1. fuck I wanna do an RP with little races getting fucked (yordles, halflings, etc)
2. I finally made a Hearthstone deck that doesn't suck total ass *victory horn toots*
*at a comic store and overhearing a conversation about anime*
"So i tried to watch this JoJo show. I dont get it... eveerything great about anime is gone. No fanservice, only really gay dudes."
Thinking: eh don't judge him. Everyone has their own tastes.
"Why cant everything be like Sword Art? Thats a masterpiece."
*imagining me punching the shit out of this guy with Sono Chino Sadame blasting in the background*
I do fantasy stuff as well. This thread is kinda old and i need to update it. This thread was mostly meant for smut stuff but i plan on adding more story based stuff later. Send me a PM and we can discuss some stuff if ya want.