Culture sensitivity (Sho Fancy_Brat)


Jul 1, 2010
Tommy smiled as he hurried down the hill before him, excited to see Absol again after not seeing her for 2 days. He had been busy with some errands that need to be tended to from the highest priority. Regardless, he rather spend more and more time with Absol, despite the fact that she was not one who was tamed to any human and wild. She was...interesting to say the least, as Tommy never met a Pokemon like her before. It was funny considering that he was supposedly the first human she ever met.

"God is it bright..." Tommy closed his eyes eyes slightly as he glanced up towards the sky before looking forward. His brown hair and blue eyes were bright as ever, as the suns rays were quite something today. He wore simple shortsteps and sneakers, with a travel vest over his shirt.

He smiled as he came to the clearing where Absol waited for him.
Despite humans and Pokemon living together, Absol would normally be away from them, only to show up in case they sensed a disaster of some kind. The same could be said for the one particular Absol he had met. She was fairly young, just old enough to be considered an adult though. She had not been all too knowledgeable about humans due to her kind's preference for isolation, her curiosity leading to her slipping out from time to time and eventually meeting Tommy. She had been curious about him, considering her people would say humans were rather devious and lustful, wanting nothing more than to have a Pokemon like her under them for them to command and use.

It was hard for her to imagine, especially after meeting Tommy. He didn't seem the kind to do something like that, though her mind would wander a lot as she thought about if he did do that. She squirmed just thinking about it as she waited for him, simple garbs on her body to cover up, but also provide plenty of movement. She had to be ready at any time to warn others after all. Hearing his footsteps, she poked out from her hiding spot in the bushes, relieved to see it was him. "So you came again."
Pleased to hear her voice, he turned and waved. "Absol!" He said cheerfully as he slowly made his way to her, keeping a familiar smile as he observed her overall appearance. As expected, she was flawless and beautiful, appealing to his eyes.

"It's great to see you again, how are you?" he asked, stopping in front of her. He looked around, after considering why she was hiding in the first place. "I am pretty sure it's just me and no one else," he remarked.
Absol grumbled softly at his comment, though he had more or less nailed it that she was cautious about others. He had been lucky to have her warm up to him, even more so with her being an Absol. Her kind was a rare sight indeed, never seen with a trainer.she did her best to keep a somewhat calm expression, but she was of course pleased to see him as well.

"I've been fine. No disasters to report. It's awfully stifling being cooped up in our village." She stepped out of the bushes, not really thinking much of her figure having some affect on him. Her attire was similar to a sports top and shorts, complimenting her fit figure. Her chest was a little big though in her top. "You seem to be in a good mood."
Tommy smirked as he heard her response. "Well I am happy to see you; it kinda sucked knowing that I had somethings to do for the last few days," he confessed. He then started to walk towards a certain direction, indicating that he wanted to walk with her. "Does it really become boring for you in your home? I do wonder what it's like in your village," he confessed. "...Did you ever tell anyone about me?" he asked curiously. He looked at her figure yet again, as he became increasingly restless with the admiration he had for her.
She had been a bit anxious at times when she wouldn't see him, but that did make the secret of meeting him easier to keep. She quickly joined him at his side, crossing her arms over her chest. "It is boring simply because of how everyone seeks to be away from others until we are needed. I would prefer to be out and about so we can be useful to more people." She sent a little glance his way. "I could not tell them. They don't even know about me sneaking out. If they knew I'd been meeting a human, they'd have me on watch at all times."
"Ah- So you would get in trouble if they knew? Shame..." He paused as he looked forward. " you have anything that you want to ask me?"

One thing that Tommy really liked about Absol was her outspoken nature; she never shyed away from asking particular questions about humans. Funny enough, even though he was never vague with his answers, they never seemed good enough; he learned that her kind always wanted more information as they stopped by a big tree to where he sat down under it. He sighed as the breeze was quite something.
"Our kind also do not want humans to come visit us either. In the event our home was found, they would plan on moving somewhere else. It's just an odd way of living. Even after our kinds began to coexist, they intend to keep to themselves."

