip and her tongue soon joined it, swirling around the sensitive thing. The young woman wrapped her hands around the base of his shaft and she began to lick up and down his length kissing and nuzzling here and there. She closed her eyes and took his tip into her mouth, gently stroking his shaft. After a long moment, she took more of him into her mouth and began bobbing up and down his length, slowly taking more and more in as she went. Her soft hands continued to please whatever part of him that wasn't in her mouth while she did her best to please him.

Her big blue eyes looked up at his face as she sucked his impressive cock. If she wanted to get through the door, this was what she had to do, and so far, it seemed to be going pretty well. Alice could only hope that the doorman thought so, too.
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"Ooohhh...." moaned the doorman, as his gaze slowly went to the ceiling in the pleasure of the moment. His hand found its way to the back of Alice's head, resting with only a hint of pressure to coax the girl's continuation of bobbing. "You really know what you're doing," he groaned out through the pleasure, his hips moving ever so slightly to push his thick member just a little bit further into Alice's mouth with each bob. He widened his stance slightly, clearly taken aback by the prowess of the girl. "You'll get that door open in no time," he continued, eyes now downcast to meet Alice's own.

It wasn't long before the first taste of precum hit Alice's tongue. The man was receiving a great amount of pleasure, but it seemed like it would take a bit more before he finished, and that was the only thing holding the girl back from continuing on. The feeling didn't seem to go unnoticed by the doorman either, however, as he began to move his hips more. "Your mouth is wonderful, so perfect, oh I hope you need to use these doors again," he moaned out, voice resonating throughout the room. The acoustics almost echoed, causing a resounding feeling as though the room were a cavern, despite its relatively small size.
The resonating sounds of his voice only served to make the scenario that much more dream like. The doorman's pleasure in light of her skilled performance made her happy. That meant she could move on soon--and that she was pretty good at doing this. Well, anything worth doing is worth doing right, right?

Her eyes widened a bit as he moved his hips a little more than she had been ready for, and her free hand came to rest on his hips to give her just a little more control. She was all for giving him what he wanted, but she wanted to make sure she didn't choke, first. She groaned softly, taking in more and more of him until she couldn't really fit any more.

Her soft lips wrapped around his cock as she slid up and down the length of him, sucking and licking each time as though this was the most important thing she would ever do. Her blue eyes stayed locked on his face as she gave him what he so clearly wanted. That he wanted her to come through again made her blush a little, but she couldn't really say that she disliked it. It was nice to know your efforts were appreciated, after all.

She picked up the pace a bit, moving faster with both her hand and mouth, trying her damnedest to get him to come for her.
It wasn't long before Alice's efforts were rewarded, the man tensing up and his hips seeming to almost lock as he finished, depositing the first few shots of his load within Alice's mouth before pulling out, one final burst falling just short and landing on the hem of the woman's blouse. "I appear to have pulled out just a tad too soon," he lamented, though the look on his face appeared rather pleased with the scenario. As his member became limp from releasing, the door also seemed to relax, swinging open to reveal a pathway outwards. "It was a pleasure to meet you or see you again, whichever it was," the man stated as he moved against the opposite doorway, clearly worn out already from the duration. It was only a few moments before the subtle sound of snoring could be heard from the man, his waking hours apparently only meant for that event.

Through the door, there was a stone path lined by lush grass, leading outward in a zigzagging pattern. The trees were slightly off-colored, as though oversaturated with shades of their various makeup. The leaves were vibrant and deep, the bark almost exuded its almond shade, and that flora surrounding the pathway created a swirl of colors anywhere that the girl looked. It was only a short walk towards a sign, labeled with two different directions. "This way" pointing left, and "That way" pointing right in the forking road.
Alice swallowed the shots he gave her before he pulled out of her mouth and narrowly missed hitting her with the last. She watched his face--surprised, but very satisfied. That gave her a little kick of pride as she stood up and fixed her stockings. As he relaxed, the door swung open and he bid her adieu.

"I...yes, it was nice to meet you...or see you again." She was still just a little dazed as she waved goodbye. Before long, she was outside the little room with the doorman and apparently a different world.

