Werewolves and Vampires 《《 Searching for M×F OR M×F×M》》

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May 27, 2015
Now days I am having a lot of urges to have roleplays with Werewolf and Vampires so I decided to dedicate a thread to it

But before reading further, please know I am looking for
-A very long term roleplay and the possibility of even being friends
-detailed and heavy plot
-nice twists and turns
-Partners who are able to post atleast once in a day
-A solid plot
-I despise Males who concentrate only on putting their dicks under the sack but I also don't like men who wouldn't react when they actually do see the female naked.I'm not a male but seriously it there has to be some sort of reaction!Examples-"He looked at her remove her bra and smirked pushing her down and entering her."Absolutely no.Where is the reaction to seeing her without her bra? The lust? The passion? Or atleast some emotion."He looked at her remove her bra revealing her milky breast.They were of the perfect shape, the curve of them chiseled in albastar. Below these pillows ran a valley..blah blah"This is no too.I dont want an essay.A simple short description about how you felt Iis perfect and preferred.I am fairly literate, and I am unable to write long pages of reply.One or two big paragraph per reply and if it is entirely smut (which I believe is during sex) then I do one paragraph Also, I demand atleast one reply each day.More is aways a treat.I prefer to rp with males whose character is creative and does his best to keep the story doing, while I do the same.

Male features that turn me on -
-Tall husky men
-much muscular and taller to my character
-Over protectiveness
-Small sexy tattoos (not the kind with all over.Like a small dagger for the vampire hunter)

<<\\ MY MAIN THREAD >>\\

Vampire 1×1 pairing-
(YC Is bold)
Vampire × human
Vampire Slayer × Vampire

Werewolf 1×1pairing-
Werewolf Alpha × Human
Were wolf × vampire

Love Triangles { Really, Really love these }

Vampire × human × Werewolf
Vampire × human × vampire slayer
Alpha × Human × normal wolf
Vampire ×Vampire (MC) ×Werewolf
Vampire × Human ×Vampire
Vampire hunter× vampire ×vampire hunter
And any possible love triangle. .adore them all

In all of these above pairings, I would only do if you have any solid plot between them.
If the RP includes Vampire then-
The vampire should be effected by the smell of blood.
Rough Sex (to the point of her getting hurt)
Unconditional love
Over Protectiveness

If the RP contains Werewolf then-
The wolf will change into it's raw form when angered or pissed off
Rough sex (Using too much strength or passion-giving her bruises-Bites all over)
Anger Management issues
Pack Affairs
Imprinting /Mates
Unconditional love

And if we do a love triangle, all of the above.

But, remember I am lacking plot ideas right now but I know what I want
-Balls, Masquerades, Pack affairs and bonfires (Almost anything you can think of)
-A Good strong plot filled with drama, romance and bites!

---- Fandoms----

// Twilight Saga \\
If there is any rare role-player out there who would be willing to do A Twilight fandom with me with all the cheesy stuff, Hit PM Now!
*Need you to play Edward and Jacob.

I am willing to do:
Bella×Edward (Should include all the edwardy-blood stuff)
Bella×Jacob (should include his pack )
And if you want to go crazy , I could also do Jacob×Bella×Edward (a real threesome!! )

// The Vampire Diaries \\
Human Elena×Stefan
Caroline ×Klaus ×Tyler
Katherine ×Stefan×Damon
Human Elena×Damon

//Facts about me as a roleplayer-

I mirror you though I find it hard to do in smut
Plot to smut ratio -70:30
I dont mind most of the kinks

Rp only via PM[/b]

font=Impact] !¡ Plots !¡ [/font]

Deep in the woods-

nerdy girl is totally obsessed with a Twilight-esque book series dealing with an awkward pretty girl who falls in love with a werewolf. She doesn't have many friends to hang out with after school, and she has a bit of an imagination, and there isn't much to do in her small town, so she ends up spending a lot of time in the woods imagining meeting a werewolf and having a passionate romance with him like in her book. Deep in the back of her mind she knows that werewolves don't actually exist, but she still likes to imagine it happening.And then one day, she discovers that werewolves actually do exist, because she meets one. It goes without saying that she is incredibly excited to meet him, and before the poor guy knows what's happening she's talking about how they're going to have this amazing relationship and how incredible it's going to be. And while he isn't so sure about the idea of a one-true-love scenario, he looks at her and realizes that it couldbe a lot of fun to have her as his eager bitch...There are several ways this can branch off from here:1) He can share her with his pack as their communal mate, or he can keep her to himself. 2) The guy (and his pack, if we go that route) could be one of her highschool classmates. Perhaps he's/they're quite popular and sought-after, and it doesn't take long for other girls to notice that this weird unpopular girl is getting all of the attention from these hot guys. Possible girl-on-girl sexy bullying, go!3) We could make this shit into a hilarious parody 'love' triangle if some other guy who may-or-may-not be a magical creature has had an eye on her and decided to make a move as well, I don't know. 4) Alternatively, perhaps the werewolf and his bros are older and they sort of just live in the woods, so she starts spending more and more time there. This could eventually lead to a sort of situation where someone follows her and sees what she's doing and decides to blackmail her.5) Whatever else we can think of!Ultimately, of course she's going to end up knocked up by the werewolf or one of his packmates, and then she'll definitely be the talk of her school

I would like to merge scenario one and two
And ultimately, the wolf really does fall for her.

