A Familiar Place ((Malfrost & The Deviant))

May 10, 2015
Hermione stared out the window of the Hogwarts Express, breathing a happy sigh as she watched the rolling emerald hills pass. Finally, she was returning home. After the events of the year before, there was nothing she felt she needed more than to return to the familiar routine of her studies. She took her book out of her bag and opened it to her bookmarked page, letting herself get lost in the fictional world.

Yes, this year would certainly be a wonderful distraction. Not long after the war, she and Ron had ended their relationship, realizing it had been more of a heat-of-the-moment passionate decision than real attraction. Her parents had decided to remain in Australia and study the wildlife, so she'd been staying at the Burrow with Harry and the Weasleys, which had been a bit awkward at first after the breakup. But now she could finally get back to her studies, and she was so excited she could hardly bring herself to berate her boys for not joining her to finish their educations as well.

As chocolate brown eyes scanned the pages of her book, Hermione heard footsteps approaching her compartment. She perked up, hoping to be greeted by Luna or Neville, who she knew were also returning this year, but she instead met the grey eyes of a Mister Draco Malfoy.

Not wishing to provoke him, she looked back to her book quickly. She knew his situation, had heard of his parents' imprisonment, but she also remembered his merciless bullying. However, they were adults now and perhaps he could be cordial. She made a silent promise to herself - if Malfoy spoke to her and was civil, she would be too.
Draco had changed since the end of the war last year, but no one seemed to believe him or seemed to care. His parents had burned many bridges by working with the Death Eaters and they burned what little bridges they had left when his mother betrayed them and allowed Harry to live, all because Harry had saved him earlier. He had grown to accept muggle and half-bloods as important people too and he had been trying to showing everyone the respect they deserved. However, because people still only knew the old Draco Malfoy, no one had wanted to talk with him. He and Harry had made amends with each other after the war and could be called friends now at the least. Still, he looked at Hermione and a pang of guilt washed over him.

"Ummmmm, excuse me, Miss Granger? Might I join you in this compartment....all the others appear to be full." The blonde let out a small and nervous chuckle as he gave her a small smile. His claim was a complete lie, but everyone else had slammed their doors in his face when he tried to join them. At least Hermione hadn't done that.
His politeness almost made her jump with surprise, and she looked up at him, wide-eyed and speechless. "Er... Certainly," she replied, gesturing to the seat across from her. Hermione was already in her school skirt and stockings with a white tank top, not wanting to put her full uniform on until they reached the school. She returned his small smile and went back to her book, crossing her legs.

Well, this year was off to a wonderful start. Confusing, but wonderful.
Draco seemed to let out a relaxed sigh as he entered the carriage and sat across from her. He looked her over as she read her book and he blushed slightly. He had never really noticed it before, but Hermione was quite the beautiful young lady. He was always too focused on her parentage to notice her as an actual person, and he felt bad once again.

"Excuse me, Miss Granger..." Draco tried to catch her attention with a meek expression. He had lost everything that had made him who he was, and no, he was nothing but a scared and alone boy, surrounded by people who hated him. He hoped Hermione could find it in her heart to forgive him. "I just want to apologize for all the atrocities I committed against you and your friends at our time at Hogwarts. I was arrogant and stupid...and afraid. Afraid that if I didn't play my part as the rich, stuck up boy for a rich family, that the friends who I had, who only liked me for my last name would leave me. I can only ask for your forgiveness and pray you will forgive me, even though I don't deserve it." Draco poured his heart out to the girl across from him, hoping, praying, to be forgiven so he might at least have one person at school who didn't hate him before they got there.
Hermione felt her heart ache for the boy across from her. She stood and moved to sit next to him, closing her book and setting it aside as she grasped his hand. "Malfoy... Draco, I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you and your family. If anything, Harry, Ron, and I owe you our lives for not revealing Harry's identity when we were brought to the Manor. We know you knew who we were." She sighed softly, looking down at the scars on her arm that still spelled out 'mudblood'. "We can't blame you for what they made you do. We were all just children, being used as pawns on each side of the war. But it's all over now."

The compartment door slid open again, and a familiar blonde stepped inside, beaming at the two of them. "Hello Hermione! Hi Draco!" Luna said cheerily as she sat across from them. Sometimes Hermione wondered if emotions like anger, hatred, and resentment were even capable for the younger girl. "I almost didn't get to come this year, Dad's still a bit worried after what happened, but with the war being over I was able to convince him to let me finish school. Isn't that wonderful?" Luna explained, playing with her hair as she eyed the two of them with her wide, dreamy eyes. "I think we're going to have a lovely year together."
As Hermione tried to console him, Draco could feel the burning of tears in his eyes. He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you...thank you for forgiving me. I know I don't deserve, but it means so much coming from you." Draco managed to get out, biting back the tears that threatened to fall. "It is all over...and I was hoping...we could be friends..." Draco managed to ask before Luna slid open the door.