She brushed some of her blonde curls behind her ear, surprised at the breeze. She frowned at the sign, wondering where she was supposed to go now. This all seemed very familiar, but completely strange at the same time. Her eyes followed the path in either direction, and she wasn't sure what to do. Maybe this way was the right one. She could start there and maybe wander back that way if she didn't come across anyone.

"I hope this is the right way....but then...where am I going?" She frowned and stopped walking for a moment and got a little distracted by the pretty flowers on either side of her.
"Why, you're going this way," a voice stated from seemingly nowhere. Above Alice, a gleaming smile appeared, giving an ominous appearance as a pair of eyes appeared spaced with the mouth as more words were spoken. The mouth was clearly the source as it commented, "Though this way or that, its not likely you'll get where you're going if you don't know where you're looking for." A pale blue shade appeared, the skin of the young man who owned the smile, evidently. His gleaming teeth were pointed in a slightly menacing manner as he revealed himself floating in the air above Alice.

He looked towards her, upside down. "Why are you wearing that?" he asked in an almost judging manner. He flipped, a pair of pointed cat ears adorning his head, perked to attention. His voice was calm and direct, though his words seemed to create labyrinths. "You're Alice, but not Alice. You should really try being who you are a bit better."
Startled by the voice, Alice gasped and looked all around her until her gaze settled on the slightly malicious grin floating above her. She took a step back, her hand over her heart. "Who are you?"

His strange manner of speaking and the way he as floating were both a bit unsettling. She tried to keep some space between them, not sure if she was really safe for the first time. Still, what he had said about her not knowing what to look for made a lot of sense. And then came the rather judgey questions from the man with the cat ears.

"I am who I am. My name is Alice. And I'm wearing this because it's a costume..." and the idea that it was Halloween popped into her head. "It's Halloween...I was on my way somewhere...What's it to you, anyway? And who are you?"

This was all still very dreamlike, so she wasn't having any trouble coping with what was around her. She was still playing by dream rules--a lot of things didn't have to make sense for her to accept them just yet, but she was becoming very suspicious of this character.
"You can call me Cheshire," the man said, flitting around the woman with his hands held behind his back. He seemed to be watching curiously, as though analyzing Alice's movements. "You think this isn't real. That's familiar, at least," he stated before floating slowly upward. His ears twitched lightly as he floated on his side, as though reclining. "Well, maybe were not. But if we're not real, neither are you," he continued nonchalantly.

He then came to a landing once more, disappearing from sigh briefly. A quick flip of Alice's skirt, and he reappeared right next to the woman. "I wonder just how lost you are?" He added on, his malicious grin returning once more. "How do you expect to get out, Alice?" The name was intent, seeming to pointedly refer to her, as though there were others to speak to.
The blonde frowned and tried to follow his motions, but he just kept constantly moving, floating as he taunted her. What made her the angriest and most frustrated was that everything he said made sense, but it did nothing to settle her nerves. "Does it matter if this is real?" she heard herself saying. It really didn't seem to at the moment.

She was very lost because she didn't even know where she was going, but since she didn't have a destination, she couldn't be lost. Why was she thinking about all this?! And then he was gone. She spun around, looking for him, not sure if his disappearance was good or bad.

And then he flipped up her skirt and grinned that creepy grin of his again. How did she expect to get out? She blushed and frowned at the same time, not really sure what to do or say or how to answer him.

"I don't know. I'll just keep going until I figure it out," she said, not really sure if that was a wise plan or not. But if none of it was real, what did it matter? "What are you going to do, Cheshire?"
The question caused a twitch of Cheshire's ears. "Me? I'm simply going to be -around-," he said, almost a purr as he eyed over Alice. "You seem interesting to watch at the very least. Here for such a short time, and already so defensive...." The lulled purr remained for a few seconds of silence before he continued. "The information I know could get you home, back, and home again twice. But, its simply too good to not... Observe," his ominous tone stated.