¡~ Something about her ~
Pairing -Vampire hunter× Vampire ×Vampir Hunter(Will not do it without the love triangle)

So the oldest vampire in history falls in love with a human. Without telling her he changes her into a vampire. (MC).She freaks out and runs away from him.It has been 20 years from running and now She stumbles into your character when she moves into a new town.This is where we start the plot.My character is still not perfect in blending in so your character easily spots her.But he can't help but keep her secret from his friend. This will start a love-hate thing between them.When finally one day his friends find out about her and capture her and YC can't do anything because my character broke the pomise she made to not kill somebody. But he doesn't know what really happened.The older vampire had found her and forced her to drink it when he found out about her new relationship.After being tortured by your men she is kidnapped from her cell by the vampire We can work the rest out So make it more intresting, we can make the older vampire villain (I will play him) and perhaps another hunter (aside from your character, perhaps your characters brother) falls in love with her too and both thr brothers strive to save her in the end.As you can see it will have a lot of drama

.-YC and his brother, both hunters falling for the same girl-much less a vampire-One powerful villain with twisted ways-the fact that yc can kill her anytime he wants and vice versa


~ The Wolf Who Saved Me

Pairing- Werewolf Alpha/Human-

It was never meant to go as far as it did but now he has imprinted on a Human woman. She can sense him and he her so when her Stalker ex attacks her he rushes to her protection and bring her to his pack to tend to her injuries. Now she has to decide to stay with the pack and join them or try to resume her normal life while the Alpha tries to court her in his human form after her Ex his Protective is a little unsettling.


~ A Tangled Web ~

Pairing-Vampire/Human/Vampire Hunter

For over ten years a Vampire has been hunted by a Human Vampire Hunter or Werewolf with a Vendetta against him. Coming to rest in a town the Vampire fall for the eldest daughter of the Local lord after she binds his wounds as he stays at her mansion as he claims to be a Merchant who survived a Bandit attack. The Hunter or Werewolf arrives claiming he's hunting a dangerous fugitive and when he tries to intimidate the woman she stands her ground which raises his interest in her.

This plot must be in medieval and not to mention, a love triangle.



Twisted In Love

Half way through the last year of highschool MY character transfers into the school and catches the werewolf's eye, the vampire wants to take the girl away from the wolf and break apart their budding romance (the human at this time of school isn't aware of the fact her lover is a wolf) so the vampire makes the human think the wolf is cheating on her, which isn't true. The human and wolf break up and the girl gets a job at the vampires company as his secretary right after school ends. The vampire makes her work late nights often. At night he takes advatage of her, secretly feeding off her blood, touching her body which he lusts for. The act is pleasurable for the human, a mix of pain and pleasure but leaves her weak, disorientated and with of fuzzy memory of the event so she can't remember a thing.We can start the rp after a feeding session at work. The human is stumbling around on her way home and gets into some kind of trouble. Where the wolf steps into save her. Thus re-entering the humans life after a few years of being apart

The human would thank the wolf for his help and they would catch up over some drinks. Where the wolf then tells her of what he's been up to and warns the human not to be alone with her boss anymore. This would serve as the point to where she starts to notice odd things about her boss and becomes aware just a little while after the events of that night he's not human.So she runs from her boss in fear and right into the arms of the wolf (who she still thinks is human) they fall in love all over again and the wolf confesses he's not human. The girl draws away from the wolf in shock and falls back into the arms of the vampire who confesses his love for her. Of course the vampires love is twisted and not as pure as the werewolf's love. So everything with the vampire comes with a price. The human girl is torn between her feelings for both men and what is mean to be their lover and In their world. Both men are trying to sway her feelings to hate the other.

I'm currently doing it with a fantastic Role player, who not only plays four men against my character but also knows how to keep up the drama and plot of it, intresting in every reply of hers.

~Blending in~

A vampire moves around collecting different women to join his harem.And in the process he kills their families.
So revolving around this idea, I was thinking perhaps MC is recently added to the harem.YC seems to have a special liking for her so he tries to make her do a lot of things.
It is a rough idea but I believe it can be drawn out perfectly in a heavy plot RP
It must have romance also I was thinking my character is also liked by YC's brother thus a love triangle.

I'm more than willing to try on new plots!!
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