At his question, she tilted her head a little, wondering if he knew she had something on her mind. Then again, she had always been curious about humans, so she was learning from him. "Well, as you know, our kind don't intend on forming bonds with a trainer. Most of the notable ones say humans are mainly motivated by their urges to form a partnership. Whenever I bring it up, they say humans just wish to lay with our kind. You have thought of being a trainer, yes? Is that what they must do?"
Tommy stopped smiling. "I am sorry? What do you mean by 'lay'?" Tommy asked. After considering what she had said, Tommy actually laughed. "And where did you hear that? You assume that humans only partner with Pokemon for lust?? I am surprised with how culture sensitive your village is..." This time, he crossed his legs and then asked, "What else do you hear about humans?" Honestly, this was too funny to him, although he looked at her figure again before adding, have you ever mated...?"
"It is as it sounds. They want us to keep to ourselves, so interaction with humans is risky. We are raised learning to simply live by our set roles. Going off together with a human certainly goes against that." She wasn't surprised he'd find it amusing. She had often thought it rather odd herself, which was why she had wandered out to observe them on her own. It really was only Tommy that she met with though. "They don't seem find of trainers, saying they'll only use us for fights and the likes. No sense of real partnership." She paused as he asked his question, though she didn't seem too fazed. "I have not. I'm sure the time will come that they'd want us to do so within our kind. Why do you ask?"
Tommy stood up chuckling slightly, as if he were embarrassed about it. "Well it kinda tells me just how you are by nature; your questions really surprise me and you being "innocent" really tips it all..." his chuckle soon vanished, as he then looked at her and slowly moved closer. "But I am really curious myself, if you would..." He stopped, as he did not want to offend her or lead their relationship towards a mistrust. "If you would want to..." He paused again, trying to pull out the word that was needed. However he decided to say it one more time. "If you would want to," This time, he whistled before finishing with, "with me perhaps?"
Absol tilted her head again, not sure how to handle how he was reacting. She had always felt it was little odd at times, but it was why she knew for as long as she could remember. She wasn't sure whether to go much further with this, but his sudden silence caught her attention. He was all laughs not too long ago. "If I would...?" Why did he end it there? What was he saying? Again he started before he cut off, only confusing her even more. And when he finally seemed to complete it, she still seemed a bit perplexed. "If I would whistle with you...? I'm not really any good at it." Even with the discussion they had, it seemed to fly over her head.
Realizing that she didn't understand what he meant, he decided to be straightforward. "Can I... hug you?" he asked, smiling just as he did before. Of course, he was planning to do something and naughty to her, but he didn't want to risk his relationship with her going down. Thus, a playful approach seemed like the best thing as he added, "I won't bite~"
Absol certainly wasn't one that would be able to read between the lines. A more straightforward approach was really the only way to get through to her. Hearing his request to hug her made her wonder why he had whistled earlier. "A hug?" She knew enough to know it was a common form of affection, but she wasn't sure why he wanted to do it. She hadn't really had anyone from her home, especially a male, hug her. "Erm...I suppose it would be okay if it's not too long..."
"Why aren't you shy?" Tommy commented, as he gave a cheerful smile before he came closer. It was slightly akward as he waited patiently for her to physically return the affection before it could become a proper hug. When it happened, Tommy had his face against her neck and beautiful fur, slowly smelling her.

"My word Absol, you smell quite nice; do you sleep with flowers on your bed?" As he asked her that, he was quite confident enough to move his hand down her back, while moving the other to her waist. Eventually, he felt her tail before making contact with the main prize: her wonderful rear. He gave a nice gentle squeeze, admiring the figure and shape. He of course was consideratestablished enough to rub at the sane time, as he helderly her closer and slightly tighter.
Absol grumbled softly at his teasing words, sort of wanting to smack him then. It was odd to see that a hug was so odd for her to accept and return. Her arms would end up skipping around his neck, and she as surprised to feel him close close and settle into her fur a little. She inhaled a little as it felt surprisingly pleasant. It was a bit embarrassing, as she seemed unsure of how to take this. She felt like pulling away a few times, but he would still hold her.

