Andre and Yulen had caught a large buck for dinner, and it was absolutely delicious. Other than Andre, the rest of the pack remained hidden, accustomed to being unseen by strangers. Savannah worked on her food silently, listening to them play in the trees, happy in their own environment. Her mind traveled past each member of the group around the fire as well, trying not to be abrasive as she made sure no one was still hurt. Instead she got a mutual feeling of confusion through many, the days events such a blur that some knew more than others.
"So what happened back in the city?" she asked, turning to Braxton and a waking Ashlin for answers, "It seems you all got split up and different things began happening to each fraction of the group."
Slowly the story came forward, of how they split, how Ashlin had fought off a hoard of undead and Jay had swooped in before Ash passed out. How then there was the cave in, that both Savannah and Kayden apologized for, feeling semi-responsible. Finally they explained the fight with the shadowed beast, how it had controlled and turned Luna against them until Ash had pretended to be Xael to bring her back. When asked about the shifting, she couldn't speak much but said it was advanced illusion magic, waving it off.
Savannah and Damion automatically held their tongues, knowing no such magic existed. Potions, maybe, and some illusion spells were you could create an animal, but none to make you into another creature. They knew this through their oldest and recently passed friend, Rashel, who had been a witch from birth. Still, as Savannah saw it, if the raven-haired woman wasn't ready to explain her gift of shape-shifting, no one should push her.
Kayden had grown quiet through the story, her body stiff and her eyes staring lost into the fire. As the conversation turned to lighter subjects, Savannah turned to her new friend, throwing an arm around her shoulders.
"What's the matter Kayden?"
"In the story they spoke of Lunar...the red-head is Lunar..." she spoke so softly it was barely heard, shock taking over the young woman's body.
Damion looked over in concern, knowing Kayden's story better than Savannah did. The girl was an open book, luckily, but she was also disturbed from her years of lock up, and both soul mates had grown a protective fondness over her. Neither liked seeing her so lost and torn, her young face looking soft and hurt as she mused over the information.
"C'mon," Savannah grabbed her attention, pulling her up, "Let's go sit beside Jay. I'm sure you both have questions. You can talk to Luna later."
She plunked the pigtailed girl beside the handsome wolf, than sat to her right, leaning to see Jay, "Quick introductions once more. Jay this is Kayden, she spent her life locked away in a cell in your dungeon, by your pack. Hard feelings are shared by me, not Kayden. And Kayden, this is Jayson. He's a close friend of Luna's and is still involved in Abass' pack."
"What's it like?" Kayden asked, staring up at him with her round, smoky eyes, "Growing up as a free wolf? What was it like living with the pack?"