He quickly pulled away from Hermione with a large blush on his face as he wiped his eyes quickly to get the tears to go away. "Ah, hello, Luna." Draco managed to get out with a smile. She always confused him, but she was fascinating at the same time. "I'm happy to hear you could make it this year, Luna." He smiled a bit more as he reached over and patted her on the head. There was just something about her that made him want to do that. "We are friends...right, Luna?" Draco questioned, his smile vanishing as he pulled his hand away, unsure if Luna considered him a friend.
Luna beamed at him, letting out a girlish giggle when he patted her head. "Of course we're friends Draco! I'm sure I wouldn't have been trapped in your home if it weren't for your parents and their friends!" she confirmed with a bright, genuine smile. She had on a plain light blue sundress with black tights and a pair of high tops, her long blonde locks tied up in a fluffy messy bun. "I'm sure everything will be much better this year!"

Hermione had to stifle a giggle at how comically positive Luna always was.
Draco blushed and rubbed the back of his head meekly. He had to say, Luna was extremely cute. Hermione was beautiful in a mature way, but Luna was beautiful in a cute way. They went together quite well. "I think you are right....things will be much better this year!" Draco said with a grin and he sounded happy for the first time in a long time. He looked at Luna and gave her a smile. "You look lonely over there, Luna...why don't you come sit on my lap so you can be with Hermione and I?" Draco asked. He didn't want her to be lonely, and he wasn't going to lie, he wanted to try and get closer with the blonde, so what was the harm in asking.
Hermione seemed a bit taken aback by Draco's request, and even a little jealous as Luna stood and plopped down in his lap without hesitation. She clearly didn't think anything of it; Draco was just being nice, no ulterior motive. Hermione supposed that that was probably all it was, and she was just overthinking, but she still felt a bit left out now.

"This is nice," Luna said with a bright smile, leaning against Draco and fiddling with his hair as if it was the most fascinating thing she'd ever seen. Hermione giggled at the sight, Luna had always disregarded everyone's personal space and she was just so damned charming that no one seemed to mind.
Draco noticed that Hermoine seemed to be jealous and he gave her a small smile. He wrapped one of his arms around Luna's waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "I agree...this very nice. You are quite comfy, Luna..." Draco chuckled and whispered into her ear. He looked at Hermione and gave her a chuckle and a smile.

"I'm sorry, Hermione...now you look left out." Draco reached over and grasped her hand with his own and gave it a small squeeze. "Is this better...its not my lap, but..." Draco had a large blush on his face but gave her a smile. He wanted to kiss her on the forehead or cheek, but he wondered if that would be acceptable or not.
Hermione blushed when he took her hand, squeezing it in return. Luna giggled and put her legs up on Hermione's lap. "I heard you two and the other eighth years get your own common room, and you each get your own bedrooms. That sounds like it'll be exciting!"
"Yeah, I think it will be really fun." Draco chuckled as he looked at Hermione. "After all...our own rooms means we get a lot of privacy." He gave the girl a playful wink. He saw her blush and figured why not...he leaned in and kissed Hermione on the forehead, just to see how she would react. "Oh...sorry, Luna. I don't want to leave you out." He chuckled and gave Luna a kiss on the forehead as well, waiting to see how differently the two girls would react.
The brunette's face went red as Luna just giggled, wiggling happily in his lap. "We're going to have so much fun this year! Do you think we'll get another ball?" she asked, still oblivious to Malfoy's charms, unlike Hermione. She gave Draco a shy smile and moved a bit closer to him, finding she quite liked being the object of his positive attention.
Draco noticed Hermione's blush and grinned. It was clear the girl enjoyed the attention. He was surprised with Luna's reaction though. He had to bite back a moan as Luna wiggled in his lap. He could feel his cock hardening in his pants and rubbing up against her crotch. Still, he wanted to give Luna some more attention, so he started to plant kisses up and down her neck, his tongue like a brush on canvas on her neck. "Maybe we will...would either of you girls like to be my date if there was one?" He asked with a chuckle as he nibbled and sucked on Luna's earlobe.
"Ooh, let's all go together! As a group!" Luna suggested excitedly, giggling at the attention to her neck and ear. "Draco, that tickles!" Hermione watched in astonishment, wondering how in the hell Luna could possibly not realize what was going on. She shook the thoughts from her mind and smiled. "That does sound fun," she admitted, watching the two and blushing brightly.
"A group.....yes, that sounds like a lot of fun." Draco commented while he looked at both Luna and Hermione. Each of them were reacting quite different to his advances, and he enjoyed how they reach responded. He figured to push the limit just a bit more to see how each girl would react again. "Well then...lets seal our group date with a kiss then." He chuckled as he leaned forward and planted his lips on Luna's. He kissed her passionately for just a moment, his tongue lashing up at her lips. All the while, he was looking to the side to see hoe Hermione would react. If she seemed jealous or like she wanted it too...well, he would be happy to oblige.
Luna kissed him back with surprising fervor, grinning at him and Hermione as she pulled away. "Your turn 'Mione!" she urged in her singsongy voice. The brunette witch snapped out of her somewhat jealous reverie and timidly moved closer to Draco, kissing him softly. Luna beamed and scooted off of Malfoy's lap and onto Hermione's, earning a startled yelp and a sharp but harmless nip to Draco's bottom lip.
Draco was quite surprised by how well Luna kissed him back, but his tongue battled with Luna's for a few moments before she pulled away. Sure enough, Hermione seemed jealous and Draco was about to suggest they kiss when Luna beat him to it. The two blondes seemed to be on a rather similar wavelength at the moment.