"That is not the case. Of course I do well to bathe and groom myself." She fidgeted a little, just trying to relax as his hands moved lower. She soon gasped out though when she felt his gently squeeze her rear, wondering is this was a common thing in hugs. "T-Tommy. Just how long does this go for?" She did her best to keep a stern expression, though her expression had softened as her embarrassment was clear.
"Hmmm?" was his response as he continued to hug her, adding more and more pressure and force into the groping that he was giving her. "Hugs last long until the right amount of time has passed..." he explained happily, as he then moved his other hand to her rear as well. He groped her glorious rear effectively, rubbing it more and more without acknowledging the bunge in his pants. His arousal wasn't shy, as being this affectionate with a Pokemon was quite erotic to him.

"So soft, maybe it could be tight as well?" he asked.
Absol gasped softly as his other hand came to her rear, both groping rather firmly. This certainly wasn't what she recalled a hug being like, the sensation that came from it making her squirm against him. "Ngg...are you hasn't enough already...?" Her hands went to his shoulders, gently pushing, but not enough to really force him off.

She seemed to blush a little at his later comment, her embarrassment showing more as she softly growled. "W-What are you saying...? This is starting to feel odd..."
Her growling struck a bit if fear into Tommy, but he kept his expression the same. "Did you growl at me Absol?" With bravery, he actually pressed his nose against her own, feeling the cold naturally moist portion of her face. Wanting to continue taking advantage of her, he gave a hard smack on her rear. "That's not nice you know! You shouldn't do that to your human friend..." he pointed out, teasing her some more as he grinned and pressed his nose against her dog nose even more. Her reaction was priceless to him.
Absol was rather surprised he was still going with this, even pressing his face close to hers. The sudden smack to her rear made her gasp as her hips jolted forward a little. Her growl still lingered a bit, though not as threatening as before. "P-Perhaps you shouldn't be doing this to me either..."
Smirking at what she said, he chuckled as he decided to move things along. "And why should I stop?" he asked, as he guided her towards the tree, moving his hands to her waist this time. "Maybe...we should have some fun Absol!" he said, as he moved his face against her neck. (Get her in the mood...) he thought, as he nuzzled her some more before he moved his hand on her breasts. As expected, it was soft to the touch as he moved closer. Eventually, he started to kiss her neck, admiring her beautiful fur as he continued to violate her. "I wonder..." This time, he moved his hand towards her crotch. Since she wasn't naked with those stupid clothing in the way, he had to dig his hand inside in order to make contact with the prize. He felt her heated lips, as he trailed 2 fingers to tease the opening before digging into her ever so gently, as he then whispered in her ear, "Do you want me to stop?"
Come to think of it, she couldn't quite find it in her to go about harming him to stop. Perhaps with this being her first sort of contact like this (despite being a little unwanted), she couldn't help but be curious about how this would feel if it lingered a little longer. "W-What about this is fun?" She grunted softly as he cupped her breast, and the kisses along her neck were especially pleasant. It felt like he was nuzzling into her sensitive neck, and those kisses just made her weak. Her legs pressed together a bit as his hand went between them, her little 'glare' returning for a moment before he pushed against her lower lips. Her expression softened quite a bit then, her lip quivering a little as she squirmed under him. Her body was reacting quite nicely to this, and if he were to stop now, she definitely would be distracted with her body having gotten all worked up. "Just...get it over with..." She muttered softly, not sounding cold really.
"What was that?" he asked her softly, as he directed her weight towards the ground. As he did so he decided to remove her clothing before moving his lips back on her neck nibbling and showing a bit of affection. Smiling he looked at her and asked, "Do you not want this? You are growling at me but yet you're not resisting at me. Be honest with me..." Tommy moved a hand gently onto her breast, cupping it before rubbing it. "Don't lie to me...Absol." Tommy then said as he moved his lips to her ear with affection.
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