He approached Alice with a confident step, and a small blue tail emerged from behind him, circling around Alice in almost a confining manner. "I'll have fun with you, Alice. When it's time. But, you have so much ahead of you... And some head given behind you," he added, a knowing smile crossing his lips. "If reality doesnt matter, it interests me to see how far you fall. The rabbit hole continues, Alice."
Alice was intensely uncomfortable as he circled her, and she shouldn't have been so upset. Something about his attitude--it was snarky. He was flaunting knowledge and holding back because...he was bored? It was like he thought he knew her better than she did. And the floating and the fact that he was blue and had cat ears and a tail did little to settle her.

The blonde stiffened as he came toward her and wrapped his tail around her. She leaned back a little not really sure what to think about him. His smirk made her even more nervous. He knew how she'd gotten through the door, but it never occurred to her why he knew that or how. "Why are you so interested in me, Cheshire? Why are you watching me?"
He leaned closer, seeming to enjoy the tense moments as Alice retreated back from him. Whether just amused or actually being forward, Cheshire gave a small patronizing smile to Alice. "You remind me of someone. Someone important around here. I figure you'll be drawing far more than just my attention." His teeth were shown once more in a grin.

"And you just happen to be my type," he continued, a bit warningly. "But, I'm in no hurry. I prefer to wait until you have to seek me out," he comments, voice back to a regular purr. From this distance, his green eyes had evident slits as pupils, focusing intently on Alice's face. With that, he stepped back. Giving space once more.
Alice watched him as he taunted her, patronizing her. She was still very upset about this entire situation. He looked like he was far too much in control of the situation for her liking. Just what was his deal anyway? That he was so confident that she would have to seek him out at some point was troubling to her. And that she was his type was downright unsettling. It wasn't that he was unattractive...he was just being really creepy and overly familiar.

She was very much relieved when he stepped back, but he was still watching her in a very focused manner. "This important person was also Alice?" she questioned, fairly sure that she knew the answer to that. "Well, I guess we'll have to see what happens, won't we? You like watching, don't you? That should be good for you. But instead of watching, why don't you do something? Are you afraid?"

She suspected no one had ever asked him anything nearly as stupid as what had come out of her mouth, but she felt as though she had to ask. She was already way off her game, lost, and in some kind of dreamland. Since she'd fallen down the hole she was disoriented and confused, and parts of her memory didn't add up so her brain was trying to make sense of it all, but dismissed it as a dream since she couldn't.

Her only hope was to go with the flow at this point, and the idea that Cheshire knew everything she needed to know, but didn't want to help her was too frustrating. She would much rather none of this be real...but now the seeds of doubt had been planted and she was started to get suspicious about this entire world.
"Afraid, my dear Alice..." Cheshire's grin finally sparked into a laugh. "Of course I'm afraid! Do you not understand the world you've fallen into? The cards will hunt you, the hatter -will- make you drink, and the bandersnatch will break you... The world is a -mess-! But, it's our mess." The last words held a sense of a comforting tone, as though possessive over the thought that the faults of the world would be carried. He held out his arms, spinning in a circle and flying upwards until he was leaning back to look at Alice upside down once more. "You have a long road ahead of you, Alice. Debts will be accrued. Blood will be shed. The world as you know it, is gone! Whether or not you can get it back... Well, as you said, we'll have to see what happens." At the word 'see', the body of Cheshire faded away, leaving only the two glowing eyes and the wretched smile once more.

"This way isn't bad, mind you... But should you seek advice from one such as myself, I might suggest that way is even better. Though, do you trust my words?" The humor held in his voice held a darker undertone for every moment he seemed to refuse to laugh. "What sport, what a show! Alice, where will you go?" The eyes faded, leaving only the mouth then. "If you need me, simply call. At a price." The mouth faded. What the man could possibly offer wasn't established, but a method of contact seemed formed regardless.

An ethereal wind flowed over the flowers, causing a faint whistling noise to pass. There was little to no sound of wildlife, as though the entire area had been vacated during the confrontation from Cheshire. Alice remained on the path of this way at the moment, and ahead the path disappeared around a copse of trees. Where it continued could only be determined by following.
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