Draco eagerly kissed Hermione,his tongue darting into her mouth to play with her own at the small yelp from Luna shifting onto Hermione's lap. His tongue danced around her own for a few moments before pulling back. He started planting kisses up and down the brunette's neck as he gave Luna's ass a nice spank as her groped her rear. "You know...we have quite some time before we reach Hogwarts...why don't the three of us have some fun?" Draco suggested in a gruff tone, full of lust.
Both of the girls let out little moans and Luna grinned at the suggestion, tugging at Hermione's tank top. "I think a bit of fun is definitely in order!" the blonde announced to a blushing Hermione, who finally allowed the younger witch to remove her top. Hermione had never been particularly busty, but her breasts were perky and just big enough to jiggle slightly with the removal of her shirt. She blushed brightly at her lack of undergarments and was considering covering herself when Luna removed her shirt as well and then reached for Malfoy's. Luna's breasts were a bit larger than Hermione's, though not by much, she noticed. She too had gone without a bra, but seemed not to care in the slightest.

"Alright Draco, your turn!" Luna said with a broad grin, sliding her hands under his shirt.
As the two girls took their tops off, Draco's arousal went through the roof. His cock was now completely hard and erect in his trousers and could easily be seen by both girls now if that just looked towards his crotch. Their breasts were perfect in his eyes, each pair shaped perfectly for the individual girl. He was eager to get his own shirt off and quickly threw it to the side to reveal his well toned chest and abs to the girls.

"You both have beautiful breasts." Draco paid compliment as he reached out with both of his hands and groped one of Luna's breasts and one of Hermione's. Their flesh molded against his digits perfectly as he rubbed and tugged on their nipples for a few moments. "Why don't you two help each other out of the rest of your clothes and then help me...by pulling my cock out." He gave the two girls a playful wink, eager to watch them strip each other the rest of the way and maybe even kiss while they were doing it and then strip him.
The girls stood and Luna pulled Hermione in close, kissing her deeply as she reached around to unzip the brunette's skirt and let it fall. The older witch blushed profusely but returned the kiss with a passion, reaching down to unfasten Luna's denim shorts. They remained like that for a bit, just fondling each other in nothing but their panties before breaking the kiss to finish stripping each other down.

Once both girls were naked, they turned to Malfoy and Hermione shyly gestured for him to join them, both their eyes on his bulge.
Draco watched, entranced as the two made out and fondled each other in their panties. He started rubbing his cock through his pants, his lust and desire now starting to get the better of him. Once they were totally naked, Draco stepped forward following Hermione's beckoning.

He stood next to the two girls and leaned in to kiss each of them passionately for a few moments, his tongue wrestling with both of their tongues as he took turns kissing them, Luna then Hermione. As he kissed them, he groped their breasts, twisting their nipples between his fingers before pulling away with a grin. "Now then....how about you two take my pants off and start tending to my cock." Draco commanded them with a chuckle.
They both giggled and Luna knelt down, pulled Hermione with her as she made quick work of undoing Draco's pants and removing them. Hermione blushed brightly as his erection was freed, but Luna was on it without hesitation, licking and sucking all over his length. Hermione ducked her head down to take his balls in her mouth, sucking softly as she moved her tongue around them and Luna started to deepthroat him.
Draco moaned as the two girls quickly got to work on his dick and balls. Luna was sucking him off like a pro, deepthroating him with ease. Hermione's tongue and mouth on his balls also felt heavenly. "Ahhh...girls...it's amazing..." He managed to moan out breathlessly as he gripped Luna's hair and tugged roughly on it, forcing her to take him all the way down to his base.

After deepthroating him for a few moment, Draco removed his cock from her mouth, slapping it against Luna's cheek before also slapping Hermione's cheek with his twitching, meaty rod too. "Tit-fuck me now, girls..."He commanded them both gruffly, wanting to experience the pleasure of a double tit-fuck.
They turned to face each other and pressed their tits together before sliding his cock inbetween, moving their breasts up and down his length. Hermione reached under them to fondle his balls some more and Luna reached around to pinch his backside with a cheeky grin, earning a giggle from Hermione.
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